Freebie: Wayfinding Icon Sets (164 Icons, PNG, SVG, AI, EPS)

Whenever we visit new places, we often need to quickly navigate and find the right direction. As a result, wayfinding has become an integral part of modern architecture. Navigation can be accompanied by icons for intuitive perception, and if you want to help people navigate more effectively, then intuitive visuals are a great place to start.

There are three navigation kits developed by GraphicSurf that can be used in various places, e.g. in exhibitions, concerts and museums. Each of the sets presented here includes basic navigation in the form of directional arrows, elevators, escalators, and even ramps for people with limited mobility. There are also fire safety icons denoting fire extinguishing hydrants and a medical office. Each set also includes specialized icons that can be used to identify specific areas of a particular event. Enjoy!

Editor’s Note: Please make sure to check the license details. No attribution is required, however, reselling of bundles or individual icons is not cool. If you want to spread the word in blog posts or anywhere else, feel free to do so, but please remember to credit the designers and provide a link to this article.

Wayfinding Icon Set “Exhibition”

Download The “Exhibition” Icon Set

Wayfinding Icon Set “Museum”

Download The “Museum” Icon Set

Wayfinding Icon Set “Concert”

Download The “Concert” Icon Set

Editor’s Note: A big thank you to the good folks at GraphicSurf — we sincerely appreciate your time and efforts. Keep up the brilliant work!

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We need to talk about Job Interview Questions

Let me ask you a question; When was the last time you implemented Quick Sort? If you're an experienced developer, there's a 99% statistical probability of that you'll answer "at university." Still, no job interview seems to be complete unless you can correctly describe the pivot value in a multiple choice type of question. Ignoring the fact of that you could probably program your calculator to answer these questions, the relevance of these types of questions is; ZIP, NADA, NOTHING, NULL!

98% of my job as an enterprise software developer is composition, architecture, class design, and similar things. In fact, even if I try, I cannot imagine one single real world use case that involves me needing to know Quick Sort - But then again, what do I know? I only have 20+ years of professional experience. If some problem actually do need me to remember Quick Sort, I can probably copy and paste Jon Skeet's code from StackOverflow faster than I can twist my brain for the correct solution anyway.

User-Friendly Methods for Testing Gutenberg Enhancements and Bug Fixes

Living on the bleeding edge of Gutenberg’s development is not particularly easy for everyone. There is a ton of work and know-how involved with getting everything set up. You have to clone a Git repository, grab pull requests, and run a build process. Non-developers may find themselves facing an overwhelming learning curve. It can be rough for developers who like to keep things simple too.

There are times when it makes sense to simply download a ZIP file, upload it to a WordPress site, and test things out. The most straightforward way is to wait until the development team officially releases an update. You can snag a copy from its plugin page or via the plugins screen in the WordPress admin interface. However, how do you test features between releases?

Gutenberg Times has a page for grabbing a nightly-created ZIP of the plugin. This includes the latest features and bug fixes that have been merged into the project. For users who want to test the plugin and provide feedback to the development team, this is the easiest way to get started.

There are also times when you might want to test changes that are not yet available in the nightly build. Gutenberg currently has 589 pull requests (PRs) — this number changes daily. They are new enhancements and fixes with the potential to be merged into the codebase. Each of these PRs needs a review and feedback. Not all of them will make it in.

For the average user, PR testing is not a reasonable expectation. Even working through Git lingo can be a minefield. However, solutions exist for skipping the intricacies of a developer-only space and hopping into the fray.

One option is, a web-based install for testing PRs. The site runs the latest stable release of WordPress and activates a copy of the Gutenberg plugin with the changes from a user-entered PR number.

This is a quick way to test a potential change without spinning up a test install. However, checking out a PR related to Full Site Editing is a no-go. The site has no way to test the site editor, which requires a block-based theme like TT1 Blocks.

Core WordPress contributor Paal Joachim Romdahl outlined a method for testing PRs via a ZIP file. The process is simple, but it is not easy to find if you do not know what you are looking for.

After finding a PR that you want to try, you must click on the “Checks” tab for it on GitHub. Once on the new screen, you can scroll through the left sidebar until you find the “Build Gutenberg Plugin ZIP” link.

From that point, it is a matter of clicking it and downloading the ZIP file — note that it has a ZIP within a ZIP. This download will include the latest version of the plugin with the included PR code applied.

Romdahl has a thorough walkthrough in the following video:

Video walkthrough to get a ZIP for a PR (Italian version available).

He has also opened a ticket for helping others more easily access a testing ZIP for PRs. The discussion is ongoing. It is currently leaning toward adding an automated comment that outputs a link to the PR build’s ZIP file. This type of exposure should open testing to a wider group of people.

Create a New ZIP Archive File in Java

Creating a ZIP file is one of the best ways to compress large amounts of data into an easily shareable format. The format was originally developed in 1989 for use by PKWARE Inc.’s PKZIP utility and was quickly picked and implemented by other software utilities, such as Microsoft and Apple. Since then, the term “zipping a file” has become synonymous with file compression.

There are many advantages to zipping files, with the most obvious reason being to optimize file storage. If you have an abundance of infrequently used files, they can be archived into a single, easily located ZIP file. Other advantages of zipping files include the ability to securely email a previously unmanageable amount of information to a client, as well as the easy transference to USB flash drives.

Upsells, Barriers, and the End/Beginning of the Quality $free Themes Era

The theme directory is becoming little more than a crippleware distributor. I suppose it was inevitable given its reach, which can be worth $1,000s/month for theme authors.

Justin Tadlock via Twitter

As I think back on that tweet from 2019, I realize how unfair it was to refer to the themes coming into the directory as “crippleware.” At the time, I was a part of the Themes Team (formerly the Theme Review Team). However, there were real cases of crippleware submitted to the directory when I wrote that.

To define crippleware: some themes blocked core WordPress features and made them available via the “pro” versions. It was one of the more blatant abuses of the free themes directory I had seen for a profit.

However, the term does not represent the majority of themes submitted. Most of what we see today are “lite” themes. Some of them are well-designed themes that provide value to end-users at no cost. Others are stripped-down versions of what you would typically see from a starter theme. While they are fully functional — the Themes Team’s rules have been strict on this requirement — the real value of the theme is in the upsell.

This is not the start of an anti-commercial theme rant. When WordPress developers and agencies are successful, it benefits the whole ecosystem. But, how do we balance that with providing value — which is subjective, I know — to the free theme directory? How do we transition the theme directory to something flowing with more artistic or even experimental ideas?

Guidelines and Stumbling Blocks

Matt Mullenweg, WordPress co-founder and project lead, posted the following on the Post Status Slack two weeks ago:

The .org theme directory is particularly bad when you compare it to any half-decent commercial theme marketing page, or the designs available on other site building services or Themeforest directories. The .org theme directory rules and update mechanism have driven out creative contributions, it’s largely crowded out by upsell motived contributions.

There is a lot to unpack in his statement. I agree with most of it. The Themes Team agrees with at least some of it. However, its members lack direct control over the system outside of the guidelines.

“I actually agree with this in a sense,” said Themes Team rep William Patton. “Creativity has not prospered in the directory, and I think a large part of it is the barrier of entry. ‘Don’t do bad things’ is the overarching guideline for the theme directory, but that can be viewed very subjectively. If it were the only guideline we would see a lot of things that might not be best suited here. If we want to encourage creativity then more freedom to express it would likely be a good way to start bringing it back. However, it can be hard to know where the line should be placed.”

The team sometimes gets pulled in two different directions. When the project lead asks for things to be more open, many members rally around that idea. On the other hand, the call for stricter accessibility requirements, for example, are popular with others in the community. It is a choice between two ends of the spectrum that are tough to pull together as the gatekeepers to the official directory.

“Why couldn’t it be more like the plugin directory?” asked Mullenweg. “That has all the same potential issues and has been working pretty well. I’d like it to work just like the plugin directory, with direct access for authors, and most reviews being post-review vs. pre-review.”

The Themes Team is not against the idea. More than anything, they just need the help to make any significant change.

“Having the themes directory work like the plugins directory would be great!” said Themes Team rep Ari Stathopoulos. “And, in fact, it’s something we’ve all been asking for years, but there are many technical challenges because they are built fundamentally differently. Plugin authors have access to their plugin’s SVN while themes don’t. Theme reviews are public while plugin reviews are private and closed. There would need to be lots of changes in systems and meta. Not to mention that, as far as I know, plugins don’t do post-reviews, they do pre-reviews the first time a plugin is uploaded and post-reviews for updates (which is exactly what happens in themes too).”

The team has created tickets, asked for help, and have generally awaited a champion to push innovative ideas — or any ideas — forward. Seven-year-old ticket to support the standard readme files available to plugins? No takers as of yet. Allowing block-based themes to be uploaded? Maybe we can make that happen sometime soon.

The guidelines are likely less crippling than the outdated Trac review system, uploading ZIP files for updates (which Mullenweg mentioned), the limitation of a style.css header for the theme description, and the lackluster theme previewer. theme review Trac system.
Theme review system on Trac.

For the most part, nearly every guideline has been put in place in hindsight. The team finds consistent abuse or issues and course-corrects.

“I don’t think that Matt’s idea of a creative theme is a theme that is not secure or not compatible with GPL,” said team repo Carolina Nymark. “Creativity is not limited by being asked to sanitize options. It is not limited by making sure that your theme can be translated. If the reviewers saw creative, beautiful themes that lacked in some other aspect like basic accessibility, then the team could help explain to the theme author what kind of changes are necessary. But that is not the kind of themes that are being submitted.”

Financial Incentive

In the mid-2000s, the average theme developer could get away with building an entire theme on a lazy weekend afternoon. WordPress was far less complicated. Theme development was not a race to the bottom, bundling every feature imaginable.

Today, we live in the era of the multi-purpose theme. To soar to the top of the popular list, most themes need to handle everything from being the online face of a pizza restaurant to masonry grids for artist portfolios. They also either need good luck, name recognition, or good marketing. That is the reality for the average theme developers trying to make a name for themselves.

It makes for boring themes in a free theme directory. If the theme author has any financial motivation behind creating a WordPress theme, they need to bundle the nicer features into a paid package.

As Eric Karkovack wrote in his piece for Speckyboy, Are High-Quality Free WordPress Themes a Thing of the Past?, “Money changed the equation.”

There is not much incentive to push a free theme out to the directory just for fun. Most themers are spending a month or more of their time in today’s ecosystem to build a theme. The days of the weekend-afternoon project seem all but gone.

Even releasing a theme to give back can often be a letdown. There is little chance of any name recognition as the developer’s creation is swamped by the hordes of lite themes in control of the directory. There is no way for unknown players to get any exposure through the directory except in the brief moments their theme lands in the latest themes list. It is that one make-or-break moment that could potentially help best the algorithm and slip into the nearly unattainable popular list.

In comparison to Themeforest, the directory is lacking. Themeforest is inviting to users because it provides the backend tools for theme authors to market their themes. They can load up custom demos, provide screenshots, use a modern categorization system, and provide all sorts of extra data to end-users. They’re in the business of selling a product to users.

Screenshot of the Themeforest WordPress themes page.
WordPress themes on ThemeForest

While may be free, it should still be selling the promise of a beautiful website to its users. I have always said it, the themes available on are the face of WordPress.

Users deserve better. Theme authors deserve better tools to make it happen.

Even with better tools and a better-designed directory in place, there is no guarantee of an uptick of creative contributions or a better overall balance that keeps pure upsells in check.

“I think that due to the reach a theme or plugin that becomes popular quickly commands, monetization is a necessity to be able to properly ‘support’ such an endeavor,” said Joost de Valk, CEO of Yoast, in response to Mullenweg’s statement on Post Stats. “I think the community also ‘demands’ a certain stability and a certain level of support that is simply unfeasible to expect from any non paid contributor. Because has no way of doing that monetization ‘on platform,’ this is what you end up with.”

He also argued that something akin to an app store would make things like the “balkanization from non-G-based site builders” less attractive to theme authors. Such a store has little or no chance of becoming a reality.

“I think we first need to agree on what the theme directory should be,” he said. “We need a ‘mission statement,’ of sorts. And I think we probably need less control than we currently have, be much more like the plugin directory. But if we have a vision of what it should be, then we could work towards that.”

There is an opportunity to turn things around. Full Site Editing will leave ample room for releasing creative, fully-featured themes with upsells. There is plenty of reason to be excited about pattern design and template packs, better value-adds for theme authors who want to upsell. The problem is going to be getting authors to abandon traditional themes and explore new terrain.

Changes Are Coming, Maybe, Hopefully

Popular themes list on
Popular listing on the WordPress theme directory.

For some, this is a song and dance they already know the lyrics and steps to. It is a years-long conversation that has netted little in return.

However, the theme directory may be forced to change one way or another. Block-based themes are not arriving in some distant future; they are knocking at the door. Full Site Editing is slated to land in WordPress 5.8 this June.

With this change, the theme directory needs to be prepared. Even with a move today, it will be a mad scramble to get systems ready in a handful of months. If waiting for the last minute, it is just asking for chaos. Block-based themes should already be allowed to be uploaded, for example.

As we saw earlier this week, Automattic launched its Blank Canvas theme. It is designed to work on single-page websites. It does not support commenting out of the box, which is a requirement for inclusion into the official directory.

Block-based themes will forever change the system. In the past, traditional themes needed to cover all their bases, integrating with every front-end feature of WordPress. In the future, that is not necessarily the case. Because everything will be built from blocks and users will have direct access to customize those blocks, a theme has no need to cover everything. The user can add and remove features at their leisure. The review guidelines need to be molded for this future.

Full Site Editing almost seems purpose-built for outside-the-box theme designers. Whether it is a simple, one-page wedding invitation or an author’s book landing page, there are more possibilities upcoming than there ever were in the past. And, these things will be far easier to build on the theme-design side of things. It will remove a lot of burden from developers and from the Themes Team during reviews.

“Regarding the FSE themes: to be honest all my hopes are there,” said Stathopoulos. “They are very different, and it’s a fresh start for the repository. New theme paradigm, a different set of rules (with of course some overlap for basic things), and a new way of doing things and thinking about themes. However, if they are presented in the same way in the same repo we have now, then nothing will change. the theme repo needs to change, and there’s no way around that. But that’s a decision that will have to be made from the WordPress leadership and implemented by meta.”

As always, I remain optimistic about the future of WordPress themes, hoping for the ushering in of a new era. I get the sense that the Themes Team shares some of that enthusiasm, at least cautiously so. More than anything, they need the community, particularly theme authors, to chip in and shape that vision of what the WordPress theme directory should be.

Perhaps today, the stars are nearing alignment. Mullenweg plans to chat with the team and gather feedback in the coming weeks.

Top 10 APIs for ZIP Codes

A ZIP Code is a postal code that the U.S. Postal service relies on to help sort and deliver mail. ZIP is short for Zone Improvement Plan, and was implemented by the U.S. Postal Service in 1963, to help "zip" along mail delivery.

Developers who are producing shipping, eCommerce, or location-based services may find that determining ZIP codes and/or International postal codes is a crucial feature for a successful application. In order to accomplish this, developers would need a suitable ZIP Codes API.

Bridge the Gap of Zip Operation

Despite Java not providing a zip operation, you don't need either 30 additional lines to implement it, nor a third party library. Simply compose a zipline through the existing Stream API.


Java, from its 8th version onward, provides an easy way to query sequences of elements through its Stream Interface, which provides several operations out of the box. This set of operations is quite versatile but, as can be expected, it does not cover all the operations a programmer may require. One such operation is zip, as we can observe in one of the most visited posts about Java Streams in Stackoverfow: Zipping streams using JDK8 with lambda ( Even 7 years later, we are now on Java 14 release and there is no zip operation for Streams yet.

Automate CRUD Operations and Focus on What Matters

I have written about Magic here previously, but on the 5th of January we came out with a significant upgrade to the Magic wand — the ability to automatically scaffold up an entire Angular frontend. This means that you can now start out with only a database, click one button, and Magic creates your entire backend. The result is that every single database table becomes wrapped inside of CRUD HTTP REST endpoints. Click another button, and Magic gives you a ZIP file that contains an entire Angular frontend, tailored specifically to your backend. See the process in the video below, or download Magic and try it out on your own database if you wish.

According to an article I read here at DZone, a highly skilled software developer can produce roughly 750 lines of code per month. When I tested Magic on a database with 122 tables, Magic produced almost 100,000 lines of code for me automatically. That becomes the equivalent of 8.8 years of software development for a human being, and my computer created this code in less than 60 seconds. Add to that the fact that human beings will write an occasional error into their code, and a computer will never create an error — and you get the point.

API Development Using AWS Serverless Architecture

I recently had the opportunity to work on an AWS-based Serverless architecture solution. This is for ZIP files processing requirements. At a high level, the requirements expected to be delivered from AWS are summarized below:

  1. Create a final output zip file from the contents of source zip files and arrange them in a specific hierarchy of folder structure. There are 2 Systems that will make source ZIP files available in the S3 bucket.
  2. Delete the set of files requested by Pega.
  3. Transfer the output zip file to the external SFTP server.

Image title

Install Your First WordPress Theme

This guest post is by Karol K of ThemeFuse.

Seeing a headline like “How to Install a WordPress Theme” on ProBlogger might seem strange at first. This doesn’t sound like a “pro”-thing at all, right? If you’ve been dealing with WordPress for a while then this is probably even more than obvious to you.

However, everyone starts somewhere, and there are plenty of experienced bloggers who haven’t ever installed a WordPress theme—but would like to give it a try. Maybe you’re installing your first theme right now, and you’re searching for a quick guide on how to do it.

Where can you get a good WordPress theme?

This is tricky. You see, when you’re installing a plugin the best place to go is the official directory at When you’re installing a theme, however, the official theme directory is not the best place to go, I’m afraid.

Of course, you can find some interesting themes there, but you’re more likely to make your search much more fruitful if you just go to Google.

The thing with the official directory is that it only contains 1,490 themes or so. This is by no means the total number of themes available on the internet. There’s much much more interesting stuff out there, and settling for what you can find in the official directory would not be a wise thing to do.

Yesterday, I described how to select a theme that’s perfect for you and your blog. So here I will just assume that you already know which theme you want to use.

Step 1. Download the theme

Once you find a theme you like, you’ll need to download it to your computer before you can do anything else with it.

The package containing your theme can consist of many various elements. Depending on the license you’ve selected, you might find some PSD files, additional bonuses, documents, and so on. Of course, the theme files themselves will be present as well. Most of the time, all the contents of a theme are delivered as a ZIP archive.

2. Extract the files

Next, you have to extract the archive somewhere—onto your desktop, for example. If the archive contains more elements than just the theme (like the bonuses I mentioned above), open the archive’s readme file to locate the main theme’s directory.

As an example, here’s what you’ll find inside a ThemeFuse theme archive:

Once you’ve successfully identified the main theme directory, you can proceed to the next step.

3. Upload the theme to your WordPress blog

This step will require FTP access to your hosting account, and a piece of FTP software. You can try FileZilla—it’s good, and it’s free.

The theme’s main directory is the one you’ll be uploading to your blog. Connect to your site via FTP (the FTP tool’s help documentation will explain how to do this if you’re not sure) and navigate to the wp-content/themes directory of your site. This is where you upload your theme’s main directory.

Here’s the default look of the directory when it contains only one theme—the default theme TwentyEleven:

The next step in the process takes place in your WordPress Admin panel.

4. Activate your new theme

Log in to your WordPress Admin panel using your Admin account details.

Installing new themes requires Admin access rights; it can’t be done through other types of accounts.

Go to Appearance > Themes, as shown here:

Your new theme should be visible among all the others. The only thing left for you to do now is activate it:

If everything goes well, your new theme will be marked as the Current Theme, and your blog will have an entirely new look.

5. All done!

This is where the guide ends. There’s nothing more for you to do now other than enjoy your new theme! Of course, you could make some final adjustments to make your blog look truly unique, for instance, adding branding elements such as your logo, pictures, and so on. Or, if you’re ready to install a WordPress plugin, we have a guide to that, too!

Have you installed a WordPress theme yet? Share your tips with us in the comments.

Karol K. is a 20-something year old web 2.0 entrepreneur from Poland and a writer at, where he shares various WordPress advice. Currently, he’s working on a new e-book titled “WordPress Startup Guide – little known things worth doing when creating a WordPress site.” The e-book launches soon, and now the best part … it’s free. Also, don’t forget to visit ThemeFuse to get your hands on some premium WordPress themes.

The post Install Your First WordPress Theme appeared first on ProBlogger.

Install Your First WordPress Theme
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