Open-Source SPL Helps Java Handle Files of Open Formats: TXT, CSV, JSON, XML, and XLS

It is common to process data files of open formats like TXT, CSV, JSON, XML, and XLS in Java applications. Hardcoding in Java is extremely complicated, so we often turn to certain ready-for-use open-source packages, but each package has its weaknesses.

Parsing Library

This type of class library enables to read an external file in Java as the latter’s internal object through a simpler coding process than hardcoded data retrieval. Common products include:

Sencha Ext JS: The Most Secure, Fastest, and Full-Featured JavaScript Grid Library

Does your team require a robust grid that can handle millions of records? When it comes to incredibly fast data processing, Sencha Ext JS is the solution! With its ability to load and manipulate large data sets within milliseconds, Sencha can handle your most data-intensive inputs without any problems. 

Don’t believe us? According to our research, 60% of Fortune 100 Companies trust Sencha with their data! And, the reason why is clear – Sencha Ext JS offers the most secure and feature-rich JavaScript grid library on the market. 


5 Key Features of Sencha

  • Users have full customization control. 
  • Sencha’s high-performing grid can handle massive amounts of data. 
  • Built to handle data, Sencha Ext JS offers an advanced feature set that includes filtering, grouping, infinite scrolling, pagination, live data streaming, and more!
  • Users can export data to CSV, TSV, HTML, XLS, and PDF file formats.
  • Sencha Ext JS has been pre-tested across a wide range of browsers and platforms (for web, mobile, and desktop).

Sencha Top Grid features


Sencha Ext JS offers potential users the opportunity to demo top grid features such as row and column operations, data import/export, and widget integration, directly on their website. If users like what they see, they can sign up for a 30-day trial, free of charge. 

For those ready to commit to Sencha as the go-to grid library, there are perpetual license and annual subscription options – both broken down into the community, enterprise, and professional editions.

The pricing starts with a free tier for the community edition, which has significantly fewer features but offers a way to get started with building data-intensive, cross-platform web applications. The enterprise and professional editions vary in price, both exceeding $1,200 per developer and offering 140+ components – which include Ext JS Framework, Open Tooling, Architect, Themer, IDE Plugins, and many more!


Your data is important. Sencha Ext JS can help you manage your large data sets with full control. And its grid library can even handle data requests from local or remote data sources through Ajax, JSON, RESTful methods; making it perfect for individual developers and teams alike. 


How to Get Macro Information From Word and Excel in Java

According to the Microsoft website, a macro is a series of commands that you can use to automate a repeated task and can be run when you must perform the task. The use of macro instructions was originally initiated for assembly language programming to perform two main purposes: to reduce the amount of coding that had to be written by generating several assembly language statements from one macro instruction, and to enforce program writing standards.

Nowadays, macros are used for a wide variety of purposes and industries; Microsoft applications currently use Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) programming language to build their macros, and they allow you to choose whether you want to enable or disable existing macros from use. However, when Microsoft was first designing macro features for the Microsoft Office suite, they weren’t thinking about potential internet security risks.

Import and Export Excel file in ASP .NET Core 3.1 Razor age

In this article we will discuss how to import and export excel file using ASP .NET Core 3.1 razor pages. We will discuss the below points:

>>  How to import Excel file in .NET Core and preview the uploaded excel file?
>>  How to export the excel file ? 

NPOI Package
NPOI is a free tool, which supports xls, xlsx, and docx extensions. This project is the .NET version of POI Java project at POI is an open source project, which can help you read/write XLS, DOC, PPT files. It covers most features of Excel, like styling, formatting, data formulas, extract images, etc. The good thing is, it doesn't require Microsoft Office to be installed on the server. NPOI is an open source component, and you can use it everywhere. 

Spring Boot — Jasper Integration

Learn how to integrate Spring Boot with Jasper. JasperReports is an open source reporting engine. It provides the ability to deliver rich content to the printer, the screen, or to various formats such as PDF, HTML, XLS, RTF, ODT, CSV, TXT, and XML files.

It is a Java library and can be used in a variety of Java-enabled applications to generate dynamic content. Its main purpose is to help create page-oriented, ready-to-print documents in a simple and flexible manner. JasperReports can also be used to provide reporting capabilities in our applications.