Chris’ Corner: Let’s Talk Web Components

Last week I linked up a Web Component (feels like we should do Captial W and Captial C when referring to the official technology, yes?) that would take an image and output a “dithered” version of it.

Why did Andrew make it a Web Component? I can’t be sure, but check out how you use it:

  1. Link up a JavaScript file that has one job: instantiate usage of the Web Component.
  2. Use the Web Component in HTML alone.


<script src="./as-dithered-image.js"></script>

   alt="Description of the image for screen readers">

That’s just… a nice API! It’s easy to use and easy to control. This idea could have been developed and delivered any number of other ways, but this way feels pretty good. Web Components allow you to build (and distribute, really) a bit of design and functionality that anybody can use anywhere on the web.

Well, I say anywhere, but if you’re using a JavaScript framework, it does require that JavaScript framework plays nicely with them. A good place to check is the website Custom Elements Everywhere that has tests for it. React, famously, isn’t great with them. And, well, server-side rendering of them is a bit tricky. And the accessibility story is a bit messy. And styling them isn’t my favorite. So the whole story isn’t so clear.

Still, personally, my brain reaches for the idea of a Web Component more and more. When I made my Calendar with Container Queries demo, I thought a great way to showcase the fact that you don’t need to change the viewport width for the container queries to hit was if you could resize the area that component is in some other way. I figured there must be a Web Component for this and of course, there was.

So are Web Components destined to be used for small bits of framework-agnostic functionality? Maybe! Maybe not! I mean you can’t discount that Adobe literally built the entire application of Photoshop on the web with Web Components.

…  the entire Photoshop app is built using Lit-based Web Components. Leaning on the browser’s built-in component model and Shadow DOM encapsulation, the team found it easy to cleanly integrate a few “islands” of React code provided by other Adobe teams.

Photoshop’s journey to the web

They aren’t alone, either. EisenbergEffect’s 2023 State of Web Components starts off with loads of examples of big production sites going fairly big on Web Components, like YouTube, MSN, Salesforce, and SpaceX. I always think of GitHub too which felt like a pretty early adopter.

What makes all this Web Component stuff so tricky and nuanced is that they aren’t just one technology, they are really quite a big bucket of technologies that all come together to form what the world (well, me at least) thinks of as Web Components.

The classics are Shadow DOM, Custom Elements, and HTML Templating. But even among them, the details of how they are implemented and what advancements are coming to them is complex. EisenbergEffect’s’s article gets pretty deeply into it so is worth checking out if nothing else to understand how wide this subject is.

As a CSS guy kinda, I try to follow the styling story for them. The Shadow DOM is where that story starts, offering the unique ability to contain styles quite strongly. But how do you get the CSS in there? Do you put special HTML attributes on everything so you can reach in with ::part selectors? Do you put Custom Properties on everything so you can “reach in” from the outside to style them? Do you put a block of CSS in the HTML template? Do you @import CSS from inside? Sort of “yes” to all of them, but also sort of “🤢” to all of that if you ask me. But then there are Constructible Stylesheets and Adopted Stylesheets which seem like a web platform win allowing for more proper programmatic access to CSS. Then CSS Module Scripts allowing for proper importing of CSS in JavaScript which has long been a bundler-only aberration. And making that CSS declarative just might bring it full circle. Phew!

Back to the idea of actually using these things. Brad Frost believes the job of Web Components really isn’t at odds with JavaScript frameworks at all. (I always thought it was a fair comparison, since all JavaScript frameworks teach you to build in composable components that are isolated bits of design and functionality). But Brad splits it along another dichotomy he is famous for:

  • Web components handle front-of-the-front-end code (e.g. the look and feel of a button)
  • JS libraries/frameworks handle back-of-the-front-end code (e.g. what happens when a user clicks on that button)

If that’s pull-off-able, it sounds reasonable to me. I’d have to see some examples. I think of how even the most basic interactivity, like <button onClick={}> means putting framework-specific code into the “HTML” and I don’t totally get how to untangle that since both the native HTML template and the framework-specific HTML (e.g. JSX) are involved.

All this talk so far is also about using the Web Components technology “raw”, that is, the web platform APIs directly. I heard from people early on in this world, who were part of shaping the whole idea, that the APIs were more designed around framework authors and that your average website crafting citizen was meant to use abstractions around Web Components, not the APIs directly. That’s a wild claim to me since there is little precedent for that, but OK.

The first wave of those abstractions were libraries that just made things a little more ergonomic at the cost of a few KB of a client-side library. Lit is a famous one. It just makes the instantiation of web components a little easier. Re-rendering efficiently wasn’t an early aim (wtf), so it helped with that. Styling, as I laid out, is rough, so it helps with that a little. Personally, I was never hugely drawn to it as it seemed like it bought you a little niceness, but not enough to feel locked to some new framework (might as well have just picked a more robust JavaScript framework then).

I think we’re seeing the next wave of Web Components frameworks now, like WebC and Enhance. They both make SSR the primary feature. I thought that was a weird choice at first as, that’s nice and all, but didn’t seem to be the main reason Web Components weren’t “winning”. But I’m coming around to it. I think when SSR gets “solved” like this, other solutions come along for the ride. Like styling gets easier. But also solves bigger questions like “how do I build whole sites with this?” by including things like data-fetching advice and real routing.

Perhaps the most clutch part about Web Components is that, even if the beginnings were shaky (they were) and even if the story still isn’t perfectly clear (it isn’t), the technologies are now built into browsers and browsers are wonderfully long-term and backward-compatible. They aren’t just going to rip out Web Components support. It’s just going to get better over time.

Need help understanding the tech more? I’d pass you over to my friend Dave’s course HTML with Superpowers.

The post Chris’ Corner: Let’s Talk Web Components appeared first on CodePen Blog.

Chris’ Corner: Trends, Beziers, and the Free Betterment of Subgrid

Cubic-bezier easings are part of what set apart really nicely done animations. I usually leave off the easing, which defaults to ease. Then I feel weird about it and try out keywords like ease-in or ease-in-out and they generally look weird or worse and stick with the default. But any really classy animation always seems to have a custom cubic-bezier() easing that makes it sing. Sometimes easings are even part of a brand guideline, which I find especially cool. Doesn’t it just make sense that how something moves is just as much a part of a brand feel as, say, what color it is? Maybe even more so? You can change the color of a BMW and it’s still a BMW, but you can’t change how it corners.

Really grokking cubic-bezier (I’m quite sure I haven’t) seems to unlock some interesting possibilities. For instance, Yosra Emad in How To Create Advanced Animations With CSS manages to move an object along a path using “stacked” animations, that is, multiple keyframe animations that move the object along different axes at different easings. I might argue an offset-path animation would be a heck of a lot easier, but I appreciate the mathematical prowess, and to be fair, offset-path isn’t easily made responsive so I can see a use-case.

Speaking of grokking, have you gotten CSS subgrid to sink in yet? Maybe this will help: when you use the subgrid keyword, you’re telling the template columns, rows, or both, to inherit the grid lines from the parent element. It’s extraordinarily useful. It’s also weird to see Chrome seemingly dragging its feet on it, with support shipping in Firefox and Safari but nothing but interest so far from Chrome.

I’m quite sure we’ll have it in all major stable browsers in 2023 though, as it’s been knighted as an “interop 2023” item. So let Rachel Andrew catch you up on it. She puts it similarly, noting that it’s easy to learn because there really isn’t much to learn at all:

There are no new properties or values to learn, just a decision to make—do you want your nested grid to have its own row and/or column definition, or to use the one from the parent?

Just one of those things you need to know is possible so that your brain reaches for it when it needs to.

You’d think AI would help us forecast trends, yeah? I’m learning more and more about that world, but I don’t have a good sense of what kind of insight you can extract from custom data sets. Like if I give a fancy machine 20,000 images of logos created in 2022, could I say “what were the vibes this year?”. I dunno, but humans with a good eye for it can. Bill Gardner did that in his 2022 Logo Trend Report and I think did a great job of it. For example, “loopers” were a thing:

Likewise, Monotypes 2022 Type Trends report is well done and fun to look through. It even echoes some of Bill’s findings. Loopers! Loopers everywhere!

Learning Web Components on your learning checklist this year?

Check out Dave Rupert’s course HTML with Superpowers to get you up to speed.

The phrasing “custom, reusuable, encapsulated” should sound familiar if you’ve been following web design or development trends in the last ten years. Web Components – as the name suggests – are about building component systems. LEGO™ bricks, but for the Web.

Web Components are akin to modern-day JS frameworks like React, Svelte, and Vue, but with one key differentiator… Web Components are a set of Web Standards.

And not mutually exclusive with JS frameworks.

The post Chris’ Corner: Trends, Beziers, and the Free Betterment of Subgrid appeared first on CodePen Blog.

Links on Web Components

  • How we use Web Components at GitHub — Kristján Oddsson talks about how GitHub is using web components. I remember they were very early adopters, and it says here they released a <relative-time> component in 2014! Now they’ve got a whole bunch of open source components. So easy to use! Awesome! I wanted to poke around their HTML and see them in action, so I View’d Source and used the RegEx (<\w+-[\w|-|]+.*>) (thanks, Andrew) to look for them. Seven on the logged-in homepage, so they ain’t blowin’ smoke.
  • Using web components to encapsulate CSS and resolve design system conflicts — Tyler Williams says the encapsulation (Shadow DOM) of web components meant avoiding styling conflicts with an older CSS system. He also proves that companies that make sites for Git repos love web components.
  • Container Queries in Web Components — Max Böck shares that the :host of a web component can be the @container which is extremely great and is absolutely how all web components should be written.
  • Faster Integration with Web Components — Jason Grigsby does client work and says that web components don’t make integration fast or easy, they make integration fast and easy.
  • FicusJS — I remember being told once that native web components weren’t really meant to be used “raw” but meant to be low-level such that tooling could be built on top of them. We see that in competition amongst renderers, like lit-html vs htm. Then, in layers of tooling on top of that, like Ficus here, that adds a bunch of fancy stuff like state, methods, and events.
  • Shadow DOM and Its Effect on the Unofficial Styling API — Jim Nielsen expands on the idea I poked at on ShopTalk that the DOM is the styling API. It’s self-documenting, in a way. “As an author, you have to spend time and effort thinking about, architecting, and then documenting a styling API for your component. And as a consumer, you have to read, understand, and implement that API.” Yes. That’s why, to me, it feels like a good idea to have an option to “reach into the Shadow DOM from outside CSS” in an unencumbered way.
  • Awesome Standalones — I think Dave’s list here is exactly the kind of thing that gets developers feet wet and thinking about web components as actually useful.

Two years ago, hold true:

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Collective #661


An open source tool to create single line SVGs from drawings. Great for avatars and pen plotter drawings.

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Tiny Wins

Joel Califa writes about the big benefits of little changes.

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A great open source email alias solution that helps you protect against spam, phishing and data breaches.

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Victor Ribeiro’s first attempt at a 3D engine using native JavaScript and WebGL.

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Ideas Filter

A great place to find apps/plugins/extensions from various marketplaces with the option to filter for ideas for which many people pay but that have a low rating.

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Use’s markdown editor and ready made templates to easily create a simple README for your repositories.

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Our Best Posts on Web Components

A bit of backstory on why this page exists…

I made a fancy new Gutenberg block to insert posts into other posts, so this page is an example of using that (heavily) make a meta blog post about other blog posts. For the most part, topical pages like this are best served by tag pages. For example, our tag page for Web Components has more posts and is sortable in ways this is not. This is just a way to make a curated and hand-sorted grouping of posts, which is something we’ve done for a while with “Guide Collections”. But, we’re spinning down Guide Collections and redirecting them to tag pages and pages like this because they are easier to maintain.

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Collective #625

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The Accessibility Resources is a growing list of more than 200+ hand-curated accessibility plugins, tools, articles, case studies, design patterns, assistive technologies, design resources and accessibility standards.

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Accessible Animation

Una Kravets demonstrates how to use the “prefers-reduced-motion” media query to progressively enhance animation on your website and shows how to build a simple “reduce animation” switch.

Watch it

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A URL builder library for JavaScript that makes building URLs very convenient and prevents common mistakes.

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Transform an SVG icon into multiple themes, and generate React icons or Vue icons easily.

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HitCount lets you add a hit counter as simply as adding an image to your website.

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Ballpoint is an experimental new vector graphics editor. It’s available as a free to use web application.

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A purely browser-based privacy-first video tool capable of performing tasks like converting, compression, etc without uploading your files.

Check it out

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A Bit on Web Component Libraries

A run of Web Components news crossed my desk recently so I thought I’d group it up here.

To my mind, one of the best use cases for Web Components is pattern libraries. Instead of doing, say, <ul class="nav nav-tabs"> like you would do in Bootstrap or <div class="tabs"> like you would in Bulma, you would use a custom element, like <designsystem-tabs>.

The new Shoelace library uses the sl namespace for their components. It’s a whole pattern library entirely in Web Components. So the tabs there are <sl-tab-group> elements.

Why is that good? Well, for one thing, it brings a component model to the party. That means, if you’re working on a component, it has a template and a stylesheet that are co-located. Peeking under the hood of Shoelace, you can see this is all based on Stencil.

Another reason it’s good is that it means components can (and they do) use the Shadow DOM. This offers a form of isolation that comes right from the web platform. For CSS folks like us, that means the styling for a tab in the tab component is done with a .tab class (hey, wow, cool) but it is isolated in that component. Even with that generic of a name, I can’t accidentally mess with some other component on the page that uses that generic class, nor is some other outside CSS going to mess with the guts here. The Shadow DOM is a sort of wall of safety that prevents styles from leaking out or seeping in.

I just saw the FAST framework¹ too, which is also a set of components. It has tabs that are defined as <fast-tabs>. That reminds me of another thing I like about the Web Components as a pattern library approach: if feels like it’s API-driven, even starting with the name of the component itself, which is literally what you use in the HTML. The attributes on that element can be entirely made up. It seems the emerging standard is that you don’t even have to data-* prefix the attributes that you also make up to control the component. So, if I were to make a tabs component, it might be <chris-tabs active-tab="lunch" variation="rounded">.

Perhaps the biggest player using Web Components for a pattern library is Ionic. Their tabs are <ion-tabs>, and you can use them without involving any other framework (although they do support Angular, React, and Vue in addition to their own Stencil). Ionic has made lots of strides with this Web Components stuff, most recently supporting Shadow Parts. Here’s Brandy Carney explaining the encapsulation again:

Shadow DOM is useful for preventing styles from leaking out of components and unintentionally applying to other elements. For example, we assign a .button class to our ion-button component. If an Ionic Framework user were to set the class .button on one of their own elements, it would inherit the Ionic button styles in past versions of the framework. Since ion-button is now a Shadow Web Component, this is no longer a problem.

However, due to this encapsulation, styles aren’t able to bleed into inner elements of a Shadow component either. This means that if a Shadow component renders elements inside of its shadow tree, a user isn’t able to target the inner element with their CSS.

The encapsulation is a good thing, but indeed it does make styling “harder” (on purpose). There is an important CSS concept to know: CSS custom properties penetrate the Shadow DOM. However, it was decided — and I think rightly so — that “variablizing” every single thing in a design system is not a smart way forward. Instead, they give each bit of HTML inside the Shadow DOM a part, like <div part="icon">, which then gives us the ability to “reach in from the outside” with CSS, like custom-component::part(icon) { }.

I think part-based styling hooks are mostly fine, and a smart way forward for pattern libraries like this, but I admit some part of it bugs me. The selectors don’t work how you’d expect. For example, you can’t conditionally select things. You also can’t select children or use the cascade. In other words, it’s just one-off, or like you’re reaching straight through a membrane with your hand. You can reach forward and either grab the thing or not, but you can’t do anything else at all.

Speaking of things that bug people, Andrea Giammarchi has a good point about the recent state of Web Components:

Every single library getting started, including mine, suggest we should import the library in order to define what [sic] supposed to be a “portable Custom Element”.

Google always suggests LitElement. Microsoft wants you to use FASTElement. Stencil has their own Component. hyperHTML has their own Component. Nobody is just using “raw” Web Components. It’s weird! What strikes me as the worst part about that is that Web Components are supposed to be this “native platform” thing meaning that we shouldn’t need to buy into some particular technology in order to use them. When we do, we’re just as locked to that as we would be if we just used React or whatever.

Andrea has some ideas in that article, including the use of some new and smaller library. I think what I’d like to see is a pattern library that just doesn’t use any library at all.

  1. FAST calls itself a “interface system,” then a “UI framework” in consecutive sentences on the homepage. Shoelaces calls itself a “library” but I’m calling it a “pattern library.” I find “design system” to be the most commonly used term to describe the concept, but often used more broadly than a specific technology. FAST uses that term in the code itself for the wrapper element that controls the theme. I’d say the terminology around all this stuff is far from settled.

The post A Bit on Web Component Libraries appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

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Thinking Through Styling Options for Web Components

Where do you put styles in web components?

I'm assuming that we're using the Shadow DOM here as, to me, that's one of the big draws of a web component: a platform thing that is a uniquely powerful thing the platform can do. So this is about defining styles for a web component in a don't-leak-out way, and less so a way to get global styles to leak in (although that's very interesting as well, which can be done via custom properties which we'll look at later in the article).

If you're building the template inside the JavaScript — which is nice because of template literals and how we can sprinkle our data into the template nicely — you need access to those styles in JavaScript.

const template = `
  <div class="${class}">

Where does that style variable come from? Maybe also a template literal?

const style = `
  :host {
    background: white;
  h2 {
    font: 900 1.5rem/1.1 -system-ui, sans-serif;

I guess that's fine, but it makes for a big messy block of code just dunked somewhere in the class where you're trying to build this web component.

Another way is to <template> the template and make a <style> block part of it.

<template id="card-template">
    :host {
      background: white;
    h2 {
      font: 900 1.5rem/1.1 -system-ui, sans-serif;

  <div id="card-hook">
    <h2 id="title-hook"></h2>
    <p id="desc-hook"></p>

I can see the appeal with this because it keeps HTML in HTML. What I don't love about it is that you have to do a bunch of manual shadowRoot.querySelector("#title-hook").innerHTML = myData.title; work in order to flesh out that template. That doesn't feel like a convenient template. I also don't love that you need to just chuck this template somewhere in your HTML. Where? I dunno. Just chuck it in there. Chuck it.

The CSS is moved out of the JavaScript too, but it just moved from one awkward location to another.

If we wanted to keep the CSS in a CSS file, we can sorta do that like this:

<template id="card-template">
    @import "/css/components/card.css";

  <div id="card-hook">
    <h2 id="title-hook"></h2>
    <p id="desc-hook"></p>

(The use of <link rel="import" type="css" href=""> is deprecated, apparently.)

Now we have @import which is an extra HTTP Request, and notorious for being a performance hit. An article by Steven Lambert says it clocked in at half a second slower. Not ideal. I don't suppose it would be much better to do this instead:

class MyComponent extends HTMLElement {
  constructor() {
    this.attachShadow({ mode: "open" });

      .then(response => response.text())
      .then(data => {
        let node = document.createElement('style');
        node.innerHTML = data;

  // ...

Seems like that would potentially be a Flash-of-Unstyled-Web-Component? I guess I should get off my butt and test it.

Now that I'm digging into this again, it seems like ::part has gotten some steam (explainer). So I can do...

const template = `
  <div part="card">

...then write styles in a global stylesheet that only apply inside that Shadow DOM, like:

my-card::part(card) {
  background: black;
  color: white;

...which has a smidge of browser support, but maybe not enough?

These "part" selectors can only touch the exact element it's connected to. You'd have to do all your styling by applying a part name to every single DOM node and then styling each entirely on its own. That's no fun, particularly because the appeal of the Shadow DOM is this isolated styling environment in which we're supposed to be able to write looser CSS selectors and not be worried our h2 { } style is going to leak all over the place.

Looks like if native CSS modules becomes a thing, that will be the most helpful thing that could happen.

import styles from './styles.css';

class MyElement extends HTMLElement {
  constructor() {
    this.attachShadow({mode: open});
    this.shadowRoot.adoptedStyleSheets = [styles];

I'm not sure, however, if this is any sort of performance boost. Seems like it would be a wash between this and @import. I have to say I prefer the clarity and syntax with native CSS modules. It's nice to be writing JavaScript when working with JavaScript.

Constructable Stylesheets also look helpful for sharing a stylesheet across multiple components. But the CSS modules approach looks like it could also do that since the stylesheet has already become a variable at that point.

The post Thinking Through Styling Options for Web Components appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

Haunted: Hooks for Web Components

I was just chatting with Dave and he told me about Haunted. It's hooks, but for native web components! Pretty cool. I think the existence of stuff like this makes using web components more and more palatable — particularly in that totally-native no-build-step-needed-at-all kinda way.

I get that there are all sorts of issues with web components, but the things that typically turn me away from them are a lack of nice templating and rerendering and no state management.

But we can knock those two out right quick these days...

First, making a component like <my-app> is perfectly comfortable:

import { html } from "";
import { component } from "";

function App() {
  return html`
    <div class="module">
      Hello, World!

customElements.define("my-app", component(App));

Then we could add some state with hooks:

import { html } from "";
import { component, useState} from "";

function App() {
  const [name, setName] = useState("Chris");
  return html`
    <div class="module">
      Hello, ${name}!

customElements.define("my-app", component(App));

The CodePen Challenge this week is using the Star Wars API, so let's make a fetch request and use that to fill state. That's a great use case for useEffect.

import { html } from "";
import { component, useState, useEffect } from "";

function App() {
  const [planets, setPlanets] = useState([]);
  useEffect(() => {
      .then(response => {
        return response.json();
      .then(data => {
        let planets = data.results;
        // remove ones with no diameters
        planets = planets.filter(planet => planet.diameter !== "0");
  }, []);

  return html`
      /* Shadow DOM styles */
    <div class="all-planets">
      ${ => html`
        <div class="planet" style="--dia: ${planet.diameter}px">
           <span class="planet-name">

customElements.define("my-app", component(App));

That's a proper little web component!

See the Pen
Star Wars API with Haunted.js
by Chris Coyier (@chriscoyier)
on CodePen.

The post Haunted: Hooks for Web Components appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

Wrapping React Components Inside Custom Elements

This week I had the pleasure of speaking in the ReactNext 2019 conference. My talk was called “I’m with Web Components and Web Components are with Me” and it was all about consuming Web Components in React apps and wrapping React components with custom elements. In this post, I’ll explain the second part and why you might want to do it. When the talk video will be available online, I’ll embed it in this post.

React and Web Components

In React documentation there is a section about React and Web Components. In that section, it is mentioned that React and Web Components are complementary to each other. While React is a view engine that is responsible for keeping the DOM in sync with the app's data, Web Components provide strong encapsulation for the creation of reusable HTML components. But in the real world most of the companies that I consult for don't use the two options together and why is that?

Advanced Tooling for Web Components

Over the course of the last four articles in this five-part series, we’ve taken a broad look at the technologies that make up the Web Components standards. First, we looked at how to create HTML templates that could be consumed at a later time. Second, we dove into creating our own custom element. After that, we encapsulated our element’s styles and selectors into the shadow DOM, so that our element is entirely self-contained.

We’ve explored how powerful these tools can be by creating our own custom modal dialog, an element that can be used in most modern application contexts regardless of the underlying framework or library. In this article, we will look at how to consume our element in the various frameworks and look at some advanced tooling to really ramp up your Web Component skills.

Article Series:

  1. An Introduction to Web Components
  2. Crafting Reusable HTML Templates
  3. Creating a Custom Element from Scratch
  4. Encapsulating Style and Structure with Shadow DOM
  5. Advanced Tooling for Web Components (This post)

Framework agnostic

Our dialog component works great in almost any framework or even without one. (Granted, if JavaScript is disabled, the whole thing is for naught.) Angular and Vue treat Web Components as first-class citizens: the frameworks have been designed with web standards in mind. React is slightly more opinionated, but not impossible to integrate.


First, let’s take a look at how Angular handles custom elements. By default, Angular will throw a template error whenever it encounters an element it doesn’t recognize (i.e. the default browser elements or any of the components defined by Angular). This behavior can be changed by including the CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA.

...allows an NgModule to contain the following:

  • Non-Angular elements named with dash case (-).
  • Element properties named with dash case (-). Dash case is the naming convention for custom elements.

Angular Documentation

Consuming this schema is as simple as adding it to a module:

import { NgModule, CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA } from '@angular/core';

  /** Omitted */
export class MyModuleAllowsCustomElements {}

That’s it. After this, Angular will allow us to use our custom element wherever we want with the standard property and event bindings:

<one-dialog [open]="isDialogOpen" (dialog-closed)="dialogClosed($event)">
  <span slot="heading">Heading text</span>
    <p>Body copy</p>


Vue’s compatibility with Web Components is even better than Angular’s as it doesn’t require any special configuration. Once an element is registered, it can be used with Vue’s default templating syntax:

<one-dialog v-bind:open="isDialogOpen" v-on:dialog-closed="dialogClosed">
  <span slot="heading">Heading text</span>
    <p>Body copy</p>

One caveat with Angular and Vue, however, is their default form controls. If we wish to use something like reactive forms or [(ng-model)] in Angular or v-model in Vue on a custom element with a form control, we will need to set up that plumbing for which is beyond the scope of this article.


React is slightly more complicated than Angular. React’s virtual DOM effectively takes a JSX tree and renders it as a large object. So, instead of directly modifying attributes on HTML elements like Angular or Vue, React uses an object syntax to track changes that need to be made to the DOM and updates them in bulk. This works just fine in most cases. Our dialog’s open attribute is bound to its property and will respond perfectly well to changing props.

The catch comes when we start to look at the CustomEvent dispatched when our dialog closes. React implements a series of native event listeners for us with their synthetic event system. Unfortunately, that means that controls like onDialogClosed won’t actually attach event listeners to our component, so we have to find some other way.

The most obvious means of adding custom event listeners in React is by using DOM refs. In this model, we can reference our HTML node directly. The syntax is a bit verbose, but works great:

import React, { Component, createRef } from 'react';

export default class MyComponent extends Component {
  constructor(props) {
    // Create the ref
    this.dialog = createRef();
    // Bind our method to the instance
    this.onDialogClosed = this.onDialogClosed.bind(this);

    this.state = {
      open: false

  componentDidMount() {
    // Once the component mounds, add the event listener
    this.dialog.current.addEventListener('dialog-closed', this.onDialogClosed);

  componentWillUnmount() {
    // When the component unmounts, remove the listener
    this.dialog.current.removeEventListener('dialog-closed', this.onDialogClosed);

  onDialogClosed(event) { /** Omitted **/ }

  render() {
    return <div>
      <one-dialog open={} ref={this.dialog}>
        <span slot="heading">Heading text</span>
          <p>Body copy</p>

Or, we can use stateless functional components and hooks:

import React, { useState, useEffect, useRef } from 'react';

export default function MyComponent(props) {
  const [ dialogOpen, setDialogOpen ] = useState(false);
  const oneDialog = useRef(null);
  const onDialogClosed = event => console.log(event);

  useEffect(() => {
    oneDialog.current.addEventListener('dialog-closed', onDialogClosed);
    return () => oneDialog.current.removeEventListener('dialog-closed', onDialogClosed)

  return <div>
      <button onClick={() => setDialogOpen(true)}>Open dialog</button>
      <one-dialog ref={oneDialog} open={dialogOpen}>
        <span slot="heading">Heading text</span>
          <p>Body copy</p>

That’s not bad, but you can see how reusing this component could quickly become cumbersome. Luckily, we can export a default React component that wraps our custom element using the same tools.

import React, { Component, createRef } from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';

export default class OneDialog extends Component {
  constructor(props) {
    // Create the ref
    this.dialog = createRef();
    // Bind our method to the instance
    this.onDialogClosed = this.onDialogClosed.bind(this);

  componentDidMount() {
    // Once the component mounds, add the event listener
    this.dialog.current.addEventListener('dialog-closed', this.onDialogClosed);

  componentWillUnmount() {
    // When the component unmounts, remove the listener
    this.dialog.current.removeEventListener('dialog-closed', this.onDialogClosed);

  onDialogClosed(event) {
    // Check to make sure the prop is present before calling it
    if (this.props.onDialogClosed) {

  render() {
    const { children, onDialogClosed, ...props } = this.props;
    return <one-dialog {...props} ref={this.dialog}>

OneDialog.propTypes = {
  children: children: PropTypes.oneOfType([
  onDialogClosed: PropTypes.func

...or again as a stateless, functional component:

import React, { useRef, useEffect } from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';

export default function OneDialog(props) {
  const { children, onDialogClosed, ...restProps } = props;
  const oneDialog = useRef(null);
  useEffect(() => {
    onDialogClosed ? oneDialog.current.addEventListener('dialog-closed', onDialogClosed) : null;
    return () => {
      onDialogClosed ? oneDialog.current.removeEventListener('dialog-closed', onDialogClosed) : null;  

  return <one-dialog ref={oneDialog} {...restProps}>{children}</one-dialog>

Now we can use our dialog natively in React, but still keep the same API across all our applications (and still drop classes, if that’s your thing).

import React, { useState } from 'react';
import OneDialog from './OneDialog';

export default function MyComponent(props) {
  const [open, setOpen] = useState(false);
  return <div>
    <button onClick={() => setOpen(true)}>Open dialog</button>
    <OneDialog open={open} onDialogClosed={() => setOpen(false)}>
      <span slot="heading">Heading text</span>
        <p>Body copy</p>

Advanced tooling

There are a number of great tools for authoring your own custom elements. Searching through npm reveals a multitude of tools for creating highly-reactive custom elements (including my own pet project), but the most popular today by far is lit-html from the Polymer team and, more specifically for Web Components, LitElement.

LitElement is a custom elements base class that provides a series of APIs for doing all of the things we’ve walked through so far. It can be run in a browser without a build step, but if you enjoy using future-facing tools like decorators, there are utilities for that as well.

Before diving into how to use lit or LitElement, take a minute to familiarize yourself with tagged template literals, which are a special kind of function called on template literal strings in JavaScript. These functions take in an array of strings and a collection of interpolated values and can return anything you might want.

function tag(strings, ...values) {
  console.log({ strings, values });
  return true;
const who = 'world';

tag`hello ${who}`; 
/** would log out { strings: ['hello ', ''], values: ['world'] } and return true **/

What LitElement gives us is live, dynamic updating of anything passed to that values array, so as a property updates, the element’s render function would be called and the resulting DOM would be re-rendered

import { LitElement, html } from 'lit-element';

class SomeComponent {
  static get properties() {
    return { 
      now: { type: String }

  connectedCallback() {
    // Be sure to call the super
    this.interval = window.setInterval(() => { =;

  disconnectedCallback() {

  render() {
    return html`<h1>It is ${}</h1>`;

customElements.define('some-component', SomeComponent);

See the Pen
LitElement now example
by Caleb Williams (@calebdwilliams)
on CodePen.

What you will notice is that we have to define any property we want LitElement to watch using the static properties getter. Using that API tells the base class to call render whenever a change is made to the component’s properties. render, in turn, will update only the nodes that need to change.

So, for our dialog example, it would look like this using LitElement:

See the Pen
Dialog example using LitElement
by Caleb Williams (@calebdwilliams)
on CodePen.

There are several variants of lit-html available, including Haunted, a React hooks-style library for Web Components that can also make use of virtual components using lit-html as a base.

At the end of the day, most of the modern Web Components tools are various flavors of what LitElement is: a base class that abstracts common logic away from our components. Among the other flavors are Stencil, SkateJS, Angular Elements and Polymer.

What’s next

Web Components standards are continuing to evolve and new features are being discussed and added to browsers on an ongoing basis. Soon, Web Component authors will have APIs for interacting with web forms at a high level (including other element internals that are beyond the scope of these introductory articles), like native HTML and CSS module imports, native template instantiation and updating controls, and many more which can be tracked on the W3C/web components issues board on GitHub.

These standards are ready to adopt into our projects today with the appropriate polyfills for legacy browsers and Edge. And while they may not replace your framework of choice, they can be used alongside them to augment you and your organization’s workflows.

The post Advanced Tooling for Web Components appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

Using <details> for Menus and Dialogs is an Interesting Idea

One of the most empowering things you can learn as a new front-end developer who is starting to learn JavaScript is to change classes. If you can change classes, you can use your CSS skills to control a lot on a page. Toggle a class to one thing, style it this way, toggle to another class (or remove it) and style it another way.

But there is an HTML element that also does toggles! <details>! For example, it's definitely the quickest way to build an accordion UI.

Extending that toggle-based thinking, what is a user menu if not for a single accordion? Same with modals. If we went that route, we could make JavaScript optional on those dynamic things. That's exactly what GitHub did with their menu.

Inside the <details> element, GitHub uses some Web Components (that do require JavaScript) to do some bonus stuff, but they aren't required for basic menu functionality. That means the menu is resilient and instantly interactive when the page is rendered.

Mu-An Chiou, a web systems engineer at GitHub who spearheaded this, has a presentation all about this!

The worst strike on <details> is its browser support in Edge, but I guess we won't have to worry about that soon, as Edge will be using Chromium... soon? Does anyone know?

The post Using <details> for Menus and Dialogs is an Interesting Idea appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

Crafting Reusable HTML Templates

In our last article, we discussed the Web Components specifications (custom elements, shadow DOM, and HTML templates) at a high-level. In this article, and the three to follow, we will put these technologies to the test and examine them in greater detail and see how we can use them in production today. To do this, we will be building a custom modal dialog from the ground up to see how the various technologies fit together.

Article Series:

  1. An Introduction to Web Components
  2. Crafting Reusable HTML Templates (This post)
  3. Creating a Custom Element from Scratch (Coming soon!)
  4. Encapsulating Style and Structure with Shadow DOM (Coming soon!)
  5. Advanced Tooling for Web Components (Coming soon!)

HTML templates

One of the least recognized, but most powerful features of the Web Components specification is the <template> element. In the first article of this series, we defined the template element as, “user-defined templates in HTML that aren’t rendered until called upon.” In other words, a template is HTML that the browser ignores until told to do otherwise.

These templates then can be passed around and reused in a lot of interesting ways. For the purposes of this article, we will look at creating a template for a dialog that will eventually be used in a custom element.

Defining our template

As simple as it might sound, a <template> is an HTML element, so the most basic form of a template with content would be:

  <h1>Hello world</h1>

Running this in a browser would result in an empty screen as the browser doesn’t render the template element’s contents. This becomes incredibly powerful because it allows us to define content (or a content structure) and save it for later — instead of writing HTML in JavaScript.

In order to use the template, we will need JavaScript

const template = document.querySelector('template');
const node = document.importNode(template.content, true);

The real magic happens in the document.importNode method. This function will create a copy of the template’s content and prepare it to be inserted into another document (or document fragment). The first argument to the function grabs the template’s content and the second argument tells the browser to do a deep copy of the element’s DOM subtree (i.e. all of its children).

We could have used the template.content directly, but in so doing we would have removed the content from the element and appended to the document's body later. Any DOM node can only be connected in one location, so subsequent uses of the template's content would result in an empty document fragment (essentially a null value) because the content had previously been moved. Using document.importNode allows us to reuse instances of the same template content in multiple locations.

That node is then appended into the document.body and rendered for the user. This ultimately allows us to do interesting things, like providing our users (or consumers of our programs) templates for creating content, similar to the following demo, which we covered in the first article:

See the Pen
Template example
by Caleb Williams (@calebdwilliams)
on CodePen.

In this example, we have provided two templates to render the same content — authors and books they’ve written. As the form changes, we choose to render the template associated with that value. Using that same technique will allow us eventually create a custom element that will consume a template to be defined at a later time.

The versatility of template

One of the interesting things about templates is that they can contain any HTML. That includes script and style elements. A very simple example would be a template that appends a button that alerts us when it is clicked.

<button id="click-me">Log click event</button>

Let’s style it up:

button {
  all: unset;
  background: tomato;
  border: 0;
  border-radius: 4px;
  color: white;
  font-family: Helvetica;
  font-size: 1.5rem;
  padding: .5rem 1rem;

...and call it with a really simple script:

const button = document.getElementById('click-me');
button.addEventListener('click', event => alert(event));

Of course, we can put all of this together using HTML’s <style> and <script> tags directly in the template rather than in separate files:

<template id="template">
    const button = document.getElementById('click-me');
    button.addEventListener('click', event => alert(event));
    #click-me {
      all: unset;
      background: tomato;
      border: 0;
      border-radius: 4px;
      color: white;
      font-family: Helvetica;
      font-size: 1.5rem;
      padding: .5rem 1rem;
  <button id="click-me">Log click event</button>

Once this element is appended to the DOM, we will have a new button with ID #click-me, a global CSS selector targeted to the button’s ID, and a simple event listener that will alert the element’s click event.

For our script, we simply append the content using document.importNode and we have a mostly-contained template of HTML that can be moved around from page to page.

See the Pen
Template with script and styles demo
by Caleb Williams (@calebdwilliams)
on CodePen.

Creating the template for our dialog

Getting back to our task of making a dialog element, we want to define our template’s content and styles.

<template id="one-dialog">
    document.getElementById('launch-dialog').addEventListener('click', () => {
      const wrapper = document.querySelector('.wrapper');
      const closeButton = document.querySelector('button.close');
      const wasFocused = document.activeElement;
      closeButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
    .wrapper {
      opacity: 0;
      transition: visibility 0s, opacity 0.25s ease-in;
    .wrapper:not(.open) {
      visibility: hidden;
    } {
      align-items: center;
      display: flex;
      justify-content: center;
      height: 100vh;
      position: fixed;
        top: 0;
        left: 0;
        right: 0;
        bottom: 0;
      opacity: 1;
      visibility: visible;
    .overlay {
      background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);
      height: 100%;
      position: fixed;
        top: 0;
        right: 0;
        bottom: 0;
        left: 0;
      width: 100%;
    .dialog {
      background: #ffffff;
      max-width: 600px;
      padding: 1rem;
      position: fixed;
    button {
      all: unset;
      cursor: pointer;
      font-size: 1.25rem;
      position: absolute;
        top: 1rem;
        right: 1rem;
    button:focus {
      border: 2px solid blue;
  <div class="wrapper">
  <div class="overlay"></div>
    <div class="dialog" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="title" aria-describedby="content">
      <button class="close" aria-label="Close">&#x2716;&#xfe0f;</button>
      <h1 id="title">Hello world</h1>
      <div id="content" class="content">
        <p>This is content in the body of our modal</p>

This code will serve as the foundation for our dialog. Breaking it down briefly, we have a global close button, a heading and some content. We have also added in a bit of behavior to visually toggle our dialog (although it isn't yet accessible). In our next article, we will put custom elements to use and create one of our own that consumes this template in real-time.

See the Pen
Dialog with template with script
by Caleb Williams (@calebdwilliams)
on CodePen.

Article Series:

  1. An Introduction to Web Components
  2. Crafting Reusable HTML Templates (This post)
  3. Creating a Custom Element from Scratch (Coming soon!)
  4. Encapsulating Style and Structure with Shadow DOM (Coming soon!)
  5. Advanced Tooling for Web Components (Coming soon!)

The post Crafting Reusable HTML Templates appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

Collective #500


CSS Nesting Module

The draft of a new CSS module that introduces the ability to nest one style rule inside another.

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A light-weight JavaScript library to create smooth and beautiful animations when you scroll.

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A responsive front-end feature kit in React. By the folks of Mason.

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Collective #500 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops.

An Introduction to Web Components

Front-end development moves at a break-neck pace. This is made evident by the myriad articles, tutorials, and Twitter threads bemoaning the state of what once was a fairly simple tech stack. In this article, I’ll discuss why Web Components are a great tool to deliver high-quality user experiences without complicated frameworks or build steps and that don’t run the risk of becoming obsolete. In subsequent articles of this five-part series, we will dive deeper into each of the specifications.

This series assumes a basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. If you feel weak in one of those areas, don’t worry, building a custom element actually simplifies many complexities in front-end development.

Article Series:

  1. An Introduction to Web Components (This post)
  2. Crafting Reusable HTML Templates (Coming soon!)
  3. Creating a Custom Element from Scratch (Coming soon!)
  4. Encapsulating Style and Structure with Shadow DOM (Coming soon!)
  5. Advanced Tooling for Web Components (Coming soon!)

What are Web Components, anyway?

Web Components consist of three separate technologies that are used together:

  1. Custom Elements. Quite simply, these are fully-valid HTML elements with custom templates, behaviors and tag names (e.g. <one-dialog>) made with a set of JavaScript APIs. Custom Elements are defined in the HTML Living Standard specification.
  2. Shadow DOM. Capable of isolating CSS and JavaScript, almost like an <iframe>. This is defined in the Living Standard DOM specification.
  3. HTML templates. User-defined templates in HTML that aren’t rendered until called upon. The <template> tag is defined in the HTML Living Standard specification.

These are what make up the Web Components specification.

HTML Imports is likely to be the fourth technology in the stack, but it has yet to be implemented in any of the big four browsers. The Chrome team has announced it an intent to implement them in a future release.

Web Components are generally available in all of the major browsers with the exception of Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer 11, but polyfills exist to fill in those gaps.

Referring to any of these as Web Components is technically accurate because the term itself is a bit overloaded. As a result, each of the technologies can be used independently or combined with any of the others. In other words, they are not mutually exclusive.

Let’s take a quick look at each of those first three. We’ll dive deeper into them in other articles in this series.

Custom elements

As the name implies, custom elements are HTML elements, like <div>, <section> or <article>, but something we can name ourselves that are defined via a browser API. Custom elements are just like those standard HTML elements — names in angle brackets — except they always have a dash in them, like <news-slider> or <bacon-cheeseburger>. Going forward, browser vendors have committed not to create new built-in elements containing a dash in their names to prevent conflicts.

Custom elements contain their own semantics, behaviors, markup and can be shared across frameworks and browsers.

class MyComponent extends HTMLElement {
  connectedCallback() {
    this.innerHTML = `<h1>Hello world</h1>`;
customElements.define('my-component', MyComponent);

See the Pen
Custom elements demo
by Caleb Williams (@calebdwilliams)
on CodePen.

In this example, we define <my-component>, our very own HTML element. Admittedly, it doesn’t do much, however this is the basic building block of a custom element. All custom elements must in some way extend an HTMLElement in order to be registered with the browser.

Custom elements exist without third-party frameworks and the browser vendors are dedicated to the continued backward compatibility of the spec, all but guaranteeing that components written according to the specifications will not suffer from breaking API changes. What’s more, these components can generally be used out-of-the-box with today’s most popular frameworks, including Angular, React, Vue, and others with minimal effort.

Shadow DOM

The shadow DOM is an encapsulated version of the DOM. This allows authors to effectively isolate DOM fragments from one another, including anything that could be used as a CSS selector and the styles associated with them. Generally, any content inside of the document’s scope is referred to as the light DOM, and anything inside a shadow root is referred to as the shadow DOM.

When using the light DOM, an element can be selected by using document.querySelector('selector') or by targeting any element’s children by using element.querySelector('selector'); in the same way, a shadow root’s children can be targeted by calling shadowRoot.querySelector where shadowRoot is a reference to the document fragment — the difference being that the shadow root’s children will not be select-able from the light DOM. For example, If we have a shadow root with a <button> inside of it, calling shadowRoot.querySelector('button') would return our button, but no invocation of the document’s query selector will return that element because it belongs to a different DocumentOrShadowRoot instance. Style selectors work in the same way.

In this respect, the shadow DOM works sort of like an <iframe> where the content is cut off from the rest of the document; however, when we create a shadow root, we still have total control over that part of our page, but scoped to a context. This is what we call encapsulation.

If you’ve ever written a component that reuses the same id or relies on either CSS-in-JS tools or CSS naming strategies (like BEM), shadow DOM has the potential to improve your developer experience.

Imagine the following scenario:

  <div id="example">
    <!-- Pseudo-code used to designate a shadow root -->
      button {
        background: tomato;
        color: white;
      <button id="button">This will use the CSS background tomato</button>
  <button id="button">Not tomato</button>

Aside from the pseudo-code of <#shadow-root> (which is used here to demarcate the shadow boundary which has no HTML element), the HTML is fully valid. To attach a shadow root to the node above, we would run something like:

const shadowRoot = document.getElementById('example').attachShadow({ mode: 'open' });
shadowRoot.innerHTML = `<style>
button {
  color: tomato;
<button id="button">This will use the CSS color tomato <slot></slot></button>`;

A shadow root can also include content from its containing document by using the <slot> element. Using a slot will drop user content from the outer document at a designated spot in your shadow root.

See the Pen
Shadow DOM style encapsulation demo
by Caleb Williams (@calebdwilliams)
on CodePen.

HTML templates

The aptly-named HTML <template> element allows us to stamp out re-usable templates of code inside a normal HTML flow that won’t be immediately rendered, but can be used at a later time.

<template id="book-template">
  <li><span class="title"></span> &mdash; <span class="author"></span></li>

<ul id="books"></ul>

The example above wouldn’t render any content until a script has consumed the template, instantiated the code and told the browser what to do with it.

const fragment = document.getElementById('book-template');
const books = [
  { title: 'The Great Gatsby', author: 'F. Scott Fitzgerald' },
  { title: 'A Farewell to Arms', author: 'Ernest Hemingway' },
  { title: 'Catch 22', author: 'Joseph Heller' }

books.forEach(book => {
  // Create an instance of the template content
  const instance = document.importNode(fragment.content, true);
  // Add relevant content to the template
  instance.querySelector('.title').innerHTML = book.title;
  instance.querySelector('.author').innerHTML =;
  // Append the instance ot the DOM

Notice that this example creates a template (<template id="book-template">) without any other Web Components technology, illustrating again that the three technologies in the stack can be used independently or collectively.

Ostensibly, the consumer of a service that utilizes the template API could write a template of any shape or structure that could be created at a later time. Another page on a site might use the same service, but structure the template this way:

<template id="book-template">
  <li><span class="author"></span>'s classic novel <span class="title"></span></li>

<ul id="books"></ul>

See the Pen
Template example
by Caleb Williams (@calebdwilliams)
on CodePen.

That wraps up our introduction to Web Components

As web development continues to become more and more complicated, it will begin to make sense for developers like us to begin deferring more and more development to the web platform itself which has continued to mature. The Web Components specifications are a set of low-level APIs that will continue to grow and evolve as our needs as developers evolve.

In the next article, we will take a deeper look at the HTML templates part of this. Then, we’ll follow that up with a discussion of custom elements and shadow DOM. Finally, we’ll wrap it all up by looking at higher-level tooling and incorporation with today’s popular libraries and frameworks.

Article Series:

  1. An Introduction to Web Components (This post)
  2. Crafting Reusable HTML Templates (Coming soon!)
  3. Creating a Custom Element from Scratch (Coming soon!)
  4. Encapsulating Style and Structure with Shadow DOM (Coming soon!)
  5. Advanced Tooling for Web Components (Coming soon!)

The post An Introduction to Web Components appeared first on CSS-Tricks.