WCF Transport Security With Certificate Authentication — Test Validation With MSTest V2

This post demonstrates the use of X.509 certificates for server and client authentication when using WCF transport security. This security mode is ideal for communication between enterprise applications inside the intranet network.

Our demo creates a service that will implement a simple, repeated string algorithm. In this scenario, the service is hosted under Internet Information Services (IIS), which is configured with Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and configured with an SSL certificate to allow clients to verify the identity of the server [1].

Invoking WCF Service Secured With Basic Authentication Using SoapUI

In this post, we will demonstrate how to use the SoapUI API tool to invoke a secured WCF SOAP service. First, we will create a service where it will be the system under test. Next, we will approach the steps required to invoke the created service while secured by a basic authentication mechanism.

1 WCF Basic Authentication Service

The access to the resource in the service to be implemented will be secured using Basic Authentication transport security mechanisms. One of many provided by the Windows Communication Foundation. This kind of mechanism is used in conjunction with HTTPS to provide confidentiality. 

.NET 5 Is the Future of .NET: What Every .Net Developer Must Know

Microsoft announced the new .NET 5 (future of .NET) at the Build 2019 conference. .NET 5 will be the single unified platform for building applications that runs on all platforms(Windows, Linux) and devices (IoT, Mobile).

If you are .NET developer currently supporting enterprise applications developed in .NET framework, you need to know how the .NET 5 is going to affect your current enterprise application in the long run. .Net 5 is based on .Net Standard which means not every .Net framework features will be available in .Net 5. Also, there are some technology stacks like web forms, WCF and WWF is not porting into .Net 5. We will look into the details of what is not covered in .Net 5 and what are the alternatives.

Start MonoDevelop Program as background Service

How do I start a MonoDevelop software program as a system service on Windows, Linux, and Mac? Windows appears to not have a system service setting. I have a WCF service that essentially runs from command line. Even if I have to run from command line, I will need to be able to start the command line server on startup.

Apologies for the weird tech, all you have to do is compile MonoDevelop for windows as per the instructions, and when you have a good WCF service you need to remember to set up the project as conventional command line until we can figure out how to run as service.

I am going to have overloads for this service on all those flavors, but linux and windows is most pressing.