How Accessibility Standards Can Empower Better Chart Visual Design

Data visualizations are graphics that leverage our visual system and innate capabilities to gather, accumulate, and process information in our environment, as shown in the animation in Figure 1.0.

Figure 1.0. An animation demonstrating our preattentive processing capability. Based on a lecture by Dr. Stephen Franconeri. (Large preview)

As a result, we’re able to quickly spot trends, patterns, and outliers in all the images we see. Can you spot the visual patterns in Figure 1.1?

In this example, there are patterns defined by the size of the shapes, the use of fills and borders, and the use of different types of shapes. These characteristics, or visual encodings, are the building blocks of visualizations. Good visualizations provide a glanceable view of a large data set we otherwise wouldn’t be able to comprehend.

Accessibility Challenges With Data Visualizations

Visualizations typically serve a wide array of use cases and can be quite complex. A lot of care goes into choosing the right encodings to represent each metric. Designers and engineers will use colors to draw attention to more important metrics or information and highlight outliers. Oftentimes, as these design decisions are made, considerations for people with vision disabilities are missed.

Vision disabilities affect hundreds of millions of people worldwide. For example, about 300 million people have color-deficient vision, and it’s a condition that affects 1 in 12 men.1

1 Colour Blind Awareness (2023)

Most people with these conditions don’t use assistive technology when viewing the data. Because of this, the visual design of the chart needs to meet them where they are.

Figure 1.2 is an example of a donut chart. At first glance, it might seem like the categorical color palette matches the theme of digital wellbeing. It’s calm, it’s cool, and it may even invoke a feeling of wellbeing.

Figure 1.3 highlights how this same chart will appear to someone with a protanopia condition. You’ll notice that it is slightly less readable because the Other and YouTube categories appearing at the top of the donut are indistinguishable from one another.

For someone with achromatopsia, the chart will appear as it does in Figure 1.4

In this case, I’d argue that the chart isn’t really telling us anything. It’s nearly impossible to read, and swapping it out for a data table would be arguably more useful. At this point, you might be wondering how to fix this. Where should you start?

Start With Web Standards

Web standards can help us improve our design. In this case, Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) will provide the most comprehensive set of requirements to start with. Guidelines call for two considerations. First, all colors must achieve the proper contrast ratio with their neighboring elements. Second, visualizations need to use something other than color to convey meaning. This can be accomplished by including a second encoding or adding text, images, icons, or patterns. While this article focuses on achieving WCAG 2.1 standards, the same concepts can be used to achieve WCAG 2.2 standards.

Web Standards Challenges

Meeting the web standards is trickier than it might first seem. Let’s dive into a few examples showing how difficult it is to ensure data will be understood at a glance while meeting the standards.

Challenge 1: Color Contrast

According to the WCAG 2.1 (level AA) standards, graphics such as chart elements (lines, bars, areas, nodes, edges, links, and so on) should all achieve a minimum 3:1 contrast ratio with their neighboring elements. Neighboring elements may include other chart elements, interaction states, and the chart’s background. Incidentally, if you’re not sure your colors are achieving the correct minimum ratio, you can check your palette here. Additionally, all text elements should achieve a minimum 4.5:1 contrast ratio with their background. Figure 1.5 depicts a sample categorical color palette that follows the recommended standards.

This is quite a bold palette. When applying a compliant palette to a chart, it might look like the example in Figure 1.6.

While this example meets the color contrast requirements, there’s a tradeoff. The chart’s focal point is now lost. The red segments at the bottom of each stacked bar represent the most important metrics illustrated in this chart. They represent errors or a count of items that need your attention. Since the chart features bold colors, all of which are equally competing for our attention, it’s now more difficult to see the items that matter most.

Challenge 2: Dual Encodings, Or Conveying Meaning Without Color

To minimize reliance on color to convey meaning, WCAG 2.1 (level A) standards also call for the use of something other than color to convey meaning. This may be a pattern, texture, icon, text overlay, or an entirely different visual encoding.

It’s easy to throw a pattern on top of a categorical fill color and call it a day, as illustrated in Figure 1.7. But is the chart still readable? Is it glanceable? In this case, the segments appear to run into one another. In his book, The Visual Display of Quantitative Information, Edward Tufte describes the importance of minimizing chartjunk or unnecessary visual design elements that limit one’s ability to read the chart. This begs the question, do the WCAG standards encourage us to add unnecessary chartjunk to the visualization?

Following the standards verbatim can lead us down the path of creating a really noisy visualization.

Let The Standards Empower vs Constrain Design

Over the past several years, my working group at Google has learned that it’s easier to meet the WCAG visual design requirements when they’re considered at the beginning of the design process instead of trying to update existing charts to meet the standard. The latter approach leads to charts with unnecessary chart junk, just like the one previously depicted in Figure 1.7, and minimized usability. Considering accessibility first will enable you to create a visualization that’s not only accessible but useful. We’re calling this our accessibility-first approach to chart design. Now, let’s see some examples.

Solving For Color Contrast

Let’s revisit the color contrast requirement via the example in Figure 1.8. In this case, the most important metric is represented by the red segments appearing at the bottom of each bar in the series. The red color represents a count of items in a failing state. Since both colors in this palette compete for our attention, it’s difficult to focus on the metric that matters most. The chart is no longer glanceable.

Focus On Essential Elements Only

By stretching the standards a bit, we can balance a11y and glanceability a lot better. Only the visual elements essential for interpreting the visualization need to achieve the color contrast requirement. In the case of Figure 1.8, we can use borders that achieve the required contrast ratio while using lighter fills to the point of focus. In Figure 1.9, you’ll notice your attention now shifts down to the metrics that matter most.

Figure 1.9. ✅ DO: Consider using a combination of outlines and fills to meet contrast requirements while maintaining a focal point. (Large preview)

Dark Themes For The Win

Most designers I know love a good dark theme like the one used in Figure 2.0. It looks nice, and dark themes often result in visually stunning charts.

More importantly, a dark theme offers an accessibility advantage. When building on top of a dark background, we can use a wider array of color shades that will still achieve the minimum required contrast ratio.

According to an audit conducted by Google’s Data Accessibility Working Group, the 61 shades of the Google Material palette from 2018 achieved the minimum 3:1 contrast ratio when placed on a dark background. This is depicted in Figure 2.1. Only 40 shades of Google Material colors achieved the same contrast ratio when placed on a white background. The 50% increase in available shades when moving from a light background to a dark background makes a huge difference. Having access to more shades enables us to draw focus to items that matter most.

With this in mind, let’s revisit the earlier donut chart example in Figure 2.2. For now, let’s keep the white background, as it’s a core part of Google’s brand.

Figure 2.2. ✅ DO: Use a combination of fills and borders that achieve the minimum contrast ratios to improve the readability of your chart. (Large preview)

While this is a great first step, there’s still more work to do. Let’s take a closer look.

Solving For Dual Encodings And Minimizing Chartjunk

As shown in Figure 2.3, color is our only way of connecting segments in the donut to the corresponding categories in the legend. Despite our best efforts to follow color contrast standards, the chart can still be difficult to read for people with certain vision disabilities. We need a dual encoding, or something other than color, to convey meaning.

How might we do this without adding noise or reducing the chart’s readability or glanceability? Let’s start with the text.

Integrating Text And Icons

Adding text to a visualization is a great way to solve the dual encoding problem. Let’s use our donut chart as an example. If we move the legend labels into the graph, as illustrated in Figure 2.4, we can visually connect them to their corresponding segments. As a result, there is no longer a need for a legend, and the labels become the second encoding.

Let’s look at a few other ways to provide a dual encoding while maximizing readability. This will prevent us from running in the direction of applying unnecessary chart junk like the example previously highlighted in Figure 1.7.

Depending on the situation, shape of the data, or the available screen real estate, we may not have the luxury of overlaying text on top of a visualization. In cases like in Figure 2.5, it’s still okay to use iconography. For example, if we’re dealing with a very limited number of categories, the added iconography can still act as a dual encoding.

Some charts can have upwards of hundreds of categories, which makes it difficult to add iconography or text. In these cases, we must revisit the purpose of the chart and decide if we need to differentiate categories. Perhaps color, along with a dual encoding, can be used to highlight other aspects of the data. The example in Figure 2.6 shows a line chart with hundreds of categories.

We did a few things with color to convey meaning here:

  1. Bright colors are used to depict outliers within the data set.
  2. A neutral gray color is applied to all nominal categories.

In this scenario, we can once again use a very limited set of shapes for differentiating specific categories.

The Benefits Of Small Multiples And Sparklines

There are still times when it’s important to differentiate between all categories depicted in a visualization. For example, the tangled mess of a chart is depicted in Figure 2.7.

In this case, a more accessible solution would include breaking the charts into their own mini charts or sparklines, as depicted in Figure 2.8. This solution is arguably better for everyone because it makes it easier to see the individual trend for each category. It’s more accessible because we’ve completely removed the reliance on color and appended text to each of the mincharts, which is better for the screen reader experience.

Reserve Fills For Items That Need Your Attention

Earlier, we examined using a combination of fills and outlines to achieve color contrast requirements. Red and green are commonly used to convey status. For someone who is red/green colorblind, this can be very problematic. As an alternative, the status icons in Figure 2.9 reserve fills for the items that need your attention. We co-designed this solution with some help from customers who are colorblind. It’s arguably more scannable for people who are fully sighted, too.

Embracing Relevant Metaphors

In 2022, we launched a redesigned Fitbit mobile app for the masses. One of my favorite visualizations from this launch is a chart showing your heart rate throughout the day. As depicted in Figure 3.0, this chart shows when your heart rate crosses into different zones. Dotted lines were used to depict each of these zone thresholds. We used the spacing between the dots as our dual encoding, which invokes a feeling of a “visual” heartbeat. Threshold lines with closely spaced dots imply a higher heart rate.

Continuing the theme of using fun, relevant metaphors, we even based our threshold spacing on the Fibonacci Sequence. This enabled us to represent each threshold with a noticeably different visual treatment. For this example, we knew we were on the right track as these accessibility considerations tested well with people who have color-deficient vision.

Accessible Interaction States

Color contrast and encodings also need to be considered when showing interactions like mouse hover, selection, and keyboard focus, like the examples in Figure 3.1. The same rules apply here. In this example, the hover, focus, and clicked state of each bar is delineated by elements that appear above and below the bar. As a result, these elements only need to achieve a 3:1 contrast ratio with the white background and not the bars themselves. Not only did this pattern test well in multiple usability studies, but it was also designed so that the states could overlap. For example, the hover state and selected state can appear simultaneously and still meet accessibility requirements.

Finding Your Inspiration

For some more challenging projects, we’ve taken inspiration from unexpected areas.

For example, we looked to nature (Figure 3.2) to help us consider methods for visualizing the effects of cloud moisture on an LTE network, as sketched in Figure 3.3.

We’ve taken inspiration from halftone printing processes (Figure 3.4) to think about how we might reimagine a heatmap with a dual encoding, as depicted in Figure 3.5.

We’ve also taken inspiration from architecture and how people move through buildings (Figure 3.6) to consider methods for showing the scope and flow of data into a donut chart as depicted in Figure 3.7.

Figure 3.7. Applying inspiration from architecture and a building’s flow. (Large preview)

In this case, the animated inner ring highlights the scope of the donut chart when it’s empty and indicates that it will fill up to 100%. Animation is a great technique, but it presents other accessibility challenges and should either time out or have a stop control.

In some cases, we were even inspired to explore new versions of existing visualization types, like the one depicted in Figure 3.8. This case study highlights a step-by-step guide to how we landed on this example.

Getting People On Board With Accessibility

One key lesson is that it’s important to get colleagues on board with accessibility as soon as possible. Your compliant designs may not look quite as pretty as your non-compliant designs and may be open to criticism.

So, how can you get your colleagues on board? For starters, evangelism is key. Provide examples like the ones included here, which can help your colleagues build empathy for people with vision disabilities. Find moments to share the work with your company’s leadership team, spreading awareness. Team meetings, design critiques, AMA sessions, organization forums, and all-hands are a good start. Oftentimes, colleagues may not fully understand how accessibility requirements apply to charting or how their visualizations are used by people with disabilities.

While share-outs are a great start, communication is one way. We found that it’s easier to build momentum when you invite others to participate in the design process. Invite them into brainstorming meetings, design reviews, codesign sessions, and the problem space to help them appreciate how difficult these challenges are. Enlist their help, too.

By engaging with colleagues, we were able to pinpoint our champions within the group or those people who were so passionate about the topic they were willing to spend extra time building demos, prototypes, design specs, and research repositories. For example, at Google, we were able to publish our Top Tips for Data Accessibility on the Material Design blog.

Aside from good citizenship and building a grassroots start, there are ways to get the business on board. Pointing to regulations like Section 508 in America and the European Accessibility Act are other good ways to encourage your business to dive deeper into your product’s accessibility. It’s also an effective mechanism for getting funding and ensuring accessibility is on your product’s roadmap. Once you’ve made the business case and you’ve identified the accessibility champions on your team, it’s time to start designing.


Accessibility is more than compliance. Accessibility considerations can and will benefit everyone, so it’s important not to shove them into a special menu or mode or forget about them until the end of the design process. When you consider accessibility from the start, the WCAG standards also suddenly seem a lot less constraining than when you try to retrofit existing charts for accessibility.

The examples here were built over the course of 3 years, and they’re based on valuable lessons learned along the way. My hope is that you can use the tested designs in this article to get a head start. And by taking an accessibility-first approach, you’ll end up with overall better data visualizations — ones that fully take into account how all people gather, accumulate, and process information.


To get started thinking about data accessibility, check out some of these resources:

Getting started


Contrast checking tool

WCAG requirements

Material design best practices and specs

We’re incredibly proud of our colleagues who contributed to the research and examples featured in this article. This includes Andrew Carter, Ben Wong, Chris Calo, Gerard Rocha, Ian Hill, Jenifer Kozenski Devins, Jennifer Reilly, Kai Chang, Lisa Kaggen, Mags Sosa, Nicholas Cottrell, Rebecca Plotnick, Roshini Kumar, Sierra Seeborn, and Tyler Williamson. Without everyone’s contributions, we wouldn’t have been able to advance our knowledge of accessible chart visual design.

Crafting A Killer Brand Identity For A Digital Product

It may seem obvious to state that the brand should be properly reflected and showcased in all applications, whether it is an app, a website, or social media, but it’s surprising how many well-established businesses fall short in this regard. Maintaining brand consistency can be a challenge for many teams due to issues like miscommunication, disconnect between graphic and web design teams, and management missteps.

Establishing a well-defined digital brand identity that includes elements like logos, typography, color palettes, imagery, and more ensures that your brand maintains a consistent presence. This consistency not only builds trust and loyalty among your customers but also allows them to instantly recognize any of your interfaces or digital communication.

It’s also about creating an identity for your digital experience that’s a natural and cohesive extension of the overall visual style. Think of Headspace, Figma, or Nike, for example. Their distinctive look and feel are instantly recognizable wherever you encounter them.

Maintaining visual consistency also yields measurable revenue results. As per a Lucidpress survey, 68% of company stakeholders credit 10% to more than 20% of revenue growth to the consistency of their brand. This underscores the significance of initiating and integrating design systems to promote brand consistency.

Brand Strategy

In an ideal world, every new product would kick off with a well-thought-out brand strategy. This means defining the vision, mission, purpose, positioning, and value proposition in the market before diving into design work. While brand strategy predominantly addresses intangible aspects, it’s one of the fundamental cornerstones of a brand, alongside visuals like the logo and website. Even with stunning design, a brand can stumble in the market if its positioning isn’t unique or if the company is unsure about what it truly represents.

However, let’s face it, we often don’t have this luxury. Tight timelines, limited budgets, and stakeholders who might not fully grasp the value of a brand strategy can pose challenges. We all live in the real world, after all. In such cases, the best approach is either to encourage the stakeholders to articulate their brand strategy elements or to work collaboratively to uncover them through a series of workshops.

Defining a brand’s core strategy is the crucial starting point, establishing the foundation for future design work. The brand strategy serves as a robust framework that shapes every aspect of a brand’s presence, whether it be in marketing, on the web, or within applications.

Brand Identity Research

The research phase is where you unearth the insights to distinguish yourself in the vast arena of competitors. By meticulously analyzing consumer trends, design tendencies, and industry landscapes, you gain a deeper understanding of the unique elements that can set your brand apart. This process not only provides a solid foundation for strategic decision-making but also unveils valuable opportunities for innovation and differentiation.

Typically, the research initiates with an analysis of the brand’s existing visual style, especially if it’s already established. This initial exploration serves as a valuable starting point for team discussions, facilitating a comprehensive understanding of what aspects are effective and what needs refinement.

Moving on, the next crucial step involves conducting a comprehensive industry analysis. This process entails an examination of key brand elements, such as logos, colors, and other design components utilized by competitors. This step serves as the strategic guide for making precise design decisions.

When performing industry analysis as part of brand research, aim for specificity rather than generic observations. For instance, when crafting a brand identity for a product brand, a focused investigation into app icon designs becomes imperative. The differentiation of colors among various apps emerges as a potent tool in this endeavor. According to a study conducted by the Pantone Color Institute, color plays a pivotal role, boosting brand recognition by a substantial 80%.

Moreover, it’s essential to consider app icon designs that, while not directly competitors, are ubiquitous on most phones (examples include Google apps, Chrome/Safari, Facebook, Twitter, and so on). It’s crucial that your app icon stands out distinctly, even in comparison to these widely used icons.

To bring in more innovation and fire up creativity in future designs, it’s a good call to widen your scope beyond just your competition. For instance, if sustainability is a core value of the brand, conducting a thorough examination of how brands outside the industry express and visually communicate this commitment becomes pivotal. Similarly, exploring each value outlined in the brand strategy can provide valuable insights for future design considerations.

A highly effective method for presenting research findings is to consolidate all outcomes in one document and engage in comprehensive discussions, whether in-house or with the client. In my practice, research typically serves as a reference document, offering a reliable source for revisiting and reassessing the uniqueness of our design choices and verifying alignment with identified needs. It’s also a perfect argument point for design choices made in the following phase. Essentially, the research phase functions as the guide steering the brand toward a distinctive and unique look and feel.

Brand Identity Concepts

Now, to the fun part — crafting the actual visuals for the brand. A brand concept is a unifying idea or theme. It’s an abstract articulation of the brand’s essence, an overarching idea that engages and influences the audience. Brand concepts sometimes come up organically through the brand strategy; some of them need elaborate effort and a deep search for inspiration.

There are various methods to generate unique brand ideas that seamlessly connect brand strategy, meanings, and visuals.

The ultimate goal of any brand is to establish a strong emotional connection with users, which makes having a powerful brand idea that permeates the identity, website, and app crucial.

  • Mind mapping and association
    This is a widely used approach, though it looks quite different between various creatives. Start with a diagram listing the brand’s key attributes and features. Then, build on these words with your associations. A typical mind map for me is like a tangled web of brand values, mission, visual drafts, messaging, references, and sketches, all mixed in with associations. Try to blend ideas from totally different parts of the mind map. For example, in the design of an identity for a database company, contrary segments of the mind map may include infinity symbols and bytes. The combination of these elements results in a unique design scalable to both the brand symbol and identity.

  • Reversal
    Sometimes, a brand calls for an unexpected symbol or even a mascot that doesn’t have direct ties to the industry, for example, using a monkey as the symbol for a mailing platform or a bird for a wealth management app. Delving into the process of drawing parallels between unrelated objects, engaging all our senses, and embracing a creative and randomized approach helps to generate fresh and innovative concepts.
  • Random stimuli
    There are instances when tapping into randomness can significantly boost creativity. This approach may involve anything from AI-generated concepts to team brainstorming sessions that incorporate idea shuffling and combinations, often resulting in surprising and inventive ideas.

  • Real-world references
    Designers can sometimes find themselves too deeply immersed in their design bubble. Exploring historical references, natural patterns, or influences from the tangible world can yield valuable insights for a project. It’s essential not to confine yourself solely to your workspace and Pinterest mood boards. This is particularly relevant in identity design, where these tangible parallels can provide rich sources of inspiration and meaning.

Imagine I’m crafting an identity for the adventure tours app. The last place to seek inspiration from is other tour companies. Why? Because if the references are derivatives, the work will be too. Begin at the roots. Adventure tours are all about tapping into nature and connecting with your origins. The exploration would kick off by delving into the elements of nature. What sights, smells, sounds, and sensory details do these adventures offer?

That’s the essence that both clients and non-designers appreciate the most — finding tangible connections in the real world. When people can connect not just aesthetically but also emotionally or intellectually to the visuals, they become much more loyal to the brand.

Condense your design concept and ideas to highlight brand identity across diverse yet fitting contexts. Go beyond conventional applications like banners and business cards.

If you’re conceptualizing brand identity for restaurant management software, explore ways to brand the virtual payment card or create merchandise for restaurant employees. When crafting a style for a new video conferencing app, consider integrating the brand seamlessly into commonly used features, such as the ‘call’ button, and think of a way to brand the interface so that users can easily recognize your app in screenshots. Consider these aspects as you move through this project phase. Plus, taking a closer look at the industry can spark some creative ideas and bring a more down-to-earth feel to the concept.

Once the core brand visual concept gains approval and the general visual direction becomes clear, it’s time to create the assets for the brand application. It’s essential to note that no UI work should commence until the core brand identity elements, such as the logo, colors, typography, and imagery style, are developed.

Brand Identity Design And Key Assets For A Digital Product

Now, let’s delve into how you actually apply the brand identity to your interfaces and what the UI team should anticipate from the brand identity design team. One key thing to keep in mind is that users come to a website or app to get things done, not just to admire the visuals. So, we need to let them accomplish their tasks smoothly and subtly weave our brand’s visual identity into their experience.

This section lists assets, along with specific details tailored for digital applications, to make sure your UI colleagues have all they need for a smooth integration of the brand identity into the digital product.


When crafting a logo for a digital product, it’s essential to ensure that the symbol remains crisp and scalable at any dimension. Even if your symbol boasts exceptional distinctiveness, you’ll frequently require a simplified, compact version suitable for mobile use and applications like app icons or social media profile pictures. In these compact logo versions, the details take on added prominence, with negative space coming to the forefront.

Additionally, it’s highly advisable to create a compact version not just for the symbol but also for the wordmark. In such instances, you’ll typically find a taller x-height, more open apertures, and wider spacing.

One logo approach is pairing a logotype with a standalone symbol. The alternative is to feature just the logotype, incorporating a distinctive detail that can serve as an app icon or avatar. The crucial point is to maintain a strong association with the main logo. To illustrate this point, consider the example of Bolt and how they ingeniously incorporated the negative space in their logo to create a lightning symbol.

Another factor to take into account is to maintain square-like proportions for your logomark. This ensures that the logomark can be seamlessly integrated into common digital applications such as app icons, favicons, and profile pictures without appearing awkward or unbalanced within these placeholders. Ensure your logomark isn’t overly horizontal or vertical to maximize its impact across all digital platforms.

The logo and symbol are core assets of any digital brand. Typically, the logotype letter shapes take roots from the primary font.


Typography plays a pivotal role in shaping a brand’s identity. The selection of a typeface is particularly crucial in the brand identity design phase. Unfortunately, the needs of the UI/UX team are sometimes overlooked by the brand team, especially when dealing with complex products. Typography assets can be categorized into several key components:

Primary Font

Choosing the right typeface can be a challenging task, and finding a distinctive one can be even trickier. Beyond stylistic elements like serifs, non-serifs, and extended or condensed styles, selecting a primary font for a digital product involves considering various requirements. Questions to ponder include the following:

  • How many languages will your product support?
  • Will the brand use special symbols such as arrows, currency symbols, or math symbols?
  • What level of readability will the headings need, and what will be the smallest point size the headings are used at?

Body Font

Selecting the body font for a digital product demands meticulous attention. This decision can significantly impact readability and, as a result, user loyalty, especially in data-rich environments like dashboards and apps that contain numerals, text, and spreadsheets. Designers must be attentive and responsible intermediaries between users and data. Factors to consider include the following:

  • Typeface’s x-height,
  • Simplified appearance,
  • Legibility at small sizes,
  • Low or no contrast to prevent readability issues.

Fonts with large apertures and open shapes are preferable to keep similar letters distinct, such as ‘c’ and ‘o’. Increased letter spacing can enhance legibility, and typefaces should include both regular and monospaced digits. Special symbols like currency or arrows should also be considered for the brand use.

Fallback fonts

In the realm of digital branding, there will be countless situations where you may need to substitute your fonts. This can include using a body font for iOS or Android apps to save on expensive licensing costs, creating customizations for various countries and scripts, or adapting fonts for other platforms. The flexibility of having fallback fonts is invaluable in ensuring consistent brand representation across diverse digital touchpoints.

Layout Principles

Typography isn’t just about choosing fonts; it’s also about arranging them to reflect the brand uniquely. Employing the same fonts but arranging them differently can distort the brand perception.

Getting the right layout is all about finding that sweet spot between your brand’s vibe and the ever-changing design scene.

When crafting a layout, one can choose from various types that translate different brand voices. Grid-based layouts, for instance, leverage a system of rows and columns to instill order, balance, and harmony by organizing and aligning elements. Asymmetrical layouts, on the other hand, rely on contrast, tension, and movement to yield dynamic and expressive designs that command attention. Modular layouts utilize blocks or modules, fostering flexibility and adaptability while maintaining variety, hierarchy, and structure. Choosing one of the types or creating a hybrid can effectively convey your brand identity and message.

Attention to technical details is crucial, including line spacing, consistent borders, text density, and contrast between text sizes. Text alignment should be clearly defined. Creating a layout that accurately represents your brand requires applying design principles that designers intuitively understand, even if others may sense them without articulating why.


Color is undoubtedly one of the most significant elements for any identity, extending beyond products and digital realms. While a unique primary color palette is vital, it is important to recognize that color is not just an aesthetic aspect but a crucial tool for usability and functionality within the brand and the product. This chapter highlights key areas often overlooked during the brand design process.

  • Call to Action(CTA) Color
    Brand designers frequently present an extensive palette with impressive color combinations, but this can leave UI designers unsure of the appropriate choice for Call to Action (CTA) elements. It is imperative to establish a primary CTA color at the brand identity design phase. This color must have a good contrast both with light and dark backgrounds and does not unintentionally trigger associations, such as red for errors or yellow for alerts.
  • Contrast
    Brand identity tends to have more flexibility compared to the strict industry standards for legibility and contrast in screens and interfaces. Nevertheless, brand designers should always evaluate contrast and adhere to WCAG accessibility standards, too. The degree of contrast should be determined based on factors like target audience demographics and potential usage scenarios, aiming for at least AA compliance. Making your product accessible to all is a noble mission that can enhance your brand’s meaning.

  • Extended Color Palette
    To effectively implement color in user interfaces, UI designers need not only the primary colors but also various tints of these colors to indicate different UI statuses. Semantic colors, like red for caution and green for positive connotations, are valuable tools for emphasizing critical elements or providing quick visual feedback. Tints of CTA colors and other hues are essential for indicating states such as hover, click, or visited elements. It’s preferable to define these nuanced details in the brand identity guideline. This ensures the uniform use of the same colors, whether in marketing materials or the product interface.

  • Color proportions and usage
    The proportion and use of colors have a substantial impact on how a brand is perceived. Usually, the brand’s primary color should serve as an accent rather than dominate most layouts, especially in the interface. Collaborating with UI colleagues to establish a color usage chart can help strike the right balance. Varying the proportions of colors creates visual interest and allows you to set the mood and energy level in a design or illustration by choosing dominant or accent colors wisely.

  • Color compensation
    Colors may appear differently on dark and light backgrounds and might lose contrast when transitioning between dark and light themes. In the modern context of platforms offering both dark and light UI versions, this factor should be considered not only for interface elements but also for logos and logomarks. Logos designed for light backgrounds typically have slightly higher brightness and saturation, while logos for dark backgrounds are less bright.

Color leads to another component of brand identity — the illustration style — where its extensive application in various shades plays a significant role both emotionally and visually.

Scalable Illustration System

An illustration style includes pictograms, icons, and full-scale illustrations. It’s important to keep the whole system intact and maintain consistency throughout the project, ensuring a strong connection with the brand and its assets. This consistency in the illustration system also enhances the user interface’s intuitiveness.

In the context of an illustration system, “style” refers to a collection of construction techniques combined into a unified system. Pictograms and icon systems are made of consistent and reusable elements, and attention to detail is crucial to achieving uniformity. This includes sticking to the pixel grid, ensuring pixel precision, maintaining composition, using consistent rounding, making optical adjustments for intersecting lines, and keeping the thickness consistent.

Stylistically, illustrations can employ a broader arsenal compared to icons, utilizing a wider range of features such as incorporating depth effects, a broader color palette, gradients, blur, and other effects. While pictograms and icons serve more utilitarian purposes, illustrations have the unique ability to convey a deeper emotional connection to the brand. They play a crucial role in strengthening and confirming the brand message and positioning.

The elements discussed in the article play a vital role in enabling the web team to craft the UI kit and contribute to the brand’s success in the digital space. Supplying these assets is the critical minimum. Ensure that all components of your brand are clearly outlined and explained. It’s advisable to establish a guideline consolidating all the rules in one workspace with UI designers (commonly in Figma), facilitating seamless collaboration. Additionally, the brand designer should oversee the UI kit used in interfaces to ensure alignment with all identity components.

Uniform Mechanism

Your digital brand should effectively communicate your broader brand identity, leaving no room for doubt about your values and positioning. The brand acts as the cornerstone, ensuring consistency in the digital product. A well-designed digital product seamlessly integrates all its components, resulting in a cohesive user experience that enhances user loyalty.

Ensure you maintain effective communication with the UI team throughout the whole project. From my experience, despite things appearing straightforward in the brand guidelines and easy to implement, misunderstandings can still occur between the brand identity team and the UI team. Common challenges, such as letter spacing in brand typography, can arise.

The consistent and seamless integration of brand elements into the UI design ensures the brand’s effectiveness. Whether you have a small or large design team, whether it’s in-house or external, incorporating branding into your digital product development is crucial for achieving better results. Remember, while a brand can exist independently, a product cannot thrive without branding.

A Roundup Of WCAG 2.2 Explainers

WCAG 2.2 is officially the latest version of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines now that it has become a “W3C Recommended” web standard as of October 5.

The changes between WCAG 2.1 and 2.2 are nicely summed up in “What’s New in WCAG 2.2”:

“WCAG 2.2 provides 9 additional success criteria since WCAG 2.1. [...] The 2.0 and 2.1 success criteria are essentially the same in 2.2, with one exception: 4.1.1 Parsing is obsolete and removed from WCAG 2.2.”

This article is not a deep look at the changes, what they mean, and how to conform to them. Plenty of other people have done a wonderful job of that already. So, rather than add to the pile, let’s round up what has already been written and learn from those who keep a close pulse on the WCAG beat.

There are countless articles and posts about WCAG 2.2 written ahead of the formal W3C recommendation. The following links were selected because they were either published or updated after the announcement and reflect the most current information at the time of this writing. It’s also worth mentioning that we’re providing these links purely for reference — by no means are they sponsored, nor do they endorse a particular person, company, or product.

The best place for information on WCAG standards will always be the guidelines themselves, but we hope you enjoy what others are saying about them as well.

Hidde de Vries: What’s New In WCAG 2.2?

Hidde is a former W3C staffer, and he originally published this WCAG 2.2 overview last year when a draft of the guidelines was released, updating his post immediately when the guidelines became a recommendation.

Patrick Lauke: What’s New In WCAG 2.2

Patrick is a current WCAG member and contributor, also serving as Principal Accessibility Specialist at TetraLogical, which itself is also a W3C member.

This overview goes deeper than most, reporting not only what is new in WCAG 2.2 but how to conform to those standards, including specific examples with excellent visuals.

James Edwards: New Success Criteria In WCAG 2.2

James is a seasoned accessibility consultant with TPGi, a provider of end-to-end accessibility services and products.

Like Patrick, James gets into thorough and detailed information about WCAG 2.2 and how to meet the updated standards. Watch for little asides strewn throughout the post that provide even further context on why the changes were needed and how they were developed.

GOV.UK: Understanding WCAG 2.2

It’s always interesting to see how large organizations approach standards, and governments are no exception because they have a mandate to meet accessibility requirements. GOV.UK published an addendum on WCAG 2.2 updates to its Service Manual.

Notice how the emphasis is on the impact the new guidelines have on specific impairments, as well as ample examples of what it looks like to meet the standards. Equally impressive is the documented measured approach GOV.UK takes, including a goal to be fully compliant by October 2024 while maintaining WCAG 2.1 AA compliance in the meantime.

Deque Systems: Deque Systems Welcomes and Announces Support for WCAG 2.2

Despite being more of a press release, this brief overview has a nice clean table that outlines the new standards and how they align with those who stand to benefit most from them.

Kate Kalcevich: WCAG 2.2: What Changes for Websites and How Does It Impact Users?

Kate really digs into the benefits that users get with WCAG 2.2 compliance. Photos of Kate’s colleague, Samuel Proulx, don’t provide new context but are a nice touch for remembering that the updated guidelines are designed to help real people, a point that is emphasized in the conclusion:

“[W]hen thinking about accessibility beyond compliance, it becomes clear that the latest W3C guidelines are just variations on a theme. The theme is removing barriers and making access possible for everyone.”
— Kate Kalcevich

Level Access: WCAG 2.2 AA Summary and Checklist for Website Owners

Finally, we’ve reached the first checklist! That may be in name only, as this is less of a checklist of tasks than it is a high-level overview of the latest changes. There is, however, a link to download “the must-have WCAG checklist,” but you will need to hand over your name and email address in exchange.

Chris Pycroft: WCAG 2.2 Is Here

While this is more of an announcement than a guide, there is plenty of useful information in there. The reason I’m linking it up is the “WCAG 2.2 Map” PDF that Chris includes in it. It’d be great if there was a web version of it, but I’ll take it either way! The map neatly outlines the success criteria by branching them off the four core WCAG principles.

Shira Blank and Joshua Stein: After More Than a Year of Delays, It Is Time to Officially Welcome WCAG 2.2

This is a nice overview. Nothing more, nothing less. It does include a note that WCAG 2.2 is slated to be the last WCAG 2 update between now and WCAG 3, which apparently is codenamed “Silver”? Nice.

Nathan Schmidt: Demystifying WCAG 2.2

True to its title, this overview nicely explains WCAG 2.2 updates devoid of complex technical jargon. What makes it worth including in this collection, however, are the visuals that help drive home the points.

Craig Abbott: WCAG 2.2 And What It Means For You

Craig’s write-up is a lot like the others in that it’s a high-level overview of changes paired with advice for complying with them. But Craig has a knack for discussing the changes in a way that’s super approachable and even reads like a friendly conversation. There are personal anecdotes peppered throughout the post, including Craig’s own views of the standards themselves.

“I personally feel like the new criteria for Focus Appearance could have been braver and removed some of the ambiguity around what is already often an accessibility issue.”
— Craig Abbott

Dennis Lembrée: WCAG 2.2 Checklist With Filter And Links

Dennis published a quick post on his Web Axe blog reporting on WCAG 2.2, but it’s this CodePen demo he put together that’s the real gem.

See the Pen WCAG 2.2 Checklist with Filter and Links [forked] by Web Overhauls.

It’s a legit checklist of WCAG 2.0 requirements you can filter by release, including the new WCAG 2.2 changes and which chapter of the specifications they align to.

Jason Taylor: WCAG 2.2 Is Here! What It Means For Your Business

Yet another explainer, this time from Jason Taylor at UsableNet. You’ll find a lot of cross-over between this and the others in this roundup, but it’s always good to read about the changes with someone else’s words and perspectives.

Wrapping Up

There are many, many WCAG 2.2 explainers floating around — many more than what’s included in this little roundup. The number of changes introduced in the updated guidelines is surprisingly small, considering WCAG 2.1 was adopted in 2018, but that doesn’t make them any less impactful. So, yes, you’re going to see plenty of overlapping information between explainers. The nuances between them, though, are what makes them valuable, and each one has something worth taking with you.

And we’re likely to see even more explainers pop up! If you know of one that really should be included in this roundup, please do link it up in the comments to share with the rest of us.

The Potentially Dangerous Non-Accessibility Of Cookie Notices

No matter what your stance is on them, no matter what your perspective is on data protection, web advertisement, setting cookies, EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and privacy preferences, cookie consent widgets (or “cookie banners”) are a reality on the web today.

For this reason, it is worth looking into how accessible and usable these banners are or can be. They have become, for better or worse, a component of the majority of today’s websites. Even more, cookie banners are often the first thing a user encounters. And, of course, they are part of every site of a webpage once they are implemented.

Sometimes, cookie banners are a technical necessity because of the page’s feature set or because of advertisements on the page. Even more often, cookie banners are not built by the front-end team but are a ready-made solution, like UserCentrics or others.

Before I explain why the cookie banner deserves special attention regarding its accessibility, let’s quickly explain how the current gold standard of web accessibility, Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) Version 2.1, works.

WCAG consists of principles, guidelines, and success criteria. The latter are testable steps to check against a webpage. For example:

  • “Is the main language of the document set?”
  • “Does this non-text content have a suitable text alternative?”
  • “Is it perceivable where my focus is when I’m using the web presence with the keyboard (or another tech that emulates keyboard presses)?”

You may have noticed that these are “yes or no” questions. Accordingly, this means that the final verdict of any given success criterion is either “pass” or “fail.”

Additionally, conformance to WCAG, as defined by the W3C (the governing body of the Web), means that none of its success criteria is allowed to “fail” when the whole document needs to be conformant:

“Conformance to a standard means that you meet or satisfy the ‘requirements’ of the standard. In WCAG 2.0, the ‘requirements’ are the Success Criteria. To conform to WCAG 2.0, you need to satisfy the Success Criteria, that is, there is no content which violates the Success Criteria.”

W3C Working Group Note

No nuance here. Going back to our cookie consent interface, this means that the banner (or any other component) alone has the potential to negatively affect the WCAG conformance of an entire web project.

WCAG conformance could be a big legal deal for many websites, whether part of the public sector in the European Union or the United States, as it is considered to fall under non-discrimination or market access laws or overall human rights to access to information. Webpages frequently must adhere to directives and regulations that directly or indirectly refer to WCAG, often its newest version, and conformance to its level AA standards. Therefore, all the following WCAG criteria are viewed through this lens, being fully aware that they are only a mere starting point when it comes to true web accessibility. On top of that, cookie consent interfaces are implemented on every subpage of a website, consequently harming accessibility and conformance throughout an entire website.

So, in order to not let a faulty cookie banner interface drag down your page’s conformance with accessibility laws and, more importantly, not exclude users from accessing and exercising their rights, let’s list what to look for, what to configure, and what to build properly in the first place.

Contrast Errors

This is especially relevant when it comes to important controls such as the setting of cookies or the overall acceptance of the recommended cookie set. It is crucial that form controls and text can be sufficiently perceived. Unsurprisingly, a solid contrast is also important for WCAG in general. Namely, in success criteria 1.4.3 and 1.4.11, both define contrast boundaries.

What To Do

When you are using a ready-made cookie management solution, try to influence the colors (if possible, potentially in your cookie vendor’s settings) and make sure interactive controls have sufficient color contrast.

Additionally, if your website relies on a dedicated contrast mode for WCAG conformance, check whether it extends to (or influences) the cookie management interface. I have seen cases in my accessibility auditor practice where this was not considered, and an inaccessible (often branded) color combination was used in the cookie interface, thinking the contrast mode takes care of every color-related violation. But the contrast setting of the website did not affect the third-party cookie banner due to it being, well, third-party and loaded from external sources or after the contrast mode had done its work, resulting in a “Fail” on WCAG’s contrast-related success criteria.

Pseudo Buttons

Another cookie banner issue can be one thing that is, unfortunately, an error pattern that you can find outside of cookie management: divs or spans with click events posing as links or buttons. These controls may be styled like buttons but lack the semantic information of a button.

On top of that, these controls usually aren’t keyboard focusable. Hence, many serious barriers and WCAG violations are occurring all at once. If we were about to imagine the most “pseudo” button, e.g., a div with a click handler, this would at least violate success criteria 2.1.1 (Keyboard), because it is neither reachable nor “activatable,” and 4.1.2 (Name, Role, Value) because it doesn’t “introduce” itself as a button and lacks a programmatic label.

What To Do

The easiest thing to do, assuming you have built the cookie management interface yourself, is to replace those above-mentioned pseudo buttons with real <button> elements because it provides semantics, focusability, and even keyboard event handlers for free. But even if we don’t talk literally about buttons, the pattern is the same: check your cookie prompt for interactive elements that are built with elements that are only styled to look like “the real thing” but consist of non-semantic divs and spans. This is a red flag for you to implement native interactive elements, like a, button, or input instead.

The situation gets a lot tougher, of course, when these semantic errors are in a third-party script and are, therefore, beyond your direct influence and control. Understandably, we have to leave the engineering side of things and start to dive into politics of some sort. If you work within an organization where the decision of cookie management infrastructure is outside your control, you have to escalate matters to your supervisors and managers (especially, but not only when your web projects have to adhere to accessibility laws).

Three abstract steps have to happen:

  1. Your organization has to become aware of the barrier and potential legal risk — “up” to the powers that have the influence to change technical decisions like these.
  2. As a consequence, the vendor that provided the faulty cookie banner has to be contacted about the issue.
  3. A form of pressure should be applied by your organization — not just for your own sake but also regarding all the other web pages where the faulty cookie banner negatively influences accessibility and conformance.

In a possible fourth step, your company or agency should reflect on its vending process for third-party services and the HTML (and possible barriers) that come with it.

Unlabeled Form Fields

When you think about it, the main user control that one could imagine for cookie management widgets is a form control: You can select which set of cookies you are willing to accept by interacting with checkboxes in a form element. And, of course, it is important that checkbox inputs are built in the correct way.

Alas, that is not always the case. While a checkbox and its label may visually appear adjacent, the checkbox can lack a programmatic label. This adds unnecessary confusion and barriers to the interface and also a failure of success criterion 1.3.1 when you look into the web accessibility standard.

What To Do

The most solid strategy to connect form inputs with their corresponding labels is to:

  1. Use a label element for the label (obviously).
  2. Establish an id on the respective input you want to label.
  3. Add a for attribute, filling it with the control’s id you created in the last step.

This also works for inputs of all types, like textareas and selects. Here’s an example of how a properly labeled checkbox could look:

<input type="checkbox" id="marketing-cookies" />
<label for="marketing-cookies">Accept marketing cookies</label>

If you can’t directly influence the HTML of the cookie banner’s code, the situation is comparable to the situation around pseudo buttons. Make sure that necessary pressure is applied to your cookie service provider to fix the problem. All of their customers will thank you for it, and even more so the people who visit their sites.

Broken Dialog Semantics (Or None At All)

Quite a few cookie banners are actually cookie dialogs, and of the modal kind. Modal, in the context of a dialog, means that such a window blocks everything but itself, leaving only itself accessible. That is, at least, the theory. But quite some cookie management dialogs do “want to be as aggressive,” presenting as a modal part of the interface but have no according semantics and behavior, which would violate WCAG success criterion 4.1.

What To Do

Up until recently, the recommendation was to build a dialog with WAI-ARIA roles and states and implement focus management yourself (or use Kitty Giraudel’s great a11y-dialog) component).

But the situation has (mostly) changed for the better. Lately, the native <dialog> element has matured to the point where it’s being recommended in most contexts as long as it is used reasonably. A great win for accessibility, in my opinion. The past way of building (modal) dialogs had so many moving parts and factors (roles, states, focus behaviors) to think about and implement manually that it was quite difficult to get it right. Now creating a dialog means using an aptly-named HTML element (and initializing it with .showModal() if you think the cookie dialog needs to be interface-blocking).

What I’ve written so far is, of course, also valid when you cannot influence a third party’s code, and what I wrote earlier about comparable situations and potential cookie consent barriers is valid as well. If you detect errors in the third-party script you are implementing (such as no focus trapping, no dialog role, no aria-modal="true" — and if everything else points towards “modalness”), escalate things internally and educate the decision-making powers about web accessibility consequences. Maybe even educate the third-party developers that things concerning modals have gotten a lot better recently.

Cookie Banners Are Hard To Find In The First Place

There are three typical places where you can usually find cookie consent interfaces, at least visually:

  1. As a modal dialog, i.e., in the middle or — more rarely — corners of the viewport;
  2. On top, sometimes in a fixed manner;
  3. At the bottom of the viewport, sometimes also somewhat positioned in a fixed way.

But what matters way more for some people is how easy it is to find, should they go on a hunt for it. A great way of presenting this very problem is a presentation that accessibility specialist Léonie Watson gave some time ago. Léonie is a seasoned screen reader user, and her presentation showcases a bunch of webpages and how the placement and “findability” of cookie banners influence the screen reader experiences, particularly as it is related to privacy. Hampering the ability to find important content in a document can, for example, negatively affect WCAG 1.3.2 (Meaningful Sequence).

What To Do

In Léonie’s presentation, the best practices for cookie notice findability become very clear, especially in the last example:

  • Place the banner preferably at the top of the document.
  • Use a headline in the cookie banner and make it either visible or visually hidden to help screen reader users “get a grasp about the webpage” and allow them to navigate by headings.
  • Build a bridge back to proper dialog semantics by making sure that if a dialog is meant to be the “exclusive” part of the interface, it uses appropriate semantic and state descriptions (see above for details).

When we’re talking about changing third-party code, I reckon you know the drill by now. Try to influence this code indirectly on the “political level” because direct control is not possible.


Hopefully, two things emerged while reading this article:

  1. Awareness of the issue, namely, that an often unloved stepchild interface element has the potential to make it harder for some people to manage their privacy settings and, on top of that, to even pose a legal risk.
  2. A sense of how you can possibly remediate barriers you encounter when working with a cookie management banner. The direct way is described in a certain detail in the details I provided earlier and often has to do with code, styling, or overall education on how to prevent this in the future. The indirect way leads to a path of either setting the consent interface up properly or influencing the inner and outer politics of your vendor scripts. And again, there is the aspect of educating everyone involved. This time, structured information may be aimed at the powers that be in your organization, showing them that their choice of service providers may have unintended consequences.

But regardless of whether you and your team manage to fix accessibility bugs directly or indirectly in your cookie consent interfaces, you can see their ubiquity and component architecture as an advantage. By getting the accessibility right in one place, you influence many other pages (or even foreign websites) for the better.

If you want to extend your horizon regarding the user experience side of cookie banners and learn about how you can actually turn privacy settings into a pleasant and respectful involvement with at least EU laws, please proceed to Vitaly’s smashing read, “Privacy UX: Better Cookie Consent Experiences”.

Further Reading On SmashingMag

The Importance of Color Contrast in Web Design

One of the most important aspects of web design is color contrast, which refers to the difference in brightness and/or color between two elements on a page. In this article, we’ll explore why color contrast is important for accessibility, and provide some code examples to help you improve the color contrast on your own website.

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Why is color contrast important for accessibility?

Color contrast is important for accessibility because it allows users with visual impairments to easily distinguish between different elements on a page. For example, a user with color blindness may have difficulty differentiating between text and background colors that are too similar. Similarly, a user with low vision may struggle to read text that is too small or doesn’t have enough contrast with its background.

To ensure that your website is accessible to all users, it’s important to consider the contrast between all elements on your page, including text, graphics, and backgrounds. The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) provide specific guidelines for color contrast ratios that must be met in order to ensure accessibility for all users.

What are the WCAG color contrast guidelines?

The WCAG provides specific guidelines for color contrast ratios based on the size and weight of the text being displayed. The guidelines are divided into two levels: Level AA and Level AAA. Level AA is the minimum standard for web accessibility, while Level AAA provides a higher level of accessibility for users with more severe visual impairments.

For Level AA compliance, the WCAG requires a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1 for normal text and 3:1 for large text (18pt or 14pt bold). For Level AAA compliance, the contrast ratio must be at least 7:1 for normal text and 4.5:1 for large text.

To calculate the contrast ratio between two colors, you can use a tool such as the Contrast Checker from WebAIM. Simply enter the hex codes for your foreground and background colors, and the tool will calculate the contrast ratio for you.

Code examples for improving color contrast

Here are some code examples to help you improve the color contrast on your own website:

Increase text contrast

To increase the contrast between your text and background, you can adjust the color of your text or background. For example, if you have white text on a light gray background, you could darken the background or lighten the text to improve the contrast.

/* Before */
body {
  background-color: #f2f2f2;
h1 {
  color: #ffffff;

/* After */
body {
  background-color: #d6d6d6;
h1 {
  color: #ffffff;

Add text shadows

Another way to improve text contrast is to add a text shadow. This can help the text stand out from its background, especially if the background is a pattern or image that makes it difficult to read text.

/* Before */
h2 {
  color: #ffffff;
  background-image: url("background.jpg");

/* After */
h2 {
  color: #ffffff;
  text-shadow: 1px 1px #000000;
  background-image: url("background.jpg");

Use a color contrast checker

To ensure that your website meets the WCAG guidelines, you can use a color contrast checker. There are many free online tools available, such as the Contrast Checker from WebAIM or the Contrast Checker from Acart Communications.

/* Before */
body {
  background-color: #ffffff;
  color: #dddddd;

/* After */
body {
  background-color: #ffffff;
  color: #333333;

Avoid color combinations that are difficult to read

Certain color combinations can be difficult to read, especially for users with color vision deficiencies. For example, red and green are often difficult to distinguish for users with protanopia (a type of color blindness). To ensure that your website is accessible to all users, it’s important to avoid using color combinations that may be difficult to read.

/* Before */
a {
  color: #ff0000;
  background-color: #00ff00;

/* After */
a {
  color: #000000;
  background-color: #ffffff;

Provide alternative text for images

Images can also impact color contrast on a page. If an image contains text, it’s important to ensure that the text has enough contrast with its background. Additionally, if an image cannot be displayed for any reason, it’s important to provide alternative text that describes the image.

/* Before */
<img src="image.jpg">

/* After */
<img src="image.jpg" alt="A blue sky with white clouds">


Color contrast is an important aspect of web design that can have a significant impact on the accessibility of your website. By following the WCAG guidelines and implementing some of the code examples provided in this article, you can ensure that your website is accessible to all users, regardless of their visual abilities. Remember that accessibility is not only important for users with disabilities, but it also benefits all users, including those who may be using a mobile device or browsing in a noisy environment. By prioritizing accessibility in your web design, you can create a better experience for all users.

A Step-By-Step Guide To Building Accessible Carousels

You can spot them on every other homepage: carousel widgets with auto-rotating content. Those who use them want to show more content within a limited space. At the same time, they aim to present the most important messages as prominently as possible. However, if design and development do not receive proper attention, you will be at the highest risk of creating usability and accessibility issues.

This particularly affects people with cognitive, motor, or visual impairments, for whom using the complex design pattern is usually even more challenging. Whether you call it an "eye candy" or "devil’s spawn", if you want to implement the carousel in a user-friendly and accessible way, a whole range of requirements is to be considered.

“Should I Use A Carousel?”

As widely used as they are, carousel widgets have a bad reputation among UX professionals. They are ignored by users (Nielsen Norman Group), only 1% interact with a carousel at all, and 89% of them only with the first slide (Eric Runyon). Jared Smith even responds to the question "Should I use A Carousel?" by saying, "Seriously, you really shouldn't." Others state that there isn’t one answer. You have to consider various factors, such as function, design, platform (desktop or mobile) and, most importantly, context. For whatever reason you include a carousel on a website, make sure it is user-friendly and accessible.

Accessible Implementation

For a carousel to be accessible, it is essential that all users can perceive the widget and its components and that they can easily navigate it using a mouse, touch gestures, a keyboard, a screen reader, and any other assistive technology. The rotation of the slides must not interfere with users' ability to operate the carousel or use the website as a whole.

The W3C’s WAI-ARIA working group provides guidance on implementing an accessible carousel in its ARIA Authoring Practices Guide (APG). This article is based on those recommendations and wants to create a profound understanding of elements and ARIA attributes applied and their impact on users.


I assume we have all been there at some point: Constantly changing content can be rather annoying. For some people, however, uncontrolled rotation can be absolutely critical:

  • People need different times to read content.
    If the available time is not enough, auto-advancing carousels can become very frustrating. It’s not very satisfying to just be able to skim the text before new content appears without any request.
  • Some people, especially people with cognitive impairments such as attention deficit disorder, may experience moving content distracting.
    The movement could prevent users from concentrating and interacting with the rest of the website. People within the autistic spectrum may even have to leave such a page entirely.
  • Screen reader users may not be aware of the rotation.
    They might read a heading on "slide 1" and execute the keyboard command for "read next item." Instead of hearing the next element on "slide 1", the screen reader announces a text from "slide 2" — without the person knowing that the element just read out is from an entirely new context.

WCAG 2.1, therefore, requires the possibility to stop movement (2.2.2 Pause, Stop, Hide).

  • Add a "Pause" or "Stop" button if you cannot give up auto-rotation at all.
    The "Pause" button is the minimum solution (if the movement does not end automatically after 5 seconds). In addition, usability experts recommend the following:
  • Pause auto-rotation as long as a slide is being hovered.
    There is usually a correlation between the mouse position and the user’s interest in a piece of content. Don’t risk a slide change a few milliseconds before a person activates a link and then ends up on the wrong page and, to make things worse, not realizing that this was not the intended one.
  • Stop the rotation permanently when users are setting focus on interactive elements using a keyboard or interacting with the carousel.
    An action such as actively changing slides also indicates that the user might be interested in the content. People may temporarily explore other parts of the page but possibly want to come back. Furthermore, you make keyboard navigation easier if the carousel stops as soon as a control receives focus.


For all of us, user interface elements are intuitively easier to use if we can perceive them well. For people with visual impairments, however, this aspect is crucial.

  • Ensure sufficient contrast.
    Most often, icons are used to indicate the controls: simple arrows for advancing the slides as well as the widely used dots for selectively fading in. However, these icons often have poor contrast against the background, especially when placed on images. The easiest way to avoid contrast issues is to position the icons outside the slides.
  • Provide a visible focus indicator.
    People navigating with a keyboard need to be able to see which interactive element they are currently focusing on. Often design merely (if at all) provides a slight and barely discernible change in color of the controls. If color is the only way to indicate focus, both colors (the one used for non-focused and focused state) must meet at least a contrast ratio of 3.0:1 with each other. This minimum contrast requirement also applies to the icon against its background and to other kinds of focus indicators (e.g., a border that indicates the focus state of a button).
  • The size of the controls affects their visibility as well.
    Besides, with a reasonable target size combined with sufficient distance between interactive elements, you reduce the risk of accidentally activating a nearby button or a linked slide. This not only benefits people with limited dexterity but also minimizes errors when using mobile devices.
  • Indicate the current position within the set of slides.
    It is not the only option, but often this is done by highlighting one of several progress dots. To ensure that people with color deficiencies can access visual information, you must not rely on color alone but use a color-independent indicator, for example, a filled and unfilled dot.

Activation With A Simple Pointer Input

Many people are used to moving slides on touch devices by swiping. But there are also users who cannot perform this gesture because of their impairment or because of the assistive technology they use. In addition to swiping, enable users with an alternative way of navigating (WCAG 2.5.1 Pointer Gestures).

Provide interaction with a simple pointer input (e.g., simple click or tap). That means if there are no slide picker controls to display content directly, you need to implement "Previous" and "Next" buttons.

Structure, Semantics And Labelling

The carousel widget is designed primarily for two-dimensional, visual use. For screen reader users who do not see the carousel as a whole, it is much harder to understand the composition of controls and content. These users have different perspectives when using a website. They explore content linearly, tab through interactive elements, and use shortcuts for navigation. The challenge is to provide a meaningful structure and semantics and inform users about controls and slides in a way that enables them to build a mental model of the widget. Use semantic markup for different sections, controls, and content and proper labeling to ensure good orientation.

Regions And Groups

Using the HTML element <section> (or role="region") with an accessible name, you can set a generic landmark and thus mark smaller regions of a page. Landmarks provide a way to identify the structure of a web page to screen reader users and help them with orientation. Using a screen reader, you can display these sections in a table of contents and use specific keyboard shortcuts for landmarks to move focus to the corresponding content.

When navigating to the landmark, the assistive technology announces the name and type of the section, for example: "[name] — region". In browse mode (exploring content with arrow keys), the screen reader tells users when they enter or exit a region. They will hear something like "[name] — region" or "out of region". (This output in browse mode is currently well-supported by the screen reader NVDA, but unfortunately, with JAWS, users have to set screen reader settings accordingly.)

role="group" is intended to form a logical set of items as a group. Since it is not a landmark, the group is not included in a landmark listing displayed by the user. For that reason, use this role in contrast to role="region" for less important sections of a page. You could use role="group", for example, to group (custom) form controls (compare <fieldset> and <legend> in HTML) but it is not limited to this.

With role="group", it is also necessary to use the role with an accessible name. The screen reader will convey the boundaries of the group by announcing something like "[name] — grouping" or "out of grouping," and the assistive technology will inform users about the start and end of the group (in this case also JAWS in the default setting).

The following applies to role="region" and role="group": When the first interactive element within the region or group receives focus, the screen reader will announce its name and role, plus the role and label of the focused control.

The Carousel Container

Currently, there is no specific HTML element or ARIA role to mark up a carousel. However, you can still convey semantic information to make the existence of the carousel, its sections, and the meaning of the controls clear and understandable to non-visual users. That will help them better adapt to the widget and its interaction patterns.

role="region|group" + accessible name

An easy way to make non-visual users aware of the carousel is to use a landmark or a group role: To get there, use the <section> element (or role="region") or role="group" for the container that encompasses all the carousel elements (including the carousel controls and slides). In addition, provide an accessible name that identifies the carousel as such.

Carousel container marked with a landmark:

<div role="region" aria-label="Carousel">
    <!-- Slides and controls -->

Screen reader output when encountering the widget: „Carousel — region“

The W3C Authoring Practices go beyond this basic markup and recommend using the aria-roledescription attribute:

role="region|group" + aria-roledescription + accessible name

With aria-roledescription, you create an even more specific output for screen reader users. You thus define the meaning of the container more precisely.

Code sample (HTML): Carousel container marked with a landmark with a specified meaning

<div role="region" aria-roledescription="carousel" aria-label="Design patterns">
    <!-- Slides and controls -->

Screen reader output: "Design patterns — carousel" instead of (without using aria-roledescription) "Design patterns — region." In the previous example, we have seen a more generic accessible name ("Carousel"). With role="region", this has resulted in the output: "Carousel — region".

aria-roledescription changes the way a screen reader announces the role of an element. This allows authors to define a localized and human-readable description for a role. The screen reader announces the value of aria-roledescription (a string provided by the author) instead of the original role. It overrides the role to which the attribute is applied. aria-roledescription should only be used on elements that have a valid implicit or explicit (ARIA) role.

Back to our carousel, this means instead of region or grouping (you can also use role="group" instead of role="region"), the value of aria-roledescription is read out by the assistive technology. Note: If the aria-roledescription property is set to "carousel", you should not set the aria-label property to "carousel" because this would be redundant.

The ARIA specification recommends the attribute mainly for clarifying the purpose of non-interactive container roles such as group or region. Otherwise, use it with great caution:

“Do not use aria-roledescription to change the way a role is announced, if it will prevent the user from knowing what to do with it.”

Léonie Watson

The Slide Container

Just as you communicate the boundaries of the carousel as a whole, you can do the same for the slides. Each slide represents simply a smaller entity within the "carousel" composite.

role="group" + aria-roledescription + accessible name

Container for slides marked as "group" with a specified meaning:

<div role="group" aria-roledescription="slide" aria-labelledby="carousel_item-1_heading">
  <h2 id="carousel_item-1_heading">Modal dialogs</h2>
  <!-- Some more content -->

Screen reader output: „Slide — heading level 2 — Modal dialogs“

In this example, the heading of the slide serves as the accessible name of the group. The aria-labelledby property is set to the id of the heading. You could also use the aria-label attribute to convey the position within the set of slides, for example, "1 of 3". In particular, that makes sense if no unique name is available to identify the slide.

Again, if you set aria-roledescription to "slide", the aria-label property should not be set to "slide" to avoid redundancy.

The Slides

Slides that are not visible should be hidden, not only visually but from all users (including users of assistive technology). You can either use CSS (display: none or visibility: hidden) or the HTML hidden attribute.

If you truly hide the slides that are not visible, you should not use list markup for the whole set of slides. Screen readers do announce the number of list items (which may seem helpful) but will ignore hidden ones. Concerning the carousel, list markup would not result in an output of the total number of list items but just the visible ones. If only one slide is visible, that wouldn’t be very helpful.

The Container For The Controls

What about the container for the controls? It also encompasses a set of items. Because of this, it is reasonable to apply role="group" to it. And again, the group needs an appropriate group name.

role="group" + accessible name

Container for controls marked as "group" with a specified meaning:

<div role="group" aria-label="Slide controls">
    <!-- Slide controls -->

Screen reader output: „Slide controls — grouping“

In this context, the accessible name (the group name) reflects the purpose of the controls, for example, "Slide controls" or "Choose a slide".

The ARIA Authoring Practices refer to this implementation as a "grouped carousel". Another approach is described as "tabbed carousel". Following the "tabbed" pattern, you would use role="tablist", role="tab" for the controls and role="tabpanel" (instead of role="group") for the slide container. Don’t use aria-roledescription in this case. The appropriate ARIA properties are specified in the tab pattern.

The Controls

Slide picker controls allow users to display a specific slide. They visually present the total number of slides and indicate the current position within the set. It is rather popular to use "dots" for that purpose.

Operable Keyboard Controls

All controls must be operable with the keyboard. Use the native button element for controls of the grouped carousel. That involves the "Previous" and "Next" buttons, the "Pause" button, and the slide picker controls.

If you cannot use native HTML, add semantic information by applying an explicit ARIA role (role="button") to the clickable div or span element. Use tabindex="0" to include the element in the tab sequence. Furthermore, you need to incorporate JavaScript that provides interactions expected for a button (activation with Space and Enter ). Be aware that ARIA roles do not cause browsers to provide keyboard behaviors.

Grouped controls

<div role="group" aria-label="Slide controls">
  <button aria-label="Show slide 1 of 4"> 
      <!-- SVG icon -->
  <!-- Some more controls -->

Screen reader output: „Slide controls — grouping — Show slide 1 of 4 — button“

The Accessible Name Of The Controls

Choose an appropriate accessible name (text alternative) in context with the group name. Regarding the above example, the screen reader would announce: "Slide controls — grouping — Show slide 1 of 4" — button" when focusing on the first control in the group (or "Slide controls — grouping — Pause — button" if the first control is a "Pause" button).

Assuming the group name is "Choose a slide," then the heading of the corresponding slide would also be a reasonable label for the button in this context. Instead of using the aria-label attribute, you could also specify the label using visually hidden text.

Along with the group name and the slide picker elements, the "Previous," "Next," and "Pause" buttons need an accessible name. That means do not forget about the text alternatives for these icons either.

Semantic Markup Of The Active Control

Do not just indicate visually but also semantically which control does represent the currently displayed slide. You can use aria-disabled="true" for this purpose. In this case, aria-disabled is preferable to the HTML attribute disabled. Unlike disabled, a button with an aria-disabled attribute is still included in the tab sequence of the page. You may also use the aria-current property set to "true".

Focus Order

For a webpage to be accessible using a keyboard or assistive technology, it is important to ensure a proper focus order. That is the order in which you tab through interactive elements. An appropriate order generally means that it follows the visual flow of the page. Users can navigate in a logical and predictable way without loss of orientation.

By default, the tab order is set by order of the elements in the source code (more precisely, in the DOM). That means that the order in which you write the HTML will affect the focus order when navigating with the keyboard. The DOM order also affects the reading order, that is, the order in which screen reader users in browse mode linearly explore content using the arrow keys (non-interactive content included).

The DOM and, with it, the focus sequence should match as closely as possible to the visual order of the page. In this way, sighted keyboard users can easily follow the sequence.

Content changes that precede the current focus cause issues with sequential navigation since screen reader users will not know about such changes (apart from dynamically displayed status messages implemented using live regions). Users need to navigate backwards to reach those interactive elements, which makes navigation more difficult.

A Proper And Understandable Focus Order For A Carousel

Many carousel implementations are intended to visually display the controls below the slides:

  1. Previous
  2. Slide
  3. Next
  4. Pause
  5. Slide Controls

If this order matches the order of the elements in the DOM, both the activation of "Next" and the activation of the slide controls will cause a content change (display of a new slide) before the triggering control. That is, users need to navigate backwards if they want to explore the content of the slide with the screen reader or follow a link on the slide.

DOM Order

The focus order is easier to use, and the reading order is more meaningful if the controls (at least the "Pause" button and the slide controls) are positioned in the DOM before the changing slides. If you still want the controls to be visually positioned below the carousel, use CSS for this purpose. When in doubt, a good focus and reading order for the carousel is more important than the optimal conformity with the visual order:

  1. Pause
  2. Slide controls
  3. Previous
  4. Slide
  5. Next


  1. Pause
  2. Slide controls
  3. Previous
  4. Next
  5. Slide

Notice that people working with magnification software will locate the "Pause" button more quickly if it is also visually positioned at the beginning of the carousel. They do not see the carousel as one (depending on the magnification level) but might explore the content by moving the keyboard focus or the mouse pointer, which results in repositioning their viewport.

Pause And Previous/Next Buttons

When activating the Pause / Play and Previous / Next control, the focus has to remain on the button. That allows sighted keyboard users to repeatedly press the button and perceive the changing content at the same time.

The Keyboard Navigation For "Tabbed Carousels"

If you prefer following the "tabbed carousel" pattern, allow users to navigate with arrow keys within the set of controls. In addition, ARIA markup must correspond to the tab pattern (unlike the "grouped carousel") to make screen reader users understand the expected operation based on the information announced by the screen reader.

Working Example

Complete carousel widget:

<div role="region" aria-roledescription="carousel" aria-label="Tips & Techniques">
  <div role="group" aria-label="Slide controls">
    <button aria-label="Stop auto-rotation">
      <!-- SVG icon -->
    <button aria-disabled="true">
      <span class="hide-element">Show slide 1 of 3: Hiding Accessibly</span>
      <!-- SVG icon -->
    <button aria-disabled="false">
      <span class="hide-element">Show slide 2 von 3: Accessible Contrasts</span>
      <!-- SVG icon -->
    <button aria-disabled="false">
      <span class="hide-element">Show slide 3 von 3: Semantics, WAI-ARIA and Assistive Technologies</span>
      <!-- SVG icon -->
    <button aria-label="Previous slide">
      <!-- SVG icon -->
    <button aria-label="Next slide">
      <!-- SVG icon -->
  <div role="group" aria-roledescription="Slide" aria-labelledby="carousel-item-1__heading" id="carousel-item-1">
    <h2 id="carousel-item-1__heading">Hiding accessibly</h2>
    <!-- Further slide contents -->
  <div hidden role="group" aria-roledescription="Slide" aria-labelledby="carousel-item-2__heading" id="carousel-item-2">
    <h2 id="carousel-item-2__heading">Accessible Contrasts</h2>
    <!-- Further slide contents -->
  <div hidden role="group" aria-roledescription="Slide" aria-labelledby="carousel-item-3__heading" id="carousel-item-3">
    <h2 id="carousel-item-3__heading">Semantics, WAI-ARIA and Assistive Technologies</h2>
    <!-- Further slide contents -->
Wrapping Up
  1. Add a button to pause or stop all movement.
  2. Ensure that controls have sufficient contrast (meet WCAG’s color contrast requirements).
  3. Provide a visible focus indicator.
  4. Don’t rely solely on swiping. In addition, provide interaction with a simple pointer input (e.g., simple click or tap).
  5. Provide semantic markup and labeling to ensure that screen readers can identify the carousel as a whole, the slides, and the set of controls. For the "grouped carousel", use role="group" with an aria-label or aria-labelledby attribute. For the carousel container, you can also use a landmark (role="region" with an accessible name) instead of role="group".
  6. The aria-roledescription attribute allows you to specify the meaning of the container tagged with role="region" or role="group".
  7. If you go for the "tabbed carousel", use the ARIA attributes specified in the tab pattern. Ensure keyboard navigation within the set of "tabs" can be operated with the arrow keys.
  8. All controls must be keyboard operable and require meaningful text alternatives for icons.
  9. Ensure a proper focus order. It is recommended to position at least "Pause" and slide controls in the DOM before the slides, even if this order may differ slightly from the visual tab order.

This article describes one way of implementing carousel widgets in an accessible way. Even W3C working groups provide different approaches in the ARIA Authoring Practices Guide (APG) and the W3C Accessibility Tutorial (see also a discussion on GitHub and the comment by Jason Web regarding user testing of "tabbed carousels" and focus management). The important thing is:

  • Be familiar with semantic markup options and their impact on users.
  • The objective is to provide a predictable and understandable way of operating the widget, also for non-visual users.
  • Test with a keyboard and a screen reader. This will show most clearly whether you have met your goal or not.
  • If you do not have the resources to implement a carousel in an accessible way or if it is just the wrong pattern, better explore alternatives, and you might notice the benefits they entail.
“Carousels are complex components, and making complex components accessible adds more complexity.”

Léonie Watson

Note: This article was first published in German on in April 2022.

Useful Resources

A Guide To Keyboard Accessibility: JavaScript (Part 2)

In the previous article, we talked about how to improve accessibility for keyboard users using HTML and CSS. Those languages can do the job most of the time, but certain design requirements and the nature of certain components create the need for more complex interactions, and this is where JavaScript comes into play.

For keyboard accessibility purposes, most of the job is done with basic tools that open many possibilities for keyboard interactivity. This article covers a toolset that you can mix into different components to improve accessibility for keyboard users.

The Basics

Most of the time, your job with JavaScript to enhance components’ keyboard accessibility will be done with just a handful of tools, including the use of event listeners and certain JavaScript methods of a couple of Web APIs that can help us in this task.

One of the most important tools we have to add interactivity to our projects is the existence of events, which is the execution of functions that trigger when the element you’re checking receives a change.

keydown Event

One example of an event you can listen to with this Web API is the keydown event, which checks when a key is pressed.

Now, this isn’t used to add keyboard accessibility to elements like buttons or links because, by default, when you add a click event listener to them, this will also trigger the event when you use the Enter (for button and links) and Space keys (button only). Instead, the utility of the keydown event comes when you need to add functionality to other keys.

To add an example, let’s come back to the tooltip we created in the first part of this article. I mentioned that this tooltip needs to be closed when you press the Esc key. We’d need a keydown event listener to check if the pressed key is Esc. For that, we need to detect the event’s pressed key. In this case, we’ll check the event key’s property.

We’ll use to check the event dump for this key. If you press the Esc key on this page, you’ll notice that e.key is equal to "Escape".

Note: There are two other ways to detect the pressed key, and those are checking e.keyCode and e.which. They will return a number. In the case of the Esc key, it’ll be 27. But, keep in mind those are deprecated alternatives, and while they work, e.key is the preferred option.

With that, we need to select our buttons and add the event listener. My approach to this matter is to use this event listener to add a class to the button and add this class as an exception to show it using the :not() pseudo-class. Let’s start changing our CSS a bit:

button:not(.hide-tooltip):hover + [role="tooltip"],
button:not(.hide-tooltip):focus + [role="tooltip"],
[role="tooltip"]:hover {
  display: block;

Now, with this exception added, let’s create our event listener!

const buttons = [...document.querySelectorAll("button")]

buttons.forEach(element => {
  element.addEventListener("keydown", (e) => {
    if (e.key === "Escape") {

And there you have it! With just a sprinkle of JavaScript, we have added an accessibility function to our tooltip. And that was just the start of what we can do with a keydown event listener. It’ll be a crucial tool to improve keyboard accessibility for multiple components, but there is another event listener we should take into consideration.

blur Event

There is another event we’ll use often. This one detects when the element stops receiving focus. This event listener is important, and most of the time, you’ll use it to reverse the possible changes you have made with the keydown event listener.

Let’s come back to the tooltip. Right now, it has a problem: if you press the Esc key to close the tooltip, and then you focus on the same element again, the tooltip won’t appear. Why? Because we added the hide-tooltip class when you press the Esc key, but we never removed this class. This is where blur comes into play. Let’s add an event listener to revert this functionality.

element.addEventListener("blur", (e) => {
  if (element.classList.contains("hide-tooltip")) {

Other Event Listeners (And Why You Might Don’t Need Them)

I mentioned that we’re going to need two event listeners in our toolkit, but there are other event listeners you could use, like focusout or focus. However, I think use cases for them are quite scarce. There is a special mention to focus because even if you can find good use cases for it, you need to be very careful. After all, if you don’t use it properly, you can cause a change of context.

A change of context is defined by WCAG as “major changes that, if made without user awareness, can disorient users who are not able to view the entire page simultaneously.” Some examples of change of context include:

  • Opening a new window;
  • Changing the layout of your site significantly;
  • Moving the focus to another part of the site.

This is important to keep in mind because creating a change of context at the moment of focusing on an element is a failure of WCAG criteria 3.2.1:

When any user interface component receives focus, it does not initiate a change of context.

— Success Criterion 3.2.1: Focus order

If you’re not careful, bad use of a function that listens to the focus event can create a change of context. Does that mean you shouldn’t use it? Not really, but to be honest, I can hardly find a use for this event. Most of the time, you’ll be using the :focus pseudo-class to create similar functionalities.

With that said, there is at least one component pattern that can benefit from this event listener in some cases, but I’ll cover it later when I start talking about components, so let’s put a pin on that topic for now.

focus() Method

Now, this is something we’ll be using with some frequency! This method from the HTMLElement API allows us to bring the keyboard focus to a particular element. By default, it’ll draw the focus indicator in the element and will scroll the page to the element’s location. This behavior can be changed with a couple of parameters:

  • preventScroll
    When it’s set to true, will make the browser doesn’t scroll until the programmatically focused element.
  • focusVisible
    When set to false, it will make the programmatically focused element doesn’t display its focus indicator. This property works only on Firefox right now.

Keep in mind that to focus the element, it needs to be either focusable or tabbable. If you need to bring the focus to a normally not tabbable element (like a dialog window), you’ll need to add the attribute tabindex with a negative integer to make it focusable. You can check out how tabindex works in the first part of this guide.

<button id="openModal">Bring focus</button>
<div id="modal" role="dialog" tabindex="-1">
  <h2>Modal content</h2>

Then we’ll add a click event listener to the button to make the dialog window focused:

const button = document.querySelector("#openModal");
const modal = document.querySelector("#modal")

button.addEventListener("click", () => {

And there you have it! This method will be very handy in a lot of components in tandem with the keydown attribute, so understanding how both of them work is crucial.

Changing HTML Attributes With JavaScript

Certain HTML attributes need to be modified with JavaScript to create accessibility in complex component patterns. Two of the most important ones for keyboard accessibility are tabindex and the more recently added inert. tabindex can be modified using setAttribute. This attribute requires two parameters:

  • name
    It checks the name of the attribute you want to modify.
  • value
    It will add the string this attribute requires if it doesn’t require a particular attribute (for example, if you add the attributes hidden or contenteditable, you’ll need to use an empty string).

Let’s check a quick example of how to use it:

const button = document.querySelector("button")

button.setAttribute("tabindex", "-1")

setAttribute will help a lot for accessibility in general. (I use it a lot to change ARIA attributes when needed!) But, when we talk about keyboard accessibility, tabindex is almost the only attribute you’ll be modifying with this method.

I mentioned the inert attribute before, and this one works a bit differently because it has its own property in the HTMLElement Web API. HTMLElement.inert is a boolean value that will let us toggle the inert attribute.

Keep in mind a couple of things before thinking about using this attribute:

  • You’ll need a polyfill because it’s not fully implemented in all browsers and is still quite recent. This polyfill created by Chrome engineers works pretty well in the tests I have made, so if you need this property, this is a safe approach, but keep in mind that it might have unexpected behaviors.
  • You can use setAttribute to change this attribute as well! Both work equally well, even with a polyfill. Whichever you decide to use is up to you.
const button = document.querySelector("button")

// Syntax with HTMLElement.inert
button.inert = true

// Syntax with Element.setAttribute()
button.setAttribute("inert", "")

This combination of tools will be handy for keyboard accessibility purposes. Now let’s start to see them in action!

Component Patterns


We learned how to make a tooltip in the previous part, and I mentioned how to enhance it with JavaScript, but there is another pattern for this kind of component called toggletip, which is a tooltip that works when you click them, instead of hovering on them.

Let’s check a quick list of what we need to make sure it happens:

  • When you press the button, the information should be announced to screen readers. That should happen when you press the button again. Pressing the button won’t close the toggletip.
  • The toggletip will be closed when you either click outside the toggletip, stop focusing the button, or press the Esc key.

I’ll take Heydon Pickering’s approach that he talks about in his book Inclusive Components. So, let’s start with the markup:

<p>If you need to check more information, check here
  <span class="toggletip-container">
    <button class="toggletip-button">
      <span class="toggletip-icon" aria-hidden="true">?</span>
      <div class="sr-only">Más información</div>
    <span role="status" class="toggletip-info"></span>

The idea is to inject the necessary HTML inside the element with the role="status". That’ll make screen readers announce the content when you click it. We’re using a button element to make it tabbable. Now, let’s create the script to show the content!

toggletipButton.addEventListener("click", () => {
  toggletipInfo.innerHTML = "";
  setTimeout(() => {
    toggletipInfo.innerHTML = toggletipContent;
  }, 100);

As Heydon mentions in his book, we use this approach of first removing the container’s HTML content and then using setTimeout to add it to make sure every time you click it, it’ll be announced for screen reader users. Now we need to check that when you’re clicking elsewhere, the content stops showing.

document.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
  if (toggletipContainer !== {
    toggletipInfo.innerHTML = ""

With that out of the way, it’s time to add keyboard accessibility to this component. We don’t need to make the toggletip’s content show when you press the button because a good HTML semantic does that for us already. We need to make the toggletip’s content stop showing when you press the Esc key and when you stop focusing on this button. It works very similarly to what we did for tooltips in the previous section as examples, so let’s start working with that. First, we’ll use the keydown event listener to check when the Esc key is pressed:

toggletipContainer.addEventListener("keydown", (e) => {
  if (e.key === "Escape") {
    toggletipInfo.innerHTML = ""

And now, we need to check the blur event to do the same. This one should be on the button element instead of the container itself.

toggletipButton.addEventListener("blur", () => {
  toggletipInfo.innerHTML = "";

And this is our result!

Roving tabindex

Tabbed interfaces are patterns that you can still see from time to time. They have a very interesting functionality when we talk about keyboard navigation: when you press the Tab key, it’ll go to the active tab panel. To navigate between the tab list, you’ll need to use the Arrow keys. This is a technique called roving tabindex that consists in removing the ability of the non-active elements to be tababble by adding the attribute tabindex="-1" and then using other keys to allow the navigation between those items.

With tabs, this is the expected behavior for those:

  • When you press Left or Up keys, it’ll move the keyboard focus onto the previous tab. If the focus is on the first tab, it’ll move the focus to the last tab.
  • When you press the Right or Down keys, it’ll move the keyboard focus onto the next tab. If the focus is on the first tab, it’ll move the focus to the last tab.

Creating this functionality is a mix of three techniques we saw before: modifying tabindex with setAttribute, the keydown event listener, and the focus() method. Let’s start by checking the markup of this component:

<ul role="tablist">
  <li role="presentation">
    <button id="tab1" role="tab" aria-selected="true">Tomato</button>
  <li role="presentation">
    <button id="tab2" role="tab" tabindex="-1">Onion</button>
  <li role="presentation">
    <button id="tab3" role="tab" tabindex="-1">Celery</button>
  <li role="presentation">
    <button id="tab4" role="tab" tabindex="-1">Carrot</button>
<div class="tablist-container">
  <section role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="tab1" tabindex="0">
  <section role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="tab2" tabindex="0" hidden>
  <section role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="tab3" tabindex="0" hidden>
  <section role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="tab4" tabindex="0" hidden>

We are using aria-selected="true" to show which is the active tab, and we’re adding tabindex="-1" to make the non-active tabs unable to be selected with the Tab key. Tabpanels should be tabbable if there is no tabbable element inside of it, so this is why I added the attribute tabindex="0" and the non-active tabpanels are hidden by using the attribute hidden.

Time to add the navigation with the arrow keys. For this, we’ll need to create an array with the tabs and then create a function for it. Our next step is to check which is the first and last tab in the list. This is important because the action that will happen when you press a key will change if the keyboard focus is on one of those elements.

const TABS = [...TABLIST.querySelectorAll("[role='tab']")];

const createKeyboardNavigation = () => {
  const firstTab = TABS[0];
  const lastTab = TABS[TABS.length - 1];

After that, we’ll add a keydown event listener to each tab. I’ll start by adding the functionality with Left and Up arrows.

// Previous code of the createKeyboardNavigation function
TABS.forEach((element) => {
  element.addEventListener("keydown", function (e) {
    if (e.key === "ArrowUp" || e.key === "ArrowLeft") {
      if (element === firstTab) {
      } else {
        const focusableElement = TABS.indexOf(element) - 1;

This is what’s happening here:

  • First, we check that the pressed key is the Up or Left arrow. For that, we check the event.key.
  • If that’s true, we need to prevent those keys scroll the page because, remember, by default, they do that. We can use e.preventDefault() for this goal.
  • If the focused key is the first tab, it’ll automatically bring the keyboard focus to the last one. This is made by calling the method focus() to focus the last tab (which we store in a variable).
  • If it’s not the case, we need to check which is the position of the active tab. As we store the tab elements in an array, we can use the method indexOf() to check the position.
  • As we’re trying to navigate to the previous tab, we can subtract 1 from the result of indexOf() and then search the corresponding element in the TABS array and programmatically focus it with the focus() method.

Now we need to do a very similar process with the Down and Right keys:

// Previous code of the createKeyboardNavigation function
else if (e.key === "ArrowDown" || e.key === "ArrowRight") {
  if (element == lastTab) {
  } else {
    const focusableElement = TABS.indexOf(element) + 1;

As I mentioned, it’s a very similar process. Instead of subtracting one from the indexOf() result, we add 1 because we want to bring the keyboard focus to the next element.

Showing The Content And Changing HTML Attributes

We created the navigation, and now we need to show and hide the content as well as manipulate the attributes aria-selected and tabindex. Remember, we need to make that when the keyboard focus is on the active panel, and you press Shift + Tab, the focus should be in the active tab.

First, let’s create the function that shows the panel.

const showActivePanel = (element) => {
  const selectedId =;
  TABPANELS.forEach((e) => {
    e.hidden = "true";
  const activePanel = document.querySelector(
    const showActivePanel = (element) => {
      const selectedId =;
      TABPANELS.forEach((e) => {
        e.hidden = "true";
      const activePanel = document.querySelector(

What we’re doing here is checking the id of the tab is being pressed, then hiding all the tab panels, and then looking for the tab panel we want to activate. We’ll know it’s the tab because it has the attribute aria-labelledby and uses the same value as the tab’s id. Then we show it by removing the attribute hidden.

Now we need to create a function to change the attributes:

const handleSelectedTab = (element) => {
  const selectedId =;
  TABS.forEach((e) => {
    const id = e.getAttribute("id");
    if (id === selectedId) {
      e.removeAttribute("tabindex", "0");
      e.setAttribute("aria-selected", "true");
    } else {
      e.setAttribute("tabindex", "-1");
      e.setAttribute("aria-selected", "false");

What we’re doing here is, again, checking the id attribute and then looking at each tab. We’ll check if this tab’s id corresponds with the pressed element’s id.

If it’s the case, we’ll make it keyboard tabbable by either removing the attribute tabindex (because it’s a button, so it’s keyboard tabbable by default) or by adding the attribute tabindex="0". Additionally, we’ll add an indicator to screen reader users that this is the active tab by adding the attribute aria-selected="true".

If it doesn’t correspond, tabindex and aria-selected will be set to -1 and false, respectively.

Now, all we need to do is add a click event listener to each tab to handle both functions.

TABS.forEach((element) => {
  element.addEventListener("click", (element) => {

And that’s it! We created the functionality to make tabs work, but we can do a little something else if needed.

Activate Tab On Focus

Do you remember what I mentioned about the focus event listener? You should be careful when you use it because it can create a change of context by accident, but it has some use, and this component is a perfect opportunity to use it!

According to ARIA Authoring Practices Guide (APG), we can make the displayed content show when you focus on the tab. This concept is often referred to as a follow focus and can be helpful for keyboard and screen reader users because it allows navigating more easily through the content.

However, you need to keep a couple of considerations about it:

  • If showing the content means making a lot of petitions and, by extension, making the network slower, making the displayed content follow the focus is not desired.
  • If it changes the layout in a significant way, that can be considered a change of context. That depends on the kind of content you want to show, and doing a change of context on focus is an accessibility issue, as I explained previously.

In this case, the amount of content doesn’t suppose a big change in either network or layout, so I’ll make the displayed content follows the focus of the tabs. This is a very simple task with the focus event listener. We can just literally copy and paste the event listener we created and just change click to focus.

TABS.forEach((element) => {
  element.addEventListener("click", (element) => {

  element.addEventListener("focus", (element) => {

And there you have it! Now the displayed content will work without the need to click the tab. Doing that or making it only work with a click is up to you and is surprisingly a very nuanced question. Personally, I’d stick just with making it shows when you press the tab because I think the experience of changing the attribute aria-selected by just focusing on the element can be slightly confusing. Still, it’s just a hypothesis on my part so take what I say with a grain of salt and always check it with users.

Additional keydown Event Listeners

Let’s come back to the createKeyboardNavigation for a moment. There are a couple of keys we can add. We can make the Home and End key brings the keyboard focus to the first and last tab, respectively. This is completely optional, so it’s ok if you don’t do it, but just to reiterate how a keydown event listener helps out, I’ll do that.

It’s a very easy task. We can create another couple of if statements to check if the Home and End keys are being pressed, and because we have stored the first and last tabs in variables, we can you focus them with the focus() method.

// Previous code of the createKeyboardNavigation function
else if (e.key === "Home") {
} else if (e.key === "End") {

And this is our result!

Opening And Closing The Modal

Modals are quite a complex pattern when we talk about keyboard accessibility, so let’s start with an easy task — opening and closing the modal.

It is indeed easy, but you need to keep something in mind: it’s very likely the button opens the modal, and the modal is far away in the DOM. So you need to manage the focus programmatically when you manage this component. There is a little catch here: you need to store which element opened the modal so we can return the keyboard focus returns to this element at the moment we close it.

Luckily, there is an easy way to do that, but let’s start by creating the markup of our site:

    <!-- Header's content -->
    <!-- Main's content -->
    <button id="openModal">Open modal</button>
    <!-- Footer's content -->
  <div role="dialog"
    <div class="dialog__overlay"></div>
    <div class="dialog__content">
      <h2 id="modal-title">Modal content</h2>
        <li><a href="#">Modal link 1</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Modal link 2</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Modal link 3</a></li>
      <button id="closeModal">Close modal</button>

As I mentioned, the modal and the button are far away from each other in the DOM. This will make it easier to create a focus trap later, but for now, let’s check the modal’s semantics:

  • role="dialog" will give the element the required semantics for screen readers. It needs to have a label to be recognized as a dialog window, so we’ll use the modal’s title as the label using the attribute aria-labelledby.
  • aria-modal="true" helps to make a screen reader user can only read the content of the element’s children, so it blocks access from screen readers. However, as you can see on the aria-modal page for, it’s not fully supported, so you can’t rely just on that for this task. It’ll be useful for screen readers who support it, but you’ll see there is another way to ensure screen reader users don’t interact with anything besides the modal once it’s opened.
  • As I mentioned, we need to bring the keyboard focus to our modal, so this is why we added the attribute tabindex="-1".

With that in mind, we need to create the function to open our modal. We need to check which was the element that opened it, and for that, we can use the property document.activeElement to check which element is being keyboard-focused right now and store it in a variable. This is my approach for this task:

let focusedElementBeforeModal

const modal = document.querySelector("[role='dialog']");
const modalOpenButton = document.querySelector("#openModal")
const modalCloseButton = document.querySelector("#closeModal")

const openModal = () => {
  focusedElementBeforeModal = document.activeElement

  modal.hidden = false;

It’s very simple:

  1. We store the button that opened the modal;
  2. Then we show it by removing the attribute hidden;
  3. Then we bring the focus to the modal with the focus() method.

It’s essential that you store the button before bringing the focus to the modal. Otherwise, the element that would be stored in this case would be the modal itself, and you don’t want that.

Now, we need to create the function to close the modal:

const closeModal = () => {
  modal.hidden = true;

This is why it’s important to store the proper element. When we close the modal, we’ll bring back the keyboard focus to the element that opened it. With those functions created, all we have to do is add the event listeners for those functions! Remember that we also need to make the modal closes when you press the Esc key.

modalOpenButton.addEventListener("click", () => openModal())
modalCloseButton.addEventListener("click", () => closeModal())
modal.addEventListener("keydown", (e) => {
  if (e.key === "Escape") {

Right now, it looks very simple. But if that were all, modals wouldn’t be considered a complex pattern for accessibility, were they? This is where we need to create a very key task for this component, and we have two ways to do it.

Creating A Focus Trap

A focus trap ensures the keyboard focus can’t escape from the component. This is crucial because if a keyboard user can interact with anything outside a modal once it’s opened, it can create a very confusing experience. We have two ways to do that right now.

One of them is checking each element that can be tabbable with a keyboard, then storing which are the first and the last, and doing this:

  • When the user presses Shift + Tab and the keyboard focus is on the first tabbable element (remember, you can check that with document.activeElement), the focus will go to the last tabbable element.
  • When the user presses Tab, and the keyboard focus is on the last tabbable element, the keyboard focus should go to the first tabbable element.

Normally, I’d show you how to make this code, but I think A11y solutions made a very good script to create a focus trap. It sort of works as the keyboard navigation with the arrow keys we created for tab elements (as I mentioned before, patterns repeat themselves!), so I invite you to check this page.

I don’t want to use this approach as the main solution because it’s not exactly flawless. Those are some situations this approach doesn’t cover.

The first one is that it doesn’t take into account screen readers, especially mobile screen readers. As Rahul Kumar mentions in his article “Focus Trapping for Accessibility (A11Y)”, Talkback and Voiceover allow the user of gestures and double taps to navigate to the next or previous focusable element, and those gestures can’t be detected with an event listener because those gestures are something that technically speaking doesn’t happen in the browser. There is a solution for that, but I’ll put a pin on that topic for a moment.

The other concern is that this focus trap approach can lead to weird behaviors if you use certain combinations of tabbable elements. Take, for example, this modal:

Technically speaking, the first tabbable element is the first input. However, all the inputs in this example should focus on the last tabbable element (in this case, the button element) when the user presses the keys Shift + Tab. Otherwise, it could cause a weird behavior if the user presses those keys when the keyboard focus is on the second or third input.

If we want to create a more reliable solution, the best approach is using the inert attribute to make outer content inaccessible for screen readers and keyboard users, ensuring they can interact only with the modal’s content. Remember, this will require the inert polyfill to add more robustness to this technique.

Note: It’s important to note that despite the fact a focus trap and using inert in practice help to ensure keyboard accessibility for modals, they don’t work exactly the same. The main difference is that setting all documents but modal as inert, it’ll still let you move outside of the website and interact with the browser’s elements. This is arguably better for security concerns but deciding if you want to create a focus trap manually or use the inert attribute is up to you.

What we’ll do first is select all areas that don’t have the role dialog. As inert will remove all keyboard and screen reader interaction with the elements and their children, we’ll need to select only the direct children of body. This is why we let the modal container exist at the same level as tags like main, header, or footer.

// This selector works well for this specific HTML structure. Adapt according to your project.
const nonModalAreas = document.querySelectorAll("body > *:not([role='dialog'])")

Now we need to come back to the openModal function. After opening the modal, we need to add the attribute inert to those elements. This should be the last step in the function:

const openModal = () => {
  // Previously added code
  nonModalAreas.forEach((element) => {
    element.inert = true

What about when you close the modal? You need to go to the closeModal function and remove this attribute. This needs to go before everything else in the code runs. Otherwise, the browser won’t be able to focus on the button that opened this modal.

const closeModal = () => {
  nonModalAreas.forEach((element) => {
    element.inert = false;
// Previously added code

And this is our result!

See the Pen Modal test [forked] by Cristian Diaz.

Let’s suppose you don’t feel comfortable using the inert attribute right now and want to create a focus trap manually, as the one A11y Solutions shows. What can you do to ensure screen reader users can’t get out of the modal? aria-modal can help with that, but remember, the support for this property is quite shaky, especially for Talkback and VoiceOver for iOS. So the next best thing we can do is add the attribute aria-hidden="true" to all elements that are not the modal. It’s a very similar process to the one we made for the inert attribute, and you can use the same elements in the array we used for this topic as well!

const openModal = () => {
  //Previously added code
  nonModalAreas.forEach((element) => {
    element.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "true")

const closeModal = () => {
  nonModalAreas.forEach((element) => {
  // Previously added code

So, whether you decide to use the inert attribute or create a focus trap manually, you can ensure user experience for keyboard and screen reader users works at its best.

<dialog> Element

You might notice the markup I used and that I didn’t use the relatively new <dialog> element, and there is a reason for that. Yes, this element helps a lot by managing focus to the modal and to the button that opened easily, but, as Scott O’Hara points out in his article “Having an open dialog”, it still has some accessibility issues that even with a polyfill are not fully solved yet. So I decided to use a more robust approach there with the markup.

If you haven’t heard about this element, it has a couple of functions to open and close the dialog, as well as some new functionalities that will be handy when we create modals. If you want to check how it works, you can check Kevin Powell’s video about this element.

That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t use it at all. Accessibility’s situation about this element is improving, but keep in mind you still need to take into consideration certain details to make sure it works properly.

Other Component Patterns

I could go on with many component patterns, but to be honest, I think it’ll start getting redundant because, as a matter of fact, those patterns are quite similar between the different kinds of components you can make. Unless you have to make something very unconventional, those patterns we have seen here should be enough!

With that said, how can you know what requirements you will need for a component? This is an answer with many nuances that this article cannot cover. There are some resources like Scott O’Hara’s accessible components’ repository or UK government’s design system, but this is a question that does not have a simple answer. The most important thing about this topic is to always test them with disabled users to know what flaws they can have in terms of accessibility.

Wrapping Up

Keyboard accessibility can be quite hard, but it’s something you can achieve once you understand how keyboard users interact with a site and what principles you should keep in mind. Most of the time, HTML and CSS will do a great job of ensuring keyboard accessibility, but sometimes you’ll need JavaScript for more complex patterns.

It’s quite impressive what you can do for keyboard accessibility once you notice most of the time, the job is made with the same basic tools. Once you understand what you need to do, you can mix those tools to create a great user experience for keyboard users!

A Guide To Keyboard Accessibility: HTML And CSS (Part 1)

Keyboard accessibility is an important part of the user experience. There are multiple criteria in Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) about this topic. Still, it’s somehow overlooked, affecting the experience of many users, mainly people with motor disabilities — any condition that limits movement or coordination.

Certain conditions like having a broken arm, the loss or damage of a limb, muscular dystrophy, arthritis, and some others can make it impossible for a person to use a mouse to navigate a site. So, making a site navigable via keyboard is a very important part of ensuring the accessibility and usability of our websites.

The importance of making a site accessible for users with motor disabilities becomes even more evident when you learn that they have access to more assistive technology options. Keyboards are not even the main focus of motor disability assistance! There are tools like switches that you use with your hand (or even with your head) to work with any device, which helps a lot for people with more severe motor disabilities. You can see how those technologies work in this demonstration made by Rob Dodson or in this video of Christopher Hills.

In this article, I’ll cover how to use HTML and CSS to create an accessible experience for keyboard users while mentioning what WCAG criteria we should keep into consideration.


One of the basics of creating a website accessible site for keyboard users is knowing what elements should be navigable via keyboard. For this, a good HTML semantic is crucial because it’ll indicate the kind of elements we want to focus on with keyboard navigation.

The Basics

When a user presses the Tab key, it’ll let them select the next focusable element in the HTML, and when they press the keys Shift + Tab, it’ll take them to the last focusable element. With that said, what elements need to be focusable? Anything that requires user interaction. Between them, you can find the elements button, a, input, summary, textarea, select, and the controls of elements audio, and video (when you add the attribute controls to them). Additionally, certain attributes can make an element keyboard navigable, such as contenteditable or tabindex. In the case of Firefox, any area with a scroll will also be keyboard focusable.

Additionally to that, you can:

  • Activate the button, select, summary, and a elements using the Enter Key. Keep in mind that except for the a element, you can activate them with the Space Key as well.
  • Use the arrow keys to navigate between different input with the type radio if they share the same name attribute.
  • Check those inputs using the Space key (keep in mind that when you navigate with the arrow keys radio inputs, it’ll be checked once the keyboard is focused, but that doesn’t happen with checkbox inputs).
  • Use the up and down keys to navigate between the different options of a select element.
  • Close the select element displayed list and multiple input popups.
  • Use the arrow keys to scroll vertically or horizontally a document.

There are probably more interactions, some of which depend on differences between operating systems and browsers, but that covers mostly what you can do with the keyboard.

Does that mean those elements are automatically keyboard-accessible by default? A good HTML structure is very helpful, and it makes content mostly accessible by default, but you still need to cover some issues.

For example, certain input types like date, datetime-local, week, time, and month have popups that can work differently between browsers. Chrome, for example, allows you to open the date picker popup by pressing the Enter or Space key in a designated button in the input. However, with Firefox, you need to press Enter (or Space) in either the day, month, or year fields to open the popup and modify each field from there.

This lack of consistency can be a bit off-putting, and maybe it’s just a matter of personal preference. Still, I feel that the Firefox experience is not very intuitive, which leads to thinking that, arguably, one of those experiences is more keyboard-accessible than the other. So if you want to create a good, accessible, and consistent keyboard experience between browsers, you’d need more than HTML for that. If you're going to try it yourself, check this compilation of input types by MDN and navigate them by yourself.

Additionally to the previous point, certain components require elements to be keyboard focusable without being natively selectable. In other cases, we need to manage keyboard focus manually, and our markup needs to help us with that. For both cases, we’ll need to use an HTML attribute that will help us with this task.

tabindex Attribute

This attribute will greatly help us bring keyboard accessibility to more complex component patterns. This attribute receives an integer, and properly using it will help us make a DOM element keyboard focusable. With tabindex, we can find three different cases:


It causes the element to be keyboard focusable. You usually don’t want to add keyboard focus to an element unless it is not interactive, but some scenarios will require it.

One of them is when you have a component with a scroll beside the body element. Otherwise, keyboard users won’t be able to see the full extent of the content. Some components that could have this trouble are scroll-based carrousels, tables, and code snippets. Just to give an example, any code snippet created with the help of prism.js has the attribute tabindex="0". Open prism.js’ site and navigate it using the Tab key. You’ll be able to focus the snippets and control the vertical and horizontal scroll using the arrow keys.

Some people who start with web accessibility think it is a good idea to add the attribute tabindex="0" to every element because they think it’ll help screen reader users navigate easily through a site. This is a terrible practice because of two reasons:

  1. Screen reader users have multiple ways to navigate a site. They can jump between headers, landmarks, or form elements, and they don’t need that extra help to create an accessible site as long as the markup is appropriate.
  2. It can make keyboard navigation difficult because a user will have to press the Tab key many times to arrive at the desired content, and for certain motor disabilities, having too many focusable elements can create a physically painful experience.

So, to summarize: it’s a useful technique for some components, but most of the time, you’ll be alright if you don’t use it, and certainly, you must not use it in every single element of your site.

Negative tabindex

Before we start this section, we need to keep in mind two concepts: a DOM element is at the same time focusable (that means, you can programmatically focus on it with JavaScript) and tabbable (that means, being able to be selected with the Tab Key).

With that in mind, here is where negative tabindex comes into play because it’ll make an element unable to be tabbed (but you can still focus on it with JavaScript). This is important for specific components because, in some cases, we’ll need to make a normally tabbable element unable to be tabbed, or we’ll need an element to be focusable but not tabbable.

One example of that is tabs. A recommended pattern for this component is ensuring that when you press the Tab key when you’re located in the active tab, it goes to the active tabpanel instead of bringing the focus to the next tab. We can achieve that by adding a negative tabindex to all non-active tabs like this:

<ul role="tablist">
  <li role="presentation">
    <button role="tab" href="#panel1" id="tab1" aria-selected="true">Tab one</button>
  <li role="presentation">
    <button role="tab" href="#panel2" id="tab2" tabindex="-1">Tab two</button>
  <li role="presentation">
    <button role="tab" href="#panel3" id="tab3" tabindex="-1">Tab three</button>
  <li role="presentation">
    <button role="tab" href="#panel4" id="tab4" tabindex="-1">Tab four</button>

We’ll see more examples later about how a negative tabindex will help us to have more control over focus state management in different components, but keep in mind a negative tabindex will be important in those cases.

Finally, you can put any negative integer in the tabindex property, and it’ll work the same. tabindex="-1" and tabindex="-1000" will make no difference, but my mere convention is that we tend to use -1 when we use this attribute.

Positive tabindex

A positive tabindex will make the element keyboard focusable, but the order will be defined according to the used integer. That means that first, the keyboard will navigate all elements with the attribute tabindex="1", then the ones with tabindex="2", and after all elements with a positive tabindex have been navigated, it’ll take into account all interactive elements by default and those with the attribute tabindex="0". This is known as the tabindex-ordered focus navigation scope.

Now, this is a pattern that you shouldn’t use. You’ll be better if you put the required focusable elements in your site in the order you need. Otherwise, you could create a very confusing experience for keyboard users, which would make a failure of the WCAG criterion 2.4.3: Focus order.

“If a Web page can be navigated sequentially and the navigation sequences affect meaning or operation, focusable components receive focus in an order that preserves meaning and operability.”

Success Criterion 2.4.3: Focus order

It might be useful if you want keyboard users to focus on widgets before they reach the page content, but that’d be a bit confusing for assistive technology users (like screen readers). So again, you’d be better by creating a logical order in the DOM.

inert Attribute

I have to quickly note an incoming attribute that will help us a lot with keyboard accessibility called inert. This attribute will make the content inaccessible by assistive technologies.

Now you might be asking yourself how this can be useful because if something removes keyboard accessibility, but in some cases, that’s a good thing! One component that will benefit from it is modals. Adding this attribute to all elements in the site except this modal will make it easy to create a focus trap. So you’ll ensure the user can’t accidentally navigate to other parts of the site using the Tab key unless they close that modal. Right now, creating a keyboard trap requires quite some thinking with JavaScript (I’ll explain how in the second part of this guide). So, having a way to make it easier with this attribute will be handy.

Sounds pretty cool, right? Well, unfortunately, this attribute is not recommended to be used yet. If you check the entry about this attribute, you’ll notice it’s very recent; Opera doesn’t have support for it yet. The most recent implementation of it was version 105 of Firefox, and at the moment of writing this article, it’s a beta version! So, it’s still very early to do it. There is a polyfill for inert attribute, but right now, it’s a bit performance costly. So, I seriously suggest not using it now for production. But once we have adequate support for this attribute, some component patterns will be easier to create.


CSS is an essential tool for keyboard accessibility because it allows us to create a level of customization of the experience, which is important for compliance with WCAG 2.2 criteria. Additionally, CSS has multiple selectors with different uses that will help to create a good keyboard experience, but be careful because a bad use of certain properties can be counterproductive. Let’s start diving into the use of this language to create an accessible experience for keyboard users.

Focus Indicator

When you use a mouse, you can see which element you can interact with it thanks to the cursor, and you wouldn’t remove the cursor from your user, right? That’d make them unable to know what element they want to use!

We have a similar concept for keyboard navigation, and it’s called a focus indicator, which by default is an outline that surrounds a keyboard-focusable element when it’s selected by it. Being sure all your keyboard-focusable elements have a focus indicator is essential to making a website keyboard accessible, according to WCAG criteria:

“Any keyboard operable user interface has a mode of operation where the keyboard focus indicator is visible.”

Success Criterion 2.4.7: Focus Visible

This style is different depending on the browser you’re using. You can see how it looks in the various browsers in those pictures by default and when you use the CSS property color-scheme set to dark just to check out how the default styles would behave in dark mode.

As you can notice, Chromium-based browsers like Chrome or Edge have a black and white outline, which works in light and dark mode. Firefox opted for a blue outline which is noticeable in both modes. And Safari (and Webkit-based browsers because right now, all iOS browsers use Webkit as their browser engine) looks almost the same as Firefox but with an even subtler outline for a dark color scheme.

WCAG Criterion 2.4.11

Now, default focus indicators are visible, but are they enough? The answer is “no”. While it can work in some cases, people with visual impairments will have problems noticing it, so WCAG created the Success Criterion 2.4.11 — Focus appearance to make an accessible focus indicator. Right now, this criterion is part of WCAG 2.2, which is a Candidate Recommendation. So it’s quite unlikely it will change before the final release, but keep in mind that it’s still subject to changes.

When the keyboard focus indicator is visible, one or both of the following is true:
  1. The focus indicator:
    • encloses the visual presentation of the user interface component, and
    • has a contrast ratio of at least 3:1 between the same pixels in the focused and unfocused states, and
    • has a contrast ratio of at least 3:1 against adjacent colors.
  2. An area of the focus indicator meets all the following:
    • is at least as large as the area of a 1 CSS pixel thick perimeter of the unfocused component, or is at least as large as a 4 CSS pixel thick line along the shortest side of the minimum bounding box of the unfocused component, and
    • has a contrast ratio of at least 3:1 between the same pixels in the focused and unfocused states, and
    • has a contrast ratio of at least 3:1 against adjacent non-focus-indicator colors, or is no thinner than 2 CSS pixels.

Where a user interface component has active sub-components, if a sub-component receives a focus indicator, these requirements may be applied to the sub-component instead.

Success Criterion 2.4.11 Focus Appearance

There is something important to consider here, and that’s the area of the focus indicator. This area needs to meet the contrast requirements of this criterion. To illustrate that, I’ll use an example Sara Soueidan made for her article “A guide to designing accessible, WCAG-compliant focus indicators.”

This example uses an outline, but remember that you can use other properties to determine the focus state, like background-color or some creative ways of using box-shadow as long as it’s compliant with the requirements. However, don’t use the property outline: none to eliminate the element’s outline.

That’s important for Windows High Contrast Mode because when it’s active, your website colors will be replaced with ones chosen by the user. So depending on properties like background-color will have no effect there. Instead, use the CSS declaration outline-color: transparent with the appropriate thickness to comply with WCAG criteria. You can see examples of how it works in my article about Windows High Contrast Mode.

The Optimal Outline Size

An easy way to create a compliant focus indicator is using this method Stephanie Eckles suggested in her talk Modern CSS Upgrades To Improve Accessibility. First, we set custom properties in the interactive elements. Remember you can add more elements to the rule depending on the complexity of your project:

/* Add more selectors inside the :is rule if needed */

:is(a, button, input, textarea, summary) {
    --outline-size: max(2px, 0.08em);
    --outline-style: solid;
    --outline-color: currentColor;

And then, we use those custom properties to add a global focus rule:

:is(a, button, input, textarea, summary):focus {
    outline-offset: var(--outline-offset, var(--outline-size));

The use of 0.08em here is to give it a bigger outline size if the font is bigger, helping to scale the element’s contrasting area better with the element’s font size.

Keep in mind that even when WCAG mentions that the focusing area “is at least as large as the area of a 1 CSS pixel thick perimeter of the unfocused component”, it also mentions that it needs to have “a contrast ratio of at least 3:1 against adjacent non-focus-indicator colors, or is no thinner than 2 CSS pixels.” So, a minimum thickness of 2px is necessary to comply with WCAG.

Remember that you might need a thicker line if you use a negative outline-offset because it’ll reduce the perimeter of the outline. Also, using a dashed or dotted outline will reduce the focused area roughly by half, so you’ll need a thicker line to compensate for it.

The outline’s ideal area is related to the perimeter of the element. Sara Soueidan once again did a great job explaining how this formula works in her article about focus indicators. So check it out if you want to understand better the maths behind this matter and how to apply them.

CSS Focus-related Selectors

With CSS, you normally use the pseudo-class :focus to give style to an element when it’s being focused by a keyboard, and it does its job well. But modern CSS has given us two new pseudo-classes, one that helps us with a certain use case and the other that solves an issue that happens when we use the focus pseudo-class. Those pseudo-classes are :focus-within and :focus-visible. Let’s dive into what they do and how they can help us with keyboard accessibility:


This pseudo-class will add a style whenever the element is being focused or any of the element’s children is also being focused. Let’s make a quick example to show how it looks:

  <label for="name">
    <input id="name" type="text">
  <label for="email">
    <input for="email" type="email">

Very quick tangent note: Consider not using label to wrap the input element. While it works in all browsers, it doesn’t work well with Dragon speech recognition software because it won’t be recognized appropriately.

form {
  display: grid;
  gap: 1em;

label {
  display: grid;
  gap: 1em;
  padding: 1em;

label:focus-within {
  background-color: rebeccapurple;
  color: white

This pseudo-class is interesting to enrich the styles of certain components, as previously shown, but in others, it helps a lot to make content accessible for keyboard users. For example, I created a card for my article about media queries hover, pointer, any-hover, and any-pointer. This card shows the content when the user puts the cursor on it, but it also shows the content when you focus the button inside of it using the :focus-within pseudo-class by using the same rules that are triggered on hover. You can check out the code in the mentioned article as well as in this CodePen:

If you use keyboard navigation, you’ll notice the order is pretty straightforward. It reads from left to right and from top to bottom, and the navigation will be the same. Now let’s use grid properties to make some changes:

ul li:where(:nth-child(1), :nth-child(5), :nth-child(7), :nth-child(9)) {
  grid-row: span 2;
  grid-column: span 2

ul li:where(:nth-child(1), :nth-child(5)) {
  order: 2;

ul li:where(:nth-child(7), :nth-child(8)) {
  order: -1;

ul li:nth-child(4) {
  grid-row: 3;
  grid-column: 2 / span 2;

ul li:nth-child(3) {
  grid-row: 5 / span 3;
  grid-column: 3;

Now it looks completely disarrayed. Sure, the layout looks funny, but when you start navigating it with the Tab key, it’ll have a very random order. There is some degree of predictability now because I used numbers as the button’s label, but what happens if they have different content? It’d be impossible to predict which would be the next button to be focused on with a keyboard.

This is the kind of scenario that needs to be avoided. It doesn’t mean you can’t explicitly order an element within a grid or use the order property. That means you need to be careful with managing your layouts and be sure the visual and DOM order matches as much as possible.

By the way, if you want to try it by yourself, you can see the demo of this code here and experience this chaotic keyboard navigation by yourself:

Now let’s start styling this component! By default, this element uses this triangle to indicate if the details element is opened or closed. We can remove that by adding this rule to the summary element.

summary {
  list-style: none;

But we’ll still need a visual indicator to show if it’s opened or closed. My solution is to add a second element as a child of summary. The important part is that this element will have the attribute aria-hidden="true":

    How much does shipping cost?
  <span aria-hidden="true"></span>

The reason why I hid this span element is that we’ll be modifying its content with CSS modifying the pseudo-element ::before, and the content we add will be read by a screen reader unless, of course, we hide it from them.

With that said, we can change it because the browser manages the open state of the details element by adding the attribute open to the container. So we can add and change the content using those CSS rules:

summary span[aria-hidden="true"]::before {
  content: "+";

details[open] summary span[aria-hidden="true"]::before {
  content: "-";

Now, you can add the styling you need to adapt it (remember to use adequate focus states!). You can check this demo I made to see how it works. Test it with a keyboard, and you’ll notice you can interact with it without a problem.

But there can be multiple skip links in a site that will lead you to various parts of the site, as Smashing Magazine does. When you use the Tab Key to navigate this website, you’ll notice there are three skip links, all of them taking you to important points of the page:

They’re usually located on the site’s header, but it’s not always the case. You can add them where needed, as Manuel Matuzović shows in this tweet. He added an inline skip link to a project because the interactive map has a lot of keyboard-focusable elements.

Working on a feature that allows users to skip areas with many tab stops (inline skip link). 🔥

Video alt: A page with a bunch of links followed by an embedded map. Pressing the Tab key reveals a link that, when activated, moves focus to the next tabbable element after the map.

— Manuel Matuzović (@mmatuzo) April 6, 2022

Now, as the usefulness of skip links is clear, let’s create one. It’s very simple; we just need to create an a element that takes you to the desired element:

  <a class="skip-link" href="#main-content">Go to main content</a>
<main id="main-content"></main>

Next, we need to hide visually the a element. What I do there is use the transform CSS property to remove it from the visual range:

.skip-link {
    display: block;
    transform: translate(-9999px);

Then, we move it to the needed position when the element is being focused:

.skip-link:focus {
  transform: translate(0)

And that’s it! Creating a skip link is easy and offers a lot of help for keyboard accessibility.


Those little text bubbles that show extra information to an element can be done with pure CSS as well, but a little disclaimer here: it is suggested that you can close a tooltip by pressing the Escape key, which it’s only possible with JavaScript. I’ll explain how to add this feature in the second part of this article, but everything else can be done in a very simple way using HTML and CSS only.

A common problem with tooltips is that a keyboard user cannot see them, so we need to ensure the component that triggers it is a keyboard-focusable element. Our best bet here is using the button element. The semantics is really simple, as Heydon Pickering shows in his book Inclusive Components.

<div class="tooltip-container">
  <div role="tooltip"></div>

The container with the class tooltip-container is there just to allow us to manipulate the container’s position with the attribute role="tooltip" later using CSS. Speaking of this element, you would think this role adds enough semantics to make it work, but as a matter of fact, it doesn’t, so we’ll have to rely upon a couple of aria attributes to link it to our button.

This attribute depends of what’s the intention of the tooltip. If you are planning to use it to name an element, you need to use the attribute aria-labelledby:

<div class="tooltip-container">
  <button aria-labelledby="tooltip1">
    <svg aria-hidden="true">
      <!--  SVG Content  -->
        <div id="tooltip1" role="tooltip">Shopping cart</div>

However, if you want to use the tooltip to describe what an element does, you’ll need to link it using the attribute aria-describedby:

<div class="tooltip-container">
  <button aria-label="Shopping cart" aria-describedby="tooltip2">
    <svg aria-hidden="true">
      <!--  SVG Content  -->
  <div id="tooltip2" role="tooltip">Check, modify and finish your purchase</div>

Be careful with this approach; use it only to give auxiliary descriptions, not to give information that is absolutely necessary to understand what this element does. That’s because when a screen reader user generates a list of the form elements (including buttons) in the site, the description won’t be displayed unless the user is focusing on the element, as Adrian Roselli shows in his test on aria-description attribute.

Now, it’s time to talk about what concerns us in this article — keyboard accessibility! For this, we need to hide the tooltip and show it until the user is either focusing the pointer on the element or when it’s being focused with a keyboard. For this, we’ll use the :hover and :focus pseudo-classes in tandem with the adjacent sibling combinator.

Additionally, it’s important you can see the tooltip when you hover over it to comply with WCAG Criterion 1.4.13: Content on Hover or Focus. With those considerations in mind, this is how our code should look:

[role="tooltip"] {
  position: absolute;
  bottom: 0;
  left: 50%;
  display: none;
  transform: translate(-50%, 100%);
} button:hover + [role="tooltip"], button:focus + [role="tooltip"], [role="tooltip"]:hover { display: block; }

And this is how you create a keyboard-accessible tooltip using HTML and CSS. You can check how both examples of tooltip behave in this demo. Remember, this is not fully ready for production. You need JavaScript to close the tooltip when you press the Esc key. We’ll cover that later in the next part of this article, so keep it in mind.

See the Pen Tooltip demo - CSS only [forked] by Cristian Diaz.

As Heydon mentions in his book, tooltips have a problem when you use them for devices that don’t have a pointer, like cellphones or tablets, then a different approach for them is required. You can use CSS for that using the media queries hover and pointer, as I explain in my article.

Wrapping Up

Keyboard accessibility is an essential part of accessibility. I hope this article has helped you understand how vital HTML and CSS are to make keyboard navigation a good and accessible user experience. That’s not the end of keyboard accessibility, though! I’ll be covering how we can use JavaScript to manipulate keyboard navigation and how we can use it in more complex component patterns.

Designing Better Links For Websites And Emails: A Guideline

Why are “click here” and “by this link” poor choices? And is it acceptable to use “read more”? All these phrases have become so common that many people don’t see any problems with them.

How many times have you encountered or composed the following on websites, in emails, or intranets?

  • Fill in this form by the end of the day.
  • Check the equipment policy by the link.
  • You can find more information here, here, and here.

In this article, I’ll explain popular wording and formatting mistakes and will show more accessible and informative alternatives. Let’s go!

Meaningful Links

So what exactly is a hyperlink? It’s a combination of a web address (URL) and a clickable element (oftentimes a word or phrase, sometimes an image). While this is a vast topic, we’ll focus on text links, namely their usability and accessibility.

Thoughtfully composed links express respect to readers, whereas jumbled-up ones cause confusion and suspicion. When a link is presented as “here” or “this,” it’s harder to aim it with a cursor or finger. Also, it lacks transparency. What is hidden behind it: a page or file, an article or web form? One should re-read the whole sentence or paragraph to guess.

On the contrary, URLs attached to concise self-explanatory phrases inform people about the destination and are more convenient targets for clicking or tapping. Moreover, a well-composed link makes sense out of context and typically combines a topic (e.g. security, brand, marketing) and format (questionnaire, request form, guideline, policy, and so on).

Exposing URLs

If a web address is short and doesn’t look like M$c0P88%X4LHr&dxQ1A, then exposing it right away will work quite well, too, especially if the audience is supposed to copy it and paste it somewhere else.

And if you’ve got a long indecipherable chain of symbols, exposing it isn’t a great idea in most situations. In this case, consider embedding a URL into a succinct phrase or shortening the address in tools like Bitly or Cuttly.

However, these tools aren’t silver bullets: you do get a shorter link, but its meaningful parts will be replaced with random symbols, which are suspicious and not informative. Customizing shortened URLs is possible, but it’s typically a paid feature.

Compare the following examples:

  • (suspicious and unreadable);
  • (readable topic);
  • (recognizable domain);
  • (fully transparent).

Download Links

A link that guides to some downloadable resource needs a slightly different treatment. Besides embedding it into a meaningful phrase, you should also inform users about the file format and size:

  • The format gives clues to what you can do with this data (e.g. if the information is read-only or editable);
  • The file size is crucial for people with costly internet, slow connection, or limited local storage.

When you share a bunch of files (let’s say in different formats or versions), it’s not enough to design each link correctly. The whole series should be well-scannable and easy to use.

Links vs. Buttons

Not all links on a page or in an email are equally important. Authors often want their audience to click on the primary link, whereas other links can be skipped. If you’re going to draw people’s attention to the main action, think of presenting it as a button:

  • “Subscribe to the newsletter”
  • “Buy tickets”
  • “Get the white paper”
  • “Download the recording”

If you cannot create a button because of technical or time constraints, go for a quick-and-dirty solution: put that link in a separate line, make it bold, add spacing above and below, and so on.

Of course, button text should follow corresponding patterns so that you don’t cross the line between motivating readers and manipulating them:

  • Be concise (up to 4–5 words);
  • Ideally, start with a verb (e.g. “get”, “buy”, “download”, “apply for”, and so on);
  • Call the action honestly (i.e. avoid hushing up unpleasant steps like watching ads, registration or submitting personal data).

Compare “Download the report,” which assumes that downloading starts immediately after clicking, and “Get the report,” when a user downloads the file in exchange for their name and contact details.

Link-Rich Texts

Links enable the functioning of the Internet, however, vigorously pumping URLs into each sentence isn’t a good practice (of course, unless you contribute to a Wikipedia-like knowledge base that is cross-connected by nature).

Step zero is to make sure you really—really—need all the links. If you can edit something out, there won’t be a problem to solve. Otherwise, try to group the links: as a bulleted list, on the side of related paragraphs, or under a suitable title (e.g. “Recommended materials” or “Resources”).

Grouping the links helps a lot, but if the goal is to trigger action, the primary link should stand out. So, why not make it a button, then?

In the previous sections, we figured out how descriptive links increase usability and accessibility. At the same time, such links are longer, and consequently, can appear divided in a paragraph, when the first part of a link remains at the end of the previous line, and the second part jumps to the next line. It seems trivial compared to bigger flaws, but distorted links are a bit annoying in link-crowded texts.

If a paragraph width is fixed, compose text the way all links fit into lines, for example, try to start a paragraph with a link. However, browsers and devices render content differently, and links will still shift for some users. That’s why lists are a safer option for a set of links.

Link Accessibility

Accessible links are not only the ones that look tidy and clear; they should also be properly working. Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), the world’s most famous digital accessibility standard, includes recommendations about hyperlinks, including some non-visual features.


One of the WCAG requirements is not to rely on color only when you want to distinguish a button or link from the rest of the text. Painting links in blue or another color doesn’t suffice since it still might not be visible for people with color blindness. The most typical method is underlining links; they can also appear in bold font.

Color Contrast

Links are essential interactive elements and have to comply with contrast recommendations. WCAG has two levels of contrast compliance:

  1. AA: medium, used by many websites for a mass audience;
  2. AAA: high, primarily applied on governmental sites and by communities of people with disabilities.

For example, the AA level requires maintaining a contrast between a link and background of at least 4.5:1 for normal font size and 3:1 for large text.

Note: You can always check your colors with the help of the online Contrast Checker or Figma’s Contrast plugin.

Focus State

Like all interactive components, links should have a visible keyboard focus. All popular browsers have an embedded accessible focus by default (you might have seen this bold blue frame around input fields, dropdowns, buttons, and links in Google Chrome). Unfortunately, on some sites, focus gets manually removed or visually customized so that a focused link can look even less noticeable (e.g. faded out).

Optimization For Screen Readers

Blind users don’t see the web — they listen to it by means of “screen readers,” assistive programs that transform a written text into fast robotic speech. They navigate with a keyboard and remember dozens of handy shortcuts to jump between headings, buttons, or links instead of obediently listening to the entire content on a page.

So, when you remove wordiness for sighted people (for example, in the lists of different language versions or formats), it’s important to keep links clear for screen reader users, too. Otherwise, blind visitors will hear the following:

“Ukrainian — link, English — link, German — link”

The self-explanatory should be heard instead:

“Download project plan template in Ukrainian — link, download project plan template in English — link…”

And probably the most annoying thing on a news website is to hear this:

“Read more — link, read more — link, read more — link”

Sighted people can guess that “Read more…” relates to the nearest title, and blind people need individualized read-mores. Fortunately, the HTML attribute aria-label comes in handy here; it enables attaching explanatory text for screen reader users.

It’s often a designer’s responsibility to compose accessibility-related text and collaborate with a developer around optimal implementation, so here is a simplified code example:

<p>Eleks Design Team will participate in the Space Hackathon.
<a href="aerospace-hackathon.html" aria-label="Read more about Eleks participation in the Space Hackathon">Read more...</a>
<p>Projector Tech and Creative Institute launches five courses on web accessibility this year.
<a href="new-courses.html" aria-label="Read more about new courses on accessibility by Projector Institute">Read more...</a>

As you can see, each “Read more” has an extended explanation for screen readers. However, you won’t need to take care of article links with aria-label if each title is a link itself.

<h5><a href="aerospace-hackathon.html">Eleks Design Team will participate in the Space Hackathon</a>
<h5><a href="new-courses.html">Projector Tech and Creative Institute launches five courses on web accessibility this year</a>

Duplicated links

Multiple identical links are yet another widespread controversial practice. For example, on a web page, it means that the same web address is attached to an article title, hero image, and intro sentence. At first glance, nothing’s wrong: wherever you click — you get to the article. But for blind users, it means repeating the same information thrice, which extends the time they need to sift through content to what they are interested in.

An important note: We are now talking about identical destinations, but a card can include different ones, for instance, a link to the article, author’s profile, and tags. In this case, minor links can appear “wrapped” in the main one.

Now, emails. Let’s say we have an invitation to some online event, where a Zoom link repeats several times. In the event description, “what/when/where” section, and closing part. Not only will it create an impression of mess for sighted users, but also visually impaired users will be troubled with jumping between duplicated links.

Recommended Reading

In this article, I wanted to suggest options instead of showing the topic in black and white. There are multiple shades of good design, and you can find yours on the overlap of best practices and your particular case. Meanwhile, some additional reading on this topic:

Collective #672

Collective 672 item image


A build plugin that can extend any 11ty site for components, page transitions, and more.

Check it out

Collective 672 item image


With Shapecatcher you can search through a database of characters by simply drawing your character into a box. It can find the most similar character shapes for your drawing.

Check it out

Collective 672 item image

WCAG colour contrast ratio

Dan Hollick’s super interesting thread on how color contrast gets calculated and why the WCAG colour contrast ratio doesn’t always seem to work.

Check it out

The post Collective #672 appeared first on Codrops.

Making A Strong Case For Accessibility

Imagine yourself as someone with a visual disability. Cataracts, or totally blind even. A site is not accessible because of many factors, willing and unwillingly. Accessibility may have been attended to at the end of the project or not in the budget, or maybe they just didn’t practice it. You can’t access the vital information on the site because it’s not accessible to people with visual disabilities.

Maybe you suffer from a motor skill disability and there is a part of the site that you cannot access because there is an issue that prevents you from obtaining that information you wish to on a site that you want to buy something on.

These are just a couple of examples of what disabled users face daily when they try and access a website that is inaccessible. The case for accessibility is this; we as stakeholders, managers, teams, designers and developers need to do better in not only practicing accessibility but advocating for it as well.

If you have ever read the WebAIM Million report, you can see where the breakdown is, and until 2021, there hasn’t been much in the way of improvement. Of the over 51 million home pages that were tested, 51.4 errors per page. While the number of errors decreased, home page complexity increased regarding the number of page elements that had detectable accessibility errors.

Inclusive design is a way of creating digital products that are accessible to a wide range of people regardless of who they are, disabled or not, where they are, and encapsulates a diverse spectrum of people. The British Standards Institution (2005) defines inclusive design as:

“The design of mainstream products and/or services that are accessible to, and usable by, as many people as reasonably possible ... without the need for special adaptation or specialized design.”

Practicing accessibility in your workflows and methodologies ensures people — disabled or not — that they can access your product, your website, and your brands. Inclusive design and accessibility go hand-in-hand. Let’s look at some examples of accessibility.

Examples Of Practical Digital Accessibility

  1. Your site has a color scheme that looks great after the designers are done with the mock-ups or the color scheme your brand uses is “perfect”’ in the eyes of people that do not have a visual disability. For people that have a visual disability like glaucoma, cataracts, or tritanopia (the deficiency of blue in one’s vision) they cannot make out that particular color and it does not meet WCAG standards.
  2. If your light blue font color on a darker blue background did not meet those guidelines set in WCAG, then it would be inaccessible. If you switched to a lighter blue or white font within the 4.5 to 1 ratio guideline that you can read about in (Success Criterion 1.4.3: Contrast (Minimum)), then it would be accessible.
  3. You have a site that does not traverse well (or at all) when disabled users use assistive technologies such as a screen reader, keyboard, or voice recognition to navigate around the site because they lack the motor skills or dexterity to do so. An accessible site makes sure there is a way for those users to navigate through the site with no issues. Examples of keyboard navigation can be seen in this video and in this short video about voice recognition.
  4. An accordion that uses items that when opened gives you some scrollable content, yet the content is not scrollable via keyboard. It is inaccessible to people that use the keyboard for navigation. An accessible site makes sure that the content is accessible via keyboard in that instance.
  5. Images that do not have alternative text that describe to screen reader users what that image is or what message it is trying to convey is also important. If you have no alternative text, e.g.
    <img src="" alt="This is an image of my favorite kind of animal.">
  6. Users of newer technologies, people that live in metropolitan areas, or people that can afford to buy the latest tech, for example, have fewer barriers to break through than people that cannot afford a new phone or tablet, or are in very remote or rural areas.
  7. The glare of the sun on your mobile device as you’re on the beach on a sunny day. You’re shielding the screen or squinting to see the screen to read what restaurant to go to after you’re day at the beach is done. That is a situational impairment.
  8. A fussy child on your lap moving around while you are trying to read an email or an injured arm as you try to answer an email, hindering your ability to type as you normally would is a situational impairment.

There are a lot more examples of accessibility I could mention but that would take a very long time to write, so these are just a few examples.

Actionable Steps To Get Buy-In

Two of the most widely used reasons I hear as to why people or companies aren’t practicing accessibility are:

  • “The client has no budget for it.”
  • “My manager said we’ll get to it after launch.”

Buy-In And Support From Executives/Stakeholders

From the outset, advocating for accessibility starts at the top. Once you have stakeholder support, then you may see support trickle down to managers, then teams, and then individuals. It all starts with you first. Buy-in and support from executives will continuously be successful across the organization.

When the ethical approach doesn’t work, the approach I will take is the financial approach:

“You’ll be saving the company a lot of money when you do this from the start. When maintenance is needed, it won’t take the team as long to maintain the code because of accessibility and clean code.”

When, or if that fails, I’ll go for the legal ramifications and cite instances from the lawsuits that have been won against Target, Bank of America, Domino’s Pizza, and others. It’s amazing to see how fast executives and stakeholders do not want to get sued.

Keeping executives engaged and meeting with them regularly will ensure success with your accessibility initiatives, but will also provide support for when new accessibility initiatives need to be implemented or when there are disagreements among teams on the implementation or prioritization, you have the support of executives.

Being accessible is a good way for a company to differentiate itself from other companies, when you make a quality product, then the company buy-in becomes greater in some instances. Teams that push for accessibility usually lead the way to getting buy-in from other departments and executives. If the product is high quality and makes the company money, that’s when the company is swayed to adopt the practice.

Demonstrations of live testing with disabled users are also another way to get buy-in across the board. To humanize the decision-making process and get executives and colleagues on board by showing them what struggles are faced on a daily basis by disabled users using inaccessible products. Or one that I have used in the past, don’t ask, just do it.

Most of the time, however, it is how the practice of accessibility can make the company money or the legal consequences that a company can face, that sways an executive to adopt the practice. Then, in those instances, is when an executive or stakeholder starts learning about accessibility if they want to invest in that time.

Coordinating efforts across departments may be difficult and time-consuming at first so that support from the top will help alleviate the pressures and burnout that can happen when taking on the task of creating and implementing an accessibility strategy.

Have A Team Or Individual Who Is Your Accessibility Advocate(s)

Once you have buy-in from executives or stakeholders, having a person throughout each department or a team focused on accessibility. Throughout each department have an individual who is the liaison regarding accessibility.

Have someone that can answer questions and work with others to practice the guidelines and work with others to make accessible products. Help set up documentation and tooling, serve as an intermediary between departments.

Assess the Product and Proficiency Within the Company

Gauging the point where the product(s) are as far as how inclusive and accessible they are is a key priority. This ensures the team or individual that their efforts to make the product better and accessible are happening. What is the current state of the product? What is the current state of the website or mobile application?

Getting the general idea of the level of knowledge that teams and people in the company currently have is important going forward. How versed are they in accessibility guidelines and practices? Do they know anything about the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)? How much training do you have and will you need?

Maintaining a written record of all accessibility training done to meet the requirements that apply to your organization is a great way to keep data on all the training done within the organization. Recording the training and who and when it was completed. If there is no inter-organizational accessibility training available your organization can look into different methods of training like the kind WebAIM, the ADA, or Knowbility has to offer.

Establish Guidelines For The Company

Consistent implementation of the product greatly benefits the organization. It reduces the amount of work, which in turn can reduce the number of stress teams are under. Design systems should be used not only to ensure branding and consistency, but accessibility, inclusivity, and understanding of code better.

Accessible components help for obvious reasons and reduces the time it takes to implement, rather than start from nothing and try to re-invent something that has already been done. Testing procedures should be implemented so that departments do their jobs well and do them efficiently, especially QA and developers.

Documenting guidelines for your organization is as simple as creating a set of accessibility guidelines. You could internally document them in a collaborative software such as Notion or Dynalist; or an online documentation like Google Docs or Dropbox Paper. Somewhere that has a collaborative aspect where people can add to the documentation that the organization has.

Getting Fellow Colleagues To Buy-In

In this landscape of frameworks and libraries, “going fast and breaking things”, and overlooking and undervaluing accessibility, people need to be educated and that also needs to happen at the team level. The people that do not have voices, the “people on the other side of the glass” need YOU to be their voice.

As a freelancer, setting up meetings or training sessions to onboard organization members that you may be working with can be beneficial to all. Holding a workshop or webinar is also an option to training colleagues to buy-in as well.

Getting a team onboard because training brings the team together and people know the importance of accessibility, and they want to produce a quality product that people can use regardless of disability.

Pitching to those who do not or may not know that accessibility means less time spent working on what they work on, less stress and headaches, can sway a developer very fast from my experience.

Sharing The Importance Of The Rules

Whether you live in the EU, the UK, Canada, or the United States, most countries have rules regarding standards for accessibility. Familiarity with those rules and guidelines only ensures compliance on another level.

Whether it is the ADA (American Disabilities Act) or Section 508 (Government compliance) in the U.S., the ACT (Accessible Canada Act) in Canada, or EN 301 549 in the EU, sharing the importance of the guidelines can be crucial to getting departments, executives, and the organization as a whole on board.

Pick Examples From The Outside World As Use Cases

Test and record cases where a disabled user is trying to use the product, website, or mobile app. Showing colleagues and executives these tests and use cases will bolster the argument you have for implementing accessibility at your organization.

From there, you could get a source outside the organization that specializes in accessibility testing with disabled users, such as Applause, for instance. The organization and people within may turn around and embrace accessibility at the company and in the workflow.

Hire Disabled People

Whether it is internally or on a contract basis with an outside firm like Applause, there are the people with the lived experiences. They can benefit you and your company and team by having them aboard. These folks bring value to you and the organization.

Get executives and hiring managers on board to bring on people with disabilities to not only help with accessibility, but also teach and advocate for accessibility and inclusivity within the organization.

Best Practices For Maintaining Accessibility

Accessibility does not end at handoff or when the project is “finished” as is with the web, accessibility is ever-evolving and needs periodic checking when new features are implemented or changes are made to see if accessibility is still be practiced and adhered to.

Vigilance of the accessibility of the product(s) ensures a standard of accessibility. Automated testing of the product wherever possible that fits the strategy of the departments when it comes time to release new features or changes.

Any barriers that may arise (and they will) will be addressed and they can be handled in a manner that expedites the process and rolls out fixes for those barriers that take them down and makes the product accessible for those who need it.

Performing screen reader analysis before every release to ensure that users of screen readers and other assistive technologies can use the website or mobile app.

Annual audits and user testing is always important whether made internally by a team, or a third-party that specializes in accessibility auditing, especially with user testing by disabled users. What does that audit entail?

  • An executive summary for stakeholders that details the needs of the product so that it can become compliant as well as addressing the current state of affairs as well.
  • A developer report that details every possible path that can be taken through the website, mobile app, and product that addresses concerns and needs that will be encountered along the way.


Accessibility matters. It matters to those who are getting shut out on a daily basis from some form of digital creation they encounter. Whether it is by design or not, the fact that accessibility is an afterthought in most cases is a critical oversight we all have to correct.

Accessibility and accessible sites and apps make the web better, they make everyone feel included no matter what situation or disability. Inclusion and accessibility remove barriers for disabled people and accessibility and performance also make the web accessible for those that aren’t equipped with the latest and greatest phones or devices.

Getting on board with accessibility is something we should all do. Let’s remember the people on the other side of the glass. Accessibility is a right, not a privilege. Let’s make accessibility a priority.

Collective #669

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Theme Color in CSS

A very interesting article by Jim Nielsen on how great it would be to use CSS for styling theme colors, instead of HTML.

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Using HSL Colors In CSS

In this article, Ahmad Shadeed explains what HSL is, how to use it, and shares some of the useful use-cases and examples that you can use right away in your current projects.

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3D Bay

An extensive collection of free 3D stock images brought to you by CloudDevs.

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Vechai UI

A collection of accessible React UI components with a built-in dark theme using Tailwind CSS.

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The post Collective #669 appeared first on Codrops.

Looking at WCAG 2.5.5 for Better Target Sizes

Have you ever experienced the frustration of trying to tap a button on a mobile device only to have it do nothing because the target size is just not large enough **and it’s not picking up on your press? Maybe you have larger fingers, like I do, or maybe it’s due to limited dexterity. This is because the sadly ever-decreasing target area of elements we, the users, have to interact with.

Let’s talk about target size and how to make it large enough for users to easily interact with an element. This is an especially big deal if a user is accessing content on a small hand-held touch screen device where real estate is much tighter.

Success criterion revisited

I touched (no pun intended) on Success Criterion in a previous article covering the WCAG 2.1 criterion, Label in Name. In short, the WCAG criteria is the baseline from which we determine whether our work is “accessible.”

If you’re wondering whether there’s a criterion for target size, the answers is yes. It’s WCAG 2.5.5. Pulling straight from the guidelines. passing WCAG 2.5.5 with a AAA grade requires “the size of the target for pointer inputs is at least 44 by 44 CSS pixels except when:

  • Equivalent: The target is available through an equivalent link or control on the same page that is at least 44×44 CSS pixels;
  • Inline: The target is in a sentence or block of text;
  • User Agent Control: The size of the target is determined by the user agent and is not modified by the author;
  • Essential: A particular presentation of the target is essential to the information being conveyed.”

What could possibly go wrong?

It’s just a size, right? Easy peasy. Nothing can possibly go awry.

Or can it?

Small target sizes can cause accessibility hurdles for many people. Have you ever been traveling in a vehicle on a bumpy road and you’re trying to interact with an app on your mobile can not press on an element? That is an accessibility hurdle. Those with motor skill or cognitive impairments will have a much harder time because it is much harder for them if the target size is too small and does not meet WCAG requirements.

I don’t mean to pick on Twitter here, but it’s the first notable example I found while hunting for examples of small targets.

There are some good examples of small targets in here, from the tiny contextual menu to the actions in the footer of a tweet, and even the small icons to add topics to a timeline. And notice that even with a properly sized target, like the floating button to compose a tweet, it overlaps with another target, obstructing access to it.

Imagine the hurdles someone with neuromuscular disorders, such as Multiple Sclerosis, Cerebral Palsy, arthritis, tremors, or Alzheimer’s Disease or any other motor impairment would have to overcome to activate a target in any of those cases.

Another favorite example I see quite often? Ads. Have you ever struggled to click the minuscule “X” button to close them?

You’re not alone if you’ve ever struggled to click, let alone even locate, the close button.

Having no motor skill or cognitive disabilities personally, I find myself fumbling around and taking multiple times to hit some target areas. The fact that someone who needs to use something like a pen or stylus on a target size that is not a minimum of 44×44 pixels can be a difficult task. These targets shouldn’t need multiple attempts to activate when the target size doesn’t meet recommended guidelines.

Target size considerations

WCAG 2.5.5 goes into specific detail to help us account for these things by defining the four types of controls we just saw: equivalent, inline, User Agent, and essential.

We’re going to look at different considerations for determining target sizes and hold them up next to the WCAG guidelines to help steer us toward making good, accessible design decisions.

Consider the difference between “click” and “tap”

This success criteria ensures that target sizes are large enough for users to easily activate targets, even if the user is accessing these targets on handheld devices. We typically associate small screens with “taps” instead of “clicks” when it comes to activating targets. And that’s something we need to consider in our target sizing.

Mice and similar input devices use a pointer on the screen, which is considered “fine” precision because it allows a user to access an element on the screen with exact precision. Fine precision makes it easier to access smaller target sizes in theory. The trouble is, that sort of input device can be tough for some users, whether it’s with gripping the device, or some other cognitive or motor skill. So, even with fine precision, having a clear target is still a benefit.

A Tale of Two Targets: Combining padding and color can help increase the size of a tap target while making it visually clear.

Touch, on the other hand, can be problematic as it is an input mechanism with very “coarse” precision. Users can lack a level of fine control when using a mouse or stylus, for example. A finger, which is larger than a mouse pointer, generally obstructs a user’s view of the exact location on the screen that is being activated or touched. Hence, “coarse” precision.

A smaller pointer offers more precision than a larger thumb when it comes to interacting with an element.

This issue is exacerbated in responsive design, which needs to accommodate for numerous types of fine and coarse inputs. Both input types must be supported for a site that can be accessed by a desktop or laptop with a mouse, as well as a mobile device or tablet with a touch screen.

That makes the actual size we use for a target a pretty important detail. Depending on who is using a control, what that control does, how often it’s used, and where it’s located, we ought to consider using larger, clearer targets to prevent things like unintended actions.

But with all this said, we do actually have a CSS media query that can detect a pointer device so we can target certain styles to either fine or coarse input interactions, and it’s well-supported. Here’s an example pulled right out of the spec:

/* Make radio buttons and check boxes larger if we have an inaccurate primary pointing device */
@media (pointer: coarse) {
  input[type="checkbox"], input[type="radio"] {
    min-width: 30px;
    min-height: 40px;
    background: transparent;

But wait. While this is great and all, Patrick H. Lauke offers a word of caution about this interaction media query and it’s potential for making incorrect assumptions.

Consider that different platforms have different requirements

When WCAG specifies exact values, it’s worth paying attention. Notice that we’re advised to make target sizes at least 44×44 pixels, which is mentioned no fewer than 18 times in the WCAG 2.5.5 explainer.

However, you may have also seen similar requirements with different guidance from the likes of Apple’s “Human Interface Guidelines” for iOS, and Google’s “Material Design” in their platform design requirements.

“Try to maintain a minimum tappable area of 44pt x 44pt for all controls.” (Apple, “Human Interface Guidelines”)
“Consider making pointer targets at least 44 x 44 dp.”
(Material Design, “Accessibility”)

Consider the “tappable area” of a target

Notice that Apple’s platform requirements refer to a “tappable area” when describing the ideal target size. That means that we’re talking about space as much as we are about the appearance of a target. For example, Google’s Material Design suggests at least a 48×48 dp (density-independent pixels) target size for interactive elements. But what if your design requirements call for a 24×24 dp icon? It’s totally legit to use padding in our favor to create more interactive space around the icon, comprising the 48×48 dp target size. Or, as it’s documented in Material Design:

Touch targets are the parts of the screen that respond to user input. They extend beyond the visual bounds of an element. For example, an icon may appear to be 24×24 dp, but the padding surrounding it comprises the full 48×48 dp touch target.

Consider responsive layout behavior

That’s right, we’ve gotta consider how things shift and move around in a design that’s meant to respond to different viewport sizes. One example might be buttons that stack on small screens but are inline on larger screen. We want to make sure that transition accounts for the placement of surrounding elements in order to prevent overlapping elements or targets.

Speaking of inline, there’s a particular piece of the WCAG’s exception for inline targets that’s worth highlighting:

Inline: Content displayed can often be reflowed based on the screen width available (responsive design). In reflowed content, the targets can appear anywhere on a line and can change position based on the width of the available screen. Since targets can appear anywhere on the line, the size cannot be larger than the available text and spacing between the sentences or paragraphs, otherwise the targets could overlap. It is for this reason targets which are contained within one or more sentences are excluded from the target size requirements.

(Emphasis mine)

Now, we’re not necessarily talking about buttons that are side-by-side here. We can links within text and that text might break the target’s placement, possibly into two lines.

While it might be difficult to tap one target without inadvertently tapping the other, the WCAG makes an exception for inline targets, like links within paragraphs.

Consider the target’s relationship to its surroundings

We just saw how inline links within a block of text are exempt from the 44×44 rule. There are similar exceptions depending on the target’s relationship to the elements around it.

Let’s take the example that the WCAG explainer provides, again, in it’s description of inline target exceptions:

If the target is the full sentence and the sentence is not in a block of text, then the target needs to be at least 44 by 44 CSS pixels.

That’s a good one. We ought to consider whether the target is its own block or part of a larger block of text. If the target is its own block, then it needs to abide by the rules, whether it’s a button with a short label, or a complete sentence that’s linked up. On the flip side, a complete sentence that’s linked up inside another block of text doesn’t have to meet the target size requirements.

If the target is its own block of text (left), then it needs to adhere to the WCAG criterion. Otherwise, it is exempt (right).

You might think that something like a linked icon at the end of a sentence or paragraph would need to play by the rules, but the WCAG is clear that these targets are exempt:

A footnote or an icon within or at the end of a sentence is considered to be part of a sentence and therefore are excluded from the minimum target size.

And that makes sense. Imagine content with a line height of, say 32 pixels and an icon at the end that’s all padded up to be 44×44 pixels and how easy it would be to inadvertently activate the icon.

Consider whether the target is styled by the User Agent

If the target is completely un-styled — in the sense that you’ve added no CSS to it — and instead takes on the default styles provided by the browser, then there’s no need to stress the 44×44 rule. That makes sense. The User Agent is like system-level UI so changing it superficially with our own styles would be overriding an entire system which could lead to inconsistencies in that UI.

You’re fine just as you are, little button.

So, yeah, if you’re rockin’ a default <button> or the like, and there are no other styles or sizing applied to it, then it’s good to go. But lots of us use resets to normalize UI elements across browsers, so watch for that in your codebase because that’s going to affect the User Agent styles of your target.

Consider if there are other ways to activate the functionality

We’ve all used in-page anchor links, right? Heck, CSS-Tricks often has a table of contents at the top of an article that’s merely a list of anchor links.

Should these be at least 44×44 pixels?

WCAG actually uses anchor links as an example of something that’s off the hook as far as meeting the target size requirements. Why? Because it’s just as possible to manually scroll down to a specific location on a page as it is to click a link to jump there. There are two ways to accomplish the same thing, and one of those ways is built right into the browser.

But we still ought to use care when working with something like a table of contents. I’m not entirely clear here, but given that a table of contents is list of links, each link may very well constitute its own block of text that’s not part of a larger block of a text, like a paragraph. So, in this sort of case, maybe a little extra space between list items is still a good idea. There’s less change of accidentally clipping or tapping two or more targets at once.

Wrapping up

WCAG 2.5.5 criterion provides guidance for applying target sizes that are clear, unobstructed, and easy to activate. As we saw, there are plenty of cases where the size of a target can make all the difference in the world when it comes to completing an action.

The interesting thing about the target size guidelines is what is exempted from them. While we didn’t cover each specific exemption on its own, we did look at a bunch situations that require careful consideration for sizing a target, from the type of input device that’s in use to the relationship of the target to its surrounding elements, and plenty of things between.

The key to accessible target sizing isn’t necessary about using less styling on a target (although we did see that default User Agent styles are exempt), but rather having context and styling accordingly. There are probably dozens more situations we could have covered here and examined how styles come into play — so if you have some, share!

And as far as styling goes, CSS specifications have specific features, like the interation media query for pointer, to make target sizing even better for people. Used well, it could be a great way to detect if a visitor is using a fine or coarse input device. That way, we can tailor things to make their experience better than if we treated those differences the same.

So, yes, target sizes are an easy thing to brush off and ignore. But hopefully now you’re like me and have a genuine appreciation for targets that are correctly sized now that you have the information to make correctly sized targets of your own.

The post Looking at WCAG 2.5.5 for Better Target Sizes appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

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How to Conduct Accessibility Testing on Android Devices

As per recent research by the World Health Organization, roughly 15% of the worldwide population is ‘specially-abled’ in some form or another. Developers creating a mobile application for all need to keep this 15% in mind. Other than creating dedicated applications for differently-abled people, making sure the current applications are disabled-friendly is a moral responsibility for every developer to ensure all their users are able to access their application with ease.

To accelerate this process, innovative tools are used to check if the applications are functioning as per the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines or WCAG. This is where accessibility testing comes into the picture. Accessibility testing helps identify errors in software and functions incorporated in your systems and mobile phones to ensure that an application is accessible to people with disabilities, including visual, auditory, physical, speech, cognitive, language, learning, and neurological disabilities.

WCAG 1.3: Adaptable

The third WCAG Guideline, Adaptable, is part of the Perceivable principle and covers adapting to the different needs of users by allowing content to be received in multiple ways. WCAG 1.3: Use Semantic HTML One of the most important ways...

The post WCAG 1.3: Adaptable appeared first on Treehouse Blog.

Collective #645

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My Favorite Typefaces of 2020

After a decade, ILT’s annual Favorite Fonts list is back. The top-ten favorite typefaces is now joined by another 50 typefaces in the extended Honorable Mentions list.

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Noise Planets

Atul Vinayak studies and replicates some generative line artwork by Tyler Hobbs using p5js.

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The post Collective #645 appeared first on Codrops.