Multiple fields of one record into datagrid for Visual Basic.

Dear Team,
I am underprocess of a working for Tailor software where i need your kind and appreciation advise.

I have fields of cloth like shirt and trouser of a customer, when i enter the records into database it is working well if single shirt or single trouser.

I want if a customer needs two shirts and three trousers it must be shown into data grid with rows wise as mentioned below.

     Roger          Trouser

looking for the name of software

Dear all
I'm trying to track down the name/existence of software that I used in 1999 to 'write' a financial reporting system - it was a curious mix of spreadsheet with programming capability... Would any of you know about this? Its name was similar (-ish) to Visual Basic, but it wasn't VB itself... The way I was asked to use it was to collate financially reported information from a series of European entities and then present them in a specific format for the client. The client was Synstar (pan European disaster recovery computing service), since taken over by HP.

The reason I'm interested in tracking it down - is (curiosity, it's really bugging me that I can't remember its name

looking for the name of software from

Dear all
I'm trying to track down the name/existence of software that I used in 1999 to 'write' a financial reporting system - it was a curious mix of spreadsheet with programming capability... Would any of you know about this? Its name was similar (-ish) to Visual Basic, but it wasn't VB itself... The way I was asked to use it was to collate financially reported information from a series of European entities and then present them in a specific format for the client. The client was Synstar (pan European disaster recovery computing service), since taken over by HP.

The reason I'm interested in tracking it down - is (curiosity, it's really bugging me that I can't remember its name!!... and also) to find out if there is something equally as logical, easy to pick up and user friendly that I could use. I would like to be able to take data from individual small/medium sized businesses and then have a lovely usable (customised) report pop out neatly the other end... I realise that there will be cloud based software that exists for this... but I'm enthusiastic enough to want to try for myself... (and I'm supposed to be studying/have teenage children/husband/housework and this would be a lovely excuse to do something that is not related to those... ).

VB in Word – Using an ActiveX Command Button and Adding a Popup Message

Hello all,

I am relatively new to Visual Basic and have managed to muttle my way through creating a 2013 Word document that has some ActiveX controls. The final control I put in place is a Command Button that, when clicked, it sends the form off to an email. That is all working great, however, I would like to have a pop-up message that displays after the button is clicked, letting the form sender know the form has actually been sent. I have put the code I used for this Command Button below. Any help would be much appreciated.

Private Sub CommandButton4_Click()
Dim OL          As Object
Dim EmailItem   As Object
Dim Doc         As Document

Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set OL = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set EmailItem = OL.CreateItem(olMailItem)
Set Doc = ActiveDocument

With EmailItem
.Subject = "New Employee Account"
.Body = "New Employee Account Form is Attached!!"
.To = ""
.Importance = olImportanceHigh 'Or olImportanceNormal Or olImportanceLow
.Attachments.Add Doc.FullName
End With

Application.ScreenUpdating = True

Set Doc = Nothing
Set OL = Nothing
Set EmailItem = Nothing

End Sub