Vim Creator Bram Moolenaar Interview


We had a great talk with Bram Moolenaar, a Dutch computer programmer and an active member of the open-source software community. Bram is the original author, maintainer, release manager, and benevolent dictator for life of Vim, a vi-derivative text editor that is very popular among programmers and power users.

Enjoy the full interview below!

Perl Can Escape the Lisp Curse

Ten years ago Rudolf Winestock wrote The Lisp Curse, an essay that "attempt[ed] to reconcile the power of the Lisp programming language with the inability of the Lisp community to reproduce their pre- AI Winter achievements."

His conclusion? The power and expressiveness of Lisp have conspired to keep its developers individually productive, but collectively unable to organize their work into complete, standardized, well-documented, ‑tested, and ‑maintained packages that they could coalesce into interoperable and widely-adopted solutions. Everything from object systems to types to asynchronous non-blocking programming and concurrency is up for grabs and has multiple competing implementations.

Customize Shell on Mac OSX

Get the shell layout you deserve

If you're an active Mac user that spends a good amount of time using shell, you may have noticed that the OSX Shell by default is bear bone and not very productive to use on a daily bases.

The question is, how we can make OSX shell more productive?

What’s the Best Cloud IDE in 2019? Here Are 9 of the Top Options

Traditionally, it was common for developers to create code using your everyday text editors. From the local machine to the server, terminal-based text editors like VIM and Emacs (as well as GUI-based text editors like SublimeText) are still the go-to options for many developers. However, the increasing popularity of cloud services leads to the rise of cloud IDEs. In this post, we cover the most popular and functional options of today, and try to find the best cloud IDE in 2019.