How to Send a Coupon After a WooCommerce Product Review

Do you want to send your customers a coupon code whenever they leave a product review on your WooCommerce store?

Rewarding customers who leave reviews on your online store builds loyalty and leads to more sales.

In this article, we’ll show you how to send a coupon after a WooCommerce product review.

How to Send a Coupon After a WooCommerce Product Review

Why Send a Coupon After a Customer Leaves a Review?

Usually when you’re shopping online, you’ll want to read reviews from other customers before you make a purchase. Positive reviews help to build trust and confidence in your business and products, and customers tend to spend more when a business has good reviews.

However, many customers don’t leave reviews even when they’re happy with your business.

A smart way to encourage your customers to leave reviews is to send a coupon code as a simple thank you.

Coupons are a great way to promote your online store and make more sales. WooCommerce includes simple coupon functionality out of the box, and you can get more features by choosing the right WordPress coupon code plugin.

Manually sending a message to every customer who leaves a review could become a lot of work, so we’ll show you how to automate the process.

With that being said, let’s take a look at how to easily send a coupon code when a customer leaves a product review on your WooCommerce store.

Sending a Coupon After a WooCommerce Product Review

The first thing you need to do is install and activate the Uncanny Automator plugin. Uncanny Automator is the best WordPress automation plugin.

The Pro version has tight integration with WooCommerce that lets you create all sorts of automated workflows for your online store.

For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, you will also be asked to install the free version of Uncanny Automator. This light version of the plugin is limited in features but is used as the base for the Pro version.

Next, you need to navigate to the Automator » License Activation page to enter your license key. You can find this information under your account on the Uncanny Automator website.

Uncanny Automator License Key

Now we’re ready to create an automated workflow to send coupon codes. Uncanny Automator calls these Recipes. Simply navigate to the Automator » Add new page to create your first recipe.

You’ll be asked to select whether you want to create a Logged-in recipe or an Everyone recipe. You should select ‘Logged-in users’ and then click the Confirm button.

Select 'Logged-in users' and Then Click the Confirm Button

Next, you’ll need to enter a title for the recipe.

Your customers won’t see this, it’s for your own reference. We’ll call the recipe ‘Send a Coupon After a WooCommerce Product Review’.

Add a Recipe Title

Setting Up the Uncanny Automator Trigger

Next, you need to choose the condition that will trigger the action. You should get started by clicking the WooCommerce icon under ‘Select an integration’.

You’ll now see a list of WordPress triggers. You need to search for ‘review’ and choose the trigger called ‘A user reviews a product’.

A User Reviews a Product

If you would prefer to approve the user’s review before the coupon code is sent, then select the trigger called ‘A user’s review on a product is approved’.

Next, you need to select whether the Uncanny Automator workflow will be triggered when the user reviews any product or only certain products. For this tutorial, we will stay with the default setting, ‘Any product’.

Any Product or Only Certain Products

Once you click the Save button, you have successfully set up the trigger for this recipe.

Setting Up the Uncanny Automator Action

Now it’s time to set up the action. This will be a bit more work because there are a lot of ways you can configure a coupon. You should begin by clicking the ‘Add action’ button.

Begin by Clicking the ‘Add action’ Button

When the user leaves a product review, the action will be to send a WooCommerce coupon code. So you’ll need to select WooCommerce from the list of integrations.

Select WooCommerce from the List of Integrations

Only one WooCommerce action is available, ‘Generate and email a coupon code to the user’. That’s just what we want to do, so you should select that option now.

Generate and Email a Coupon Code to the User

Now you’ll need to decide which coupon you want to send to the customer. If you already created a coupon, then enter its code in the ‘Coupon code’ field.

Otherwise, you can leave the automatically generated code in the box to create a new coupon. That’s what we’ll do for this tutorial.

Type in a Description for the Code

Next, you need to type in a description for the coupon. We’ll call it ‘Thanks for leaving a review.’

The next field allows you to choose the type of discount you wish to offer. The choices are percentage discount, fixed cart discount, fixed product discount, and custom value.

Choose the Type of Discount You Wish to Offer

For this tutorial, we’ll select ‘Percentage discount’. Next, you’ll need to type in the percentage amount of discount that you wish to offer. We’ll type 30 to give the customer a 30% discount on their purchase.

Type in the Percentage Amount

You can also choose to offer free shipping. We’ll leave the box unchecked.

The next field lets you set an expiry date for the coupon. If you don’t want the coupon to expire, then just leave the field blank.

Otherwise, you can type the number of days after which the coupon will expire or type in the expiration date directly. If you type the date, then you should make sure to use the format YYY-MM-DD.

Set an Expiry Date for the Coupon

We’ll type the number 14. That means the coupon will expire two weeks after we send it to the reviewer.

You can also set a minimum and maximum spend amount for the coupon. We’ll leave those fields blank so the coupon applies to any purchase.

There are a number of other restrictions we can apply to the coupon. The first of these is ‘For individual use only’. We’ll check that box so that the coupon can’t be combined with other coupons on the same purchase.

For Individual Use Only

You can also make sure that the coupon can’t be used with items that are already on sale in your online store. We’ll check that box.

There are a lot of other settings you can apply to your coupon, such as the ability to have it apply only to certain products. We’ll leave those settings unchanged and scroll down to the ‘Usage limit per coupon’ code.

We only want to give the product reviewer a single discount, so in the ‘Usage limit per coupon’ field, we’ll type the number 1.

Usage Limit Per Coupon

You can also limit the number of items the user can purchase in that transaction. For this tutorial, we’ll leave the field blank so they can purchase as many items as they like.

We’ll scroll past a few more settings until we get to the email section at the bottom of the page.

You’ll need to enter an email subject line in the ‘Subject’ field. Make sure it’s clear and descriptive, so your customers will be more likely to open the email.

Fill in the Email Details

You can also customize the body of the email. You might like to thank the customer for leaving a product review and let them know a little about the coupon code you are sending them.

Make sure you click the Save button to save your action settings.

Activating the Uncanny Automator Recipe

Now your recipe is complete but inactive. You will need to switch the recipe toggle button at the right of the page from Draft to Live.

Switch the Toggle Button from Draft to Live

That’s it! Now that your recipe is live, the next time someone leaves a product review, they will receive a coupon code in their inbox as a thank you.

To test this, we left a product review on our test WooCommerce store, and shortly afterward received this email.

Coupon Code Email Preview

We hope this tutorial helped you learn how to send a coupon after a WooCommerce product review.

You may also want to learn how to create an email newsletter the right way, or check out our list of the best WooCommerce plugins for your store.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Send a Coupon After a WooCommerce Product Review appeared first on WPBeginner.

How to Share Your Blog Posts With Readers (4 Ways)

Are you looking for proven ways to share your blog posts with blog readers to grow your traffic?

Most people who read your blog won’t come back to see if you’ve published new posts. By sharing your new posts with readers, you can get them to come back to your website and potentially convert into customers.

In this article, we’ll show you how you can share new blog posts you’ve recently published with your readers.

How to share your blog posts with readers (4 ways)

Why Share Your Blog Posts with Readers?

Nearly 70% visitors leaving your website will never come back to visit again. As a website owner, you need to give them a reason to come back.

One of the best ways to do this is by sharing your new blog posts with them. If your blog posts are packed with value, then you’re helping your readers succeed by encouraging them to read your new content.

If you run an online store, then sharing your posts will deepen the relationship and turn subscribers into customers. Those running affiliate or review websites will get more views on their content, which means more clicks and commissions.

With that said, let’s take a look at a few different ways you can share your blog posts with your readers. Simply use the quick links below to go straight to the method you want to use to share your blog posts.

1. Share Your Blog Posts with Push Notification Subscribers

One of the easiest and most effective ways to share new blog posts with your readers is by using push notifications.

A push notification is a popup message that goes out to your subscribers across desktop and mobile devices.

These can be very effective because they show up instantly no matter where your visitors happen to be. You don’t have to wait until they check their email or social media accounts for them to see your notification.

Here’s an example of what a blog post notification can look like:

PushEngage blog post notification

The easiest way to add push notifications to your WordPress blog is by using PushEngage. It’s the best push notification software in the market used by over 10,000 businesses.


For more details on setting up and sending push notifications, see our guide on how to add web push notifications to your WordPress site.

After you activate and set up the plugin, push notifications for new blog posts will automatically be enabled on your site.

The moment you publish a new post, your notification will send out to all of your subscribers.

The push notification will include the title of your blog post and the featured image. Once they click the notification, they’ll be taken to the post on your website.

2. Share Your Blog Posts with Your Email List

Your email list is one of most valuable assets in your business and one of the best ways to stay in touch with your readers.

Email subscribers who have joined your list have already verified their identity and are very interested in what you have to offer, which makes them more likely to open your emails and return to your website.

Haven’t started to build your email list yet? The first thing you need to do is get a high quality email marketing service provider.

We recommend using Constant Contact since it’s one of the best email marketing services for small businesses.

Constant Contact

Constant Contact offers tools that make it easy to manage your email list, like simple tracking and reporting, unlimited emails, segmentation, an image library, and more.

For more details on setting up your email list and sending emails, see our guide on how to create an email newsletter the right way.

Once your email list is set up, you can start sharing your blog posts with your email list.

Constant Contact has all the tools you need to start sending your blog posts to readers, including an option to embed posts directly into your email.

Constant Contact send blog post

If you’re looking for creative ways to get more email subscribers, then consider adding a yes/no optin, using content upgrades, or getting started with coupon code popups on your website.

Looking for a Constant Contact alternative?

There are dozens of other email marketing services that you can use too including HubSpot, Sendinblue, and ConvertKit.

3. Share Your Blog Posts with Your Social Media Followers

Social media platforms are a great place to tap into a network of billions of people, build a following, and send traffic back to your site.

To build a loyal following, you need to engage with your users by interacting with them, posting updates, and sharing your content.

We regularly share our latest blog posts with our audience on Twitter and Facebook.

WPBeginner Facebook share example

However, the big issue with manually sharing your blog posts on social media is that posting can be very time consuming.

Luckily, you can automate your WordPress website so that the moment you publish a new post, it’ll automatically share to social media.

The easiest way to do this is by using Uncanny Automator. It’s the best WordPress automation plugin that lets you create automated workflows without writing any code.

Uncanny Automator

It connects with over 50 different plugins, tools, and applications, including popular social media networks like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

If you want to share your blog posts to Facebook, then see our guide on how to automatically post to Facebook from WordPress. For Twitter, see our guide on how to automatically tweet when you publish a new post in WordPress.

With your automations all set up, the moment you publish a new blog post, it’ll automatically share your blog posts with your social media followers.

4. Share Your Blog Posts with Your SMS Subscribers

Sending SMS messages can be a great way to share your new posts with your readers. Not only do text messages have a very high open rate, but people will check their text messages almost instantly.

The first thing you need to send SMS messages to your subscribers is an SMS marketing provider.

We recommend using Sendinblue since it’s one of the best email marketing providers that also allows you to send SMS messages.


For more details, see our guide on how to send SMS messages to your WordPress users.

Once your account is set up, you can share your blog posts with your readers via SMS. You’ll have full control over the recipients, message, sending time, and more.

SMS message example

We hope this article helped you learn how to share your blog posts with readers. You may also want to see our comparison of the best domain name registrars, and our expert picks of the best AI chatbots software for your website.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Share Your Blog Posts With Readers (4 Ways) appeared first on WPBeginner.

How to Automatically Tweet When You Publish a New Post in WordPress

Do you want to tweet your newly published blog posts automatically?

Twitter is one of the best platforms to let your followers know whenever you publish a new post in WordPress. By tweeting new posts automatically, you can save time while growing your Twitter followers and website traffic.

In this article, we will show you how to automatically send a tweet when you publish a new post in WordPress.

How to auto tweet new posts in WordPress

Why Automatically Tweet New Blog Posts on Twitter?

Twitter is a great place to engage with your audience and build a following. However, it can be time-consuming to manually send out tweets whenever you publish a new post on your WordPress blog.

That’s where automatically sharing new blog posts on Twitter comes in handy. You can provide fresh content to your Twitter followers to keep them engaged.

That said, let’s look at how you can automatically Tweet whenever a new post is published on your WordPress website.

Automatically Share New WordPress Posts on Twitter Using Uncanny Automator

The easiest and most reliable way to tweet newly published content in WordPress is by using Uncanny Automator. It’s the best WordPress automation plugin that helps you create automated workflows without having to code.

Uncanny Automator

For this tutorial, we’ll be using the free version of Uncanny Automator, since it includes a Twitter integration.

There’s also an Uncanny Automator Pro version that unlocks more integrations like Google Sheets, Twilio, Slack, and others. It also offers advanced features like delayed or scheduled actions, buttons that can trigger any automation, and much more.

You can see our guide on how to create automated workflows in WordPress for more examples to reduce admin tasks and save time.

To get started automatically tweeting new posts, you’ll first need to install and activate the Uncanny Automator plugin on your website. For more details, you can follow our tutorial on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, you’ll need to navigate to Automator » Settings and then select the ‘Twitter’ tab. After that, go ahead and click the ‘Connect an Account’ button.

Connect your Twitter account

On the next screen, you’ll need to allow Uncanny Automator to access your Twitter account. To do that, simply click the ‘Authorize app’ button.

Authorize Uncanny Automator to access Twitter account

You’ll now be redirected back to the Uncanny Automator settings page. You can see that your Twitter account will be successfully connected.

See your Connected Twitter account

Next, you’ll need to create a recipe to automatically send tweets when you publish a new blog post in WordPress.

To start, simply head over to Automator » Add New from your WordPress dashboard. Now, you’ll need to select a recipe type by choosing either logged-in users or everyone.

Logged-in recipes can be triggered by only users that are logged in to the website. However, if you want anyone to trigger the recipe, then you should select the ‘Everyone’ recipe type.

You can go ahead and select the ‘Logged-in users’ recipe type and then click the ‘Confirm’ button.

Select the logged in recipe type

After that, you’ll need to add a title for your recipe and then select ‘WordPress’ as your Logged-in triggers integration.

Select WordPress as your integration

Next, you will see a list of triggers to choose from. Go ahead and select ‘A user publishes a type of post with a taxonomy term in a taxonomy’.

Select a trigger

Now you can choose which content you’d like to automatically share on Twitter by selecting a ‘Post type’ from the dropdown menu.

For instance, if you want to share all blog posts, then simply choose the ‘Post’ option. You can also decide if you’re going to share posts from a particular category or tag by changing the Taxonomy options.

Choose post type to share on Twitter

When you’re done, click the ‘Save’ button.

Next, you’ll need to add an action for your recipe. An action is something that you want to do when the recipe is triggered, like sharing your content on Twitter.

You can start by clicking the ‘Add an action’ button.

Click add action button

Now select ‘Twitter’ as your integration under the Actions section.

Select Twitter as your Action

After that, you’ll need to choose the ‘Post a status to Twitter’ option for your action.

Choose your action for Twitter

Next, go ahead and add a Status that your followers will see on Twitter when new content is published.

Uncanny Automator also offers different options to customize your Tweet. For example, you can click the (*) asterisk button to the right of the text field and select ‘Post title’ and ‘Post URL’ to automatically appear in your Tweets.

Add a Twitter status

You can use the Image URL field below if you want the same image to appear with every blog post that’s tweeted out.

However, if you want your blog posts’ featured images to appear instead, then you’ll want to see our guide on how to add Twitter cards in WordPress.

Don’t forget to click the ‘Save’ button when you’re done.

Now you’re ready to publish your recipe. All you have to do is click the toggle under the ‘Recipe’ meta box and change the recipe status from Draft to ‘Live.’

Publish your recipe

That’s it! Uncanny Automator will automatically tweet when you publish a new blog post on your WordPress website.

You can now publish a new blog post and then visit your Twitter profile to see your tweet with the custom status.

Automatically share Tweets when publishing new post

We hope this article helped you send automatic tweets when you publish new posts in WordPress. You may also want to look at our tutorial on how to choose the best blogging platform and the best WooCommerce plugins for your store.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Automatically Tweet When You Publish a New Post in WordPress appeared first on WPBeginner.

How to Automatically Post to Facebook From WordPress

Do you want your blog posts to be automatically posted to Facebook from your WordPress site?

Facebook is one of the largest social media sites in the world with more than 2 billion active users. Sharing your blog posts there will help increase pageviews and drive traffic to your site.

In this article, we’ll show you how to automatically post to Facebook whenever you publish a new WordPress blog post.

How to Automatically Post to Facebook From WordPress

Why Automatically Share WordPress Posts on Facebook?

The easiest way to build a following and staying in touch with your users is by building an email list. Still, you can’t ignore the huge userbase of social media websites like Facebook.

As the largest social media website, Facebook has more than 2 billion active users. This global audience can become a big source of traffic for your WordPress website.

You will need to engage with users on Facebook to build a strong following. This means answering comments, sharing content, and posting regular updates on Facebook.

This can become overwhelming, so we’ve put together a complete social media cheat sheet for WordPress to help you get started.

With that being said, let’s have a look at how to easily post to Facebook when you publish a new post in WordPress.

Automatically Post to Facebook from WordPress Using Uncanny Automator

Uncanny Automator is the best WordPress automation plugin that helps create automated workflows without writing any code.

It connects with 50+ plugins and thousands of apps, including Facebook, Google Drive, Slack, Asana, Twitter, Instagram, and more.

Uncanny Automator

A free version is available and gives you 1,000 free credits to use with Facebook. Once you have used those credits you’ll need a Pro account or higher to continue posting automatically to Facebook.

The first thing you need to do is install and activate the Uncanny Automator plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, you will also be asked to install the free version of Uncanny Automator. This light version of the plugin is limited in features but is used as the base for the Pro version.

Next, you need to navigate to the Automator » License Activation page to enter your license key. You can find this information under your account on the Uncanny Automator website.

Uncanny Automator License Key

Connecting Your Facebook Page to Uncanny Automator

Before you can start to create a Facebook automation, you’ll need to connect your Facebook page to Uncanny Automator.

To do that, navigate to Automator » Settings and click on the Facebook tab. Once there, you’ll need to click the Connect Facebook Pages button.

Click the Connect Facebook Pages Button

After you click this button, a popup will appear where you can log in to your Facebook account.

Once you log in you will be asked if you want to continue and let Uncanny Automator receive your name and profile picture. You’ll need to click the ‘Continue as’ button.

Click the Continue Button

Next, you’ll be asked whether you want to use an Instagram business account with Uncanny Automator. You might like to do that if you plan to create automated workflows with Instagram, too.

For this tutorial, we’ll just click the Next button.

You Can Connect Uncanny Automator to an Instragram Business Account

You’ll then be shown a list of your Facebook pages. You need to select the one you wish to post to and then click the Next button.

Select the Page You Wish to Post To

Having done that, you’ll be asked to give Uncanny Automator permission to do certain things with your Instagram account and Facebook page.

You need to answer Yes to the options regarding the Facebook page, and then you should click the Done button.

Give Uncanny Automator Permission

You should answer Yes to the Instagram options as well if you plan to create Instagram automations using Uncanny Automator.

Uncanny Automator is now linked to Facebook and you should click the OK button to finish the setup.

Uncanny Automator Is Now Linked to Facebook

Automatically Posting to Facebook from Uncanny Automator

Now we’re ready to create an automated workflow to post to Facebook. Uncanny Automator calls these ‘Recipes’. Simply navigate to the Automator » Add new page to create your first recipe.

You’ll be asked to select whether you want to create a ‘Logged-in’ recipe or an ‘Everyone’; recipe. You should select ‘Logged-in users’ and then click the Confirm button.

Select 'Logged-in Users'

You can now start to build your first Uncanny Automator recipe.

First, you’ll need to add a title. We’ll call the recipe ‘Automatically Post to Facebook’ and type this in the title field.

Add a Title

Next, you need to define the condition that will trigger the action. We want to post to Facebook whenever a WordPress post is published. So you’ll need to click the WordPress icon under ‘Select an integration’.

You’ll now see a list of WordPress triggers. You should search for ‘publish’ and choose the trigger called ‘A user publishes a type of post with a taxonomy term in a taxonomy‘.

You'll See a List of WordPress Triggers

For this tutorial, we want to post to Facebook when we publish a blog post, not a page. So we’ll change the post type to Post and leave the other settings unchanged. Don’t forget to save your settings by clicking the Save button.

Change the Post Type to 'Post'

If you only want certain types of content to be posted on Facebook, then you can choose a single category or tag by selecting the appropriate options from the Taxonomy and Taxonomy term drop downs.

Next, you’ll need to choose the action that will happen each time a post is published. Start by clicking the ‘Add action’ button.

Click the Add Action Button

You should now see the list of integrated services that Uncanny Automator supports. Simply click the Facebook button.

Click the Facebook Button

You’ll now see a list of Facebook actions. You should select the option that says ‘Publish a post to a Facebook page’.

Select the Option that Says 'Publish a Post to a Facebook Page

If you have connected to more than one Facebook page, then you’ll need to select the one you wish to post to.

After that, you should type the message in the Message text box that you wish to be published to your Facebook page with each post.

Select the Facebook Page You Wish to Post To

Next, you need to add the post title and URL to the message. You need to press the Enter key to start a new line, and then you should click the asterisk button at the right of the Message text box.

Click the Asterisk Icon

Now you need to click the down arrow icon next to ‘A user publishes a Post’ to access the fields that add information about the post that has been published.

The available tokens include the post type and title, the post URL and content, and more. You should click on ‘Post title’ to insert it into the message.

Click Post Title to Insert It into the Message

Follow the same steps to add the post URL to a line of its own. The message should now look like the screenshot below, and you can customize it to suit your own WordPress site and Facebook page.

Completed Message

Don’t forget to click the Save button to store your action.

If you like, you can set add a delay before Uncanny Automator posts to Facebook. That way you can schedule the post for when your social media audience is most active.

You need to hover your mouse above the Live switch on the right until a Delay button appears. Once you click it you’ll be able to choose whether the action will be triggered after a time delay or on a specific date and time.

Trigger After a Time Delay or on a Specific Date and Time

Now your recipe is complete but inactive. The trigger and action have been set, but won’t be activated when you publish a new post. To change that, you need to switch the toggle button from Draft to Live.

Switch the Toggle Button from Draft to Live

Now that your recipe is live, the next time you publish a post on your WordPress website, a message will also be posted to your Facebook page.

To test this, we published a new blog post on our test site, and this is how the post appeared on our Facebook page.

This Is How the Post Appeared on Our Facebook Page

If you see that the right thumbnail image isn’t appearing, then you can see our guide on how to fix the incorrect Facebook thumbnail issue in WordPress.

We hope this tutorial helped you learn how to automatically post to Facebook from WordPress.

You may also want to learn how to create an email newsletter the right way, or check out our list of must have plugins to grow your site.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Automatically Post to Facebook From WordPress appeared first on WPBeginner.

5 Best WordPress Cloud Storage Plugins 2021 (w/ Free Options)

Are you looking for the best cloud storage plugins for WordPress?

Cloud storage plugins make it easy to store and access your website files from anywhere in the world. They can also automatically sync your data, so it’s safe and always backed up.

In this article, we’ll share some of the best WordPress cloud storage plugins you can use to store your WordPress files.

Best WordPress cloud storage plugins (w/ free options)

Why Use a WordPress Cloud Storage Plugin?

WordPress cloud storage plugins help to ensure your website files, documents, and other media are safe and secure.

Many cloud storage plugins and tools also serve your media files from their servers, similar to a CDN, so it can improve your website speed and performance too.

Plus, you can even backup your entire WordPress blog, so no matter what happens, your website and files are ready to be restored if you need them.

That’s being said, let’s look at some of the best WordPress cloud storage plugins.

1. WPForms


WPForms is the best contact form plugin for WordPress used by over 4 million websites. It’s very beginner friendly and can be used to create all kinds of forms like contact forms, registration forms, file upload forms, and more.

It comes with over 100 premade templates that can easily be customized with the drag and drop builder.

All of your form entries will save to your WordPress database, but you can also integrate the plugin with a cloud storage provider.

For example, you could automatically upload files to Google Drive or Dropbox, or use the Zapier addon to connect with any cloud storage service you prefer.

The free version of the plugin lets you create simple contact forms, but for more advanced form creation and cloud storage features you’ll need the pro version.

2. Uncanny Automator

Uncanny Automator

Uncanny Automator is one of the best WordPress automation plugins in the market. It lets you create powerful automation workflows so you can easily store data and share it with other apps.

It integrates with all the most popular WordPress plugins and third-party tools in the market, so you can create custom automations without writing any code. Think of it like Zapier, but for WordPress websites.

For example, you can send your WordPress form data to Google Sheets, or integrate with Zapier to connect to apps like Google Cloud Storage, Dropbox, and more.

You can get started with the free version of the plugin, which supports all kinds of WordPress plugins and automation actions.

3. OptinMonster


OptinMonster is one of the best popup and lead generation plugins for WordPress used by over 1.2 million websites.

It lets you create high converting popups and email signup forms with an easy drag and drop builder, so you can turn your abandoning visitors into email subscribers and customers.

You can automatically store the leads you generate in the cloud with Monster Leads. Your leads and their data are safely stored in your OptinMonster account, so you don’t need to worry about backups or security.

Monster Leads leads

From your user dashboard, you can view individual lead details, filter, and export your leads.

Plus, you can connect to popular email marketing services, so you can send your leads an email newsletter to grow your relationship and make sales.

Note: You can get started with a free version of OptinMonster.

4. UpdraftPlus


UpdraftPlus is the best WordPress backup plugin in the market used by over 3 million websites. It lets you create a complete backup of your WordPress site and store it in the cloud.

You can create scheduled backups or backup your website on demand. You also have the option to choose which files you want to backup.

It can automatically upload your backups to a variety of cloud storage providers like Dropbox, Google Drive, Rackspace, Amazon S3, and more.

For more details, see our guide on how to backup and restore your WordPress site with UpdraftPlus.

Alternative: Other great backup solutions include BackupBuddy, BackWPUp, and Duplicator.

5. WP Offload Media

WP Offload Media

WP Offload Media is an easy to use cloud storage plugin that syncs up with various cloud storage providers.

It automatically copies your images, videos, documents, and other media to your cloud storage provider of choice. Then, it replaces the URL to the cloud hosted version of the media.

This ensures you have copies of your media stored in the cloud for safekeeping. Plus, it can speed up your website loading times, similar to a CDN service.

The plugin currently works with Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, and DigitalOcean Spaces for cloud storage.

It also integrates with popular image compression plugins like EWWW Image Optimizer to speed up your WordPress site.

We hope this article helped you find the best WordPress cloud storage plugins for your WordPress site. You may also want to see our guide on how to get a free SSL certificate and our expert picks of the best chat bot software for your business website.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

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12 Best WordPress Automation Tools and Plugins Compared (2021)

Are you looking for the best WordPress automation tools and plugins?

By automating tasks on your WordPress website, you can save time and money while growing your website traffic and business.

In this article, we’ll share the best WordPress automation tools and plugins to help you speed up your workflows.

12 best WordPress automation tools and plugins

Why Use WordPress Automation Tools and Plugins?

When you’re running a WordPress website, there are many repetitive tasks that can take up a lot of your time.

By using WordPress automation tools and plugins, you can free up your time to spend on more productive tasks. They help to automate tasks like marketing, lead generation, social media, customer support, and much more.

For example, you can create an AI chatbot to automate basic customer support, or use an email autoresponder to welcome new subscribers.

That being said, let’s take a look at some of the best WordPress automation plugins and tools you can use to automate your WordPress site.

1. Uncanny Automator

Uncanny Automator

Uncanny Automator is the best WordPress automation plugin in the market. It lets you create powerful workflows to save time and reduce errors without writing any code.

Uncanny Automator seamlessly integrates with all the most popular WordPress plugins and third-party tools in the market. This makes it easy to set up your own custom automations in a couple of clicks.

Think of it like Zapier, but for WordPress websites.

For example, you can connect WordPress with Google Sheets, integrate Slack and WordPress, create buttons that trigger actions, and so much more.

There’s support for 70 different WordPress plugins and third-party apps to help you create endless automations and run your WordPress blog more efficiently.

You can get started with the free version of the plugin, which supports all kinds of WordPress plugins and actions.

2. Constant Contact

Constant Contact

Constant Contact is the best email marketing service for small businesses.

Constant Contact lets you stay in touch with your visitors after they leave your website. You can use it create automated email sequences to build customer relationships, sell products, and more.

Plus, it’s very easy to set up and create your own email newsletters. You can use the drag and drop email creator and bundled email templates to quickly create beautiful emails to send to your subscribers.

It also integrates with popular lead generation tools like WPForms and OptinMonster to fully automate your lead generation and follow-up process.

You can use our Constant Contact coupon code to get 20% off your monthly plan.

Alternatives: SendinBlue, HubSpot, and Drip are great alternatives for email marketing automation.

3. OptinMonster


OptinMonster is the best conversion optimization software and WordPress popup plugin in the market. It lets you automate your lead generation and convert website visitors into new email subscribers and customers.

OptinMonster includes a library of high-converting templates you can use to create location based popups, announcement bars, slide-ins, gamified spin wheels, and more to capture your user’s attention.

Spin the wheel popup example

All of the templates can be fully customized with the drag and drop builder.

There are also advanced targeting features so that each campaign will display based on the rules you decide. For example, you can have popups display for visitors in a certain location, or show targeted messages for different pages on your website.

Note: You can get a free version of OptinMonster to get started.

4. WPForms


WPForms is the best contact form plugin in the market used by over 4 million websites. It’s very beginner friendly and lets you create forms that make it easy for your visitors to get in touch with you.

The drag and drop form builder lets you quickly create a nearly endless amount of forms like contact forms, order forms, email subscription forms, survey forms, and more.

Beyond beginner-friendly form creation tools, you’ll find advanced features like conversational forms, geolocation tracking, login forms, and much more.

WPForms easily integrates with a ton of other tools and plugins so you can easily automate any action after someone fills out your form.

For example, you could automatically send the data to a Google Sheet, register new users on your membership site, get an SMS message from your form, and much more.

The free version of WPForms lets you create simple contact forms, but for the more advanced form creation features, you’ll need to update to WPForms pro.

5. Chatbot

ChatBot is the best AI chatbot software for WordPress. It lets you easily automate live chat on your website by setting up your own chatbot.

It comes with an easy to use chatbot builder and template library, so you can quickly create your own chatbot without any coding or technical skills.

The templates include different scenarios where a user might reach out to live chat, including customer support, bookings, selling products, and more.

Plus, it integrates with popular live chat software like LiveChat, so you can have a live agent jump in if the user needs extra help.

6. HubSpot

HubSpot CRM

HubSpot is one of the best CRM software for small businesses. It allows you to manage your leads better and automate aspects of your online marketing.

With HubSpot, you can easily manage your marketing, sales, and customer service together in one place. All of your customer data will be updated automatically.

You can view detailed performance reports to help you improve your sales and lead generation process.

Plus, it integrates easily with all the top email marketing and lead generation plugins and tools.

You can get access to the core features of the CRM for free, but to get even more features and advanced tools, you can upgrade to one of the paid plans.

7. TrustPulse


TrustPulse is the best social proof plugin for WordPress that lets you set up automatic notifications to improve website conversions and make more sales.

TrustPulse automatically monitors activity on your site. When potential customers are close to buying something on your site, they will see a notification from other customers who have just made a purchase.

By simply displaying social proof, you’ll give your visitors a nudge to complete their purchase.

TrustPulse example

TrustPulse can be installed on any website without any code and customized to easily match your website’s design.

Plus, there are advanced targeting options so you can choose which products and pages you want your social proof notifications to display on.

For more details, see our guide on how to use FOMO to increase conversions.

8. Smash Balloon

Smash Balloon

Smash Balloon is a collection of 4 different WordPress social media plugins that let you add social feeds from Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube to your website.

It’s the most popular social media feed plugins for WordPress, used by over 1.4 million websites.

Smash Balloon automates your website content by displaying your latest social media activity. This can save you time and keep your website content fresh, while keeping visitors engaged on your site.

Plus, it can boost your social proof by displaying your social media followers, comments, and like counts.

There are a lot of different ways you can customize how your social media feeds display.

For example, you can customize the design to match your brand, choose from a handful of pre-designed templates, and even add Instagram shoppable feeds to make more money.

Smash Balloon Instagram example

All of your feeds will be automatically updated when you post new content to your connected social media accounts.

You can choose to add individual social media feeds to WordPress, or use the Smash Balloon Social Wall plugin to display all of your social media feeds in one place.

There are also free versions of Smash Balloon available to let you try before you buy.

9. RafflePress


RafflePress is the best WordPress giveaway and contest plugin in the market that lets you grow your email list, traffic, and social media followers with giveaways and contests.

It has a drag and drop builder, so you can easily create successful giveaways using proven templates that will attract your visitor’s attention.

To enter your giveaway, your visitors will need to enter their email address, so you can automatically gain new email newsletter subscribers.

Plus, you can connect other tools you’re using like your WordPress form plugins, WordPress CRM, marketing automation tools, and more.

There is a free version of RafflePress available. If you want more powerful features to skyrocket and automate your growth, then you need to get RafflePress pro.

10. MonsterInsights


MonsterInsights is the best analytics solution for WordPress used by over 3 million websites.

It helps you automate tracking on your website with Google Analytics, without having to modify your tracking code. For more details, see our beginner’s guide on how to install Google Analytics in WordPress.

Plus, you can view these stats directly inside your WordPress dashboard. You’ll get a quick overview of your traffic sources, most popular pages, and more.

MonsterInsights stats

You can optimize your website to get more traffic, revenue, and email subscribers when you know this information.

MonsterInsights has a free version available, but to unlock the tool’s true power, you’ll want to upgrade to the premium version.

11. SeedProd


SeedProd is the best drag and drop WordPress page builder in the market used by over 1 million websites.

With SeedProd, you can create beautiful landing pages to automate things like product sales, webinar signups, newsletter subscriptions, and more.

SeedProd templates

There are built-in blocks that let you add things like countdown timers, optin forms, and more to build urgency and get your visitors to take action.

Plus, you can integrate your landing page with your email marketing service to send an automated email after they sign up.

The lite version of SeedProd lets you create simple maintenance mode pages, but for advanced page building features, smart blocks, and the library of templates, you can sign up for the pro version.

12. PushEngage


PushEngage is the best push notification software for WordPress. It lets you send automated push messages to your visitors after they leave your website.

You can set it up to automatically send out new blog post notifications, or use it to send custom messages.

Thank you push notification

It comes with all kinds of advanced marketing features like automatic drip campaigns, opt-in reminders, interactive messages, and more.

Your campaigns can be customized to work with your online store so you can increase revenue and reduce abandoned carts.

The level of personalization and targeting available will greatly help to improve your website conversions. For more details, see our guide on how to add web push notifications to WordPress.

We hope this article helped you find the best WordPress automation tools and plugins. You may also want to see our guide on how to get a free SSL certificate and our expert picks on the best HR payroll software for small businesses.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post 12 Best WordPress Automation Tools and Plugins Compared (2021) appeared first on WPBeginner.

14 Best WooCommerce Sales Funnel Plugins to Boost Your Conversions

Are you looking for the best WooCommerce sales funnel plugins to boost your conversions?

There are many WooCommerce plugins out there to help you optimize your sales funnel, so you can make more money from your existing traffic.

In this article, we’ve hand picked some of the best WooCommerce sales funnel plugins you can use to increase conversions.

14 best WooCommerce sales funnel plugins to boost your conversions

Why Use WooCommerce Sales Funnel Plugins?

WooCommerce makes it easy to create an online store, but the default features and settings aren’t built to help you sell more products.

On average, only 10% of shoppers will add anything to their carts. After they do, 60-80% of them abandon their carts without finishing the purchase.

Luckily, there are all kinds of WooCommerce plugins to help you boost conversions, so you can make more sales from your existing traffic. Using WooCommerce sales funnel plugins can help your store in a lot of ways.

  • Recover sales from users abandoning their carts
  • Stay in touch with customers via email marketing
  • Create store pages to promote best-selling products
  • Offer coupon codes to bring in more sales
  • And much more

With that said, let’s look at some of the best WooCommerce sales funnel plugins that you can use with your WooCommerce store.

1. SeedProd


SeedProd is the best drag and drop WordPress page builder in the market used by over 1 million websites.

It’s very easy to use and has a collection of pre-made templates and blocks that will help you customize your WooCommerce product pages, checkout pages, and more.

SeedProd WooCommerce blocks

By creating custom pages for your WooCommerce store, you can improve conversions, promote popular and related products, and make more money.

Plus, it works with any WooCommerce theme, so you can create custom product pages, checkout pages, and more, without any limitations.

There is a free version of Seedprod you can use to create beautiful landing pages. However, the WooCommerce blocks are only available in the pro version of the plugin.

2. OptinMonster


OptinMonster is the best WordPress popup plugin and lead generation tool in the market used by over 1 million websites.

It helps you convert your abandoning website visitors into new customers and email subscribers.

You can use OptinMonster to boost your conversions, reduce shopping cart abandonment, show targeted website messages, grow your email list, and much more.

OptinMonster has a ton of built-in popup features that can help you boost sales easily.

For example, you can create floating header or footer bars perfect for announcing ongoing sales, free shipping, sale countdown timers, and other special offers.

Floating header bar

Plus, every popup can be customized to display based on the rules you decide. For example, you could set your countdown timer to only appear during checkout, or only show a sales banner on a certain product category.

You can even create popups that will display based upon the visitor’s location. Plus, you can gamify popups with the spin the wheel feature, and much more.

Spin the wheel popup example

For more details, see our guide on how to create a WooCommerce popup to increase sales.

Note: You can get a free version of OptinMonster to get started through WordPress.

3. MonsterInsights


MonsterInsights is the best analytics solution for WooCommerce stores.

It’s incredibly easy to set up and comes with enhanced eCommerce tracking, which gives you more insights you can use to optimize your funnel and make more sales.

Plus, all of this information is displayed directly in your WordPress dashboard. You don’t need to sort through the complex Google Analytics reports to find what you’re looking for.

WooCommerce analytics report

You can also get a detailed breakdown of your shopping cart activity, the total number of purchases, top performing products, and more.

This helps you make data-driven decisions to grow your business and quickly see if the changes you’re making are helping to improve your store’s conversions.

WooCommerce cart report

For more details, see our step by step guide on how to setup WooCommerce conversion tracking.

4. WooFunnels


WooFunnels is an easy to use WooCommerce sales funnel builder. It lets you create lead pages, checkout pages, order bump pages, upsells, downsells, and more.

It has dozens of different templates you can use to create your sales funnel pages in a couple of clicks.

You can easily customize every page of your funnel with the drag and drop builder. WooFunnels also includes built in customer reporting, so you can track customer and order data.

5. TrustPulse


TrustPulse is the best social proof plugin for WooCommerce that helps you improve conversions and get more sales.

When potential customers are close to making a purchase, they’ll see a notification from other customers who have just made a purchase. By adding social proof, you give your visitors a nudge to complete their purchase.

TrustPulse example

TrustPulse makes setting up this kind of notification incredibly easy. You can install it on any WordPress website without code and customize the notifications to match your brand and website design.

There are advanced targeting options, so you choose the products and pages to run the campaign.

For more details, see our guide on how to use FOMO to increase conversions.

6. CartFlows


CartFlows is a feature rich WooCommerce sales funnel builder that helps you optimize your WooCommerce checkout process.

It includes a variety of templates and lets you create custom pages for every part of the sales process, including thank you pages, checkout pages, and more.

Once you activate the plugin, it’ll automatically replace the default WooCommerce checkout with a checkout process optimized for conversions.

Plus, it integrates with most popular WordPress page builders like Divi, Beaver Builder, etc to easily customize the templates and pages.

7. LiveChat


LiveChat is the best live chat support software in the market. It lets you easily add live chat to your WooCommerce store and instantly respond to questions.

This makes it easy to help your visitors move forward with their purchase and avoid abandoned carts. Plus, the chat window can be fully customized to match your brand.

It also integrates with top email marketing, WooCommerce CRM, and customer support tools.

The live chat apps work across mobile, tablet, and desktop devices, so you can answer questions on the go, without having to login to your WordPress dashboard.

For more details, see our guide on how to add LiveChat to your WooCommerce store.

Alternative: If you’re looking for chatbot software, then check out to fully automate your WooCommerce live chat.

8. Nextiva


Nextiva is the best business phone service in the market that works seamlessly with WooCommerce.

Adding a business phone number to your online store will help improve credibility and trust, while boosting your store conversions.

Since it’s a virtual business phone app, you can use it to receive calls on your mobile phone, tablet, and desktop computer.

It offers advanced enterprise level features at an affordable price like call routing, auto-attendant, and more.

Once you’ve set up your business VOIP, you can add a free click-to-call button to your store, so customers can reach your team with a single click.

Alternative: RingCentral and Ooma are good business phone alternatives.

9. WP Mail SMTP


WP Mail SMTP is the best WordPress SMTP plugin in the market used by over 2 million websites. It helps to ensure that all of your WooCommerce emails are delivered to your customer’s email inboxes.

WooCommerce will send email notifications to the store owner and customers when certain actions are taken in your store.

But, many WordPress hosting companies haven’t set up the email function correctly, and some even block it from happening. In this case, your store emails will not send.

WP Mail SMTP fixes this problem and uses an SMTP service provider to send emails. This ensures your emails will actually be delivered to your user’s inbox and not go to the spam folder.

The free version of WP Mail SMTP will work for most WooCommerce stores. The premium version, WP Mail SMTP Pro, gives you access to premium support, a white glove set up service, and even more features.

10. Advanced Coupons

Advanced Coupons

Advanced Coupons is the best WooCommerce coupon code plugin in the market. It expands the default WooCommerce coupon functionality and helps you boost sales by offering attractive coupons for your visitors.

It easily integrates perfectly with WooCommerce and lets you create BOGO offers (Buy One Get One), scheduled coupons, auto apply coupons, shipping coupons, and more.

You can even get started with the free version of the plugin to test out different coupon offers and see how it impacts your online store.

For more details, see our guide on how to create smart coupons in WooCommerce.

11. Easy Affiliate

Easy Affiliate

Easy Affiliate is the best affiliate tracking and management plugin for WooCommerce.

It lets you easily create an affiliate program for your online store, so your customers can promote your products.

When someone joins your affiliate program, they’ll get a unique link and will earn a commission whenever a sale is made through their link.

It’s fully customizable, and you can control who is allowed to join your affiliate program and the payment options you want to offer.

Easy Affiliate also includes reporting, so you can track sales, payments, link clicks, and more.

For more details, see our guide on how to add an affiliate program in WooCommerce.

12. WPForms


WPForms is the best contact form builder in the market used by over 4 million websites. It’s very beginner friendly and lets you create contact forms to answer your customer’s questions and resolve issues.

You can choose from the collection of 100+ prebuilt templates to quickly create the exact kind of form you need.

WPForms templates

You’ll find templates for user feedback forms, polls, surveys, and more. Then, you can simply customize the form with the easy to use drag and drop builder.

The free version of WPForms lets you create simple contact forms, but if you want to create more advanced forms, then you’ll need the premium version of WPForms.

13. PushEngage


PushEngage is the best web push notification software in the market used to send over 9 billion push messages every month.

It lets you connect with your visitors and customers after leaving your online store with targeted push messages. These are messages that will display in your subscriber’s browser even when they’re not browsing your store.

For example, if a customer adds items to their cart and leaves before making a purchase, then you can send an abandoned cart notification to improve conversions.

You can also send out information about product webinars, flash sales, coupons, and much more.

There’s also a free version of the plugin that lets you send messages to up to 500 subscribers.

For more details, see our guide on how to add web push notifications to WordPress.

14. Constant Contact

Constant Contact

Constant Contact is the best email marketing service for WooCommerce businesses. It’s packed with features while still being beginner friendly, so you can easily add it to your store and start building your email list.

With this tool, you can easily manage your email subscribers and deepen your relationship with your customers.

Every plan gives you access to unlimited emails, tracking and reporting, list segmentation, and much more.

It has dozens of professionally designed email templates built for specific niches, so you can quickly start creating your own email campaigns.

WPBeginner readers can use our Constant Contact coupon code to get 20% off your plan.

Alternative: HubSpot, SendinBlue, and Drip are great alternatives for WooCommerce email marketing.

15. Bonus: Uncanny Automator

Uncanny Automator

Uncanny Automator is the best automation plugin for WooCommerce. It acts as a connector between your WooCommerce store and other apps, so they can talk to each other without you writing any code.

It’s very easy to use and comes with all kinds of automated workflows you can set up in a couple of clicks.

With Uncanny Automator, you can automate many WooCommerce tasks to save time and offer your customers a better user experience.

For example, you can automatically send SMS notifications to your customers and send order data to Google Sheets for better customer tracking.

There are dozens of other automations you can create to help you run your online store more efficiently.

We hope this article helped you find the best WooCommerce sales funnel plugins to boost your conversions. You may also want to see our guide to creating a free business email address and creating an email newsletter the right way.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post 14 Best WooCommerce Sales Funnel Plugins to Boost Your Conversions appeared first on WPBeginner.

16 Best Plugins to Improve WordPress Comments (2024)

Are you looking for the best plugins to improve WordPress comments?

Comments can help boost user engagement and build a community. The default WordPress commenting system is good, but it’s quite basic. Luckily, there are tons of plugins that can help you create a more engaging comment section.

In this article, we will show you some of the best WordPress comment plugins to improve the default comment section and get more interaction on your site.

Best Plugins to Improve WordPress Comments

Why Should You Use WordPress Comment Plugins?

On its own, the native WordPress comment system includes some basic functions for users to leave blog comments and reply to other people’s comments.

While this is helpful, there’s room for improvement. If you are a WordPress blogger looking to build an audience, then you will need additional tools to make commenting on your blog more fun, exciting, and user-friendly.

You may need tools to keep spam comments at bay and prevent malicious links from endangering your users. Or, you may want to redirect the commenter to a relevant page to keep them on your website for longer.

We tested these plugins: When choosing the plugins for this showcase, we installed each tool on our test site to explore its pros, cons, and features. This allowed us to recommend only the very best WordPress comment plugins.

With that in mind, let’s look at the best plugins to improve your WordPress comments and optimize the user experience.

1. Thrive Comments

The Thrive Comments WordPress plugin

Out of all the comment plugins we’ve tried, Thrive Comments by Thrive Themes is the best. It has everything you need to improve your comments, from an easy moderation feature to post-comment actions that can turn commenters into leads or customers.

Thrive Comments comes with a built-in, keyboard-controlled comment moderation dashboard. With this, you can quickly reply, delete, and even assign comments to other admins, a feature unavailable in the native WordPress commenting system.

When users leave a comment, you can redirect them to a specific URL, show them a related post, or display an email opt-in form using Thrive Leads. It’s a great way to improve your user engagement metrics.

Thrive Comments' post-comment actions

Pros of Thrive Comments:

  • Keyboard-controlled moderation feature for you to quickly manage comments and even assign them to other admins.
  • Post-comment actions to make users stay on your website for longer.
  • Comment engagement features like upvotes/downvotes, likes/dislikes, and reward badges.
  • Allows users to subscribe to a post’s comments in case they get replies.

Cons of Thrive Comments:

  • No free version available.

Why we chose Thrive Comments: If you are looking for the best, overall WordPress comment plugin, then look no further than Thrive Comments. It has all the features needed to build an engaged and interactive community on your WordPress site.

2. Comment Moderation Role by WPBeginner

Comment Moderation Role by WPBeginner plugin banner

Do you work in a team and want to let a specific user moderate comments in WordPress? Then check out Comment Moderation Role by WPBeginner. It’s a simple plugin that creates a new ‘WPB Comment Moderator’ user role in WordPress.

Any user with this role can log in to your WordPress website and moderate comments without accessing other areas of your admin.

This is perfect if you have a support team or staff members who are responsible for moderating comments, but these people don’t need unrestricted access to your entire WordPress admin area.

WPB Comment Moderator role in WordPress admin

Pros of Comment Moderation Role:

Cons of Comment Moderation Role:

  • This plugin has a very specific function, so it’s not suitable if you are looking for a comment plugin with lots of different features.

Why we chose Comment Moderation Role: If you want a no-frills plugin to add a specific user role for moderating comments, then this plugin is your best solution. Once installed, you can immediately change a user’s role to WPB Comment Moderator.

3. SearchWP

The SearchWP homepage

If your blog posts get tons of comment threads, then that’s great for your user engagement. But at times, users may want to look through these long comments to find the information they need.

Meet SearchWP, a WordPress search engine plugin that can make navigating your website much easier. Besides creating a search function to discover pages or posts, SearchWP can also make blog comments searchable.

How to make your WordPress blog comments searchable

SearchWP offers several ways to add a search form through the Modular Search Form add-on: your navigation menu, a Gutenberg block, or a shortcode. You can use the last two to add a search function right above the comment section in your single post template.

Pros of SearchWP:

  • Multiple ways to add the search engine: using a menu, Gutenberg block, or shortcode.
  • Multiple search engine support so that you can make one search engine for your entire website and another specifically for your blog post comments.
  • The applicable attribute relevance feature ensures accurate search results when visitors use the search engine.
  • Search analytics allows you to see which terms users look for the most when they use your search engine.

Cons of SearchWP:

  • While the Modular Search Form plugin is free, the SearchWP plugin itself is not.

Why we chose SearchWP: If you want to improve your comment section with a search feature, then SearchWP makes this super easy to do. As you get more blog comments, you may need to make them searchable so that users can easily find the right information.

4. Uncanny Automator

Uncanny Automator

You will find many plugins on this list that let you optimize your built-in comment section, but what happens after users leave comments? That’s what Uncanny Automator is for.

Maybe besides sending an email notification, you also want to send an SMS notification to users with their comment replies. Or maybe you want to send them a coupon to thank them for leaving comments.

With Uncanny Automator, you can easily create automated workflows for those scenarios on your WordPress site. These workflows can save you time and give the people who visit your website a better experience.

An example of creating a post-comment action with Uncanny Automator

Pros of Uncanny Automator:

  • Beginner-friendly drag-and-drop workflow builder, making it easy to design your automation.
  • Hundreds of customization options to tweak your workflow, with 620+ triggers, 430+ actions, and 60+ conditions.
  • 150+ plugin and app integrations so that you can create comment-related workflows for any purpose.
  • A free plugin is available.

Cons of Uncanny Automator:

  • If you use a paid Uncanny Automator plan, the cost increases after the first year, which could disadvantage long-term users.

Why we chose Uncanny Automator: We know how important it is to keep commenters coming back and engaging with your website. Uncanny Automator lets you set up automatic post-comment actions, turning occasional visitors into regular ones.

5. Better Notifications for WP

The homepage of Better Notifications for WordPress plugin

Do you want to send email notifications to your commenters about new replies? If so, then check out Better Notifications for WP.

By default, WordPress only sends comment notifications to site administrators and the article’s author. But with this plugin, you can change which type of notifications are sent out and who gets these comment notification emails.

For example, you can create a new notification for replies. As a result, users can come back and react to the latest responses to their comments, boosting engagement.

Pros of Better Notifications for WordPress:

  • Easy-to-use interface for setting up notifications and creating email content.
  • Customizable rules for who receives certain emails, which is great for site admins who want to avoid getting too many notifications.

Cons of Better Notifications for WordPress:

  • As with other WordPress email features, you may experience email deliverability issues.

Why we chose Better Notifications for WordPress: Notifying users of new replies is a great way to boost user engagement and get more comments, which is why we recommend this plugin. That said, you may also need an SMTP plugin to make sure your emails are received, which brings us to the next plugin.

6. WP Mail SMTP


The WordPress not sending emails issue is one of the most common problems WordPress users face. That’s why we don’t recommend using WordPress to send your email newsletter.

That said, there may be cases where you still use WordPress to send emails, like notifications about users’ comments. In this case, you will want to use WP Mail SMTP.

WP Mail SMTP is the best WordPress SMTP plugin that allows you to easily send WordPress emails using secure mail transfer protocol or SMTP. This helps ensure all your WordPress emails are delivered successfully, including comment notifications.

Pros of WP Mail SMTP:

  • The free version is enough to improve email deliverability.
  • Integrations with top mail service providers like SendLayer, Brevo, Gmail SMTP, and more.
  • One-click setup for Gmail SMTP, so you won’t need manual configuration, unlike other SMTP plugins.
  • Premium features to manage emails much more easily, like email resends, email failure alerts, and reports about opens and clicks.

Cons of WP Mail SMTP:

Why we chose WP Mail SMTP: This plugin can ensure that all comment-related emails actually get received and, in turn, your commenters can come back to engage more with your blog posts.

7. Akismet

Akismet's homepage

Trusted by 100+ million websites, Akismet is a popular WordPress anti-spam plugin.

The free plugin includes basic spam filtering and spam protection features. It can spot spammy comments off the bat so that they won’t show up in your comment section. You will also get detailed stats to see how much spam Akismet has blocked.

However, the free plugin includes limited API calls, so if you get many comments, then Akismet cannot check them all. We recommend upgrading to the premium version to get more API calls per month.

Pros of Akismet:

  • Easy to use plugin. Once activated, it will immediately work to mitigate spam.
  • Automatic spam deletion if you don’t review comments in 15 days, so you won’t have to manually remove them.
  • Handy analytics to see how much spam has been blocked and how accurately Akismet has spotted it.

Cons of Akismet:

  • At times, the plugin can mistake genuine comments as spam.

Why we chose Akismet: Spam comments are a common problem in WordPress, and sometimes, WordPress’ moderation feature isn’t enough. Akismet is one of the best comment plugins for easily combatting spam and maintaining a positive user experience.

You can read more about Akismet in our opinion piece on why you should use Akismet.

8. Comment Link Remove and Other Comment Tools

Comment Link Remove and Other Comment Tools plugin banner

Anti-spam tools like Akismet are great for filtering out comments left by automated spam bots. However, you can protect your site further by preventing users from inserting spammy or malicious links into their comments.

Comment Link Remove and Other Comment Tools can help prevent exactly that. It can remove the ‘Website URL’ field from the comment form, as well as the author’s website hyperlink.

This plugin also automatically removes hyperlinks from the existing comments on your WordPress website. So, the URLs will still be displayed in your comments, but they won’t be hyperlinked. This way, visitors can still benefit from any genuine and helpful links.

Pros of Comment Link Remove and Other Comment Tools:

Cons of Comment Link Remove and Other Comment Tools:

  • If your WordPress theme modifies the standard core comment functions, then the plugin may not be able to remove the Website URL field.

Why we chose Comment Link Remove and Other Comment Tools: If you are looking to remove the Website URL field and all existing links from your comments without any code, then this plugin can easily get the job done.

9. Comment Edit Core

Comment Edit Core's landing page for the free version of the plugin

Sometimes a user may submit a comment, only to immediately realize they have made a spelling mistake or some other grammatical error. This isn’t your website’s fault, but it is still a bad experience for your visitors.

Comment Edit Core solves this problem by letting users edit their own comments on your website.

You can use this plugin to specify how long visitors can edit or even delete a comment after posting it. This time limit is important, as it protects your website from spammers who might go back and try to add links to comments that you’ve already approved.

Pros of Comment Edit Core:

  • The timer can be in a Compact format (like 5:00) or a Words format (like 5 minutes). Feel free to choose the one that suits your website best.
  • Choose between Regular, Light, or Dark comment editor themes.
  • Pro features include a comment character limit, Cloudflare Turnstile, and the ability for commenters to choose a custom avatar.

Cons of Comment Edit Core:

  • Some users have reported poor forum support for the free plugin, but the premium version includes email and Slack support.

Why we chose Comment Edit Core: This plugin is simple to use and adds important functionality to improve your commenting experience. For more details on this plugin, check out our guide on how to allow users to edit comments in WordPress.

10. Comments Extra Fields

The landing page for the WordPress Comment Fields plugin

Depending on your website, you may want to add some extra custom fields to your comment form. For example, you might add an extra checkbox for commenters to sign up for your email newsletter.

Comments Extra Fields makes it easy to add custom fields to the standard WordPress comment form.

You can make the information entered in these fields invisible or visible to everyone. Furthermore, you can set rules for when these fields should appear in the comment section, which is great if your blog covers different topics.

Pros of Comment Extra Fields:

  • Beginner-friendly interface to add the custom fields and configure how they look and behave.
  • Multiple field options: single-line text, text area, checkbox, color picker, number, radio buttons, URL, file input, and so on.
  • 10-day money-back guarantee for the premium version.

Cons of Comment Extra Fields:

  • The free version’s field options are limited compared to the premium one.

Why we chose Comment Extra Fields: This plugin offers so many ways to customize your comment section, make it more exciting, and even turn commenters into leads. This can be beneficial if you want to make the most out of your comments.

11. wpDiscuz

wpDiscus 7's landing page

wpDiscuz is an AJAX-powered WordPress comment plugin.

It has a unique inline commenting feature. With this, you can add a handy button within your blog content to encourage discussion. Visitors can simply click on it to express their thoughts on that post’s particular section.

wpDiscuz also comes with live comment bubble notifications. It works like a real-time social proof notification on your website, letting visitors know about new comments as they are being posted and inviting them to join the conversation.

Pros of wpDiscuz:

  • Unique engagement features like real-time comment bubble notifications and inline commenting.
  • Built-in performance optimization features like Gravatar caching and lazy loading.
  • Various add-ons to install on top of the core plugin, like comment report and flagging and widgets to display top commenters.

Cons of wpDiscuz:

  • The live update feature, which automatically displays new comments when visitors are on the blog post, can slow your site down if you are on shared hosting.

Why we chose wpDiscuz: For a free WordPress comment plugin, wpDiscuz is pretty powerful and can be a good option for people looking for a free solution. Just make sure to monitor your site performance if you enable Ajax-powered features like live updates.

12. WP Reactions

WP Reactions' homepage

At times, users might want to react to your blog post but they hesitate to write a comment. Maybe they are not sure what exactly to say or they are just shy.

Ever since social media existed, users have become familiar with giving reactions to posts using emojis. That’s what WP Reactions is for: adding a reaction feature between your blog post content and your comment section.

This plugin offers over 200 emoji reactions to choose from and add to your comment section. As a result, users who are not used to commenting can easily engage with your blog content without typing a long message.

Pros of WP Reactions:

  • Easy drag-and-drop editor to arrange the emojis.
  • Animated emojis are available so the reaction buttons look more interactive than just regular icon images.
  • User-friendly dashboard analytics to collect user feedback based on their reactions.

Cons of WP Reactions:

  • The free version only comes with 14 emojis.

Why we chose WP Reactions: This WordPress plugin provides an easy way for users to engage with your blog post with just one simple click. If you want to learn more about using it, check out our article on how to engage readers with post reactions in WordPress.

13. Super Socializer

The Super Socializer plugin banner

Do you want to enable social login options in your WordPress comments section? If so, then check out Super Socializer. This feature is a great way to make posting comments faster and easier for users.

With this, users won’t need to manually insert their name and email to leave comments. They just need to click a few buttons and they are logged in to their social network. It also prevents users from using fake names in comments.

Other than that, the plugin includes a social commenting feature. This lets you add extra comment sections like Facebook comments. For Facebook users, this lets them skip the login step entirely and just leave a comment right away.

Pros of Super Socializer:

  • Multiple social features, like social logins, social commenting, and social sharing allow users to share blog posts on their accounts.
  • Plenty of social login options, from Facebook and X/Twitter to LinkedIn and Discord.
  • Customizable social network icons to suit your website design.

Cons of Super Socializer:

  • Some users reported that the plugin has made their websites slow, so be sure to use it with caution.

Why we chose Super Socializer: This plugin provides an easy way to enable social logins and make people less hesitant to leave comments. Our article on how to style the WordPress comment form can give you step-by-step instructions on how to use it.

14. YITH WooCommerce Advanced Reviews

YITH WooCommerce Advanced Reviews plugin page

If you are running an eCommerce website using WooCommerce, then your product pages’ comment sections will be changed to review/testimonial sections.

That said, the built-in review feature is basic. For example, customers can’t add photos to their reviews. Because of this, we recommend installing a WooCommerce review add-on like YITH WooCommerce Advanced Reviews.

With this WooCommerce plugin, customers can upload photos to their reviews to describe their experience with your product. Potential customers can also mark reviews as helpful to help fellow users make their purchase decisions.

Pros of YITH WooCommerce Advanced Reviews:

  • Review upvotes and downvotes to mark which reviews are most helpful.
  • Separate ‘Most Helpful Reviews’ tab to make it easier for users to find the most relevant testimonials.
  • Customizable review section, with settings to change the number of displayed reviews and the layout’s colors to suit your WooCommerce WordPress theme.

Cons of YITH WooCommerce Advanced Reviews:

  • It is dependent on other YITH plugins. For example, if you want to enable social logins, then you need to purchase a YITH plugin for that purpose, which can be costly.
  • No free version available, although there is a 30-day money-back guarantee.

Why we chose YITH WooCommerce Advanced Reviews: While this plugin comes at a cost, it offers all the essentials needed to optimize your product review section. You can think of it as an investment to gain more social proof and build your reputation.

15. Lazy Load for Comments

Lazy Load for Comments plugin banner

Have you been getting so many comments that your page load time has slowed way down? If so, then check out Lazy Load for Comments.

This simple plugin adds a lazy loading feature inside your WordPress Discussion Settings page (above the Avatars section). You can choose whether to load the comments upon scrolling or when the user clicks on it.

Lazy loading improves performance by only loading necessary elements when they’re needed, reducing the initial page load time.

Pros of Lazy Load for Comments:

  • Free and simple to use.
  • Supports popular WordPress themes like Genesis and Divi.
  • Translation ready.

Cons of Lazy Load for Comments:

  • Installing this plugin just for its lazy loading feature might feel excessive, especially since there are other comment plugins like Thrive Comments that offer this feature along with other benefits.

Why we chose Lazy Load for Comments: If you just want a simple plugin to lazy load your comments, then this plugin does a great job. However, if you want an all-in-one comment plugin with a lazy loading feature, then consider Thrive Comments instead.

16. Comment Hacks

Comment Hacks plugin banner

Moderating comments in WordPress can be a bit challenging, especially when there are many comment threads to review. If your readers are aware of and adhere to the commenting rules, then the process can become much simpler.

Comment Hacks is a WordPress comment plugin that lets you enable a comment policy for your website.

Users will have to go to the comment policy page and confirm they’ve read it before they can leave a comment. As a result, you can get more genuine and positive comments on your website.

Pros of Comment Hacks:

  • Comment policy feature to maintain a positive comment section.
  • The ability to set a minimum and maximum comment length, which can be great to prevent short, spammy comments.
  • Redirection feature that leads first-time commenters to a specific page, like a thank you page.

Cons of Comment Hacks:

  • The plugin only warns that the comment is too long after the user clicks ‘Post,’ not while they are typing. This could lead to unnecessary time spent editing long comments.

Why we chose Comment Hacks: This WordPress comment plugin is really helpful if you get lots of comments, want to keep things positive, and don’t want any spam. It makes your job easier by stopping bad comments before they show up.

What Is the Best WordPress Comment Plugin?

Out of all the plugins we’ve tested, the best WordPress comment plugin is Thrive Comments.

This plugin is a complete package, offering features to moderate your comment section, make it more interactive, and even convert commenters into leads or customers. While it’s a paid plugin, it’s a worthwhile investment for bloggers looking to build an engaged audience.

That said, many plugins on this list serve various purposes, so we encourage you to give them all a try and see which one is best for your needs.

Best Comment Plugins for WordPress: Frequently Asked Questions

Now that we’ve listed all of the best WordPress comment plugins, let’s answer some frequently asked questions.

Are comments important for SEO?

Yes, comments are important for SEO. They can function as signals telling search engines that people like your brand and engage with it. Other than that, the “free” content that comes from the commenters can add additional value to your articles.

Is it ok to disable your comment section?

If you run a blog and your goal is to build a following, then you should enable your comment section. Allowing comments is also good for increasing your user engagement metrics, which can be good for SEO.

Is the Disqus comment system good for SEO?

Any comment system is technically good for SEO, regardless of the platform.

However, in our experience, Disqus inserted affiliate links and sponsored comments without our permission. This can hurt your site’s SEO, as search engines don’t like it when websites don’t disclose their paid content.

For this reason, we did not include Disqus in our list. You can read more about our experience of why we switched away from Disqus.

Read More Guides to Improve Your WordPress Comments

We hope this article helped you find the best plugins to improve your WordPress comments. You may also want to see our guide on must-have WordPress plugins to grow your website and our ultimate list of blogging statistics, trends, and data.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post 16 Best Plugins to Improve WordPress Comments (2024) first appeared on WPBeginner.

How to Easily Integrate Zoom Meetings & Webinars in WordPress

Are you looking for a way to integrate Zoom meetings and webinars in WordPress?

Integrating WordPress with Zoom allows you to automatically enroll customers, visitors, and new members into Zoom video calls and webinars. This can improve user engagement and help build a community around your brand.

In this article, we will show you how to easily integrate Zoom meetings and webinars in WordPress, step by step.

How to easily integrate Zoom meetings and webinars in WordPress

Why Integrate Zoom Meetings and Webinars With WordPress?

Integrating Zoom with WordPress lets you easily automate your meeting and webinar registration process. This can save you a lot of time that you can spend on other business tasks.

Zoom is one of the most popular meeting, webinar, and video conference call software in the world, used by over 300 million people every day.

It’s a must-have tool for businesses with remote teams or WordPress website owners who need to get in touch with customers and clients virtually.

For instance, if you have an online store, then you can use Zoom for live product demos, customer support, online training, and even host webinars with your customers to promote upcoming products on your site.

That being said, let’s take a look at how you can easily integrate Zoom meetings and webinars in WordPress. Here’s a quick overview of the topics we will cover in this guide:

Install and Activate the Uncanny Automator Plugin for WordPress

The easiest way to connect Zoom with WordPress is by using Uncanny Automator.

It’s the best WordPress automation plugin that helps you create automated workflows in WordPress without writing any code. The tool lets you easily connect your WordPress site with external apps like Zoom, Slack, and Asana.

It’s like Zapier for WordPress websites but without the high costs.

To learn more, see our article on how to create automated workflows in WordPress.

To connect Zoom with WordPress, you will first have to visit the Uncanny Automator website.

From here, click the ‘Get Uncanny Automator Now’ button to continue.

Click Get Uncanny Automator Now button

This will take you to the ‘Pricing’ page, where you can select a plan of your choice.

Keep in mind that Uncanny Automator also has a free version, but it has limited features. That is why we are using the premium plan for this tutorial.

Uncanny Automator pricing

Upon purchase, you must install and activate the Uncanny Automator plugin on your WordPress website. For detailed instructions, you may want to see our beginner’s guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Note: You will also have to install the free version of the Uncanny Automator plugin because it will be used as the base for the pro plan.

Once you have done that, visit the Automator » Settings page from the WordPress admin sidebar to enter the license key for your pro plan. You will find this information in your account on the Uncanny Automator website.

After that, don’t forget to click the ‘Activate license’ button.

Uncanny Automator license activation

Now that Uncanny Automator is installed and activated, let’s set up your Zoom account.

Set Up Your Zoom Account the Right Way

In order to integrate Zoom and WordPress, you need at least the Pro version of Zoom and the Zoom Webinars addon.

There is a free version of Zoom, but you will need a paid account to set up the integration. First, head to the Zoom website and sign up for the plan that best suits your needs.

If you want to integrate webinars on your website, then you will also have to buy the Zoom Webinars addon.

Zoom pricing

Once you have a premium account, you need to go to the Zoom App Marketplace and sign in to your account. Here, you will create an app that sends data between Zoom and WordPress.

To do this, click the ‘Develop’ menu item and select the ‘Build App’ option from the dropdown menu in the top right corner of the screen.

Select the Build App option from the Develop dropdown menu

This will bring you to the ‘Choose your app type’ page, where you must select the type of app you want to build.

From here, you have to find the ‘Server-to-Server OAuth’ app type and click the ‘Create’ button under it.

Select Server-to-Server OAuth as app type

Next, you can name your app in the popup. The name is to help you remember the purpose of the app and won’t be visible to your visitors.

Simply enter your app name and click the ‘Create’ button to start the process.

Type the Zoom app name

This will take you to the ‘Connect Zoom with WordPress’ screen, where you will see the app credentials listed.

From here, you must copy the ‘Account ID’, ‘Client ID’, and the ‘Client Secret’ credentials and paste them into a text editor for now.

These credentials will be used to connect Zoom with your WordPress website. Next, click the ‘Continue’ button.

Copy the Zoom app credentials

You’ll now be taken to the next step, where you have to provide basic information for your app, including the app name, company name, short description, developer name, and email address.

Once you are done, just click the ‘Continue’ button to move to the next step.

Provide basic information for the Zoom app

After that, you’ll be taken to the ‘Feature’ screen, where you don’t have to configure any settings, so you can click ‘Continue’ on this screen too.

This will direct you to the ‘Scopes’ screen, where you have to select at least one scope for your app to be able to activate it.

These scopes provide a way to limit the amount of access granted to an app. To set a scope, click the ‘+ Add Scopes’ button.

Click the Add Scopes button

This will open a prompt on the screen where you can select scopes for Zoom meetings and webinars that will be hosted on your website using this app.

For example, if you want the app to be able to view live streaming token information or all user meetings information, then simply check the boxes next to these options.

You can also configure the scopes for Zoom webinars here by simply switching to the ‘Webinar’ option from the left column. After that, click the ‘Done’ button to move forward.

Next, click the ‘Continue’ button to move to the next step.

Add scopes for meetings and webinars

On the ‘Activation’ page, you will now see a message informing you that your app is ready.

From here, simply click the ‘Activate your app’ button.

Click Activate your app button

Create a New Zoom Meeting

Now, you can create a new Zoom meeting that you will connect to your WordPress site.

To do this, visit your Zoom account to click the ‘Schedule’ link, and then fill in your meeting details.

Schedule zoom meeting

You can even set a recurring Zoom meeting for your users by checking the ‘Recurring meeting’ box in the ‘Timezone’ section.

Once you are done, don’t forget to click the ‘Save’ button to store your settings.

Create a New Zoom Webinar

To create a new Zoom webinar, click the ‘Webinars’ menu option in the ‘Personal’ tab inside your Zoom account.

After that, just click the ‘Schedule a Webinar’ button.

Schedule a Zoom webinar

On the next page, you can enter all of your webinar information.

After that, you need to make sure the ‘Required’ box is checked in the Registration section.

Zoom webinar registration required

After that, simply click the ‘Save’ button at the bottom of the page.

Connect Zoom Meetings and Webinars With WordPress

Once Uncanny Automator is activated and Zoom is set up, you need to connect both of these apps to each other.

For this, head over to the Automator » App Integrations page from the WordPress dashboard.

Next, click the ‘Zoom Meetings’ tab in the left column and then add the ‘Account ID’, ‘Client ID’, and the ‘Client Secret’ credentials that you copied earlier into the fields.

Finally, click the ‘Connect Zoom Meetings Account’ button.

Connect WordPress and Zoom app

If you want to integrate Zoom Webinars, too, then just click the ‘Zoom Webinars’ menu option.

Then, paste the same ‘Account ID’, ‘Client ID’, and ‘Client Secret’ credentials that you used above.

Once you are done, go ahead and click the ‘Connect Zoom Webinars Account’ button.

Click connect with webinar button

Now that we have set up Zoom and integrated it with WordPress, let’s look at some of the cool things that you can do with this Uncanny Automator integration.

Register Users for a Zoom Meeting After Form Completion in WordPress

This integration will automatically register users for a Zoom meeting when they fill out a form on your website. This can be used to onboard new clients, schedule coaching calls, and more.

If you don’t have an active WordPress form on your website, then you need to create one now.

Uncanny Automator works with all major forms solutions, including WPForms, Formidable Forms, and more.

For this tutorial, we will be using WPForms because it’s the best contact form plugin for WordPress, used by over 6 million websites. There’s also a webinar form template in the form templates pack addon that makes form creation easy.

For more details, see our step-by-step guide on how to create a contact form in WordPress.

Now, you are ready to connect your WordPress form with Zoom.

To do this, you will be creating what’s called a ‘recipe’. In Uncanny Automator, recipes are the automations that link different plugins and apps together.

To get started, navigate to the Automator » Add new page from the WordPress admin sidebar and click the ‘Everyone’ option as the recipe type.

The Everyone recipes can be triggered by any user, while logged-in recipes can only be activated by users logged in to your website.

After that, click the ‘Confirm’ button.

Choose everyone as recipe type

Next, you have to provide a name for your recipe. This will help you remember the recipes you create without the name being visible to your users.

Keep in mind that each recipe has two different parts: the trigger and the action. The trigger is the event that will start the recipe, and the action is the task that runs after the trigger takes place.

For your first trigger, you need to select ‘WPForms’ in the ‘Trigger’ meta box.

Choose WPForms as trigger

After that, you have to choose a specific trigger related to WPForms.

For example, if you want your users to be added to a Zoom meeting once they submit a contact form, then you can select the ‘A form is submitted’ option.

Choose a form is submitted option as the trigger

If you have multiple forms on your WordPress blog, then you will also have to select the form where the submission will trigger the action.

To do this, simply select a form of your choice from the ‘Form’ dropdown menu.

Once you are done, don’t forget to click the ‘Save’ button to store your settings.

Choose a form that will trigger the action

Next, you will need to add an action for your automation.

To do that, scroll down to the ‘Actions’ sections and click the ‘Add action’ button under the meta box.

This will open a list of all the integrations available in the Uncanny Automator. From here, you need to pick the ‘Zoom Meetings’ option.

Select Zoom Meetings integrations under the actions section

This will open the ‘Zoom Meetings’ action settings on the screen.

From here, you must choose the action that Zoom will perform upon form submission.

If you want to add a user to a Zoom meeting after they fill out a specific form on your website, then you need to select the ‘Add the user to a meeting’ option.

Select add user to a meeting option

Then, you can choose the Zoom meeting you want users to register for in the ‘Meeting’ box.

Once you are done, don’t forget to click the ‘Save’ button to store your settings.

Select a Zoom meeting of your choice from the dropdown menu

Now, it’s time for you to finally publish your Uncanny Automator recipe. To do this, all you need to do is toggle the switch in the ‘Recipe’ box to ‘Live’.

Now, when your users fill out the form, they will automatically be registered for your Zoom meeting.

save WPForms and Zoom recipe

Register Users for a Zoom Webinar After Form Completion in WordPress

Another popular integration is registering users for a webinar when they fill out a form on your website.

To do this, you will follow the same steps as above. However, you will select ‘Zoom Webinars’ instead of ‘Zoom Meetings’ in the actions section.

First, follow the same initial ‘Triggers’ section as above. This means that you will have to choose WPForms as the integration for the trigger.

After that, you can select the ‘A form is submitted’ option as the trigger.

Choose a form is submitted option as the trigger

Next, scroll down to the ‘Actions’ section and click the ‘Add action’ button to expand the menu.

Then, simply select the ‘Zoom Webinars’ option as the integration.

Select Zoom Webinars integration

This will open up the actions settings for the Zoom webinar.

From here, you can select the ‘Add the user to a webinar’ option from the dropdown menu. This will automatically add a user to your Zoom webinar after they fill out a specific form on your website.

Select add user to webinar

Next, you will also have to choose a Zoom webinar from the dropdown list.

Once you are done, don’t forget to click the ‘Save’ button to store your settings.

Select new user webinar

After that, you must make your recipe live so that new users will automatically be enrolled in your webinar.

To do this, simply click the toggle in the ‘Recipe’ box so it says ‘Live’.

Save Zoom webinar and WPForms recipe

Register Customers for a Zoom Webinar After They Make a Purchase in WordPress

Another way to connect WordPress with Zoom is to enroll new customers in a product webinar after they make a purchase in your WooCommerce store.

Keep in mind that the WooCommerce plugin and store must be set up before you start creating a recipe with Uncanny Automator.

First, you need to visit the Automator » Add new screen from the WordPress dashboard and click the ‘Everyone’ option.

After that, click the ‘Confirm’ button to move forward.

Choose everyone as recipe type

Next, you have to provide a name for your recipe. This name won’t be displayed to your customers on the front and is only for your identification.

Once you have done that, choose WooCommerce as the integration in the ‘Trigger’ meta box.

Select WooCommerce as trigger integration

This will open the list of WooCommerce triggers in the dropdown menu. From here, you can select any trigger that suits your needs.

For example, if you want customers to be added to your webinar after they buy a product, then you can select the first option.

Select a WooCommerce trigger of your choice

After that, select the ‘completes’ option in the ‘Trigger condition’ box to start the automation when a customer completes a purchase.

Then, just click the ‘Save’ button to store your settings.

Choose trigger condition

Now, you can choose a specific product in your store or have the automation run when a customer purchases any product.

Simply select the ‘Any product’ option if you want all of your products to be included in the automation, and then click the ‘Save’ button.

Choose product for trigger

Next, scroll down to the ‘Actions’ section and click the ‘Add action’ button to expand the menu.

Then, choose the ‘Zoom Webinars’ integration from the list.

Select Zoom Webinars integration

This will open the Zoom webinar action settings on the screen, where you can select the ‘Add the user to a webinar’ option.

This will automatically register new customers for your webinar once they make a purchase.

Select add user to webinar

After that, select the webinar of your choice from the dropdown list in the ‘Webinar’ box.

If you have multiple webinars running, then make sure to choose the webinar that’s associated with your WooCommerce products.

New product webinar in Uncanny Automator

The last thing you need to do is make your recipe live.

To do this, simply click the toggle in the ‘Recipe’ box so it says ‘Live’.

Save WooCommerce to Zoom recipe

Now, when your customers purchase a product, they will automatically be registered for your product webinar.

Register Members for a Zoom Meeting After Sign Up in WordPress

When running a membership site, registering new members for a Zoom call can be a great way to welcome them into your community.

If you haven’t set up your members-only site yet, then you can see our ultimate guide to creating a WordPress membership site.

You can also register new users for a Zoom orientation call when they enroll in your online course.

After your website is set up, you can navigate to the Automator » Add new screen from the WordPress admin sidebar and click the ‘Logged-in’ option.

Now, only the registered members on your site will be able to trigger the recipe.

After that, click the ‘Confirm’ button to continue.

select logged in user as recipe type

Next, add a name for your recipe. This name won’t be displayed to anyone on the front end and is only for your identification.

After that, select the ‘MemberPress’ integration in the trigger section.

Choose MemberPress as trigger integration

This will open the MemberPress trigger options on the screen in a dropdown menu list.

We will select ‘recurring subscription product’, but you can select the product type that’s right for your site.

Choose a MemberPress trigger

Next, you need to choose the subscription product from the dropdown in the ‘Product’ box.

After that, just click the ‘Save’ button.

Choose trigger product

Now, it’s time to add an action to your recipe. To do this, simply click the ‘Add action’ button in the ‘Actions’ box to expand the menu.

This will bring up a list of available integrations, where you need to pick the ‘Zoom Meetings’ option.

Select Zoom Meetings integrations under the actions section

This will open the Zoom Meetings actions settings on the list.

From here, choose the ‘Add the user to a meeting’ option if you want to add a user to a meeting when they make a recurring subscription purchase.

Select add user to a meeting option

Then, select the Zoom call for your new members in the ‘Meeting’ box.

After that, simply click the ‘Save’ button to store your settings.

Select a webinar of your choice

The last thing you need to do is make your recipe live.

To do this, simply click the Draft toggle in the ‘Recipe’ box so it shows ‘Live’.

MemberPress to Zoom recipe live

Now, your new members will automatically be enrolled in a Zoom member orientation call.

Besides Zoom, Uncanny Automator also allows you to create countless other recipes for different plugins and apps like Twilio and Google Sheets.

We hope this article helped you easily integrate Zoom meetings and webinars in WordPress. You may also want to see the best WooCommerce automations to increase sales or our expert comparison of the best business phone services for small businesses.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Easily Integrate Zoom Meetings & Webinars in WordPress first appeared on WPBeginner.

How to Connect Google Sheets with WooCommerce (in 5 minutes)

Do you want to connect Google Sheets with WooCommerce?

Connecting Google Sheets with WooCommerce lets you easily manage order and customer data and share it with the rest of your team.

In this article, we’ll show you how to connect Google Sheets with WooCommerce, step by step.

How to connect Google Sheets with WooCommerce (in 5 minutes)

Why Connect Google Sheets with WooCommerce in WordPress?

Google Sheets is a very popular free spreadsheet software from Google. Connecting Google Sheets and WooCommerce lets you simply manage and analyze your store order and customer data.

You can also share this data with your team without having them login to your WordPress dashboard.

Integrating Google Sheets and WooCommerce can help your online store in a lot of ways.

  • Easily analyze and sort customer order data
  • Quickly present store data in charts and graphs
  • Sort and filter data by total, location, coupons used, and more
  • Give team access to data without creating a separate login

That being said, let’s take a look at how to connect Google Sheets with WooCommerce, in 5 minutes.

Setup Your WooCommerce Store and Google Sheets

First thing, you need to have a fully functioning WooCommerce store set up. If you’re still building your store, then see our step by step guide on how to start an online store.

Note: you’ll also want to make sure you’re using high quality WooCommerce hosting and a WooCommerce theme to ensure your store looks great and loads fast.

WooCommerce store example

Next, you’ll need to create a Google Sheets spreadsheet that you’ll send WooCommerce store data to.

Head over to the Google Sheets website and click ‘Blank’ to add a new spreadsheet.

Add new Google Sheet

Then, when adding columns to your spreadsheet, you want these to match the type of WooCommerce data you want to collect.

In this case, we have a spreadsheet with the customer’s name, email, phone, the products they ordered, and the total price.

WooCommerce to Google Sheets spreadsheet

You can import all kinds of WooCommerce data, including location, coupons used, the status of the order, time of the order, and much more.

Install and Activate the Uncanny Automator Plugin for WordPress

To connect Google Sheets to WooCommerce, we’re going to be using an automation plugin.

The best WordPress automation plugin is Uncanny Automator. It acts as a connector between your WordPress website and other apps, so they can talk to each other without you writing any code.

Uncanny Automator Plugin

It’s like Zapier for WordPress websites without the high costs of Zapier.

Uncanny Automator is very easy to use and comes with all kinds of automated workflows that you can set up in a couple of clicks (no coding needed).

Note: there is a free version of the plugin available, but we’ll use the Pro version for this tutorial since it has the Google Sheets integration we need.

For more details, see our guide on how to create automated workflows in WordPress with Uncanny Automator.

Connect Your Google Account with Uncanny Automator

Upon activation, you need to connect Uncanny Automator to your Google account.

First, navigate to Automator » Settings and click on the ‘Google’ menu item.

Connect Google Account

Next, click on the ‘Connect an account’ button. This takes you to a screen where you can authorize your Google account.

Then, select the Google account you want to connect and click the ‘Allow’ button.

Give Uncanny Automator permission

After that, you need to click ‘Allow’ one more time to authorize your account and confirm your choices.

This will take you back to the Google settings page in your WordPress admin panel.

Google Account connection success

That’s all, you have successfully connected your WordPress site to Google Sheets using Uncanny Automator.

Connect WooCommerce to Google Sheets with Uncanny Automator

Now, you’re ready to connect your online store to the Google Sheets spreadsheet you created earlier.

Uncanny Automator uses “recipes” to create automations and link apps and plugins together.

The first thing you need to do is navigate to Automator » Add new, click the ‘Anonymous’ option, then click ‘Confirm’.

Select anonymous recipe

Anonymous recipes can be triggered by any user, while logged-in recipes can only be triggered by logged in users.

You need to choose the type of recipe based on your needs and then click the ‘Confirm’ button.

For the sake of this tutorial, we’ll be creating an anonymous recipe that automatically sends WooCommerce order data to Google Sheets the moment an order is completed.

After that, you need to give your recipe a name. This won’t be visible to your users, but it will help you identify the different recipes you create.

There are two different parts to each recipe, the trigger, and the action.

Anonymous triggers and actions

The trigger is the event that will start the recipe, and the action is the task that will run when the action is triggered.

First, you need to select ‘WooCommerce’ in the ‘Anonymous trigger’ meta box.

Select WooCommerce trigger

Then, you can choose the trigger.

We’ll select the first option from the drop-down menu since this lets you send WooCommerce data once an order is complete.

Select first WooCommerce trigger

After that, you need to choose the trigger condition.

Select the ‘completes’ option from the drop-down menu to trigger the automation when a customer completes a purchase and then click ‘Save’.

Completes order trigger condition

Now, you can choose a specific product or any product from your WooCommerce store to run the trigger on.

To choose any product in your store, select the ‘Any product’ option and then click ‘Save’.

Trigger any product in store

Now, you can move onto the Actions section. You’ll see different options depending on if you chose an anonymous or logged-in recipe.

If you chose an Anonymous recipe above, then you need to create a new subscriber user in WordPress first. This new user will be used to send the form data through.

For more details, see our guide on how to add new users and authors to your WordPress blog.

Now, select the ‘Existing user’ option in the ‘Actions’ meta box.

Select existing user

This brings up a popup to choose the new subscriber user role you just created and enter the user ID.

If you don’t know the user ID, then you can find this by going to Users » All Users and editing the user profile.

Then, in the URL you can find the user ID.

Find user ID

After that, select ‘Subscriber’, enter the ID, and select ‘Do nothing’ for existing users.

Then, click the ‘Save’ button to continue.

Select do nothing and save

Next, click the ‘Add action’ button.

Then, select ‘Google Sheets’ from the list of integrations.

Select Google Sheets

Once you’ve done that, choose the ‘Create a row in a Google Sheet’ option located in the ‘Select an action’ box.

Create a row in Google Sheets

This will bring up a drop-down menu where you can select the spreadsheet you created earlier.

Then, select the ‘Spreadsheet’ and ‘Worksheet’.

Select spreadsheet and worksheet

Next, you need to click the ‘Get columns’ button.

This will import the rows from your spreadsheet.

Select get columns

You need to map your spreadsheet columns to the WooCommerce order data by clicking the ‘Asterisk’ icon and selecting the WooCommerce field from the drop-down list.

Match order and spreadsheet columns

After you’ve matched up all of your fields, it will look similar to the settings below.

You can choose WooCommerce shipping information, however we decided to use the WooCommerce billing information since the contact information can be more accurate.

WooCommerce to Google Sheets columns

Make sure you click ‘Save’ once you’re done creating your recipe.

Now, you can view the full automation summary to make sure it looks right. After that, it’s time to make your recipe live.

At the top of the recipe editor, in the’ Recipe’ box, switch the Draft toggle to ‘Live’.

Review recipe and make live

Your new recipe will now be active, and you’ll automatically send new WooCommerce order data to Google Sheets once a purchase is complete.

Make sure to test your automation to see that the recipe is triggered and the correct action is performed.

If you want to add even more automations to your WooCommerce store, then see our guide on how to send Twilio SMS notifications from WooCommerce.

We hope this article helped you learn how to connect Google Sheets with WooCommerce. You may also want to see our expert picks of the best WooCommerce plugins for your store and our ultimate WooCommerce SEO guide to get more traffic.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Connect Google Sheets with WooCommerce (in 5 minutes) appeared first on WPBeginner.

How to Connect Any WordPress Forms to Google Sheets (Easy Way)

Do you want to connect your WordPress forms to Google Sheets?

Google Sheets makes it easy for you manage your form data inside a spreadsheet, and they have built-in collaboration tools to improve workflows.

In this article, we’ll show you how to easily connect any WordPress forms to Google Sheets, so you can automatically send WordPress form data to Google sheets.

How to connect any WordPress forms to Google Sheets (the easy way)

Why Connect WordPress Forms to Google Sheets?

Google Sheets is a popular free spreadsheet software from Google. Connecting your WordPress forms to Google Sheets makes it easier to manage and sort your form data.

No matter if you’re creating a questionnaire, gathering testimonials, building a survey form, or something else, you can connect your WordPress forms to Google Sheets with just a few clicks.

Integrating your form entries with Google Sheets can help your WordPress website in a lot of ways.

  • Makes it easy to give your team access to form data without creating a new WordPress login
  • Makes it easier to interpret and analyze your form / survey data
  • Set up automatic data collection and reduce errors from manual data entry

With that said, let’s take a look at how you can connect any WordPress forms to Google Sheets, the easy way.

Step 1. Create a WordPress Form Using WPForms

First thing, you need is to have an active contact form on your WordPress site which will act as the data collection source.

For the sake of this tutorial, we’ll be using the WPForms plugin. It’s the best contact form plugin for WordPress used by over 4 million websites.

Their beginner friendly form builder can be used to create nearly any kind of WordPress form. You can start with one of their 150+ form templates or simply use the drag and drop builder to add form fields and customize them to your liking.

For more details, see our step by step guide on how to create a contact form in WordPress.

If you haven’t created a Google Sheets spreadsheet, then you’ll need to do that now.

Head over to the Google Sheets website and click ‘Blank’ to add a new spreadsheet.

New Google spreadsheet

Then, when you’re adding spreadsheet columns, you want these to match your WordPress form fields.

In this case, we’ll have three columns for the ‘Name’, ‘Email’, and ‘Message’.

Google Sheets spreadsheet

Step 2. Install and Activate the Uncanny Automator WordPress Plugin

To connect your WordPress forms to Google Sheets, we’re going to be using an automation plugin.

The best WordPress automation plugin is Uncanny Automator. It acts as a connecter between WordPress plugins and other third-party apps, so they can easily talk to each other.

It’s the most powerful way to automate your WordPress blog processes without any code.

The best part about Uncanny Automator is that it doesn’t charge you a tax on each data transfer like other SaaS providers such as Zapier.

Uncanny Automator also works with all major form solutions including, WPForms, Formidable Forms, Gravity Forms, Ninja Forms, WooCommerce, and more.

However, the focus of this tutorial will be on the integration with WPForms.

Note: there is a free version of the plugin available, but we’ll use the Pro version for this tutorial since it has the Google Sheets integration we need.

Uncanny Automator

For more details, see our guide on how to create automated workflows in WordPress with Uncanny Automator.

Step 3. Connect Your Google Account to Uncanny Automator

After Uncanny Automator is activated and set up, you need to connect the plugin to your Google account.

To do this, navigate to Automator » Settings and then click the ‘Google’ menu item.

Connect Google account

After that, click the ‘Connect an account’ button.

This will bring you to a screen where you need to authorize your Google account.

Simply select the Google account you want to use and then click the ‘Allow’ button.

Grant Google account permission

Then, you’ll need to click ‘Allow’ one more time to confirm your choices.

Once your account is successfully connected, you’ll be taken back to the plugin settings screen in your WordPress dashboard.

Google account integration success

Step 4. Connect Your WordPress Form to Google Sheets with Uncanny Automator

Now, it’s time to connect your WordPress form to the Google Sheet you created earlier.

Uncanny Automator uses what are called “recipes” to connect different apps and plugins.

To create one, go to Automator » Add new, click the ‘Anonymous’ option and then click ‘Confirm’.

You want to choose Anonymous because most of the time it will be new anonymous visitors filling out the forms on your website.

Select anonymous recipe

Next, you can give your recipe a name.

After that, select ‘WPForms’ in the ‘Anonymous trigger’ meta box.

Select WPForms trigger

Then, you’ll have two different options to choose from.

We’ll select the ‘A form is submitted’ option since this will send all form submissions to Google Sheets.

Select form submitted trigger

Then, select your form from the drop down list.

After that, click the ‘Save’ button.

Choose WPForms form

Since you chose an Anonymous recipe above, you need to create a new ‘Subscriber’ user in WordPress. This new Subscriber role will be used to send the form data through.

For more details, see our guide on how to add new users and authors to your WordPress blog.

Then, choose the ‘Existing user’ option in the ‘Actions’ meta box.

Select existing user option

This will bring up a popup where you can choose the new user account.

Select the ‘ID’ field and enter the ID number from the new user you created.

Enter user ID

To find this go to Users » All Users in your WordPress dashboard.

Then, open up the new user and locate the ID in the URL for the page.

Find user ID

Once you’ve done that, select ‘Do nothing’.

Make sure to click ‘Save’ to save the recipe so far.

Select do nothing and save

After that, click the ‘Add action’ button.

Next, you need to select ‘Google Sheets’ from the list of integrations.

Select Google Sheets

Then, choose the ‘Create a row in a Google Sheet’ option under the ‘Select an action’ section.

Create a row in Google Sheet

This will bring up a menu to select the spreadsheet that you created earlier.

You can search for the name of your spreadsheet, and it will bring up a list of options.

Select the right spreadsheet

After you’ve selected the spreadsheet, click the ‘Get columns’ button in the ‘Row’ section.

This will bring up a list of columns from the spreadsheet.

Select get columns

You’ll want to map the form fields to your spreadsheet columns.

Next to each form column, find the matching spreadsheet field. The ‘Column’ name should be the same as the ‘Value’ name.

Match column and value

Once you’ve matched up all the fields, it will look similar to the settings above.

Make sure you click ‘Save’ once you’re done creating the recipe.

After that, you need to publish your new recipe. This will make sure that form entries will automatically be sent to your Google Sheets spreadsheet.

To publish the recipe, all you have to do is switch the recipe toggle to ‘Live’.

Make recipe live

Now, whenever a visitor fills out your form, the information will instantly appear in Google Sheets.

There are many other no-code integrations and automations that you can create with this plugin like integrating Slack with WordPress, and even setting up SMS notifications in WooCommerce.

We hoped this article helped you connect any WordPress forms to Google Sheets the easy way. You may also want to see our expert picks of the best no-code drag and drop WordPress page builders, and our list of the must have WordPress plugins for businesses.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Connect Any WordPress Forms to Google Sheets (Easy Way) appeared first on WPBeginner.

How to Send Twilio SMS Notifications from WooCommerce (Step by Step)

Do you want to send Twilio SMS notifications from WooCommerce?

With SMS notifications, you can stay in touch with your customers, notify them of order updates, send coupon codes, and more.

In this article, we’ll show you how you can add Twilio SMS notifications from your WooCommerce online store.

How to send Twilio SMS notifications from WooCommerce

Why Add SMS Notifications to WooCommerce?

SMS notifications are the best way to give your customers information about their orders. Text messages are highly personal, and they are usually viewed and opened within seconds of receiving.

You can use SMS notifications to give your WooCommerce buyers updates about their orders. You can also deliver special coupon codes to encourage buyers to shop again.

SMS notifications give you creative ways to stay in touch with your customers and deliver value.

  • You can send out flash sale notifications
  • Alert your customers their favorite products are back in stock
  • Use SMS messages to deliver promo and coupon codes
  • Send order confirmation and shipping messages

Step 1. Set Up Your Twilio SMS Account

First thing you’ll need is a Twilio account.

Twilio is an online service that offers phone, voice messaging, and SMS services you can use with applications like WordPress and WooCommerce.

You can take advantage of the free trial to set up your account and experiment with the service. You’ll pay $0.0075 per message sent, with bulk messaging rates available.

To start, head over to the Twilio website and sign up for the free trial.

Twilio website sign up

On the signup page, you’ll be asked to enter your personal information.

Then, you’ll need to verify your email address and your phone number.

Verify Twilio account

After that, select the products you want to use. In this case, it’s ‘SMS’ and ‘Alerts & Notifications’.

Then, select the ‘With minimal code’ option and ‘PHP’ below that.

Twilio sign up information

Once you enter your information, click ‘Get Started with Twilio’.

After you sign up for an account, you’ll be taken to the Twilio dashboard. You need to click the ‘Get your first Twilio number’ button to get a phone number for your account.

This will bring up a popup that contains your new number.

Twilio phone number

If you like the number, then click ‘Choose this Number’ to keep it.

Your Account SID, Auth token, and new Twilio number are also listed on this screen.

You’ll need this information later, so keep this tab open.

Twilio project info screen

Step 2. Install and Activate Uncanny Automator

To send SMS messages from WooCommerce, we’re going to be using an automation plugin.

The best WordPress automation plugin is Uncanny Automator. It acts as a bridge between different WordPress plugins and applications and lets them talk to each other.

Uncanny Automator plugin

This plugin is like Zapier for WordPress websites. It’s incredibly beginner-friendly and comes with all kinds of automated workflows you can set up in a couple of clicks (no coding needed).

For more details, see our guide on how to create automated workflows in WordPress with Uncanny Automator.

Step 3. Create an SMS Notification with Uncanny Automator

Once Uncanny Automator is activated and set up, you can add a WooCommerce SMS notification.

First, you’ll need to connect your Twilio account to the Uncanny Automator plugin.

To do this navigate to Automator » Settings. Then, click the ‘Twilio’ option.

Here you’ll enter your Account SID, Auth Token, and your Twilio number.

Connect Twilio account

Then, click ‘Save API Details’.

Now, you can set up a notification, so when a user places an order in WooCommerce, it’ll automatically send them an SMS message.

To do this, navigate to Automator » Add new. Then, you’ll be prompted to choose ‘Logged-in’ or ‘Anonymous’.

We’re going to choose ‘Anonymous’ so all users will receive an SMS notification, even if they check out with a guest account.

Uncanny Automator anonymous recipe

Next, you can give your recipe a name.

After that select ‘WooCommerce’ in the ‘Anonymous trigger’ meta box.

Select WooCommerce integration

Now, you can choose your trigger.

We’ll use the first option since they’re all related to making a WooCommerce purchase.

Add WooCommerce trigger

Next, choose the trigger condition.

From the drop-down menu, select ‘completes’, to trigger the automation when a customer completes a purchase. Then, click ‘Save’.

Completes order trigger

Once you’ve done that, you can choose a specific product or any product in your store.

To choose all products in your store, select the ‘Any product’ option, then click the ‘Save’ button.

All products trigger

The Automator will now save your trigger, and you can move on to the Actions section. You’ll see different options depending on if you choose anonymous or logged-in recipes.

Since, we chose an anonymous recipe, there’s the option to perform the action on an Existing user or New user.

Set action on new users

To continue, click on ‘New user’.

Automator will now have you set the user data you want to use.

You need to click the ‘Asterisk’ sign next to each field and select the corresponding WooCommerce field. For example, we’ll be using ‘Billing first name’ for the ‘First name’ field.

Set user data WooCommerce first name

Below you’ll see the user role setting and what to do if the user already exists. You can select subscriber as the user role and ‘Do Nothing’ for existing users.

Then, click the ‘Save’ button to continue.

After saving, click the ‘Add action’ button and select the ‘Twilio’ integration.

Select Twilio integration

From the drop down menu, select ‘Send an SMS message to a number’.

This will bring up a new box where you can add the To address and the Body of your text message.

In the ‘To’ field, you need to click the ‘Asterisk’ button and select ‘Billing phone’ from the drop down list.

Then, you can customize the text message content you want to send to your customers. By clicking the ‘Asterisk’, you can add data from their order, like the name of the product, city, total price, and more.

Customize Twilio SMS message

Once you’re satisfied with your message, click ‘Save’.

Now, you can view the full action summary.

Twilio full trigger and action setting

After that, you can go ahead and make this recipe active.

At the top of the editor in the ‘Recipe’ box, you can switch the ‘Draft’ toggle to Live.

Make recipe live

Your new recipe will now be active, and you’ll automatically send Twilio SMS notifications to your customers once they complete a purchase in WooCommerce.

Make sure to test your workflow to see that the recipe is triggered and the correct action is performed.

We hope this article helped you learn how to send Twilio SMS notifications from WooCommerce. You may also want to see our ultimate WooCommerce SEO guide and our expert list of the best WooCommerce plugins for your store.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Send Twilio SMS Notifications from WooCommerce (Step by Step) appeared first on WPBeginner.

40 Useful Tools to Manage and Grow Your WordPress Blog (Updated)

Readers often ask us what tools we use to manage and grow our WordPress blogs.

We have listed some of them in our WPBeginner Blueprint, but there are some more that we use on our different projects.

In this article, we’ll share our list of 40 useful blogging tools to manage and grow your blog.

Useful blogging tools to manage and grow your blog

Looking to Start a Blog?

Do you want to start your own WordPress blog? We know that it can be a daunting thought, especially if you’re not a techy expert. But you’re not alone.

At WPBeginner, we have helped over 370,000+ users start a blog. And you can too!

Simply work through our comprehensive step by step guide on how to start a WordPress blog. You don’t need any technical knowledge. We explain everything in plain English.

Once your blog is set up, go ahead and check out these powerful tools that will help you grow your blog.

1. All in One SEO

All in One SEO

All in One SEO is the best SEO plugin for WordPress. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) helps you bring more free traffic to your website from search engines.

With All in One SEO, you get an instant score for all your posts, pages, and website. This helps you see how you’re doing and it gives you a checklist of exactly how to improve your SEO.

Its built-in tools let you easily create XML sitemap, markup your pages for rich schema, optimize for local SEO, WooCommerce SEO, and more.

2. SeedProd


SeedProd is the best landing page builder for WordPress.

By default, WordPress allows you to showcase blog posts on your website’s homepage. SeedProd helps you quickly create on-demand landing pages for every occasion. Whether you want to launch a product, run a seasonal sale, capture new leads, or grow your email list.

It comes with pre-built templates that you can quickly customize using an intuitive drag and drop interface. This allows you to create stunningly professional pages without writing any code.

SeedProd works with any WordPress theme and it comes with special blocks like countdowns and call to action buttons, optin forms, and more. It also integrates with all top email marketing services, WooCommerce, and other essential WordPress plugins.

3. MonsterInsights (Google Analytics)


MonsterInsights is the best Google Analytics plugin for WordPress. It allows you to easily install Google Analytics on your site and see where your users are coming from and what they do on your site.

MonsterInsights shows you the data you need right within your WordPress admin area. Over 2 million sites use it to see important stats about their website traffic.

You can create special reports in MonsterInsights to see things like which categories or authors are most popular on your blog. You can also track affiliate link clicks, see real-time traffic stats, and make Google Analytics compliant with GDPR.

4. ThirstyAffiliates


ThirstyAffiliates lets you easily manage affiliate links, which can become a time-consuming task. Many website owners use affiliate marketing to monetize their blogs as it’s easy to get started with.

ThirstyAffiliates is an affiliate link manager that allows you to easily add affiliate links, cloak links with pretty URLs, and auto-insert links for keywords. For more details, check out our guide on how to add affiliate links in WordPress with ThirstyAffiliates.

Alternative: Pretty Links

5. Shared Counts

Shared Counts

Shared Counts is a useful social media plugin for WordPress. It lets you show the number of times your posts have been shared on social media. This is a useful form of social proof.

Shared Counts gives you multiple button styles, and you can choose where to show the buttons (before or after the content or manually). You can also enable Shared Counts for custom post types.

6. SEMRush


SEMRush helps you find competitive search data, so your blog can rank high for the right keywords. You can get insights into your competitors’ strategies in display advertising, organic and paid search, as well as link building.

Using all these tools from SEMRush can dramatically increase your website traffic. This means you will get more leads and more customers.

Alternative: Ahrefs

7. OptinMonster


OptinMonster is the best WordPress lead generation tool. It allows you to add beautiful optin forms to your WordPress site and helps you get more subscribers. You can use it to create popups, slide-ins, floating bars, coupon wheels, and more.

OptinMonster comes with page level targeting, split testing, analytics, and Exit-Intent® technology which allows you to display a lightbox popup when a user is about to leave your website.

See how to build your email list in WordPress with OptinMonster.

8. WPForms


WPForms is the most beginner friendly contact form plugin for WordPress. This drag and drop online form builder allows you to easily create contact forms, email subscription forms, order forms, payment forms, and other types of online forms with just a few clicks.

We use WPForms on WPBeginner and all of our other sites. There’s a free WPForms Lite version available for those who are looking for a simple solution.

The full version of WPForms lets you create surveys and polls, payment forms, file upload forms, user registration forms, conversational forms, and much more.

9. Constant Contact

Constant Contact

Constant Contact is one of the best email service providers. It allows you to build your email list, design emails, and send them to your users.

It is very beginner-friendly and at the same time powerful enough for experienced users.

Alternatives: Sendinblue, ConvertKit, and Drip

10. MemberPress


MemberPress is the best membership site plugin for WordPress. It lets you lock content on your site so that members can only access it by paying either a one-off fee or a subscription.

You can create different levels of membership with MemberPress, with each level having different access permissions. You can even use MemberPress to run an online course.

11. PushEngage


PushEngage is a powerful push notification plugin for WordPress. It helps you to get more website traffic, boost user engagement, and ultimately make more money.

With push notifications, you can quickly and easily send out alerts to your site’s users. For instance, you could let them know that you’re running a sale. Here on WPBeginner, we find that push notifications get a higher click rate, engagement, and opt-in rate compared with our email newsletter.

12. RafflePress


RafflePress is the best giveaway and raffle plugin for WordPress. It lets you grow your traffic, engagement, email list, and social media following by running a fun giveaway on your site.

By using RafflePress, you can incentivize actions like visiting your social media profiles, sharing posts, watching videos, and much more. Each time a user takes one of the actions you specify, they will get an entry into your prize draw.

13. Canva


Canva allows you to create beautiful graphic designs, edit images, and create posters, with a simple and intuitive drag and drop interface.

It is extremely easy to use to create things like featured images for your blog. Even beginners can create professional-looking graphics with Canva.

Alternative: Visage

14. Buffer


Buffer provides a better way to share your content across social media. It allows you to schedule and share your content across Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin from a single dashboard. You could plan your whole day’s tweets and status updates in one go.

See our guide on how to schedule WordPress posts for social media with BufferApp.

15. Smash Balloon

Smash Balloon

Smash Balloon has a set of social media feed plugins that let you easily bring your Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or YouTube updates onto your website. This is a great way to keep your site fresh with new content.

Using Smash Balloon’s plugins lets you embed your actual social media posts on your site so users can interact with them. You can even create an Instagram shoppable feed to boost your eCommerce sales.

16. Grammarly


Grammarly is a powerful AI (artificial intelligence) editor for your website posts and pages. You can copy and paste content into the Grammarly website app. However, the easiest way to use Grammarly is to install the Grammarly Chrome extension.

As well as pointing out spelling mistakes, Grammarly will let you know about grammatical errors and stylistic mistakes. The basic version is free, but you may prefer the pro version for help with tone, formality level, and word choices.

17. Headline Analyzer by MonsterInsights

MonsterInsights Headline Analyzer

The MonsterInsights Headline Analyzer lets you optimize the headline for your blog post or landing page. It will give you a score out of 100 along with specific suggestions for improving your headline.

The headline analyzer also includes several helpful lists, such as the list of Power Words and Emotion Words. These can help you make your headlines extra compelling.

18. Formidable Forms

Formidable Forms

Formidable Forms is a powerful forms plugin for experienced WordPress users. It offers advanced functionality like the ability to create calculators on your site to help you gather more leads.

For instance, you could create a BMI calculator on a health or fitness site. If you run a real estate website, you could use Formidable Forms to make a mortgage calculator.

19. UpdraftPlus


UpdraftPlus is the most popular free WordPress backup plugin. It lets you easily create a full backup of your site, which you can then store in the cloud or on your own computer.

You can even set up scheduled backups, so your site will be backed up on a regular basis without you needing to do anything. The premium version of UpdraftPlus supports multisite installations of WordPress, lets you clone your website, and more.

Alternatives: BackupBuddy, Jetpack

20. Sucuri


Sucuri is a website monitoring and security service. It provides real time alerts for any suspicious activity on your website. It prevents malware from infecting your site. If your site is already infected, Sucuri can detect and remove malware.

Take a look at how Sucuri helped us block 450,000 WordPress attacks in 3 months.

Alternative: CloudFlare.

21. WP Rocket

WP Rocket

WP Rocket is the best caching plugin for WordPress. It speeds up your site by storing copies of your website pages. These can be quickly shown to people who visit your site.

There are lots of useful features in WP Rocket, such as built-in lazy loading of images. This helps speed up your site even further, which is better for users and for your Google ranking.

Alternative: WP Super Cache

22. Uncanny Automator

Uncanny Automator

Uncanny Automator is a clever automation plugin that lets WordPress plugins and even different WordPress sites ‘talk’ to one another. For instance, you could use it to sell products on one site but create user accounts on another.

It works like Zapier, but for WordPress. Uncanny Automator is a fantastic way to automate repetitive tasks that would otherwise take a lot of time to handle.

23. Insert Headers and Footers

Insert Headers and Footers

Insert Headers and Footers is a simple but very useful plugin. It lets you add code to the header, footer, and body sections for your site.

This is something you will often need to do when verifying your site with third-party tools. Many people use Insert Headers and Footers to add their Google Analytics code. However, we recommend using MonsterInsights for this instead as it gives you extra tracking features.

24. ChatBot


ChatBot lets you create an automated chatbot on your website. This means users can get instant answers to their questions at any time, 24/7. It’s a much cheaper option than hiring extra support team members.

ChatBot is powered by AI (artificial intelligence). It integrates with your WordPress site and with live chat software so that the conversation can be easily transferred to a live person if needed.

25. LiveChat


LiveChat is the best live chat software on the market. It works seamlessly with your WordPress site. Your support team members can access the live chat through apps on their computer, tablet, or mobile device.

We use LiveChat on our eCommerce website. It’s very fast, works on all devices, and offers a great user experience. Make sure you use our LiveChat coupon to get 30% off your first payment.

26. Tailwind


Tailwind is a social media automation tool for Pinterest and Instagram. It lets you schedule 10 pins with a single click.

You also get Tailwind’s analytic tools to help you figure out what’s working best. That way, you can schedule your content for times when you will get more engagement.

27. Better Click to Tweet

Better Click to Tweet

Better Click to Tweet is a simple WordPress plugin that lets you insert ‘click to tweet’ buttons into your posts and pages. This means readers can quickly and easily tweet a key quote from your content.

It’s a free plugin that comes with a special Gutenberg block, making it very easy to use. Alternatively, you can use a shortcode to put the ‘click to tweet’ button into your posts.

28. Feedly


Feedly is a modern news/RSS feed reader. It allows you to view and read content from all your favorite sites in one place.

Feedly is available on the web, as a browser extension, and as a mobile app on Android and iOS devices.

29. Shutterstock


Shutterstock is a huge stock photography library that lets you buy high-quality images to use on your website. It’s cheaper per image if you get a monthly subscription.

We use Shutterstock’s images here on WPBeginner. They have a wide range of vector graphics, photos, and much more.

30. Google Workspace (G Suite)

Google Workspace

Google Workspace (formerly G Suite) is Google’s set of connected tools. It includes Gmail, Calendar, Meet, Chat, Drive, Docs, Sheets, Slides, Forms, and more.

Many companies use Google Workspace as a key part of their systems. It’s suitable for even small companies as it’s priced per user.

Alternative: Microsoft 365 (formerly Office 365)

31. Asana


Asana is a project and task management tool that helps teams to organize their workflow. You can use it to create lists of tasks, see your tasks on a calendar, assign tasks to others, and much more.

The basic version of Asana is free and can be used by up to 15 teammates. This is a good option for individuals or small startups.

Alternative: Trello

32. Camtasia


Camtasia is screen recording software available for Windows and Mac. It’s extremely useful for sites where you need to walk users through a process step by step.

With Camtasia, you can easily edit your videos, add graphics, animations, arrows, sounds, subtitles, and more.

Alternatives: Screenflow, CamStudio

33. LastPass


LastPass is a password manager that stores all your passwords in a single secure vault. This means you can easily avoid the temptation to use insecure passwords, or to use the same password for multiple sites.

After installing LastPass, you can use it to autogenerate strong passwords and save them in just one click. Check out our guide on securely managing passwords for more details.

Alternatives: 1Password, Dashlane

34. Google Trends

Google Trends

Google Trends is a free tool that lets you see what topics are popular on Google. You can compare different keywords to see the interest in them over time.

The ‘Trending Searches’ option gives you a real-time view of what people are most commonly searching for. This lets you create content that’s likely to get traffic. You can filter Google Trends by country, too.

35. Quora


Quora is a huge questions and answers website, and is a form of social network. Anyone can post a question and anyone can answer it.

You can drive traffic to your website by looking for relevant questions on Quora to answer. This helps you position yourself as an expert. Plus, if you see a question coming up frequently, that could make a good topic for a blog post.

36. Twitter Search

Twitter Search

Twitter Search is a useful way to find out the latest news, reactions, and what’s on people’s minds.

You can use Twitter search to find content ideas. You could also see what users are talking about topics related to your website topic and then reach out to those users to engage them.

37. Google Search Console

Google Search Console

Google Search Console was previously known as Google Webmaster Tools. It allows website owners to check how Google sees their website. You can see the most commonly used queries where your site appears.

It offers a comprehensive set of tools that show reports on duplicate titles, crawl errors, search queries, indexed content, and more. Take a look at our guide on adding your WordPress site to Google Search Console for help getting started.

38. BuzzSumo


BuzzSumo helps you analyze what content performs best for any topic or even for your competitors. You can find key influencers to promote your content, monitor your brand mentions, and so much more.

This tool is a must have for all serious bloggers. You can search for topics by region, language, time period, and more.

39. TubeBuddy


TubeBuddy is a free browser extension and mobile app that helps you run your YouTube channel. It has lots of useful features, like a keyword explorer so you can come up with the perfect titles and tags for your videos.

You can use TubeBuddy to speed up your publishing process and run A/B tests, too.

40. Nextiva


Nextiva is the best business phone service on the market. You can use it for customer calls and conference calls, as it has excellent audio quality.

With Nextiva, you get lots of useful extras like a free local or toll-free number, call forwarding, custom greetings, text messages, online faxes, and much more.

We hope these tools help you manage and grow your WordPress blog. You might also like our article on how to start an online store.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post 40 Useful Tools to Manage and Grow Your WordPress Blog (Updated) appeared first on WPBeginner.

How to Create Automated Workflows in WordPress with Uncanny Automator

Have you ever wanted to create automated workflows in WordPress to reduce admin tasks and save time?

Many users perform manual tasks in WordPress to manage their website. Wouldn’t it be nice if you can automate these tasks and create smarter workflows for your users?

In this article, we’ll show you how to easily create automated workflows in WordPress with Uncanny Automator. This will allow you to save time, provide a better user experience, and grow your business.

Using automation to create workflows in WordPress

Why Create Automated Workflows in WordPress?

Website owners spend a lot of their time doing repetitive tasks in WordPress. For instance, processing form data, upselling products, or offering support.

Creating automated workflows for these repetitive or manual tasks can save you time. It also provides your customers with an uninterrupted, interactive, and much better user experience.

Now you would think that it shouldn’t be difficult to automate these tasks. However, the problem is that WordPress plugins don’t talk to each other or third-party apps very well.

For instance, if you are using WooCommerce and a contact form plugin, then those two can’t communicate with each other unless one plugin makes an add-on to do just that.

This is where Uncanny Automator comes in.

Uncanny Automator

What is Uncanny Automator?

Uncanny Automator is the best WordPress automation plugin that helps you create automated tasks and workflows without writing any code.

It acts as a bridge by helping you integrate different WordPress plugins and allow them to talk with each other.

For example, you can use a contact form submission and add it as a membership subscription.

You can even connect 2 separate WordPress websites to work together. For instance, you can sell products on one while creating users and setup access on another.

To summarize, Uncanny Automator is like Zapier for WordPress websites.

In fact, it works with Zapier too, so you can integrate WordPress actions with over 2,000 external apps, including Google Drive, Slack, Asana, Twitter, Instagram and more.

That being said, let’s take a look at how to use Uncanny Automater to create automated workflows in WordPress.

Create Automated Workflows in WordPress

First thing you need to do is install and activate the Uncanny Automator plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, you will also be asked to install the free version of Uncanny Automator core plugin. This light version of the plugin is limited in features but is used as the base for the pro version.

Next, you need to head over to Automator » License Activation page to enter your license key. You can find this information under your account on the Uncanny Automator website.

Uncanny Automator license key

After activating the license, you are now ready to create automated workflows in WordPress. The Uncanny Automator calls them ‘Recipes’.

Simply head over to Automator » Add New page to create your first recipe. You’ll be asked to select whether you want to create a ‘Logged-in’ recipe or an ‘Anonymous’ recipe.

Logged-in recipes can be triggered by logged in users only, and anonymous recipes can be triggered by any user.

Choose recipe type

Choose a recipe type based on the workflow you want to create and then click on the confirm button.

For the sake of this tutorial, we will be creating an anonymous recipe using the WPForms plugin. It is the best WordPress contact form plugin used by over 4+ million websites.

It also has a limited free version called WPForms Lite which you can use to try out this recipe.

Pro Tip: You can look at all UncannyAutomator recipes and plugin integrations here.

Next, you need to provide a title for your recipe. This title will not be publicly visible to the users because it’s only there to help you identify a recipe.

For this tutorial, we will be adding a new WordPress user account when someone submits a contact form on our website.

Each recipe in Uncanny Automator has two parts called Triggers and Actions.

Actions and Triggers in Uncanny Automator

Triggers are the events that will start the recipe and run the processes you define. Actions are the tasks that you want to perform when the recipe runs.

First, you need to set the trigger part of the recipe by choosing an integration.

The Automator will detect any existing integrations that you may have installed on your site. As you can see in the screenshot, it automatically detected WooCommerce and WPForms.

Click on WPForms as your integration to continue.

Choose the integration that triggers the recipe

Next, you will be asked to select the event that will trigger this recipe. Go ahead and choose when a form is submitted.

Choose trigger event

After that you will be asked to choose which form will trigger the action. You will see a dropdown list of all the forms you have created with WPForms.

Choose your form

Simply choose your contact form and then click on the Save button.

The Automator will now save your trigger, and you can move on to the Actions section. Depending on your recipe type, you will see different options for anonymous and logged-in recipes.

Since we are creating an anonymous recipe, you will only see the options to perform this action on an Existing user or a New user.

Perform action on a new user

Click on ‘New User’ to continue.

Automator will now ask you to set the user data that you want to use. You will see a form with the fields to create a new user in WordPress. You need to click on the ‘Asterisk’ sign next to each field and select your WPForms contact form.

Select data from your form fields

The automaton will then show you the form fields that you can use here. For instance, we will use Name field for the first name, and email address field as the username and email address for the user account.

Set fields to use form data

Below that, you will see settings like user role and what to do if the user already exists. You can choose subscriber as the user role and ‘Do nothing’ for existing users.

Data options

Click on the ‘Save’ button to continue.

After setting the data, you need to click on the ‘Add action’ button and choose an integration. In this case, it would be WordPress.

Choose action integration

Next, the Automator will show you a list of actions you can perform on this integration. Go ahead and select ‘Create a user’ from the dropdown menu.

Select action you want to perform

Once again, you will be asked to pair the user account fields to the form data fields. Simply click on the asterisk icon and map your form fields.

Map form fields

After matching your form fields click on the ‘Save’ button to store your action.

You can now go ahead and turn on this recipe by switching the Draft toggle under the ‘Recipe’ box.

Publish your recipe

Don’t forget to test your workflow and make sure that the recipe is triggered and performs the tasks you set as actions.

Viewing Your Automation Logs in WordPress

Once you have created a few automated workflows on your website, you’ll want to keep an eye on all those automation tasks happening in the background.

Uncanny Automator keeps track of all the automation recipes, triggers, and actions performed by the plugin. You can view them by visiting Automator » Recipe Log page.

Recipe logs

In this tutorial, we just scratched the surface of how truly powerful Uncanny Automator plugin really is. You can use it to connect Elementor, WooCommerce, Formidable Forms, GiveWP, and dozens of other WordPress plugins to work together with smart workflows.

This is why earlier this year, we invested in Uncanny Automator through our WPBeginner growth fund. If you would like for us to add integrations with specific plugins, please leave the feedback on Uncanny Automator website.

We hope this article helped you create automated workflows in WordPress with Uncanny Automator. You may also want to see our comparison of the best drag & drop WordPress page builders to create custom layouts, and our step by step guide on how to create a business email address for your blog.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Create Automated Workflows in WordPress with Uncanny Automator appeared first on WPBeginner.

9 Best Twitter Plugins for WordPress in 2024 (Compared)

We’ve been promoting our brands across social media platforms like Twitter for several years now, so we know how useful plugins can be for increasing followers, traffic, and shares.

However, not every Twitter plugin can handle every use case that your business might have. That’s why we’ve tested the best options on the market and paid attention to social features, user-friendliness, and price.

In this article, we will share the best Twitter plugins for WordPress that will help you grow your Twitter followers and engagement.

Best Twitter Plugins for WordPress (Compared)

If you are in a hurry, then you can take a look at our top picks to choose a WordPress Twitter plugin quickly.

#PluginBest ForPricing
🥇Smash Balloon Twitter FeedEmbedding Twitter feeds on your website$49/per year + Free
🥈RafflePressHosting Twitter giveaways and contests$39/per year + Free
🥉Uncanny AutomatorCreating automated workflows for Twitter$149/per year + Free

Why Use a Twitter Plugin for WordPress?

Twitter, also known as X, is one of the most popular social media platforms, with over 217 million monthly active users. Because of this, many WordPress sites and blogs use Twitter to reach new audiences and maximize their online presence.

With a WordPress Twitter plugin, you can quickly boost your social media marketing efforts. You can do things like:

  • Increase traffic by automatically sharing new blog posts on Twitter.
  • Add social proof by displaying a Twitter feed on your website.
  • Boost your Twitter followers by running a viral giveaway.
  • And more

That being said, let’s take a look at the best WordPress Twitter plugins that you can use.

Disclaimer: We have tested all the plugins in this list on our demo website to look at all their features, pros, and cons. This helped us give you only the best recommendations for Twitter plugins. For more details, you can see our WPBeginner editorial process.

1. Smash Balloon Twitter Feed (Twitter Feed Embeds)

Smash Balloon Twitter Feed Pro

Smash Balloon Twitter Feed is the best WordPress Twitter plugin on the market because it easily lets you embed your recent tweets in WordPress.

It allows you to display multiple Twitter feeds based on users, hashtags, keywords, or search terms, meaning you can also add tweets from public accounts to your website.

The Smash Balloon Twitter Feed plugin also has different customization and layout options like grids and carousels to help attractively display tweets.

Customizing the Twitter feed using Smash Balloon

For more information, see our tutorial on how to embed actual tweets in WordPress blog posts.

Additionally, the plugin lets you include retweets and replies, use advanced filters, and even allows you to display photos, videos, and Twitter cards to embed rich content on your blog.


  • Twitter Feed supports the default WordPress editor, and you can add your feed using a simple block.
  • It comes with a smart caching system that loads your feed easily.
  • Upon plugin testing, we found that it lets you showcase specific Twitter profiles on your website.
  • The plugin comes with reports and analytics features to track your Twitter feed performance.
  • Smash Balloon also offers social feed plugins for Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.


  • The Twitter Feed plugin has a free plan. However, you will need to upgrade to the pro version to unlock advanced features.

Why we recommend Smash Balloon Twitter Feed: It is the best WordPress Twitter plugin on the market that allows you to easily embed recent tweets and your entire Twitter feed.

It comes with an easy-to-use builder, multiple layout templates, analytics, and a caching feature to load your feed quickly. If you want to display tweets on your site, then this plugin is the best choice for you.

For more information, you can see our complete Smash Balloon review.

2. RafflePress (Twitter Giveaways and Contests)


RafflePress is the best WordPress giveaway plugin on the market. It lets you set up contests with prizes that you can use to get more Twitter followers and engagement.

The plugin comes with a built-in campaign template for Twitter. This allows you to instantly launch contests aimed at boosting Twitter engagement.

Plus, it is incredibly easy to use and has a drag-and-drop content builder. All you have to do is add the actions you want to include in your contest and then add them to any WordPress post or page.

Add Twitter as an action in a giveaway

For detailed instructions, you can see our tutorial on how to run a social media contest to grow your site.


  • RafflePress is not just limited to Twitter. You can use it to grow your email list, increase Facebook likes, drive traffic and sales to your online store, and more.
  • When we tested the plugin, we realized that you can choose if you want users to share your content on Twitter, follow your account, or tweet a specific message to enter the contest.
  • RafflePress is completely mobile-friendly, meaning users can enter your contest directly from their mobile devices.
  • It ensures a smooth Twitter login experience for users and provides complete spam entry protection. Plus, it has an analytics feature.


  • You can use RafflePress Lite to get started with giveaways and contests. However, to unlock more Twitter actions, you must upgrade to the pro plan.
  • You cannot use the plugin to embed or share Twitter content on your website.

Why we recommend RafflePress: If you want to use your WordPress site as a platform to boost your Twitter following and activity, then RafflePress is the perfect choice for you. It lets you build amazing giveaways and contests that can drive traffic to your Twitter handle as well as boost engagement on your WordPress blog.

To learn more, just see our detailed RafflePress review.

3. Uncanny Automator (Twitter Automations)

Uncanny Automator website

Uncanny Automator is the best WordPress automation plugin. It lets you connect your website with over 150 applications, including Twitter, to create automated workflows without writing code.

You can easily connect the plugin with Twitter to send a new tweet when a blog post is published, a comment is posted, a new user registers on your site or to encourage visitors to post a tweet after an online course completion.

With Uncanny Automator, you are able to set these triggers and actions to create a recipe and also use conditional logic to control when and how your automation runs.

Choose your action for Twitter

For detailed information, you can see our tutorial on how to automate WordPress and social media with IFTTT and more.


  • Uncanny Automator’s recipe builder is super beginner-friendly. It provides unlimited recipes and actions.
  • You can use the plugin to send direct messages to Twitter users, mention specific users, reply to tweets, and post multimedia content.
  • It lets you connect with your personal or business Twitter account to create an automated workflow.
  • Uncanny Automator can monitor clicks, likes, and retweets directly.


  • It has a free plan, but you must buy the pro version to unlock advanced Twitter triggers and actions.
  • It cannot embed Twitter content on your website.

Why we recommend Uncanny Automator: It is the best automation plugin that can help drive traffic to your website using Twitter. This way, whenever something happens on your site, it will automatically be tweeted on your account, sending more traffic.

For details, you can also see our Uncanny Automator review.

4. All in One SEO For WordPress (Twitter Cards)

All in One SEO

All in One SEO for WordPress is the best SEO plugin on the market that allows you to add Twitter cards for your website content. These cards are the images and descriptions that appear on Twitter when someone shares your blog posts.

They can help boost the number of people following your Twitter accounts through content attribution.

Twitter card

AIOSEO also offers multiple Twitter card types and makes it super easy to link your website with your social media account. This allows Twitter to display your username and profile picture when sharing your content.

For details, you can see our tutorial on how to add Twitter cards in WordPress.


  • When we were testing the plugin, we realized that AIOSEO lets you link individual content to the author’s Twitter profiles.
  • The plugin offers other features like XML sitemaps, a broken link assistant, a headline analyzer, on-page SEO, and more.
  • It can act as a writing assistant and provide suggestions to improve your content.
  • Other than Twitter, you can also add Facebook cards with AIOSEO.


  • The plugin’s free plan has limited features.
  • It cannot add your Twitter feed to your website.

Why we recommend All in One SEO: If you are looking for a tool to add Twitter cards to your blog posts, then All in One SEO is the perfect choice for you. It’s also an excellent choice for improving your website’s overall SEO.

For details, you can see our AIOSEO review.

5. Shared Counts (Social Sharing)

Shared Counts

Shared Counts is one of the best social sharing plugins for WordPress that is designed for speed and performance without compromising on features.

As the name suggests, it allows you to display the share count for each social media platform, including Twitter. You can also display the total share count for each blog post.

Plus, you can add Twitter Share and Retweet buttons to make it easy for website visitors to share your content online.


  • Other than Twitter, you can also add share buttons for Facebook, Yummly, Pinterest, and LinkedIn.
  • There are multiple button styles to choose from, and you can also select the button location.
  • The plugin is super easy to use and helps you instantly add social features to your WordPress site without compromising website speed.
  • It helps offer social proof by displaying share counts.


  • When we were testing the plugin, we realized that it does not let you choose button positions.
  • Its analytics and reporting feature is basic compared to other tools on this list.

Why we recommend Shared Counts: If you want to encourage users to share your content or tweet about it on their Twitter accounts, then Shared Counts is the best Twitter plugin for you.

6. Social Warfare (Social Sharing)

Social Warfare

Social Warfare is another popular plugin for adding social sharing buttons to your website. It gives you complete control over what content your readers can share on Twitter (and other social networks) and how they share it.

The plugin offers multiple button styles, and they are all designed to work well on mobile devices. You can also style and position them in different ways and add sharing buttons in different parts of an article according to your liking.

While testing the plugin, we particularly liked that you can also add a customizable tweet box within your content.


  • It shows an accurate share count for each platform, including Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
  • Social Warfare improves shareability by setting content titles, descriptions, and images for social media.
  • The plugin prevents content theft and encourages social sharing by blurring post content on social networks until clicked.
  • Some of its advanced features include A/B testing, analytics, email sharing, automated scheduling, and more.


  • Social Warfare has a free version, but most of the advanced features can only be unlocked in the pro plan.
  • The plugin has a lot of features that can feel overwhelming for beginners.

Why we recommend Social Warfare: If you are looking for an advanced Twitter social sharing tool, then this plugin is for you. It lets you create an attractive button, prevents content theft, and improves the overall shareability of your content by setting custom titles, descriptions, and, images for Twitter.

7. Revive Old Posts (Re-Share Social Content)

Revive Old Posts

Revive Old Posts lets you easily share old articles at a pre-defined schedule on your social media profiles. This helps you keep your Twitter timeline active throughout the day without manually scheduling tweets.

Once you are done with the setup, it automatically works in the background to share your old posts. You can select a date range, exclude specific categories and tags, and pause it at any time.

With the help of the plugin, you can customize what goes out in the tweets, too. For instance, you might want to include a hashtag based on the post’s category or tag.


  • You can exclude specific posts from being shared on your Twitter account.
  • The plugin allows you to create unique tweets for each post with Spintax support for messages.
  • It comes with Open Graph Optimization for content shared on social media.
  • Revive Old Posts also has the ability to set custom schedules, use multiple Twitter accounts, and add conversion tracking tags to URLs.


  • Using the plugin to share older content can affect your site negatively because some of these posts may contain outdated information. In that case, you must ensure your article has relevant content.
  • Sharing too much old content can look like spam and drown out newer posts and announcements on Twitter.

Why we recommend Revive Old Posts: If you want to bring traffic to older posts and maintain your Twitter activity, then this Twitter plugin is a great option.

8. Simple Social Icons (Twitter Icons)

Simple Social Icons

The Simple Social Icons plugin makes it easy to add social media icons to a sidebar widget. These icons have links to your Twitter profile and other social media platforms. Visitors to your site can then easily find and follow you on their favorite social networks.

It is quite simple and easy to set up. You have the option to choose the button colors, alignment, and order. It comes with an easy-to-use widget that you can simply add to your WordPress blog.


  • If you don’t want to add social media icons to a widget area, then you can also add them to pages or posts using a shortcode.
  • The plugin lets you configure icon settings so that the social media will open in a new tab when a user clicks the button.
  • It has custom URL support, Font Awesome integration, floating icons, and email sharing.
  • The plugin can also display share counts next to social media icons.


  • During our research, we discovered that the plugin does not have great customer support.
  • It comes with basic customization options.

Why we recommend Simple Social Icons: If you are looking for a free solution to add Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram share buttons to your website, then this plugin is for you.

9. Better Click to Tweet (Tweet Boxes)

Better Click to Tweet

Better Click to Tweet is a free plugin that lets you add ‘click to tweet’ boxes in your posts.

You can use this plugin to highlight specific quotes in your content. Your visitors can then simply click a button to tweet that quote. For more details, just see our guide on adding click-to-tweet boxes in your content.

Plus, it’s fully compatible with the WordPress block editor and also offers a shortcode that you can use to add the click-to-tweet box to your preferred place on your website.


  • The plugin comes with multiple pre-designed styles for your click-to-tweet box.
  • It allows you to shorten your URLs, open Twitter in a new tab, and monitor click-to-tweet engagement.
  • Some of the plugin’s advanced features include button customization, share counts, A/B testing, click triggers, and more.


  • The tracking and analytics feature is basic compared to other tools on this list. The advanced features can only be unlocked in the pro version.
  • The plugin has a bit of a learning curve.

Why we recommend Better Click to Tweet: If you want to add a click-to-tweet box that visitors can use to highlight specific website content on Twitter, then this plugin is for you.

Which Is the Best WordPress Twitter Plugin?

In our expert opinion, Smash Balloon Twitter Feed is the best WordPress Twitter plugin on the market because it lets you easily embed your Twitter feeds on your website.

It comes with an easy-to-use builder, smart caching system, reports and analytics, and multiple layout templates, making it a great choice.

However, if you want to boost your social media following, then you can use RafflePress instead. It lets you easily host contests on your website and encourages users to follow you on Twitter to enter the competition.

On the other hand, you can also opt for Uncanny Automator to automatically create tweets every time something exciting happens on your site like new posts, new comments, user registrations, and more.

Additionally, you can use AIOSEO to add Twitter cards to your WordPress blog posts.

If you just want to add a simple share button for Twitter, then Shared Counts is a good choice as well.

Frequently Asked Questions About WordPress Twitter Plugins

Here are some questions that are frequently asked by our readers about Twitter plugins:

What is the best free Twitter plugin for WordPress?

Most of the Twitter plugins in our list have free plans that you can use if you are on a budget.

For example, Smash Balloon Twitter Feed is the best Twitter plugin and it offers a free version to help embed your Twitter feed to your website.

Similarly, RafflePress can also be used to host giveaways and boost Twitter followers for free. You can even add a Twitter social sharing button with a free plugin like Shared Counts.

Can I schedule tweets to be posted automatically?

You can easily schedule tweets to be posted automatically using Uncanny Automator.

It is the best automation plugin that lets you create a recipe for automatically posting a tweet upon a new blog post publication, user registration, new comments, and so much more.

What are the different types of Twitter plugins?

Different types of Twitter plugins perform different actions, and you can choose the one that you need for your website. Some kinds of Twitter plugins include:

  • Feed Display: These plugins can embed entire timelines, specific tweets, hashtags, keywords, and feeds on your website, like Smash Balloon Twitter Feed.
  • Social Sharing: These plugins can add share buttons and share counts to encourage Twitter sharing of your content, like Social Warfare or Shared Counts.
  • Auto Posting: Some plugins, like Revive Old Posts and Uncanny Automator, automatically publish WordPress posts to Twitter.
  • Contests & Giveaways: Plugins like RafflePress let you run Twitter-based contests to attract followers.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post 9 Best Twitter Plugins for WordPress in 2024 (Compared) first appeared on WPBeginner.