Collective #496


Zero Server

A zero configuration web framework that abstracts the usual project configuration for routing, bundling, and transpiling to make it easier to get started.

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We Need Chrome No More

A very interesting article on how we should foster browser diversity and step away from using the browser of the world’s largest advertising company.

Read it


The Dribbble Experiment

Robert Williams analyzes the performance of a job post on Dribbble and compares it to using the advanced search tool.

Read it


Codevember 2018

A fantastic compilation of loops for Codevember 2018 including source codes and breakdown gifs. By Jaume Sanchez Elias.

Check it out



Language-agnostic automatic synchronization of subtitles to video, so that subtitles are aligned to the correct starting point within the video.

Check it out

Collective #496 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops.

Text Trail Effect

Today we’d like to share a little text effect for a slideshow with you. It’s based on the animation seen in the Dribbble shot Abstract is hiring. The idea is to show a trail of a text when transitioning between slides of a slideshow. The animations are made using TweenMax.

Attention: Note that this is very experimental and that we use modern CSS properties that might not be supported in older browsers.

We’ve created five demos with different typography and effects for the images as we go from one slide to another. The text trail layout is made by using a flexbox container that will make the height of each text container shrink so that all fit into the viewport (height). Some of the texts will be visible in full height (we set them specifically to flex: none). Using blend modes and rotations also creates an interesting look.






We hope you enjoy this effect and find it useful!

References and Credits

Text Trail Effect was written by Mary Lou and published on Codrops.