The Role of Continuous Testing for Effective DevOps

Your customers are the true market makers. They continuously contribute to reshaping your industry and influencing the competitive environment.

Your success highly depends on your time-to-market and how well you respond to your customer's demands. Employing DevOps can enable you to speed up your product delivery and improve the overall customer experience — so you can stay ahead of your competition.

How DevOps Teams Can Switch to Remote Work

COVID-19 has left things in disarray for Agile development teams. The sudden transition into a remote working structure has baffled the blended approach to DevOps which combines work culture and automation tools. The lack of contact work will start by striking your work culture first and then affect infrastructure and tools. It becomes imperative for your operative modes to adapt to the new normal. We've covered both these areas of Agile practices, so you don't incur the cost of inflexibility.

Keeping Things Continuous

Everything in DevOps is continuous. Code integration, delivery through testing, reviews, and deployment to end-users. The primary concern for a DevOps team would be to keep things continuous during the transition to this new work environment.

The Ultimate Guide to Shift-left Testing


In today's competitive era, the demand to deliver quality software products in a cost and time-effective manner continues to accelerate. To accommodate that need, more and more companies are now incorporating shift-left testing to their product development processes. To help you better understand this methodology, in this article, we will delve into the basic tenets of shift-left testing, its benefits, and how to measure success.

What is Shift-Left Testing?

Shift-left testing comes about to test earlier in the development process. Even with Agile teams breaking away from the traditional Waterfall development model, testing always seems to be the last step.

In Search of Quality: QA Must Be Engaged in Search Engine Development

If you’re reading this, you’re likely already well aware of the value of watertight QA practice and have a good understanding of what it entails. Yet, there is possibly a team delivering business-critical software at your organization that has thus far escaped the forensic focus of your testing. You need to talk to them, and this blog is a primer to help you do just that.

So, if you want to do one thing today to increase the measurable impact of QA at your organization, do this: find out which team is developing your organization’s search technologies and ask them how they’re testing them. There’s a fair chance that it’s a third-party search specialist, working with their own set of cutting-edge tools. In this case, verifying the quality of their testing practices becomes even more pertinent.

10 Reasons Your Organization Must Embrace Automated Testing in 2020

With more and more organizations today using DevOps and Agile methodologies to deliver their software projects, there’s now a greater demand than ever for speed and efficiency. As a result, automated testing is becoming necessary for organizations that want to keep up with the pace of modern software delivery.

 In fact, according to a recent study by NASSCOM, a quarter of their respondents have automated between 51% and 75% of their testing processes, demonstrating just how valuable this approach has become for many businesses.

Whole Team Testing for Continuous Delivery

I just completed taking Elisabeth Hocke’s course, The Whole Team Approach to Continuous Testing, on Test Automation University. Wow! Talk about a mind-blowing experience.

Mind-blowing? Well, yes. Earlier in my career, I studied lean manufacturing best practices. In a factory, lean manufacturing focuses on reducing waste and increasing factory productivity. Elisabeth (who goes by "Lisi") explains how this concept makes sense in a continuous delivery model for software.

Why Should Testers Start Learning Build Management Tools?

A few months back, I was going through some posts related to Test Automation in Quora. Suddenly a question posted by an anonymous user caught my attention – “What is Maven in Selenium?”

This was not the first time I came across this question or similar questions during my journey as an SDET. This is quite common since there is a lot of confusion regarding the differences between the build automation tools (“Maven” is one of them), and the test automation libraries, mostly among the testers who have just started learning/working on test automation and came across build tools for the first time.

The Software Engineer in Test and the Developer: Key Differences

A few weeks ago I had some interesting debates on the projects I work on, on questions like:

  • Is the automation engineer a developer?
  • Is a developer the best candidate to be an automation engineer? 
  • Where does the good ol’ Software Engineer in Test (SET, a.k.a SDET) fit in this fierce new world full of code and dependencies? 

It seems that the trend nowadays when looking for job candidates in automation is that they need to have the skills of a programmer. I have been doing technical interviews for people who are running for Test Engineer positions for years, and this trend has been increasing more and more. That is why I give the same advice to anyone asking me how to get into the automation world: “Start learning the fundamental concepts of object-oriented programming and how they apply to automation testing.”

Jenkins X Step-by-Step Tutorial to Continuous Deployment with Kubernetes

At TestProject we strive to use the most up-to-date best practices, and as part of an upgrade for some components and workflows in our infrastructure, we are partially shifting to Jenkins X. There is a lack of useful material available on Jenkins X serverless setup, so as part of our belief in sharing and giving back to the community we’ve decided to create a full-blown step by step tutorial on about it!

Jenkins X serverless and Kubernetes continuous integration solves the following problems:

How To Select The Right Test Automation Tool

Every software development team or company will come to the point where a test automation tool is needed to downsize the effort of regression testing. The test automation tool can help the tester and the whole team to concentrate on other important testing tasks that a tool can't handle.

Selecting a tool sounds easy at first. Many people will pick the most popular tool on the market or the one that supports the programming language of the product. Sure, these are two important factors when selecting a tool, but there is much more to consider when searching and selecting the tool.

5 Essential Test Metrics Every Company Can Use

Test metrics are essential in creating reports that accurately measure the success of your testing initiatives. With 23% or more of IT budgets being spent on testing, it is critical to know that your test suites are giving you what you think they are. Because of this, most companies have put some sort of test tracking in place, however, most companies struggle to find the right test metrics to ensure executive buy-in.

Before diving into what test metrics organizations should consider tracking to benchmark their testing efforts, it’s best to give thought to the overall test reporting strategy. Some basic questions to be answered should include:

Top 7 Programming Languages for Test Automation in 2020

So you are at the beginning of 2020 and probably have committed to a New Year's resolution as a tester to leap into automation testing. However, to automate your test scripts, you need to get your hands dirty on a programming language, and that is where you are stuck! 

Or you are already proficient in automation testing through a single programming language and are thinking about venturing into new programming languages for test automation, along with their respective frameworks. You are bound to be confused about picking your next milestone. After all, there are numerous programming languages to choose from.

The Future of QA: The Role of Testers Is Rapidly Evolving

We’re living through interesting times in the software world. Software teams can automate much of their development pipelines. Trends like DevOps and DevSecOps blur the lines between roles inside software organizations. Voice assistants, VR, and the Internet of Things are exciting trends that bring as much uncertainty as they bring potential. What about the testing front? What does the current brave new world we live in have to say about the past, present and — more importantly — the future of quality assurance (QA)?

You may also like: Who Is a QA Tester in the Future?

Top Testing Types to Use in Automation Testing

Planning automated tests.

For any organization, the overall testing culture is influenced by the prevailing testing approach, apart from how they envision the test automation and how are they planning to collaborate beyond the development teams. Establishing test automation in an organization is not your conventional practice and that is why you would want to learn the best approaches possible.

This means retrospecting the current process, finalizing and deciding the new test approach as well as determining the level of testing, roles, and responsibilities of the team members.

A/B Testing: Validating Multiple Variations

Can you spot the difference? Is there one?

When you have multiple variations of your app, how do you automate the process to validate each variation?

A/B testing is a technique used to compare multiple experimental variations of the same application to determine which one is more effective with users. You typically run A/B tests to get statistically valid measures of effectiveness. But, do you know why one version is better than the other? It could be that one contains a defect.

Build a BDD Automation Framework With A Vision

Building a test automation framework with Selenium is more of an art than a technical activity. A lot needs to be considered when building such frameworks. Understanding client expectations for what needs to be delivered is a key aspect of thinking about automation. 

Automated testing approaches with technologies that can build applications much faster than a traditional full-stack brings automation testing time in a squeeze. Technologies like OPA and FirmStep’s Achieve Forms and Microsoft Dynamics CRM, which have known to speed up application building time significantly, have also impeded test automation. This leads to a small window for automation testing and is ruled out of scope. I have worked with all of the above technologies and have faced the same experience.

This led me to build an automation framework using Cucumber which can be understood by all the members in the project. We could sit down with the BA and the Scrum Master and translate requirements and acceptance criteria into an automated test.