Top 10 Industrial Benefits of QA Automation Testing Services

With the current advancement in the tech and space, it is becoming daunting for companies to maintain both the quality and the efficiency of mobile app development. This is the reason that testing and QA automation testing services have always been one of the most critical activities which get forgotten because of the limitations pertaining to both technology and cost. However, this goes on to cause a compromised product quality along with an angry customer a lot of monetary loss.

In fact, the major reason that one sees a surge in the increase in costs is due to an extremely ineffective test strategy combined with an increase in the effort with which the test case was generated. This is where test automation comes into play. Test automation outsourcing helps a great deal in pacing up the testing process in multiple ways. It automatically increases the effort multifold and results in the quickest returns.

5 Best Techniques for Automated Testing

New technologies and techniques are shaping the future at the same pace. The fast technological advancements in the software development and software testing industry strike the testers to improve their skills analytically. As per Gartner, Multi experience is going to be the app development upcoming future.  Companies are now determined on releasing their products on multiple series of gadgets counting augmented reality (AR), AI, and wearables, thus allowing the users to experience the products in distinct ways. 

Even in a new survey, 84% of participants stated that they think the implementation of Artificial Intelligence can provide them with a competitive advantage over competitors. It has become crucial for the software testing firms to think about the most effective software testing techniques to accomplish the expected quality.

How to Do API Testing?

Nowadays API testing is an integral part of testing. There are a lot of tools like postman, insomnia, etc. There are many articles that ask what is API, What is API testing, but the problem is How to do API testing? What I need to validate.

Note: In this article, I am going to use postman assertions for all the examples since it is the most popular tool. But this article is not intended only for the postman tool. 

Don’t Use assertTrue to Verify Text in Your Test


It is common, especially in functional tests on any front-end (web, mobile), to include text validation in our tests to verify that the returned value is the expected one. These validations are user failures or even information about a successfully executed command.

However, it is common to see many professionals using the assertTrue command instead of assertEquals to validate the returned text.

Test Automation in Agile Environments: How to Get Started

Much of the software development in website development is done using agile methods. Test Automation is usually necessary to keep up with the speed.

It’s not really a question of whether automation is useful. Only a few people would rather repeat the same tasks many times every day than to let a computer do them. The question is whether the benefits are bigger than the costs. There will always be costs; automation is an investment. Businesses expect a return for their investment.

Quality Sense Podcast: Michael Bolton – Software Testing and Automation

Carrying on the work of some of his personal mentors and the great thinkers in software like Cem Kaner and Jerry Weinberg is no easy task! But, that is what software testing consultant and trainer, Michael Bolton has set out to do. With James Bach, he’s co-authored the Rapid Software Testing classes and methodology. Over the course of his career, Michael has traveled over a million miles to over 30 countries around the world as a keynote speaker and instructor.

Having met before at the testing conference, TestingUy, Federico invites Michael onto the Quality Sense podcast to discuss his unique approach to testing and how he arrived there.

Testing Iceberg

Anyone who has done some test automation or has searched for information about the subject will have come across the famous "Testing Pyramid" more than once.

This figure represents the "ideal" way to distribute the automatic tests of a system in its different layers. Where the width, indicates the number of tests that should exist about the different levels.

Measure Your Test Automation Maturity

I'm a Developer Advocate and one of the things I love most about my role is that I travel all of over the world — meeting and consulting with engineering teams, and discussing the challenges that they face.

One thing that I've realized about building quality software is...the struggle is real!

Quality Sense Podcast: Oren Rubin — Web Test Automation Challenges

In today’s Quality Sense episode, Federico Toledo sits down for a chat with the founder and CEO of TestimOren Rubin, an Israeli entrepreneur who has over 20 years of experience in the software industry. Testim is an innovative product in the test automation domain that seeks to alleviate the problems around flaky tests. Prior to founding Testim, he was the Director of R&D at Applitools, where they use advanced computer vision technologies to solve the challenges of UI Verification.

What to Expect?

  • In part one of the interview, the two discuss test automation challenges, particularly how to choose amongst the different test automation tools, highlighting their main differences, especially Selenium, Cypress, Playwright, Puppeteer and so on. 
  • In the second part, the two will talk about how AI helps test automation, differences between script-less testing tools and visual editors and more

Listen Here:

How to Overcome 6 Selenium Automation Testing Challenges

Undoubtedly, Selenium has made web testing far simpler for many QA teams and enterprises worldwide, but it has a fair share of challenges. That being said, most of such issues testers encounter have quite clear-cut solutions, which is why we have summarized some of the common Selenium automation testing challenges, along with their solution. Let’s get started!

Selenium Automation Testing Challenges & Solutions

  1. Mobile Application Testing
  2. Reporting
  3. Pop-up Windows and Alerts
  4. Page load
  5. Scalability
  6. Desktop Application Testing

1. Mobile Application Testing

When using Selenium, we can create automated test cases on any operating system and browser on desktop, however, we cannot perform mobile tests with Selenium simultaneously.

How Can 2 Hours Now Save You 1,000 Hours in the Next Year?

As a quality engineer, what do you think about when you consider the return on investing an hour of your time? Or two hours? What if it could save you up to half the work hours you spent over the past year?

If you spend a lot of time writing or maintaining your end-to-end tests, our data shows that you'll find lots of savings. What would you do with that time?

Quality Sense Podcast: Alan Richardson — On Test Automation

In these two Quality Sense episodes, host, Federico, delves into an entertaining and eye-opening discussion with Alan Richardson, a British consultant also known as “Evil Tester.” With more than 25 years of experience in testing and development, he offers consultancy and training in agile testing and test automation. Alan is the author of different books including “Java For Testers” and “Dear Evil Tester.”  He shares a plethora of content on his Youtube channel, podcast and blog.

What’s the Interview About?

In this first half of the interview, the two covered:

Five Data-Driven Reasons To Add Visual AI To Your End-To-End Tests

Do you believe in learning from the experiences of others? If others found themselves more productive adding Visual AI to their functional tests, would you give it a try?

In November 2019, over 3,000 engineers signed up to participate in the Applitools Visual AI Rockstar Hackathon. 288 completed the challenge and submitted tests — comparing their use of coded test validation versus the same tests using Visual AI. They found themselves with better coverage, faster test development, more stable test code, with easier code test code maintenance.

Exit The Test Maintenance Road to Nowhere Through Visual AI

On the Test Maintenance Road to Nowhere? Your Visual AI Exit Is Just Ahead.

Congrats! You just spent hours authoring new tests. They all passed 100% of the time. Now you can start the real work of managing quality. That is until the application under test starts to change. Now, the potential for instability in code-based assertions surfaces, and your maintenance nightmare ensues.

How Do You Catch More Bugs In Your End-To-End Tests?

How much is it worth to catch more bugs early in your product release process? Depending on where you are in your release process, you might be writing unit or systems tests. But, you need to run end-to-end tests to prove behavior, and quality engineers require a high degree of skill to write end-to-end tests successfully.

What would you say if a single validation engine could help you ensure data integrity, functional integrity, and graphical integrity in your web and mobile applications? And, as a result, catch more bugs earlier in your release process?

Tips for Healthy Page Object Classes

The most popular design pattern used in web UI test codebases is the Page Object Model (POM) design pattern. This pattern suggests modeling a class to represent a single page of your system under test. Using this model, the class would contain properties that represent the elements of the UI page and methods that interact with these elements.

Given this is the Login Page of our application, let’s discuss tips for building a class using POM.