Codeless Test Automation: The Biggest Software Testing Trend of 2021

Codeless test automation is arising as a promising solution for non-programmers during the software development cycle. Organizations are attempting to solve fast-tracking software delivery and the technical effort it takes to test. That's where software testing is switching from manual testing to codeless automation testing tools to validate applications.

Besides CI/CD integrations and multiple types of testing coverage, codeless test automation also solves the issue of coding skills resulting in more and faster releases. Thus, simplifying the testing processes for QA teams no matter how sophisticated the software is. 

Configure Cypress Tests to Run on Multiple Environments

One of the most common scenarios in an automation framework is to run scripts on different environments like QA, staging, production, etc. There are multiple ways to configure your Cypress framework to run on different environments. I am going to show the three most used methods

In this article, I have explained 3 different methods to run your Cypress tests on multiple environments.

Top 30+ DevOps Interview Questions

Total DevOps Interview Questions and Answers

DevOps is the offspring of agile software development that has been increasingly attracting attention from large enterprises such as Google, Facebook, or Amazon. Advancements in agile software development also exposed the need for more promising DevOps-related jobs.

Whether you are applying for a DevOps engineer, analyst, or specialist, besides professional skill sets required, a well-prepared DevOps job interview plays a fundamental role in successfully breaking into the industry. 

Environments: The ROI of TEM

This post was written by and published with permission on behalf of Carlos Schults. Carlos is a consultant and software engineer with experience in desktop, web, and mobile development.

Let me start with a question: as a leader in tech, are you satisfied with the budget you have? If I had to guess, I'd say the answer is no. Because of that, calculating the return on investment of the many activities in software development is certainly an invaluable strategy. With ROI data in your hands, you can prove that a given process helps the bottom line of the organization. In this post, we'll offer you a guide about the ROI of TEM (test environment management). 

Scenarios When Data-Driven Testing Is Useful

In today’s world where ‘data is the new oil’ (as said by Clive Humby), not giving proper attention to data-driven testing is not justified. If you have an application that needs data input in some form then it will require data-driven testing.

Additionally, when during testing your application – there are testing scenarios that require multiple permutations/combinations of input data in your application, then you might have to think of using a test automation tool for automating them.

6 Data Points About How The World’s Top Organizations Test Their Software

The hot-off-the-presses How the World’s Top Organizations Test report analyzes how industry leaders test the software that their business (and the world) relies on. For this first-of-its-kind report, Tricentis interviewed quality leaders at one hundred Fortune 500 (or global equivalent) organizations and major government agencies across the Americas, Europe, and Asia-Pacific.

Although there is no shortage of reports on overall software testing trends, the state of testing at the organizational level—particularly at “household name” brands—has historically been a black box. On the one hand, large organizations often have access to resources far beyond the reach of smaller businesses (for example, commercial as well as open-source software, access to consultants and services, etc.). But on the other hand, they face daunting challenges such as:

8 Reasons Your QA Team Would Use a Virtual Machine for Automated Testing

Automated testing is adapting to the ever-evolving trends in the software industry. More companies are replacing the traditional approach of running automation suites on separate hardware and software with a comprehensive virtual test lab. 

The question still stands: Is virtual machine automation just another fad, or is virtual machine testing worth the investment?

5 Great Ways To Achieve Complete Automation With AI and ML


Automation in the testing domain has evolved a lot when it comes to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning specifically. Self-driven cars, bots, and the famous Amazon-owned product, Alexa are some of the basic examples of how AL and ML have influenced our lives and day-to-day activities. With updated application software and devices making users' lives easier than ever, emphasis on the demand for product quality for users has increased. Customers are becoming intolerant to product defects with the number of alternatives available to them to switch in the market. The statistics mentioned below are true when talking about the loyalty a customer can portray for a particular product or service for a company.

"91% of non-complainers just leave and 13% of them tell 15 more people about their bad experience for a product." 

Cypress Web Automation


Cypress is an open-source test automation tool for testing web applications. Cypress can interact with different test automation tools like Selenium, Protractor, etc. Cypress can also interact directly with web browsers and is capable of testing modern web applications based on React and AngularJS frameworks as well. 

Cypress uses its own architecture and can directly interact with web elements. It doesn't use Selenium at its backend as with other UI testing tools we have in the market today. Cypress has its own rich set of powerful commands which it executes inside the browser itself, whereas Selenium executes its command remotely using a server. 

Oracle EBS to Oracle Cloud Migration Testing Types

Testing is crucial during the migration of legacy applications to the cloud in order to avoid any data loss or downtime. So, analyzing and determining which testing strategy to employ while performing a migration is critical. Enterprises must invest quality time and effort to establish a proper migration testing plan. A well-defined migration testing strategy is essential to mitigating the risks involved and delivering a successful migration. This is comprised of three phases: Pre-Migration, In-Migration, and Post-Migration. In this post, we’ll break down what goes into the In-Migration and Post-Migration phases.

Let’s start with the testing types involved in the In-Migration testing phase:

Test Data Factory: Why and How to Use

What Problem Does the Test Data Factory Solve?

One of the biggest pain points during test automation, whatever the layer you are testing, is to manage the test data. I would say it’s quite easy to manage in the unit and integration levels, where we can control the application state, but for functional and e2e tests it’s quite hard.

Would be awesome if we could stop manually change data we have in the code file or even from an external source like a CSV or JSON file, right?

Approaches to Automating Microservices Testing

Organizations at some stage of their journey switch to a microservices architecture, which is a collection of self-contained and autonomous services that help execute a business capability from a monolithic architecture to derive key business benefits.

In a microservices architecture, an entire codebase doesn’t have to be rewritten to add or modify an application feature. Organizations thus reduce time-to-market for their applications and products. Debugging and testing applications are simpler too, and it helps organizations significantly improve their rate of delivering error-free applications.

Quality Sense Podcast With Bas Dijkstra – False Positives and Negatives in Test Automation

In this Quality Sense episode, host, Federico Toledo, has a chat with Bas Dijkstra, a software test automation expert, consultant, and trainer from the Netherlands with over 14 years of experience in the field. Recently, Bas triggered an interesting conversation on Linkedin about software testers getting involved with unit testing, which sparked a variety of responses. Listen to the episode to hear more about that conversation, getting better results from test automation, and more!

Episode Highlights

  • What should a tester’s involvement look like in unit testing?
  • How to become a better test automation specialist
  • Building reliable automated tests: how to avoid false positives and negatives?
  • An important philosophy/book he recommends for being more successful and productive

Relevant Links:

Top 10 Best Tips for API Testing (API Testing Tips)

As Microservices and APIs become more prevalent in modern software development, testing and validating these APIs is increasingly important to ensure the quality of your software.

Testing APIs and microservices offer a host of benefits. First, they allow you to easily test end-to-end behavior, without having to invest in writing and maintaining UI based testing, by mimicking the API calls clients would generate. This allows for stable and easy-to-write tests and can help identify exactly where in your system problems originate.  API tests can also be easily run as monitors, allowing you to easily identify outages and performance degradations before your users do!  However, unlike more common classes of tests like end-to-end testing and unit testing, API testing is a newer field for many engineering teams. To that end, this article will help you get started with testing your APIs.