QA To Support Software Development Life Cycle: Best Practices To Follow

Hardly anyone would argue that speed and innovation are pillars of efficient product delivery contributing to success on the market today. With the ability to smoothly introduce tech novelties and release top-tier software faster, companies embark on the path to recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic and its aftermath and adjusting to the "next normal." 

To do it confidently and guarantee that software meets planned business requirements, open-minded companies embed QA into a software development life cycle (SDLC). 

Tune the Need for Speed With Quality and Security Through Continuous Testing Practice in DevSecOps

The Need for Speed With Quality

The slow speed of feedback to the dev team through the results of manual tests decreases productivity significantly. Re-executing manual tests in every iteration of SDLC is not a sustainable pattern in current world. There is never enough time, and adding more personnel to execute manual regression tests leads to reduced returns. Test effectiveness is a critical aspect to keep up with the faster-paced development life cycles so that sufficient quality of the system can be ensured and time and money can be saved. To have better test effectiveness, we need to think differently with the increasing adoption of agile and DevOps practices. We need to have automations in all layers of the test pyramid. This includes unit tests, component tests/service tests, and UI tests. 

Finding the Right Set of Tests

The number of new features, and therefore the number of tests, increases significantly after a few iterations in almost all agile teams. The only way to keep up with the needed regression testing is to automate the right set of tests to ensure the change hasn’t impacted existing functionality. Realistically, we can’t test everything, and we can’t automate all our tests. So, we need to find the right balance. To accomplish this balance, mature DevOps teams use a combination of test automation and manual exploratory testing, both running in a continuous pattern.

Migrating Oracle EBS to Cloud via Test Automation

Business leaders are looking to transform their business technology stack and optimize economic and business benefits by migrating to the cloud. The users of Oracle EBS, E-Business Suite installation, are no more an exception to this. However,  EBS customers have an option to migrate to Oracle Cloud without much re-configuration, re-integration, or business process change. 

The migration to Oracle cloud is not a walk in the park. If not performed properly, there might be chances that application crashes may occur leading to a series of glitches and business disruption. In this article, we’ll discuss what challenges enterprises might face during Oracle Cloud Migration. We will also discuss how test focussed migration strategy can address these challenges.

All You Need to Know About Automation Testing Life Cycle


Testing has become standardized and more competent, and its processes are evolving every day. The technical adeptness of the testers also matters in the success of the complete testing stages. Testing no longer means discovering bugs only; its scope has broadened, and its importance can be seen right from the start of any development project.

When we talk about the automation testing life cycle, most of us believe it is just a part of SDLC, but it is a lot more than that. It is necessary to understand that automation testing should be a prominent part of the automation testing strategy and has a life cycle. Businesses have to adapt it to enhance the quality of their software products.

Why Continuous Performance Testing for Retail Apps Matters

The retail industry has been actively adopting digital transformation in order to provide a better user experience. According to current trends, the reliance on digital channels has been enormous, placing them at the core of all significant online retail operations.

Mobile sales increased by 68 percent in 2020 and are anticipated to surpass other channels as the largest source of all sales by the end of this year. Can you identify the true reason for increased sales using retail mobile applications? The answer is "digital confidence."

How Agile Teams Automate Their Tests

Test automation is a vital part of agile development. Serving as a force that helps to maximize QA procedures, an agile project with no automation can be conveniently referred to as a waterfall project in phases. In this article, we examine the importance of agile test automation in agile methodologies. 

Software Testing for Agile Teams and Why It Matters

Agile testing is a continuous software testing process that follows all the principles of agile software development. This methodology has dominated the software testing industry in the last few years. Companies moved from waterfall testing to agile testing to promote the software life cycle’s continuous iteration. 

Dos and Don’ts to Successfully Adopt Test Automation in DevOps

Gone are the days when releases to the production environment were rare. To outmaneuver the uncertainty caused by the pandemic, roll out software briskly while turning clients into brand advocates for life, businesses are continuously improving delivered IT products by releasing several and more times a day. 

For that, the process of ensuring high build quality should accelerate substantially and take minutes, not hours. A cultural shift to DevOps became a way out. DevOps helps to build, test, and deploy faster, provide quick incident responses, and enhance collaboration between teams while unlocking software development innovation and increasing agility. 

How to Avoid the Ice Cream Cone of Test Automation

The testing process is key to delivering quality software. But as the demand for faster delivery increases, it becomes harder for human teams to keep up. Luckily, test automation can help cover tasks.

And DevOps can further help position testing efforts within the software development cycle. But when dealing with larger software products that have constantly evolving functionality, test automation gets trickier.

How Do You Choose the Best Test Cases to Automate?

According to the 2021 Test automation report, more than 40% of companies are looking to expand and invest their resources in test automation. While this doesn’t mean manual testing is going away, there is an increased interest in automation from an ROI perspective - both in terms of money and time. 

After all, we can agree that writing and running those unit test cases is boring. A good automation strategy can free up the tester’s time to tackle some of the more complex problems and help with the early detection of bugs.

5 Key Techniques To Improve DevSecOps Framework Implementation

According to a study by Markets and Markets, the global DevOps market size increased from USD 2.90 Billion in 2017 to USD 10.31 Billion by 2023, at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 24.7% during the forecast period. The reason why organizations are interested in adopting DevOps is to streamline their software delivery lifecycle and to be able to deliver better software faster.

Despite all the promises that DevOps hold, Verified Market Research also predicts, the Global DevSecOps Market was valued at USD 2.18 Billion in 2019 and is projected to reach USD 17.16 Billion by 2027, growing at a CAGR of 30.76% from 2020 to 2027.

Solving the Top 10 Test Automation Challenges

Web Applications’ dynamic, rapidly-changing, and business-critical nature pushes the limits of traditional test automation tools and open source frameworks. 

Changes to your application require changes to your tests. Not just for the new features but also for your regression tests. 

Crucial Benefits of Automated Testing in Manufacturing Industry

As the global market is preparing to slowly and steadily return to a comparatively normalized world, the manufacturing vertical is not left behind. Such a sector not only has to execute measures to recover from the trouble caused in this pandemic time but also has to take strong actions for facilitating business continuity. According to a current study, about 65-70 percent of the manufacturers are concerned about the financial collision, yet 41 percent are worried about the effect on their manpower and reduction in productivity, whereas almost 30-40% has concerns over decreased consumption which may result from a reduction in customer confidence. 

The lone way to keep pace with fast development cycles whilst managing business continuity is with automation. Typically, enterprises whose major product(s) is not software are afraid to expense in automated tests fearing that the returns won’t be acceptable or if there will be a positive return at all. The technological disruption during the Covid situation has resulted in the introduction of a series of intelligent software and programmable automation into the manufacturing procedures. However, the inadequate experience with automation, lack of proper tools, DevOps practices, and AI & IoT, and having legacy infrastructure can make the conversion from traditional procedures to DevOps-centric automation quite challenging. In short, the manufacturing sector is still in a nascent phase on its digital transformation journey with most of the smart factory initiatives and Industry 4.0 at the beginning stage.

Cypress Tests: Preserve Cookies and Keep Login Session Active

By default, Cypress resets the sessions before each test. If you are logged in scenario first test (ex: it() block), then in the second test (second it block), and you are performing some other task, you are automatically taken back to the login page. This happens because Cypress doesn’t keep the session; it creates a new session. In end-to-end testing, mostly, users will be logged first and then all the workflow will be checked. This article explains the simplest way to overcome this problem using just a few lines of code.

Let me explain this scenario:

Setup Cypress Tests in Azure DevOps Pipeline

This tutorial helps to integrate and run your Cypress tests with the Azure DevOps pipeline in an Easy Way


  1. You need to have already cypress framework up and running on your local machine
  2. Cypress Project should be checked into the repository
  3. Your framework should generate a JUnit XML file at the end of the execution of the test. If you are not sure how to do that refer to Generating JUnit XML article.

Step by Step Guide To Run / Set-Up Cypress Tests in Azure DevOps or TFS Pipeline CI/CD

This tutorial explains the easy way to configure and run Cypress Test Automation Framework into Azure DevOps. 

Mobile Commerce Testing: How Global Leaders Optimize User Experience

Mobile accounts for over 67% of all e-commerce sales worldwide and it’s expected to keep growing as more people are getting used to shopping on their phones. Nearly four out of five smartphone users have made at least one purchase in the last six months.

Since mobile performance directly affects user experience, retention rates, conversions, and ultimately revenue, improving it has become a top priority for mobile commerce companies globally.

Scriptless Testing vs Scripted Testing: Which One Is for You?

Scriptless testing - a way of test automation that does not need scripting -  is a new method. It aims at minimizing a tester’s load in terms of learning to code and script! Just like in-sprint, scriptless testing is also a new and popular paradigm. If you have stumbled on this post, I am sure you must have heard about scriptless testing and are fascinated by its working. Or you are wondering whether you should go for scriptless or scripted testing? What’s in store for you if you choose one of them? Don’t worry. This post is just perfect to clear out your confusion. However, this post will not dive deep into scriptless testing and if you are interested in that solely, you may visit What is Scriptless testing and how it works.

Scripted Testing - Standard and Powerful Method

Scripted testing has been a standard method of automated testing for software and is today used in the majority of software development cycles. The following table shows the growth of the automation testing market over the years in billion dollars: