Top 5 Tech Trends for 2020

Top 5 Tech Trends for 2020

These days, technology is advancing quicker than ever. It seems like every day new technology and innovations emerge. So, it can be difficult for businesses to keep up-to-date with all of these changes. 

But it’s important that you’re aware of upcoming tech trends because they could help you improve processes, discover new opportunities, and grow your business. Plus, if your competitors take advantage of these tech trends before your business does, your company could fall behind. 

AI Trends Responsible for the Rapid Shape-Shifting of the Future

Rapid shape-shifting of the future.

What does the future hold for us? Or more precisely, how will the future unfold? One thing that we know unanimously is that the digital revolution is here. This revolution is cascading across every industry and organization, resulting in wide-scale enterprise disruption with redefined customer expectations.

The ability to rapidly rotate to the new has been critical for companies striving to become digital leaders, as well as for the employees who are shifting beyond the digital culture shock. This is an era of an exciting unprecedented time in technology, keeping in mind the pace of change and innovation continuing to accelerate.

IoT on the Edge

Edge computing has become an important trend for the Internet of Things (IoT). Gartner identifies edge computing as one of their top Tech Trends for 2019. Companies implementing IoT solutions are seeing real benefits of processing data on the edge, closer to the 'things', before it is sent to the cloud. Confirming this trend, a recent Micron/Forrester survey found in the next three years, 53 percent of respondents expect to be analyzing complex data sets at the edge. This is why some have made the bold prediction that 'the edge will eat the cloud. '

Edge computing is gaining attention since it addresses some of the key issues of implementing industrial IoT use cases.