Collective #683

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Kuma is a self-hosted monitoring tool similar to “Uptime Robot” with a great UI. Learn more about it in this video.

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YoHa is a hand tracking engine that is built with the goal of being a versatile solution in practical scenarios where hand tracking is employed to add value to an application.

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A free Airtable alternative: Manage Firestore data in a spreadsheet-like UI, write Cloud Functions effortlessly in the browser, and connect to third party platforms.

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Use LCH color space to come up with predictable and accessible color palettes.

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A growing library filled with Tailwind CSS UI blocks, components and templates.

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A user-friendly, tiny source code searcher written by pure Python.

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Some months ago, Vijay Verma shared 60+ free and open-source 3D icons. This collection has now grown to over a thousand icons! Worth checking out again.

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Collective #682

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Atropos is a lightweight, free and open-source JavaScript library to create touch-friendly 3D parallax hover effects.

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Tidy Viewer

Tidy Viewer is a cross-platform CLI CSV pretty printer that uses column styling to maximize viewer enjoyment.

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Welcome to AESON, a futuristic (and creepy) chatroom in WebGL. The project was made at Gobelins Paris during a workshop. By Thoma Lecornu. Read more about it in this tweet.

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In case you didn’t know about it: Medusa is a headless open-source commerce platform.

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From Our Blog

Creating 3D Characters in Three.js

Are you looking to get started with 3D on the web? In this tutorial we’ll walk through creating a three-dimensional character using Three.js, adding some simple but effective animation, and a generative color palette.

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Collective #680


Theatre.js is a new hackable JavaScript animation library with visual tools. It animates the DOM, WebGL, and any other JavaScript variable.

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Open-Meteo offers free weather forecast APIs for open-source developers and non-commercial use. No API key is required.

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Mechanic is an open source framework that makes it easy to create custom, web-based design tools that export design assets right in your browser.

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Glass is a new subscription-based photo sharing app and community for professional and amateur photographers alike without dark patterns driving engagement.

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A new way to design brand guidelines. A product from Standards Manual. Apply for early access.

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An incredible Quake clone made by Dominic Szablewski for the 2021 js13k competition.

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Collective #677

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A simple color tool to help you find good color palettes for your web projects. This tools spits out modern CSS you can use right away in your projects.

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Collective #675

Breaking the web forward

A sobering article by Peter-Paul Koch on the current lamentable state of browsers and the web where “[c]omplex systems and arrogant priests rule”.

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Collective #673

How To Build Resilient JavaScript UIs

This article by Callum Hart explores how graceful degradation, defensive coding, observability, and a healthy attitude towards failures make empowers us to build UIs that are resilient.

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Blobby deer

Louis Hoebregts’ demo that shows how to render SVG with Three.js and then animate it with GSAP.

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User preference media features client hints headers

Learn about Sec-CH-Prefers-Color-Scheme client hint header that allows sites to obtain the user’s color scheme preferences optionally at request time, allowing servers to inline the right CSS and therefore avoid a flash of incorrect color theme.

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A Unix-style personal search engine and web crawler for your digital footprint. By Amir Bolous.

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Collective #672

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A build plugin that can extend any 11ty site for components, page transitions, and more.

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With Shapecatcher you can search through a database of characters by simply drawing your character into a box. It can find the most similar character shapes for your drawing.

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WCAG colour contrast ratio

Dan Hollick’s super interesting thread on how color contrast gets calculated and why the WCAG colour contrast ratio doesn’t always seem to work.

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Collective #667

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GitHub Issues

With the new GitHub Issues you can break issues into tasks, track relationships, add custom fields, and have conversations.

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Collective #658

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Kallithea, a free software source code management system supporting two leading version control systems, Mercurial and Git.

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Una Kravets shares the latest flexbox debugging features in Chrome DevTools.

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Collective #653

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Aladino – your magic WebGL carpet

Aladino is a tiny, dependency-free JavaScript library that allows to enhance your site using “shader effects” with progressive enhancement and accessibility in mind. By Luigi De Rosa.

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Gorillas’ nav: a case study

An article about everything that went into the navigation of the Gorillas website, from accessibility to behavior to design. By Kitty Giraudel.

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A web-based design tool to generate unique SVG design assets for websites, social media, blog posts, desktop and mobile wallpapers, posters, and more.

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Collective 653 Item Image is an online editor offering lots of possibilities and a customized writing experience.

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CSS Generators

A short series of posts that aims to highlight some of the useful tools and techniques for developers and designers. This one is about CSS Generators. By Iris Lješnjanin.

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Charts.css is a modern CSS framework that uses CSS utility classes to style HTML elements as charts.

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Manim is an animation engine for explanatory math videos. It’s used to create precise animations programmatically, as seen in the videos at 3Blue1Brown. There’s also a community edition which is updated more frequently.

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Collective #650

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Turn your code into beautiful images. Choose from a range of syntax colors, hide or show the background, and toggle between a dark and light window.

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Veloren is a multiplayer voxel RPG written in Rust. The game is in an early stage of development, but is playable.

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Collective #641

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Blob Opera

A mind-blowing machine learning experiment by David Li where you can create your own opera inspired song.

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Cameras and Lenses

Bartosz Ciechanowski explains how cameras and the lenses work and how adjusting a few tunable parameters can produce fairly different results.

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A JavaScript carousel powered by plugins with a native-like experience. It has zero dependencies and is written in TypeScript.

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Centering in CSS

Follow 5 centering techniques as they go through a series of tests to see which one is the most resilient to change. By Adam Argyle.

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Collective #640

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The 2020 Web Almanac

The Web Almanac is an annual state of the web report combining the expertise of the web community with the data and trends of the HTTP Archive.

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The Rules of Margin Collapse

Josh W Comeau puts an end to the mystery of collapsing margins and explains everything you need to know to not get caught by surprise anymore.

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Valtio Game

A demo that shows how to create a simple game with Valtio, a proxy-state library for React.

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Collective #637

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A tutorial on how to create a brilliant React hover animation effect with React Spring.

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Infinite Bad Guy

Infinite Bad Guy is an AI experiment that uses machine learning to seamlessly align thousands of covers of Billie Eilish’s “Bad Guy” into an infinite music video.

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An easy-to-use library for adding search, sort, filters and flexibility to tables, lists and various HTML elements.

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Collective #635

Back/forward cache

Learn how to optimize your pages for instant loads when using the browser’s back and forward buttons. By Philip Walton.

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ThreeJS starter

A fantastic Three.js boilerplate made by Francesco Michelini. It uses Parcel to create the bundle and Tweakpane for live updates. Here’s the demo.

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Tailwind CSS v2.0

Read about the new Tailwind CSS version that includes an all-new color palette, dark mode support, and a lot more.

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Masonry Layout

Level 3 of the CSS Grid Layout specification includes a masonry value for grid-template-columns and grid-template-rows. This MDN guide details what masonry layout is, and how to use it.

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