SSD vs. HDD: How the Choice of Storage Affects Developer Workflows

Having the right tools makes a big difference in any job. Software development is no different, where your computer’s performance can significantly help or hinder your efficiency at work. While there are many hardware factors to consider, one of the most important is choosing the right kind of storage.

Hard disk drives (HDDs) and solid-state drives (SSDs) each have unique strengths and weaknesses. As a developer, you should carefully weigh these factors to determine which is best for your workflow.

Bronze Hosting Now With 50% More SSD Storage

We have dramatically increased the hosting storage available for our Bronze starter plan. Previously it was 10 GB, now it’s a healthy 25 GB!

Why are we giving you more SSD storage?

Well, because you’ve asked for it!

WPMU DEV Bronze Hosting Plan
We’ve increased WPMU DEV’s Bronze hosting plan’s storage!

In our last survey, Bronze plan members requested more storage, so we looked at every possible way we could manage this increase, and we were able to come up with a 50% net storage increase in real terms.

SSD Hosting Storage Plans Explained

Previously, the Bronze plan gave members 10GB of storage. But, since we offer true compartmentalized managed WordPress hosting for every site (yes, even on our starter plan!), we also had to allocate space for the system resources required to run each account.

This meant that not all of 10 GB SSD storage allocated to each account was available.

So, we’ve not only increased the SSD storage we allocate to our Bronze hosting plan, but we have also upgraded our storage reporting feature in the hosting section of the Hub.

This lets you see exactly how much space your sites are taking up on your hosting account, and how much of your hosting server is being allocated to running and processing essential system resources.

To view how much storage is being used by your site, simply go to The Hub > Hosting > Analytics section and click on the Storage tab.

Hosting Analytics Storage Used real time report.
See exactly what is going on in your dedicated hosting account in real-time.

50% More Storage At No Extra Cost, And Without Compromising Your Resources

The bottom line, then, is that as a Bronze hosting member, you now get more 50% more SSD storage space than our previous plan without compromising essential resources your server needs to run.

Why is Silver Hosting Also 25GB?

If you look at our pricing plans, you will see that both the Bronze and Silver plan give you the same amount of storage (25 GB).

We’ve had to do this due to limits imposed by our hosting partner (Digital Ocean), system resources constraints, and to make seamless downgrades possible.

So, while both Bronze and Silver plans offer 25GB storage, if you’re on the Silver plan and need additional storage space, we’ll help you offload extra media to S3 or similar.

For details of all hosting features and inclusions, check out our hosting plans. If you have any questions about our hosting or need help deciding on the best plan to suit your needs, just reach out to our support team. We’re available 24/7.

Enabling WFH With Office 365 Requires State-of-the-Art Security and Data Backup

Office 365 is an essential tool for many organizations that have thrived for years within the Microsoft ecosystem. It takes those many nostalgic tools like Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Outlook — the tools that most of today’s workforce grew up revering and using — and makes them available in the cloud. This breaks the limits of devices and allows users to use these tools on any device and have their work saved to the cloud without having to worry about using up their precious hard drive or SSD storage. 

For organizations, it gives IT a much better way to enable their workforce. No more painful manual mass updates to all systems in the organization to give them the latest version of Word or Excel. 

Programs don’t even ask where you’d like to install these days

Im dealing with a small SSD, and a 1 terabyte HDD. My issue is half the programs you install these days dont even bother asking you where youd like to install. About 90% of them Im fine having on the HDD. What on earth - if anything - can I do to move an entitled, SSD-privileged program to my HDD and how do I repair the ensuing errors it makes?

Serverless Approach to Backup and Restore EBS Volumes

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instances use Elastic Block Storage (EBS) as a root volume as well as an additional data store for applications. It is necessary to select a proper EBS volume type depending upon the workload to achieve high performance and the right approach to backup EBS volumes reqularly in production environments. We need a solution to backup and restore application data from EBS volume snapshots at any point of time and we should not pay an unnecessary cost for archiving the older snapshots. This article covers choosing the right EBS volume type for your application and provides a mechanism to handle EBS snapshots using serverless technology.

EBS Volume Types

Amazon EBS provides different volume types which have different performance characteristics and cost models. We can choose the volume type based on our application requirements (the type of the workload) to achieve higher performance as well as saving overall storage cost. EBS volume is available in two different categories, SSD-backed volumes and HDD-backed volumes. SSD backed volumes are used when the workload is I/O intensive, like transactional workloads where frequent read-writes happens in an application. Its performance is rated in IOPS. HDD-backed volumes are used when an application requires continuous read and write to the disk at a cheaper rate with high throughput. Its performance is rated in throughput MiB/s.

HDD to SSD, not compatible

My dad has an older laptop that I intalled Linux Mint on a long time ago and he loves his Linux Mint. For Father's Day I got him an SSD but when I would get to the part of the installation where it needs to format the drive it would always give me an error and fail. A few times it did this after I swapped the drives out but now the computer will not even boot to a Linux Mint ISO USB or DVD with the SSD drive in because it gives an error saying that there's no hard drive detected. Upon further inspection I think I've found the problem and I think it's a hardware issue I just don't know what to do about it. The old HDD has 4 more pins off to one side than the SSD does so I don't think the SSD has a chance of plugging in, although I don't know why it was letting me get as far into the installation process as it did the first few times if it couldn't see the SSD anyway. Images attached, what can I do about this? Thanks.


Looking for a laptop with SSD, any suggestions?

Hey guys,

I'am planning to buy a new laptop and I personally think that it shoud have SSD. I have read a lot that SSD's are better than HDD. So can you please suggest me any good laptop which comes with SSD. My budget is near about $800 and I don't need a large storage space as well.

Looking forward to your suggestions