Introduction to the Spring Boot Actuator

Learn more about the Spring Boot Actuator!

The Spring Boot Actuator provides production-ready features for our Spring Boot application. Additionally, this library provides all endpoints for production — without having to write a single line of code just by adding the proper dependency.

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The Spring Boot Actuator mainly exposes endpoints like health, metrics, logger, info, thread dump, and more. Let's take a closer look!

Monitor Your App’s Health With Spring Boot Actuator

Vegetables won't keep your app healthy.

Ever wanted to see the precise HTTP traffic going through your Spring Boot API? With the Spring Boot Actuator and some code, you can! Spring Boot Actuator manages and monitors the health of your app using HTTP endpoints. It also allows you to see everything that’s happening in the background of an OpenID Connect (OIDC) flow.

Migrating a Legacy Spring Application to Spring Boot 2

Out with the old, in with Spring Boot 2

Recently, we decided to monitor the metrics of legacy Spring applications we were running on our production systems. While searching around, I realized that a nice way to not reinvent the wheel was to integrate my app with the Spring Boot Actuator. By using the actuator, we have many tools like Grafana and Prometheus for easily monitoring our applications. However, in order to integrate such a legacy Spring application with the Spring Boot Actuator, you need to make it Spring-Boot-ready first.

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Since Spring Boot 1.5 reached the end of its life at the beginning of August, I decided to move to Spring Boot 2 and start playing with it.