Life Beyond Kafka With Apache Pulsar

During all my years as a Solution Architect, I have built many streaming architectures, such as real-time data ETL, reactive microservices, log collection, and even AI-driven services, all using Kafka as a core part of their architecture. Kafka is a proven stream-processing platform used for many years at companies like LinkedIn, Microsoft, and Netflix. In many cases Kafka works very well, supports large amounts of data, and has a good community. Because of that, Kafka is used for many streaming scenarios.

However, due to the design of Kafka, all of my projects using Kafka have been suffering similar problems:

Top 10 AWS Architect Interview Questions 2019

The role of a Solution Architect would be in migrating existing systems to a cloud architecture, defining and designing AWS architecture for them, and establishing technical road maps for future AWS cloud implementation.

Why AWS?

According to the job trends from, since 2006 there has been an explosive growth in the area of AWS job postings with salaries ranging from $110,000 to $220,000, depending on the location. One of the trending career choices when it comes to AWS is that of a Certified Solutions Architect. The high demand in this area is only expected to grow as more and more companies migrate to the cloud.

Getting Started With Static Analysis Without Overwhelming the Team

As a Solution Architect at Parasoft, we get a lot of people looking for help in this area, so know that you’re not alone! And if you want more information, you can download and read this full guide that I helped put together.

I’m assuming that your static analysis tools are installed and any initial configuration has been set up. After that, getting started can be tricky if you haven't taken some time at first to make sure you've identified the right strategies to take for your project. Here, what I mean by “getting started” is understanding better the general approach of integrating static analysis into an existing project and how to increase the return on investment of static analysis over time.

Design Best Practices With AWS IoT

Internet of Things (IoT) presents an unparalleled opportunity for every industry to address their business challenges. With the proliferation of devices, one needs a solution to connect, collect, store, and analyze the device data. Amazon Web Services provides various services that help connected devices to easily and securely interact with cloud applications and other devices for various user scenarios. Having said this, every Solution Architect in the field knows the capabilities and reliabilities of AWS Cloud. Migrating or designing Internet of Things (IoT) solutions on to AWS platform enables one to focus on core business without the hassle of infrastructure management and monitoring. This will ensure high availability to the customers. No matter which solution is designed, one should select the best platform to keep the solution stable. AWS is one such platform.

There are few practices to be considered in designing IoT solutions with AWS. If the right AWS services are used for customer requirements, then IoT solutions will be able to deliver results in a more secure, reliable, and scalable manner.

How Many Architects Does it Take to Change a Light Bulb?

Looking at the Problem of Responsibility and Alignment

This is how changing the light bulb situation would pan out at a large corporation.

The business, or the Product Owner, would come and say that it was made clear that a light bulb in the living room had burned out. They engage a Solution Architect, who will suggest that the light bulb should be replaced, the BA would validate the voltage and size of the bulb, and the Infrastructure Architect would say that we need to turn off the power before attempting this operation.