The 5 Principles of Agile Software Development Methods

Over the years, software development methods have also upgraded parallelly with technological advancements. Agile software development methods are one approach in the current software development trends. Agile methodology breaks up the project into many phases and distributes the workloads across the teams. We prioritize continuous improvement at each stage rather than working on changes at the deployment stage altogether. Progress is constantly updated with the team members during the daily scrum meetings. The examples of agile-based development methods are scrum, Extreme Programming (XP), Feature-Driven Development (FDD), Adaptive Software Development (ASD), Crystal, Dynamic Systems Development (DSD), Lean Software Development, etc. The methods are selected according to the type of product/service to be developed. All these agile methods follow a set of dedicated principles. In this blog, we will focus on five crucial principles of agile methodology.    

1. Be Open to Challenges and Changes  

The agile methodology focuses on being highly responsive to changes at all phases of software development. Our teams must be aware of what is going on in the project at any development phase. The agile method splits the tasks and deliverables into iterations to achieve this high degree of clarity. The iterations must be completed in shorter time frames, usually from a week to four. Ensure that the time frames align with the overall time allocated to the project.    

8 Stages of the Software Development Life Cycle

Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) is the process of planning, creating, testing, and deploying software. It is a pre-defined framework adopted by software enterprises. Each product or project is build on a different software development model such as Waterfall, Spiral, V-model, Rad, Agile, etc., so the SDLC varies according to models. In this blog post, we shall check out the 8 stages of the software development life cycle.  


This is the stage where we brainstorm our ideas. The ideas may not be concrete or executable, yet we can note them down. The aim behind doing this is to refine the ideas in the upcoming stages to bring innovation into the picture. The process can be done in group discussions manually or with the help of software tools. Some of the AI-based tools for this process are Milanote, XMinds, etc. Irrespective of the methods, the stakeholders are always a part of the discussion. The client’s needs are on priority in all the stages.  

Technological Regulation From a Software Product Point of View

The Regulation Landscape With Techplomacy

Until recently, regulation and diplomacy were usually the jobs of governments and non-profit organizations. In 2017, technological diplomacy (techplomacy) was augmented as a cross-cutting foreign and security policy priority [1], [2]. There exist governments employing new roles such as technological ambassadors. Such people’s main duty is to liaise and connect governments to tech companies around the world. Countries are affected by certain companies as much as they are affected by other countries. These kinds of companies have become like a new type of nation, a fact that needs to be accounted for. Realizing the important role that they play in shaping our lives today and in the future, identifying the transformative and pervasive nature of a number of technological fields [3] such as artificial intelligence and social media, companies now play their part in shaping the regulation landscape. 

Products, Then and Now

When streets and houses were first wired, electricity was only used for lighting. Electricity's ability to change people's lives was not immediately apparent. When the infrastructure was in place, though, products like the TV, radio, and telephone emerged. 

15 SWE Trends Dominating the Tech Industry in 2021

Software development trends are leading the charters in the tech industry. If you’re a tech professional, you’ll see money-churning ideas abound. However, what about the future stakes remain a million-dollar question. Be it DevSecOps to low-code apps, software development trends are fast as technology itself.

So it makes sense that all would be wondering what the latest trends in software development are. A paradigm shift is awaited in the IT industry. The good thing about technology is that it is ever-growing, unstoppable, and versatile.

How to Conduct Accessibility Testing on Android Devices

As per recent research by the World Health Organization, roughly 15% of the worldwide population is ‘specially-abled’ in some form or another. Developers creating a mobile application for all need to keep this 15% in mind. Other than creating dedicated applications for differently-abled people, making sure the current applications are disabled-friendly is a moral responsibility for every developer to ensure all their users are able to access their application with ease.

To accelerate this process, innovative tools are used to check if the applications are functioning as per the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines or WCAG. This is where accessibility testing comes into the picture. Accessibility testing helps identify errors in software and functions incorporated in your systems and mobile phones to ensure that an application is accessible to people with disabilities, including visual, auditory, physical, speech, cognitive, language, learning, and neurological disabilities.

Software Product Development Life Cycle — Ways to Pick Model for Your Project

Which model should you pick for your Software Product Development?

Similarly to any software development project, the job of implementing a software product is tiered and complex. To make things more difficult, these stages or tiers modify as per the repeatability and priority, thereby creating the models of software product development lifecycle.

Various existing SDLC models address the individual and diverse circumstances of the development vendors and product owners, but such a great pick might be confusing. Of course, a company that offers software development services can pick an SDLC model themselves.