Get Instant Answers About WPMU DEV Products and Services… Meet Our New AI Assistant!

We’ve got some exciting news… now you can ask our new AI-powered support chat bot anything related to WPMU DEV and get answers…fast! customer review of WPMU DEV.
Our 24/7 support is now even more stellar with the launch of our newest AI star!

Before you even ask, the answer is “Yes” …

  • Will I still have access to 24/7 expert support from living, breathing, humans?

Yes, you will. We have no intention of replacing our excellent support team with robots. Our AI assistant is designed to enhance and complement our support offering.

  • Will this help me get answers faster so I can get back to my business sooner?

Yes, it will. That’s a great question and thanks for asking! Keep reading to learn how our AI assistant will help to speed up your business.

  • Will the AI assistant automatically grow a successful business for me?

Yes, it will not. Our CEO’s name is James Farmer, not James Cameron (you can check out our James’ Avatar here) and he likes to keep it real. So, don’t hold your breath until your face turns blue waiting for some other-worldly futuristic flight of fancy, cause we’re all about delivering real support with real people (we’re just not opposed to using the latest AI technologies and tools if it helps us serve you better).

In this article, we’ll cover:

Why Introduce an AI Assistant to WPMU DEV?

WPMU DEV Ai Assistant interface.
Hi WPMU DEV bot, pleased to meetcha!

While we are very much a “team human” company (no ifs or bots about it), our membership is growing. We offer 24/7 support to all WPMU DEV members (and your team members too as an add-on).

As we are committed to providing all members (and your clients) with the highest level of quality support, we are always looking for tools and ways to help us better help and support you and your business.

Using an AI-powered chat bot is just another tool that can help us to provide a better service.

So, the aim of introducing the AI assistant is not to replace our human support team, but to help speed up the quality and effectiveness of our support service to you.

We understand that customer support is essential to the success of any product or service. We want to assure you that our goal is to continue delivering on our commitment to deliver the best customer support available in the WordPress universe while enhancing your experience and providing faster and more efficient assistance through the addition of our AI-powered chat bot.

The AI-powered chat bot is designed to work alongside our human support team, not replace them. Our human support team is still available 24/7 to provide a personalized touch to the support experience and handle any complex issues that may arise.

How to Access AI-Powered Support 24/7

WPMU DEV’s assistant is available to WPMU DEV members via The Hub.

You can access it from any screen in The Hub by simply clicking on the Help button…

WPMU DEV AI Assistant - Help button
Access the AI Assistant anywhere on The Hub with just a click of the Help button.

Or select it from the Support tab…

The Hub - Support- Ai Assistant
Access the AI Assistant in The Hub’s Support tab.

Launch the AI Assistant, enter your question, and hit the Submit button. That’s all there is to using it!

WPMU DEV AI Assistant - Chat Bot
Type your question into the chat field and hit Submit …it’s that simple!

You’ll get an answer in seconds…

WPMU DEV AI Assistant response
Get answers in the blink on an AI!

And it even provides the sources of its response, so you can

WPMU DEV AI assistant - sources.
Click on the Source links to view the documentation or tutorials used to generate the reply and get more information.

Now that you know how to use the tool (honestly, it’s that simple!), let’s look at why we think you should use it.

Benefits of Using WPMU DEV’s AI Assistant

With our AI assistant, you can expect immediate access to support 24/7 and a faster resolution to your issues and inquiries.

The addition of an AI-powered chat bot to our support team is aimed at allowing us to provide you with a faster and more comprehensive and efficient support experience for common questions and issues that we already have documented answers for.

This saves you time searching our documentation and frees up our human support resources to handle more complex problems and provide more personalized solutions and expert assistance when required.

WPMU DEV AI Assistant - Example of question and reply.
Using the bot to handle questions that we have documented answers for allows our human support team to handle your more complex issues.

We are confident that this improvement will enhance your experience and enable you to not only get the most out of our products and services but more importantly, help you get back to your own business sooner whenever you need to interact with us.

The benefits of using our AI-powered help bot include:

  • Immediate assistance: Get immediate responses to commonly asked questions 24/7 without the need to wait or be placed in a queue.
  • 24/7 availability: Our AI assistant is always available, as is our human support team for round the clock support any time of day or night.
  • Faster issue resolution: Experience less frustration as our AI assistant can quickly identify and help you resolve common issues.
  • Consistent responses: We are continually improving our bot to provide consistent and accurate responses to inquiries, ensuring that you receive the same high-level of support that we aim to provide to all of ourv members.
  • Increased efficiency: With the AI assistant handling common inquiries and issues, our human support team can focus on providing you with more complex and personalized support when needed, increasing the overall efficiency of our services and providing you with a higher quality level of support.
  • Self-service option: Find the tutorials and help articles you need faster and with greater ease.
  • Multilingual support: Our AI assistant supports multiple languages, providing you with assistance in your preferred language.
WPMU DEV AI Assistant's response in Portuguese.
Need multilingual support? No problema!

What Can WPMU DEV’s AI Assistant Help You With?

We’ve used OpenAI’s GPT technology to train WPMU DEV’s AI assistant on all of our documentation, blogs, and tutorials.

I wanted to know what kind of questions we can ask our friendly AI help bot, so instead of bugging our busy support team for answers, I thought why not put the tool to the test and ask it directly…

WPMU-DEV AI Assistant with prompt.
Hey AI Assistant…I’ll have the bot with the lot and a side order of crisply replies!

Here’s the reply I got…

WPMU DEV AI Assistant's response to topics it can assist users with.
Thanks a lot, AI bot!

I then repeated this a few times and compiled the following list of areas you can expect the bot to provide reasonable answers:

  • WPMU DEV plugins and services
  • WordPress user management
  • WordPress updates and upgrades
  • WordPress troubleshooting
  • WordPress themes and templates
  • WordPress SEO
  • WordPress security
  • WordPress performance optimization
  • WordPress multisite
  • WordPress hosting
  • WordPress eCommerce
  • WordPress development
  • WordPress design and theming
  • WordPress customization
  • WordPress community and events
  • WordPress best practices
  • WordPress backups and restores

That’s quite a list.

Questions You Can Ask WPMU DEV’s AI Assistant

But…what about asking it “real” questions? How does the AI assistant handle these?

Well, fortunately one of our human team members (thanks, Marcel!) carefully analyzed and reviewed over 1,200 questions from real users and compiled a report listing all the correct, almost correct, and even wrong answers given by the AI assistant.

Here is just a sample of some of the actual questions the AI assistant provided quality responses for (as judged by our team of human experts). Feel free to ask the bot the above questions and check out the replies for yourself:

  • Is there a limit to how many images Smush Pro can compress?
  • Does Defender work with the hosted site WAF?
  • Is it possible to move non-hosted domains in and can all domains have unlimited email forwarding?
  • Can I use WooCommerce on a silver/bronze plan?
  • Can Forminator forward the form data that the customer entered to the email notification feature?
  • A new site showed up in My Sites that ends with .local, where did this come from?
  • I’m getting a Error 504 – Gateway timeout on [domain]
  • Can I import Gravity forms into Forminator
  • If I associate a client with a domain, will that client automatically be billed for it?
  • Can I set my own pricing for domains?
  • Where i can find code epp
  • How to change the admin email address?
  • How can I submit a feature request
  • Will I be charged to add a connected domain to Domains
  • I want to do specific changes to my forms I integrated via forminator.
  • Can I schedule cron jobs?
  • If I cancel my subscription, will I still have access to the pro features until the next renewal?
  • Enabling CDN breaks the images when we enable it for the first time. Can I push the images to CDN manually before enabling the CDN on the site to prevent image issues on the live site?
  • How to fix image resize report
  • Can I have a mix of free and paid sites?
  • Can I recover a deleted site?
  • Why is my images blurry with Smush?
  • What does suspend site do?
  • Can I connect a multi-site WordPress site network and install all the plugins on all of the site even If I only have the Basic Plan?
  • Does WPMU hosting have GD PHP Library installed?

Avoid Asking These Questions

You can ask the AI Assistant anything you like, but unless it’s about WPMU DEV products and services or WordPress-related, don’t expect to get a helpful reply.

WPMU DEV AI Assistant's reply to non-related question.
The bot will spit out replies like this if fed questions it’s not trained to answer.

More importantly, the bot does not have access to your personal details or account information, so it can’t answer questions like:

  • “My website is down”
  • “Why is my site not loading XYZ?”
  • “What are the best templates to use for my website?”
  • “Why didn’t I get hero points for commenting on last week’s DOTW?”

For assistance with anything like the above, please contact the support team.

It’s The Best Bot We’ve Got (And We’ll Improve It A Lot!)

WPMU DEV’s AI Assistant still has some ways to go and some challenges to overcome but we believe you will find this tool will become increasingly useful when you need fast answers to many commonly-asked questions.

As the tool is still new and still being trained, it doesn’t always give you the answer you expect, but you can help us train it just by using it, so it will get better at serving you and all of our members.

Simply ask a question, and if you like the answer, click on the “thumbs up” (Helpful) icon below the response.

WPMU DEV AI Assistant - Helpful Response.
Clicking on the thumbs up icon helps us train the assistant to become more helpful.

Our AI assistant is continuously improving through machine learning algorithms. Your feedback will be taken into account in the bot’s learning process to provide more accurate and relevant responses over time and help deliver you a better experience.

If you find that the bot’s reply doesn’t answer your question or help to resolve your issue, don’t fret, don’t sweat, our helpful humans are still the best help you’ll ever get…and they’re only a click away!

If the answer you get from the bot is not helpful, click on the “thumbs down” (Not helpful) icon below the response and then click on the Contact support now link and you will be immediately put through to our support channel.

WPMU DEV AI Assistant - Not Helpful Response.
If the answer is not helpful, click the thumbs down button and the link to go straight through to our support team.

In some cases, the assistant will even recommend that you contact the support team for help.

An example of a reply from WPMU DEV's AI Assistant.
Our thoughtful bot even encourages you to contact our support team when it thinks you may need additional help or assistance.

And of course, you can always just click right through to our support team directly…it’s always your choice!

Get Faster Answers With WPMU Dev’s 24/7 AI Bot and Live Team Support customer review of WPMU DEV.
We aim to make our support even more outstanding with our new AI assistant.

We know from hundreds of genuine user reviews and user-driven awards that our expert and dedicated support is essential to the success of our members and we assure you that our goal is to continue delivering the best customer support in the WordPress universe while providing faster and more efficient assistance.

As mentioned earlier, the aim of bringing you WPMU DEV’s AI-powered assistant is not to replace our human support team, but to help speed up the quality and effectiveness of our support services. Our team is always available 24/7 to provide personal support and handle any questions or issues you experience in your WordPress business.

WPMU DEV’s AI assistant and access to our 24/7 expert support team is available to all WPMU DEV members. If you’re not a member yet, we invite you to try us today for free.

Thanks a bot!

How To Get The Most Out Of Smush Image Optimization

Optimizing your images manually would involve a lot of resizing, a fair bit of coding, and heaps of time. Luckily, Smush does all the hard work for you and plenty more besides, all of which you will find covered in this guide to help you get the most out of the plugin.

For example, while Smush may be best-known for compressing images (without losing quality), it can also help defer your offscreen images with its lazy-load feature, convert your images to next-gen formats (WebP), and serve your images from our super-fast CDN available with Smush Pro.

Luckily, you don’t need to dedicate much time or effort to your images when you have Smush installed. Most features can be activated with one click.

Whether you’re a new user or just hoping to uncover some cool features you might have missed, this guide will help you get the most out of this plugin.

We look at how to:

  1. Smush All Your Images in Bulk
  2. Automatically Compress New Uploads
  3. Super Or Ultra-Smush For Double the Compression
  4. Display Your Full Size Images
  5. Convert Your PNGs to JPEGs
  6. Smush From the Media Library
  7. Optimize Directory Images
  8. Lazy Load Your Images For a Boost of Speed
  9. Utilize Smush’s CDN
  10. Serve the Correct Image Sizes
  11. Convert Your Images to Next-Gen Formats
  12. Save Time With Automatic Smush Configs
  13. Integrate With Popular WordPress Tools

So without further ado, here’s how to get the most out of Smush:

1. Smush All Your Images in Bulk

When you first install Smush, chances are you’ll have a backlog of images that need your attention.

The Bulk Smush feature scans your site for any images that would benefit from being compressed.

Screenshot of the bulk smush feature which shows 31 images which need smushing.
Each time you add new images, Smush will add them to this total.

All you have to do is click the button – Smush does all the hard work for you and lets you know when the job is complete.

If you have a lot of images to optimize, you’re also free to leave the plugin completely and come back to it, Smush will continue to compress your images in the background and you’ll be notified once the process is complete.

But rest assured, no matter how many images you have to optimize, thanks to built-in features like parallel image processing, which gives you 8x the normal processing speed, your images are in the best and fastest hands.

Screenshot showing the bulk smush successfully completed.
Much faster than compressing them yourself.

You can exclude certain image sizes from Bulk Smush if required. However, as Smush compresses without sacrificing quality, it may be beneficial to smush them all.

Screenshot of the various image sizes which are available to exclude.
Remove the ticks from the images sizes you want to exclude from being compressed.

One other feature worth noting is that when you click the Re-Check Images button, Smush performs an automatic scan of your Media Library to check if new images have been added since the last bulk smush.

Media Library Scan
Smush automatically scans your media library when you recheck images.

2. Automatically Compress New Uploads

Once you have used the Bulk Smush feature to catch up on your backlog of image compressing, you will seldom need to use it again.

This is because of the handy Automatic Compression feature. If you enable this, Smush will compress images as soon as you upload them to your site.

Smush also has a generous maximum file size limit of 256MB per image, so if you have any gigantic images to be uploaded, they’ll automatically be compressed and optimized for you too.

Screenshot showing the various image sizes that you can include when bulk smushing if you didn't want to select 'all'.
The days of routine image pruning can easily be a thing of your past.

3. Super Or Ultra-Smush For More Compression

If your main focus is on your site’s speed, you may want to take image compression a step further.

Super-Smush offers twice the compression of regular smushing by stripping out every bit of unneeded data, without reducing the quality of your images.

A screen showing the different Smush modes.
Take your image compression power to the next level.

Or, if you want to really amp up your compression powers, try the Ultra-Smush option for an impressive 5x compression on top of the already amazing Super-Smush. Ultra is only available with Smush Pro, but completely worth the upgrade if having the fastest possible sites is a priority for you.

New Ultra Smush delivers 5x greater image compression than Super Smush!Check it out here

If you don’t want to take it as far as Super or Ultra-Smush, you can instead strip the unnecessary metadata from your images, leaving only what is needed for SEO purposes. Photos often store camera settings in the file such as focal length, date, time and location – removing this will reduce your file size.

If you’re a photographer, you might want to keep this information, but it serves little purpose on most sites so is generally safe to remove.

4. Display Your Full Size Images

If you upload an image that is larger than 2560px in either width or height, WordPress will automatically scale it down to generate a ‘web-optimized’ maximum image size.

If you are purposefully adding larger images and want to override this, you can use the image resizing option.

Screenshot of the resize my full size images button
You can set your own new maximum image size.

Bear in mind that your theme may also have its own maximum image size – you will need to check this before enabling this feature.

Want to disable automatic resizing of images altogether? You can enable Disable scaled images. This means scaled versions of images will not be generated, and only your original uploaded images will be kept.

If you are uploading full-sized images, you can also choose whether or not these will be included in Bulk Smush.

Screenshot of the settings for smushing original images.
Another couple of simple one-click features.

Make sure you enable the Backup original images selection if you want to store a copy of all your full-size images, in case you ever wanted to return them to their pre-smushed forms.

Learn more about how WordPress handles images by checking out this blog post.

5. Convert Your PNGs to JPEGs

There are some circumstances where one of these two file types is more suitable than the other. However, if your main concerns for your site are memory usage and speed, then using JPEGs instead of PNGs should be beneficial.

If you upload your images as PNGs, Smush can check to see whether converting them to JPEGs will reduce the file size.

Screenshot of the png to jpeg button
The files will remain as PNGs if there is no reduction in the file size.

You can, of course, make the same conversion outside of WordPress. However, using Smush removes the hassle and converts all your files in one swoop.

6. Smush From the Media Library

If you would prefer to select individual images for compression, look no further than your own media library.

Here, you will find a new column labelled ‘Smush’.

Screenshot of the column which appears in the media library upon activation of smush.
You can compress your images one-by-one.

If you have auto-compression turned off, any photos which you upload should be ready to smush from within your media library.

You can smush your images individually, or alternatively single out images to be ignored from bulk smushing.

7. Optimize Directory Images

While your uploads folder is typically the main folder where images are found, they may also reside elsewhere in your directory.

For example, plugins that create their own image copies may store those images in the plugins folder.

In cases like this, the Directory Smush feature helps you easily identify and compress images stored outside the uploads folder.

A screen showing the directory Smush feature
Find and optimize images stored outside of the typical uploads folder.

Simply choose which directories and subdirectories you want to scan, and Smush will optimize and compress all of the images in bulk, it’s that easy.

A look at how Smush enables you to scan directories.
Optimize selected directories and subdirectories with a click.

8. Lazy Load Your Images For a Boost of Speed

If you have pages with a lot of images, displaying them all at once can put a lot of pressure on the server.

Deferring your off-screen images is a good way to allow the server to concentrate on loading the elements of your site above the fold so that your visitor can get stuck straight in.

Screenshot of the lazy loading feature activated.
It takes one click to deactivate if you find it’s not right for your site.

If there are certain types of images or certain output locations you wish to exclude from lazy loading, you can easily add them here.

Screenshot of the different media types and output locations you can exclude.
Remove the ticks from any of the options that you don’t wish to include.

You can also exclude certain various post types, specific URLs, and CSS classes and IDs.

Basically, if you want to enable lazy loading, you can fine-tune exactly how and where it is enabled.

Once you have chosen which images will lazy load, you can then decide how you want the pre-loading images to appear.

Screenshot of the display animation options.
If you don’t want any form of animation, simply select ‘None’.

9. Utilize Smush’s CDN

The closer you are to the server that is providing your content, the faster it will load. A CDN (Content Delivery Network) is a series of servers which are spread around the globe, and when a browser makes the HTTP request, the content is served from the closest server to its location.

Smush Pro boasts a 121-point CDN, with a few extra tricks up its sleeve. It can automatically resize your images as well as convert them to Google’s own next-gen format, WebP.

Check out the video below to learn more about our CDN.

If all you want is for your images to be served from the CDN, you do not need to delve any further into these.

However, there are a few useful tools that can be of benefit to your site, so they are worth checking out.

You can activate and configure the Smush Pro Image CDN right from your dashboard.

Screenshot of the CDN just after activation.
Once you have activated the CDN, you will see more options within Smush.

This will store and serve copies of all your JPG, PNG, and Gif images from the Smush edge servers – drastically improving speed.

Don’t Leave Your Background Images Out

As standard, only images used on your posts and pages will be served through the CDN.

If you want your background image to be served from the same speedy CDN as the rest of your images, Smush has you covered.

Screenshot of the background images option.
Your background images will reach your visitor quicker if served through our CDN.

You will need to ensure that your background images are properly declared with CSS in your theme’s files.

10. Serve the Correct Image Sizes

Ideally, you should never serve an image larger than what will be displayed on the user’s screen. Using original or full-size images when a smaller image will do makes your pages take longer to load while your browser waits for the images to render.

Smush’s CDN houses a handy feature to resize your image to fit the container, without needing to touch a line of code.

Screenshot of the automatic resizing option.
As the resizing is done from the CDN, your original images will remain full size.

11. Convert Your Images to Next-Gen Formats

JPEG 2000, JPEG XR, and WebP are modern image formats with superior compression capabilities. This means they produce much smaller image files so you can greatly improve your page speed.

Images served in the WebP format can benefit from more than 25% compression, and when you think about the number of images on your site, that’s a tonne of space that can be saved.

Smush Pro gives you two options for converting your images to next-gen formats.

1.Convert images with Smush Local WebP

The Local WebP feature in Smush Pro enables you to serve images from your Media Library in next-gen WebP format, without needing the Smush CDN.

A screenshot of the LocalWebP feature from the main Smush dashboard
Serve images in next-gen formats without the need for Smush’s CDN.

The conversion to WebP is lossy when converting from JPEG images, and lossless when converting from PNG images.

Note that once you have configured this feature, you will need to run a Bulk Smush again for your existing images to get a WebP version created for each one.

Local WebP also only works for images in your Media Library and cannot create WebP versions of images found in other directories.

2.Convert images with Smush CDN

Smush’s CDN offers the option to convert your images to WebP in just one click.

Screenshot of the webp conversion button.
All the legwork is taken care of by Smush.

Not all browsers support next-gen formats, which is something you would usually have to bear in mind when deciding to make the switch.

However, if you enable the WebP Conversion feature, Smush will automatically check whether or not a browser supports this format, and if not, will serve it in the original one. This ensures that none of your visitors are compromised.

12. Save Time With Automatic Smush Configs

If you manage multiple sites, this feature will save you hours of time by allowing you to apply your preferred Smush settings to any site with a click.

All you have to do is follow the already mentioned steps in this article and set Smush up exactly how you want it.

Then navigate to Settings > Configs and simply hit ‘Save Config’ to save your current settings as a new config, which you can apply to other sites instantly.

A screenshot showing the Smush Configs module
Set up Smush with your ideal settings and apply to other sites with a click.

You can also choose from a number of default configs and you can integrate with The Hub site management tool to easily apply your configs to multiple sites at once.

13. Integrate With Popular WordPress Tools

A screen showing brands that Smush is compatible with
Smush plays nicely with and enhances your favorite WordPress tools.

Smush is fully compatible with your favorite WordPress tools and has direct in-plugin integrations with Gutenberg, Amazon S3, Gravity Forms, WPBakery builder, and NextGen Gallery.

Like most Smush features, all of these integrations can be activated with a click and allow for more specialized and targeted image optimization for the tool you’re integrating with.

Support at Your Fingertips

Now you know the ins and outs of this little plugin, it’s time to get stuck in and see how your site can benefit.

Smush is a very user-friendly plugin, so you should have no trouble managing your images.

If, however, you find yourself in need of some friendly advice, members should look no further than our awesome support team who are available 24/7.

And when you’re ready to take your image optimization to the next level, give Smush Pro a try and automatically unlock advanced features like our 121-point CDN, 5x Ultra Smush – plus – free access to the entire WPMU DEV suite of plugins and site management tools.

You can also check out the plugin documentation and view new updates and features coming soon in our roadmap.

Why You Should Optimize WordPress by Fixing Your Images First

In 2019, the size of the average mobile webpage is 1.6 MB. Images usually account for about half of the average webpage because they’re so resource-intensive to serve up.

If you’ve never taken image optimization seriously and your WordPress site is slow, then you have the most to gain by doing it right. If your WordPress images are loading slowly, that usually means there is a problem. By focusing on your images, you can prevent a lot of issues related to site performance.

In this post, we’re going to cover why optimizing images is the best place to start when working on WordPress performance optimization. We’ll also go over some tips on how to get started if you need to fix WordPress images that are loading slowly.

Why you need to start with images when doing WordPress Performance Optimization

The web is now a multimedia-rich landscape with videos, podcasts and more images than ever before. Images can help your site stand out in a crowded media landscape, but they come at a cost. If you do not serve your images correctly, your site could be at a disadvantage. If you speed up image loading, you can improve your site’s performance, provide a mobile-friendly user experience, improve SEO and increase conversions.

Images are the Worst Offenders When They’re Done Wrong

Images that are oversized really weigh down your webpages.

If you’re aiming for a webpage file size of 1.5MB, and you add a couple of images that are 2MB each, you’re going to blow right past your budget with just one image.

But images can be much larger. The average size file that the average DSLR produces is between 4MB to 12MB! If you don’t know any better and use a 12MB image, or worse, more than one 12MB image, then you’re really going to screw up your page’s performance big time.

If you get those images to be less than a 1 MB combined, you could potentially cut 20MB from your page weight. Obviously this is a major exaggeration, but the point is to illustrate how much the excess can add up if you don’t do it right.

Something as simple as resizing your images can improve performance dramatically and help you save on hosting charges. Your host does charge you more for the diskspace all those huge images take up. That could cover your WPMU DEV membership right there ;)

We are Living in a Mobile-First World, and I am Mobile-First Girl

Optimising your images for mobile ensures that you’re providing a great user experience for users on all kinds of devices so they keep coming back to your site.

Mobile devices have exploded in popularity, so much so that we now live in a mobile-first world. In July 2018, Google announced that page speed is a ranking factor for mobile searches.

This means when creating your sites, you need to make sure that you’re serving images that sized appropriately for mobile devices that are on slower data connections.

If you’re serving Retina images intended for desktop devices on a tiny viewport, you’re wasting data. For your visitors who don’t have unlimited data plans, this can be very frustrating and expensive.

Image SEO is Back to Being a Way to Drive Traffic

Not only has Google changed how mobile optimization affects ranking, but it has also changed the way image search results are displayed and this has resulted in profound changes to image SEO.

You can now drive traffic to your site when your images appear in image search.

In 2013, Google added a view image button to image search results. When someone would click on that button, they would be taken directly to the image instead of the webpage the image was on. Sites reported a 63% drop in traffic from image search.

In 2018, Google was forced to remove the view image button so traffic has started flowing once again. There is a lot of opportunities to get your images ranked well since SEOs have neglected SEO image optimization.

Image Optimization Affects the Bottom Line

Images can make your WordPress site slow if not served correctly and they can bring down your conversion rate.

If you’re selling products on your site, you can use Google’s mobile page speed test to show you how much potential revenue you’re missing out on. On the results page, scroll down to the bottom, and open the Evaluate the impact of a faster site section.

Screenshot of revenue calculator that shows how much you can earn by improving site speed
I mean, that number makes a pretty compelling argument

Not only will image optimization get your more conversions, it will also determine how many potential customers you get to begin with because of search traffic.

Google’s aim is to deliver the best user experience, from search to answer. If you’re providing a great user experience by improving the performance of resource-hogging images, then Google will rank your site higher in search.

See how to use Google PageSpeed Insights’ speed index metric to improve your user experience.

How to Make Your WordPress Site Faster by Improving Images

Now that we’ve covered why images are the best place to start, I’m going to share some simple things you can do on your site to speed up image loading.

Delete Unnecessary Images

One of the easiest ways to cut page weight and make fewer HTTP requests, is to limit the number of images on your web pages. If a webpage takes more than 3 seconds to load, consider cutting assets and images that are not contributing to conversions.

Always Make Sure Your Images are the Right Size for their container

If your images are not showing when your site loads, it is probably because your images are way oversized and they’re taking too long to download. To fix this, you need to determine the size the image should be and then replace the image on your site with an image that is appropriately sized.

See our post on scaling images and watch the video below for a couple of methods on how to do this.

Use the correct format and use next-gen formats if possible

Some file formats are larger than others, with animated GIFs being one of the most inefficient file formats ever. You should use the correct format to suit your needs and help you produce the smallest file size possible.

Take a look at our guide to image formats for WordPress to learn how to choose the right file format.

Optimize WordPress Fast by Enabling Lazy Loading

Lazy loading is a quick and easy way to delay the loading of images and other assets that appear below the fold. If the image is not in the browser viewport, then the browser waits to download it so that it can serve what the visitor can see, much much faster.

Lazy loading is relatively easy to implement and there’s a lot of lightweight plugins to get the job done. The plugin file sizes are generally around 1-3kb and can be set up in just a few minutes. We’ve recently added lazy loading to both the free and pro versions of our popular Smush plugin.

Use a CDN to Speed Up Image Loading

CDNs have locations all over the globe so the data transfer required to load your images happens much more quickly. Using a CDN to deliver your images is an easy way to load images faster in WordPress.

While your host may include a CDN with your hosting account to improve the performance of your site, Smush Pro’s CDN was designed specifically with image optimization in mind.

Want an Easy Way to Optimize WordPress?

There’s a lot to figuring out what you need to do to make your WordPress site faster when you’re first getting started. If you don’t know where to begin, images are a safe bet. Properly optimized images yield a lot of different benefits and with all-in-one solutions like Smush Pro, it’s easy to dramatically improve the images on your site in just a few minutes.

Not only will the Smush Pro CDN deliver your images at lightning fast speeds, our CDN will also serve up the perfect size image for your users. In other words, leave the scaling to us! And with lazy loading and the ability to convert your images to next-gen formats, Smush Pro has everything you need to help you make your WordPress site faster.

If your WordPress site is slow or your images aren’t showing up, you can try a free 30 day trial of Smush Pro to see if it helps.