Google Hangouts Review

Google Hangouts is a free-to-use conference call service I recommend. It’s one of the most straightforward call services to set up and takes minutes to get started with—all users need is a Gmail account, which is effectively most people.

On the other hand, it doesn’t provide free users with any form of customer support, and there’s no call recording feature. These are drawbacks to keep in mind. Let’s go deeper into Google Hangouts and its features and offerings.

Google Hangouts Pros and Cons


  • Easy to use
  • Google calendar integration
  • Free
  • Intuitive interface


  • No call recording
  • No customer support
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How Google Hangouts Compares to the Best Conference Call Services

Google Hangouts is a functional and high-quality conference call service. It doesn’t offer many features, and the call quality isn’t always the best available. Without call recording and customer support on the free plan, things can feel lacking overall. With that said, it’s simple to set up and use, has excellent security and integrations, and it’s a reliable service. In most cases, it gets the job done perfectly well, and sometimes, that’s all you need.

We have spent hours researching and reviewing the best conference call services, and you can see our in-depth guide here to see how Google Hangouts compares to the other top seven picks. Google Hangouts did make the list as having the most effortless setup.

However, our top picks for conference call services overall are RingCentral and GoToMeeting. RingCentral provides top video, screen sharing, and messaging features, and it’s free for up to 100 participants. Meanwhile, GoToMeeting is another top-notch conference call service with HD video conferencing, 24/7 customer support, and Salesforce integration.

Check out the complete guide to see if one of the other services may be the best option for your business, and read on to see what Google Hangouts has to offer.

Google Hangouts Number of Participants

The number of participants a call service offers differs considerably. How important this is hinges on what you specifically need. For example, a small business entrepreneur will be happy with a smaller number of participants, allowing a team to connect successfully. It gets the job done, enabling resources to be saved for elsewhere. However, a larger business will struggle with a limited number of participants.

The second point to mention is that the duration of the calls you make can also be restricted. With Google Hangouts, you’re looking at 25 participants in a call at any one time. There is no known length or restriction in terms of the duration of calls, either—you can talk indefinitely.

It’s important to mention how quick the setup is with Google Hangouts. To set up a call, you can use your browser, chrome extension, or the mobile app, the latter of which I’ll talk about later. It’s as easy as typing the person’s name or phone number in and selecting them from the search results. Then you click or tap Call, and you’re good.

Google Hangouts stacks up well against its competitors in this area. The 25-person conference limit isn’t unreasonable and should serve most people for what they need to do. The uncapped call duration time is another strong point, and others, such as UberConference, limit this to 45 minutes on its free plan. The call setup couldn’t be simpler either, so it’s a good result all around.

Google Hangouts Video and Audio Quality

When it comes to the call quality, it’s essential to talk about both the video and audio. Of course, you might want to use one or the other, such as an audio call without video. That’s possible with Google Hangouts, and users have mentioned more issues with the audio quality than they have video. Audio calls tend to work well enough, and most users are satisfied with the quality on offer, but others have stated that the audio doesn’t always come through as clear as possible.

On the video side of things, Google Hangouts uses 720p. This is a solid resolution, and it’s to be expected with a free call service. That said, 1080p would be a natural improvement.

Users generally have few problems with their Hangouts video calls, but some have reported pixelation and choppy videos. It’s always wise to remember that your internet speed and quality can affect this, so be sure that you have a reliable internet provider. Generally, a rate of somewhere between 2.6 Mbps for two participants and 3.2 Mbps for five participants should be more than enough for stable calls. Hangouts will adapt to slower internet speeds too, which can sometimes cause the issues I’ve specified.

Overall, this is a good offering from Google Hangouts. It’s not the very best video and audio quality on the market—for that, RingCentral takes the top spot, but it will be enough for most users. Keep in mind this is a free service intended for small to medium teams at most and isn’t suitable for anything larger than that.

Google Hangouts Call Recording

The ability to record calls is a crucial feature of a conference call service. With call recording, you can confirm details you may have missed on a call and even use these calls as learning materials to train staff. Different services offer different capabilities here, but it’s fair to say users like to see call recording as part of a well-formed conference call package.

But several free conference call services don’t offer this functionality. Google Hangouts is one of them—there’s no sign of it. Users will have to use additional software or third-party apps to record their calls. I could say this is disappointing, but then I would be ignoring the fact that the service is free, and to see call recording here would be more of a surprise than anything. Luckily, you can get free call recording software or apps online. However, if call recording is an important feature for you, you might need to look for a paid conference call service.

Zoom, BlueJeans, UberConference, and GoToMeeting all offer great call recording features, and in the case of UberConference, this is on its free plan, too. So, it’s not impossible to see call recording offered for free, just somewhat unlikely. When a call service provides this as part of a free plan, it’s a significant bonus. This isn’t an area that Google Hangouts can claim a comfortable “victory” in.

Google Hangouts Messaging

While you tend to associate conference call services on an audio and video level only, it’s fair to say that a message will suffice in some situations. The advantage is that this form of communication requires less commitment than even a quick call. There are also times when you’re deep into your work and might not want to be disturbed by a video call.

In those situations, Google Hangouts offers a simple form of text messaging without audio or video. With the service, you can send messages one-to-one or in a group chat that would benefit a small team of people. All of the extras you need with messages are there, including the ability to send photos, GIFs, and emojis. A particularly useful feature is that you can sync your chats across multiple devices—essentially allowing you to continue your conversation on whatever device you want.

This messaging is another basic part of Google Hangouts, but it’s good to see it there and with little effort to get it working. Almost all other conference call services provide similar functionality, so it’s certainly not something you couldn’t find elsewhere. For instance, GoToMeeting has video, screen sharing, and messaging functionality all in one place. Nevertheless, this is a solid and valuable part of the overall package.

Google Hangouts Mobile App

Google Hangouts is available on iOS and Android devices via their respective app stores. This brings Hangouts’ functionality to mobile devices and retains the same modest and effective setup as it does elsewhere.

Launching the mobile app couldn’t be simpler, and once you’re inside it, initiating a chat is fast and easy to do. During a video call, the app automatically displays the individual talking on your screen and uses smaller live shots of the other background participants. At the bottom of the app are buttons that allow you to switch between your mobile cameras, turn the camera off completely, or mute your microphone. Everything here is straightforward.

Of course, you’ll also be able to initiate messaging, too, allowing you to message a single individual or group wherever you may be. All you need to ensure is that you have a stable internet connection or that your mobile data is capable enough to handle the demands of calls.

Overall, Google Hangouts’ mobile apps are respectable and well-designed. They aim to give users an even greater sense of convenience by bringing Hangouts’ simplicity into a more mobile setting. Not all conference call services offer an app that works as well as Hangouts does, and some may not feel like fully-fledged products. Google Hangouts succeeds here.

Google Hangouts Interface

Across all platforms, whether computer, tablet, or mobile, Google Hangouts is designed to look as streamlined and practical as possible. This isn’t going to be a call service that “wins” for its stunning design—it is far more about getting the job done.

Contacts are displayed on the left-hand side, and starting a new conversation with people is as simple as clicking or tapping. Users can click on names as required to see existing discussions, and the conversation history will snap into view—there’s no lag or waiting around, a result of an effective interface that has few things to process.

All of the primary buttons are located along the bottom of the window, and you can access and adjust settings using the button in the top left corner. It’s as simple as that. Some would call it bare-bones, but it’s more of a case of helping the user perform their task and minimizing the waiting time involved at all stages.

Compared to other call services, you won’t get much simpler than Google Hangouts. Depending on what you’re looking for, that might suit you perfectly.

For instance, RingCentral’s interface would appear to be complex in comparison, and while that may be accurate as a result of all the features it provides, it’s not a shortcoming. RingCentral delivers far more features than Google Hangouts does, but for some, all they’ll need in the first place is a smart way of communicating with their team. It’s not a case of which is best—it’s more a case of which is suitable for what you need.

Google Hangouts Integrations

As a Google product, you’d naturally expect Hangouts to integrate seamlessly with the company’s other products. And I’m pleased to say it does.

For example, you’ll be able to access Hangouts inside your Gmail while checking your emails. From there, you can message other users as you would inside the app. You can even call others directly from Gmail. What’s especially notable is how quick it is to do all of that with a few clicks.

Google Hangouts automatically connects with the contacts of a Gmail account too and also integrates with Google Calendar. The Google Calendar integration means you’re able to schedule calls and meetings with other users with ease.

All of this adds up to give Google Hangouts a rather ubiquitous feel. It’s reachable and quick to load and initiate chats, no matter where you use it. Of course, comparing this to other conference call services comes with the consideration that Google products dominate most of the internet, so expecting the same level of integration from others would almost be unfair.

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Google Hangouts does what it says and no more than that. With few advanced features and no customer support, it isn’t going to be suitable for everyone. The lack of call recording could be a significant factor in deciding whether to use it.

With numerous other conference call services vying for users’ attention, not to mention Google’s own Google Meet, which is effectively more advanced in almost every way, Hangouts is left in a bit of an odd place.

That said, it’s effortless to use, it’s free and intuitive, and can be suitable for small or medium-sized teams or for early-stage entrepreneurs that need to be careful with their resources. One-to-one meetings also work well with the service, and calls are lightning-fast to get going.

Everyone with a Gmail account has access to Hangouts which further increases the accessibility of it too. Just don’t expect anything in the way of additional features and extras.

The best conference call services for most people will still be RingCentral and GoToMeeting, but Hangouts might be the call service that fits your needs best.

How Fast PHP & MySQL Can Boost Website Speed (Beginner’s Guide)

Ever wondered what’s the impact of PHP and MySQL on your website speed?

WordPress is written in PHP programming language and uses MySQL as the database. Both programs run on your web server thus impacting overall performance.

In this article, we’ll discuss how fast PHP and MySQL can boost website speed. We’ll also talk about how to enable it for your website.

Improving website speed with fast PHP and MySQL

How Faster PHP + MySQL Affects WordPress Performance

WordPress is mainly written in PHP, a programming language that runs on your web server. It stores your website content in a MySQL database.

Both PHP and MySQL run on your web server as an application. When more users visit your website, PHP and MySQL take up more server resources.

Most websites address this by using a WordPress caching plugin. However, processes like .htaccess rules, PHP extensions, and SQL queries can still increase server load.

Faster PHP and MySQL optimize these regular processes to improve their performance and speed. The more traffic your website gets, the more of a performance improvement you’ll see.

This is where Ultrafast PHP can help.

What is Ultrafast PHP?

Ultrafast PHP is an optimized version of PHP which is built by the team at SiteGround. Since WPBeginner is hosted on SiteGround’s Enterprise hosting plan, we were one of the first websites to try it and see the speed benefits.

Now SiteGround is making this feature available to all their customers on their GrowBig, GoGeek and Cloud hosting plans.

For high-traffic websites, Ultrafast PHP can increase performance by up to 30% and reduce TTFB (time to first byte) by 50%.

Ultrafast PHP stats by SiteGround

Your server load will also be reduced, and it will be able to run up to 20-30% more processes while consuming 15% less memory (RAM).

SiteGround is one of the best WordPress hosting companies on the market. They are also an officially recommended WordPress hosting provider.

Since they use Google Cloud Platform for their servers, this allowed them the flexibility to work on an optimized PHP setup (Ultrafast PHP) that is optimized for their customers’ needs.

Who Needs Ultrafast PHP?

If you have a medium sized WordPress website or an online store, then you need Ultrafast PHP to help you boost performance.

Ultrafast PHP is currently available to users on the GrowBig, GoGeek, and Cloud plans. Usually, these are the users with busier websites that often end up hitting server resource limitations.

This feature is not available to users using the old control panel on SiteGround. However if your hosting account dashboard is using SiteGround’s new client area and Site Tools control panel, then you can turn on Ultrafast PHP. We’ll show you how below.

SiteGround new client area and dashboard

If your website is super small, then you may not notice much difference. We recommend that you use a caching plugin like WP Rocket or SiteGround’s own SG Optimizer plugin.

If you have a small business website or new blog with not much traffic yet, then you may not need Ultrafast PHP because the latest version of PHP is already optimized for performance. So make sure you are using the latest PHP version for your website.

How to Enable Ultrafast PHP on SiteGround

It is super-easy to enable Ultrafast PHP for your WordPress website on SiteGround. Your hosting account should meet the following criteria:

  • Your sites are hosted on SiteGround’s GrowBig, GoGeek or Cloud plans
  • Your account is using the new client area and site tools control panel

Simply log in to your account and click on the ‘Websites’ menu on the top. After that, click on the Site Tools button next to the website where you want to enable Ultrafast PHP.

SiteGround Site Tools

From here, you need to click on the PHP Manager menu located under the Dev tab in the left column.

PHP Manager in SiteGround

Now, you need to click on the Standard PHP option to change it. This will bring up a popup where you can switch to Ultrafast PHP.

Select Ultrafast PHP

Click on the Confirm button to continue.

You will now see a success message informing you that Ultrafast PHP is now enabled for your website.

Ultrafast PHP enabled

Testing Your Website Speed after Enabling Ultrafast PHP

You can use Google Pagespeed Insights or any other website speed testing tool to test your performance.

Pagespeed Insights

Take a look at metrics like server response time and time to first byte to gauge the performance of your website.

We hope this article helped you learn how fast PHP and MySQL can boost website speed. You may also want to see our complete WordPress performance optimization guide for more tips to speed up your website, and check out the best email marketing services for small business.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How Fast PHP & MySQL Can Boost Website Speed (Beginner’s Guide) appeared first on WPBeginner. Project Management Review

More than 100,000 teams use as their dedicated project management software. It’s trusted by big-name companies like Universal Studios, Adobe, Coca-Cola, and NBC, which makes it one of the more reliable and popular project management software options on the market today.

Unfortunately, doesn’t feature in our top list of best project management software. However, from an outside perspective, stacks up well against most software that we reviewed and is still a helpful alternative for project management.

With an emphasis on working the way that works for you, is great for small or large businesses alike. It offers extensive features and 24/7 customer support that enhances even the most basic of projects. Pros and Cons


  • Built-in time tracking
  • Mobile app for remote work
  • Multiple board views
  • Visualize project progress
  • Manage everything in one workspace


  • Limited activity logs
  • No integration or automation in the Basic plan
  • Can’t assign comments to team members
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How Compares to Top Project Management Software Options

As stated earlier, doesn’t rank in our top list, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing, either. In terms of our top two, we think Zoho Projects and Wrike are best for overall project management.

Zoho Projects is our number one choice, as it’s better for overall project management with a cloud-based solution and is very affordable. Wrike, meanwhile, is best for creative and marketing teams with campaign management tools and customized templates for content creation.

However, has some similarities with both Zoho Projects and Wrike, like drag-and-drop features, an intuitive interface, and plentiful integrations. The biggest difference between our top two and is that has more expensive plans.’s Project Complexity

If you’re looking for project management software, it’s crucial to figure out exactly what you will use it for. Sometimes cheaper isn’t always better because usually, this means that the software you choose will be more on the basic side and won’t have the right tools to suit complex project tasks.

Luckily, offers both an Enterprise plan and extensive project tools in both the Standard and Pro plan.

Not everyone can afford or needs the Enterprise plan, which is perfectly fine because still offers a wide range of advanced tools and features for project complexity at a more affordable price.

If you purchase either the Standard or Pro plan, you get extensive collaboration access, customizable integration and automation actions, analytics, and security measures. These tools are excellent for complicated or large projects but can work with simple projects too.

If you own a small business, and/or your day-to-day projects don’t require the use of analytics, security, or extensive collaboration, still has a plan for you.

You can receive most of the same tools mentioned above, but for an affordable price with the Basic plan. With that said, meets the middle ground by offering inclusive options for both complex and simple project tasks.’s Team Size

Team size is another important factor when trying to find project management software. Fortunately, has unlimited seats for all of its plans, which is excellent for already large teams but also growing ones, too.

If you’re a small team of up to two employees and you’re looking for management software to keep track of tasks, you would probably be better off with the free plan.

However, if you’re a larger team of more than three employees, offers unlimited seats for each plan. Even though this is a prominent feature, you need to be careful because you have to pay for each seat per month—so creating a budget for this alone would be helpful.

Managing large teams can be more challenging, especially if each person is working on a different task. This isn’t an issue for users though, as it offers project overviews with a status, outline, and due date so no one is left in the dark.

In fact, team size doesn’t even matter to most users because no one has to worry about seat limitations or restrictions on boards. You can even purchase up to 200+ seats for an individual account at a custom price.’s Ease of Use

Finding the easiest-to-navigate project management software is key to your business tasks flowing seamlessly. Knowing that you’re in full control of your team, tasks, and outcome is a great feeling that can be found within

With drag-and-drop features, an intuitive interface, customizable color-coded columns, and fast search engines—project management software doesn’t get easier than this.

Whether you’re a complete beginner or veteran when it comes to project management, will make your life so much easier by allowing you full control over your boards, with 24/7 support being just a phone call away.

From onboarding members to assigning complex projects, the interface is excellent for creating your ideal workflow. You even have the option to choose from over 200+ ready-made templates for an even quicker transition.

However, the best way to find out whether project management software is easy to use is to try it for yourself. Luckily, offers a free forever plan or a 14-day free trial, which we recommend you try out before committing to a paid plan.

The free forever plan includes:

  • Up to two seats
  • Unlimited boards
  • 200+ templates
  • Over 20+ column types’s Features

As you look for potential project management software for your business needs, it’s important to evaluate what kind of features you’re interested in. Most standard management software will include app integration, automation actions, and time tracking—but not everyone needs the most extensive features on the market to successfully run their business. has quite a few helpful features for project management specifically. If you’re looking for management software that gives you a clear view of what’s going on at all times, is an excellent option.

The collaboration access feature is a big part of this management software, and for a good reason. You’re able to collaborate effectively with as many team members as you want by inviting them to join your board with just one click.

You can also keep track of everything under one platform and easily access updates, progress shots, and budget approvals by viewing the custom columns with their own custom status buttons.

Some other features include:

  • Customizable workflows
  • Analyze projects through progress dashboards
  • Manage all resources with workload calendars
  • Integrate apps like Excel, Microsoft Teams, and Slack

Whether you need basic or advanced features, has got you covered.’s Price

Project management software pricing varies depending on your needs and team size, respectively. Usually, most management software charges on a per-user per-month basis, but offers cheaper pricing on annually billed plans.

Let’s look at each pricing tier and compare it to monthly vs. yearly plans while looking at what features each one offers. The minimum amount of seats you can choose from is three, so keep that in mind.

Basic Plan

This plan focuses on small teams that are just getting used to managing all their tasks in one place. It bills one plan yearly, saving you 18%, and it bills the other every month, which is more expensive overall:

  • Yearly: $11 a seat per month (three seats), billed at $33 per month and $396 per year
  • Monthly: $14 a seat per month (three seats), billed at $42 per month

If you can’t afford to pay a bulk sum of $396 per year, the monthly option might be best for you, even though it will be more expensive in the long run. This is where budgeting comes in handy, but remember that it becomes increasingly expensive when you add new users.

This plan has some excellent features for the price point, though, including:

  • Unlimited boards
  • Free viewers and items
  • 5GB file storage
  • Prioritized customer support
  • Three collaboration tools

For such an affordable price compared to the other plans, the basic plan offers everything a small team would need to be successful.

Standard Plan

Unlike the Basic plan, the Standard plan caters to teams who need advanced collaboration and visualization tools.

  • Yearly: $14 a seat per month (three seats), billed at $42 per month and $504 per year
  • Monthly: $17 a seat per month (three seats), billed at $51 per month

This plan is most popular because of the 250 automation and integration actions, plus the different board views on top of that.

For collaboration needs, you get access to whiteboard collaboration, zoom integration, and embedded documents you can share with members.

In terms of visualization needs, you get access to the Kanban view, timeline view, calendar view, and map view—which is perfect for more complex tasks you need to map out more clearly.

Pro Plan

The pricing for the Pro plan jumps up quite a lot from the Standard plan. This is because it caters to teams with more complex workflows.

  • Yearly: $22 a seat per month (three seats), billed at $66 per month and $792 per year
  • Monthly: $27 a seat per month (three seats), billed at $81 per month

The plan comes with everything the Standard plan offers but with more actions and advanced features.

Instead of 250 automation and integration actions per month, you receive 25,000 actions per month with the Pro plan, which is an excellent extended feature for complex projects.

The Pro plan is perfect for larger teams because it gives you access to more security measures, like Google authentication and private boards that are only visible to those you invite.

Enterprise Plan

Currently, the Enterprise plan doesn’t offer public pricing, as it’s a more customizable plan for teams that need the utmost support, security, and control.

You receive every feature and tool offers to its users with this plan.

You receive access to:

  • A view of your activity log for five years
  • 1,000GB of storage
  • 250,000 automation and integration actions per month.’s Product Offerings offers a few helpful products that relate to project management, which give a variety of options for different user needs. Here is an in-depth look at some different products offers as a project management software:

Customizable Templates

One of the more unique products that offers its users is customizable templates. All users on every plan get access to these templates, where you can customize them to fit your team’s needs.

With 200+ templates to choose from, you can scroll through the catalog to find unique templates for every industry.

After choosing a template that suits your industry, you get the choice to customize it to your needs and business goals. You can add action items, reorder columns, and create a plan that aligns with your priorities.

After this, lets you add team members into your custom board, where you can then assign them tasks and monitor all progress.

The great thing about this product offering is that it’s yours to customize, meaning it will be extra easy to navigate and use once you’ve added your personal touches.

Some more benefits of using ready-made templates include:

  • All files and communication in one place
  • Track time spent on tasks
  • Eliminate emails and calls with freelance teams
  • No limitations on members

Extensive Market Insights

With the Enterprise plan, you receive some of the most extensive data-driven insights that a project management software can offer on the market today.

Now, we realize that most users looking for management software most likely won’t be purchasing a custom Enterprise plan.

However, for larger companies and teams, this product is next-level, which is why we find it worth mentioning. There is still something for everyone though, which we will get into later on.

With’s insights and analytics, you can build and customize data dashboards that let you view all your data in one place.

You have the option to add counters, graphs, and charts to make it more visually appealing and clear to read your data. switches things up and makes it fun by adding a unique feature known as the “color-coded llama farm” dashboard, which is exactly what it sounds like–a bunch of different-colored llama stickers on your customized dashboard that help you keep track of task status.

If you want data and analytic reports for your business without paying full price, you can still do this with its most basic form of custom dashboards, where you get between one to 10 boards per dashboard.

Custom Integrations

Integrations are another big part of the platform, especially because it’s such a helpful product to consider when searching for project management software. What makes different is that it offers custom integrations for users on the Standard plan and onwards.’s custom integrations come as a professional service, which involves you having the option to request a custom-made integration sequence that perfectly suits your needs.

To achieve this, all you need to do is answer a few questions involving your business needs, budget, and any additional information that can help them find you a partner to work with.

This is a similar service to hiring an expert for website design or content creation, but it’s more unique and gives you the chance to include integrations that may not initially support.

With that said, some of its standard app integrations include:

  • Outlook
  • Dropbox
  • Zoom
  • Google Drive
  • Gmail
  • LinkedIn
  • And much more
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Overall, is an excellent project management software for small and large teams alike. It’s affordable, starting at $11 per month, and it offers reasonable products and features at no additional cost, like customizable templates and extensive market insights.

It has a diverse range of tools for project complexity and has an intuitive interface for ease of use. With unlimited boards and 24/7 support, anyone using will improve and transform their project management workflow.

Microsoft Project Review

Microsoft Project is a versatile, highly capable project management tool that’s suitable for everything from small projects to large, complex projects. It can facilitate team collaboration even when team members are remote, and offers an array of management tools so users can choose the views and designs that work best for them. While Microsoft Project offers impressive functionality, it isn’t the most user-friendly tool, especially upon startup. For medium and large businesses that frequently work on complicated projects, Microsoft Project is a valid long-term investment. Smaller businesses that need a quick and easy startup would do better with a less complex, more user-friendly project management option.

Microsoft Project Pros and Cons


  • Resource management tools
  • Timesheet submission
  • Monthly and one-time plans


  • Steel learning curve
  • No team communication
  • No mobile app
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We reviewed dozens of project management software tools and narrowed them down to the best options.
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How Microsoft Project Compares to Top Project Management Software

Microsoft Project is designed for big teams and complicated projects. In terms of its functionality, it closely resembles Celoxis and comes in at a similar price point. However, Microsoft Project is one of the most complicated platforms to use, and project managers would benefit from a tech background. Zoho Projects offers a much more intuitive interface, as well as a mobile app and more affordable pricing. LiquidPlanner is another top choice for managing complex projects with large teams.

Each of these software options has its own pros and cons, and they can all be great choices for businesses. It’s important to carefully weigh the elements that are most important to your business when deciding which is right for you. You can learn more about the best project management software options here.

Microsoft Project Capability to Handle Complex Projects

One of Microsoft Project’s greatest benefits is that the platform is highly versatile. While it can absolutely handle smaller projects, it also offers the features and functionality that managing large-scale projects across multiple teams requires.

Microsoft Project is based on Gantt charts, though multiple other views are available. Gantt charts feature horizontal bars displaying the different phases of a project, as well as the progress that’s been made on each phase.

This Gantt chart view offers several benefits when tackling complex, large-scale projects. Breaking the project out into smaller components makes it more manageable, and it also provides a visual that can encourage teams while also reminding them of the expected timeline for each phase. This can help to prevent work bottlenecks and keeps teams and individual team members accountable.

Task assignments also aid in that accountability. Team leaders can assign tasks to individual team members, and team members can log into Microsoft Project and see an overview of all of their tasks. There’s no string of emails where new requests can get overlooked, and team members can easily track their own progress so they can meet deadlines.

Team members can adjust their account settings so that they receive email notifications about upcoming deadlines, but the visual of the desktop screen also provides an important reminder.

From a project management perspective, this task assignment feature makes it easier to monitor overall and individual team member progress. Project managers can assess each team member’s progress and can help to identify potential issues earlier on in the project’s timeline, ensuring the project moves forward without missed deadlines.

Microsoft Project Team Size Capabilities

Microsoft Project is designed to accommodate larger teams. There’s no tiered plan pricing according to the number of seats a business needs, so you’ll pay a flat fee for each user without worrying about confusing pricing or maximizing the return on investment for your plan.

No matter what size team you’re working with, Microsoft Project’s resource allocation tools can help with scheduling and time tracking. Teams can estimate their availability, mark down the days when they’re not available, and identify other deadlines that you’ll need to be aware of. With this hourly availability, you can create realistic timelines and ensure that you aren’t overloading any of your team members.

Once you’ve locked in your project resources, visual capacity heat maps help you to identify resources that are overused or underused. This ability lets you maximize project productivity while ensuring that team members aren’t overwhelmed. Built-in reporting lets you analyze every detail of your project resources, keeping teams on task and monitoring progress.

This platform also offers valuable timesheet capabilities. Users can submit detailed timesheets highlighting project and non-project time, so you can see exactly where every dollar is going.

With the capability to host large teams, Microsoft Project is best suited for medium and large businesses.

Microsoft Project Ease of Use

While Microsoft Project is a versatile and powerful tool, it comes with a significant learning curve. The home screen feels similar to Excel, but learning to fully utilize the platform’s functionality will take time.

This isn’t a program that you can pick up and learn to use in a weekend, and that steep learning curve means that Microsoft Project isn’t right for some businesses. For example, project managers who wear multiple hats in a small business or startup may not have the time required to learn to fully use this platform. In these situations, a business would be better off with a simpler program that team managers can quickly learn on the go.

That said, while the difficult learning curve is a downside, Microsoft Project still delivers impressive capabilities when it comes to project management. Used to its potential, it’s suitable for managing complex, large projects and can be an excellent solution for businesses in need of a powerful project management tool with plenty of customization options.

Microsoft Project Customization Options

Project management software is only useful if you’re comfortable with it, and if it’s giving you the information you need in the form that works for you. Microsoft Project gives you plenty of customization options. With Scrum, Kanban, and custom workflows, as well as a Gantt chart view, it’s easy to choose the view that you prefer. You can seamlessly switch back and forth between views, assessing your projects in the visual form that works best for you.

There’s also plenty of customization when it comes to entering new projects. Everything from project duration to task management is fully customizable, so you don’t have to try to fit your project into a pre-existing box of tasks and deadlines.

Reports can also be fully customized, ensuring you’re ready for that big presentation or team update.

Microsoft Project Reporting Tools

Project success and evaluation hinge on the ability to create detailed, accurate reports, and that’s one area where Microsoft Project excels. This platform lets you create graphic reports of any project data, and there’s no need to use third-party programs or to leave the Microsoft Project desktop.

All Microsoft Project reports will automatically change to reflect the current data, meaning as your team makes updates and the project progresses, you don’t have to re-run reports.

With Microsoft Project, you can create dozens of reports in minutes. You can fully customize the appearance and content of every report. From detailing a project’s spend to creating a timeline of tasks and milestones, there are countless ways to use these reports during and after a project. The reports also look professional enough that you can present them to stakeholders, team members, and more.

Microsoft Project Support

Microsoft Project offers an array of support options. Users have the option to contact both the sales and technical support teams for help. In addition, Microsoft Project offers other support services including FastTrack, which assists with team and project onboarding, and TechNet, which offers guidance designed specifically for IT professionals.

Additionally, users can access the Project Help & Learning page. This page includes detailed information and guides on how to use the platform, including introductory topics like building a project and assigning tasks, as well as more detailed topics and trainings.

Users can also seek support from the Microsoft community forums. The Microsoft Project blog offers valuable information, including examples of how companies are successfully applying the software to a variety of applications.

All in all, there’s comprehensive support available for Microsoft Project. The video guides on the Project Help & Learning page provide a good place to start, and users have access to multiple other outlets for situation-specific questions and troubleshooting.

Microsoft Project Cloud-Based Solutions

Microsoft Project is available as a cloud-based monthly subscription, or as a one-time on-premises purchase. The cloud-based subscriptions have a lower upfront cost, and with three plans available, you can choose the option that’s just right for your business at the time, while also having the ability to upgrade if needed.

Rather than altering the plan price according to the number of seats, Microsoft Project plan prices reflect the features included in each option.

Project Plan 1 has the most basic functionality. It includes:

  • Centralized project home view
  • Grid view with an ordered list of tasks
  • Board view for visual project and workflow tracking
  • Timeline/Gantt view to easily see the relationship between dates, assignments, and tasks
  • Collaboration through Microsoft Teams
  • Coauthoring where stakeholders and team members can work together to edit project schedules and tasks
  • Scheduling tools and the ability to assign project tasks

This base plan lacks the reporting, resource management, and timesheet submission tools that really give Microsoft Project value. While it might seem like an ideal entry-level solution, remember that this platform has a steep learning curve. Stepping up to Project Plan 3 offers increased functionality and value.

Project Plan 3 offers the same functionality as Project Plan 1, but it also includes:

  • Pre-built reports
  • A visual, interactive roadmap to monitor different projects across the business
  • Timesheet submission
  • Resource management and the ability to request project resources
  • The Project desktop app for up to 5 PCs per user

Project Plan 3 offers the features that businesses need to truly get a valuable return on their investment in this platform. The availability of Microsoft Project as a web app is also a major benefit.

Project Plan 5 is more of an enterprise plan for big businesses and corporations. In addition to the features or Project Plan 3, it includes:

  • Portfolio selection and optimization
  • Project idea capture and management
  • Enterprise resource planning and management

While Project Plan 5 offers increased capabilities, those features would really only be used by large businesses and corporations. Project Plan 3 is the best choice for most businesses.

Microsoft Project On-Premises Solutions

Microsoft Project also gives you the option to forego monthly paid plans, instead making a one-time purchase of the software for each team member. While this carries significant upfront costs, it can save your business money if you plan to use this software long-term.

On-premises solutions are available in three tiers.

The Project Standard 2019 is similar to the monthly Project Plan 1. It’s more on the entry-level side and it lacks the advanced features that give Microsoft Project its real value. Project Standard 2019 includes:

  • Microsoft Project desktop app for one user
  • One PC per person
  • The ability to manage project schedules and costs
  • Task, report, and business intelligence management

Stepping up to the Project Professional 2019 tier means a business will enjoy the collaboration tools that the Project Standard 2019 tier lacks. Similar to the monthly Project Plan 3, the Project Professional 2019 tier is where Microsoft Project really hits its mark. It includes the functionality of Project Standard 2019, plus:

  • Project resource management
  • Syncing with Project Online and the Project Server
  • The ability to submit timesheets and capture both project and non-project time

The Project Professional 2019 tier is ideal for medium and large businesses that can make the most of features like timesheet submission and resource management.

The Project Server tier is similar to the monthly Project Plan 5 option. With increased features like advanced analytics and the ability to capture and project ideas from anywhere within the business, this option is best suited to large-scale businesses and enterprises. Pricing for this tier is only available via a consultation with Microsoft Sales.

Compare The Best Project Management Software
We reviewed dozens of project management software tools and narrowed them down to the best options.
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Microsoft Project offers several advantages. It’s customizable and versatile, and it can handle large-scale, complicated projects staffed by large teams. Its report generation and resource management capabilities provide significant value, but the platform as a whole has a steep learning curve, even for project managers with tech experience. Rather than a short-term project management solution, Microsoft Project is more of a long-term investment. In the hands of a project manager who understands and can fully utilize its capabilities, it’s a powerful tool, but it’s not ideal for smaller businesses looking for a user-friendly tool with a quick onboarding process.

6 Best Online Fax Services for Small Business (2021)

Are you looking for the best online fax service for your small business?

Upgrading to an online fax service offers your business more security, speed, and can improve communication across the board.

In this article, we’ve hand-picked some of the best online fax services you can use along with your WordPress website.

Best online fax services for small business

Why You Need an Online Fax Service?

With traditional fax machines you’re limited by the older technology.

However, faxing is still one of the most secure ways to send and receive information. Online fax services combine the power and ease of email with the security of traditional faxing.

Plus, there’s no need to have a physical fax machine or fax modem.

For our business, we often have to send fax when communicating with the government, IRS, and sometimes for high-level bank information.

Online fax services can streamline your faxing process and integrate with the software you’re already using. You can even send faxes directly from your email client of choice.

This means less time spent with your faxing needs, and more time growing your business.

Moving from traditional faxes to an online fax service can help your business in a lot of ways:

  • Can quickly sign documents electronically with a single click
  • Manage, store, and search through faxes in one place
  • Receive and send faxes on the go from your mobile device
  • Save time by filtering out spam and junk faxes
  • Enhance your document storage and security
  • Streamline communication by integrating your faxes with other digital communication

The best part is that online fax is made for remote teams. You don’t need to be in an office to send or receive fax.

That being said, let’s take a look at the best online fax services that you can use to support your small business.

1. Nextiva

Nextiva Fax

Nextiva is the best online fax service for most businesses. It has affordable pricing, flexible plans, and an extensive set of features.

It’s commonly known for its suite of business communication tools and business phone services.

However, Nextiva also offers an excellent online faxing service that’s an excellent fit for most small business owners.

Note: We use the Nextiva business phone service and communication platform on WPBeginner. Their service is always reliable, and they have incredible customer support.

What we really like about Nextiva is that it’s perfect for remote teams. You can send and receive fax documents via mobile, desktop, and tablet without being in the office.

If you have a traditional fax machine, Nextiva can also integrate with that as well. They allow you to migrate your existing fax number to their platform.

With that said, a free toll-free number and local phone number are included when you sign up.

If your company is growing and you need additional numbers, you can add numbers from your dashboard with a couple of clicks.

Online storage is automated as well. Nextiva will save all of your incoming and outgoing faxes for 6 months. You can easily download and share your faxes with other members of your team.

Nextiva is used by organizations like Taco Bell, Stanley Steemer, and the Buffalo Bills. However, the plans are well-suited for small businesses as well.

We recommend getting the unified communication platform that starts at $18.95 per month, and it includes unlimited fax, unlimited voice & video calling, auto-attendant, toll free numbers, and more.

You can also purchase vFax separately starting at $4.95 per month which includes 500 pages, but this plan is limited and doesn’t let you use the full power of Nextiva.

Overall, it’s the best business phone & fax app for growing businesses.

Expert Review: We believe Nextiva is the best online fax service for small business owners. Along with fax, you also get their full business communication platform.

2. RingCentral

RingCentral Fax

RingCentral is another great online fax service for small and growing businesses.

RingCentral is a leader in providing business communication services like phone lines, instant messaging, video conferencing, and of course, online faxes.

RingCentral Fax can work as a standalone service or integrate with the business VoIP and communication platform.

This fax service is best suited for businesses who send a high volume of faxes, like legal offices, or universities. If your company uses outdated physical fax machines, RingCentral can integrate and upgrade your existing fax system.

You’ll also find standard fax features like online cover pages, cloud storage service integration, encryption, and the ability to addon unlimited fax numbers.

There are many integration options available, including Dropbox, Google Drive, Microsoft Outlook, and more.

It’s also a truly mobile solution. You can set up text messages to alert you of incoming faxes. Or use the mobile app to send, receive, view, and store faxes.

There’s even a built in option to block spam faxes and reduce the total number of junk faxes you receive.

With RingCentral, you can get a large number of pages at an affordable price. The Fax 1500 plan is $17.99 per month for 1500 pages, which breaks down to $0.012 per page.

But the best value is their Standard bundled plan for $24.99 per month. This plan lets you fax an unlimited number of pages per month, plus it bundles business phone calls, video meetings, audio conferencing, business text messages, and more.

The only real downside is that their fax storage is limited to the last 200 faxes. You’ll either need to delete existing faxes, or store them externally.

Expert Review: We believe RingCentral Fax is best for companies who need to send a high volume of faxes or want to bundle business communications together.

3. SRFax


SRFax is an online fax service that offers the highest levels of security, privacy, and compliance.

The high security standards make it the best choice for healthcare providers. Security is a must when transmitting sensitive information like patient records and medical information.

You’ll be happy to know that SRFax is fully HIPAA compliant for US-based healthcare practitioners and PHIPA compliant for those based in Canada.

Many online fax services offer HIPAA compliance, but usually, these services deliver the bare minimum. The security features that SRFax provides end up exceeding the HIPAA regulations.

For example, you’ll find application security, hardware and organizational safeguards, user authentication, backups, and around the clock physical security.

Plus, faxes are sent using 2048-bit encryption, while the industry standard is 256-bit.

Beyond security, you’ll find standard features like unlimited storage and cross platforms integration.

There are also Windows and Mac-specific clients that let you send and receive faxes from your preferred programs.

The pricing is a little higher, starting with the Lite plan for $7.95 per month for 200 pages. However, if you need strong security the price is worth it.

You can also send international faxes. The international fax rates are based on the country you’re sending or receiving faxes from.

Expert Review: We believe SRFax is the best online fax service for businesses who need the highest levels of security.

4. Fax.Plus


Fax.Plus is one of the best online fax services for small teams. It’s simple to use, and the goal of the service is to save you as much time as possible.

If you’re looking for a way to upgrade your existing fax process while keeping things affordable, this is a great option.

You can even keep your existing fax number for free or add new toll free and local fax numbers.

There are dozens of integrations to manage your faxes within the platforms you’re already using. This means no complicated setup process or wasting time learning the ins and outs of new software.

For example, it integrates with platforms like Microsoft Office, Google Chrome, Slack, Google Drive, G Suite apps, and more.

You’ll also find a bundled iOS and Android app, so you can read, download, and send faxes on the go. The mobile app is as easy to use as the web portal.

It lets you scan documents from your phone, add digital signatures, add notes, organize your archives, send faxes, and more.

You can also optimize faxes with a single click, which makes them easier to read and will send faster.

If you have simple needs and only need to send a handful of faxes every month, then there’s a free plan you can use. This plan lets you send up to 10 pages per month. However, you can’t receive faxes, only send.

Although Fax.Plus is well suited for very small businesses, you’ll find a variety of plans to cater to all types of business needs. The Basic plan is $5.99 per month and lets you send up to 100 pages.

If you’re looking for the best deal, the Business plan lets you send 800 pages every month for $19.99.

Expert Review: We believe Fax.Plus is the best online fax solution for small teams.

5. eFax


eFax is a well-known name in the online fax services space. It’s feature-rich, easy to use, and places a focus on fax archiving and storage.

This makes it a great choice for organizations that need to store faxes for a long time, like financial and legal institutions, universities, real estate offices, accountants, and more.

Although other fax providers offer fax storage and archiving, none go as deep as eFax. This provider offers unlimited storage for your faxes, plus in-depth fax archiving and organization features.

When faxes are saved, additional information is stored, like the transmission time and date, the recipient and sender name, and more. This makes it easy to sort and find the exact information you’re looking for.

Your faxes are stored automatically, plus older faxes won’t be deleted to make room for new incoming faxes.

Basically, with eFax, you’ll never lose a fax, ever again.

The included mobile app is available for both iOS and Android. It lets you archive, search, download, and forward directly from your phone.

Another great mobile feature is the ability to take pictures of documents and send them as a fax, all while you’re away from the office.

You’ll also find standard functionality like support for electronic signatures, multiple users, cloud storage integrations, and the ability to send a fax to up to 20 recipients.

Plus, there’s support for international faxing, and every fax is sent through an encrypted SSL connection.

eFax has some of the highest pricing on this list. But, for companies who need advanced search, storage, and archive features, it’s still a great choice. Plans start at $16.95 per month for 150 inbound and 150 outbound faxes.

The best value plan is the Pro plan which costs $19.95 per month and lets you send 200 fax pages and receive 200 pages every month.

However, there is a one-time $10 setup fee on both paid plans that you’ll want to be aware of.

Expert Review: We believe eFax is a great choice for businesses who need advanced search, storage, and archive features.

6. MyFax


MyFax is an excellent online fax service for small businesses and work from home businesses that send and receive a low volume of faxes.

You could use a free fax service to send faxes every once in a while. However, free services can be unprofessional since you can’t change the cover sheet, and you usually can’t receive faxes either.

We recommend using an affordable service like MyFax instead. MyFax is very simple and can also be used to send faxes anywhere in the world.

All plans come with unlimited fax storage, a free fax number, and a library of pre-built cover templates you can customize to match your brand. You can even search through your fax archives.

There’s also an Android and iOS app to take your faxes on the go.

Smaller teams can take advantage of the Home Office plan for $8.33 per month, which lets you send 100 pages and receive 200 pages every month.

There are also more expensive plans if you need to send or receive additional pages. If you go over the page limits, there’s an overage charge of $0.10 per page.

Expert Review: We believe MyFax is the best online fax service for businesses on a budget.

Which is the Best Online Fax Service for You?

After researching all of the top online fax service providers, we believe that Nextiva is the best online fax provider in the market.

You can send a high volume of faxes for a low price. Plus, it comes with powerful features like business phone, video calls, and other collaboration tools.

Those reasons and more are why Nextiva is the best online fax service and business communication platform in the market. This is also why WPBeginner uses Nextiva.

In our research, RingCentral came in a very close second. The online fax service offers a lot of the same features as Nextiva, for a great price. However, you don’t have the same level of flexibility.

You really can’t go wrong with either of these two online fax services.

We also looked at other fax service providers like MetroFax, HelloFax, FaxZero, GotFreeFax, J2 Global, mFax, and more.

However, our goal is to make it easy for you to choose the best online fax provider without causing choice paralysis, so we didn’t review them all here.

Online Fax Services FAQs

After helping hundreds of business owners find the best online fax services for their needs, we’ve come across a lot of questions.

Below are some of the most frequently asked questions we’ve received about online fax service providers.

How does online faxing work?

Online faxing turns your documents into a file format that’s readable by a fax machine and vice versa.

If you’re sending a document to a fax machine, you’ll enter your recipient’s fax number in your online fax dashboard and attach your file.

The online faxing services translate the document into a file type the fax machine can read and sends it to the recipient over a phone line.

The document is then printed and read as a standard fax or viewed with their online fax service provider.

What is the best free online fax service?

We don’t generally recommend using a free fax service provider, especially in a business setting. Free online fax services allow you to send faxes, but you generally can’t receive faxes or customize the cover sheet.

If you only need to send up to 10 pages a month, then we recommend the Fax.Plus free plan.

This also gives you the ability to upgrade if your faxing needs increase.

What is the safest fax app?

All fax apps are incredibly safe and use encryption to ensure your transmissions are protected. Faxing is one of the most secure forms of communication.

However, SRFax has the highest security protocols out of any online fax app. Their primary focus is providing a secure fax service for healthcare professionals, which needs to comply with HIPAA.

SRFax has strong encryption, spam blocking, user authentication, automatic fax deletion, and more.

Can I fax without a fax machine?

Yes, you can fax without a fax machine. Online faxing services like Nextiva and RingCentral allow you to send faxes via the internet, tablets, and even mobile devices.

You can also send online faxes to a traditional fax machine with an online fax service.

We hope that this guide helped you choose the best online fax service for your small business. You may also want to see our comparison of the best email marketing services, and best AI chatbot software for small business.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post 6 Best Online Fax Services for Small Business (2021) appeared first on WPBeginner.

Grasshopper Review

With over 135,000 users, Grasshopper is one of the most trusted phone service providers for small businesses on the market. Grasshopper stacks up well against the other products on our list of best phone services, as it offers more customer support and no restrictions—making it an excellent choice for small businesses.

Priding itself on separating personal work from business work at a low cost, Grasshopper is the best phone service provider for small business owners and solo entrepreneurs.

With multiple product offerings that help users improve their phone service, the system can transform your business and increase clientele by providing a more professional phone service with custom greetings and extensions.

Grasshopper Pros and Cons


  • High mobile functionality
  • Affordable at $28 per month
  • Easy-to-use interface
  • Unlimited calls


  • Voicemail transcription issues
  • Fewer app integrations
  • No video conferencing capabilities
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How Grasshopper Compares to Top Virtual Phone System Software Providers

Compared to the top five other best cloud-based phone systems, Grasshopper comes in at number three, because it offers unique features for small teams at an affordable price.

Grasshopper takes this position in our top list because most of the other phone systems offer better packages for office settings and are a tad cheaper. However, this doesn’t mean that your business won’t benefit from Grasshopper. With a focus on small businesses or solo side businesses, Grasshopper is the easiest way to find a unique variation of phone numbers and make unlimited calls, unlike our top picks for phone service providers.

In terms of our top picks, we think Nextiva and RingCentral are excellent alternate options. Nextiva is the best enterprise-level phone system that offers supportive features and hardware for your business space, whereas RingCentral is the most popular with more than 350,000 users with specifically designed plans for small businesses.

Grasshopper’s Remote Access

In the past year, working remotely has seen a shift and increase due to the pandemic. Now, it’s crucial for all business models to include remote tools that are reliable for teams to work from home, in a more virtual space. Fortunately, if you’re looking for a phone service provider that offers extensive remote access, Grasshopper is an excellent option.

Grasshopper homepage

Grasshopper offers comprehensive mobile and desktop apps that seamlessly sync up to your phone service system. The mobile app is easy to use and displays all your business calls and text messages in one place. The great thing about this mobile app is that your personal calls and texts stay completely separate from your business ones, while still being on one phone. It’s a lot more convenient for small business owners or solo entrepreneurs to operate with the least amount of tools and equipment to avoid overworking and stress.

The desktop app is just as helpful, with an intuitive interface—so even the least experienced user can find their way around. The app lets you use your internet connection to make and receive VoIP calls and text messages. So, you really can do business anywhere under any internet connection, whether that be at a library or local cafe.

What makes this app even more efficient is that you can also view your voicemails and call history, so you can continue to respond to clients and follow-up on missed calls efficiently and professionally.

With such supportive remote access for small teams, you can experience the freedom and flexibility of working anywhere without the stress of being unorganized. Compared to other phone service providers, we think Grasshopper has the most simple remote tools that will suit most business owners.

There are no additional costs to download both apps, but to install the desktop app, you will need:

  • 64-bit macOS 10.9 or later
  • 64-bit Windows 7 or later
  • Minimum 4GB RAM

Grasshopper’s Audio and Video Connection Quality

Having high-quality audio and video connection is certainly one of the most significant roles of a phone service provider. Luckily, Grasshopper’s audio connection quality is impressive, and they offer a few alternative options for users having trouble with poor connection or weak signal. In terms of video connection, Grasshopper currently does not offer video conferencing–one of its few major weaknesses compared with other cloud-based phone service providers.

Grasshopper VoIP webpage

As stated above, Grasshopper lets you make business calls using VoIP and WiFi. Straight away, it’s quite substantial that Grasshopper offers two ways to make calls, where users can utilize either option if one of them happens to drop out. The difference between these options is that VoIP is commonly used to make calls through an internet connection, whereas users will use WiFi calls through any WiFi network.

But what happens if your internet or WiFi connection is weak? Well, Grasshopper has a solution for that. While using the mobile app, if Grasshopper identifies any weak signals, it will automatically transfer your inbound or outbound call to its normal calling network. There’s no notification or interruption when this happens so call quality will remain at its highest. Subsequent calls will revert to an available WiFi network once your signal strengthens.

However, if you do experience poor phone quality, the Grasshopper team over on the support forum has an in-depth guide on how to troubleshoot both the mobile and desktop applications with ease. This just goes to show how much Grasshopper cares about the user’s experience.

As for video connection, since Grasshopper is yet to offer this service, we think RingCentral or Vonage are great alternative options for anyone looking for video conferencing. RingCentral offers a service called Glip, which uses carrier-grade infrastructure to operate high-quality video calls for up to 100 people. On the other hand, Vonage offers a video call feature that’s similar to Zoom, with a highly intuitive interface.

Grasshopper’s SMS and MMS Texting

Being able to connect with and keep in touch with your clients is paramount for success. And most business owners don’t want to rely on just phone communication. So, many phone service providers will offer either SMS text messaging and MMS texting, or a mix of both or none—however, Grasshopper offers both that are easy-to-use channels, which will make communication better.

Grasshopper business SMS landing page

Unlike other phone service providers we reviewed, Grasshopper offers unlimited texts for no additional cost, which is an enormous benefit for small businesses on a budget. To make it even better, business texting is free for all virtual phone numbers when you sign up for a seven-day free trial—which is an excellent option for beginners who are looking for a phone service provider as a starter.

The most beneficial feature of Grasshopper’s SMS texting tool is called the instant response. If you miss a call, the instant response feature will automatically send an SMS message to your new client, letting them know you’re unavailable. The caller can even write back with their details and let you know why they’re calling.

This feature can potentially eliminate the risk of losing future clients by responding promptly and professionally and will save you time while you’re busy. You can also use this feature to your full advantage and create a text that provides new callers with information about your business.

Grasshopper also offers MMS for picture and video messaging, however, it is currently not possible from toll-free numbers and is only available for local numbers. Group texts are also possible from local numbers. International SMS and MMS are only available between the United States and Canada, so Grasshopper may not be ideal for remote teams working internationally.

Grasshopper’s Responsive Customer Support

Prioritized support is so important for phone service providers because no calls mean no profits or new clients. If your phone lines go down because of technical issues, it’s crucial for a support team to immediately jump in and help. This is where Grasshopper shines because it happens to have the best responsive customer support of all the service providers on our top list.

Grasshopper webpage with headline that says "Affordable options built for small businesses"

Grasshopper offers 24/7 US-based live customer support in every plan, which is a great option for a distributed company, working remotely all over the United States. What’s so great about Grasshopper’s support is that it’s also responsive and active on its social media accounts like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. This means you can contact the support team on these platforms for a quicker response, rather than through an email query.

Not only does it offer 24/7 live chat and telephone support, but Grasshopper also has an updated and relevant support forum that has frequently asked questions, knowledge-based topics, case studies, and a ‘how-to’ section. This support forum is a great way for users to save time instead of waiting on a phone call or waiting a couple of business days for an email about an issue you can solve by reading through its helpful forum.

Grasshopper’s Product Offerings

Grasshopper offers a few products that relate to phone services, which give a variety of options for different user needs. Here is an in-depth look at the different products Grasshopper offers for phone services:

Vanity Numbers

If you want to make your business number more memorable, Grasshopper offers local and toll-free vanity numbers at no additional cost. You have the freedom to choose up to seven letters or numbers that relate to your specific business niche with the number lookup tool. It’s important to note that some numbers may already be taken, and according to Grasshopper, it suggests opting for a shorter term to return a match.

Grasshopper landing page for how to get a vanity number

Creating a custom phone number is a great way for people to easily remember your number in advertising, which might generate more leads and increase your clientele. Apart from seeming more identifiable, using a vanity number will make your small business look larger and more established. It’s also a great option to address what your company offers while aiming for consistency across your business cards and website.

Grasshopper lets you make business calls and texts with your US-based toll-free vanity number. Unfortunately, it doesn’t support text messaging for toll-free or local vanity numbers in Canada or internationally—so you may be better off choosing a provider like in that regard.

The good news is that Grasshopper allows you to port your existing vanity phone number for free, so you don’t have to lose the number you love. The transfer process is straightforward because Grasshopper does all the nitty-gritty behind the scenes once you sign up, and it will confirm with you once the transfer has gone through.

Toll-Free Numbers

If vanity numbers aren’t for you, you can still maintain your professional appearance by choosing a toll-free number instead. Grasshopper lets you specify digits or select a number at random using its lookup tool. All the toll-free prefixes are assigned by an entity known as ‘Responsible Organization’ and include the numbers 800, 888, 877, 866, 855, 844, and 833.

Grasshopper landing page for getting a toll-free number for your business

The major benefit of a toll-free number is the fact that it is free for the caller, even if you happen to call from a long distance in the same country. Grasshopper makes sure that you aren’t charged for these calls, however, charges will apply if you call an international toll-free number, even when it costs nothing to receive an international call.

Just like Grasshopper’s vanity numbers, you can send unlimited texts and calls with your toll-free number. Some other benefits of using a toll-free number include:

  • Customized business greeting
  • Be available to your clients everywhere with a national presence
  • Professional image
  • Better for customer service

Again, there are no additional charges to add a toll-free number to your plan with unlimited calls and texts—and porting your number is also available.

Ruby Virtual Receptionists

As a unique function, Grasshopper introduces the new Ruby virtual receptionists add-on that can help improve your business while you’re busy. Ruby will help small business owners look more professional, as a US-based receptionist or an auto-attendant system answer all your calls by greeting new callers with a personalized message based on your instructions and needs.

Grasshopper virtual receptionist service landing page

With Ruby, you can boost business by operating during extended business hours. You can also save a lot of time and money by trying to find and pay for a full-time hire that suits your every need. Speaking of saving time, Ruby is a great opportunity to take up more work and focus less on daily administrative tasks.

Another significant thing about the Ruby service is that the receptionist can transfer calls to your mobile or home phone—under any number you wish. Additional fees may apply for phone lines outside of North America, however, Grasshopper recommends to provide multiple phone numbers, so there are a variety of ways to reach you.

There are three Ruby pricing plans that are 35% off under Grasshopper, these include:

  • Starter: $130 per month with 50 receptionist minutes
  • Grow: $195 per month with 100 receptionist minutes
  • Elevate: $370 per month with 200 receptionist minutes

These prices may seem a little expensive, but if you are a solo entrepreneur or small business owner, sometimes a little help is all you need—and we think it is worth the price to boost your business and save you time.

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Overall, Grasshopper is an excellent phone service provider for small business owners. It’s affordable starting at $28 per month, and it offers reasonable products at no additional cost like vanity and toll-free numbers. It also offers a great mobile and desktop app for remote teams and high-quality VoIP and WiFi calls. With unlimited texts, calls, and 24/7 live support, anyone using Grasshopper is sure to improve and transform their business and call system.

Fixed VOIP

VoIP phone communication is growing in popularity, especially in the business world. These cloud-based business phone systems make it easy for organizations to cut down on phone costs and scale without limits.

But a quick search for an internet phone system will likely yield two results—fixed VoIPs and non-fixed VoIPs.

If it’s your first time going through this process, you probably have some questions. This guide will shed some light on the differences between fixed VoIPs and non-fixed VoIPs while helping you find the best option for your unique situation.

What is a Fixed VoIP?

VoIP (voice over internet protocol) phone systems place calls through the internet, as opposed to a traditional landline.

While your VoIP phone number is hosted in the cloud, the number associated with a fixed VoIP is tied to a physical address. In contrast, a non-fixed VoIP is not attached to any physical address/location.

Generally speaking, fixed VoIPs are more reputable for business use. Lots of scammers and fraudulent callers use non-fixed VoIP because it’s easier to hide their identities.

5 Tools to Improve Fixed VoIP

Now that you understand the difference between a fixed VoIP and non-fixed VoIP, it’s time to take a closer look at some actual solutions. These are my favorite fixed VoIP tools on the market today.

Tool #1 — RingCentral

RingCentral is one of the most reputable, reliable, and popular VoIP phone services in existence. Over 400,000 companies across the globe rely on RingCentral for business communications.

This provider offers basic VoIP business phone systems, contact center solutions, and all-in-one product suites for voice, video conferencing, and team messaging. The plans are affordable, easy to deploy, and simple for anyone to use.

The fixed VoIP service from RingCentral is much more secure than a non-fixed VoIP. Since the numbers are tied to a physical address, the experience will be similar to a traditional landline regarding how others perceive the number. Even if you’re making and receiving calls from a smartphone or computer, there still must be a physical address linked to your RingCentral account if you want a fixed VoIP phone system.

RingCentral even supports E911 (enhanced 911) dialing in case there’s an emergency in the workplace. You won’t have this option with a non-fixed VoIP.

Tool #2 — CallHippo

CallHippo is a cloud-based virtual phone system designed for business use. The provider offers local and toll-free numbers in 50+ different countries. With CallHippo, you can sign up and get started in less than three minutes.

This business phone service is perfect for organizations that want to lower their monthly phone bill while having the ability to scale as needed. If you switch to a CallHippo fixed VoIP phone package, you can replace your landline and benefit from enterprise-grade security and emergency services.

Another reason why I recommend CallHippo so highly is because the VoIP phone plans are feature-rich. They offer advantages like power dialing, smart call forwarding, call transfers, conference calls, call queuing, call recording, call barging, hold music, and so much more.

You’ll even have access to call analytics to help track your team’s performance with information like the percentage of missed calls and each agent’s call capacity.

CallHippo is perfect for startups and small teams. But they even offer customized enterprise solutions for larger organizations with advanced needs.

Tool #3 — Intermedia

Intermedia is a unified cloud communications system for businesses. This provider helps organizations communicate from anywhere, from the office to homes, coffee shops, and everywhere in between. They offer enterprise-grade cloud PBX phone systems, video conferencing solutions, integrated chat, screen sharing, file collaboration, and so much more.

The phone system is reliable, scalable, and helps keep costs low. Intermedia even provides industry-specific solutions in healthcare, manufacturing, legal services, financial services, and high-tech.

More than 120,000 organizations of all sizes rely on Intermedia for phone communication. With 20+ years in business, it’s no surprise that Intermedia has such an outstanding reputation in the VoIP phone service industry.

Another unique standout of Intermedia is their exceptional support. Their agents are available 24/7 if you ever have a question or need some assistance. They’ll also help you with the onboarding process as you’re moving to the cloud.

Every Intermedia service comes with a 99.999% uptime SLA (service level agreement). So it’s a company you can count on.

Tool #4 — Ooma

Ooma is one of the best VoIP phone services for small businesses on the market today. According to their website, Omma saves companies 50% on average compared to their current phone bill.

You’ll get a free phone number when you sign up for an Ooma plan, and you’ll even have the option to keep your existing number. One of the many reasons to love Ooma is its simplicity. You can get up and running in less than 15 minutes; no technical experience is required.

There are essentially two plans for small businesses from—Ooma Office and Ooma Office Pro. The entry-level package comes with a toll-free number, Ooma mobile app, and 35 business features like virtual fax, virtual receptionist, SMS messaging, overhead paging, extension-to-extension dialing, and more.

Upgrade to the Pro version for video conferencing, call recording, enhanced call blocking, and the Ooma Office desktop app. You’ll also benefit from higher usage limits for extension monitoring, call parking, and more.

Tool #5 — Mitel

Mitel is a telecommunications company that offers an extensive list of product offerings to businesses. They have all-in-one business phone systems, collaboration tools, and even solutions for remote work.

One of Mitel’s unique standouts is that the company genuinely has services to accommodate businesses of all sizes. So, whether you’re a small business, mid-size organization, or enterprise, you can rely on Mitel for your VoIP phone service.

With Mitel’s all-in-one VoIP service, you’ll benefit from team collaboration, text messaging, video conferencing, and more. I like Mitel because they have plans to support CRM integrations, which is perfect for sales teams, marketers, and customer support agents. Some of Mitel’s advanced features include on-demand call recording, always-on call recording, archiving, and an operator.

Mitel also gives you the ability to mix and match users on multiple plans to help you manage costs more efficiently. So not every user needs to have the most expensive package with the most advanced features. This capability is unique compared to other VoIP business phone services on the market today.

The Basics of Fixed VoIP

Let’s take a closer look at precisely what a fixed VoIP offers. Below I’ll break down the core components of any fixed VoIP phone service.

Manage Calls From Anywhere

Even though a fixed VoIP is associated with a physical address, the calls don’t necessarily come directly from that location. Here’s what I mean. Let’s say you deploy a business phone service using a fixed VoIP, and sign up with your office address.

If you use your VoIP provider’s mobile app or web app, you can still make and receive calls from your home, on the road, or anywhere with an internet connection. So, you’ll have the freedom to manage work-related calls, regardless of your location.

All of the best business VoIP phone systems have some version of a mobile app. In some instances, your team might prefer desktop software or the web-based version of the system. But regardless of the system you’re using, you won’t be tied to a physical desk or location—even though an address is attached to your number.

Emergency Services

A significant downside of a non-fixed VoIP is the inability to dial 911 effectively. Since non-fixed VoIPs are not associated with an address, responders won’t know the location. Any delays in emergency assistance can be a huge problem; whether for a fire, robbery, health issue, or something else, a timely response could be the difference between life and death.

But the best fixed VoIP phone service providers offer basic 911 or E911 (enhanced 911) dialing to help protect your business in the event of an accident or an emergency. Otherwise, you’d have to tell your staff to use their personal devices to dial 911. But during an emergency, people panic and don’t always think to do that.


Top-tier and enterprise-grade security are typically associated with fixed VoIP services. In addition to keeping data safe and calls encrypted, fixed VoIPs offer an extra layer of protection that you won’t get with a non-fixed VoIP. Here are some examples to show you what I mean.

Non-fixed VoIPs are commonly used by criminals and fraudsters to scam people. But your employees would think twice about doing something illegal with your company phone number if they know that it can easily be traced back to them. That’s not the case with a non-fixed VoIP. Your staff could use that number and essentially remain anonymous.

Furthermore, the chance of your number getting stolen with a fixed VoIP is slim. You’re purchasing the number, and it’s registered to an address—unlike a non-fixed VoIP that lives in the cloud with no home.

Business Features

Another significant advantage to a fixed VoIP compared to traditional phone service is that you’ll have access to business-grade features. The vast majority of VoIP phone services offer more than just a basic phone line. In addition to the ability to make and receive calls from anywhere, you can opt for an all-in-one communication suite.

These packages typically come with tools for internal team chat, video conferencing, and more. There are solutions for customer messaging, SMS messaging, call centers, sales teams, marketers, and support agents—the list goes on and on. Business users can choose a plan with features like call recording, call barging, virtual fax, CRM integration, and other tools designed to improve your service quality.

Call analytics and reports are helpful as well. Managers and supervisors can use these reports to better understand how well their agents are performing.

International and Long Distance Calling

Fixed VoIPs do support international calling. However, it’s usually more expensive to make international calls with a fixed VoIP than a non-fixed VoIP.

Lots of people rely on non-fixed VoIPs for personal use to call friends and family overseas. It’s affordable and sometimes free.

But for business use, you’re much better off using a reliable fixed VoIP. Even if it’s a bit more expensive, you don’t want to call your clients or customers using a non-fixed number that could appear untrustworthy.

3 Tricks For Fixed VoIP

Before you start using a fixed VoIP, check out my favorite tricks, quick hacks, and best practices below.

Trick #1: Keep Your Existing Phone Number

If you’re currently using a traditional phone line for your business, you should be able to keep that number (if you want to) when switching to a fixed VoIP. The best VoIP business phone services should make this process fairly easy for you. Just verify that they offer this option before you sign up.

Don’t cancel your old phone service or DSL service until the number has been completely ported over to your VoIP phone line. Be prepared to provide a recent bill, your service address, and more information to make this process as seamless as possible.

Trick #2: Run a VoIP Speed Test and Quality Test

Before you make the switch to a fixed VoIP, you need to make sure that your existing internet connection can support VoIP calling. The easiest way to do this is with a simple VoIP speed or quality test.

These tests typically take less than one minute to complete. Use the test to determine if your internet speeds and other crucial metrics meet the recommended requirements of the VoIP phone service. There are lots of ways to do this online. You do this for free on RingCentral’s website. But there are dozens of other viable free alternatives on the web too.

If your internet connection is unstable, you’ll need to upgrade your plan or switch providers before signing up for fixed VoIP phone service.

Trick #3: Don’t Buy New Equipment

There’s no reason to go out and buy new phones or other costly hardware. With a fixed VoIP, you and your staff alike can make and receive calls directly from your existing devices.

All you need is a desktop computer, laptop computer, or a smartphone. As long as you’re in an area with an internet connection, you can use your VoIP phone service. Some providers do offer phones, headsets, and other hardware. In most cases, that’s optional. Only buy that hardware if it’s something that you prefer. But generally, you won’t need it.

VOIP Vs. Landline

Traditional telephone services are expensive. With so many businesses looking for ways to save money on their phone bills, VoIP solutions are rising in popularity.

Whether you’re a startup seeking your first phone number or an established business interested in switching providers, you’re likely torn between two options—VoIP phone systems and landlines.

What’s the difference between a VoIP and a landline?  Which is the best option for you and your business? Find out the answer to these questions and more in this detailed guide.

What is VoIP? What is a Landline?

VoIP stands for voice over internet protocol. It’s a modern communication solution that makes it possible to manage calls on the internet.

Landlines use traditional phone networks and copper wiring to connect calls between people. Sometimes landlines are referred to as POTS or “plain old telephone system.”

Historically, landlines were the primary method of phone communication for commercial and residential calls alike. But today, more companies are switching to VoIP to save money and scale their business communications.

5 Tools to Improve Your Phone Service

If you’re looking for an alternative solution to a traditional landline, VoIPs are a viable alternative. Check out some of my favorite business phone service tools below:

Tool #1 — Nextiva

Nextiva is one of the best business phone systems on the market today. Using VoIP technology, this provider offers business voice, video conferencing, and team communication solutions—all within a single plan.

Nextiva offers the same benefits as a traditional phone, but with so many additional advantages to improve the way your business operates.

The same system that can be used to field incoming calls from leads can be used to share files and send instant messages internally within your organization. The software even integrates with third-party business apps, like Salesforce, Zendesk, and Hubspot.

Over 100,000 organizations rely on Nextiva. It’s used by reputable names like Amazon, Cisco, the United Way, YMCA, Taco Bell, and more. They have solutions for small businesses and enterprise companies alike.

With Nextiva, you’ll have the opportunity to access features like internet faxing, call recording, voice analytics, and business SMS. Calls can be managed from computers and smartphones, allowing you to communicate from anywhere with internet access. You won’t have these capabilities with a traditional landline.

Tool #2 — RingCentral

Over 400,000 organizations of all shapes and sizes trust RingCentral as a business phone solution. This VoIP provider is an all-in-one tool for integrated phone, messaging, and video conferencing.

RingCentral’s VoIP phone service offers carrier-grade reliability. You’ll also benefit from tons of built-in security advantages.

One of the reasons why I recommend RingCentral so highly is because of its simplicity. You can get started in minutes and start deploying new users or even entire departments with a few clicks.

Those of you who currently have an existing business can keep your current number when you switch to RingCentral. The software also allows you to change devices between your desktop and mobile app with one click during a live call, which truly makes it possible to communicate from anywhere.

Other noteworthy features and highlights include unlimited business SMS, document sharing, call log reports, internet fax, call recording, and real-time analytics. RingCentral even has tools for call centers, like multi-site admin management, call whispering, and other advanced features.

Tool #3 — is another popular VoIP phone service for businesses. The company initially launched over ten years ago. But today, they serve 40,000+ companies across a wide range of industries.

They provide phone services to retail companies, legal companies, educational institutions, professional service organizations, healthcare companies, financial institutions, and more. The software is trusted by popular companies like Aflac, Zoho, and Insightly. is an ideal solution for anyone seeking a simple and reliable way to communicate from anywhere.

Another reason to consider over a traditional landline is the fact that you’ll get enterprise-grade features at an affordable price. Select features like custom greetings, hold music, and automated attendants.

Even if you’re a single user or sole proprietor, you can use to add professionalism to your business. The setup is as easy as it gets. Just choose a number, and you can start making calls from your computer, smartphone, or IP desk phone immediately after you sign up.

Tool #4 — 8×8

8×8 is one of the most reputable, reliable, and popular VoIP business phone systems on the market today. It’s trusted by more than one million business users across the globe. Big brands like McDonald’s and Farmers Insurance rely on 8×8 for phone communication.

I like 8×8 because they have plans for everyone. From small businesses seeking a simple VoIP phone system to contact centers with agents working from home, 8×8 has a solution. You can even use 8×8 as an all-in-one communications suite for phone, video conferencing, and team chat.

Some noteworthy features offered by 8×8 include intelligent call routing, SMS and MMS, supervisor analytics, call monitoring, call quality reports, and so much more.

8×8 lets you establish a local presence from anywhere, with numbers in 120+ countries. This is a great option for businesses that operate internationally.

With an open API, 8×8 is developer-friendly as well, so you can customize your software and integrate it with any other business application.

Tool #5 — Ooma

Ooma offers an extensive list of VoIP solutions for commercial and residential users alike. In addition to using an Ooma VoIP for your office, you can also eliminate your home landline with an Ooma subscription.

For small businesses, this provider should be a top consideration on your list. You’ll get a free phone number without being locked into a long-term contract. Ooma has everything a small business owner needs from a VoIP phone system.

The entire setup and onboarding take less than 15 minutes, so it’s effortless to sign up and deploy.

Every Ooma Office business plan comes with 35+ business features. Some of my favorites include a virtual receptionist, SMS messaging, overhead paging, virtual fax, hold music, transfer music, ring groups, call forwarding, and more.

Ooma even offers advanced features like call recording and video conferencing. According to the Ooma website, businesses that switch to an Ooma plan save an average of 50% on their phone bill.

Between the savings and features, it’s no surprise that these plans are so popular for business users.

The Basics of VoIP vs. Landline: Differences Explained

To help you better understand VoIP and landlines, I’ve identified these phone systems’ core components and explained the differences below. This will help you determine whether a VoIP phone system or a traditional landline is better for your business.

Flexibility and Mobility

Landlines don’t offer a ton of flexibility. In terms of your physical location during a call, you’ll be limited to the length of the phone cord or the range of the wireless receiver. For most people, it means they’re tied to a desk or a room to make and receive calls.

VoIP is much more flexible. You can make calls and answer calls from anywhere with an internet connection. This gives you and your staff the ability to manage work calls from home, on the road, in the office, or wherever you are. So there’s no need to worry about wires or being stuck at your desk to answer the phone.

Hardware and Equipment Requirements

With a landline, you need to have a physical telephone for the service to operate correctly. I’m referring to any average desk phone that you’ve seen or used countless times in your life. You’ll also need to have a telephone jack and a wired connection to your phone service provider.

In most cases, VoIP phone systems don’t require any additional hardware. As long as you have an internet connection that can support VoIP calling, you can use these services with your existing devices. Your computers and smartphones can essentially double as work phones. You can just download the VoIP app or use the web-based service to communicate.

VoIPs are much easier to scale than landlines due to the limited hardware requirements. So you can start deploying a remote call center with agents working from home without purchasing hardware and setting up a landline at each location.

Internet Reliability

Remember, the “I” in VoIP stands for “internet.” VoIP phones do require a stable internet connection to work effectively. If your connection is unstable, it could potentially cause some call quality issues, muffled sounds, lag, or even dropped calls. This is something you’ll want to avoid, especially for business use.

Fortunately, modern VoIP systems are ultra-reliable. Many even come with an uptime guarantee from your provider. The vast majority of the time, you won’t notice the difference at all between the call quality of a VoIP phone and a landline.

However, if there’s an internet outage or you live in a remote area with a spotty internet connection, a hardwire connection might be better suited for your needs.

Technology, Maintenance, and Cost

The existing copper wire infrastructure used by landline systems has been around for a while, and they’ll likely stay around for a while too. Lots of phone companies aren’t really committed to upgrading these legacy systems anytime in the near future.

VoIP providers are rapidly evolving. They are constantly coming out with new updates, features and improving the technology behind the curtain.

As a result, VoIP phone systems are much easier to maintain. If there’s an issue, it’s usually resolved relatively quickly without needing someone to physically provide on-site maintenance.

But if there’s a problem with your landline, it could be a major headache. Someone has to come out to your location, figure out the problem, and potentially replace some hardware. We all have at least one horror story with our phone company.

It’s also worth noting that VoIP systems are significantly cheaper than landlines. Even for business use, plans typically start around $20 per line. Traditional landlines can’t compete with those prices.

Business Features

Landlines can’t do much beyond calling. Sure, some business phone systems support call waiting, three-way calling, hold music, overhead paging, and other basic features. But beyond that, the capabilities are extremely limited.

VoIP phone systems are much more advanced. In addition to all of the features that come with a traditional landline for calling, you can also get tools for video conferencing, team messaging, SMS and MMS, and so much more. Some advanced tools even come with call recording, call analytics, and tools for supervisors like call monitoring, whispering, and barging.

When compared side-by-side, a VoIP provider’s list of capabilities and features will be significantly longer than a landline service.

3 Tricks for VoIP and Landline Phone Services

As you’re comparing and evaluating different solutions for your phone service, take these quick tips and hacks into consideration.

Trick #1: Test Your Internet Connection

If you’re concerned about call quality but are leaning towards a VoIP phone over a landline, run a quick VoIP speed test or VoIP quality test. There are dozens of simple online tools that you can use to quickly learn whether your existing internet connection can support a VoIP call.

For businesses, you’ll even be able to tell how many simultaneous calls the connection can support. If you learn that the connection is not up to par with recommended requirements from a VoIP provider, you can upgrade your internet plan or switch providers.

Trick #2: Try a VoIP for Free

In general, people can be hesitant to try new things. If you’ve been using a traditional landline for your entire life and you’re not sure if a VoIP is right for your business, you can always try one out for free.

Most of the best VoIP phone service providers offer a free trial. Others even offer money-back guarantees.

These providers don’t typically lock you into long-term contracts either. So you can usually cancel at any time, penalty-free. Just review the terms of your contract when you sign up to verify the length and cancellation policy.

Trick #3: Get a Fixed VoIP for Emergency Calls

Generally speaking, VoIPs fall into one of two categories—fixed and non-fixed. A fixed VoIP is attached to a physical address, whereas a non-fixed VoIP is not.

If you want the ability to dial 911, make sure you find a fixed VoIP service provider that supports emergency dialing. Lots of non-fixed VoIPs do not have this feature. Emergency dialing is especially useful for traditional office settings.

Sometimes non-fixed VoIPs are used by scammers, so fixed VoIPs are generally better for business use. It makes you appear more reputable if your number is tied to a physical address.

Beginner’s Guide: How to Publish a Website in 2021 (Step by Step)

Do you want to publish a website but are worried about technical stuff?

It is a misconception that you need to be a web designer or developer to code a website. There are many tools that make it super easy to put your website online without writing any code.

In this article, we’ll show you how to easily publish a website with step by step instructions.

A beginners guide on publishing a website online

Using a Website Builder to Publish a Website

Most beginners feel that they need to learn programming and web design skills to publish their websites.

It was true in the early days of the internet. At that time, businesses hired web developers or they had to learn coding skills to publish a website on their own.

However, things have changed over the years and technical skills are no longer a hurdle in publishing your content on the web.

These days, beginners, businesses, and even developers use website builders like WordPress to easily publish websites.

More than 69% of all websites on the internet are built using a website builder or CMS platform. This means, even developers don’t need to write code from scratch to publish a website.

These platforms allow anyone in the world to easily publish a website and put it on the internet. We’ll show you the easiest and most popular way to publish your website (no coding required).

1. Publish a Website with WordPress

WordPress is the most popular website builder on the market with the slogan ‘Democratize Publishing’. It is a free (as in freedom) and open-source software that anyone can use to build any type of website.

WordPress mission is to democratize publishing

Over 39% of all websites on the internet are powered by WordPress.

To get started with WordPress, you’ll need a domain name (e.g. and web hosting (this is where your website files are stored).

We recommend using Bluehost. They’re offering WPBeginner users a free domain name and a generous 60% discount on hosting ($2.75/month).

If you want to try an alternative, then we recommend SiteGround or any of these top WordPress hosting providers.

Next, you’ll need to install WordPress. We have a step by step WordPress installation tutorial that’ll walk you through the installation process.

Once you have installed WordPress, you’ll see the WordPress dashboard which looks like this.

WordPress dashboard

Next, you need to install and activate the SeedProd plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

SeedProd is the best WordPress page builder plugin. It allows you to quickly publish professionally designed web pages for your website using a simple drag and drop user interface.

SeedProd user interface

It is super easy to use and allows you to quickly publish your website with professional designs that are already optimized for sales, conversions, and SEO.

Alternatives to SeedProd

There are several popular page builder tools for WordPress. You can use any of the following to publish your website without any coding or design skills.

  • Beaver Builder – A drag and drop WordPress website builder with advanced theme customizations
  • Divi Builder – Another beginner friendly WordPress theme builder with tons of ready made templates
  • Elementor – A powerful page builder tool for WordPress suitable for both beginners and developers

We believe WordPress is the most beginner-friendly platform to publish your website.

It is widely used and trusted by millions of beginners as well as big name brands like Microsoft, Facebook, and even US government uses WordPress to power the The White House website.

The best part about WordPress is that there are over 58,000 WordPress plugins that let you add just about any functionality to your website such as online store, contact form, SEO features, and more.

You can think of plugins like addons or apps for your iPhone. They make it easy for even first time users to configure and publish a website that search engines love and is easy to use for your customers.

2. Publish a Website with Contact Contact Website Builder

Constant Contact Website builder is an AI-powered website publishing tool suitable for beginners and small businesses.

Constant Contact Website Builder

If you don’t want to go through the trouble of purchasing hosting, domain name, and installing a web application software, then Constant Contact Website Builder would be the right tool for you.

It is an AI-powered website publishing tool that allows you to simply follow a step by step wizard. You’ll answer some questions and it will generate ideal layouts for you complete with the dummy content.

You can customize it in any way you want using a simple drag and drop interface. Once you’re done, simply click the Publish button.

Constant Contact customizer

The best part about using Constant Contact Website Builder is that you don’t need to worry about hosting or updates. You also get reliable support via chat, phone, and email.

If you simply want to publish a small business website or a quick online store, then it gets the job done with very little effort.

Alternatives to Constant Contact Website Builder

There are plenty of other fully-hosted, drag and drop website publishing platforms similar to Constant Contact. Following are a few hosted website builders picked by our expert team.

  • Wix – a fast growing website builder platform that has all the features you’d need to build a website.
  • Gator by HostGator – Fully hosted website builder by the folks behind HostGator. It comes with an intuitive drag and drop publisher with beautiful templates.
  • Website Builder – A fully hosted website builder with beautiful templates to quickly publish a website.
  • GoDaddy – a large domain name registrar that also offer website builder tools.

All of these platforms are easy to use and allow you to publish your website without writing code.

3. Manually Publish Your Website

For those of you are who are eager to learn and willing to dive into basic HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, then this is the route you can take.

Note: If you don’t have any previous experience with these programming languages, then it may take you a while to get enough basic grip to code a reasonably presentable website and publish it online.

There are several online course platforms for students offering courses on web development for beginners. We recommend checking out the one offered by the CodeAcademy.

You can make a website on your computer, but you will still need a domain name (web address for your site) and website hosting service to publish it online.

All websites on the internet need hosting. It provides you storage on an online web server where you can upload and store your website files.

You can sign up with Bluehost which is one of the biggest hosting companies in the world. They are offering WPBeginner users a generous discount + free domain name + free SSL certificate.

Once you have signed up for a hosting account, you can upload the website files from your computer to your website by using an FTP client.

Alternatively, if your web hosting provider has cPanel, then you can use their built-in file manager for uploading your website in the public_html folder. This saves you from learning how to use the FTP server.

We hope this article helped you learn how to easily publish a website. You may also want to see our guide on how to create a professional business email address, and how to get a virtual business phone number for your small business.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post Beginner’s Guide: How to Publish a Website in 2021 (Step by Step) appeared first on WPBeginner.

Best Business Plan Software

Many entrepreneurs can attest to having a hard time getting started writing their business plan. Once underway, you have to consider your target market, identify financial projections and cash flow, and sort through seemingly endless mounds of data.

Moreover, not everyone is born with the gift of writing. Keeping your business plan interesting and concise can prove to be a challenge.

Business plan software can help you overcome these challenges and more. With the software, you can easily and quickly create a professional business plan even if you have never written one before.

The Top 6 Best Business Plan Software

  1. Enloop – Best Free Business Plan Software
  2. LivePlan – Best Business Plan Software For Startups
  3. GoSmallBiz – Best Business Plan Software For Business Consulting
  4. BizPlan – Best Business Plan Software For Raising Capital
  5. Business Sorter – Best Business Plan Software For Simple Business Plan
  6. PlanGuru – Best Business Plan Software For Financial Reporting & Forecasting

So which is the best business plan software? Check out our reviews to find out!

#1. Enloop – Best Free Business Plan Software

  • Get it for free
  • Very feature rich
  • Analyzes 16 financial ratios
  • Generate bank-ready forecasts
Get it today!

If you are looking to create a one-time business plan, Enloop is the resource for you. The free version is incredibly feature-rich, and you don’t even have to enter your credit card details. The free version is good for seven days, with enough time to put together a solid business plan.

With the free version, you can do up to three business plans. The software also analyzes 16 critical financial ratios based on your specific industry. Furthermore, the software automatically generates bank-ready financial forecasts for the next 36 months.

Additionally, you can add colored charts, tables, and images to augment the automatically generated text for each section.

Other features include:

  • 100+ currency formats and symbols
  • Real-time performance score
  • Synced data and text
  • Pass / Fail report
  • Text, tables, and images formatting

Essentially, you are getting Enloop’s entire premium Performance plan for free. The only difference is that you can’t collaborate with team members using the free version. The Performance plan, which costs $39.95 per month (you can save 60% with an annual subscription), lets you collaborate with up to 5 team members.

If the features sound good, but you need more business plans and a more extended subscription, you can go right ahead and get the Performance Plan. Alternatively, the Detailed pan costs $19.95 per month and gives you all of the features mentioned above. The only difference is you get three financial ratios analyzed and two-person collaboration.

We cannot think of a better free business plan software for a one-time, professional business plan.

#2. LivePlan – Best Business Plan Software For Startups

  • Good for beginners
  • 500+ business plan templates
  • Step-by-step instructions
  • Starts at $20/month
Get it today!

If you are just getting your feet wet as an entrepreneur, chances are you will need a lot of hand-holding. First off, the software lets you create a one-page summary. The executive summary is surprisingly detailed and includes expected sales activity and target market in addition to a mission statement and value proposition.

LivePlan has a step-by-step approach that walks you through the entire business plan from beginning to end. All you need to do is enter the correct information when prompted before moving to the next section. You can also customize the order for filling out the business plan in case of missing data.

LivePlan also offers 500+ business plan templates, so you won’t have a problem finding one for your industry. You can also configure most fields and even itemize some sections by individual or job category. The software also provides multiple example texts for each section that you can copy-paste or use for inspiration.

LivePlan prompts you to enter crucial financial data for financial forecasting, so you don’t miss anything. The software integrates with QuickBooks and Xero to quickly import your data, or you can opt to use the program’s drag-and-drop feature. Then, the software calculates and outputs financial projections for up to five years. Additionally, you can automatically create monthly or annual budgets based on your data.

Finally, LivePlan puts all your financial data in easily digestible graphs and charts.

Additional features include:

  • Real-time performance tracking
  • Create multiple plans
  • Collaboration
  • Milestones
  • Tutorials
  • Export your plan
  • SBA-approved form
  • Compare your plan against real businesses

Rather than tiered plans with different features, you get all the features in a single plan. However, you can choose how to pay, whether monthly, every six months, or annually.

LivePlan also offers a 60-day money-back guarantee in case you are not happy with the software.

#3. GoSmallBiz – Best Business Plan Software For Business Consulting

  • Hands-on consulting
  • Connect with business attorneys
  • Free attorney services
  • Starts at $39/month
Get it today!

While business plan software like LivePlan takes you through the process step-by-step, you are mainly on your own. GoSmallBiz offers real, qualified consultants to answer your questions every step of the way. The consultants guarantee an answer in two days, and you can ask as many questions as you like.

Moreover, GoSmallBiz will also link you with a network of business attorneys at 40 percent off their standard rate. Some attorney services, such as initial consultation and document review, are free.

GoSmallBiz’s business plan software is comprehensive. The solution includes industry-specific templates, financial statements and projections, and a step-by-step wizard. Furthermore, this software provides you with a business roadmap, including targeted advice and insight and a comprehensive business assessment based on your data.

Additional features include:

  • Business documents library
  • HR document builder
  • Website analysis
  • Digital marketing dashboard
  • Customer relationship management
  • Corporate minutes writer
  • Business courses

You have everything you need to start a small business from scratch right here with one service. You get all these features and more with a single plan costing $39 per month. It’s expensive, but hardly surprising given the features and support you get with this software provider.

#4. BizPlan – Best Business Plan Software For Raising Capital

  • Great for startups
  • Integrations with Fundable and Launchrock
  • 500+ business plan templates
  • Automated financial reports
Get it today!

BizPlan has raised over $500 million for startups. This software lets you create a professional business plan and also gives you access to potential funding.

BizPlan partners with Fundable and Launchrock so you can share your business plan with potential investors on these platforms. Alternatively, you can share a link to your business plan directly with investors of your choice.

The business plan creator is robust and sports all the features you would want with this kind of software. Just like LivePlan, this software takes you through the business plan process step-by-step. The software also has 500+ templates, impressive visuals, and a progress tracker.

BizPlan also automatically generates financial reports based on your data, including income statements, balance sheets, team salary forecasts, and break-even analysis.

Additional features include:

  • Access to expert advice
  • Access to and
  • Masterclasses with 600+ videos
  • Advice and interviews
  • Online courses

You get access to the full list of features with one plan. You can choose how to pay. The annual plan costs $20.75 per month, while the monthly billing is $29. You can also select a one-time payment of $349 for lifetime access to the software.

#5. Business Sorter – Best Business Plan Software For Simple Business Plan

  • Simple, efficient software
  • Speedy plan creation
  • Assign tasks to team
  • Starts at $10/month for 3 users
Get it today!

Putting together a business plan can be time-consuming, even with the extra help of business plan software. For business owners not interested in complex financial projections and steep learning curves, Business Sorter is an appealing option.

This software is basic, simple, and efficient. You are present with 273 cards to help you sort out your priorities from the get-go. You can choose only the business objectives that you would like to focus on. The cards cover the main areas, including finance, goods and services, sales, marketing, brand, operations, and people.

Next, arrange the steps for each area of your business plan. Business Sorter then creates a business plan template that you only need to fill in with the relevant information.

Additionally, you can assign sections of the business plan to team members via email. You can also invite people to only view or view and edit the plan as you go along. Business Sorter provides tips and prompts as you go along to streamline the process further. You can also add notes to your business plan so you don’t lose track of your ideas.

This software is very visual, and you can create your business plan in as little as one or two hours.

Each plan includes all features. You select your plan based on the number of users. Business Sorter pricing is as follows:

  • Enterprise – Custom pricing for unlimited users
  • Large Team – $80 per month for 30 users
  • Medium Team – $30 per month for ten users
  • Small Team – $10 per month for three users

Business Sorter also has a 14-day free trial, and you can save 33% by selecting annual billing.

#6. PlanGuru – Best Business Plan Software For Financial Reporting & Forecasting

  • Great for reporting and forecasting
  • Integrates w/ Excel & Quickbooks
  • 20 forecasting methods
  • Steep learning curve
Get it today!

If your business plan is heavy on data, you want a tool that will put everything together concisely. PlanGuru is a business plan creating tool with a heavy focus on budgeting, forecasting, and reporting.

PlanGuru integrates with Microsoft Excel and QuickBooks so you can easily import your financial data. The software has an integrated cash flow statement, balance sheet, and income statement to cover all your bases. You can also choose from more than 20 different forecasting methods, including turn-key methods and intelligent forecasting.

You can also build a rolling forecast by importing historical data. The software lets you compare actual vs. budget reports for every month, so you always have a clear idea of where you stand.

PlanGuru can have a steep learning curve, but the service provides plenty of videos to help you through the process. You also get prompts and suggestions as you go along.

This software competes with some of the best budgeting software out there. You can forecast monthly cash flow from multiple departments, automatically create a cash flow statement, and track the business’s growth rate.

Additional features include:

  • Scenario analysis
  • Export to Excel, Word, and PDF
  • Create custom business drivers
  • Unlimited number of analysis
  • Business valuation tool
  • Automatically solved cash flow statement
  • Financial ratios
  • Notes payable and credit tools
  • Payroll utility
  • Consolidate an unlimited number of projections
  • More

You can choose from two different plans, the PlanGuru App and PlanGuru Desktop. The latter option installs on your Windows computer, while PlanGuru App is a cloud-based service that you can access anywhere.

  • PlanGuru App – $39 per month or $899 per year
  • PlanGuru Desktop – $99 per month or $899 per year

PlanGuru offers a 30-day money-back guarantee in case you are not happy with the software.

How To Find The Best Business Plan Software For You

Not all business plan software is created equal. You might have noticed that we haven’t ranked the software from best to worst. Instead, we have picked the best software for different categories. Comparing these tools is often like comparing oranges to apples since they are built with different users and applications in mind.

Having said that, below are the most important criteria we used when creating our top six best business plan software reviews.

Business Plan Templates

The whole idea behind using business plan software is you don’t have to create one from scratch. Surprisingly, some software does not come with ready-to-use templates. These types of software focus heavily on other areas like data.

Mercifully, most of this software comes with hundreds of industry-specific templates. You may want to dig a little to make sure that you get templates for your specific industry.

Step-By-Step Wizard

Putting together a business plan is hard enough without using frustrating software with a steep learning curve. Ideally, you should get right to preparing your business plan.

Many business plan software come with a step-by-step wizard. The software breaks down the business plan into manageable sections. Simply fill out each section in its turn until you are finished.

A step-by-step procedure isn’t only easy to use but ensures that you do not miss any crucial information. Some software offers suggestions, prompts, and examples to make the entire process easier.

Additionally, some business plan software automatically generates text that you can edit to your liking.

Also, make sure that the software you choose has in-depth video tutorials. This is especially true if you are not well versed in accounting and finance. Some tools are designed with CPAs in mind, and inputting different fields and using the software can be difficult. Video tutorials offer guidance in case you get stuck.

Financial Projections

If you are looking for funding, your business plan will be rich in data. Potential investors want to know how much money they will make, when, and how. You want business plan software that captures all crucial data like profits, sales, cash flows, and ROI.

Most software comes with basic financial projections for up to five years, but it’s prudent to confirm. Typical offerings include automated forecasting for cash flow, expenses, revenue, loss and profit, monthly or annual budget, and sales.

More sophisticated software allows you to compare your projections to the actual data once you are up and running. Others will compare your projections to industry standards and give you a pass or fail report.

Consider also integrations. Manually inputting data can be tedious and error-prone. Check if the business plan software integrates with Microsoft Excel or your preferred accounting software.

Finally, keep in mind that you have to present all this data somehow. Choose business plan software that offers visual representations, including images, charts, and graphs.


If your business plan is a team effort, you want a way to bring multiple team members to the fold. Most business plan software allows you to add members. You can allow members only to view the business plan or edit the document.

Some options also allow you to give access to only some parts of the business plan if you don’t want to reveal sensitive financial data.


If nothing else, business plan software can be a time saver. Some tools offer advanced financial analytics, in-depth projections, and even connect you to potential investors.

The crucial bit is deciding which features are most important to you. From here, you can choose which software fits your needs based on your assessment of its features. Also, many of these tools offer a free trial. Take advantage of the free trial to see the software in action before you commit your money.

Best Event Management Software

Executing a successful event from start to finish doesn’t have to be a distant dream once you discover event management software.

What makes event management software so special? With one, you can successfully market your events, process payments, develop agendas, and create engaging schedules to bring just about any event to life, no matter the size.

If you want to create top-of-the-line events with branded sign-up portals, a ticketing system, email marketing, social media integration, and a slew of additional options that make your event planning life ten times easier, read on. We are reviewing the best event management software on the market and how to choose the best one to execute your next successful gathering.

The Top 6 Best Event Management Software

  1. Eventbrite — Best for Event Ticketing
  2. Splash — Best For Hybrid Events
  3. Whova — Best For Engagement and Ease of Use
  4. Odoo Events — Best Open-Source Event Management Software
  5. EventMobi — Best For Personalization
  6. Evite — Best For Simple Event Management

Read on to find the best features, pricing, and additional details of each EMS and learn which one fits you best for effective event planning and execution.

#1 – Eventbrite — Best for Event Ticketing

  • No fees for assigning free tickets
  • Great for online & digital events
  • Creates easily scannable tickets
  • Built-in price calculator
Try it today!

Eventbrite is an event management system that helps you organize ticketed events successfully right from your phone.

As an EMS with a ticketing system, one of their best perks is that they don’t charge fees for assigning any number of free tickets. If registration is free, you can organize and share your event through Eventbrite for free. Their real-time report capabilities let you keep track of important analytics like ticket sales and signups. Once your attendants show up, they can easily verify their tickets with the mobile ticket scanning option.

If you want to take it a step further, Eventbrite can also assist with equipment rentals, staffing, and logistics. If customization and branding are a cornerstone part of your event, Eventbrite allows you to create landing pages and registration forms with your brand’s personal touch. Embedding registration forms on your own site is easy. Or you can use their out-of-the-box event listing page, so you don’t have to create one from scratch.

Perhaps one of Eventbrite’s most useful features is its price calculator. With it, you can calculate your estimated revenue by entering how much you’d like to charge per ticket and choosing between their essential or professional package options. You can then decide whether to pass ticket fees to attendees or absorb the costs and deduct them from your payout. The app calculates your estimated payout, and you can customize your price from there.

Eventbrite streamlines your onboarding and signup process, so you can go on to use their ticket-oriented system with ease. This makes it a great EMS option for all event planners.

#2 – Splash — Best For Hybrid Events

  • Streamline your simulcasting
  • Seamless integration with Zoom
  • Centralized analytics dashboard
  • Comes with a free plan
Try it today!

If you’re looking to organize a hybrid event– that is, a live event that can be broadcast online to additional attendees, Splash streamlines the process and makes it possible.

With Splash, you get all the standard capabilities of a worthy EMS that includes building and saving your event marketing templates, syncing with the tech you’re already using like Slack and Marketo, mobile check-ins, a centralized dashboard with plenty of analytics, and the ability to send automated emails.

However, the basics aren’t the only things Splash takes care of. To host live events that people can also attend virtually, Splash seamlessly pairs with Zoom so you can create branded hybrid events that increase your brand’s reach. Beyond widening your possible audience pool, Splash also allows you to take your virtual event and repurpose it so you can reuse it whenever you need it. This functions much like a webinar.

The amount of access you get to each tool depends on the yearly plan you decide to go with.

Their pricing breaks down into four categories. The Free plan is for personal use and the occasional small business events. Splash’s Basic plan starts at $9,500 yearly and is best for individual use or small teams. The Pro plan is $19,500 annually and allows more design control.

They also offer an Enterprise option, and you can contact them for solutions and tools at scale and custom pricing.

#3 – Whova — Best For Engagement and Ease of Use

  • Award-winning event software
  • Fast check-in features
  • Real-time event analytics
  • Post-event reporting
Try it today!

As the winner of the Event Technology Award for four consecutive years and trusted by companies like Lego, Ikea, Tedx, and Harvard University, Whova enables you to create illustrious trade shows, virtual conferences, or virtual career fairs.

Whova saves time by streamlining the event planning process and cutting unnecessary parts, essential in an event management system. Whova has a QR code for checking in, making it lightning-fast for attendees, and also incorporates networking and sharing photos right in the app. The app is very intuitive and gives users a custom experience with personal agendas, polls, photos, messages, questions and answers from sessions, and more.

Whova is also easy to use as an organizer. You can generate hundreds if not thousands of name badges in a matter of minutes. Real-time event analytics and post-event reports ensure you’re never left in the dark on your event planning’s ROI and efficiency.

Whova lends itself to enterprise-grade events because of built-in tools like live polling, headcounts, and sharing audience opinions on a big screen through their interactive app. Their scope and versatility are impressive.

Whova does not list its prices publicly. Instead, you can fill out a few questions about your event, and they’ll reach out to you with a personalized quote.

#4 – Odoo Events — Best Open-Source Event Management Software

  • Highly customizable
  • Gantt charts for event production
  • Manage speakers & calendars
  • Customized pricing
Try it today!

Odoo is an open-source EMS that allows you the flexibility to truly customize it to your event. As an open-source management software, it’s able to take care of events of any size once it’s been configured.

Odoo functions as a suite of open-source business applications that can take care of e-commerce, email marketing, project management, and a slew of other business needs. Their Odoo event application seamlessly integrates with the vast array of additional applications they offer for a more customized experience.

Odoo can handle events like webinars, classes, festivals, and conferences with editable calendars and even the ability to sell tickets online. With their Gantt chart interface, they make it easy to look at your event plan timeline from concept to completion.

Do you need to manage event sponsors? Odoo’s open-source EMS can handle that, too, with the ability to showcase each sponsor while allowing you to sell additional sponsorships through their e-commerce add-on.

You can try Odoo completely free to begin and then select a customized monthly plan based on what applications you want to include.

For example, you can choose the events app, but it will also require their website application, which starts at $24 per user a month. If you want to add dedicated maintenance, you can do so for an additional $24 a month.

#5 – EventMobi — Best For Personalization

  • Custom branding
  • Easy integration with Stripe
  • Mobile-friendly dashboard
  • Personalized itineraries
Try it today!

EventMobi is an all-in-one event management software equipped to manage any type of event you can dream up. Companies like Facebook. Delta, Visa, and Cisco trust and use them to bring thousands of people together and organize events worldwide.

Online conferences and training sessions, on-demand webinars, virtual or hybrid events, and more are all possible through their all-in-one dashboard where you can manage appointment booking, attendee analytics, event networking, and customized event invites and registration pages. EventMobi was designed to make each part of your event timeline as easy and as streamlined as possible so you can spend time connecting with your audience with a quality branded event experience every time.

EventMobi allows you to easily set up events with custom branding and send people individual personalized itineraries and alerts. You can also send email blasts, programs, attendee information, and more directly through the app, allowing one person to manage an entire event. EventMobi also integrates with Stripe for payments.

One downside to mobile-driven products like EventMobi (and others on this list) is that it relies on connectivity, and sometimes conference centers and other event locations have poor wifi or bad reception.

Once you start configuring EventMobi, they offer plenty of support with their ever-present chat box feature where you can ask questions on anything you’re unsure about.

EventMobi’s all-in-one flexibility goes as far as their pricing. They aim to personalize a price based on your budget and event planning needs. You can request pricing details on their site once you answer and submit a few questions.

#6 – Evite — Best For Simple Event Management

  • Simple, intuitive event management
  • RSVP tracking
  • Real-time polls
  • Up to 2,500 guests per event
Try it today!

For a sturdy event manager that doesn’t run you over budget, which helps you host simple live or in-person events, Evite is your go-to event software.

Sometimes you don’t need all the functions an EMS built for a global enterprise offers. However, you still need RSVP tracking, performance analytics, real-time messaging and polls, event reminders, and an attendance tracker. Evite delivers on this by being a cost-effective platform that allows you to manage everything on their easily accessible dashboard accessible from any device.

Evite allows up to 2,500 guests per event, and you can send post-event thank you notes to all attendees. Evite doesn’t cap the number of virtual events you can host, which is optimal if you host multiple professional events on a budget that still needs stress-free organization.

A high point of Evite is a ton of invitation options and templates, plus you can design your own from scratch. It’s great to be able to create simple but professional invitations quickly.

You can start a free trial for 14 days. Afterward, their software runs at $249.99 yearly.

How to Find The Best Event Management Software For You

Finding the best event management software for you depends on what your event needs to come to life. Most EMS tools have things like ticketing capabilities, event marketing, email automation, event analytics, conferencing tools, agendas, task assignments, automated reminders, and social media integrations. And frankly, that list could be much longer. There is a myriad of tools you may need to use to plan and execute an event successfully.

One of the first things to consider is your budget. Thinking about features you’ll use versus cost keeps you from overspending on software that offers too much for what you need. Once you have a budget in mind, think about what the end goal of your event is. Consider the industry you’re operating in and if your event is designed to be lucrative or if it will come at a cost that your business will absorb.

With the budget and end goal in mind, think about the top non-negotiable event planning tools necessary to carry out your event. For instance, if your event is public and the ROI highly depends on ticket sales and attendance analytics, you’ll want to go with a more robust event management software like Eventbrite.

But if you’re planning a company-oriented event that’ll need conferencing tools, check-in requirements, and appointment setting, software like Whova is better equipped to do the job effectively. You don’t need the bells and whistles of a more comprehensive tool.

Here are a few additional factors to consider when choosing the right EMS.

Event Support

The last thing you want is for your event platform to leave you hanging when you need them the most. Before committing to any event software, you must check for support features.

Do they offer live phone support if you need it last minute? Is live chat an option if making a phone call in the middle of an event isn’t optimal? Do they answer customer support emails promptly?

Just as with any other technology, sometimes it fails. Being able to contact support and get speedy help is essential, so make sure to check if they have live support options in the evenings and over weekends, too.

Marketing Tools and Integrations

Some event management tools have more integrations than others. While most will be able to send email blasts and reminder alerts and have some social media integrations, some tools make it easier than others. EventMobi, for instance, integrates with Google to access your contacts. Splash integrates with your Google calendar. Eventbrite integrates with Facebook so you can easily share your event and interact with people. Whova integrates with other registration platforms like RegFox and also with Zoom.

When comparing event management options, make sure that the tool you are considering easily integrates with the tools and software you already pay for and use.

Event and Business Size

It’s a waste of time and resources to employ an EMS overqualified to take care of your event needs. Even if something is very highly rated, that does not mean it will be the best fit for your needs.

If you’re a small business, you hold infrequent events, or simply need event software for insider conference meetings, then you won’t need EMS that also comes with a hefty price tag unless you’re planning to scale soon and planning ahead.

However, if you’re planning massive conferences and events, some tools also offer vendor and exhibitor management tools, venue sourcing abilities, and more to handle large-scale events.

Event Management Software Makes Planning Easy

Gone are the days when you need to juggle a million calendars, sell paper tickets, and print name tags to ensure an organized event in any niche. Though event management software can be niche specific, generally reliable EMS is customizable and adaptable to your planning needs.

Event management software makes it easy to brainstorm, plan, and execute one-time or recurring events without the time-consuming hurdles you once had to jump over. As a quick recap, Eventbrite stands as the best EMS for ticket-oriented events, Splash is the perfect EMS for hybrid events, you’ll want to use Whova for enterprise-level event planning, Odoo for developer-level customization, EventMobi for an all-in-one platform with lots of customization, and Evite for simple professional events.

The SMB Guide to Navigating Covid-19 and the Pandemic

The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has upended the way the world conducts business.

From social distancing guidelines, to limited store capacities, to the regular usage of face masks in public, changes have been made to ensure the safety of people everywhere.

All of this is new, confusing, and a little scary. This is especially true if you’re a business owner whose livelihood is now at the precipice of struggle. You need to keep your business running while making sure that you, your employees, and your customers are protected from the virus.

And if you’re thinking of starting a business now, you want to make sure that you can do so safely while juggling the hundreds of new tasks that come with it. Launching and running a business is hard enough in the best of times—it can seem downright daunting during a global pandemic

That’s why we want to help.

Whether you’re thinking of starting a new business or already in the thick of running one, this guide breaks down everything a small business owner needs to know in order to navigate COVID-19 safely and successfully.

What we’ll go over

Here are some jump links to the sections of the article. Each section covers a different topic, so feel free to jump around to the topic you want to learn more about.

By-the-numbers: How are small businesses doing overall?
How to navigate your small business through COVID-19
How to prep your business for COVID-19
Pandemic resources for small businesses

Pro tip: Bookmark this guide so you’ll have it handy when you need to refer to it.

By-the-numbers: How are small businesses doing overall?

Quick answer: Not great.

The massive impact on small business that the global pandemic and subsequent lockdown procedures have had cannot be overstated. For the vast majority of them, that impact has been resoundingly negative, resulting in layoffs and store closures across the world.

In the United States alone, 25% to 36% of small businesses are at risk of permanently closing due to COVID-19. Many of these businesses rely heavily on in-person services where social distancing is difficult to maintain, such as restaurants and gyms. Other industries heavily impacted include tourism and hospitality.

Here’s a graph from McKinsey that illustrates the industries impacted the most by COVID-19:

Source: McKinsey and Company

Small business income is down 12.3% from February 2020, whereas private industry salaries are down “just” 6.6%. That’s nearly twice as much as their private industry counterparts.

It’s also crucial to note that there is a disproportionate impact on marginalized communities. In fact, low wage workers, minority business owners, and those without a college degree are much more likely to experience financial strain due to the global pandemic.

Source: McKinsey and Company

While this looks rather dire, it should be noted that things are getting better, albeit slowly. In June 2020, the Census Bureau discovered that the number of small businesses reporting a negative impact from COVID-19 was at 38%—down from 51% two months earlier in April.

Applications received for new businesses have also jumped since the height of the global pandemic in the spring.

In fact, by the end of August 2020, the United States saw a 47% rise in business applications when compared to the same week in 2019, reaching a historic high point.

Source: Economic Innovation Group

This should be incredibly heartening to any small-business owner. When a vaccine is readily available (and all evidence points to a historically fast vaccine production), the economy will be primed for massive growth.

Think of the economy as a fleet of airplanes. When the weather is bad—winds blowing hard, thunderstorms raging—the pilots can’t fly. Instead of letting the airplane rust while they all wait for the weather to get better, though, the pilots are going to make sure there’s plenty of fuel in the tanks, the engines are running smoothly, and that the electronics are working.

Once the weather clears, they’ll all be ready for take off.

If you own a small business, you’ve undoubtedly experienced the pandemic’s effect on you, your customers, and your bottom line.

You’ve also had to make changes—some large and some small. All of these changes can be confusing and scary.

To help make it a little less complicated, here are a few tips to keep in mind to help guide your business through this bad weather.

Tip #1: Focus on what you can control (and forget all the rest)

This is one of the most crucial things you can do mentally. And it not only applies to the pandemic, it applies to the rest of your life as well.

It’s easy to get caught up in the constant firehose spray of bad news, doomscrolling until our eyes tire. There are so many things you feel like you need to be worried about that it can be overwhelming.

Instead, you should focus on the things that you can directly control. That might include things like:

  • Sanitation and hygiene procedures for your store
  • Switching to remote work
  • Increasing your digital marketing strategy
  • Getting loans when you can
  • Employing curbside pickup
  • Conducting home deliveries for customers

What that doesn’t include are things like:

  • Obsessing about lockdown procedures
  • Obsessing about lessened customer capacity limits in your store
  • Obsessing about mask mandates
  • Obsessing about rising COVID-19 case counts

Actually, obsessing over anything really is bad. While things like lockdown procedures and rising cases will impact your business, you should take that news into consideration and then focus on how you can respond to it.

Of course, that’s easier said than done. This is your livelihood after all. And if you have employees, this is their livelihood as well.

By adopting this mindset, you’ll not only be able to help your business adapt to the changing time but you’ll find that it will take you much further than any amount of doomscrolling will.

Tip #2: Move quickly—but carefully

The early bird gets the worm. That tried-and-true aphorism applies to this life-altering global pandemic.

It is crucial to recognize the areas where you have to adapt, and then do so quickly. For example, many businesses—from grocery stores and clothing shops to coffee shops and breweries—began to offer curbside pickup when lockdown procedures were implemented in spring 2020.

In fact, curbside and delivery saw a 145.6% surge in the spring when compared to the same period in 2019.

Source: Brick Meets Click

These businesses recognized the inevitable changes because of COVID-19, adapted, and are now making money because of it.

No, many of them are likely not making as much money as they were before. But some of them are even seeing that their “new reality” is better than what they were doing.

In fact, many companies are finding that remote work is better suited for their operations than coming into an office. Other businesses are finding great success with curbside pickup and deliveries. There’s even evidence that consumer habits are forever changed by these events.

While you should take necessary steps to adapt your business to the changing climate, you should also take care to make the right kinds of adaptations.

You don’t want to do something like buy a bunch of state-of-the-art sanitation and air filtration systems only for your business to be closed anyway due to lockdown measures.

Tip #3: Make the touch choices

Firing or furloughing employees is never easy and it shouldn’t ever be easy. These are the people who keep your business running—they depend on you for their livelihood and, in many cases, they can be your very good friends.

However, when it comes to extraordinary circumstances like a global pandemic, sometimes you need to make the incredibly hard decision to let them go or furlough them to keep your business afloat.

That might mean different things for different businesses. For example, you might discover that you are able to keep some employees on after looking at your numbers. Some of you might need to make the tough decision to fire a lot of people.

The important thing is that you recognize what you need to do and follow through. There’s no use dragging it out and hoping things will change. In all likelihood, that change won’t come until there’s a vaccine. Focus on what you can control now and ignore the rest.

Tough decisions also might involve taking stock of your business as a whole and deciding whether or not to keep it going. That might seem inconceivable. After all, you put your heart and soul into your business.

But, once again, it’s important to be honest with yourself and not drag it on. Not taking earnest stock of the situation might result in even bigger financial problems for you later on.

Tip #4: Enforce hygiene standards (and be strict about it)

This one is non-negotiable. No matter where you are or what business you conduct, you need to enforce hygiene standards—and they need to be strictly enforced.

This pandemic has killed hundreds of thousands of people in the United States alone. You don’t want your business to be the reason that anyone dies or is infirmed. You definitely don’t want your business to start making headlines because it resulted in a super-spreader event.

That’s why it’s imperative to create a COVID-19 policy for your business.

This is going to be specific to you and your business, and will depend on what services you provide. Restaurants need to have different policies than an accountant’s office, after all. You’re also going to need to take into account the regional restrictions your business will have.

Here’s a handy chart that gives you a rough idea of what occupations are most at risk for COVID-19.

Source: Visual Capitalist

Remember: This is only a rough idea. That means what you ultimately need to do will be tailored to your business.

Our biggest piece of advice would be to stray on the side of overpreparing rather than the alternative. It might mean slowing down your work processes to make sure everything and everyone is sanitized—but it’s worth it if it means keeping you and your community safe.

To that end, we’ve prepared something to help…

How to prep your business for COVID-19

The Center for Disease Control has prepared a set of guidelines to prevent and reduce the transmission of COVID-19 among your employees. It is quite long, so we’ve summarized the big points for you below.

However, we highly recommend you read through the entire page yourself in order to get a deep understanding of what you need to ensure your business’s safety.

Keeping your employees safe

Your employees are the backbone of your business. Without them, your business wouldn’t run the way it should.

They’re also people who deserve to be safe and healthy even outside of your business.

That’s why it’s so important that you enforce strict standards to reduce the risk of transmission amongst them. The CDC recommends seven things to help keep your employees safe:

  1. Tell sick employees to stay home. This one is a no-brainer. If your employee has a fever, coughing, or showcasing other signs of sickness, tell them to stay home. The recommendation is generally to quarantine for 2 weeks after they last showed symptoms.
  2. Conduct daily health checks. This can occur in-person or remotely. These health checks should include symptom and/or temperature checks before any worker shows up to your physical place of business.
  3. Identify how employees might get exposed to COVID-19 at work. Consider all of the locations at your workplace where an employee might contract the disease. For example, a grocery store might identify places like the cash register or customer support line as high-risk areas.
  4. Enforce face mask policies. This is another no-brainer. Your employees should be wearing face masks for their own protection and the protection of everyone else at your place of business (including customers).
  5. Separate sick employees. You never know when symptoms are going to hit. As soon as they do, you want to act fast. If an employee starts to exhibit symptoms while at work, quarantine them from other workers and customers. Also have a way they can get home safely. This can be through another employee or a healthcare worker.
  6. Take action if you find out an employee has COVID-19. Though in most cases you won’t have to shut down your business (for example, if it’s been more than a week since the sick employee has been in the facility), it is recommended that you wait 24 hours before cleaning and sanitizing your place of work. Clean any areas frequently exposed to people, as well as where the sick employee worked.
  7. Implement a sanitation policy for your employees. Make sure your employees are aware of the best ways to protect themselves against getting sick. That includes washing their hands, wearing masks, and limiting travel.

Keeping your business sustainable

As a business owner, you’ll want to balance the importance of keeping everyone safe while keeping your business running smoothly and effectively. The CDC has identified a number of areas to help you do just that:

  1. Choose a COVID-19 coordinator. This person is responsible for implementing and creating any COVID-19 policies specific to your business. It is a position you can delegate to one of your employees or take on yourself.
  2. Have a flexible and supportive sick leave policy. Make sure you provide your sick employees as much support as you can give them. This might include policies such as paid sick leave, permitting them to stay at home to care for sick family, or allowing other employees to donate sick leave to one another.
  3. Protect high-risk employees. Immunocompromised and older employees should be supported during this time. That might include minimizing their contact with customers or allowing them to work remotely.
  4. Communicate the new COVID-19 policies clearly and frequently. If your employees speak another language, make sure that your policies are translated for them. Also let new customers/employees know about your safety policies.
  5. Keep the essentials and cut the rest. In order to maintain safe practices, consider paring down your employees to a skeleton crew of the people who absolutely need to be there for your business to keep running. This might mean making tough decisions like cutting back hours, furloughing, or letting go of certain employees.
  6. Plan for if/when absenteeism rises. Whether it’s from sick employees or because your employees don’t want to come in, you need to be prepared in case absenteeism spikes in your workplace. This includes implementing remote work policies or training employees to handle additional responsibilities.
  7. Implement social distancing policies. These are social distancing policies for both your employees and customers. Restrict physical interaction between people (e.g. handshakes). Also, limit areas where people tend to congregate (e.g. break rooms or dining tables).

Keeping your workplace safe

The CDC also provides guidelines for ensuring the physical workplace of your small business is optimized for safety against COVID-19. Below are a few tips they highly suggest you implement:

  1. Improve your workplace’s ventilation. This refers to the amount of fresh air that is circulated throughout your workplace. The more fresh air there is, the better protected you’ll be against COVID-19 as it is primarily spread through air droplets. Some suggestions to do this include increasing outdoor air ventilation through open windows and improving air filtration with a MERV-13 filter on your central air system.
  2. Make sure your water system is safe after shutdown. After a prolonged shutdown, a building’s water system is more susceptible to hazards such as mold and Legionnaires’ disease. Find out how to keep your water system in check here.
  3. Provide access to washing and sanitizing equipment. Make sure your business has plenty of access to soap and water, as well as alcohol-based hand sanitizers.
  4. Clean your workplace often. Make sure that you frequently sanitize your workspaces and provide easy access to cleaning supplies such as disinfectant wipes. The CDC offers a full guide on how to create and maintain a regular cleaning plan.
  5. Sanitize your workplace when someone is suspected or confirmed of having COVID-19 has been there. This includes employees as well as customers.
  6. Restrict travel amongst employees. Cut out any non-essential travel for your employees. If employees are traveling abroad, make sure they check the CDC’s Traveler’s Health Notices for guidance about the country they’re traveling to.
  7. Limit risks when planning meetings. Leverage good video conferencing tools rather than holding in-person meetings with your employees. If your business regularly plans large gatherings (e.g. conferences), you’ll want to cancel or reschedule them accordingly. You might also want to adapt them so they’re mostly or all virtual.

Pandemic resources for small businesses

Below is a list of resources from the CDC that you should have handy. They’ll help you answer any questions you might have about running a small business during the pandemic.


Managing your small business in the middle of a global pandemic is no small task. It requires a combination of resilience, focus, and discipline to make sure that your employees and customers are adhering to the strict standards in place to keep us all safe.

We won’t lie to you: It’s going to get hard. You’re likely going to see your profits tighten. You might even have to make difficult decisions to let go of employees.

But remember to focus on the things you can control and ignore all the rest. That means creating and enforcing sanitation and hygiene policies while maintaining social distancing. Also, support your employees financially and mentally when you can.

That’s because the most important thing at the end of the day is everyone’s health and well-being. With the right resources and systems in place, we’ll all be able to get through this challenge together—and hopefully, stronger for it.

Swyft Filings Review

Swyft Filings is a quick and easy way to form an LLC, C corporation, S corporation, or nonprofit.

The company was launched by a lawyer who recognized the need for automation in the business filing process. These services allow entrepreneurs and small business owners to follow their dreams without the high costs and traditional legal fees.

With Swyft Filings, anyone can get a business up and running quickly and efficiently at an affordable price. Regardless of the location or industry, tens of thousands of companies have trusted Swyft Filings’ business formation services.

Is Swyft Filings right for you?

This guide will help you answer that question. We’ve researched and reviewed the top business formation services offered by Swyft Filings. You’ll learn more about the pricing, plan options, support, and see what real customers are saying about their experience.

Ready to launch your business? Sign up for Swyft Filings today.

Swyft Filings Business Formation Services

Like many business formation services, Swyft Filings has an extensive offerings list. But the primary services can be broken down into three main categories—LLC services, incorporation services, and registered agent services.

Continue below for an in-depth review of each service.

Swyft Filings LLC Services

The LLC formation services from Swyft Filings are the company’s most popular offering. Small business owners throughout all 50 states rely on this service for launching a business.

The experts at Swyft Filings will help you save time, money and avoid costly errors during the filings process. They also help you maintain your business post-launch. Here’s a quick overview of how the LLC formation process works with Swyft Filings.

Once you land on the website and select the LLC option, you just need to complete a simple form to provide some information about your business. This can be completed in less than ten minutes. Based on the information you provide, Swyft Filings prepares and files all of the paperwork on your behalf.

After the documentation has been approved by the state, you’ll receive a completed LLC package in the mail.

It really doesn’t get more convenient than this. The online form is so straightforward. Compared to some of the other LLC formation services on the market today, the Swyft Filings form can be completed in just a fraction of the time.

There are three plans for you to choose from:

  • Basic — $49 + state fees
  • Standard — $149 + state fees
  • Premium — $299 + state fees

All plans come with company name availability verification, articles of organization preparation, document filing, online document access, lifetime phone and email support, and a free 30-minute tax consultation.

You’ll also benefit from online status tracking and free shipping. The packages are all backed by a 100% money-back guarantee (more on this later on).

The Basic plan does not come with an EIN (employer identification number). This is definitely something that you need. You can add it to the package for $70 or just upgrade to the Standard plan to get an EIN included.

In addition to the EIN, the Standard plan also includes a custom LLC operating agreement and custom LLC banking resolution. This plan provides the best value.

The Premium plan includes some features you don’t really need from a business formation service (like a free website and web hosting). But it does offer express FedEx shipping of your documents.

Swyft Filings has tens of thousands of reviews across several third-party review platforms. What do their customers have to say about the LLC services? Let’s take a closer look.

One recent review from Trustpilot that stood out to me was from a customer who used Swyft Filings to set up an LLC in less than 20 minutes.

It sounds like this customer has been through this process before with another business formation company. When comparing the two side by side, Swyft Filings took minutes, while the other took days.

Other customers rave about the speed of the process as well. Lots of reviews point to the simple interface, affordable pricing, and great customer service.

If you want to file an LLC quickly and easily while keeping your costs low, Swyft Filings should definitely be a top consideration. The Standard package delivers the best bang for your buck.

Swyft Filings Incorporation Services

Swyft Filings is also a popular choice for anyone that needs to incorporate. They have services for C-corps, S-corps, and nonprofit corporations.

The incorporation process is nearly identical to the LLC formation process. Just head over to the Swyft Filings website and choose your entity type and state. From there, you can fill out a form that can be completed in less than 10 minutes.

Swyft Filings takes the info to prepare your incorporation documents and files them with the Secretary of State.

The information on the form will vary slightly based on the entity type. But it’s still really easy to answer all of those questions online. Once the process is complete and your documents are approved, you’ll receive a completed C-corp, S-corp, or nonprofit package by mail.

As for the plans and pricing, the package rates are identical for all entity types.

Choose from Basic ($49 + state fees), Standard ($149 + state fees), or Premium ($299 + state fees).

The Basic plan comes with the essentials like the ability to verify your company name, articles of incorporation preparation, articles of incorporation filing, and a free statement of the incorporator. You’ll also get a free business tax consultation session, lifetime support, and online access to your incorporation documents.

However, the entry-level plan doesn’t come with an EIN, custom corporate bylaws, a corporate banking resolution, or corporate meeting minutes. You’ll need to upgrade to the Standard plan to get all of these services, which is definitely something that I recommend.

The Premium plan offers some extras you probably won’t use. But you’ll benefit from faster shipping and online delivery of state documents.

Similar to the LLC services, customers seem genuinely happy with the incorporation services from Swyft Filings. There are some recent reviews highlighting how quickly the process was to incorporate a nonprofit. Others explained how easy it was to incorporate in multiple states.

Lots of the reviews point to the prompt and friendly service provided by the agents at Swyft Filings.

In addition to the incorporation services mentioned above, Swyft Filings also offers DBA (doing business as) names. You’ll also benefit from an extensive learning center and a free incorporation guide to help you figure out which entity type is right for you.

Swyft Filings Registered Agent Services

Whether you’re starting an LLC, S Corporation, C Corporation, or a nonprofit, you’ll need a registered agent.

Fortunately, Swyft Filings provides registered agent services. So if you’re using this platform to form your business, it makes sense to get a registered agent from them as well.

Your registered agent will handle all of the formal correspondence required between your business and government agencies. They’ll help you remain compliant, protect your privacy, and ensure you don’t miss any filing deadlines.

Signing up for the registered agent services from Swyft Filings is easy. All you have to do is complete a quick questionnaire online.

Once you’re signed up, you can manage everything from your online dashboard. Your registered agent will send you alerts and reminders for important deadlines and information, so there’s no reason for you to check in with them on a regular basis.

All of your information, mail, and digital documents are stored safely.

If your business is ever involved in a lawsuit, the registered public agent address is the location where you’ll be served. So you won’t have to worry about the negative perception of being served in front of your employees or customers.

For existing businesses that want to switch registered agents, Swyft Filings makes this process as easy as well.

The registered agent services from Swyft Filings start at $149. Your plan will renew automatically.

What are real customers saying about the registered agent services from Swyft Filings?

For the most part, reviews tend to be favorable. The only gripe I see is from people who wanted to cancel their registered agent service and struggled to do so. However, it seems like this is more of a state compliance issue, as opposed to a problem with Swyft Filings.

It appears as though those customers didn’t appoint a new registered agent before attempting to cancel (and they need to legally have a registered agent on record). But since this was brought up a few times in recent reviews, I thought it was worth mentioning.

If you’re using Swyft Filings to form your business, it makes sense to get a registered agent from them as well. Using a different provider for this just complicates things.

Overall Pricing and Value

We’ve mentioned the price points for Swyft Filings services throughout this guide. But I want to take a moment to clearly outline the exact plans, packages, and rates. Regardless of your entity type, these are the packages offered:

Basic — $49 + state fees

  • Verify company name availability
  • Prepare and file articles of organization
  • Prepare and file articles of incorporation (S corps, C corps, nonprofits)
  • Online document access
  • Lifetime phone and email support
  • Free 30 minute business tax consultation
  • ComplianceGuard company alerts
  • Free domain
  • Standard filing time
  • First class shipping

Standard — $149 + state fees

  • All Basic services
  • Federal tax ID (EIN)
  • Custom LLC operating agreement
  • Custom LLC banking resolution
  • Custom corporate bylaws (for incorporation services)
  • Custom corporation meeting minutes (for incorporation services)

Premium — $299 + state fees

  • All Standard services
  • Electronic delivery of state documents
  • Customized digital LLC kit
  • Customized digital corporate kit (for incorporation services)
  • Free business website and web hosting
  • Express shipping and tracking with FedEx

All plans also come with real-time status tracking, free shipping, and a 100% money-back guarantee (more on this shortly). Registered agent services start at $149.

Overall, the Standard plan is your best value. I ignore the perks like a business website, domain, and hosting. These aren’t something you should be using a business formation service for. So they don’t really add value to the plan.

It’s worth noting that lots of other business formation services on the market offer a free registered agent for the first year if you sign up. Swyft Filings does not. While this isn’t quite the industry standard, lots of formation services offer it. This isn’t a reason to avoid them by any means, but it’s still worth mentioning.

User Experience

In terms of customer experience, Swyft Filings is about as easy as it gets. Navigating the website and signing up is super simple.

After you select your entity type, state, and plan, the form you fill out is arguably the simplest in the industry. The entire process can be completed in less than ten minutes. From there, it’s just a matter of sitting back and waiting while the team at Swyft Filings handles the rest.

One recent review on the Swyft Filings website points to the modern UI.

Most users seem to feel the same way. It’s really easy to navigate everything from your dashboard, especially for the registered agent services.

One potential drawback is that the electronic delivery of your state documents is only available on the Premium plan. If you’re on the Basic or Standard plan, you have to wait for those to arrive through the mail.

With that said, other documents will still be available online from your customer dashboard.

Customer Support

The Swyft Filings support team is available via phone and live chat Monday to Friday from 9 am to 6 pm CST. If you browse through reviews, you’ll see that the vast majority highlight the helpful and prompt responses by the Swift Filings customer care team.

Furthermore, Swyft Filings offers a 100% money-back guarantee when you sign up for their services. This is how they commit to providing exceptional customer service.

If you aren’t satisfied with the services you receive, you’re entitled to a refund of your Swyft Filings fees (state fees are not eligible).

While this promise is encouraging, there are some contingencies (which is usually the case when companies have a policy like this). After submitting the refund request, a representative will review your situation and make an effort to resolve the issue. If they find a filing error made by Swyft Filings, then you’ll be refunded with no questions asked. All refunds must be requested according to the terms of service.

Final Verdict

Swyft Filings is an industry leader in the business formation space in terms of filing speed. After you fill out a 10-minute form online, they’ll begin processing your information right away.

It’s a great option for anyone that needs to form an LLC, S corporation, C corporation, or nonprofit.

In addition to the business formation services, Swyft Filings also has registered agent services, DBA names, and more. If you’re looking for a fast and cost-effective way to form your business, look no further than Swyft Filings.

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The Digital Asset Protection service allows you to store and handle digital assets online. This service is intended to prevent unauthorized access to the data and information.

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Official site of a business leader in electronic asset control. is an excellent, reputable, and widely known digital identity and digital asset control company, offering many services across the globe. The organization's goal is to offer an easy, convenient way to protect your information and boost security for your customers and company.
For those people who are only beginning with then there are many alternatives to think about, from online help to training to a physical center. In order to guard your company and customers you want the best protection possible. You will need technology that fulfills the requirements of your small business. If you need a quick and Effortless solution to your safety demands then offers several alternatives, including:
The Digital Asset Protection service allows you to store and handle digital assets online. This service is intended to prevent unauthorized access to the data and information.

Apart from different services, what grew quickly was the e-mail service. email is freely obtainable in additional than 3 dozen languages with entrancing options. This good email is assessed from any browser at any time of the day from any corner of the planet. Simply a couple of years after once Verizon acquired
Allowance for managing your calendars: The users of this email will subscribe, print, produce or maybe add a calendar. They will manage the programs from the calendar and simply edit them too.
The convenience of making folders: through this good email, users will produce a brand new folder, rename it additionally delete it as per their preference.
It is right the same that if you are victimization any email services that you will even have to face its technical mishaps. There are times once users get pissed off attributable to technical problems like server issues, page not opening, password problems and plenty of additional. The best and quickest answer to those issues is to induce fast facilitate from the techies. Here are some ways in which during which specialists will facilitate]
Allowance for managing your calendars: The users of this email will subscribe, print, produce or maybe add a calendar. They will manage the programs from the calendar and simply edit them too.

The convenience of making folders: through this good email, users will produce a brand new folder, rename it additionally delete it as per their preference.

Saving emails & moving messages: by clicking at the lot of icons, users will merely save their emails and move single or multiple messages to the created folders.

The comfort of deleting multiple emails: not solely the users have the comfort of deleting single or multiple emails at a time however conjointly they will recover any accidentally deleted email at intervals seven days of deletion.
Disable the reading pane: if you dont need the reading pane on your screen, youll disable it by planning to settings then clicking customization.

3 Scripts to Help You Collect on Unpaid Invoices

Learning how to collect on unpaid invoices is an invaluable skill for freelancers and small business owners alike. At some point, you’ll likely run into difficult clients who try to test your professional boundaries. If you don’t take effective countermeasures, late payments can impact your bottom line.