Going Serverless With Oracle Stored Procedures

Serverless computing promises greater scalability, faster development, more efficient deployment, and lower cost.

But the benefits of going serverless can feel out of reach for companies that rely heavily on Oracle stored procedures: named PL/SQL blocks which perform specific tasks and are commonly used for building complex enterprise applications on top of relational databases.

Overcoming Common Serverless Challenges with Mainframe CICS Programs

By this point most enterprises, including those running on legacy infrastructures, are familiar with the benefits of serverless computing:

  • Greater scalability
  • Faster development
  • More efficient deployment
  • Lower cost

The benefits of agility and cost reduction are especially relevant in the current macroeconomic environment when customer behavior is changing, end-user needs are difficult to predict, and development teams are under pressure to do more with less. 

A Journey From MuleSoft to Serverless Integration

In the current highly volatile market trend the cost optimizationinfinite scalability, and agile development tools are very vital for any enterprise digital roadmap. The fast-growing trend of FaaS world with AWS Lambda, Google Cloud function, and Azure Fn has already received recognition of small, medium, and large enterprises and this indicates that the move from the iPaaS to FaaS is natural and unavoidable. This move opens a new world of Serverless Integration.

The key features of serverless integration are: