Build an Automated Testing Pipeline With GitLab CI/CD and Selenium Grid

CI/CD has been gaining a lot of attraction and is probably one of the most talked topics for the novices in DevOps. With the availability of CI/CD tools available in the market, configuring and operating a CI/CD pipeline has become a lot easier than what it was 5-6 years ago. Back then, there were no containers and the only CI/CD tool that dominated the sphere was Jenkins. Jenkins provided you with a task runner, so you could define your jobs to run either sequentially or in parallel.

Today, the scenario is different. We have numerous CI/CD tools available in the market, which provides us with added features and functionality in comparison to Jenkins. One such renowned CI/CD tool is GitLab CI and that is precisely what we will be covering in this article.

How to Build an Automated Testing Pipeline With CircleCI and Selenium Grid

In this digital era, Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment are closely aligned with software development and agile methodologies. As a result, organizations deploy the latest versions of software products every minute to ensure a maximum competitive edge.

You would agree that the faster the products are out for the end users, the greater the competitive advantage! However, complexity comes in when the product delivery has to be done bug-free so that user experience does not dwindle. This is where Automation Testing plays a major role and when it is combined with deployment pipelines, the whole quality assurance process becomes fool-proof and seamless.

Hidden Functions In Selenium 4

Selenium Makes Automating Browsers Easier and Better

There's no doubt that Selenium is one of the best automation undertakings in the QA testing industry. This article will highlight some of the functions in the pre-release early version of Selenium 4. You can download Selenium 4 Alpha from Maven’s Repository, and the code from this article is available at

All components in the Selenium Suite have something new, including Selenium IDE, Selenium WebDriver, and Selenium Grid.

Seven Essential JavaScript Functions

As a developer, you might know how important JavaScript has become. Right now, it is the most popular and commonly used programming language in the world. It is used to program desktop and server programs, webpages, web applications, mobile applications, etc. It is also used for databases like MongoDB and CouchDB.

JavaScript has come a long way since its inception. Earlier, developers were aware of only a few functions for all types of features and functionalities because every browser implemented the features according to their rendering engines, which made manual testing of web applications across browsers complicated. But, now you can automate the cross-browser testing of JavaScript web applications with the help of online Selenium Grid without writing repetitive code.

Selenium on Cloud With Sauce Labs

Selenium Grid

Before we start on how to execute a Selenium script on the cloud, we have to understand what is the existing way of test-execution using Selenium. Selenium comes with a powerful feature called Grid.

Selenium Grid is a very important component of Selenium suit. According to the Selenium docs, Grid allows us to execute multiple tests across different browsers, OS and machines in parallel. It is used to reduce the test execution time by configuring multiple machines/mobile devices which can run on different platforms and across various browsers to run tests in parallel.