How To Finance Your Site With Micro-donations

Donations are a great way to show support, providing businesses and nonprofits with a monetary contribution to assist in the continued creation of goods or services that they deem important or valuable.

It’s pretty common in today’s service industry to have tip jars prominently displayed at counters and checkouts. Customers will often throw in a little extra in appreciation for quality service – using that jar for cash & coins, or rounding up a small percentage on their credit/debit transactions.

Either way, it’s common practice to give monetary thanks for a job well done. This applies online as well, and not just as a result of specific transactions, but as a way to say, “I really like what you’re doing here, and would like to help keep it going”.

Of course when you’re online, cash, coins, and tipping jars don’t exist, so monetary gifts have to go through some sort of payment platform.

In the case of micro-donations, where amounts are typically on the low end, it’s important to choose an option that doesn’t absorb the majority of your gift in processing fees.

We’re going to look at some payment portals that are ideal for micro-donations via WordPress websites.

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Let’s dive in.

Defining Micro-donations

Incremental amounts anywhere up to ten dollars are typically considered micro-donations, and are making micro-philanthropy a significant portion of the fundraising landscape.

Historically, businesses effectively used micro-donations through the collection of spare change at the checkouts of their brick & mortar locations. However, with the growth of the internet and increased time spent on the web, online and mobile donations have become the dominant source of this form of philanthropy.

Millennial and Gen-Z donors top the leaderboard when it comes to micro-donations. Thanks to the popularity of smartphones and social networks constantly within reach, these younger donors can be tapped into through effective use of social media.

A Fraction of Your Funding

An interesting phenomenon is that most individuals are more willing to give a little bit a lot of the time, than to give a lot all at once.

Consider this coffee shop example… If a friendly, skilled barista asked for a $35 monthly donation upfront, most people would balk. However, those same customers buy a cup of coffee every morning for $3.50, pull out a five dollar bill, and toss the remaining change into the jar. Let’s say after taxes they’re tipping $1.25 each time. Add that up over 4 weeks – and there’s your $35.

This is the benefit of micro-donations; small, incremental amounts that become significant over time, especially if they come from a number of people, and/or are given on a repeated basis.

Using this same formula, many of you who are running WordPress websites could also benefit from micro-donations, whatever type of businesses they might be.

Perhaps you want to support philanthropy on your site by collecting and contributing to a charitable cause. Or, maybe you’re a writer hoping to get a little financial bonus for the time-consuming creative content you produce for your readers. Of, could be you’re a coder who could really use supplemental funds to cover the development & distribution of your plugin.

Most hard-working online creators are appreciative of a little boost in income. Why not present the opportunity to your audience? They might be ready and willing… you just need to make them able.

Qualities to Look for In a Micro-donation Solution

What exactly makes for a good micro-donation platform?

Most importantly, it has to be simple to use, quick to submit, and recognizable. Any transaction method that requires significant time to complete will cause potential donors to bounce. Likewise if the payment platform they’re considering opening up their wallet for is something they’ve never heard of.

Secondly, transaction fees should be relatively low. If the user is only contributing a few bucks, it’s important that most of that isn’t eaten up by a processing fee – or worse, actually costs you money.

So which micro-donation plugins fit the bill? Let’s take a look.

Recommended Micro-donation Plugins

We researched what was available in the arena of WordPress donation plugins, and are sharing the ones we thought were best. Bonus: they’re all free.

Here’s the list of reviewed plugins:


Forminator is much more than a simple donation plugin, but earns a spot here because it handles this specific task quite well. And hey, why not use a plugin that has more than one function? You’ll cut down on resources, and your learning curve.

In addition to being an all-around form building wiz, Forminator does feedback widgets, interactive polls (with real-time results), buzzfeed-style quizzes (no wrong answer), and service estimators – including the option to include payment elements.

It’s easy to use, appealing to look at, and has a proven track record for successful leads and conversions.

forminator forms summary section
Forminator’s dashboard provides a lot of detail in a concisely summarized section.

We have some great articles on the blog specific to Forminator on form creation walkthroughs and details on its other fantastic capabilities, so I won’t go through the setup in detail here.

Instead, I’ll just quickly demonstrate how things look on the front end using a donation form I created.

Forminator helped me create a donation form in minutes.

When creating in Forminator, Fields, Appearance, Email notifications, Integrations, and Settings are all editable, with a significant amount of options.

This allows you to make the content, format, look, and behaviors of your forms customizable to the smallest detail.

Payment gateways Stripe and PayPal are included in the free version, as well as every other powerful feature Forminator offers (minus, the e-signature field). And of course, it includes a testing mode.

There’s also a Submissions section, so you can easily track all the donations that come in, along with their associated details.

Forminator has 5/5 stars, and the pro version is available with a WPMU DEV membership, along with all of our other premium plugins, managed WP hosting, and our site management maestro “The Hub”.


This plugin is smooth and polished from the starting line, with a setup wizard that gets things going as soon as you activate it.

Almost everything is customizable, from text to images to the process itself (choose defined amounts or allow the donor to enter) – and it’s all very nice to look at.

givewp basic vs customized donation widget
GiveWP’s donation form: default vs customized.

Options allow you to create a number of different donation forms, all with their own format, features, and content. You can view or edit a form’s content at any time, as well as keep tabs on actual donation information.

givewp donations summary
GiveWP‘s donation summary reveals details like donor info, gateway used, payment type & amount, and more.

The free version allows you to connect with PayPal or Stripe, and make test payments.

GiveWP has 4.5/5 stars, and offers paid individual addons or tiered plans with preselected features (like Recurring Donations and more payment platforms).

Accept Donations with PayPal

This plugin does a nice job of putting basic donation options on your site. Instructions are easy to follow, and you can place your PayPal Donation button anywhere on your site with a simple embed code.

As you can tell from the name, this connects to your PayPal account, so you have to have one (or create one for free). The process is quick, and allows for a fair amount of flexibility – you can choose from different button types (including making your own), create a sandbox account to test in, designate custom redirect URLs for Cancel and Return pages, and choose predetermined currency amounts (or allow for free entry at time of donation).

Accept Donations with PayPal plugin -- form amount dropdown
Selecting a donation amount from your predefined drop down in Accept Donations with PayPal.

Additionally, there is a section with details on all donations that come in, including info like payment amount & fee, transaction ID, date, and payer email.

Accept Donations with PayPal plugin -- donation details
Accept Donations with PayPal plugin’s donation details screen.

This plugin works with any WP theme, and the developer is an official PayPal partner.

Accept Donations with PayPal has 4.5/5 stars, and offers a premium paid version with additional features (such as Recurring Donations).


Formerly known as WPPayForm, this plugin allows you to build your own donation form.

It comes with a selection of prebuilt forms (which are editable), to help you get started.

Creating a form from scratch works similarly to the WP block editor, but with fields. You can select from general fields (name, email, dropdowns, radio field, text area, etc), donation & product fields (payment item, item quantity, etc), and payment method fields.

paymattic form creation (front and back ends)
Form creation in Paymattic, from both the front and back end.

Stripe is the only payment method included in the free version, but the premium upgrade includes an additional 8 gateways (plus an offline option).

There isn’t much in the way of customizing the look; colors and fonts are locked into the plugins’ default selections. You can add a checkout image in the Stripe setup, and choose the wording for your text fields and form name.

It allows for payment testing, and provides a full listed summary of donations made.

paymattic donations summary
Paymattic’s donation summary screen in the WP dashboard.

Paymattic has 4.5/5 stars, and offers paid plans with additional features (like Advanced Reports & Analytics, and pro support).


Charitable touts itself as The WordPress Fundraising Toolkit.

Forms are added and created as campaigns, which are basically WordPress pages.

You can add multiple suggested donation amounts (as well as a custom donation field), extended descriptions, and change the creator of the campaign if desired.

Emails are available for donor, admin, and user, and include options like donation receipt (donor), donation notification (admin), and password reset (user), among others.

Design options are included, and work as if you’re in a theme. You can select any color (affects links and button backgrounds), choose where your form will show (separate page, same page, or in a modal), and whether or not to show required fields only.

You can use their prefab text for Privacy and Terms & Conditions fields, or edit to suit your preferences.

Making a test donation in Charitable.

Making a test donation in Charitable.

Stripe, PayPal and offline donations are all available in the free version, and testing mode is included.

There is also a donation summary list with assorted details (e.g., amount, donor name, campaign name, and status ) to keep tabs on the status of donations.

Donation Forms by Charitable has 5/5 stars, and offers paid plans with additional features (like unlimited campaigns, no transaction fees, and additional payment gateways).

Seamless Donations

This plugin works by placing a single embed code on any page or post. There are no additional arguments or options, but it’s been designed so that extensions can add features to the main shortcode.

Seamless donations automatically keeps logs on system information and Cron data, both of which are viewable from the plugins dashboard menu in WordPress.

By default, it uses the Stripe payment platform, which initializes in sandbox mode for testing. Also readily available is the option for PayPal, which you can set up in Live or Test mode.

There are six predefined donation amounts (referred to as ‘Giving Levels”), which you can select or deselect, but cannot edit.

Options for which form fields and sections you’d like to display include repeating donation, employer match, anonymous donor checkbox, and more.

As for styling options, there are two defaults built-in: classic or modern (or you can go with none). Or, you can purchase from the premium add-ons, which include a library of 35 additional form designs with customizable images.

seamless donations front end donation form wp
Seamless Donations uses a single embed code on pages/posts to display your donation form.

Emails have a Thank You template which is editable, and can include four available placeholders for personalized text. Sections include name, email address, message body, designated fund, anonymous donations, closing, and more. A separate Thank You message page can also be set up.

seamless donations donor email
Seamless Donations post-donation email confirmation.

As with the other plugins reviewed today, Seamless Donations keeps a summary of donations, each with associated details, like date, name, payment platform, and amount. However, this one also keeps two additional summary sections, for donors and funds.

Seamless Donations has 4/5 stars, and offers seven premium add-ons with additional features and benefits (such as Giving Level Manager, Basic Widget Pack, and Thank You Enhanced).

Payment Portals and Their Associated Fees

Fees are dependent on what payment portal you are using, and the country that is associated with any given donation.

Because of the variance in these deciding factors, and the knowledge that they are subject to change at any time, we’re not going to include specific amounts in this post.

If the donations you will be accepting are strictly nonprofit, it is possible to get discounts from PayPal, Stripe, and Mollie. (Sidebar: Mollie is currently not supported in the U.S., but available in about 30 other countries.)

Some of the plugins we selected offer add-ons that can offset overhead transaction fees (ex: GiveWP’s Stripe Premium add-on or Seamless Donations Donors Pay Fees), providing additional savings if you’re getting a large overall amount of donations.

Your best bet is to do a little math in advance. Using the associated fees of any given payment platform, determine what base figure wouldn’t cause you a transactional loss, and set your lowest donation option to that amount. You can always change it later if rates should fluctuate higher or lower.

A quick disclaimer: When it comes to the status of a business entity – LLC, Inc, 501(c) nonprofit, etc – there are financial and legal implications regarding how you report different types of income (including donations). Make sure to check with a certified, licensed attorney or other legitimate lawful source. WPMU DEV does not claim to give nor are we qualified to give legal advice.

Giving Feels Good and Getting Brings Gratitude

Micro-donations are a fantastic way to collect small monetary gifts that can add up to substantial gains.

Amazon is a great example of micro-donations. Through its Amazon Smile website, 0.5% of total spend amounts are made to the nonprofit of a customer’s choice. Given how much business Amazon does, these can and do make a huge impact over time.

But even on a smaller scale, you can benefit from the generosity of others. That might be collecting to contribute to a cause you believe in, or allowing your customers to tip you when they’re feeling generous.

With so many options for adding donation capabilities to websites, it’s as simple as choosing one you like and setting it up. Even if no one ever donated, it doesn’t cost you anything – assuming you’re using a free plugin. And if donations did start to really pick up on your site, you could always add premium features to improve the process.

If you’re a WPMU DEV member and have any questions about Forminator – or any of the plugins we reviewed – just reach out to our excellent support team, and they’ll get you sorted in no time. If you’re not a member yet, get your free trial on, and see what you’ve been missing. :)

12 Best WordPress Donation and Fundraising Plugins (2019)

Are you looking for the best WordPress donation plugins?

Collecting online donations is a very effective way to raise funds for a non-profits, charities, relief funds, and special causes.

In this article, we will share the best WordPress donation and fundraising plugins that will help you easily collect one time donations as well as recurring donations using PayPal, Stripe, WooCommerce, other credit card processors, and even cryptocurrency.

Best WordPress donation plugins

How to Choose the Best WordPress Donation Plugin

There are dozens of WordPress donation plugins available in the market. The problem is that not all of them are easy to use, and a lot of them lack customization options.

Accepting donation payments on your WordPress website is an extremely important task.

You need a donation plugin that is reliable, works on mobile as well as desktop computers, supports your preferred payment gateway, sends receipts to donors, allow donors to make recurring donations, and is customizable enough to look good on your website.

On top of all that, you want a WordPress donation plugin that charges the least amount of fees. Ideally it should either be free or fixed yearly payment vs something that charges a percentage fee on all your donations.

We used the above criteria to compare the best WordPress donation plugins for non-profits and charities.

Here’s our editorial pick for the top WordPress donation and fundraising plugins.

1. GiveWP


GiveWP is one of the best WordPress plugins for non-profits to accept donations and raise funds for your cause.

What makes GiveWP standout and earn the top-ranked spot in our best WordPress donation plugin list is their complete set of features along with their non-profit friendly pricing model.

GiveWP makes it easy to create a custom donation form inside WordPress to easily setup one-time donations as well as recurring donation options.

You can integrate with a wide variety of payment gateways to accept credits card donation payments including Stripe,, PayPal, 2Checkout, Braintree, Mollie, Paytm, PayFast, Square, AmeriCloud, Paymill, and many more.

GiveWP also allows you to fine-tune just about every aspect of your donation process with features like customizable donation tributes like “in honor of”, multi-level donations, campaign level donation goals / incentives, currency switcher options, tax deductible donation receipts, and more.

It comes with a complete donor management area with full-featured reporting, so you can easily manage all your donations (both online and offline donations).

GiveWP integrates with all major email marketing services, so you can easily communicate with your donors about seasonal gift giving campaigns.

If you run an online store with WooCommerce, then GiveWP allows you to add a donation upsell on the checkout screen, and they have seamless Google Analytics integration with enhanced eCommerce tracking.

GiveWP’s offers a free WordPress donation plugin, but you will have to upgrade to their yearly paid plans to unlock all the powerful addons and features. Basic paid plan starts at $240 / year, but you will need the Plus plan ($360 / yr) to get all their add-ons.

2. WPForms


WPForms is the most beginner friendly drag & drop form builder for WordPress. It comes with a built-in form template to create an online donation form on your website.

A lot of smaller charities and non-profits don’t need a full-featured giveaway platform. Instead they just want a simple and easy to customize donation form that can accept one-time and recurring donations.

WPForms offer you just that. It integrates with both PayPal and Stripe, so you can securely collect donations via credit card right on your website.

Since WPForms is a more comprehensive form builder, it can also serve multiple purposes for a charity website such as contact form, survey forms, polls, email newsletter signup form, volunteer signup form, etc.

WPForms seamlessly integrates with all major email marketing services and CRM platforms like Constant Contact, SendinBlue, AWeber, MailChimp, and hundred others.

WPForms free plugin is used by over 2 million websites, but you will need their payment addons to accept online donations. They offer a special discounted license for non-profits at only $99 / year which is 75% off their regular price.

This gives you all of their Pro features that lets you build donation forms as well as other types of forms that we mentioned above. You can see the full list of over 150+ form template demos here.

Note: WPForms is a sister company of WPBeginner. The plugin was co-created by WPBeginner’s founder, Syed Balkhi.

3. Easy PayPal Donation

PayPal Donation for WordPress

Easy PayPal Donation is a free WordPress donation plugin that lets you add a PayPal donate button on your website.

Your website visitors can click on the button and send donations using their PayPal account or credit card.

This is a very simple donation plugin that comes with 7 button templates, and you also have the option to upload a custom button style to match your design.

The goal of this plugin is to make it easy to connect your PayPal account with WordPress and receive the donations. This plugin also allows visitors to choose recurring monthly donation options.

We have this plugin listed as #3 not because it’s the most feature-rich, but because sometimes you may not need all the features that plugins GiveWP and WPForms offer.

If you don’t want to customize your donation form and want a straight-forward solution that’s completely free for accepting one-time donations, then this plugin can do the job for you.

For setting up recurring donations, you will need their Pro version which costs $59.95 / year at which point you’re better off going with WPForms because you get a lot more value.

4. WP Crowdfunding

WP Crowdfunding by Themeum

WP Crowdfunding is a powerful WordPress fundraising plugin that helps you create a fundraising backer site like GoFundMe or KickStarter.

You can use the crowdfunding campaign style only for your charities or even offer an aggregate fundraising platform for other charities in your network.

It integrates with Stripe, PayPal,, and all WooCommerce gateways if you choose to process your payments with WooCommerce. WP Crowdfunding Native wallet system allows you to track pledges for each campaign and distribute funds accordingly to individual stakeholders.

If you’re looking to create an aggregate crowdfunding site like GoFundMe, then you also have the option to charge a commission fee for helping other charities collect donations.

The base plugin is free, but you will need to upgrade to the paid plan to unlock full features which starts at $149 / year.

5. Charitable


Charitable is an easy WordPress donation plugin that allows you to create unlimited fundraising campaigns and set goals for your cause.

You can select a fixed donation amount, add a custom amount, or both. You can embed the donation form on your pages, posts, sidebars, and modal popups.

While the base plugin is free, you do have to upgrade to their Plus plan ($99 / year) to unlock their payment gateways like Stripe,, etc as well as newsletter sign up forms.

If you want recurring donations, crowdfunding, peer to peer fundraising, donor fee relief, and other powerful features, then you will need their Pro plan which costs $249 / year.

6. Seamless Donations

Seamless Donations

Seamless Donations is a free donations plugin for WordPress. It gives you complete control to collect and manage donations within the WordPress dashboard.

Seamless Donation works with PayPal, so users can make donations using their PayPal account or credit cards.

You can accept one-time donations or recurring donation payments. You can also allow users to select which campaign they want their funds allocated.

Unlike other plugins, Seamless donation sells few addons on an a-la carte basis such as Thank You Enhanced which lets you setup custom thank you pages and Giving Level Manager which lets you attribute custom donation levels.

7. Donorbox


Donorbox is a powerful donation form plugin that works on both WordPress as well as standalone websites.

It allows you to setup one time donations as well as monthly, annual, and weekly recurring donations. You have the option to do company gift matching and accept company donations.

Donorbox allows you to accept payments from credit cards as well as popular payment platforms like Apple Pay, Google Pay, PayPal Express with One-Touch, and ACH bank payments for US and Europe based donors.

It also comes with many other powerful features like Goal Meter, Donation popup forms, multi-currency support, donor wall, donor profile, complete donor management, end of year tax receipts, and so much more.

The reason why we have Donorbox listed towards the bottom in our list is because their pricing is not friendly to non-profits.

While they let you collect free donations for up to $1,000 per month, you will have to pay a 1.5% platform fee for all other amounts. This platform processing fee is in addition to the payment processing fees that are added by Stripe, PayPal, and other banks.

They do have the option to have your donors cover the fees, but we believe its better to use a platform like GiveWP where more of the donation money goes towards the actual cause.

Donorbox also charges separate monthly fees for various email marketing and CRM integrations.

To be fair, out of other SaaS donation platforms like Crowdrise, Donately, etc, Donorbox is by far the most affordable.

The reason why you may want to use the Donorbox platform is because they take away the technical management headache away from you.

You don’t have to worry about the security of your payment infrastructure because it’s all handled by their team.

8. Formidable Forms

Formidable Forms

Formidable Forms is the most advanced WordPress forms plugin. It allows you to easily create complex forms with drag and drop builder.

It has tons of form templates including a pre-built template to collect online donations. You can view the donation stats in graphical charts within the WordPress dashboard.

The plugin allows you to export the form data outside WordPress. It also gives you the option to import your donation entries from third-party services. Formidable Forms is fully compatible with the WPML translation plugin to translate the form in any language.

9. Donation Thermometer

Donation Thermometer

Donation Thermometer is a classic WordPress donation plugin. It uses a thermometer style parameter to display the collected funds and your target amount.

It is ideal for sharing your fundraising campaign with your website visitors and motivate them to help out. It is also perfect for organizers to see how close or far away they are from their fundraising target

The thermometer is fully customizable for colors, text, currency, meter size, and more. You can use a shortcode to display the donation thermometer in your posts and pages. All settings are easy and manageable within WordPress.

It’s important to note that this plugin DOES NOT help you accept any donations. You can use it alongside any of the other WordPress donation plugins in this article.

10. PayPal Donations

PayPal Donations

PayPal Donations is another free WordPress PayPal donation plugin to raise funds for charities and non-profits. You can use their sidebar widget or the shortcode to add the PayPal donation button on your website.

Like other PayPal plugins, it lets you connect WordPress to your PayPal account and accept donations from visitors. Other settings include multiple currencies, localization, multiple button sizes, and more.

11. YITH Donations for WooCommerce

YITH Donations for WooCommerce

YITH Donations for WooCommerce allows you to add an option to collect donation in your online stores.

You can run seasonable campaigns to support your causes. Each time a user adds a product to cart, they will be prompted with an option to make a small donation.

This concept is utilized by many in the retail world, and YITH Donations for WooCommerce allows you to add this to your eCommerce website.

YITH has a free version of the plugin that’s quite limited. To get all the features like donation form on cart page, customize amounts, donation receipts, etc, you will need the premium version of the plugin which costs $59.99 for a single site.

Note: GiveWP also offers this feature along with a lot more which we believe is a better value.

12. Cryptocurrency Donation Box

Cryptocurrency Donation Box – Bitcoin & Crypto Donations

If you’re looking to accept donations in cryptocurrency, then look no further. This free WordPress donation plugin allows you to accept donations in top 20 major cryptocurrencies.

You can accept payments in Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, Cardano and more.

We hope this article helped you find the best WordPress donation and fundraising plugins for charities and non-profits. You may also want to check out our expert pick of the best WordPress page builders and must have WordPress plugins for all sites..

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

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