DevOps Model: The Role of Quality Assurance Redefined

DevOps and QA go together like...well, you and your favorite furry friend

You might have come across DevOps so often that it may seem to penetrate each and every organization slightly related to IT. But the reality is different, as always. The point is that this model is far more complicated to apply compared to Agile and other popular forms of SDLC because the role of each department undergoes significant changes.

You may also enjoy:  Reinventing QA in the DevOps Era

What is DevOps?

Although many definitions are available, we think of DevOps as the space for keeping the software deployable regardless of the new features implemented. Most importantly, DevOps means that everyone — from Jr. Analyst to developer, QA engineer, project manager, and owner — takes equal responsibility and makes a contribution to product success.

The Significance and Challenges of Integrating Security Testing Into DevOps Pipelines

Many businesses have already embraced DevOps methodology; development and operations teams work hand-in-hand to deliver quality and enable faster time to market. The other major advantage of DevOps is Continuous Integration and Continuous Development (CI/CD), wherein processes are more agile and deploy code more quickly. It further allows teams to have the latest update on the status of their development efforts and ensure they deliver value to customers. DevOps principles and practices ensure businesses continue to stay ahead of their competition by delivering new features faster than with any other software development methodology on the go.

The fundamental facet of DevOps revolves around CI/CD pipelines for software builds:

Why You Need Static and Dynamic Application Security Testing in Development Workflows

DevOps is a quickly growing practice for companies in almost every market. With the influx of cyberattacks over the past decade, security has slowly crept forward in the SDLC to the point where we’re now hearing the term DevSecOps in developer circles.

To keep things tidy and help developers manage additional security responsibilities, tools for static and dynamic application security testing (SAST and DAST) have made their way into the fray. In this post, we’ll explain what SAST and DAST are, how they fit into developers’ workflows, and when they should be used.

DevOps, The SDLC, and Agile Development

It is hard to imagine life without software. Software has entered almost all the aspects of life, and there is an unending race to be at the top and move faster and be more Agile without having to compromise on security and dependability. This has led to increasing pressure about the completion of projects in a timely manner and that they should not be put on hold. This is the point where DevOps comes into play by getting various groups which are working in an organization to meaningfully collaborate over a set of shared goals of timely delivery of software to customers. The basic practices are getting the Dev and Ops teams to come on a common platform on a group of various Agile processes and tools for the delivery of software stated below:

  • Testing and management of automated configuration.

How to Approach Security Development Lifecycle (SDL)

Introduction to the Security Development Lifecycle (SDL)

Security Development Lifecycle is one of the four Secure Software Pillars. By pillars, I mean the essential activities that ensure secure software.

SDL can be defined as the process for embedding security artifacts in the entire software cycle.

The Lifecycle of a Testing Bug

A software bug is an error or fault in a computer program making it behave in unexpected ways. Bugs can be present at any stage during SDLC (software development lifecycle), or at the design, development, or user-acceptance testing phase. Whether you are testing a web portal for general bugs or for browser-compatibility issues, proper understanding and elimination are necessary.

Bugs can never be eliminated completely. No software can turn out to be 100 percent bug-free. But the testing team can adopt certain practices so that the elimination of bugs from software becomes easy. A good management system ensures that most bugs are found and fixed well before it enters production. If the testers and developers work efficiently, the time period from a bug’s discovery to its abolition can be minimized.

Full Lifecycle Container Security

According to our 2019 DevSecOps Community survey of over 5,500 IT professionals, just 24 percent of companies with mature DevOps practices have integrated and automate security into their DevOps pipeline — that drops to 3 percent for those without a DevOps practice. While the change to integrating security into the development process is a big culture shift, the benefits in security compliance and eventual cost savings, far outweigh the initial friction.

But, alas, that is a case for different posts and presentations.

The Process of ETL Testing: How it Maintains Data Integrity and Consistency

First, let's understand what is ETL. This notation stands for Extract-Transform-Load. For large-scale firms, initially, the data is extracted from the source systems and then transformed into specific data types and, ultimately, loaded into a distinct repository. And this process should be tested efficiently to make sure that the data is managed properly in the warehouse.

What Does Testing of ETL Refer To?

It is a procedure that tests the withdrawal of data for further transformation, authentication of data during the transformation stages, and loading or filling of data in the endpoint.

Head-to-Head: The Agile and Waterfall Methodologies

Before the development of a project begins, the project manager’s job is to determine which methodology should be used for the project life cycle. The two most popular methodologies are

  • The Waterfall model, relying on a more traditional approach
  • Agile methodology, a rapid application development procedure, newer than Waterfall and often implemented using Scrum.

The Waterfall model is slowing losing its popularity as software development companies worldwide are adopting Agile methodologies for developing their product. Let’s dive deep into the reason behind Agile’s popularity and how it differs from Waterfall.

Open Standards vs. Open Source: Why So Confused While Choosing a Tech Stack?

Any application development requires a lot of planning and preparation before the start of actual app building. Choosing a suitable technology stack, which includes programming languages, tools, and frameworks is a big challenge because it plays a crucial role in the software development lifecycle.

The process of choosing a tech stack is generally based on a wide range of considerations like the capabilities of the technical team and the cost of tools and platforms required for the application development. The software building costs depend on whether you choose open source, freemium or premium frameworks for your tech stack. But, in the process of considering the cost and benefits of individual frameworks, teams sometimes tend to overlook whether the resulting tech stack is compliant to open standards or not. This happens because the terms open source and open standards are often used interchangeably as they are some of the most confused terms in software terminology. Experts at Imaginea say that it is essential to understand and differentiate these terms as both have their own significance and each play a notable role in the complete SDLC.

How To Implement Continuous Testing In DevOps Like A Pro

In a decade, the need for software development has evolved drastically. The software has become a key differentiator for companies to gain a competitive edge, especially if your company falls under the SaaS umbrella. From the implementation of traditional processes such as a waterfall in their SDLC, organizations are now transitioning towards Agile in order to deliver software at a faster pace in the market. To cope up with RAD (Rapid Application Development), we have witnessed numerous new approaches such as CI/CD, DevOps, and Shift Left testing to build, develop and optimize software delivery. Even so, trying to maintain both quality and speed is a real challenge, and testing methodologies can either aid or downshift this whole acceleration process. Today, we are going to look into the importance of Continous Testing in DevOps. In this article, I will be talking about what continuous testing is all about. I will also help clear the fog around the myths associated with continuous testing. We will also be touching the challenges involved in continuous testing in DevOps, and best practices to help you execute the continuous testing process as a professional. 

What Is Continuous Testing?

Continuous testing is an end-to-end quality maintenance process in which teams carry out a broad range of automated tests on an ongoing basis. Simultaneously, analyzing various business risks associated with the latest software development and providing the developers with quick feedback. This feedback helps to identify defects and errors at a very early stage and encourages developers to optimize their code during successive stages of the SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle).