Getting Hired as a Scrum Master or Agile Coach

TL; DR: Getting Hired as a Scrum Master or Agile Coach

Are you considering a new Scrum Master or Agile Coach job, but you are not sure that it is the right organization? Don’t worry: there are four steps of proactive research to identify suitable employers or clients for getting hired as a Scrum Master and avoid disappointment later.

I have used those four steps for years to identify organizations I would like to work with, and they never failed me. Read on and learn how to employ search engines, LinkedIn’s people search, reach out to peers in the agile community, and analyze the event markets in the quest for your next Scrum Master job.

Scrum Master Anti-Patterns

The reasons Scrum Masters violate the spirit of the Scrum Guide are multi-faceted. Typical Scrum Master anti-patterns run from ill-suited personal traits to complacency to pursuing individual agendas to frustration with the team itself.

Read on and learn in this post on Scrum anti-patterns how you can identify if your Scrum Master needs support from the team.

How to Sabotage a Scrum Master

How to Sabotage a Scrum Master: 44 Anti-Patterns From the Trenches To Avoid

One of my favorite exercises from my Professional Scrum Master classes is how to best sabotage a Scrum Master as a member of the middle management. The exercise rules are simple: You’re not allowed to use any form of illegal activity. Therefore, outsourcing the task to a bunch of outlaws is out of the question. Instead, you are only allowed to use practices that are culturally acceptable within your organization.

Read on and learn more on how to best sabotage a Scrum Master from the exercise results of more than ten PSM I and PSM II classes. (I slightly edited the suggestions for better readability.)

The Dogmatic Scrum Master Anti-Pattern

TL; DR: The Dogmatic Scrum Master Anti-Pattern

There are plenty of failure possibilities with Scrum. Since Scrum is an intentionally incomplete framework with a reasonable yet short "manual," this effect should not surprise anyone. For example, how do we communicate with members of the Scrum team that take the Scrum Guide literally? What about a dogmatic Scrum Master?

Join me and delve into the effects of Scrum dogmatism in less than 120 seconds.

Evidence-Based Interventions [Video]

In this highly engaging speaker session from the Agile Camp Berlin 2021, Viktor Cessan shares lessons learned as an Agile coach when working with systems, resulting in evidence-based interventions.

Lessons Learned When Working With Systems

When we, as managers or coaches, are asked to work with a system, there’s always more to a situation than meets the eye. In this presentation, I take you through common requests I’ve gotten as an Agile coach, and I contrast the initial request and understanding with what we discovered was actually going on, and what we did. I also share some tips for anyone working with systems in their day-to-day work.

When the Scrum Master Fails by Being Overly Protective

There are plenty of failure possibilities with Scrum. Given that Scrum is a framework with a reasonable yet short “manual,” this effect should not surprise anyone. Scrum thrives when the Scrum teams are self-managing while Scrum Masters embrace their role as servant-leaders. However, this also implies that Scrum Masters fail when they are overly protective.

Join me and explore the consequences of the overly protective Scrum Master and what you can do about it in less than three minutes.

How an Ancient Japanese Belief Could Be the Missing Piece in Coaching Your Agile Team

Every time I travel to Japan, something that strikes me is how process-driven the Japanese people and culture seem to be. Even something as simple as buying a train ticket is an intricately refined process. The ticket seller first makes sure they have heard and understood you correctly, repeating back your exact request before they print the tickets. And once they’re printed out, they will pick up a pen and check each detail of the ticket — before going through each check again with you. You will be given exact and clear instructions on how to locate the platform and when to expect the train. And you’ll notice that when the train arrives and stops at the platform, the driver also has a checklist they will diligently follow. It’s incredible to observe, but not arbitrary — they do this because they have found it reduces error rates by up to 85% and ensures everything runs smoothly.

You might be wondering what Japan has to do with successfully coaching teams, particularly within an Agile framework. And the answer is Shu Ha Ri. This Japanese concept, roughly translated to “first learn, then detach, and finally, transcend” (or more simply: walk, run, fly) is a way of thinking about the stages of learning from beginner to master — and a key philosophy used in the martial art Aikido. Working in an Agile way requires much learning of new rituals, processes, and different ways of thinking, so if you are a scrum master, this concept can be a very useful one for understanding and guiding you in how to be a better team coach and ensuring that each project runs just as smoothly (and to time) as a bullet train.

Four Scrum Master Success Principles

TL; DR: Four Scrum Master Success Principles

Contrary to popular belief, the Scrum Master success principles are tangible, when we guide the analysis with an outside perspective.

Read on and discover four Scrum Master success principles, from when not to use Scrum to product quality to supporting the Product Owner to putting self-management at the center.

3 Wide-Spread Scrum Master Failures in 5:31 Minutes

There are plenty of Scrum Masters failures. Given that Scrum is a framework with a precise and concise yet short “manual,” this effect should not surprise anyone.

Learn more about three widespread examples of how Scrum Masters fail their team in three short video clips, totaling 5 minutes and 31 seconds.

Scrum: 4 Steps to Identify Suitable Employers or Clients

Are you considering a new Scrum Master job? However, you are not sure that it is the right organization? Don’t worry; there are four steps of proactive research to identify suitable employers or clients for Scrum Masters and avoid disappointment later.

I have used those four steps for years to identify organizations I would like to work with, and they never failed me. Read on and learn how to employ search-engines, LinkedIn’s people search, reaching out to peers in the agile community, and analyzing the event markets in the quest for your next Scrum Master job.

Who Resolves Conflict in Agile and How

The most prominent way to resolve conflict in Agile is first to normalize it. Often, conflicts are wrongly looked upon as threats to the product and the team. This view should be discouraged by the Agile project leader and the other team members.

Extra effort is needed to address conflict in the right manner. The resolution process should stay constructive throughout and each team member’s contribution should be appreciated.

20 Questions From New Scrum Master to the Development Team

TL; DR: 20 Questions from New Scrum Master to the Development Team

From Scrum Master to Development Team members, this set of questions addresses the foundations of a Scrum Team's capability to build valuable products: technical excellence and what it takes to achieve this proficiency level. The questions have been modeled after some basic principles that high performing teams have in common—from keeping technical debt at bay to collaboratively creating a Product Backlog.

The Essential Role of the Development Team for the Success of the Scrum Team

No matter whether you picked Scrum for the right purpose—building emergent products in the complex domain—, whether your Product Backlog is actionable 24/7 or whether your Scrum Team is entirely self-organizing. If your technological basis is drowning in technical debt, and the Development Team lacks technical skills, you cannot be successful as a Scrum Team. Therefore, as the new Scrum Master, you need to immediately determine the Development Team’s state of affairs.

5 Reasons Why You Should Consider Scrum Master Training

I often receive the question from people asking – WHY one should attend a PSM training when it is not mandatory for taking the certification? And it is a very valid question. Also, a lot of people are doubtful of taking training because if they go for certification directly it costs them just $150 while training will cost about $400 (in the Indian subcontinent), so why should they pay more? In this blog, I would like to answer such questions and doubts, so that people can make the right decisions.

Let me first share my personal experience on the journey of being a Scrum Master. When I was introduced to Scrum in my organization in 2010-11, I assumed that the role of a Scrum Master is that of a “Scrum Secretary”, the person responsible for taking notes, updating JIRA boards, scheduling events, and so on. I lived in that bubble for the next couple of years without making much change or creating any impact as a Scrum Master. Then I took my training and was introduced to a plethora of things that a Scrum Master is supposed to do for the Scrum Team and the organization. Also, it gave me clarity on a variety of skills that I needed to acquire to become a change agent who could create business impact.

Scrum Masters and Home Builders: An Analogy for Managing and Prioritizing Dependencies

For a scrum master in a scaled program environment, coordinating work between multiple scrum teams can be a little bit like managing home construction.  In a new home community, future homeowners have made their selections of a floor plan, location, and amenities (determined their minimum viable product), and negotiated a price and put down earnest money (funded the value stream).  Now it is time for the construction manager to convert the initial investment into revenue by delivering a completed house that meets the expectations of the company they represent, of regulators in the form of building codes and occupancy permits, and most importantly of the homeowner. 

Likewise, scrum leaders need to satisfy their stakeholders and customers with working products that meet requirements and regulations, generating a return on investment, innovation, and enhanced reputation.  To accomplish this mission, they must coordinate the work of multiple teams using the best engineering practices to sustain a continuous delivery flow.  In software delivery as in new home construction, maintaining a continuous flow while providing a predictable time-to-market requires the mastery of three primary activities: scheduling work, managing dependencies, and ensuring that the product passes inspection.

Kanban vs Scrum — Here’s What Your Team Needs To Know [2020]

man wearing a jetpack
Scrum is the most popular Agile framework today ( 56% of all Agile teams use Scrum ).  But is it the most effective one, particularly for your team?  Or is Kanban,  one of the trending agile frameworks today , a better fit for your team?

This “Kanban versus Scrum” article will tell you whether you should go with Kanban or Scrum.
But first….

What Is Scrum?

The Scrum Agile terminology and definition was first introduced by Ken Schwaber and  Jeff Sutherland in 1993 . Jeff referenced a  1986 Harvard business study  to come up with the idea.  Scrum stands for delivering high-quality software in a minimum amount of time. 

Stand-Up 2.0: It’s time to ditch the daily from 1993

The daily stand-up is broken. 

No wonder. It was invented almost 30 years ago and we're still running it the exact same way.

When daily stand-up meetings started in the early 90s, the software development process looked very different. Git didn't exist. Jira didn't exist. Collaboration tools didn't really exist. DevOps didn't exist. Automation tools didn't exist. Analytics tools didn't exist.