“Too Many Meetings”… A Dev’s Cry For Help: 5 Things Team Leads Can Do

It's the law. Software engineers have to hate meetings. If you're caught enjoying yourself in a meeting you can get your dev card pulled. So be careful out there. And stay classy, San Diego.

We're bad at articulating the negative effects of meetings

I knew right away as a junior developer out of college I was in too many meetings. Even though I had nothing to compare it to. As I took on more visible projects, the number of meetings went up. I felt the pain.

6 Enterprise Kubernetes Takeaways from KubeCon San Diego

Some of the lessons learned from KubeCon.

We just returned from KubeCon + CloudNativeCon 2019 held in sunny San Diego on Nov 18-21. KubeCon San Diego 2019 drew more than 12,000 attendees, a 50% increase since the last event in Barcelona just 6 months ago.

While at the event, we interacted with more than 1,800 attendees and had more than 1,300 attendees complete our survey at the booth to give us an insight into their use of Kubernetes.

Data and Location Services

I had the opportunity to meet with several members of Esri's data and location services team while attending Esri's 2019 user conference in San Diego.

Esri is an aggregator, curator, and developer of data. All of the  data is aggregated on Ersi.com, and Esri has been recognized as having the most accurate data in a vendor accuracy study with rich datasets: