Software Delivery Management Provides End-to-End Visibility

I had the opportunity to meet with Sacha Labourey, CEO and Founder, and Anders Wallgren, V.P. Technology Strategy at CloudBees during DevOps World | Jenkins World in San Francisco.

Even though several announcements were made during the conference, both Sacha and Anders, independent of each other, were most excited about their new offering of Software Delivery Management (SDM) to facilitate and accelerate the delivery of software across teams, toolsets, and technology. 

DevOps Radio: Seeking Progressive Delivery, Debunking DevOps Hogwash

James Governor, analyst and co-founder of RedMonk, sat with Sacha Labourey at DevOps World | Jenkins World to catch up on software development and deployment and discuss which companies were doing it well. Before they tackle the future of DevOps in Episode 44, they revisit the past (think: Sacha's JBoss days) and what James admits is not his finest moment as an industry analyst in regard to some "hogwash" on the decoupling of open source.

From there, they dive into a new-ish concept with a newer title — progressive delivery. James shares his perspective on the interaction between IT and the business if you decouple deploy from release. He notes one needs to look at the bridge between what an enterprise customer and what web companies are doing. His solution? Train the people in organizations first, or at least give IT the green light to keep deploying software and services, but let businesses decide when to activate it. It's not enough to just spin the IT wheel faster. If organizations want to have an impact loop, they need to involve the business stakeholders that understand the users of the service, and how they should be integrated into the process.