How Developers Need to Choose the Right Database for React Native App

There are many coding languages that developers use to create online platforms, websites, and apps. One of these coding languages is React Native, which has become popular among the coding community. People from different backgrounds use React Native. Advanced iOS developers to React beginners use it in programming. Hire react native developers who can build UI, have knowledge of JavaScript and API services, can work on the frontend, and maintain cross-platform compatibility, infrastructure, and app integration.

Why Do You Need to Be Careful While Selecting the Right Database for React Native?

A developer is under a lot of stress to create an app that can be modified at any time. As a result, it might be challenging for developers to choose the correct technology stack for React Native that includes the right database.

Proven Tips to Optimize the Performance of React Native App

For modern mobile app developers, React Native is the most promising and viable framework took for developing cross-platform applications. Ever since the framework launched it never faded from the limelight and surpasses all other frameworks of mobile app development.

However since React Native is a new app development framework, developers facing difficulties in improving its performance under certain scenarios. When an application requires more tabs, parallel processing, more controls, animations, navigations, and the inclusion of 3rd party libraries the framework becomes slow. However, the framework is on the verge of evolving according to the rising demands of developers, thanks to the continuous efforts of the React Native community people.

Deep Linking in React Native with React Navigation

In this article, we are going to build a simple deep linking mechanism in React Native, which takes a user to a specific screen of a sample app, after clicking on a deep link outside the app (e.g. Safari). The output will look like this:

Example output

Create a React Native App

To get started, please create a new React Native project by executing the following command: