Selenium Automation Script With JavaScript

Selenium is an open-source automation framework initially introduced in 2004. Using this framework, we can validate web applications across different browsers and platforms. Java, C#, Python are mostly used for developing test scripts. Testing performed using Selenium are generally referred to as Selenium testing.

The initial version released is just a single tool, but the latest version is now not only a tool — it’s a software suite with a pack of IDE, RC, and WebDriver.

How to Back Up and Restore a 10-TB Cluster at 1+ GB/s

Backing up or restoring large-scale distributed databases is time-consuming. When it takes a lot of time to backup or restore a database, Garbage Collection might break the snapshot used in the backup or restore process. Thus, some changes might be missing. This threatens data safety.

As an open-source, distributed SQL database, TiDB fulfills the requirement for backing up and restoring large-scale clusters. TiDB 4.0 release candidate (RC) introduced Backup & Restore (BR), a distributed backup and restore tool, that offers high backup and restore speeds—1 GB/s or more for 10 TB of data.

Selenium Grid Setup Tutorial for Cross-Browser Testing

When performing cross-browser testing manually, one roadblock that you might have hit during the verification phase is testing the functionalities of your web application across different operating systems, devices, and/or browsers with respect to time. With thousands of browsers available in the market, automation testing for validating cross-browser compatibility has become a necessity.

Referring to automation and considering our love for open-source software, it is inevitable to turn a blind eye from one of the most renowned test automation frameworks, Selenium. We have covered automation testing with Selenium WebDriver for cross-browser testing previously on our blog where we discussed different variants of Selenium, i.e IDE, RC, WebDriver, etc. and ran our first automation script.