PyDev of the Week: Elana Hashman: The Mouse Vs. The Python

Check out this week's PyDev of the Week!

This week, we welcome Elana Hashman (@ehashdn) as our PyDev of the Week! Elana is a director of the Open Source Initiative and a fellow of the Python Software Foundation. She is also the Clojure Packaging Team Lead and a Java Packaging Team member. You can see some of her work over on GitHub. You can also learn more about Elana on her website. Let's take a few moments to get to know her better!

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Can you tell us a little about yourself (hobbies, education, etc):

I love to bake and cook, so my Twitter feed tends to be full of various bread pictures or whatever dish I've whipped up over the weekend. When I was a kid, I was completely hooked on the cooking channel — my favorite shows were "Iron Chef" and "Good Eats" — and I thought I'd become a chef when I grew up. That's my back up plan if I ever drop out of tech!

PyDev of the Week: Lorena Mesa

This week we welcome Lorena Mesa (@loooorenanicole) as our PyDev of the Week! Lorena is an organizer for the PyLadies Chicago group and a director at the Python Software Foundation. You can check out some of the things that she is up to on her blog or via her Github page. Let’s spend a few moments getting to know her better!

Can you tell us a little about yourself (hobbies, education, etc.)?:

Hmmm…I have been told that I’m a bit eclectic. So let’s start with the basics. In my day-to-day gig I am a proud member of GitHub’s software intelligence systems team as a data engineer. In my extra hours I do such things as co-organize PyLadies Chicago and serve as a Director for the Python Software Foundation.