From Architecture to an AWS Serverless POC: Architect’s Journey

Project Context

This year a number of financial services firms have had to comply with a new "401(k)-to-IRA Rollover Advice" fiduciary rule. This rule mandates that wealth managers and broker-dealers must demonstrate "investor's best interest" intent when presenting investment opportunities to their clients.

Many financial services firms with legacy and 3rd party SaaS application landscape face a common challenge of data lineage and data consistency throughout the client onboarding user journey. Throughout this journey, the client’s investment profile is used to put together a proposed investment portfolio and open an investment account. Client On-boarding Business Process

Playing With TOTP (2FA) and Mobile Applications With Ionic

Today I want to play with Two Factor Authentication. When we speak about 2FA, TOTP comes to mind. There are many TOTP clients (e.g. Google Authenticator).

My idea with this prototype is to build one mobile application (with Ionic) and validate one TOTP token in a server (in this case a Python/Flask application). The token will be generated with a standard TOTP client. Let’s start