Advice request – software solution

Hi everyone,

can someone please help me and give advice as to which software solution to use for the business process described below:

Process description by person :


1 By using the PowerPoint software, create the background image file by updating the title, date, speaker and background image
2 Upload the image file to Dropbox

  1. Create the audio file by recording the speech
  2. Upload the audio recording to Dropbox
  3. Send the Whatsapp message to Person 2 (mixing and publishing to youtube) File are ready for download and further processing
  4. Wait for Person2 to create themp4 video file
  5. Send the Youtube video link to the general public using facebook messenger
  6. Process complete


1 Receive notification of the uploaded audio m4a and visual PPT files from Person 1 via whatsapp
2 Download PPT file from Dropbox
3 Download m4a audio file from Dropbox
4.Convert PPT file into PNG image by
a)print Screen,
b) paste into Paint,
d)save as PNG
4 Upload m4a and PNG to online converter of audio and image into video
5 Download mp4 video file created from the m4a and PPT
6 Begin upload to youtube newly created mp4 video file
7 Click on series of checkboxes in youtube video-upload process
7 Complete upload on youtube
8 Via Whatsapp, send the link to Person1
9 Confirm to Person1 pleasure to work on this



I.Replace Power Point Processing (update title, speaker and background image) with Text to image module
II.Automate sending of files to Person2 with accompanying Whatsapp message
III.Automate sharing the youtube video link to Facebook Messenger


i.Replace download of the m4a and the PPT file with automatic upload to the online converter of audio and image into video
ii.Replace download from the online converter of audio and image into video with automatic upload to youtube and notification to both Person1 and Person2

Import and Export Excel file in ASP .NET Core 3.1 Razor age

In this article we will discuss how to import and export excel file using ASP .NET Core 3.1 razor pages. We will discuss the below points:

>>  How to import Excel file in .NET Core and preview the uploaded excel file?
>>  How to export the excel file ? 

NPOI Package
NPOI is a free tool, which supports xls, xlsx, and docx extensions. This project is the .NET version of POI Java project at POI is an open source project, which can help you read/write XLS, DOC, PPT files. It covers most features of Excel, like styling, formatting, data formulas, extract images, etc. The good thing is, it doesn't require Microsoft Office to be installed on the server. NPOI is an open source component, and you can use it everywhere.