Easily Connect New Relic (for Free!) with WPMU DEV Hosted WordPress Sites

Use New Relic with WPMU DEV hosting to identify and quickly tackle any performance issues on your WordPress site.

New Relic is a service that hones in on performance and availability monitoring for WordPress. And one of the best perks about it is — it’s free!

With New Relic, you can immediately comprehend application performance and get a complete overview of your operating environment. It’s all very understandable from a single screen — making it perfect for you and your clients.

Combined with WPMU DEV’s fully dedicated hosting, it’s a winning formula for complete Application Performance Monitoring (APM) across all spectrums of your WordPress site!

This article will have an overview of New Relic and how it incorporates with WPMU DEV hosting.

We’ll cover:

By the time you read this, you’ll see how New Relic and WPMU DEV can immediately benefit you and your WordPress business by monitoring and tackling any potential issues.

What New Relic Does and a Brief Overview

As I touched on, New Relic helps identify issues with your WordPress’s performance and get a nice glimpse of how smooth everything is operating.

A New Relic overview.
New Relic has a lot of unique features.

In a nutshell, it’s made for Full-Stack Observability, which means it gives you the insight of knowing what’s happening in your digital system, plus why. It’s the entire picture that lets you enable your applications and devices to deliver value to your customers.

This makes it simple, so you don’t have to rack your brain trying to understand your system. New Relic takes the complexity out of it (yippee!).

For the Basic User (free version), you have access to many features, including making custom charts, creating custom dashboards, automatic anomaly detection, running data queries, and enabling alerts.

The free version is excellent in many (or most) circumstances; however, you can always upgrade to activate the additional features. Check out this comparison between free and paid versions to get an idea of what works best for you.

Brief Overview of New Relic APM

We’ll take a look at some of the best features in New Relic APM. This is a quick walk-through of some assets of what’s included and what it can do. Then, we’ll take a look at how to install it with WPMU DEV’s hosting.

There’s a lot to New Relic, so these are just some of the highlights:

Let’s check them out in more detail!


The Summary is made to provide you a 360-degree view of your WordPress site’s performance.

Here, you can view Transaction Types between Web (e.g. StatusCode) and Non-Web (PHP). You’ll see data for Response Time, Memcached, and MySQL.

The Summary area of New Relic.
Specify what data you want to display in the dropdowns.

Plus, the number of requests per minute is shown in the Throughput chart.

The Throughput chart.
You can see it’s at 12.6 rpm.

Any errors appear in the Error Rate data. This indicates the ratio of errors to the total number of requests your site processes.

A look at the error rate.
No errors are indicated.

There’s more in the Summary section, such as Apdex Score, Transactions, and Hosts.

The Summary is a great place to get an initial glimpse of your website’s performance and issues.

Service Maps

Service Maps are customizable visual representations of your WordPress site’s architecture. The maps show your app’s connections, plus dependencies. This includes applications, hosts, servers, databases, and more.

They can be accessed via the Explorer tab/Service Map.

The service map.
You can see what is all connected to the account that I have set up.

These maps help you understand how apps and services in your architecture communicate and connect. Also, you can easily see the operational state of your environment.

If you see issues, you can troubleshoot and see what troubles it’s wreaking havoc on down the line with all of your connections.

For more on Service Maps, be sure to check out New Relic’s documentation.


With Transactions, you can look in-depth at your Top 5 web transactions, monitoring your web requests. Transactions are defined as one logical unit of work in a software application.

The two foremost transactions that are included are Web and Non-Web. There are also sub-types (e.g. C SDK, Java, and .NET) that can be viewed.

You’re able to code bottlenecks and more that make your site grind to a halt in the Transaction Traces area.

A look at transactions.
See all of the different graphs for your transactions — all in one place!

Customize this area by setting up custom instrumentation, so you can report additional transactions if you’d like.

More information about Transactions can be found here.

WordPress Plugins and Themes

The WordPress Plugins and Themes tab display how much PHP processing time the active themes and plugins are using. You monitor if a plugin or theme is consuming ample time and then handle the issue accordingly.

Sort from the dropdown:

  • Most time consuming
  • Slowest average call time
  • Function call count
A look at time consuming plugins.
In this example, our Defender plugin is the plugin that is most time-consuming.

There are numerous reasons for a plugin or theme to run a high processing time, everything from needing an update, bad installation, and more. It’s essential to investigate thoroughly before simply removing a plugin or theme, taking the most time.


There’s a lot to observe from the Databases tab. This area will enable you to identify the database tables and queries that take up the most time. It displays an application’s database and cache data.

A look at databases.
You can see what all is taking up the most time on one page.

If any slow queries have been reported, they will be displayed when you select a transaction.

This area has three separate parts:

  • All-databases overview
  • Top database operations
  • Table with all database operations

Filter operations by database vendor, review top database operations, and delete traces.

External Services

With the External Services, you can easily view which external services are consuming an abundance of time. With this information, you can determine if the issue is speed-related or quantity, then resolve the issue.

External services chart.
You can see the Top 5 external services here.

In general, WordPress sites rely on several external services, so it’s important to keep tabs on any issues that occur from any of them.

And There’s More…

Keep in mind that there’s a LOT more to New Relic, including Events, Errors, Alert Conditions… The list goes on and on. Be sure to check out all New Relic features on their website. Or better yet, install it for yourself!

Quick Look at Identifying Performance Issues on Your WordPress Site

There are many ways to identify and take care of performance issues on your WordPress site with New Relic, as I touched on with its overview. Let’s take a look at an example.

For this instance, let’s say you’re checking out how your client’s plugins are performing.

The most time consuming plugins and themes.
You can see that WooCommerce is the most time-consuming.

As you can see, WooCommerce is taking up the most time in this WordPress ecosystem, followed by RankMath. Then, it’s followed by a lot of addons for WooCommerce.

Consider the options of removing any of these plugins. What plugins are essential? Any that aren’t? Is there anything you can do to help your client’s WordPress site’s performance by removing a plugin? Hmm…

In this case, Query Monitor is running. And it makes sense to disable it.

There’s a big difference between running system-layer benchmarks (e.g. New Relic) and running an application layer, like Query Monitor.

Query Monitor monitors and hooks all calls while WordPress is trying to execute them, so it can add more load time overall since you have to wait for its logging mechanisms to go to work.

Basically, it doesn’t need to be constantly used; therefore, it’s best to disable it.

New Relic features some more examples of identifying and handling performance issues on their blog. It’s worth checking out for another look at how the New Relic system works.

Installing New Relic with WPMU DEV Hosting

Now that you got your feet wet with what all New Relic has to offer, and a glimpse at how to identify and take care of performance issues, here’s how you can quickly and easily get it synced with a hosted site from The Hub.

Keep in mind that you need to host your site with us to use The Hub feature with New Relic. If you’re not hosting with us yet, check out our hosting plans and give us a spin. We have a 30-day money-back guarantee if, for any reason, you’re not happy with our hosting.

Set Up a Free New Relic Account

To get a free New Relic account, you don’t need a credit card or any means of payment put in their system. It’s entirely free unless you want to upgrade at some point.

If you haven’t already, simply head to their website, and sign up for a free account with your Name and Email.

Where you begin the process of setting up a New Relic account.
Got your information added? Click Start Now!

Once you input your information, you’ll get a notification email, and you can set up a password. That’s it!

We’ll now hop into WPMU DEV’s The Hub and start the process from there, then get back into our New Relic account.

Connect a Site to New Relic From The Hub

Since you’re all set up with a New Relic account, connecting to a website that you have hosted in The Hub is a snap.

First off, go to the site that you want to connect to. The quickest way to access your hosted sites is to click the Hosting tab in the dashboard. That will immediately bring them all up.

A list of hosted sites in The Hub.
You can also access your hosted sites under Sites, then Hosted.

On the site you want to include New Relic on, the green cloud icon will get you to where we need to go.

The cloud in The Hub.
I named this website ‘New Relic’ — just for example purposes.

That will take you to a new dashboard, where you will click on the Tools button.

The Tools tab in The Hub.
Tools is where you want to go.

Once clicking on that, scrolling down will get you to the New Relic Monitoring area. If you don’t have New Relic connected, it will indicate that it’s off.

Where you activate your New Relic account in The Hub.
You’ll need to scroll down quite a bit to get to this section.

Clicking in the Off area will open up a pop-up where you have options to Enable/Disable New Relic, add a License Key, and give it an App Name that will appear in New Relic once connected.

Where you enter a key for New Relic in The Hub.
I’ll just name it Nate to keep it simple.

So, how do we go about getting the key? Leave this option open, and we’ll head back into New Relic in a new tab.

Getting the License Key

When logged into your New Relic account, obtaining a license key to add into The Hub and sync your account is just a couple of steps.

Simply go to your icon button in New Relic, that’s located in the upper right corner. When you click on it, it’ll bring up a dropdown that includes API Keys.

Where you get your api keys in New Relic.
There’s a lot more you can do here, but we’ll focus on the API keys for now.

Clicking on API Keys displays all of your API keys. From here, you want to click on one that says LICENSE in it, tap on the ellipsis, and select Copy Key.

Where you copy the key in New Relic.
Be careful. Depending on how many keys you have set up, it’s easy to copy the wrong key or key ID.

Got the key copied? Great! Let’s move on to…

Activating New Relic in The Hub

The screen that we previously were on (Hosting> Tools> New Relic Monitoring) should be there waiting for you (unless, of course, you closed out that tab).

Simply paste the code where it says License Key and, if you haven’t already, give it a name. Once pasted, you’ll switch the Enable/Disable ON (it’ll turn blue) and click Save.

Where you enter the new relic key in The Hub.
Name it anything that you’d like.

And now, you’re ready to…

See Your Data in New Relic

It doesn’t take long for data to start being collected in New Relic and appear on a lot of what we covered already (e.g. Transactions).

The App Name that you gave your website should appear in New Relic almost instantly! Go to the Explorer tab and click on APM. Your new account should appear, along with any existing accounts that you already have set up.

Where the new account is located in New Relic.
You can see the one labeled Nate is already on here in less than a minute.

New Relic will take it from here, letting you know of any performance issues so that you can stay on top of them with ease! They even have mobile app options for Android and iOS.

Out with the Old, In with the New Relic

The old way of looking at your WordPress’s performance, identify and take care of any issues is better than ever. Thanks to New Relic and its easy-to-understand platform, it’s not tough to do.

As you can see, it’s painless and easy to set up, implement, and take advantage of today.

To implement all that we covered in The Hub, be sure to check out our fully dedicated hosting if you’re not hosting sites with us currently.

Enjoy your NEW way of WordPress performance monitoring with New Relic.

DynamoDB Autoscaling Dissected: When a Calculator Beats a Robot

TLDR; Choosing the Right Mode for DynamoDB Scaling

Making sense of the multitude of scaling options available for DynamoDB can be quite confusing, but running a short checklist with a calculator can go a long way to help.

  1. Follow the flowchart below to decide which mode to use.
  2. If you have historical data of your database load (or an estimate of load pattern), create a histogram or a percentile curve of the load (aggregate on hours used) – this is the easiest way to observe how many reserved units to pre-purchase. As a rule of thumb purchase reservations for units used over 32% of the time when accounting for partial usage and 46% of the time when not accounting for partial usage.
  3. When in doubt, opt for static provisioning unless your top priority is avoiding being out of capacity – even at extreme costs.
  4. Configure scaling limits (both upper and lower) for provisioned autoscaling. You want to avoid out-of-capacity during outages and extreme costs in case of rogue overload (DDOS anyone?)
  5. Remember that there is no upper limit on DynamoDB on-demand billing other than the table’s scaling limit (which you may have requested raising for performance reasons). Make sure to configure billing alerts and respond quickly when they fire.

The Long Version: Configuring DynamoDB Tables

Before we dive in, it’s useful to be reminded of DynamoDB different service models and their scaling characteristics: DynamoDB tables can be configured to be either “provisioned capacity” or “on-demand”, and there’s a cooldown period of 24 hours before you can change again.

How to Make a High Converting Sales Funnel in WordPress

Do you want to make a high converting sales funnel in WordPress?

A sales funnel is the path a user takes on your website to become a customer. Optimizing this path can lead to higher conversions and more sales.

In this article, we’ll show how to make a high converting sales funnel with practical examples. We’ll also explain how to track and optimize your existing sales funnels.

Creating effective sales funnel in WordPress for higher conversions

What is a Sales Funnel?

A sales funnel is the journey a person takes from the moment they find out about your business, all the way to becoming a loyal customer.

Marketers often talk about funnels in stages, from awareness of the problem they need to solve, all the way to taking action to make a purchase.

Sales funnel example

For online businesses, a sales funnel consists of the specific pages that a new users may visit on your site before they make a purchase.

That means that if you run an online business, an eCommerce store, or a business service, then you already have a sales funnel on your website.

Depending on how you set up your website, your sales funnel may have several steps that lead users to make a purchase. For example, a new visitor might land on a blog post, then view a product page, then go through your checkout flow.

You can optimize each of these steps to offer a better user experience, reduce distractions, and nudge users towards completing the purchase.

You can also track the performance of your sales funnel, run tests to see what works best, and then make data driven decisions to improve your sales funnel.

That being said, let’s take a look at how to easily create a high converting sales funnel in WordPress.

1. Creating a Sales Funnel Landing Page in WordPress

Usually the first step of every sales funnel is users arriving on your website, whether that’s via a product page, sales page, or other landing page.

WordPress allows you to easily create simple pages for your website. Your WordPress theme may also come with a customizable homepage.

However, these pages are not optimized for sales, and leave several holes in your sales funnel that allow potential customers to slip through.

This is where SeedProd comes in. It is the best WordPress page builder on the market and allows you to easily create landing pages, sales page, product pages, and more.

Sales page templates

SeedProd comes with dozens of ready-made templates that are already optimized for higher conversions.

Plus, it has an intuitive drag and drop interface that you can use to customize your pages.

SeedProd landing page builder

SeedProd also includes a WooCommerce integration that allows you to add eCommerce elements to any page.

For example, you can display featured products that you want to upsell, display product grids, add cart buttons, and more.

Custom WooCommerce cart page

You can also create a custom WooCommerce cart experience with product upsells to boost sales.

SeedProd integrates with your existing email marketing services, so you can easily capture leads and convert them to paying customers later on.

It works with any WordPress theme and allows you to create any design from scratch, without relying on your theme design. You can even use it to create stand alone landing pages for custom domain aliases and drive more traffic and sales to your website.

2. Boost Conversions for Your Sales Funnel

Creating a conversion oriented landing page for your sales funnel helps you get more sales. However, you will still notice many customers not following the funnel path and abandoning the user journey.

This is where you’ll need OptinMonster. It is the world’s best conversion optimization software on the market and allows you to easily convert website visitors into paying customers.

OptinMonster comes with marketing tools like lightbox popups, countdown timers, slide-in popups, sticky header and footer banners, full-screen popups, spin to win popups, and more.

OptinMonster campaign types

It comes with dozens of templates, and each of them is fully customizable using the OptinMonster campaign builder.

The drag and drop builder allows you to easily edit your campaigns without having to code.

OptinMonster campaign editor

OptinMonster comes with an incredibly powerful set of targeting rules. This allows you to personalize your marketing campaigns and show them only to targeted users at the right time in their user journey.

For instance, you can offer free shipping to users in particular regions, or show campaigns to users who already have specific products in their cart, and more.

OptinMonster display rules

OptinMonster integrates with all top email marketing platforms so you can capture leads who may not be interested in making a purchase right away.

You can also use it to redirect users to download lead magnets, receive exclusive coupons, or get personalized offers.

Time-based popups

3. Create Lead Generation Forms in WordPress

More than 70% of people visiting your website will leave without making a purchase or following the user journey along your sales funnel.

Lead generation forms allow you to capture users’ contact information such as an email address or phone number. You can then persuade those customers to make a purchase when they’re ready to.

WPForms is the best WordPress form builder plugin on the market. It allows you to easily create lead generation forms for your sales funnel.

It is super easy to use with ready-made form templates for all sorts of forms.

Form templates in WPForms

It comes with a drag and drop form builder.

Using the builder, you can just point and click to edit a form field or add new fields to your form.

WPForms form builder

Plus, WPForms integrates with your email marketing platform and more than 3000+ apps through Zapier. This makes it easier for your sales and marketing team to manage those leads and make more sales.

You can add your forms to any post or page, sidebar widget, and even inside popups using a block or shortcode.

Newsletter signup form in a WordPress post

You can also create standalone form pages, conversational forms, surveys and quizzes, and more.

Conversational Form Demo

4. Upsell Products in WooCommerce

One of the most important steps in a sales funnel is to show additional offers to users on their path to make the purchase.

However, once a user has added products to their cart this is what they would typically see:

Default cart experience in WooCommerce

CartFlows is a WordPress sales funnel builder and optimization plugin that allows you to change that.

You can use it to create complete sales funnels or optimize your existing sales funnel with additional steps.

It comes with a One-click Upsells feature, which allows users to add products to their cart on their way to the checkout.

One-click upsell offers in CartFlows

You can also optimize a users journey by adding one-click order bumps, pre-checkout offers, custom checkout form layouts, beautiful templates, and more.

Pre-checkout upgrade

Once a user has completed the purchase, this doesn’t mean it’s the end of their user journey. You can still redirect them to a custom thank you page with more special offers.

SeedProd comes with excellent templates that you can use for thank you pages. It also includes a WooCommerce product grid, shopping cart button, and many other elements to help customers continue shopping.

Adding upsell offers to thank you page

5. Track and Optimize Sales Funnel

After you have created and optimized your sales funnel in WordPress, next you would want to track its performance.

Most importantly, you need to know how users interact with your sales funnel and at what point they abandon your website before making a purchase.

MonsterInsights makes it super easy to monitor and track your sales funnel. It is the best Google Analytics plugin for WordPress and allows you to see where your users are coming from and what they do while visiting your site.

Upon installation, MonsterInsights allows you to track conversions across your WordPress website. See our guide on conversion tracking in WordPress for detailed instructions.

MonsterInsights also comes with an eCommerce addon. This helps you add Google’s Analytics enhanced eCommerce tracking and show you an easy to understand eCommerce tracking report.

Adding upsell offers to thank you page

You can also run A/B split tests with Google Optimize with MonsterInsights Google Optimize addon. This helps you compare sales funnel performance and see what’s working best for your business.

Google Optimize

We hope this article helped you learn how to create high converting sales funnels in WordPress. You may also want to see our expert pick of the best AI chatbot software to boost your sales even more, or check out our guide on how to choose the best web design software.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Make a High Converting Sales Funnel in WordPress appeared first on WPBeginner.

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Compare The Best Work Order Software

Want to jump straight to the answer? The best work order software for most people is Jobber or UpKeep.

Work order software helps you organize, manage, and maintain data on projects. It’s also helpful to maintain and keep track of resources, expenses, and labor. These tools streamline your workflow by making it easy for facility managers, supervisors, and admins to assign tasks.

We’ve compiled a list of the seven best work order software options so you can find the best one for your company’s needs.

The Top 7 Best Work Order Software

All of the work order software in this guide offer great features that will help you keep track of everyday tasks and expenses.

Jobber – Best Work Order Software For Field Service Processes

  • Great for on-the-go field services
  • Highly intuitive mobile app
  • Built-in CRM
  • Comes with a 14-day free trial
Try it today!

If your business operates in field service, Jobber is an excellent option for specific field service processes.

With a focus on service businesses, Jobber helps teams operate, organize, and schedule operations from managing crews to invoicing customers.

Jobber work order software try it for free and watch a demo page.

For reasonable pricing that includes helpful features for teams, Jobber offers exceptional tools that allow you to work from anywhere.

Within a single dashboard, you can organize your operations with an integrated CRM that will make your processes more efficient.

Jobber will help you offer more value to your customers with features like

  • Automatic follow-ups
  • Create branded professional quotes and send them by text message
  • Real-time scheduling and dispatching
  • Batch invoicing
  • Mobile app
  • Online booking for clients with their very own client hub
  • Build custom checklists to share with your clients

Jobber offers three pricing plans with the Core plan starting at $49 per month for one user, the Connect plan at $149 per month for five users, and the Grow plan for $249 per month for up to 15 users, with the option for additional users for $29 per month. Note that these prices are for annual subscriptions.

You can try Jobber with a 14-day free trial.

UpKeep – Best Work Order Software For Mobile Optimization

  • Seamless work order management
  • Automatic push notifications
  • Great for mobile work orders
  • Comes with free plan
Try it today!

UpKeep is best known as an asset management solution that focuses on mobile optimization and syncing.

However, a work order feature is a seamless addition to the software, making it easy to prioritize and assign tasks.

UpKeep work order software free product tour page.

UpKeep makes it easy to optimize your maintenance by reducing equipment downtime and increasing equipment lifespan.

The software also allows you to track time and costs within each work order by reviewing trends and insights to lower the cost of additional maintenance.

The greatest and most flexible aspect of UpKeep is the mobile work orders, which includes:

  • The option to automatically send push notifications to technicians
  • Attach PDFs of equipment manuals and instructions to work orders
  • Include photos and videos on work orders
  • Technicians can choose to complete work orders based on availability and location
  • Discussions surrounding updates are easy
  • Have technicians close out work orders upon completion

UpKeep offers four pricing plans, including:

  • Community: Free and includes work order management
  • Starter: $39 per month per user
  • Professional: $60 per month per user
  • Business Plus: $100 per month per user

You can also take a virtual tour of the software on Upkeep’s website.

Limble CMMS – Best Work Order Software For Midsize Businesses

  • Easy access from any device
  • View all priorities and goals
  • Intuitive time tracking tool
  • Starts at $50 per user per month
Try it today!

If you own a mid-sized business and need a work order software that can help empower your maintenance team, Limble CMMS is an excellent option.

With a centralized database your team can access from any device, you can efficiently organize all your work orders with task priority and calendar options.

Limble CMMS work order software manage work example

The Limble CMMS work order app combines power with ease, as you won’t need to waste time training technicians on how to use your software.

One great feature for medium-sized businesses is creating custom approval processes for both preventative maintenance and work requests. Customizing these processes saves your team time and keeps employees from having to track down the right people for approvals, and holds everyone accountable for their part.

Each work order is simple to navigate and provides clear instructions on tasks and PMs. Some helpful features include:

  • Attach invoices to work orders
  • Record time spent
  • Track downtime
  • Assign tasks to a team or single user
  • Print details easily

Limble CMMS offers four pricing plans, including:

  • Starter: $50 per month per user
  • Professional: $80 per month per user
  • Business Plus (recommended for mid-size businesses): $120 per month per user
  • Enterprise: $205 per month per user

You can also do a 30-day free trial of the software before making a decision.

MaintainX – Best Cloud-Based All-In-One Work Order Software

  • Cloud-based for greater security
  • Turbo boost productivity
  • Works on PC, Mac OS, iOS, & Android
  • Test drive it for free
Try it today!

MaintainX is the best cloud-based all-in-one work order software, perfect for creating and monitoring reactive work orders.

MaintainX work order software work order example on multiple devices.

Most users experience a 25% reduction in maintenance costs and a 40% increase in productivity after utilizing the MaintainX software.

With an intuitive interface, MaintainX is user-friendly and makes team training as easy as possible. You can craft each work order with customizable templates and form builders built into the software.

The software is excellent for property managers, facility managers, and asset managers, with outstanding features to benefit these roles, such as:

  • Create recurring work orders that repeat on a shared calendar
  • Store maintenance records
  • Unlimited work orders for all paid plans
  • Digital audit logs
  • Optimized for desktop, iOS, Android, and iPad
  • Real-time metrics

MaintainX is entirely cloud-based, so users can access it anywhere on any device, making it useful for field service management and larger teams.

MaintainX offers three pricing plans, including:

  • Essential: $10 per month per user
  • Premium: $39 per month per user
  • Enterprise: $115 per month per user

You can watch a demo or try MaintainX for free on their site and save 17% by paying annually.

ManagerPlus – Best Work Order Software For Heavy Equipment Management

  • Built for heavy-duty work
  • Manage equipment, parts, & materials
  • Automatically adjusts inventory
  • Request a free demo to try it out
Try it today!

ManagerPlus is a great option that offers seamless work order management for heavy equipment and construction industries.

Data-rich work orders include everything your team will need to efficiently organize and manage your business, from digital manuals to instructions and checklists.

ManagerPlus work order software analytics and work order examples on multiple devices.

Construction industries that often handle heavy equipment with excess parts and materials need a software that can maintain this. Fortunately, ManagerPlus offers integrated inventory control you can automatically adjust when work orders are closed.

With ManagerPlus, you’ll benefit from core features like:

  • Accurate and secure data accessible anywhere
  • Automated reporting
  • Intuitive interface
  • Actionable insights
  • Track costs, parts, and material
  • Mobile app

ManagerPlus offers two pricing plans, including:

  • Lightning Plus: $85 per month per user
  • Lightning Experience: $125 per month per user

You can also request a free demo before purchasing ManagerPlus.

ServiceMax Asset 360 – Best Work Order Software For Small Businesses

  • SMB-friendly features
  • Built for orgs using Salesforce
  • Smart asset monitoring
  • Request a free demo
Try it today!

Similar to Jobber, ServiceMax Asset 360 offers field service management. The difference is this software is more optimized for small businesses.

ServiceMax combined with Salesforce and is the #1 CRM platform, with a solution that drives operational efficiency and work order management.

ServiceMax Asset 360 work order software work order example on multiple devices.

With preventative and proactive work order maintenance, your team can choose among a handful of different strategies to ensure zero unplanned downtime—with tools like time-based or condition-based maintenance.

Asset 360 is natively built on Salesforce Field Service, offering a truly 360-degree view of your assets out in the field. They strive to maximize your asset performance and monitoring to save small businesses time and money.

ServiceMax has some other prominent features, such as

  • IoT (Internet of things) asset performance data and analytics
  • Mobile technician app
  • Asset 360 dispatcher console that schedules and shows upcoming appointments
  • Contractor management
  • Parts, returns, and depot repair

You can see a free demo, schedule a call to speak to a specialist, or sign up for a free webinar about the software on the ServiceMax website. ServiceMax does not have a free version or trial and does not publish its prices online. Contact ServiceMax for a quote.

FMX – Best Work Order Software For Facility Managers

  • Tracks projects and labor
  • Improves communications
  • Create work orders from any device
  • Get a free quote or demo
Try it today!

Supervisors and asset managers often have the role of assigning work orders and tasks, but FMX changes the game with its software designed for experienced facility managers.

The software is perfect for streamlining maintenance, all while resolving issues and keeping track of labor and money spent.

FMX work order software work order examples

With its centralized hub, your team can easily track and submit work and give insight into how all aspects of your business are performing—which is a great way to save time and automate routine processes.

FMX lets facility managers prioritize tasks based on need and customize the configuration of work order requests to ensure your team gets the specific information they need to get the job done.

Some benefits of the FMX work order software are:

  • Customizable forms and workflows
  • Improved communication by building occupants
  • View work order status
  • Create work orders from any device
  • Maintenance calendar
  • Start and stop labor tracking

You can do a free trial of FMX and get a free personalized quote on their website.

How to Find the Best Work Order Software For You

Now that you know what our top seven best work order software options are, it’s time for you to make a decision that aligns with your company’s needs. Below are the criteria we used to narrow down our top picks listed above. All you need to do is weigh up the criteria against your personal needs to make the right decision for your business.

Niche Specificity

Many work order software caters to different industries and business niches such as field service, construction, hospitality, or mining.

When comparing software, it’s paramount that you gauge what industry the work order software business serves. You wouldn’t want to invest in Jobber if you worked in construction when ManagerPlus would better suit your business structure. Work order software is not all equally suited to various industries.

Analyze your business industry and goals before shopping for software. You want a product that will fill every need you have, so make sure your investment is worth it by shopping for the right software.

Mobile Optimization

All of our recommendations offer a mobile app or an option to sync your devices, and for good reason.

Especially today, when remote workers are highly sought-after and applicable to most business models, it’s crucial your software allows you to work from any location.

Mobile optimization will let you assign work orders, communicate with technicians, and attach photos and videos for convenience—from the comfort of your phone. Take UpKeep, for example, our top pick, because it has the most flexible mobile optimization of all the options.

Working with your phone doesn’t have to be overly complex or boring. It’s important to find software that offers mobile optimization or an app you can download and sync your data onto—we promise it’s much more convenient and saves time.

Business Size

Just like most work order software caters to industry, it also caters to business size. In this guide, we looked at Limble CMMS and ServiceMax, where each software caters to different business sizes.

This is an important factor because of investment. You don’t want to spend more money than you should be by investing in more expensive software catering to a larger business model.

Because you have to pay per user with all the software listed above, you must know how many users you wish to include in your software. If you make the mistake of purchasing software meant for a larger business model with features you don’t need, you will be out of pocket for hundreds of dollars. Make sure you discuss with your team beforehand to figure out how many users will need access to the software.

Additional Features

Now that we’ve discussed the three most essential criteria for your final choice, there are a few additional features that would be ideal to have, including:

  • Automated reporting
  • Trackers for costs and labor
  • Invoicing function
  • Shared calendars

These additional features will come in handy and prove very helpful for time-saving and organization, so look out for these, too.

The Top Work Order Software in Summary

Our top recommendations for the best work order software are Jobber and UpKeep.

These may be our two top recommendations, but the other five software options are great, too, especially for industry-specific needs. Use this guide as a resource when choosing the best work order software for your company.

44 Best Responsive WordPress Themes

Are you looking for the best responsive WordPress theme for your website?

Most modern WordPress themes are fully responsive out of the box. However, there are so many that it becomes difficult to choose one.

In this article, we have hand-picked some of the best responsive WordPress themes for you to choose from.

Best Responsive WordPress Themes

What Is a Responsive WordPress Theme and Why Does it Matter?

A responsive WordPress theme will automatically adjust itself to the user’s screen size. This means that your WordPress site will look equally good on mobile phones, tablets, and desktop devices.

Around 54.8% of global internet traffic is on mobile devices. That means about half of your users will be accessing your website using a mobile device.

If your website doesn’t fit their screen or looks ugly on their device, then they will immediately leave. They may never find your website again.

This is why you must always use a responsive WordPress theme for all your websites.

Responsive themes improve the user experience and also have a significant SEO (search engine optimization) advantage. Search engines like Google rank mobile-friendly websites higher in search results, which brings more traffic to your site.

Getting Started With Your Responsive WordPress Website

We recommend using self-hosted WordPress from WordPress.org for your website, since it has all the functionality you will need. Take a look at our guide to understand the difference between self-hosted WordPress.org vs WordPress.com.

For a self-hosted WordPress.org site, you will need a good domain name and the best WordPress hosting. Your domain is the address for your website and hosting is where your website lives on the internet.

We recommend buying web hosting from Bluehost. They’re offering WPBeginner readers a huge discount, a free domain name, and a free SSL certificate. They are one of the largest web hosting companies in the world, and they are officially recommended by WordPress.org.

The Bluehost special offer for WPBeginner readers

Once you have hosting, you will need to install WordPress and then follow our step-by-step guide on creating a WordPress site.

Now that you are up and running, you can pick a theme from the list below and install it. If you need help, then see our guide on how to install a WordPress theme.

Having said that, let’s take a look at some of the best responsive WordPress themes.

1. Divi


Divi is a powerful drag and drop WordPress theme and page builder that comes with hundreds of layouts and templates for different kinds of websites.

You can create and save your own Divi layouts. You can also export a layout from one Divi installation to another. With Divi, you can easily change your site’s colors, fonts, headings, and much more without knowing any CSS code.

Divi is fully responsive. It’s also designed for good WordPress SEO, so your site will rank well in Google and other search engines.

2. Astra


Astra is a popular multipurpose WordPress theme. Built with the best coding standards, it’s flexible and user-friendly

Besides being a responsive theme, Astra offers advanced options like the Mobile Header module that lets you adjust header breakpoints, as well as set different logos, menu styles, colors, and more for mobile devices. All of this is easy to do in the WordPress theme customizer, where you can see a preview of your changes in real-time.

Astra is a feature-rich, stable, and high performing theme that makes your website look great on all devices. It also supports RTL languages.

3. SeedProd

SeedProd WordPress Website Builder

SeedProd is the best WordPress theme and page builder plugin. It comes with a beginner-friendly drag and drop builder to make a custom responsive theme for your website.

SeedProd comes with several professionally-designed starter themes, and you can completely customize their layout and design with the drag and drop builder. You can also start with a blank slate and build your theme completely from scratch.

Every layout is designed to be mobile-friendly by default. While using the editor, you can easily see how your website will appear on different screen sizes before you publish it online for your visitors.

4. Hestia

Hestia Pro

Hestia is a free WordPress responsive theme with powerful features. It has an easy theme setup with the help of a companion plugin. This adds testimonials, services, and homepage sections to your website.

It’s ready to be used with popular free page builder plugins and supports WooCommerce out of the box.

5. OceanWP


OceanWP is a powerful WordPress responsive theme with an impressive set of features. It’s designed to be used for any type of website. It works equally well for business websites, eCommerce stores, and WordPress blogs.

It comes with a clean layout that you can easily customize with widgets, page templates, and other theme settings. It’s a fast loading theme with full WooCommerce support.

6. Tusant


Tusant is a mobile responsive WordPress theme made specifically for podcasters. It’s also a good option for music or video websites. It comes with native support to beautifully display your podcast episodes, vlog entries, audio playlists, and more.

Tusant includes several layouts to display your podcast episodes in grid and list views. There are extended settings for the live customizer allowing you to change theme colors. It also supports drag and drop page builder plugins, letting you create landing pages easily.

7. Ultra


Ultra is a powerful multipurpose WordPress theme with a built-in drag and drop page builder. It comes with dozens of built-in designs, layouts, and templates that you can use as a starting point to build your own website.

Ultra is packed with features like parallax scrolling, animations, counters, Google maps, sliders, and much more.

8. Authority Pro

Authority Pro

Authority Pro is one of the best WordPress themes for influencers. It’s designed to showcase their expertise and explore new opportunities. Its front page features a modern layout with a prominent call-to-action to help you boost conversions.

Authority Pro is eCommerce ready, which allows you to sell online courses or build a membership community. It’s built on the Genesis Framework, which is known for rock-solid code and superior performance.

Other notable features include a vertical social menu, flexible header layout, custom widgets, and multiple-page templates. Authority Pro is easy and quick to set up using the theme options panel.

StudioPress is now part of WP Engine, the most popular managed WordPress hosting company. You can get this theme and all 35+ other StudioPress themes when you sign up for WP Engine hosting to build your website.

Bonus: WPBeginner users also get an additional 20% OFF. Get started with WP Engine today!

9. Guten Theme

Guten Theme

Guten Theme is a modern WordPress theme that works perfectly with the new WordPress block editor (Gutenberg editor). It comes with multiple header, footer, and blog layouts built-in. It allows you to easily create great-looking content layouts for your posts and pages.

It has custom colors and fonts settings. Guten Theme is WooCommerce compatible and can be fully customized with the WordPress live customizer.

10. Prime News

Prime News

Prime News is a responsive WordPress theme for news and magazine websites. It features a clean minimalist layout that makes the most of your news articles and images.

With Prime News, you get a sticky navigation menu on top and one collapsible sidebar menu. It has a header widget area, breaking news ticker, featured content area, and more. It’s easy to customize by adding widgets and choosing colors.

11. Essence Pro

Essence Pro

Essence Pro is an eCommerce ready WordPress theme designed specifically for health & wellness and lifestyle businesses. It features a beautiful modern homepage layout with a large header on top and a prominent call-to-action.

It comes with several page templates including a landing page template. It’s also optimized for the WordPress block editor, allowing you to create your own content layouts that look consistent with the rest of the theme.

12. Neve


Neve is a modern and flexible responsive theme for WordPress. It’s lightweight and designed for speed. Even better, it renders your website as native Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) to make your site super fast on mobile.

With Neve, you can easily customize your header, footer, and website layout. It’s fully compatible with the block editor, as well as with popular page builders like Elementor and Visual Composer.

13. Allegiant


Allegiant is an elegant responsive WordPress theme for business websites. It features a modern layout with large typography, prominent call to action, and flexible customization options.

Each page on your website can have a different layout with easy layout switching options. Allegiant also supports WooCommerce and comes with beautiful products, product categories, and shop templates.

14. Nozama


Nozama is a beautiful responsive theme for WooCommerce stores. It comes with full WooCommerce integration with a highly customizable storefront.

It also includes several WooCommerce custom widgets, beautiful templates for product and product category pages, social media integration, and more. You can use it with any popular page builder plugin to create landing pages for your website.

15. Breakthrough Pro

Breakthrough Pro

Breakthrough Pro is a fully responsive WordPress theme for advertising and marketing agencies. It features a minimal design with beautiful typography and bold accent colors.

This WooCommerce ready business theme is built on the Genesis Framework, which is known for its speed and performance. It’s also optimized for WordPress block editor, allowing you to create stunning content layouts.

Other features include a custom theme options panel, customizer support, flexible header, 9 widget-ready areas, and a portfolio section.

16. Float


Float is a highly customizable WordPress responsive theme with parallax scrolling and a built-in page builder. It comes with dozens of layouts and multiple ready-to-use templates to create stunning pages.

It’s also packed with all the usual features you would expect from a premium WordPress theme. These include social media integration, custom backgrounds, unlimited colors, custom widgets, and much more.

17. Spencer


Spencer is an elegant WordPress business theme with a fully responsive design. It features a fully widgetized frontend layout for the homepage that allows you to just drag and drop widgets to set it up.

It also includes multiple page templates, custom widgets for social media, and content discovery features. It supports all popular plugins, such as the Elementor page builder plugin.

18. Elara


Elara is a great theme if you want to start a food blog. This elegantly designed fully-responsive WordPress theme is made for food bloggers and recipe websites.

It features a modern spacious design with beautiful typography and an elegant display of images and media. It has built-in ad spots, featured recipes sections, sliders, banners, social media integration, and easy drag and drop widgets.

19. Benson


Benson is a fully-responsive WordPress theme for photographers and portfolio websites. It comes with the built-in capability to add video and image slideshows and it supports multiple image layouts.

Benson has separate sections to add your portfolio items, show client testimonials, include your blog page, and more. Other notable features include eCommerce support, a contact form, a social media menu, and support for all top page builder plugins such as Elementor and Visual Composer.

20. Felt


Felt is a responsive WordPress news and magazine theme with tons of awesome features. Its homepage layout comes with an optional full-screen slider, which is followed by your recent articles as users scroll down.

It comes with two navigation menus on the top, immersive featured images, multiple layouts, header styles, social media icons, and more. Felt is super easy to set up.

21. Responz


Responz is a multi-purpose WordPress responsive theme. It features a beautiful three-column layout with elegant design and great typography.

It has multiple layout options like 2 sidebars, 1 sidebar, or a full-width homepage. You can also choose from the list view or grid view post layouts. Apart from that, it has all the usual features of a premium theme like custom background, flexible headers, custom widgets, and color options.

22. The Traveler

The Traveler

The Traveler is a responsive WordPress theme for travel and tourism websites. It comes with a beautiful grid-based layout for the homepage. It also includes an Instagram feed, which allows you to display your latest photos from Instagram directly on your site.

The theme also has 5 layout choices for archive pages. It’s very easy to set up, even for absolute beginners.

23. Landing


Landing is a WordPress landing page theme that allows you to build landing pages using the drag and drop Themify Builder. It comes with 25+ ready-to-use builder templates that make a great starting point.

It has multiple header design options, portfolio management, events, and full WooCommerce support to start your own online store.

24. Compass


Compass is a multipurpose and fully responsive WordPress theme for blogging, news, and magazine websites. It comes with a highly customizable homepage with a featured content slider, dynamic homepage builder, featured categories, and 1-click demo content installer.

It has a built-in breaking news ticker, multiple page templates, custom colors, fonts, custom logo, and background. The theme also comes with several custom widgets, multiple sidebars, and widget-ready areas.

25. Velure


Velure is a beautiful WordPress magazine theme designed to showcase your content with elegance. It comes with a featured content slider, video slider, featured categories area, and ad spaces.

Other features include custom logo upload, Instagram integration, multiple page layouts, and several widget-ready areas.

26. Total


Total is a free WordPress theme suitable for small businesses on a bootstrap budget. It has a clean and simple layout to easily showcase your products and services.

Its homepage contains different areas to add a slider, about us section, progress bar, portfolio, testimonials, and blog posts. It also includes multiple widget-ready areas and full customizer support to easily change the theme settings.

27. Magazine Pro

Magazine Pro

Magazine Pro is a stylish magazine theme for your WordPress site. This elegantly designed template is fully mobile responsive and adjusts your content on smaller screens.

It includes featured content sections, custom widget areas, unlimited image galleries, and slideshows. It also comes with a simple yet very flexible homepage layout, which is easily customizable from theme settings.

28. Inspiro


Inspiro is a powerful WordPress multipurpose theme designed specifically for photography, videography, and other visual content sites. It lets you display videos from third-party websites easily.

Among other features, Inspiro has a full-width header background that you can customize to add an image or video. It fully integrates with page builder plugins for further customization.

29. Roxima


Roxima is an elegant WordPress theme for business websites. It has a fully responsive design and comes with multiple custom widgets and layout choices.

Inside you will also find about, services, portfolio, client, and team sections which can be easily added to your homepage using drag and drop. Roxima has a beginner-friendly theme options panel to help you quickly build your website.

30. Moesia Pro

Moesia Pro

Moesia Pro is a beautifully crafted one page WordPress theme for business websites. It comes with a drag and drop page builder with different content blocks. You can add and arrange the blocks to easily build your homepage.

Moesia Pro also has a slider, page templates, Google fonts, and all the features you would expect from a premium theme. It’s translation ready and follows WordPress best practices, giving it compatibility with all standard WordPress plugins.

31. Paperbag


Paperbag is a fully responsive WordPress blogging theme. It has beautiful large featured images and comes with multiple layout choices. It’s very easy to set up using the live theme customizer.

Paperbag comes with 20+ color schemes, and you can also create your own color schemes. It’s also highly optimized for SEO and speed.

32. Elite


Elite is a beautiful WordPress theme for business and eCommerce websites. Its homepage features a fullscreen background image with a call to action button prominently displayed.

It includes custom logo support, unlimited colors, Google fonts, and multiple page layouts for blog posts and pages. It’s easy to use with a widgetized homepage, customizer support, and a custom theme options page.

33. Pepper+


Pepper+ is an all-purpose WordPress theme with several turnkey designs for businesses and blogs. It takes a modular approach to design and comes with modules that you can just drag and drop to create different layouts.

Pepper+ is a retina ready theme with support for WooCommerce and multilingual websites through plugins like WPML. It offers a beginner-friendly user experience with simple 1-click installers and a quick theme setup.

34. Foodica


Foodica is a WordPress theme for food blogs, recipe websites, and restaurants. This beautifully designed theme comes with 10 color schemes, a recipe index, a beautiful featured slider, and full WooCommerce integration.

It has built-in ad zones to display ads on your website. It comes with a theme options panel that allows you to easily set up your website.

35. Igloo


Igloo is a responsive WordPress theme for restaurants, cafes, and food websites. It comes with a built-in menu management section so you can easily display your restaurant’s menu on your website.

It has large featured images and a stunning homepage slider with a bold call to action button. It comes with different sections to easily add customer testimonials, beautiful galleries, a contact form, and sliders.

36. Bordeaux


Bordeaux is a premium WordPress theme for hotels. It comes with all the standard features you would expect from a premium theme.

Bordeaux is fully responsive and looks great on all devices and screen sizes. It’s highly optimized for speed, performance, and SEO. All the theme settings can be easily set up with an intuitive theme options panel.

Apart from the standard premium features, Bordeaux comes with features specific to hotel websites. It allows you to easily integrate popular hotel booking systems into your WordPress site.

37. Kale Pro

Kale Pro

Kale Pro is a beautiful WordPress theme for food blogs, recipe websites, and restaurants. It comes with a beautiful homepage layout with a slider on top, which is followed by your featured content.

With Kale Pro, you can easily add recipes using the recipes shortcode builder. It has dedicated areas for banner ads and custom widgets to add content to your homepage and sidebars. For a quicker setup, you can use its 1-click demo content installer.

38. Corner


Corner is a well-designed WordPress theme for creative types. It comes with built-in support to display your portfolio, display photographs, or use it as a personal blog or website.

The theme supports unlimited color variations and comes with lots of customization options. It’s also SEO-friendly and translation ready. Plus, you can install a contact form plugin such as WPForms lite or pro.

39. Hueman


Hueman is a free multi-purpose WordPress theme. It’s mobile responsive and comes with a ton of features. It has its own theme customization panel which makes it super easy to set up.

WIth Hueman, you get multiple page layouts, custom header, background, logo, and color options. You can select a two or three-column layout and use multiple templates for pages.

40. Bento


Bento is a free multipurpose WordPress blog theme with flexible features and a fully responsive layout. It works great with most page builder plugins and even recommends installing one upon activation.

For a free WordPress theme, Bento comes packed with great customization options. All of them can be accessed using the theme customizer.

41. Elegant


Elegant is a responsive WordPress theme for artists, photographers, and designers. It comes with built-in modules to add your photo galleries, sliders, video, and audio.

It also comes with an easy-to-use drag and drop page builder. This allows you to create your own page layouts or edit existing built-in layouts.

42. Angle


Angle is a clean WordPress multi-purpose theme with a drag and drop builder. It comes with a built-in portfolio section, sliders, a visual theme customizer, and multiple layout choices.

Angle is optimized for performance, SEO, and ease of use. Its minimalist design makes it a perfect choice for a portfolio or blogging theme.

43. Parallax


Parallax is a beautiful single page WordPress theme. It has parallax scrolling and backgrounds, fly-in elements, a built-in portfolio, and team post types.

It comes with animated progress bars, list and grid layouts, and infinite scroll. Parallax can also be used to add image filters like sepia, grayscale, and blur. This allows you to use image filters without needing Photoshop.

44. Dixie


Dixie is a well-crafted WordPress theme for podcast, video, and music websites. It’s fully mobile responsive and offers your users a great multimedia experience even on smaller devices.

The theme setup is quite simple and most features work straight out of the box. It comes with options to change your colors, layouts, and fonts.

How to Test a Responsive WordPress Theme?

Before you install a responsive WordPress theme, you will want to see how it looks on mobile devices. The easiest way to do this is by browsing the theme demo using your mobile phone.

Some WordPress theme shops may already have theme demos with a toolbar allowing you to switch to mobile view directly from your desktop browser.

Mobile and Tablet Multi Preview

You can also use the Inspect tool in your browser to see how the theme demo looks in different screen resolutions.

Inspect Tool Setting

There are also online cross-browser testing tools that you can use. Simply enter the theme’s demo URL into any of these tools to run the test.

We hope this article helped you find the best responsive WordPress theme for your website. You may also want to see our practical tips on how to get more traffic to your website, and our beginners guide on how to get a free business phone number for your website.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post 44 Best Responsive WordPress Themes first appeared on WPBeginner.

20 Must Have Tools For Creating And Maintaining Your Website

Being a web developer or designer nowadays can be both stressful and rewarding. Rewarding because your services are some of the most sought after ones in the current market and stressed because the expectations of your clients seem to increase with each passing day. It’s clear that we no longer need plain, functional websites, but interactive, memorable designs. This is why we’ve compiled a list of 20 of the best tools and services available to help make your job a lot easier.





It’s essential for all developers and designers to know how users are really using their websites. By careful analysis of this information, you will be able to offer your client useful data and help them improve their UX and conversion rate. And HotJar is just the tool to help you accomplish all of this. HotJar is a platform that offers you tools to gather all the information you could possibly require in order to get a complete picture of the way users interact with your website. Unlike its competitors, HotJar offers all its features within a unified dashboard so you’ll be able to review the collected data in one place as opposed to flitting from one screen to another in order to have a good grasp on what’s happening.

As far as what the features offered, HotJar offers you: feedback and exit polls that can help you get first hand information about how user-friendly your website is, online surveys so as to be in tune with what your visitors require, heat maps that show you the areas of interest within your website, funnel and form analysis so that you’ll know what pages or sections prove to be the least interesting to users, full visitor session playback and much more.




Giverz is currently hosting a giveaway from which you can get up to 4 bitcoins. Do you need to know more or are you already typing in their name in your search engine? Well, if you do, here’s what Giverz is all about: they are a team dedicated to gathering all the best giveaways available on the Internet and offering them up for grabs to their emailing list. How it works is that you go over to their website, subscribe to the mailing list and join in on the fun. In no time, you will hear about one of their amazing campaigns (be sure to follow them on Twitter and Facebook in order to always be up to date) and the countdown begins. As soon as the timer hits 0 the entire emailing list will receive an email with a link letting them know the giveaway is up for grabs. The fastest ones to click on the link will be the lucky winners, so time is of the essence. What are you waiting for?




ZippyPixels is a platform that aims to supply developers and designers with some of the best products available at very reasonable prices. The whole idea started of after the team over at ZippyPixels (who are experienced web developers and designers as well), searched the Internet for a place where they could get the resources they needed without having to pay an arm and a leg. They found none. So the decided to create their own service and keep in close touch with the community they aimed to help. This is how bundles like Grandé came to life. The community asked for a comprehensive bundle that will supply their every need and ZippyPixels was more than happy to oblige. The Grandé bundle offers 160 HD mockups that cover categories such as:

  • Logos
  • Books
  • Flyers and advertisements
  • Device
  • Magazines
  • Stationery and more

Go over to ZippyPixels and take a look at just how awesome these mockups look and start thinking about all the cool ways in which you could use them.





ShrinkTheWeb is the tool that all mobile and web developers have been looking for. By using ShrinkTheWeb, they will be able to turn the process of taking screenshots and including them into their websites from a pain into a breeze. This tool has an automated screenshot system that is capable of scaling the pictures to any need, not to mention a speed of capture and delivery that is unmatched across the Internet. All you have to do is write a singe line of code or use an existing plugin and ShrinkTheWeb will set off to do all the hard work. In addition to its screenshot features, ShrinkTheWeb also offers URL to PDF Conversion, Custom Size Previews and Private Label Service that will help you make your website stand out from the crowd. ShrinkTheWeb is not only a free service, it also offers unparalleled tech support in case you need assistance.





Writing code that ensures your website is compatible cross browser is a best practice, but it’s not always the way things go. This is why BrowseEmAll is a tool that will make web developer and designer’s lives all the much easier. By using BrowseEmAll, you will no longer have to test out your website on a variety of browsers, the analysis is done automatically. This tool offers you the possibility to view your website in multiple browsers at the same time and track down compatibility issues faster and easier. Also, BrowseEmAll offers a wide range of mobile simulators that will not only help with the responsive aspect of your website, but they will also help you optimize your website for mobile access. What’s more, you will be able to test your HTML and raw files directly within BrowseEmAll, so you won’t have to upload them to a server beforehand. In conclusion, by using BrowseEmAll you will be able to ensure that your websites will look good on any browser or device.





Paddle.com is an eCommerce platform made especially for digital content creators. It has been created with the intention of taking away the boring aspects of eCommerce like payments, file hosting & delivery, taxes and chargebacks to let sellers focus on what they’re really enjoy: creating products.

An analytics dashboard complete with sales stats, customer data and the ability to manage/create products means that sellers can control everything in a single location. And Paddle’s beautiful Overlay Checkout creates a seamless buying experience for customers, since they’re able to complete purchases on the same webpage.

Getting started couldn’t be easier: sellers just need to name and price their product, upload their file and that’s it, they’ll be given a dedicated checkout link they can use to sell their products. Paddle handles the rest! If you’d like an easy way to sell digital content, sign up for free here.





Stamplia Builder is an editor that allows you to modify purchased email templates easily and more efficiently than ever before. Getting started with Stamplia Builder is a quick process and before you know it you will be working on your first template like you’ve been using the editor your whole life. Within the Stamplia Builder you will have access to automatic export of templates into email providers like MailChimp, CampaignMonitor and SendGrid. Also, all the templates you create with this tool will automatically be compatible with the email provider’s editor. In addition to this, you will be able to see your modifications on the email template in a real-time responsive visualization mode and add amazing images with the aid of the faster image editor. When you’ve finished, Stamplia Builder makes sure that the template you have modified will look good both on computer and mobile and you will be able to test it in order to make sure your emails won’t accidentally get into Spam.





A variety of developer tools, an impressive assortment of graphic resources, an extended array of eBooks and eCourses and numerous bundles to gather them all, this is how DealFuel could be described. As you can see, this website is the perfect place to head to regardless of what your needs might be. Here you’re sure to find first rate WordPress themes and plugins, SEO tools and dedicated software for your website. You’ll also find elegant mockups, professional textures, vectors and Photoshop actions for all your visual needs. And don’t forget about the numerous bundles that include a whole selection of useful resources.

What’s more, DealFuel has a dedicated section for freebies that contains some of the best free products that you can find anywhere. And even if it so happens that the product you’ve had your eye on isn’t in the free category, don’t worry too much about it, DealFuel has already negotiated a deal for you that will ensure you get the best possible price for it. And here is an exclusive coupon code that will get you an additional 10% discount over and above the discounted offers – WONDER2014.




With RumbleTalk you will be able to add an active HTML5 chat room to your websites in a matter of minutes. The chat rooms offered by RumbleTalk are highly customizable and are sure to fit in seamlessly with any kind of website that requires them. The chat rooms come complete with moderators, SSL and a variety of themes. You also have a choice about the way you integrate them, either by embedding them in a webpage or featuring them as a floating toolbar. Regardless of the way you choose to display them, you can be sure that the chat rooms will be a pleasant experience for all your users as they will be free to add videos and photos straight into the chat room and steer the conversation towards anything they see fit. Don’t hesitate to start your business relationship with RumbleTalk straight away, they are a team dedicated to keeping their customers happy and creating a relationship based on trust and mutual understanding with them.





OOCharts is the API that will help you create your very own Google Analytics dashboard. This tool is completely free and could prove to be invaluable in your future projects. It will help you make chats of your website’s activity, it will queue your requests that exceed the limits of Google Analytics and make sure you get your information reliably, it will cache requests of previous reports so that they’ll load faster next time you call them up and all you need to do in order to get stated is connect your Google profile and make an API key for your website.





Luvly is a premium digital marketplace that encompasses an extensive collection of resources that are meant to help you make your website more visually appealing. Since the way your website looks is one of the most important things to your visitors, it is essential that you select only the best tools available for your graphics. This is why Luvly is the perfect marketplace for you. All resources available on this marketplace have gone through a thorough approval process destined to ensure that only the best make it online. The range of requirements that Luvly supplies is impressive. You will find any graphic resources here from mockups, to icons, vectors, patterns, logos and more. They also have dedicated sections for both WordPress and Blogger templates that are sure to respond to all your requirements. What’s more, Luvly is dedicated to helping its community grow and empowering designers, so they organize numerous workshops and tutorials to help them get their feet under them.





In order to create an online store, you need all the expertise you can get. Luckily, CloudCart has the best know-how about making an online store and then some. By employing CloudCart all you’ll have to worry about is having all the products you’re selling in stock and ready to go out to clients as soon as your website comes online. CloudCart will take care of everything required in order to create a successful website for your business. They will provide you with secure hosting, beautiful themes that are completely search engine optimized and make sure that word about your website is spread over a variety of social networks like Twitter or Facebook. What’s more, they will offer you Integrated Payments, 1-click checkout, international payments and a delivery and tax calculator so that you’ll be ready to start selling as soon as your website is live. And, in addition to all of this, you will have advanced reporting tools at your disposal that will let you know how your business is doing at any given time.


Opinion Stage


Adding opinion polls to your websites can prove to be highly beneficial for their user friendliness level. Opinion Stage allows you to register to their service and add your first poll on your website in under 5 minutes. By using polls provided by Opinion Stage you will be entering a community of users that are currently using on of the best platforms for online surveys available. And that’s no small feat. Opinion Stage not only offers completely customizable polls for your pages, but they also offer an all-encompassing dashboard where you can view all the results gathered by your polls instantly. In addition to this, you have complete freedom to filter these results by a number of criteria and even display them in charts and graphs in order to read them easily. Another cool feature that Opinion Stage provides you is the possibility to monetize your polls by either including ads within them or by promoting other polls from the Opinion Stage network.


WPEka Club



A repository of first-rate WordPress themes and plugins is something that sounds good to a lot of people. WPEka Club is such a place. With a collection of more than 60 themes and plugins that cover a varied array of products for Business, Auctions, Social Media, AdSense, SEO and more, WPEka Club is the perfect place to head to for all the WordPress awesomeness. By opting for their all-inclusive plans that begin at only $27 a month, you will have complete access to the entire WPEka Club collection as well as all the brand new releases that are released while you’re an active member(and the team over at WPEka promises that you will enjoy at least 4 new releases each month). Don’t hesitate to join WPEka Club’s community and enjoy all the premium WordPress themes and plugins as well as one of the best support systems available in the premium WordPress market.





Fiddler is a Web Debugging Proxy that is guaranteed to make your life a lot easier. By using this tool you will be able to test the security of your website, detect bottlenecks within the communication between server and application and manipulate and edit all your webs sessions. With Fiddler you will be able to put your website to the test regardless of what operating system you’re using (Windows, Mac or Linux), browser or platform (Ruby, Php, Java and more).


Web Starter Kit


If you’re looking to start work on a project that is destined to be used on multiple devices, then the Web Starter Kit is the tool you need. Amongst its features you will find: multi-device responsive boilerplate, living component style guide, live browser reloading and more. Also, by using the Web Starter Kit you will be following the Web Fundamentals guidelines out of the box.





If you’re looking for a fast way to see how your website looks on a variety of browsers, head on over to BrowserShots. All you have to do in order to get the information you require is enter your website’s URL, choose the browser you need and click Submit. In a matter of minutes you will have a snapshot loaded an ready to be examined.





jQuery is undoubtedly being used to its full potential nowadays and many developers turn to it frequently. This is why it is so important to have access to its documentation easily and within a well structured browser. This is what jQAPI provides, an alternative jQuery Documentation Browser that is available both online and offline and that will make developer’s lives a lot easier.


New Relic



New Relic is a tool that will help you gather performance data from all your applications and allow you to make informed decisions about their future. Among the products that New Relic offers you’ll find: Application performance manager, native mobile application performance manager, real time big data analytics for business decision making, server monitoring for cloud and data centers and more.


Inspiration Hut



It’s always good to be able to have access to honest reviews and feedback from fellow developers and designers and Inspiration Hut is the place where you can find that. Inspiration Hut features a diverse array of products available for the entire web development and design community and it also encourages this community to share its work with others. By browsing through their gallery you are sure to find numerous resources that will help you in your work. The best part is that most of them are free. Inspiration Hut encourages its community to contribute to its ever-growing repository and create an online go to place that guarantees quality. Among the cool resources you’ll find over at Inspiration Hut are: backgrounds, Fonts, Brushes, Free PSDs, Icons, Mockups, Patterns, Print Templates, Textures, Themes, UI Kits and much, much more. So head on over to Inspiration Hut and enjoy their collection and don’t forget to credit when required.

Take A Look At Some Of The Best Web Apps For Web Designers

So you started your own design agency, and it didn’t take long to register that it takes a lot more than a wicked awesome creative capacity to make it big in this already crowded market. You also need to plan your projects carefully, manage your time, organize your team, learn about marketing, and keep your finances in check. The good news is that you can sort it all out with the help of a few well-chosen apps.  You’ll be back on your feet shortly, and ready to dominate the market faster than you can say ‘cash’.



Invoicing and Financial Apps



Nutcache is a supremely useful web application for your company and, in my view, a highly recommended solution when you need to keep your finances in check. As an added benefit – you may also monitor your own and your colleagues’ time spent working. It’s unbelievably easy to control this tool, and chances are that it will change the way you perceive accounting on the whole. However, the best parts about this app are that it’s updated very often, and besides, it does not actually cost you anything.

You are free to add all of your team members and clients, regardless of the size of their ranks, and will find that it’s a piece of cake to manage your team’s time, monitor expenses, create estimates, and send invoices. Taking all this into consideration, it’s hardly any surprise that Nutcache is so widely acclaimed.




Pulseapp does not fall short of its name, as this tool concerns itself with the single most essential mechanism in your business: apt decision-making. We are often pressed by time to reach decisions as quickly as possible. Yet, in doing so, we embrace the huge risk of facing many severe implications that have been left out of your calculations.

Recruiting a fine app like Pulse makes a lot of sense when you wish to balance out your company’s cash flow. Sit back and let this software will take care of everything, by generating automatic estimations of your income and expenses within the following days, weeks, and months. Pulse will also integrate Xero and Quickbooks in the proximate future.




Apptivo is equally trusted by a very large number of small company owners and independent designers from all across the globe. The following numbers speak for themselves: 130K IT specialists and designers, and a total number of 40K companies use Apptivo in more than 40 countries worldwide. Impressive, isn’t it?

This is the first all-in one solution to be met with such great enthusiasm by creative professionals. It is rooted in a common data model, and allows you to command every single administrative aspect of your business. Aside from sending branded invoices, you can also use any of the 45 available applications, which focus on Project management, time tracking, and Customer Relations Management.


Wireframing and prototyping tools



The questions of testing prototypes and presenting them to clients should never be taken lightly. If you’re busy working on a mobile app, web app, or website, and you want to stay on course, then the best thing to do would be to run effective simulations. Proto.io is an excellent cloud-based app that will help you find and fix whatever is wrong with your ongoing project in terms of UX and basic functionality.

Furthermore, you can rely on this app to help you construct feasible presentations. For this purpose, you can feel free to use animations and screen transitions in order to get your point across. Then, simply send the link, and your presentation can be viewed through an iOS/Android device, with the player app.




Sometimes, an attractive package can make all the difference in the world. When you’re pitching clients with a fantastic new idea, or care to share the vision with the developers in your team, then you need to make yourself understood. What better way to do that, than by creating a great PowerPoint presentation? Powermockup is the add-on that helps designers to wireframe their projects in a way that is comprehensive for others.  The tool is compatible with PowerPoint 2007, 2010, and 2013, and it unlocks a library filled with wireframe stencils and icons. If you’re feeling inspired, you can also design new stencils using plain PowerPoint tools, and add them to the library.


Collaboration and project management tools



How well do you fare on project management? If you want each project to go smoothly, then it’s imperative to recruit the assistance of a competent project management tool. As far as this type of web apps are concerned, you couldn’t possibly choose better than Freedcamp. This tool offers priceless services at absolutely no charge, and it does not tolerate advertisements.

Freedcamp is a social project management platform. A Meebo chatbar allows you to communicate with colleagues and clients alike, whether it’s via Gtalk, AIM, or Live Messenger. In addition, you can share documents from Google Drive, track time, assign tasks, or send invoices. Finally, there are other applications you may find useful, like Issue Tracker, Password Manager, CRM, or Calendar.


Comindware Tracker


Every design agency, large or small, has to synchronize its members’ unified efforts in order to operate at peak performance. In short, you need an application that helps you organize as good as possible. Comindware Tracker will definitely help you in that regard. It is unique, insomuch as you are permitted to assign and re-assign tasks, on top of the software’s automatic processes. Comindware takes the liberty to automate your workflow, according to your predefined priorities and deadlines.  Even more, you can use this app to program certain tasks to start repeatedly, and appoint sub-tasks, as well.


Time management



Time tracking is a certain way of boosting your company’s productivity, and it doesn’t have to be cumbersome. Freckle is living proof of that. With this app, your team won’t take more than 5 minutes each day to register their time entries. As bonus, you can also use the same app to manage your clients and bill them.




Why trouble yourself with manual time entries at all? TimeCamp gives you an irresistible alternative, whereby you can import your projects and tasks, the entire structure is synchronized, and your precious time spend working is tracked. On top of this, you are also free to add 3rd party apps for CRM, project management, or finances.


Email Marketing



The consequences of bad email marketing can be catastrophic to your finances. There are several cloud-based apps that you may wish to consider. Take Mailigen, for instance. This tool will maximize the efficiency of your newsletters, by helping you set up glorious email campaigns, and by laying a vast assortment of templates at your disposal. Besides, Mailigen also analyzes your campaigns and generates in-depth reports and statistics. Go ahead and give it a try, now, for free.




On second thought, you may also appreciate what Sendloop has to offer. When it comes to email newsletters, you should never ever compromise on their quality, because that decision alone might cost you a great deal of clients who’d otherwise be on board. Sendloop gives you the chance to come up with fantastic e-mails in a matter of minutes. A drag-and-drop builder makes easy work of designing dazzling emails that are completely responsive to all types of display, and the service also keeps track of your email metrics in real time.


Form builders

Gravity Forms


As far as collecting data goes, you need to make sure that you’re using the proper forms for each occasion. GravityForms gives you proficient tools to work with, regardless of your purpose. It doesn’t matter if you’re interested in getting some address details, or want people to make contact, as this service will help you create both simple and complex forms.




Typeform can offer precious assistance with your forms. It is, in fact, suffused with many types of data collection tools, which are mobile-ready and engineered to propel your response rate. For example, you can use this wonderful app for surveys, forms, contests, landing pages, recruitment, events, education, and not only. Two kinds of memberships are possible with Typeform: a free membership, or the entire PRO deal. Free users are never obligated to keep to a certain number of devised forms or received responses. Yet, PRO members integrate their brand identity, and get logic jumps, and hidden fields.


File sharing



The final subject I’m about to skirt is the manner by which files circulate within your team. Dropbox is the famous file sharing service that enables you to upload all kinds of files and folders, and make them available for other people involved in your projects to view, edit, and download them.




Hightail is another great file sharing option, and it’s very safe to use. Much like Dropbox, it’s available in cloud and desktop versions. Apart from uploading files and placing them in folders, you are also able to use this app for sending them directly. In that case, the transfer limit is 2GB.

Thank you for your time. It is my sincere hope that this list of 15 web apps and tools is going to help you improve vital parts of your small enterprise or freelance. You should get back on track soon enough, and take giant steps towards the ultimate goal: success.