3 Single-Tasking Tips to Improve Your Focus

You sit down at your desk to compile a report and within a few minutes, you have checked your email, scheduled a doctor’s appointment, and have Netflix going in the background. Our environments and priorities are constantly pulling us in different directions. With so much to juggle, it feels as if the only way we can get everything done is to multitask.


Project Valhalla: Fast and Furious Java

Performance Improvements of New Inline Types

Project Valhalla is one of the most interesting projects concerning the future of Java and of all JVM. It is still in an experimental state, but in this post, we will look at how to use it and implement a small program to verify possible performance improvements.

Valhalla's aim is to bring a new Inline Types (aka Value Types) that will: "Codes like a class works like an int."

Caching in Mule 4: How It Works

Caching in Mule 4


Caching is the term for storing reusable responses in order to make subsequent requests faster. There are many different types of caching available, each of which has its own characteristics. Application caches and memory caches are both popular for their ability to speed up certain responses.

By storing relatively static data in the cache and serving it from the cache when requested, the application saves the time that would be required to generate the data from scratch every time. Caching can occur at different levels and places it in an application.