Open Source Software (OSS) Quality Assurance – A Milvus Case Study

Quality assurance (QA) is a systematic process of determining whether a product or service meets specific requirements. A QA system is an indispensable part of the R&D process because, as its name suggests, it ensures the quality of the product.

This post introduces the QA framework adopted in developing the Milvus vector database, providing a guideline for contributing developers and users to participate in the process. It will also cover the major test modules in Milvus and methods and tools that can be leveraged to improve the efficiency of QA testings.

Event Streaming and Apache Kafka in Telco Business (OSS/BSS)

Event Streaming is a hot topic in Telecommunications Industry. In the last few months, I have seen various projects leveraging Apache Kafka and its ecosystem to implement scalable real-time infrastructure in OSS and BSS scenarios. This blog post covers the reasons for this trend. Finally, we'll show a whiteboard video recording exploring the different use cases for event streaming in telcos in detail.

The Evolution of the Telecommunications Industry

The telecommunications industries within the sector of information and communication technology is made up of all telecommunications/telephone companies and internet service providers. It plays a crucial role in the evolution of mobile communications and the information society.

Organizing Your Eclipse Foundation Open-Source Project Team

The Eclipse Foundation Development Process (AKA, the Eclipse Development Process, or EDP) says nothing about how teams should organize.

The EDP defines a committer role: committers are those developers who have the ability to make decisions for the project (e.g., push commits to project Git repositories and configure build servers). We often say that the committers are the ones with the real power: they're the ones that hold all of the keys to all of the project resources.

YouTube and the Effect On Software

Youtube changed the software landscape forever!

Do you remember a time when YouTube did not exist? If not, let me paint a picture for you.

Before YouTube

Before YouTube, broadcast television was the long-reigning king.

StingrayReader Upgrade

Before getting started, check out this GitHub repo with all the code you need for this demonstration.

So, without further ado, it's time to add type hints and learn some interesting lessons from it.

Open Source: What You Do Today Impacts Billions of People

Learn more about how open-source software is impacting billions of people.

If you work in open source, we're going to bet you may not know that what you do every day affects a billion people. Surprised? You shouldn't be! In fact, that number is most likely even larger than that, given the popularity of open-source software throughout industries across the globe.

The Future of Open Source

Learn more about the future of open-source software.

The world of open-source software seems to be going through a period of soul-searching. On the one hand, individual maintainers have retracted packages, causing disruption for the communities that depended on those packages. On the other, software-as-a-service providers are making more money from some applications than their creators.

This is all happening in a world where businesses depend on open-source to operate. It doesn't matter whether you're an individual launching a startup with PHP and MySQL, or a multi-national replacing your mainframe with a fleet of Linux boxes running Java. Your business depends on the work of people that have their own motivations, and those motivations may not align with yours. I think this is an untenable situation, one that will eventually resolve by changing the nature of open-source.

Writing About Open Source [Prompts]

Ever struggle with what to write? No worries, we've got you covered. Here's a list of open-source prompts and article ideas to help cure even the worst cases of writer's block. So, take a moment, check out the prompts below, pick one (or two!), and get to writing.

Also, please feel free to comment on this post to bounce around ideas, ask questions, or share which prompt(s) you're working on. 

Introducing Trackman: Execute Commands as a Workflow

Trackman? Sounds a lot like Pac-man!

Today, we would like to introduce you to Trackman, the open-source, execute-commands-as-a-workflow tool. In this post, we take a closer look at what it is, why we need it, and how to best implement the tool. Let's get started.

You may also like:   Most Useful Linux Command-Line Tricks

What Is Trackman?

Trackman is a command-line tool and Go library that runs multiple commands in a workflow. It supports parallel steps, step dependencies, async steps, and success checkers.

Hacktoberfest in Neo4j Land

Fall is the perfect time of year to up your OSS contributions!

Now that in some countries, fall has arrived with colorful leaves, stormy weather, and fog, your indoor activities in October can revolve around contributing to open-source projects that could use some help.

Luckily for all of us, Digital Ocean has been running “Hacktoberfest” for 6 years now.

Scaling and Sustaining Open Source, Part 1: Defining Open-Source Makers and Takers

When it comes to programming, it's always best to keep things open (source!).

To scale and sustain open-source ecosystems in a more efficient and fair manner, open-source projects need to embrace new governance, coordination, and incentive models.

In many ways, open source has won. Most people know that open-source provides better quality software, at a lower cost, without vendor lock-in. But despite open source being widely adopted, and more than 30 years old, scaling and sustaining open-source projects remains challenging.

The Creative Process of Street Skating and What Open Source Folks Can Learn From It

"All skateboarders speak a language of our own devising. We take simple movements and chunk them together in such a way that we form more complex ones." - Rodney Mullen

The ethos of skateboarding is born out of a maverick spirit. It's wrought from verve and a stubborn determination to flow on one's own terms. There's a subtle rebelliousness in carving out tight lines along with hot asphalt, propelled forward by one's own power. Challenged by your physical environment, you go for it, bombing down a hill or grinding out a curb, making the most of exposed surfaces. You skate because you can.

5 Reasons You Need Composition Analysis, Especially for OSS

In this post, you will learn about software composition analysis (SCA). You will find out what software composition analysis is, why it is relevant, and five reasons you should use an SCA tool.

What Is Software Composition Analysis?

Software Composition Analysis (SCA) is an automated way to get visibility into all the components of an application. An SCA tool scans the source code of an application to provide an inventory of all its third-party, internal, and open source components, including libraries, operating systems, and frameworks.

Introducing Java SpecialAgent: Start Tracing Without Writing Any Code

Java SpecialAgent is an extensible OSS Java agent for OpenTracing that enables end-to-end tracing without having to write any code.

With only a single command-line entry for installation, SpecialAgent seamlessly connects to OpenTracing-compliant tracers  —  such as the Jaeger and LightStep tracers  —  allowing you to immediately start observing and propagating distributed traces.

Getting Started With Couchbase Autonomous Operator on PKS

What Is the Enterprise Pivotal Container Service (PKS)?

Enterprise Pivotal Container Service (PKS) uses the latest stable OSS distribution of Kubernetes — with no proprietary extensions. With Enterprise PKS, you can deploy, scale, patch, and upgrade all the Kubernetes clusters in your system — without downtime. Rapidly apply security fixes when new vulnerabilities are detected.

Enterprise PKS is one of the Certified Kubernetes Hosted Platforms under CNCF Certified Kubernetes Offerings.

Developers Need to Pay Attention: Attacks On Open Source Are Going to Get Worse [Video]

As vital as we know open source is to building software in today’s world, it’s a mistake to think of it as a silver bullet. The ability to expedite software development is clear — but so is the significant room for error, when not properly managed.

Two years ago, Sonatype's CTO, Brian Fox, started chronicling a disturbing turn of events that showed that a shifting landscape of attacks based on OSS consumption was emerging. Since then, he's seen a consistent increase in malicious open source and supply chain attacks that make one thing clear — it’s only going to get worse. Most recently it was the Bootstrap-sass hack and before that, the event-stream attack.

Why Do Only 37% of Companies Have Open Source Management Solutions?

Open source turned 21 this year, following the launch of the Open Source Initiative in February 1998. With that milestone comes maturity: resilience, responsibility, approachability, and growth. Open source software (OSS) is ubiquitous and for a very good reason: it helps companies innovate better and faster. But there are still risks inherent in version updates, bug reports, patches and more.

These risks can be identified and managed through open source audits. I’ve been working in open source software (OSS) for a very long time. Just ten years ago, audits of OSS were considered optional parts of due diligence or adjunct to acquisitions. Today, they’re no longer optional. They reveal answers about who wrote the OSS, where it is deployed, any existing issues, and whether or not the issues have been fixed.