Introduction to Object Types (a.k.a. Classes) Part 1

Object types (classes)

PL/SQL is a procedural language — mostly. But it can also be used to implement object-oriented features in Oracle Database. In "from the ground up" object-oriented languages like Java, everything is defined in classes. In Oracle Database, we have object types.

In this post, I introduce you to the basics of object types and kick off a series exploring many of the features of these programming elements.

Uploading and Downloading Files: Streaming in Node.js

While the buffer APIs are easier to use to upload and download files, the streaming APIs are a great way to better manage memory and concurrency. In this post, you'll learn how to stream files between clients, Node.js, and Oracle Database.


The streaming APIs in Node.js are designed to leverage and simplify its evented nature. There are four different stream classes: Readable, Writeable, Transform, and Duplex. Readable streams (which includes Transform and Duplex) have a method that can be thought of like the pipe command in Linux, where the standard output of one command can be piped into the standard input of another command. Here's a command line example that takes the output from the ls (list) command and pipes it through the grep (search) command to show files that have the word "oracle" in the name:

Writing Code to Support Multiple Versions of Oracle Database

3rd in a series on conditional compilation.

Do you write code that must run on more than one version of Oracle Database? This is almost always the case for suppliers of "off the shelf" applications. And when confronted with this reality, most developers choose between these two options: