Integrating Online Document Editors Into Confluence

Online document editing can be a valuable addition to digital collaborative workplaces, and there're open-source tools that can be used for it. In this article, we'll show you how to bring doc editing to your Сonfluence, a web-based corporate wiki by Atlassian, by integrating ONLYOFFICE Docs.  

We will create an integration app (plugin) that will serve as a bridge between Confluence and ONLYOFFICE instances. With its help, users will be able to edit DOCX, XLSX, PPTX, and other office files within Confluence.

Adding More Sharing Permissions to ONLYOFFICE Doc Editors

ONLYOFFICE is an open source office suite that contains docx, xlsx, pptx editors for integration with other apps. Previously, we wrote some articles on how to integrate the editors with document management systems in PHP, Node.js, Python, etc. In this article, we will show you how to add more sharing permissions to DMS + editors combos.

That means more flexible access rights management: apart from basic reading and editing rights, you will be able to bring about commenting, reviewing, filling form rights, and also restrict downloading files.

Using Private Blockchain Network for End-to-End Encryption of Documents in ONLYOFFICE

The existing documen security measures are not perfectly sufficient. ONLYOFFICE created the solution to this problem that combines end-to-end encryption with blockchain technology. Read this article to learn more, and take part in the testing of the developer preview.

Why Basic Encryption Won’t Ever Succeed

The existing encryption technologies feature minor yet considerable gaps when it comes to possible accidents at the point of cloud security, namely leakages, insider access to the storage, or data transfer interventions. This happens for reasons related to both the solution and the users.