What Are the Limitations of WordPress.com? (Expert Insights)

Are you wondering whether you should use WordPress.com to launch your new blog?

If you are new to WordPress, then you may be curious why WPBeginner and other experts recommend WordPress.org more than WordPress.com. While WordPress.com is easy to use, it comes with a lot of pitfalls that you may not notice when you first build your website.

In this article, we will explain the limitations of WordPress.com so that you can choose the best website builder for your needs.

What Are the Limitations of WordPress.com?

An Overview of WordPress.com vs. WordPress.org

Before we start, let’s review the key difference between WordPress.org and WordPress.com.

WordPress.org is an open-source content management system (CMS), which is a type of software used to build websites.

Open-source means the software is freely available for anyone to download and modify.

The WordPress.org homepage

While WordPress.org itself is free, you will need to pay for hosting and a domain name to start a website on this platform. That’s why WordPress.org is also often called self-hosted WordPress.

On the other hand, WordPress.com is a website builder that’s based on the same WordPress software as WordPress.org. It is run by Automattic, the company founded by WordPress founder Matt Mullenwegg.

With WordPress.com, users don’t need to find their own hosting plan and install the software themselves. They can choose a free plan or one of the available paid plans, and Automattic will host their website for them.

New WordPress.com plans

For beginner WordPress bloggers, having your hosting taken care of might seem like a more convenient option.

However, there are actually some drawbacks that you should consider. Let’s go through them one by one. You can use these quick links to skip to a specific topic:

Limited Access to WordPress Plugins

Whether you use WordPress.com or WordPress.org, the core software only allows you to create a simple personal blog or website. That means you can only write content, add images, publish your pages or posts, and that’s it.

There are no built-in tools to do special things, like add a contact form or sell online. If you want to use these features, then you will need to install a WordPress plugin, which is like an app that extends the WordPress software.

In WordPress.org, you get access to 59,000+ free plugins for various functions. You can install a page builder to get more customization options for your web design or a Google Analytics plugin to track your site performance.

The WordPress.org plugin directory

These plugins are what turned WordPress from a simple blogging platform to a powerful and widely used website builder.

Meanwhile, WordPress.com users have limited access to these free plugins. For starters, you need to have a Creator plan or higher to be able to install them. The plan itself costs $25 per month, which is pretty pricey to begin with.

You also cannot install third-party premium plugins unless you have a Creator plan or higher.

If you use WordPress.org, then you can install any free or premium plugin, no matter what. And if you use a hosting provider like Bluehost, then you can even get some must-have WordPress plugins pre-installed so that you can use them right away.

Bluehost offer for WPBeginner readers

The best part is that Bluehost’s cheapest plans are much more affordable than WordPress.com’s Creator plan. They’ve also offered an exclusive discount for WPBeginner readers so that you can save even more money!

Limited Access to WordPress Themes

WordPress themes are ready-to-use template files that users can install to design their websites. This way, you won’t need any coding or design skills to make your site look good.

With WordPress.org, you will have the freedom to pick from more than 11,000 free themes or install a premium theme of your choice.

The WordPress.org theme directory

However, just like with plugins, WordPress.com users’ access to themes is limited. While Free plan and Starter plan users can use free themes, premium and third-party custom themes are only available for Explorer plan users or higher.

In other words, besides the cost of the premium theme, you will also have to pay $8 per month or more to be able to install it.

Of course, the 11,000+ free themes available are great. But often, premium themes come with advanced features, like more customization options and unique designs.

Customize theme in the Customizer

Even if you know how to style your theme using CSS, you cannot do so with WordPress.com unless you have a Premium plan or higher.

Limited eCommerce Features

Online store features in WordPress.com are only available if you buy the Entrepreneur plan or higher.

This plan costs $45 per month and includes features like premium store themes, inventory management, unlimited products, and a 0% commission fee.

The WordPress.com Entrepreneur plan landing page

If you are running a small business, then this price tag can feel a bit steep, especially when compared to WordPress.org.

On WordPress.org, you can install the free WooCommerce plugin to sell online. Then, you can sell multiple physical and digital products, get your storefront pages running, and enable online payment methods.

WooCommerce landing page

If you need more features, then there are tons of free and premium WooCommerce plugins available to extend the core WooCommerce plugin. This way, you can buy and use the tools you truly need to maximize your small business budget.

Limited SEO Features

Search engine optimization (SEO) is one of the most important marketing tactics for getting more traffic to your website. Both WordPress.com and WordPress.org have features that make optimizing your content for search engines easy.

For example, both platforms include heading tags in the block editor. You can use these to create structure in your pages or posts and help search engines and users navigate your content.

You Can Easily Add Heading Tags Without Code Using the WordPress Block Editor

They also have an alt text editor to provide more context to images. Search engines use this information to understand what the image is about. Screen readers also read the text out loud to visually impaired users when they are browsing the web.

What makes WordPress.com and WordPress.org different is the access to SEO plugins.

On WordPress.org, you can easily install a plugin like All in One SEO to get more SEO control. Some of this plugin’s features include the meta title and description editor, on-page content suggestions, an internal linking assistant, and so on.

AIOSEO's landing page

Meanwhile, you can’t get access to those features if you are a free WordPress.com user. You will need the Creator plan ($25 per month) to use Jetpack’s SEO tools and install an SEO plugin.

This makes it pretty hard to optimize your content and do technical SEO, especially if you have a limited budget.

That said, all WordPress.com plans have an integrated Jetpack AI Assistant, which gives 20 free requests to check mistakes in your WordPress blog posts. However, the feedback won’t be specifically related to SEO.

JetPack's AI writing assistant in WordPress.com's block editor

You can also see stats via Jetpack to evaluate your website performance. Still, it’s not as in-depth as using a Google Analytics plugin like MonsterInsights.

Limited Monetization Opportunities

Monetization in WordPress.com has improved over the years, but it still has some drawbacks if you are looking to make money from your website.

Today, all WordPress.com plans allow donations, tips, payment buttons, paid content gating, and paid subscribers. These options are great if you are a content creator who wants to offer members-only perks on your site.

That said, you can only accept PayPal payments if you are on a Starter plan or higher. PayPal is one of the most widely-used payment methods on the internet, so not having it can make you miss out on potential sales.

Plus, WordAds (WordPress’s advertisement program) is only available for Explorer users or higher.

WordAds, WordPress' advertising program

What’s more, WordPress.com takes commission fees from your payments, which lowers your profits. The rate ranges from 0% to 10%, and the cheaper your plan, the higher the fees.

On the other hand, WordPress.org puts no limit on how you make money on your blog or website. As a result, you can have full control over your revenue.

You can also join any advertising platform or use any online payment provider you want. Here are some guides on how to do that:

Possible Website Suspension (Without Warning)

Speaking of limited monetization, WordPress.com may also take down your site if you don’t follow their terms of service for advertising, among other things.

The other rules are pretty standard, such as avoiding spam and illegal activities. However, some users have reported unexpected suspensions without warning.

Here is what their user guidelines say: “Bear in mind that these are just guidelines — interpretations are solely up to us. These guidelines are not exhaustive and are subject to change.”

On the other hand, WordPress.org doesn’t have such specific terms or guidelines. Since it’s free software, the policies depend on the hosting provider and server configuration. This offers users more flexibility, but you do need to comply with your host’s rules.

Limited Branding Opportunities

Another limitation of WordPress.com is you don’t have complete control over your website’s branding.

You can customize your site’s appearance to some extent, including changing the color scheme, adding a custom logo, and customizing the site’s layout.

However, for Free and Starter plans, the level of customization is limited. Depending on how you change the theme’s style, you may get a notification that you are using a premium style and have to upgrade to use it.

WordPress.com's notification about upgrading to a higher plan to use a premium theme style

What’s more, if you use the free WordPress.com plan, then you will have WordPress.com ads displayed on your website.

On WordPress.org, you have much more flexibility in branding your site, and you won’t have any ads shown on your website unless you put them there.

Plus, you can use and customize any theme available. If you want more customization options, then you can just install a page builder plugin like SeedProd.

One perk of WordPress.com is it still allows the use of a custom domain name in all plans. Paid plans also come with a free domain name for one year. However, this feature is not something new, especially since many WordPress hosting providers like Bluehost offer it, too.

Limited Performance and Security

Like many other website builders, WordPress.com offers several plans that you can purchase as you build your business. What’s tricky is that certain security and performance features are only available if you upgrade to a specific plan.

For example, only Creator and Entrepreneur users can use Jetpack’s real-time backup and uptime monitoring features. These tools can help ensure that your site is available at all times, and you can restore it in case a disaster strikes.

Users with lower-tier plans cannot use these features. They can’t install their own backup plugins to enable them, either.

Plans below Creator also don’t include a web application firewall, which is a basic security feature that most major web hosting providers offer.

Many people choose self-hosted WordPress.org to avoid these problems. With it, they can choose a hosting platform and buy a hosting plan with the storage space, bandwidth, and other resources that suit their needs best.

If the hosting service doesn’t include certain tools like backups, then the user can freely install a plugin like Duplicator to enable it.

Is Duplicator the right backup and migration plugin for you?

These reasons make WordPress.org a much more scalable option than WordPress.com, especially for an online business.

When to Use WordPress.com Instead of WordPress.org

In most cases, we recommend using WordPress.org instead of WordPress.com. That being said, based on our experience, WordPress.com could be suitable if:

  • You want to create a free blog with a WordPress.com subdomain – If you are just running a personal blog and have no intention of branding it, then a free WordPress.com website could be a good option.
  • You want a no-frills solution to run a simple blog or website – In this case, you may not need any third-party plugins and would be happy with the Free, Starter, or Explorer plan.
  • You are a content creator or online business owner who wants to use an all-in-one website-building solution – WordPress.com’s Creator and Entrepreneur plans can be suitable as they are already tailored to these use cases.
  • You need direct WordPress support – With WordPress.org, the help you get often comes from community forums, blogs like WPBeginner, or theme or plugin developers. If you are a paid WordPress.com user, then you can get direct email or live chat support.

Moving From WordPress.com to WordPress.org

While WordPress.com is good for certain types of users, many WordPress.org hosting providers offer solutions that have made this open-source platform much easier to use.

For example, hosting services like Bluehost, Hostinger, and SiteGround include a one-click WordPress installer. This way, you won’t need to set up the platform manually. Just click a few buttons, and you can log in to WordPress right away.

What’s more, they also offer pre-installed free plugins, so you won’t have to find plugins on your own. For instance, Bluehost’s WordPress installation includes OptinMonster and WPForms, which are must-have WordPress plugins to grow your website.

On top of that, many WordPress hosting providers offer plans that are more affordable than WordPress.com’s Starter plan, which costs $4 per month.

Just take a look at Bluehost’s offers below:

Bluehost pricing plans

The best part is that WordPress.org doesn’t restrict how you make money from your site or the plugins you can install on your WordPress account. This gives you full control over the activities and growth of your business.

If you already have a WordPress.com site but aren’t satisfied with it, then you can migrate it to WordPress.org easily. You can read our step-by-step guide on how to move your blog from WordPress.com to WordPress.org.

Alternatively, check out WPBeginner’s free blog setup service. This allows you to buy a hosting plan from one of our trusted hosting partners, and in exchange, we will move your WordPress.com blog for free.

We hope this article helped you learn what the limitations of WordPress.com are. You may also be interested in our guide on how much it costs to build a WordPress website and our list of the best WordPress website examples for inspiration.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post What Are the Limitations of WordPress.com? (Expert Insights) first appeared on WPBeginner.

How to Start an Online Coaching Business (Step by Step)

Are you wondering how to start a coaching business online?

Here at WPBeginner, we’ve helped many bloggers and entrepreneurs build success and make money online. One of the most lucrative business ideas is coaching services. With just an internet connection and a laptop, you can help people worldwide and get paid for it.

In this article, we will show you how to start a coaching business online using WordPress, the most popular website builder on the market.

How to Start an Online Coaching Business (Step by Step)

What You Need to Start a Successful Online Coaching Business

To start your own online coaching business, you will need to know what type of coaching you’d like to offer.

There are many coaching niches out there, from wellness and health coaching and fitness coaching to life coaching and career coaching. It’s best to choose a coaching specialization that’s based on your area of expertise.

You will also need to choose a target market for your business. We recommend doing some market research to see who would be most interested in your coaching services.

Besides that, you will need to decide what kind of coaching business model you want to use. Many coaches work directly with clients through one-on-one calls, while some do group sessions and others do a combination.

Example of an online coach offering private coaching

With that in mind, let’s discuss how to start a coaching business online and create a WordPress website for it. You can use the quick links below to navigate through this step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Get a Hosting Plan and Domain Name

Any successful online business starts with a powerful hosting plan and domain name.

Web hosting is the service that stores your website files and makes them available online. Meanwhile, a domain name is the address that users enter into their internet browsers to get to your site.

If you are offering online coaching services, then you will want a hosting service that can keep your website online at all times, even when you are suddenly getting a huge amount of traffic.

We recommend Bluehost, which is one of the most well-known providers in the hosting industry.

Bluehost offer for WPBeginner readers

With Bluehost, you get a web hosting service that’s already optimized for WordPress, the most popular website builder in the world.

WordPress.org is the platform we will use to build a coaching website because it’s easy to use and offers plenty of ways to customize your website later on.

Luckily, Bluehost has given us an exclusive discount link for WPBeginner readers. Just click the button below to use this offer:

Since you are just starting, we recommend going with the Choice Plus plan. This plan will give you enough power to run a small business, like 40 GB SSD storage and free CDN to make your site fast.

You can always upgrade to a higher-tier plan in a few clicks if you are starting to outgrow this plan.

Bluehost pricing plans

Once you have chosen a plan, you can pick a new domain name. Online coaches typically just use their own name, like tonyrobbins.com. Or they may add a coaching-related keyword after it, such as andyallencoaching.com.

If you need some inspiration, then you can check out our article on how to choose a domain name and use our free business name generator.

Creating a domain name for a coaching business

After securing a domain name, you will now fill out your information for your Bluehost account and complete your payment details.

You will also see some package extras to add to your purchase, but they are all optional.

Bluehost's package extras

Alternatively, if you choose not to use Bluehost, then you can see our recommendations for the best WordPress hosting to make your website.

Step 2: Create a New WordPress Website

If you choose to set up a Bluehost WordPress hosting plan, then Bluehost will install WordPress automatically for you, and you can skip this step.

That said, perhaps you decide to skip the installation part, or you already have a Bluehost plan, and you are not sure how to set up a new website in your account. If so, then just follow this tutorial to create a new WordPress site.

Note: If you use other hosting services like SiteGround, Hostinger, or WP Engine, then you can follow our complete guide on how to install WordPress.

The first thing you will do is log in to your Bluehost account to access your Bluehost control panel.

After that, navigate to the ‘Websites’ menu and click ‘Add Site.’

Adding a new site in Bluehost

From here, you can simply select ‘Install WordPress.’

Then, click ‘Continue.’

Choosing WordPress as the CMS to use in Bluehost

Once done, you can fill out the Site Title field, which will be your website name. It can just be the brand name of your coaching practice or something like ‘Coaching With [Your Name].’

After completing that field, just click ‘Continue.’

Inserting a site title for a new Bluehost WordPress site

Next, you will need to connect an existing domain to your website.

Alternatively, you can use a temporary subdomain until you are ready to buy a new domain to launch your website. Then, go ahead and click ‘Continue.’

Connecting a new domain name to a website in Bluehost

When the installation is complete, you should now return to the Websites menu and see your new site listed there.

To log in to the WordPress admin area, simply select ‘Edit Site.’ Or, you can use your website’s login URL to go to the admin panel.

Accessing the WordPress dashboard from Bluehost

With WordPress set up, let’s move on to the next steps.

Step 3: Choose a WordPress Coaching Theme

A WordPress theme is a series of template files that control the appearance of your website and make it easy to design your pages.

With a theme, you won’t have to code or design any part of your site from scratch. Simply choose a theme that suits your needs and tweak the colors, fonts, and other customization options to match your branding.

For theme recommendations, you can check out our list of the best WordPress themes for life coaches.

Once you have picked a theme, you can follow our step-by-step guide on how to install a WordPress theme.

To edit the theme, you can use either the WordPress Full Site Editor (FSE) or Theme Customizer. Both are WordPress’ default theme-building features, and they are pretty simple to use for beginners.

The WordPress full site editor for block themes

However, many WordPress users have found them to be limiting, especially in terms of customization options. Because of this, we recommend using a page builder plugin like SeedProd instead.

Out of all the page builder plugins we’ve tried, SeedProd was the easiest to use and offered great features to customize your site. You can easily drag and drop elements around your web page and modify each block or page section.

What’s more, SeedProd has high-quality WordPress theme template kits for coaching services, like this one for life coaching:

SeedProd's life coaching theme

How to Install a SeedProd Theme Template

To use a SeedProd theme, you need to install the SeedProd plugin first. For step-by-step guidance, check out our article on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Note: The SeedProd free version is available in the WordPress plugin directory. However, we recommend using the Pro version because you can get full access to its templates and theme builder features.

After that, make sure to activate your SeedProd license key. Simply paste the license key from your SeedProd account page and click ‘Verify key.’

Adding the SeedProd license key to your WordPress website

Once done, just go to SeedProd » Theme Builder from your dashboard.

Then, click ‘Theme Template Kits.’

Accessing SeedProd's Theme Template Kits

Now, just look for the theme template that best matches your preferences. If you enter the term ‘coach’ in the search bar, then you will find several coaching website themes to choose from.

If you have decided on a specific theme, simply hover over the theme you like and click the orange checkmark button.

Choosing a SeedProd online coaching business theme

At this point, you will land in the SeedProd page builder.

There are many things you can do here, like changing the elements within the theme, adding new sections, and dragging and dropping content to the page.

Editing the online coaching business theme in SeedProd

For step-by-step instructions, we recommend checking out our WPBeginner course on getting started with SeedProd and our beginner’s guide on how to customize your WordPress theme.

Step 4: Set Up Your Web Pages

The next step is to set up your website’s pages. For more information, you can read about creating custom pages in WordPress in our article.

For an online coaching business, we recommend having at least the following pages:

  • Homepage – This is where most users will first land on your website, so it’s important to make a strong impression on this page. You can read our guide on how to create a custom homepage for more information.
  • About page – On this page, it’s a good idea to explain more about your background and what makes you qualified to be an online coach in your field.
  • Contact page – This page makes it easy for people to contact you and learn about your coaching services before signing up. Make sure to add a contact form here using an easy-to-use form builder like WPForms.
  • Free consultation booking page – This is optional, but some coaches allow users to book a free consultation to increase their chances of getting clients. You can add a booking form here to make it easier for visitors to schedule an appointment.
  • Coaching services page – You can explain more about your coaching offers as well as client membership tiers and perks here. Feel free to create child pages to explain more about each program and display them on a parent page for all of your services.

To learn about must-have pages on your website, read our guide on important pages that any WordPress site should have.

Step 5: Install and Set Up the MemberPress Plugin

With all your pages set up, let’s go ahead and install a coaching membership plugin on your WordPress website.

A membership plugin allows you to set up and manage your paid services and client membership levels. Plus, you can limit certain types of content to coaching clients only.

After trying out many membership plugins, we find MemberPress to be the easiest option for beginners. The plugin is quick and easy to set up and offers a CoachKit™ add-on for you to create the online coaching platform that you need.

With this MemberPress add-on, you can make unlimited coaching programs, set up milestones for clients to motivate their learning, and integrate your website with Calendly to schedule calls or offline coaching sessions with clients.


First things first, you need to install the WordPress plugin. For this guide, we will use the Elite MemberPress plan because that’s where the CoachKit add-on is available.

Once you have installed and activated the plugin, don’t forget to activate your MemberPress license. Simply go to MemberPress » Settings and insert the license key where appropriate. After that, click ‘Activate License Key.’

Adding a license key to your MemberPress plugin

We already have an in-depth guide on how to create a membership site. It will walk you through important steps like setting up payment methods and adding sign-up forms.

But for demonstration purposes, we will show you how to create a membership plan and restrict its content to the members. You can repeat this step to make as many plans as needed.

Creating a Membership Plan

To create a membership plan, go to MemberPress » Memberships. Then, click ‘Add New.’

Creating a new MemberPress membership

Now, you will arrive at the membership plan editor page, which looks similar to the WordPress classic editor. At the top, you can give a name to your membership plan and a short description text to promote it.

In the ‘Membership Terms’ section, you can add a price, change the billing type from one-type to recurring, and modify the access from Lifetime to Expire or Fixed Expire.

Creating a new membership plan on MemberPress

Next, scroll down to the Membership Options section.

In the ‘Registration’ tab, you can customize the registration button text, enable a custom thank you message, activate a welcome email for new users, customize the payment methods, and customize the user information fields in the registration form.

The Membership Options settings when creating a new MemberPress membership plan

Switching to the ‘Permissions’ tab, you can select the user type who can purchase the plan and create a custom no permissions message for users without authorized access.

Since you are going to sell this membership plan to new users, you can just leave the ‘Who can purchase this Membership’ setting as ‘Everyone.’

The Permissions settings when creating a new MemberPress membership plan

Let’s navigate to the ‘Price Box’ tab, where you can customize how the membership plan price box will look on your pricing page later.

Feel free to insert a heading text, a benefits text, a footer text, and a button text to make your membership plan sound more attractive.

The Price Box settings when creating a new MemberPress membership plan

Once you are happy with the membership plan, go ahead and click ‘Publish’ to make the membership plan live.

Restricting Content Based on Membership

Now, let’s create rules to restrict content based on membership levels. First, go to MemberPress » Rules and click the ‘Add New’ button.

In the rules editor page, you can choose which type of content will be accessible to certain membership levels.

In this example, we have set that all pages or posts categorized as ‘Premium’ will be available to people with the Silver Coaching Plan membership. Feel free to add as many access conditions as needed.

Configuring the content access rules in MemberPress

Moving down, you can enable a Drip or Expiration functionality.

Drip content means all of the content will be available gradually rather than all at once. Meanwhile, Expiration means the content will no longer be available after a certain amount of time.

The Drip and Expiration features in MemberPress

These features can make your membership program more engaging and encourage users to read all of your content before it becomes unavailable.

Once you are done with the rule settings, you can scroll up and click ‘Save Rule’ to implement the new rule.

Clicking the Save Rule button in the MemberPress Rule editor

For more information about creating a membership site, just check out the following articles:

Step 6: Set Up the CoachKit™ Add-On

Now, let’s set up CoachKit™. All you need to do is go to MemberPress » Add-ons. Then, locate the CoachKit™ add-on and click the ‘Install Add-on’ button.

Installing the CoachKit add-on in MemberPress

After you do that, go to MemberPress » Settings and navigate to the ‘Pages’ tab.

By default, MemberPress will create a Coaching page for you, which is where you will manage your clients and track their progress. However, if you want to use a different existing page, then you can do so.

Or you can choose ‘Auto Create New Page’ to let the plugin set up a new page automatically.

Setting up a MemberPress coaching page

Now, let’s switch to the ‘CoachKit™’ tab. Here, you can choose to enable the live chat feature to talk directly with your clients right on your membership site.

We recommend activating this feature so that your clients can do everything related to your coaching program in one place.

Enabling the CoachKit direct messaging feature in MemberPress

Another tab you should visit is ‘ReadyLaunch™.’

What you want to do here is upload a logo for your business, choose a brand color, and make sure the Coaching Pro Mode template is enabled.

The ReadyLaunch tab in MemberPress' settings

By default, MemberPress will use the Pro Mode template for all of your membership pages.

Here’s what the Coaching page looks like:

The MemberPress Coaching Page

You can also access the messaging feature from the Coaching page.

This is what the feature looks like when you are starting a new conversation. You can also insert attachments if needed.

The MemberPress coaching messaging feature

Once you are happy with all of the settings, just scroll down the page.

After that, click ‘Update Options.’

Clicking the Update Options button in MemberPress settings

Step 7: Create Your Coaching Program(s)

At this stage, you can create a coaching program for your membership plans. You will need to go to CoachKit™ » Programs.

Then, simply click ‘Add New Post’ to create a new coaching program.

Adding a new program in MemberPress' CoachKit

First, let’s give your new program a title.

Next, you can set up some Milestones and/or Habits for the program.

A Milestone is a time-limited goal for tracking your client’s progress. You can add as many Milestones as you like and set due dates for when clients should achieve them.

To add one, just click ‘+ New Milestone.’

Adding a new milestone for a coaching program in MemberPress

Now, go ahead and insert a goal name and goal due date for after the program starts.

You can also tick the ‘Check In’ box to add a question to check in with your clients.

Setting up a coaching program milestone in MemberPress

Pro Tip: We also recommend installing the Downloads and Courses add-ons to add downloadable files and courses to Milestones. For more information about setting them up, just check out these guides:

On the other hand, Habits are regular tasks, and you can use them to motivate clients to develop a new habit.

To create a new habit, switch to the ‘Habits’ tab and click ‘+ New Habit.’

Creating a new habit for a coaching program in MemberPress

Now, give your new habit a name and choose how often the habit should be done.

Similar to Milestones, you can enable a check-in question for Habits, too.

Configuring a coaching program habit in MemberPress

You can set up as many Milestones and Habits as needed for your coaching program.

Once you are happy with the Milestones and Habits, navigate to the ‘Cohorts’ section. After that, just click ‘New Cohort.’

Creating a new coaching program cohort in MemberPress

A Cohort is basically a group of students enrolled in your coaching program, similar to a class in a school.

The reason why your clients are organized into cohorts is to limit the number of people who can sign up within a single program. This way, you or your team of coaches won’t get overwhelmed.

In the Cohort popup, you can name your cohort, limit the number of students who can enroll in the program, and assign a coach.

Other than that, you can select whether the student can start the program whenever they get enrolled (Dynamic) or at a fixed start and end date (Fixed).

You can also choose to make the program’s status open or closed for enrollment.

If you choose the Dynamic type, then we recommend making the Status ‘Closed’ until you are absolutely ready to run the program. Otherwise, you won’t be able to make changes to the program while it is already in progress.

After you have configured all of the Cohort settings, just click ‘Save.’

Configuring a coaching program cohort in MemberPress

Once you’ve done that, you can make the new coaching program available.

To do this, simply click the ‘Publish’ button.

Publishing a new coaching program with MemberPress

What you want to do now is add your coaching program to a membership plan.

Head over to MemberPress » Memberships from the dashboard and select the plan you just created by clicking on the ‘Edit’ link under it.

Edit membership

Once you are on the new membership page, scroll down to the ‘Membership Options’ section and switch to the ‘CoachKit™’ tab.

In the dropdown menu, you need to select which coaching programs you want this membership plan to have. You can also enable the messaging feature to allow them to contact you directly.

Assigning coaching programs to a MemberPress membership plan

And that’s it! Now, you can feel free to create as many coaching programs and/or membership plans as needed.

Step 8: Select a Video Conferencing Platform

What makes coaching different from teaching is you will need to offer a direct line of communication for clients to contact you. Because of this, you will need video chat software to reach out to your members.

We recommend using Nextiva, which is one of the best business phone services on the market. Their video chat software is fully cloud-based, so their audio and video quality is incredibly high, with little to no glitching.


Alternatively, you can use popular options like Zoom and Google Meet.

To learn more about the two software, just check out our article on Google Meet vs Zoom: which is better for your business.

Step 9: Create Professional Social Media Accounts

To reach as many potential clients as possible, you should create professional social media accounts for your coaching business. Typically, you will need a Facebook, Instagram, and X/Twitter account to start.

But if you run a corporate coaching service, then we also recommend creating a LinkedIn account to find business clients.

Example of an online coach with a LinkedIn presence

Depending on your niche and demographic, you may also want to create a TikTok account, too.

Many lifestyle, wellness, and health coaches use this platform to create tips and tricks content and reach their target audience.

Example of a life coach with a TikTok presence

Once you have set up your social media platforms, you can:

Step 10: Promote Your Online Coaching Services

Finally, you will need a way to bring more visitors to your website and get them to sign up for your online coaching services. Here are some marketing strategies you can use:

With a solid marketing strategy, you can run a successful coaching business that resonates with clients and makes a lasting impact.

Starting an Online Coaching Business FAQs

Let’s address some frequently asked questions about running an online coaching business.

Is online coaching profitable?

Yes, online coaching can be profitable. Many public figures like Tony Robbins have run a successful online coaching business that makes thousands of dollars. Of course, the profit potential depends on various factors, like your expertise and niche.

How much does it cost to start an online coaching business?

The startup costs can vary widely. At a minimum, you may need a website, a membership platform, and marketing expenses, which can total between $200 to $1000 per year. You can read more about this in our article on how much it costs to start a membership site.

What are the benefits of online coaching?

Online coaching offers flexibility for both coaches and clients, allowing you to do sessions from anywhere and reduce operating costs. You can also connect with clients globally, expanding your reach beyond where you are based.

We hope this article has helped you learn to start a coaching business online. You may also want to check out our tips and tricks to grow your online business and our list of the best online course platforms.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Start an Online Coaching Business (Step by Step) first appeared on WPBeginner.

14 Best SeedProd Site Kits and Templates (Expert Pick)

Are you looking for the best SeedProd website kits and templates?

SeedProd is a website and theme builder that comes with dozens of ready-made templates for almost every business niche.

These templates are designed to save you time. This means you don’t need to manually build a site. Instead, you can import a ready-made SeedProd site kit to set up your WordPress website quickly.

In this article, we will share some of the best SeedProd site kits and templates to set up your website in one click.

Best SeedProd Templates and Site Kits

How to Make a WordPress Website With a SeedProd Template Kit

SeedProd is the best WordPress website and theme builder. Over 1 million WordPress users trust SeedProd to build and customize their sites.

If you want to make a website, eCommerce store, or personal blog, then SeedProd is a one-stop solution with over 50 theme template kits, and they add new templates every week.

SeedProd Theme Template Kit Chooser

Whether you own a dry cleaning business or run a travel blog, you will find a built-in template kit for your niche. You can import one of these site kits in one click, and your website is ready.

Each SeedProd website template includes a homepage, landing pages, and a contact page. It also comes with dummy content and images, so you can see the final look of your website even before it’s ready.

Then, all you need to do is replace the dummy content with your text and images. You can use the SeedProd drag-and-drop builder to customize the template.

Note: The links in this article go to theme previews. To add a site kit to your website, you will need to navigate to SeedProd » Theme Builder and click the ‘Theme Template Kits’ button. You can find detailed instructions in our guide on how to install template kits.

Without any delay, let’s look at our hand-picked and best SeedProd site kits and templates.

1. Real Estate

Real Estate Theme Kit for SeedProd

The Real Estate theme template kit for SeedProd will let you create a customizable real estate website in seconds. Just click on the template to import it, and you are ready to customize the content, styling, and branding in SeedProd’s visual editor.

Each property page contains photos as well as dimensions and other selling points. All of your listings are showcased together on the Projects landing page for easy browsing. There are also separate listings for houses and apartments.

The About page describes who you are, along with statistics for projects completed, underway, and more. You can easily add photos of your team to a grid.

The Contact page lists all of your locations, email addresses, and phone numbers and displays them on a convenient zoomable map.

2. Music House

Music House Theme Kit for SeedProd

The Music House theme is the best SeedProd site kit for music teachers and educational institutions. With some tweaking, it’s also suitable for bands, musicians, and other people in the music industry.

Besides offering an About Us and Campus (contact) page, you will find a page where you can list your classes, including fees and available days. There is also a page where you can add photos and details about all of your music teachers.

3. Conduct Construction

Conduct Construction Theme Kit for SeedProd

The Conduct Construction theme kit is suitable for anyone in the building industry who wants to list their services and show off their past projects.

The Services page offers a photo grid where you can display photos and descriptions of the types of building jobs you are able to handle. Underneath, this is a full-width section where you can add a wide photo and provide a written list of your projects.

The Projects page displays a photo gallery of your previous work. There are tabs along the top so your website visitors can filter by project type, such as ‘Manufacturing Industry’, ‘High-rise’, and ‘Public Infrastructure’.

The About Us page lets you describe your corporate philosophy, display a chart of your accomplishments, and show statistics about your engineering workforce. All of these sections are easy to customize using SeedProd’s drag-and-drop interface.

4. Venture Marketing Firm

Venture Marketing Firm Theme Kit for SeedProd

The Venture Marketing Firm theme template has a home page where agencies can show off what makes them unique, along with the types of marketing they provide. Full details of the services offered can be provided on the Services page.

A beautiful Portfolio page provides a photo gallery that can be filtered by project type. At the bottom of the page, your visitors can add their email addresses to request a proposal.

The Contact Us page features a map of your location, social links, and a newsletter sign-up form.

5. Wedding Invitation

Wedding Invitation Theme Kit for SeedProd

The Wedding Invitation website kit lets couples share the details of their wedding with friends and family. This makes online invitations easy and is a helpful reminder for the date, time, and address of the ceremony and reception.

On the custom home page, there is room for you to tell the story of how you met, fell in love, and proposed. You can even create a photo timeline of your relationship on the Our Story page and add an album of your special memories on the Photos page.

The Join Us page serves two purposes. First, it provides a form where your guests can RSVP. Second, it displays a map of the venue where guests can easily find directions.

6. Travel Blog

Travel Blog Theme Kit for SeedProd

The Travel Blog theme template kit allows bloggers to share stories, photos, and videos of their latest travel adventures and gear.

The front page offers a ‘Start Today’ button that takes readers to the Work With Me page, where they can subscribe to blog updates and your social channels. It also includes sections that display your latest videos and highlights places to visit.

The Destinations page displays your travel articles by geographic region in an attractive grid, and the Videos page allows you to embed your YouTube videos.

7. Dry Cleaning

Dry Cleaning Theme Kit for SeedProd

The Dry Cleaning website theme is the best SeedProd template kit for local businesses like laundromats. The front page provides a handy summary of your services and the benefits your business offers. These can also be found on the Services page.

The SeedProd visual editor offers a Pricing Table block, and one has been added to the Prices page. You can easily customize this price list with your own prices and categories using SeedProd’s visual editor.

At the bottom of the About page, SeedProd’s Testimonials and Star Rating blocks have been added. These let you easily add customer reviews and ratings for your business to increase social proof.

The Contact page lists the addresses, emails, and phone numbers of each location of your business, along with a map that will help customers navigate to your stores.

8. e-Course Website

e-Course Website Theme Kit for SeedProd

The e-Course Website theme will help you quickly create a website where you can create and sell online courses with WordPress.

The custom home page lets you introduce the courses you offer, display testimonials from your students, and more.

You can describe your courses in greater detail on the Lessons page. A ‘Start Learning’ button allows students to subscribe to the courses they are interested in.

The About page gives more details about your online business, and the Contact page allows potential students to reach out and ask for more information.

9. NM Advertising Agency

NM Advertising Agency Theme Kit for SeedProd

The NM Advertising Agency theme allows you to quickly create a website for advertising agencies and public relations specialists. You simply need to customize the site with information about your own business.

The front page displays helpful statistics and pie charts that demonstrate how you can help and the return on investment your clients can expect.

The Services page lets you spell out the variety of marketing and public relations services you offer, and you can share a portfolio of your prior projects on the Work page.

You can highlight the expertise of your staff on the Team page, and the Contact page allows potential clients to schedule an in-person visit or speak to a team member about their needs.

10. eBook Author

eBook Author Theme Kit for SeedProd

The eBook Author theme template kit is a great way to promote and sell your eBooks in WordPress. An attractive Bio page is included, which you can customize with your own story and Instagram photos.

Your books are listed in a grid on the Books page. This page also lets you highlight upcoming books and provides a form where your readers can subscribe for regular updates.

You will just need to choose your own shopping cart solution. We recommend Easy Digital Downloads, and you can learn how to set it up in our beginner’s guide on how to sell digital downloads in WordPress.

11. Personal Trainer

Personal Trainer Theme Kit for SeedProd

The Personal Trainer theme kit features a clean and attractive home page that will introduce your in-person or online training services to potential clients.

You can add an explainer video to the Training page where you introduce yourself and demonstrate your training methods. You can also customize the Packages and Rates section and add your own frequently asked questions using SeedProd’s Accordion block.

You can add your best client reviews on the Testimonials page and tell the story of your own personal fitness transformation on the Result page.

There is a button on the home page where clients can schedule an appointment. This can take your clients to the WordPress appointment or booking plugin of your choice.

12. Child-Day Care

Child-Day Care Theme Kit for SeedProd

The Child-Day Care Website theme kit makes it easy to create an attractive website for a childcare or daycare center.

The theme will automatically create an attractive Curriculum page that you can customize with your own approach to early childhood education.

The About Us page can describe the values and benefits of your center. It also includes a ‘Meet Our Leadership’ section where you can add photos of your team.

The Blog entry in the navigation menu lets you keep your audience up to date with the current events in your daycare center and share educational tips on raising young children.

Finally, you can customize the ‘Book a Tour’ button to allow parents to send you an email or take them to your online booking form in WordPress.

13. Juice Bar

Juice Bar Theme Kit for SeedProd

The Juice Bar website theme kit for WooCommerce lets you quickly set up a beautifully-designed online store. By default, this store template features bottled juice and other beverages, but it can be easily customized for other products.

The home page is set up to highlight product collections, items on sale, and other featured products. SeedProd offers helpful blocks to automatically display Recent Products, Sale Products, Best Selling Products, Featured Products, and Top Rated Products.

The Shop item in the navigation menu takes customers to all of your products, and clicking on a product displays the product page. The ‘Add to Cart’ buttons are live and add products to the WooCommerce shopping cart.

14. Computer Technician

Computer Technician Theme Kit for SeedProd

The Computer Technician theme is the best SeedProd template kit for anyone who offers IT-related services. The front page contains sections that can be customized to describe your business, display testimonials, and demonstrate how you save your clients time and money.

The Services page can display any number of services that you may offer, like data recovery, Apple product service and repair, and laptop repair. These can be easily edited to suit your own business.

Like most themes, there are also About and Contact pages. The Contact page has a contact form where your clients can get in touch with you.

Frequently Asked Questions About Site Kits and Templates

Here are some questions we are often asked about SeedProd site kits and template kits.

What is a template kit?

WordPress template kits are collections of pre-designed templates, layouts, and other elements that allow you to create a professional-looking website without writing code.

They are a powerful feature of some drag-and-drop page builder plugins and may be called website kits, website templates, or WordPress starter templates. In SeedProd, they are called theme template kits.

What is the difference between a WordPress theme and a template kit?

WordPress allows you to customize the appearance of your website by installing themes. Themes determine the overall look of all the pages on your site. There are thousands of WordPress themes available (both free and paid).

A template kit is a feature of a drag-and-drop page builder plugin, such as SeedProd. It comes with designs for common pages such as an About page, a Contact page, and a custom home page. It may also provide templates for areas that appear across multiple pages, such as a header and footer template.

The benefit of template kits is that they are easier to customize using the drag-and-drop page builder. They also have more customization options than standard WordPress themes.

What is the best SeedProd site template kit?

There isn’t one SeedProd site template kit that is best for every website. Instead, you should choose a site kit designed for your industry or niche. Luckily, SeedProd has many different site kits for all kinds of websites and businesses.

You should take into consideration the appearance of the kit as well as the extra custom pages it creates for you.

Before making the kit live, you will need to replace the demo content. You may also want to change the kit’s branding to better match your own business. It’s easy to customize every part of the design using the drag-and-drop editor.

We hope this tutorial helped you find the best SeedProd site kits and templates. You may also want to see our guide on how to speed up WordPress performance or our expert picks for the best email marketing services to grow your business.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post 14 Best SeedProd Site Kits and Templates (Expert Pick) first appeared on WPBeginner.

PrestaShop Review

PrestaShop is the leading open-source ecommerce solution allowing you to create and manage multiple online stores. It has a highly responsive interface with hundreds of advanced built-in functionalities and tools, from payment processors and inventory management to support for multiple currencies and languages. 

PrestaShop helps you create a customized ecommerce site for your business, owned and designed by you, in minutes. Below, you’ll learn all about what this platform does well and where it falls short.

PrestaShop logo

PrestaShop Compared

PrestaShop didn’t make our top list of the best ecommerce platforms, a category crowded with quality options. Instead, our top recommendation is Shopify, which offers merchants the perfect mix of beginner-friendliness and advanced features. Sign up for a three-day free trial of Shopify.

  • Shopify – Best all-around ecommerce platform
  • Wix – Best for stores with fewer than 100 products
  • BigCommerce – Best for large inventories
  • Squarespace – Best for cornering a niche market
  • Hostinger – Best price for a full online store

If you’d like to learn more about these alternatives to PrestaShop, read our full post reviewing the best ecommerce platforms.

About PrestaShop

PrestaShop is a free, user-friendly, open-source ecommerce solution that officially launched in August 2007. 

Currently used by over 250,000 ecommerce merchants globally, PrestaShop can be used in 65 different languages and provides access to a feature-rich platform for running a digital business, including basics like shopping carts, product information, user management, and shipping and payment systems to advanced features for marketing your new business, international selling and fulfillment, and inventory management.

PrestaShop is a solid choice for business owners who want to develop a customized web store, manage multiple online stores, and sell to visitors in different languages and currencies. 

PrestaShop Health and Stability

PrestaShop’s open-source nature speaks a lot to its core philosophy. Not unlike WordPress, this is a solution that naturally improves based on the contributions of users, who can share their expertise and what they develop on the platform with each other. 

Thus, the main priority of the PrestaShop team is to develop world-class ecommerce software that enables everyone to have a successful online business. The company was on the 2016 list of Inc.’s 5,000 fastest-growing private companies in Europe and received the 2016 CMS Critic Award for Best Ecommerce Software.

PrestaShop has raised a total of $14.7 million in funding over four rounds and is funded by 13 investors, including renowned companies like Seventure Partners and Serena. 

PrestaShop Pricing

Being a free, open-source solution, it costs nothing to download and use PrestaShop to run your online store. That said, expect to run into a few related expenses. 

You’ll need to pay separately for website hosting, which will cost you a couple of dollars a month if you can get by with shared or cloud hosting. But if you want to run a large and complex store, you may need to invest in elevated site hosting that’s significantly costlier. Expect to also pay for a custom domain name and security features like SSL certificates. 

You can get started with PrestaShop today for free.

PrestaShop Pricing Structure 

While most of PrestaShop‘s offerings are free, you’ll have to spend money to utilize add-ons or site themes. 

There are a few different paid extras you can tap into. Professional services provided by PrestaShop include site auditing and optimization, which can be priced by getting a custom quote from their team. Meanwhile, you can also use your PrestaShop account to access their international partner agencies and secure services for migration, SEO, web hosting, and more.

Then, there’s the souped-up version of the core PrestaShop software, the PrestaShop Platform. This turnkey solution gets your web store off on the right foot by ensuring faster load times, attracting more visitors through SEO, and helping you convert more visitors into customers from the moment your site goes live. You also get key extras like managed daily or hourly backups, Git integration, and even managed migration.

Pricing for the PrestaShop Platform ranges from around $470 to $900 per month. 

PrestaShop Pricing Comparison

The total price of using PrestaShop depends on your needs and personal preferences. 

Web hosting can range wildly, from as little as $2 per month to upwards of $20 per month or more, with basic shared hosting options usually staying in the single digits. Add-ons and themes acquired for your PrestaShop store are more varied, ranging from $35 to over $200 each. The costs become even steeper if you want to customize your website or bolster your online business by hiring a developer or other agency. 

Comparatively, Shopify is more expensive to simply start using. Its prices start at around $39 per month but can go all the way up to $399 per month for a more comprehensive set of features and benefits. Further, if you don’t use Shopify Payments, additional fees apply for Shopify apps and their online card payment processing (which runs between 2.4% and 2.9%, plus $.30 per transaction). 

Wix offers free and paid options, making it a bit more flexible than PrestaShop. The paid tiers start from $16 per month and go up to $59 per month. If you want a tailor-made plan, a custom-priced Enterprise package is also available with a dedicated account manager.

Overall, PrestaShop is one of the most affordable options on the market. However, if you want 24/7 support, along with included hosting, fraud protection, and other advanced features, you have to pay more—and it’s possible the ecommerce platform may cost more than others in the long run.

PrestaShop Trials and Guarantees

PrestaShop doesn’t offer a free trial or a money-back guarantee since the base version of the platform is accessible for free. Hence, you can start on PrestaShop today for no cost and try it out to your heart’s content.

PrestaShop Ecommerce Platform Review

PrestaShop’s ecommerce platform contains a wide array of features that make it easy to build and customize your own online store, add and market your products, accept payments, manage and complete orders, and even sell internationally.

The fact that PrestaShop is an open-source platform means you have access to its code and can edit and adjust it to suit your exact needs, leading to near-limitless customization options. However, it may be intimidating for users that want a less code-reliant solution with predictable pricing.

What Makes PrestaShop Ecommerce Platform Great

PrestaShop ecommerce features landing page
PrestaShop has a simple, straightforward installation process. You can have a fully functioning ecommerce site up and running in just a few hours.
  • Easy to install and use: Installing PrestaShop is a simple process. All you have to do is download the installation file from its official website and install it on your device. As the file is small, you can finish setting up the ecommerce platform rapidly, even with a sluggish internet connection.
  • Rich feature set: With over 600 features and more being introduced regularly, PrestaShop guarantees a lot of flexibility when building and running your ecommerce website. If you’re comfortable with coding, the open-source code lets you customize the software to your exact needs. Then there’s also the PrestaShop marketplace with more than 6,000 add-ons to boost your site’s functionality,  plus built-in marketing tools like discounts, coupon codes, and email marketing to help you attract more customers.
  • Higher degree of customization: Use PrestaShop’s wide range of modules, templates, and themes to create the ecommerce website of your dreams. While the modules let you add features to your site to improve functionality and the user experience, the templates and themes can get you started quickly while not sacrificing the flexibility to personalize them to your brand. And that does not even touch on solutions created by the PrestaShop community, enabled by real users who develop one-of-a-kind features and tools through their access to the platform’s source code.
  • International selling: Implement different languages on your online store with ease on PrestaShop to allow visitors from all over the globe to read your website in their native language. That adaptability opens up entirely new markets to your online business and extends to handling currencies outside of the Euro or US Dollar. PrestaShop currently supports accepting payments from nearly 200 countries in over 20 different currencies.
  • Payment processors and security: PrestaShop supports all the major payment gateways, including PayPal and Amazon Pay, or you can opt for PrestaShop Checkout, the platform’s dedicated direct payment option. PrestaShop’s payment gateways are all PCI-compliant, ensuring the utmost security to protect your shoppers’ confidential information.
  • Product listing flexibility: Most free ecommerce platforms limit the number or types of product listings you can place on your web store, so the fact that PrestaShop allows unlimited product listings is a huge advantage. It’s why this platform is a good fit regardless of whether you have a few products or a few hundred products to sell, allowing you to either grow into something larger without stress or spin up your new business with an ambitious product line.

Where PrestaShop Ecommerce Platform Falls Short

PrestaShop contact page
PrestaShop doesn’t offer dedicated customer support options like phone, email, or chat.
  • Coding knowledge required: To truly take full advantage of the customizations you can make on your PrestaShop site, you need to have some level of comfort and experience with coding. You can certainly take the route of cobbling together a unique enough site from PrestaShop’s available built-in features and community solutions. But, if you’re looking to create a truly one-of-a-kind ecommerce site, you’ll need to be comfortable with digging into the source code (or hire someone that is).
  • No official support team: One of the main disadvantages of PrestaShop is the lack of a dedicated customer support team to help resolve issues. That said, PrestaShop has a very active user community with over 700,000 members. That user base, along with rich documentation, FAQs, and user guides, is enough to get you by, provided you’re willing to put in the effort to find the solution. But if you’re looking for hands-on or on-demand support, you’ll be disappointed, as there are no options for reaching someone via phone, chat, or email. 
  • Not free at scale: With the depth of features in PrestaShop’s free core platform, you may wonder why anyone pays for it at all. Well, a major issue (that isn’t unique to PrestaShop, mind you) is a serious dip in performance if you have more than 20 visitors on your site at the same time. You can solve this without much trouble, but it will cost you one way or another. You’ll either have to pay for a higher grade of web hosting or opt for the paid PrestaShop Platform, which can support many more simultaneous users (for a pretty steep monthly cost, though).

PrestaShop Ecommerce Platform Compared

While PrestaShop makes a great option for those who like to get their hands dirty customizing and perfecting their online store, our top pick for the best ecommerce platform is Shopify, as it provides the most value and stress-free UX for its price point.

  • Shopify – Best all-around ecommerce platform
  • Wix – Best for stores with fewer than 100 products
  • BigCommerce – Best for large inventories
  • Squarespace – Best for cornering a niche market
  • Hostinger – Best price for a full online store

Final Verdict

PrestaShop is a great choice to start your online store if you’re looking for an incredibly affordable and customizable ecommerce platform. It offers a robust set of features and functionalities and near limitless potential to make a truly unique web store, but the lack of formal customer support and the reliance on coding means it isn’t a fantastic choice for first-time ecommerce platform users or folks who just don’t want to deal with the issues that can arise on an open source platform.

Compare the Best WordPress Ecommerce Plugins

Our recommendation for most users is WooCommerce, as it’s a versatile and powerful solution for building and managing an ecommerce store. Get started with a 30-day free trial.

The best WordPress ecommerce plugins make starting and managing an online store a lot easier, but not every option out there is worth your time. The Quick Sprout research team spent three weeks analyzing top ecommerce plugins for WordPress websites and found feature-packed and high value-for-money tools that simplify common ecommerce activities, such as inventory management, customer management, and payment gateway integration.

See our top picks below.

The Top 5 Best WordPress Ecommerce Plugins

After weeks of detailed research, we determined our top picks for the best WordPress ecommerce plugins. WooCommerce gives users the perfect mix of basic and advanced features that make running an ecommerce site a breeze. Get started with a 30-day free trial.

Company logos for our best WordPress ecommerce plugins reviews

How We Evaluate the Best WordPress Ecommerce Plugins

Here’s a quick rundown of how we researched and evaluated different WordPress ecommerce plugins: 

How We Qualify WordPress Ecommerce Plugins for Consideration

In our first round of research, we identified 26 options that were commonly used by ecommerce owners:

Cart Recovery for WordPress, Easy Digital Downloads, Ecwid by Lightspeed, JivoChat, MemberPress, Sendinblue, WSDesk, Shopify, Sucuri, Tidio, TrustPulse, WP EasyCart, WP eCommerce, WooCommerce, YITH WooCommerce Wishlist, WPForms, Gravity Forms, W3 Total Cache, Yoast SEO, Akismet Anti-Spam, BackupBuddy, Better WordPress Security, BuddyPress, Contact Form 7, Gravity Forms, WP Super Cache

Naturally, not all of them were good enough to meet our standards. Our research team ruled out WordPress plugins that were either difficult to use, lacked desirable features, or didn’t meet the following core requirements any reliable WordPress ecommerce plugin should have:

  • Review count and rating: We dropped plugins from our list that had an overwhelming number of negative reviews or too many 1-star or 2-star ratings.
  • Web page speed impact: We eliminated plugins that slowed down our website. Our priority was to choose options with economical bandwidth.
  • Customizability: We carefully chose plugins that offered tons of customizable templates and related options.
  • Payment gateway support: Considering we’re talking ecommerce, it’s important to choose WordPress plugins that support popular payment gateways, either by default or through an extension.
  • Update frequency: Infrequent plugin updates can lead to serious problems like security vulnerabilities or redundancy. We prioritized plugins that get routine updates.
  • Support options: Our top WordPress plugins have comprehensive online documentation or an active community of users. 

This helped us zero on our final ten WordPress plugins, after which we did a deep dive on each to review them inside and out.

How We Narrowed the List of Qualified Plugins

At this point, we had to make some tough decisions to eliminate otherwise well-functioning and popular WordPress ecommerce plugins based on the stated criteria, such as:

  • JivoChat: The chat functionality can be confusing.  
  • Yoast SEO: Yoast is SEO-focused, whereas others are more versatile.
  • MemberPress: This is a subscription-focused plugin, so the fact that automatic renewal is only possible via subscription payments was disappointing.
  • SendInBlue: The UI could be more robust.
  • BuddyPress: It requires too many plugins to be as functional as others we researched.

The Top WordPress Ecommerce Plugins Left Standing

We recommend WooCommerce for most users as it offers a robust and versatile solution for creating and managing an ecommerce store. Take advantage of the 30-day free trial to get started.

Match Your Ecommerce Scenario to the Right WordPress Ecommerce Solution

We’ve structured our guidance in this section to offer the best possible recommendations based on what you need your WordPress ecommerce plugins to do. Let’s take a look.

If you want to create an ecommerce store

Best option: WooCommerce

WooCommerce gives you access to a host of features and tools that simplify setting up a store, managing it, and processing payments—all from a single plugin. It’ll transform your WordPress blog into a fully functional online store, plus it was recently acquired by Automattic, which is the same organization that operates WordPress.

Another great choice: BigCommerce

Aside from a similar name, BigCommerce is a popular WooCommerce alternative. 

It provides web hosting, payment gateway integration, and 24/7 customer support, which are incredibly handy features for those looking for an ecommerce solution to incorporate into your WordPress CMS.

If you want to create an online store, consider these points when making a decision: 

  • Beginner-friendly UX: Starting an ecommerce store is already hard, so you don’t want to add understanding how to use a plugin to your to-do list.
  • Payment processing systems: The prospective plugin should either have an in-built payment processor or integrate with other popular payment processing systems.
  • Efficient customer support: Pick an option that offers 24/7 customer support to minimize store downtime, preventing revenue loss.

If you want to sell digital products

Best option: Easy Digital Downloads 

Unlike most other ecommerce WordPress plugins, Easy Digital Downloads focuses exclusively on selling digital products online. This also means the plugin is designed to provide better experiences to those looking to sell software, ebooks, music, and other digital products. 

You can give customer lifetime access to your products or set a limited time frame while built-in analytics keep you updated on all the crucial metrics.

Another great choice: Shopify 

Shopify makes creating an ecommerce store for selling online digital products easier than ever. Choose from over 100 templates featuring built-in features to get started. No big budget or additional tech skills are required.

If you want to sell digital products, consider these points when making a decision: 

  • Digital Product Compatibility: Make sure the prospective plugin supports the sale of digital products.
  • Shopping Cart Management: With this feature, you can allow customers to explore and add multiple digital products to their cart, similar to how any traditional ecommerce platform operates.
  • Distribution Facility: Avoid plugins that don’t let you decide how and when customers can enjoy access to your products.

For tracking and analyzing website traffic

Best option: BigCommerce

BigCommerce recently launched a WordPress plugin allowing site owners to transform their website into a fully functional online store. More importantly, it has comprehensive analytics that will give you detailed reports of your online business, including sales, marketing, and customer engagement.

Another great choice: WooCommerce

Use WooCommerce‘s reporting and data analytics tool to manage your online store. Other desirable features include filtering and segmenting tools, data to CSV downloads, and a customizable dashboard for easy monitoring.

If you want powerful analytics, consider these points when making a decision: 

  • Customizable Dashboard: Plugins with customizable dashboards make monitoring the metrics that matter most to you easier.
  • Excellent Reporting Capabilities: What’s the point of analytics if you cannot use the insights? Reporting will help you identify trends and patterns, helping you strategize more effectively.
  • Filters and Segmentation: Ensure you can filter your analyses based on desired elements.

For offering seamless checkouts

Best option: Ecwid 

The fact that Ecwid offers multi-channel selling is enhanced by the ecommerce plugin’s ability to let you accept in-store and on-the-go payments. Use it to add a shopping cart to your website and social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Wix to deliver streamlined shopping experiences. 

Another great choice: Shopify 

With Shopify, you can create and add a Buy button to your online store, linking your Shopify store with your WordPress website. This creates a direct checkout facility, where the shopper will be directed to the checkout page after clicking the Add to Cart button.

If you want seamless checkouts, consider these points when making a decision: 

  • Checkout UX: Prioritize plugins that offer excellent user experience. Think easy navigation and attractive layouts and elements.
  • Currency Options: Look for ecommerce plugins that let you include specific currencies. For example, the option to add € and $.
  • Payment Methods: How many payment methods does the plugin support? Ideally, you want debit or credit cards, PayPal integration, Apple and Google Pay, and maybe even an interest-free credit lending option.

WordPress Ecommerce Plugin Reviews

Every WordPress ecommerce plugin should have certain features and functionalities that streamline crucial ecommerce activities. Read on to learn why we chose our top recommendations over others.

WooCommerce — Most Well-Rounded Plugin

WooCommerce, one of the best WordPress ecommerce plugins

WooCommerce works for all kinds of digital, physical, and affiliate products, so it’s one of the most versatile options on the WordPress plugin market.

It has all the crucial features to build and manage an ecommerce store. From basic features like inventory management and tax calculation to more advanced features like high-end themes and extensions, WooCommerce has you covered for streamlined online selling.

You can also access source code to create unique personalized websites, which means you have the highest permission to manage your content and data.

What Makes WooCommerce Great

With WooCommerce, you can instantly turn your WordPress blog into a fully functional ecommerce store. 

It offers hundreds of extensions and themes that allow you to customize your online store to your exact needs. Use it to add features like inventory management, discount code distribution, and cart distribution. Built-in support for popular payment gateways lets you add as many payment options as you like using extensions.

Example of WooCommerce online store editor interface in WordPress
WooCommerce can turn WordPress blogs into fully functional ecommerce stores within seconds.

Keep in mind that WooCommerce doesn’t offer dedicated customer support unless you purchase their paid products. But it has a large network of users and contributors you can rely on for help.

Ecwid by Lightspeed — Best for Multichannel Selling

Ecwid, one of the best WordPress ecommerce plugins

Ecwid gives you the power to sell anything to anyone, regardless of where they live. You can create a new website using customizable design tools—or convert your existing website into an online store with technology that instantly mimics your current design. 

In terms of customizability and app integration, Ecwid is very similar to WooCommerce. The main difference between the two is that you can use Ecwid on any website and not just WordPress—think Facebook, Wix, Instagram, Weebly, Joomla, and other channels.

This allows you to market and sell products on multiple channels easily—no need to install different ecommerce plugins for different platforms and websites.

What Makes Ecwid Great

With Ecwid, you can integrate your online store with a WordPress website and use popular social media channels as full-fledged sales channels. 

Ecwid lets you import your dashboard and configuration panel directly into WordPress, allowing you to manage products, sales channels, and payment options directly from your WordPress dashboard. Here’s what an Ecwid dashboard looks like:

Example of Ecwid account dashboard
With Ecwid, you can sell on multiple platforms at once, including WordPress, Facebook, and Joomla.

Accept payments in-store and on the go, thanks to Ecwid’s integration with popular payment processors like Stripe, PayPal, and Square. What’s more, the plugin also auto-updates your inventory levels in your Ecwid account, keeping all your stores perfectly in sync. 

If you’re just venturing into ecommerce, try Ecwid’s free-forever plan.

Easy Digital Downloads — Best for Selling Digital Products

Easy Digital Downloads, one of the best WordPress ecommerce plugins

Easy Digital Downloads is the easiest way for WordPress website owners to sell digital products online. 

From ebooks and PDF files to music and software, you can access several powerful features, such as customer and shopping cart management, to make selling digital products a breeze. 

Easy Digital Downloads is highly recommended for beginners as it’s a highly user-friendly tool and can work in conjunction with nearly any WordPress theme. If you haven’t chosen a theme, Easy Digital Downloads has themes built specifically for the plugin.

Plus, you can use built-in analytics to track your business performance based on predetermined metrics, such as the number of downloads, website traffic, and earnings. 

What Makes Easy Digital Downloads Great

Easy Digital Downloads offers out-of-the-box features that make selling digital products super simple.

Customers can simultaneously purchase multiple downloads using the seamless shopping cart. You can then allow them to either download purchased files whenever they want or restrict downloads by time and/or the number of attempts, as Easy Digital Downloads doesn’t limit you when distributing digital products.

Example of Easy Digital Downloads customer details dashboard in WordPress
Easy Digital Downloads offers tons of features that make selling digital products a breeze.

Another advantage is that you can easily create discount codes to boost purchases (at flat or percentage rates) and set up recurring payments when accepting credit card payments through flexible options like Stripe, Google Pay, and Apple Pay.

We highly recommend Easy Digital Downloads’ Professional plan that gives you everything to run a marketplace and improve average order value to encourage more sales.

Shopify — Best for Powering Store Back-end and Checkout Processes

Shopify, one of the best WordPress ecommerce plugins

While Shopify is a powerful standalone web store builder, it also offers a separate WordPress plugin that allows you to merge WordPress and Shopify and sell digital and physical goods.

You get an inventory editor and bulk importer, complete with an order tracker, to seamlessly manage inventory. You also get the ability to accept credit cards both online and in person using Shopify’s built-in support for popular payment gateways and can integrate with popular providers like USPS for shipping.

The result is a powerful solution that lets you manage inventory, calculate taxes, accept payments, and set up shipping easily.

What Makes Shopify Great

The Shopify and WordPress websites you own are separate, where WordPress is the front end and Shopify is the back end.

You can create a Buy button to connect your online store with your Shopify account using Shopify’s WordPress plugin. Once you add the button, all you have to do is link it to a product on the Shopify store, and you’re all set to sell.

Example of Shopify product editor in WordPress
You can merge WordPress and Shopify to start selling right away.

Additionally, Shopify allows direct checkouts. Replace the Add to Cart buttons with a link to direct the shopper to the checkout page. This is a great feature if you don’t want to offer shoppers a cart experience and want users to pay you directly.

Get the Shopify Buy button to start selling on your WordPress website or blog at just $5 per month.

BigCommerce — Best for Intelligent Reporting and Customization Capabilities

BigCommerce, one of the best WordPress ecommerce plugins

BigCommerce is one of the most popular WordPress ecommerce plugins—for good reason.

It’s packed with several out-of-the-box features that allow you to create a beautiful and functional online store from scratch. Even if you don’t know how to set up an ecommerce website, you can easily make one with BigCommerce without involving experts.

Some of these features include responsive ecommerce templates, bundled discounting and segmentation tools to drive sales, and integrations with tons of useful services like Mailchimp and ActiveCampaign.

What Makes BigCommerce Great

BigCommerce remains unparalleled when it comes to its reporting and customization facilities.

Example of BigCommerce online store analytics dashboard
BigCommerce gives users a detailed view of their online store’s performance.

It offers comprehensive analytics reports to give you a detailed view of your online store’s performance, including the number of orders, sales taxes, and storefront metrics. You can also use the plugin to keep a tab on customer behavior and general ecommerce analytics.

Other features include a secure checkout with SSL, access to order and catalog management tools, and integration with popular payment gateways.

Quick Sprout WordPress Ecommerce Plugin Related Content

To help you identify the best ecommerce plugin for your WordPress website that meets and exceeds your expectations, check out more related content:

WordPress Ecommerce Plugin Guides and How-Tos

WordPress Ecommerce Plugin Comparisons

WordPress Ecommerce Plugin Related Top Lists

Dropshipping vs. Ecommerce Fulfillment: 5 Key Differences

Our favorite ecommerce fulfillment service is ShipBob, as it delivers a high level of accuracy and simplifies scalability. You can request a free demo and a personalized price quote now.

Two of the most popular ecommerce business options are dropshipping and ecommerce fulfillment. Although these two business models have some similarities, there are specific differences, too. With ecommerce fulfillment, you hold stock and sell items from that inventory. With dropshipping, you simply manage orders and never physically carry the products. Understanding the differences between these two options can help you pick the best one for your ecommerce business model.

The 5 Best Ecommerce Fulfillment Services

If you want to operate an ecommerce fulfillment business, multiple software packages are available to help. We broke down the five best ecommerce fulfillment services that can help you run your business more smoothly.

1. Storing and Shipping Products

The most significant difference between ecommerce fulfillment and dropshipping is how you handle your stock of products. You must have a means of storing inventory when performing ecommerce fulfillment, and you don’t keep any inventory with dropshipping.

With ecommerce fulfillment, a customer makes an order through your online store, and you must package and ship the products from your inventory stash. 

You typically purchase (or make!) and store the products at a fulfillment center you own and operate. The fulfillment center also typically handles the packing and shipping process. A fulfillment center can be a warehouse, or if you are running a small business out of your home, your fulfillment center may be a spare bedroom or garage.

If you are running a dropshipping business, you never have to worry about storing products. Your online store simply advertises products that come from another supplier. 

When an order comes into your store, you pass that information to the supplier holding the products. That supplier manages the work of packing and shipping the products directly to the customer.

Some people prefer the dropshipping model because it seems easier. You don’t have to worry about finding a place to store products or do the physical work of packing and shipping boxes out. 

However, when you are dropshipping, you lose the ability to manage or control the way the products ship and the quality control of the shipping. Your customer service rating will suffer if a supplier poorly packs a box or ships it to the wrong address. You have more hands-on control of these processes when you use the ecommerce fulfillment model.

2. Managing and Tracking Inventory

ShipBob inventory tracking interface
ShipBob has a real-time inventory tracking feature that helps you stay on top of your product counts when using the ecommerce fulfillment model.

With an ecommerce fulfillment business, you must be able to track inventory accurately. Because you have your own fulfillment center that stores your products, you need to know when your inventory is running low so that you can reorder.

You don’t want to advertise a product as in stock on your online store only to tell a disappointed customer that the product is out of stock. Having a system in place to track your inventory is vital to the smooth operation of an ecommerce fulfillment business.

If you are running a small business selling only a few products and can easily count how many boxes you have left in your basement, tracking inventory is pretty easy. If you sell hundreds of different products and store them in warehouses, you’ll need inventory tracking software to help.

With the ShipBob ecommerce fulfillment service, you get real-time inventory tracking. ShipBob can also send you alerts whenever inventory drops below a certain level for a particular product.

If you are running a dropshipping business, inventory tracking involves a different process. You do not hold the products in inventory yourself, so you cannot track items independently. 

Instead, you must rely on suppliers to send notifications when certain products are out of stock. You can then adjust the information on your online store accordingly. Unfortunately, suppliers don’t always provide this information readily.

You may be able to find apps that can help you try to keep track of inventory from suppliers, but this is also a hit-and-miss proposition. You may just have to accept that you occasionally run into inventory issues as a dropshipper, leaving customers disappointed.

You may want to consider having more than one supplier available for each product in your dropshipping online store. If one supplier is out of stock, perhaps one of your backup suppliers can fulfill your customer’s order.

3. Startup Costs and Profit Margin

When running an ecommerce fulfillment business, the startup costs typically are quite a bit higher than with a dropshipping business.

Some of the startup costs for the ecommerce fulfillment model that don’t exist with the dropshipping model include:

  • Purchasing products/inventory
  • Purchasing materials to make your own products
  • Storage space to keep your items
  • Purchasing shipping materials (i.e., boxes, padding, labels, tape, etc.)

Operating as a dropshipper, you don’t have to store inventory or ship products, eliminating many startup costs. 

While your startup costs are lower when running a dropshipping business, your profit margins are often lower than ecommerce fulfillment. 

Profit margins are lower due to having to pay the supplier’s set prices and having to pay them to store and ship the products for you, all of which eats into your profit margin.

Although you have some of the same operational costs as an ecommerce fulfillment business, you have more control over those costs. You can purchase products to place in your inventory at wholesale prices, saving you money versus paying a supplier to handle your products.

When operating as a dropshipper, the supplier essentially sets your operational costs, leaving you less control.

4. Building Your Own Brand

ShipBob shipment details interface
ShipBob can help you build your brand in many ways, including through the way you ship your products.

As an ecommerce fulfillment business, you have a greater chance to build a memorable brand for your customers. Dropshippers struggle to create a brand name that generates loyalty among customers.

With an ecommerce fulfillment model, you can improve your brand’s visibility by selling products you make yourself and having unique selling points. After all, your specific products are only available in your store, boosting your brand.

Additionally, you can control your brand’s notoriety by how you treat customers beyond typical customer service techniques. For example, because you are packing and shipping your own products in the ecommerce fulfillment model, you can take steps to make your packages memorable. You can also choose to make unique or personalized items.

You may want to include a personalized note in the packaging or a small gift to ensure customers will remember you. Brand loyalty can go a long way in building the success of your online business. 

Perhaps customers will remember you because you give them fast shipping and realistic estimates of the package’s arrival date. You can ensure the products always arrive safely through careful packing.

When working with the dropshipper model, you lose control over the shipping process. Your supplier performs the packing and shipping for you. Personalizing this process to make your brand more memorable is far more difficult. And if the supplier poorly packs a product causing it to arrive broken, customers aren’t likely to remember your brand fondly.

Additionally, it’s far more difficult to differentiate your online store’s product selections when you are dropshipping. Because you are acquiring products from suppliers, it’s highly likely other dropshippers are also getting similar or the same products from those suppliers. 

You have very little chance to carry a unique product as a dropshipper. Consequently, customers are less likely to remember your brand name when shopping for the product again. They may just go with the online store with the lowest product price rather than return to your store.

5. Options for Scaling Quickly

When running an ecommerce fulfillment business, it can be tough to scale the business to accommodate sudden growth, such as that from a video that suddenly goes viral. If you need to scale fast because of an unexpected influx of new orders, you may experience problems.

To grow, you need enough inventory on hand to fulfill the new orders. If you are making your own products, this means having enough supplies and time to create additional products quickly. You cannot fill the orders if you cannot get the supplies or are the only person making the items. There are only so many hours in the day. 

You may need to hire people to help you ramp up the production of your unique products. What you don’t want to do is ramp up production so fast that the product quality suffers. If hiring others to help you make products for your ecommerce fulfillment business causes the quality of the products to drop, you’re going to disappoint customers. 

If your products require supplies from other people and companies as part of your ecommerce fulfillment business, sudden growth can be challenging there, too. Perhaps the company supplying the products to you cannot fulfill your increased orders quickly enough to allow you to grow as fast as you want or keep your delivery times to what you promise customers. 

As you are growing, you really have to stay on top of your inventory levels, so you can fill orders without alienating your customers. Slow, steady growth is easier with an ecommerce fulfillment business versus sudden growth.

With a dropshipping business, managing sudden growth is easier. Because you are selling products suppliers already have, you don’t have to worry about having enough inventory to handle the extra orders. 

Most dropshipping suppliers are huge. Growth from a single dropshipper doesn’t affect them much. These suppliers often provide products to many dropshippers simultaneously, so they can typically handle one store’s sudden growth effortlessly.

Additionally, it often requires quite a bit less time on your part to manage the growth of a dropshipping business versus an ecommerce fulfillment business. If you run either of these businesses as a side hustle while working afull-time job, the time required to manage growth is extremely important.

The Similarities Between Dropshipping and Ecommerce Fulfillment

Wix ecommerce website builder templates
A website builder service like Wix eCommerce can help you build an online store to help you begin offering your products for ecommerce fulfillment or dropshipping.

With both dropshipping and ecommerce fulfillment business models, you will need to create an online store. Multiple great website builders are available that focus on helping you build a high-quality online store. These services walk you through the process, simplifying things versus making the store from scratch on your own.

You have to pay for hosting services for your online store. Understanding what these costs entail is important so you can appropriately calculate your potential profit margins for either ecommerce fulfillment or dropshipping business models.

With both business models, you decide what products to offer. You also choose how many products you want to list on your online store and the price of each item. You must research the products yourself regarding quality and availability. You also must determine whether certain products can generate the profit margin you want.

Another similarity between these two online business models is that you handle the marketing for your business. Your online store builder can help you with marketing, but you have to take the steps on your own. You’ll need to advertise your business, and those methods are up to you.

Customer service works similarly for both dropshipping and ecommerce fulfillment. You may have a few customers who are unhappy with the quality of a product when it arrives. You must decide how to handle complaints, maybe by shipping a new product, offering a refund, or taking another path.

Even though you never touch the product in a dropshipping business, customer service still is your responsibility. The problems customers experience may be the supplier’s fault for your dropshipping business, but dealing with the issue falls to you.

A final similarity between ecommerce fulfillment businesses and dropshipping businesses, you control the operation. Both types of business models can work as a side hustle or as a full-time job. It really depends on how much time you want to invest and the risk you want to take.

You could start either type of business as a side hustle while working another job as your primary source of income. If the online business grows, you can then decide whether to make it your full-time job. Both models have the potential for significant growth, but both also have a risk of potential failure.

Final Thoughts About Dropshipping and Ecommerce Fulfillment

If you are considering starting an online business, you have quite a few things to consider. Do you want to operate the business as a side hustle, or are you planning to make this your full-time occupation? Are you looking to provide products you source from others, products you make, or both?

Although there are some similarities between these two types of online businesses, the differences are important to understand.

Ultimately, starting a dropshipping business tends to be a bit easier than an ecommerce fulfillment business, and it tends to have smaller startup costs. If you are looking for larger profit margins and more of an opportunity to create a unique brand, though, ecommerce fulfillment may serve you better. Study both types of businesses to determine which fits your needs and goals.

10 Best VoIP WordPress Themes in 2022 (Compared)

Are you looking for the best VoIP WordPress themes?

VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) is a modern technology to connect with your users on voice calls. You can offer VoIP software, call forwarding services, networking services, and calling products on your business website with a suitable WordPress theme.

In this article, we will share some of the best VoIP WordPress themes for your business website.

Best VOIP WordPress Themes

How to Make a VoIP Website With WordPress?

WordPress is the most popular website builder on the market used by over 43% of all websites on the internet. You can use it to create any type of website without any technical skills or coding knowledge.

There are two kinds of WordPress websites. WordPress.org, which is a self-hosted platform, and WordPress.com, which is a hosting solution.

We have a complete guide on the difference between WordPress.com vs. WordPress.org for your assistance.

You’ll need the self-hosted WordPress.org to make your VoIP business website. And you’ll also need a domain name and web hosting.

For this, we recommend Bluehost. It’s one of the most popular web hosting companies and an official WordPress hosting partner.

The best part is that Bluehost offers WPBeginner users an exclusive 73% off on web hosting, plus a free domain name and a free SSL certificate.

Bluehost WordPress Hosting offer for WPBeginner Users

Bluehost reduces your initial cost to $2.75 per month.

So you can start your VoIP calling services website without worrying about the budget.

After purchasing the web hosting, you next need to make a WordPress website and set up your VoIP WordPress theme.

If you need assistance, check out our complete guide on how to install a WordPress theme.

Now, look at some of the best VoIP WordPress themes.

1. Astra


Astra is the most popular WordPress theme on the market. It has a multipurpose approach and lets you create any type of website.

It comes with dozens of starter sites that are fully functional with ready-made pages and content. All you need to do is replace the text and images to launch your website.

Astra fully supports page builders, so you can add your VoIP calling services to get new customers. You can also integrate WooCommerce to make sales pages and collect online payments.

2. SeedProd

SeedProd WordPress Website Builder

SeedProd is the best WordPress website and theme builder. It isn’t your regular theme but a one-stop solution for you to make your website layout from scratch.

It’s beginner friendly and easy to use. You get a drag-and-drop builder to add sections on the homepage of your VoIP software website.

SeedProd also lets you create dedicated VoIP landing pages where you can display features like business call forwarding, auto attendant, and more.

SeedProd site kits make it even faster to set up everything in just a few clicks. And the best part is that you don’t need to hire a professional developer or write any code.

3. Divi


Divi is a powerful WordPress theme for beginners to visually design a website of any kind, including a VoIP business phone service website. You’ll get the Divi Builder alongside their website templates, so the native drag and drop builder makes it even easier to customize your site.

The Divi website templates are ready-made and come with page layouts, design elements, and more. You need to replace the dummy content with your text and images to start.

It comes with eCommerce modules and elements to sell your VoIP calling services. The theme integrates with popular plugins like WPForms to create an order form for your business.

Also, the Divi Builder has modern tools to edit and customize your content. You can quickly make changes, and Divi Builder will keep a revision history to revert or compare your updates.

4. Ultra


Ultra is a highly flexible WordPress multipurpose theme. It comes with a few ready-made templates designed specifically for VoIP software, VoIP app, and VoIP calling services.

It comes with the native Themify Builder to easily customize your VoIP networking website. Ultra theme also includes built-in addons to add more features and options using the drag and drop builder.

The theme offers multiple custom designs for the header, footer, pages, posts, and background. Moreover, you get fonts and color schemes to further optimize the look of your website.

Ultra has many other features, including parallax scrolling, beautiful navigation menus, image filters, and more. It also fully supports WooCommerce to sell your products and services online.

5. OceanWP


OceanWP is an excellent WordPress theme built for all kinds of websites. It comes with hundreds of free and premium website layouts for different business niches.

The theme supports page builders like Beaver Builder or Elementor out of the box. This allows you to set up your VoIP website with OceanWP easily and fast.

When it comes to features, OceanWP includes multiple header styles, a header social menu, a top bar, responsive navigation menus, and more. It also comes with color and typography settings to make your content stand out.

OceanWP has seamless WooCommerce integration that lets you create an online store. You can customize the shop page, product page, checkout page, and other pages using a drag and drop builder.

6. Neve


Neve is a super fast WordPress theme for your VoIP software website. It has a huge library of starter sites and templates that you can import into your WordPress site in 1-click.

The theme is compatible with popular WordPress page builders on the market. It also fully supports the WordPress block editor and customizer for all changes you need to make before you launch the site.

Here’s a quick difference between WordPress block editors vs page builders for your information.

Neve also includes blog layouts to make a blog page. It adds custom blog controls within the WordPress editor to manage the display of your content and articles.

Other features include custom backgrounds, additional fonts, demo content import, and more. Neve is translation-ready using third-party plugins like WPML and supports all RTL languages.

7. Altitude Pro

Altitude Pro

Altitude Pro is a WordPress multipurpose theme. It’s suitable for online businesses, software companies, digital services providers, and others, including VoIP calling businesses.

The theme has a bold header layout with a dark background, a simple navigation menu, a custom logo, a welcome message, and call-to-action buttons. It’s fully customizable using the built-in theme options panel.

Altitude Pro also includes theme customizer settings for colors, background images, fonts, and more. You can preview the changes in real-time before you publish your site on the internet.

It has WooCommerce support to sell your products and services online. You can set up your online store and use their ready-made widgets to easily add eCommerce features.

StudioPress is now part of WP Engine, the most popular managed WordPress hosting company. You can get this theme and all 35+ other StudioPress themes when you sign up for WP Engine hosting to build your website.

Bonus: WPBeginner users also get an additional 20% OFF. Get started with WP Engine today!

8. Sydney Pro

Sydney Pro

Sydney Pro is a beautiful WordPress multipurpose theme built for online business sites. It has a fullscreen background in the default layout that you can replace with an image slider, video header, or keep the static image.

Besides the default theme design, Sydney Pro comes with dozens of ready-made starter sites to help launch your VoIP networking site quickly. 

The theme has multiple header layouts for different screen sizes and devices. It lets you manage the first look of your site by adding single and dual navigation menus, a custom logo, social icons, a cart button, and more.

Sydney Pro is comfortably compatible with Elementor page builder to add your landing pages and product pages. The theme itself supports WooCommerce features out of the box.

9. Inspiro Pro

Inspiro Pro

Inspiro Pro is an elegant WordPress multipurpose theme. It comes with drag and drop page builder integration to make it easy for you to set up the landing pages for your VoIP calling website.

The theme supports videos out of the box. It allows you to embed self-hosted videos and third-party videos on your site. With this feature, you can share educational videos related to your business.

Inspiro also comes with custom widgets to add multiple features on the homepage and other pages. When it comes to customization, you’ll get a theme options panel within your WordPress dashboard with all options.

10. Struct


Struct is a fantastic WordPress theme built for online businesses. It’s a perfect choice for your VoIP business site with ready-made features like services management, portfolio management, and more.

It has a fullscreen background layout where you can add a custom image. The homepage lets you add a custom logo, navigation menu, welcome text, and call-to-action buttons.

Struct is fully responsive and designed beautifully for any screen size or device. It also supports WooCommerce features and extensions to sell your services online.

We hope this article has helped you find the best VoIP WordPress themes. You may also want to check out our guides on how to add web push notification in WordPress, and the best email marketing services for small businesses.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post 10 Best VoIP WordPress Themes in 2022 (Compared) first appeared on WPBeginner.

Mailchimp Alternatives and Competitors

The best Mailchimp alternative is Constant Contact because it offers the best value for most users. You can access Constant Contact’s Plus plan, worth $40, for 30 days free. 

Mailchimp is a well-known email marketing platform. It offers plenty of useful features that help small businesses grow faster. However, like any other platform, Mailchimp also has some drawbacks, which is why it didn’t make it onto our top list of email marketing services.

There are plenty of other options you can look into and choose the best-suited platform for your needs.

The Quicksprout research team carefully analyzed several email marketing platforms based on a detailed set of criteria. Here are the top 10 email marketing platforms that we recommend.

The 10 Best Platforms for Email Marketing Services

The best Mailchimp alternative is Constant Contact, as it is ideal for most users and offers overall best services. It is an easy-to-use platform ideal for beginners. You can access Constant Contact’s Plus plan, worth $40, for 30 days free

  • Constant Contact — Best overall
  • Sendinblue — Best for growing your customer base
  • MailerLite  — Best for the essentials at an affordable price
  • Omnisend —Best email and SMS marketing combo
  • Moosend — Best for ecommerce
  • AWeber — Best value for low subscriber count
  • GetResponse — Best for automated lead generation
  • HubSpot — Best for automated email marketing
  • Drip  — Best for new ecommerce businesses
  • ConvertKit — Best for influencers, bloggers, and creators
Product logos for our best Mailchimp alternatives and competitors

Constant Contact — Best Overall

Constant Contact logo

Constant Contact is the most recommended email marketing platform for most users. Experienced email marketers applaud it for its time-saving features, and new email marketers love how easy to use it is.

It offers a drag-and-drop email builder that enables you to create brand-specific emails without any coding knowledge. It equips you with various tools to add videos, polls, texts, and images to any email. Furthermore, it provides hundreds of in-built mobile optimized templates that non-techy people can easily utilize.    

Automation is another major benefit of Constant Contact. Through automation, you can easily set up welcome messages for new subscribers. Moreover, you’ll get detailed data reports about each subscriber’s preferences.

How Constant Contact Compares to Mailchimp

Both platforms offer excellent reporting and analytical tools. But maintaining an organized mailing list in Constant Contact is far easier than in Mailchimp. Mailchimp also offers customer support to premium plan subscribers only, while Constant Contact offers better and more efficient customer services to all subscribers.

Mailchimp does provide a wider variety of affordable pricing plans. On the other hand, Constant Contact provides more value and higher ROI on the money invested in its pricing plans. You can choose a suitable pricing plan through its website.

Screenshot of Constant Contact email marketing webpage
Constant Contact is a powerful email marketing tool with easy-to-use features for everyone. 

Sendinblue — Best for Growing Your Customer Base

Sendinblue logo

Sendinblue allows you to upload your content and provides you with excellent tools to successfully launch your email marketing campaign. A live chat feature is also provided to help you gain the email addresses of new people visiting your website and turn them into potential customers.

Sendinblue has plenty of unique templates that can be customized based on the needs of your business. Several simple and complex tools are available to help you build smooth workflows and grow your contact list.

It offers smooth integration of Facebook ads, retargeted ads, sign-up forms, and landing pages.

Eye-catching forms and landing pages help turn website traffic into potential customers. Embedding a form in Sendinblue is exceptionally easy because of its intuitive interface. 

How Sendinblue Compares to Mailchimp

Sendinblue and Mailchimp offer automation and workflow editing tools. However, Sendinblue allows you to customize your workflow only if you are a standard plan subscriber, and Mailchimp allows all its users to customize their workflows. Sendinblue allows you to send automatic SMS, though, while Mailchimp lacks this feature. 

Sendinblue offers unlimited contact storage options and affordable pricing plans, including free, lite, and premium plans, each costing $0, $25, and $65 a month, respectively. 

Screenshot of Sendinblue webpage to take a free test drive using their platform
Increase your customer base and grow your business by subscribing to Sendinblue.

MailerLite — Best for the Essentials at an Affordable Price

MailerLite logo

MailerLite offers all the baseline tools required for email marketing. You can easily test it because it’s free for up to 1000 subscribers. It’s a straightforward email marketing platform that allows you to start and maintain a marketing campaign without a hassle.

MailerLite is considered an ideal email marketing platform for small teams of professionals with no in-house IT department. Anyone with little to no knowledge of code can easily navigate and utilize the tools offered by this platform. 

The core features of MailerLite include automation tools, surveys, pop-ups, and landing pages. It also has a drag-and-drop editor that allows you to craft an impactful email. Features like A/B testing further enable you to personalize and optimize your marketing campaigns for different consumer segments.

How MailerLite Compares to Mailchimp

MailerLite is the easiest-to-use email marketing platform. It offers far more diverse and beautiful templates than Mailchimp. MailerLite’s analytics reporting dashboard is simpler than Mailchimp’s, however, which provides more elaborate reports.  

The prices of subscription plans offered by MailerLite depend on the number of subscribers that you have. For businesses with up to 1000 subscribers, it offers its services for free. However, it charges higher prices as your number of subscribers increases.

Screenshot of MailerLite webpage explaining how they keep it lite with awards for Most Implementable, Easiest Admin, Best Usability, Easiest to do Business With, and Best Email Deliverability
MailerLite is an easy-to-use email marketing platform. 

Omnisend — Best Email and SMS Marketing Combo

Omnisend logo

Omnisend is a customizable email marketing solution for ecommerce websites. Its features, like SMS, messaging, and automated emails help convert leads into customers. It enables you to connect to the maximum number of customers by offering various other features like Google Customer Match, web browser push notification, Facebook ad retargeting, and more.

Moreover, it allows you to create segmented campaigns to target specific customers in need of your services or products.

Another excellent feature offered by Omnisend is the automation of emails for expected actions that your customer might take. For example, welcome emails, cart abandonment emails, and other similar action emails.

How Omnisend Compares to Mailchimp

Omnisend offers more visually detailed templates than Mailchimp. Moreover, Mailchimp reserves most of its templates for paid plan users, while Omnisend offers its templates to all users. Omnisend also allows you to design interesting and gamified forms that catch the attention of your website visitors, while Mailchimp does not.

However, when it comes to third-party integrations, Mailchimp offers more options than Omnisend.

The pricing plan for Omnisend, unlike Mailchimp’s, depends on the number of people you send emails to. Therefore, each pricing plan can cost a different amount of money. It offers three basic plans, namely:

  • Free
  • Standard
  • Pro

Or you can start with the free plan and upgrade your plan as your business grows.

Screenshot of Omnisend webpage about their award-winning customer support, with a Stevie Award for fantastic customer support and more than 4,000 five-star reviews on Shopify
If you get stuck, Omnisend customer support is available 24/7 to help you out.

Moosend — Best for Ecommerce

Moosend logo

Moosend is another excellent email marketing platform for online business owners — new or veteran. It has all the features required to run a successful marketing campaign, like a drag-and-drop builder, a segmentation tool, and real-time data analytics reports.

Moosend employs artificial intelligence and machine learning to analyze customers’ shopping habits. Using the accumulated data, it displays targeted ads or sends targeted emails to customers about similar other products.

How Moosend Compares to Mailchimp

Moosend provides customized reports, whereas Mailchimp doesn’t provide this feature. Moosend also provides real-time customer support and enables you to create a campaign within 5 minutes. On the other hand, Mailchimp offers limited customer support.

Another advantage of Moosend over Mailchimp is that it allows you to add two similar email addresses to two separate mailing lists, whereas Mailchimp charges you for adding a similar email address to two different mailing lists.

In terms of pricing, Moosend charges far less than Mailchimp. It offers three pricing plans, with the pro plan starting at only $9 a month.

Screenshot of Moosend Marketing Automation webpage with a diagram of how their marketing automations work
Moosend enables you to use its top features to automate and scale your business. 

AWeber — Best Value for Low Subscriber Count

AWeber logo

AWeber is a reliable and affordable email marketing service. It is a traditional platform ideal for small businesses with 500 or fewer subscribers. However, the pricing plans offered by AWeber are among the best and most reasonable plans offered by any email marketing service.  

No matter which plans you choose or how many subscribers you have, AWeber allows you to avail most of its features.

The selling point of AWeber is its email deliverability rates. It ensures that your content is optimized and reaches the maximum number of subscribers. Other features it offers include beautiful in-built templates, analytical reports, A/B testing, automation, third-party integrations, and many other useful features.

How AWeber Compares to Mailchimp

AWeber provides seamless integration with several platforms like Shopify, Etsy, PayPal, and more. You can access the template database provided by AWeber, or you can create your own HTML templates. AWeber allows Canva integration, which further makes it easier to design beautiful templates. Mailchimp’s integrations are much more limited and less seamless.

AWeber also offers you to start for free, similar to Mailchimp. However, it charges you according to the number of subscribers when you reach a specific number, ranging from $16 a month to $146 a month. 

Screenshot of AWeber web page explaining how AWeber helps you to set yourself up for success
AWeber offers plenty of professionally designed templates.

GetResponse — Best for Automated Lead Generation

GetResponse logo

GetResponse is a specialized email marketing service. Its features like autoresponders, advanced analytics, webinar software, and landing page builders help you gain more organic traffic, which you can turn into potential customers.

Autofunnel is a unique, automated, and easy-to-use tool offered by GetResponse. It allows you to create funnels. These funnels can include exit pop-ups, Facebook ads, ecommerce integration, and more. You can use these funnels to grow your list of contacts and monetize them.

How GetResponse Compares to Mailchimp

GetResponse allows you to create an unlimited number of mailing lists, whereas Mailchimp limits that based on your subscription plan. Both platforms offer plenty of features like automation, analytics reports, and more.

However, GetResponse has several features that are not found in Mailchimp, including webinars, conversion funnels, push notifications, and chat functionality.

GetResponse has separate pricing plans for individuals and companies. Mailchimp and GetResponse have a very similar price range.

Screenshot of GetResponse webpage explaining how their customer success team is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
GetResponse provides exceptional marketing services that can help you succeed. 

HubSpot — Best for Automated Email Marketing

HubSpot logo

HubSpot helps you create, optimize, and personalize your emails even without any knowledge of design or code. It offers fantastic automation features ideal for all types and sizes of businesses.

Its automated workflows are one-of-a-kind that allows you to set alerts for your email subscribers and gain more organic customers. Its A/B testing tool is also top-notch and allows you to compare the performance of two different emails.

How HubSpot Compares to Mailchimp

HubSpot combines excellent marketing tools with the power of a content management system, to give you an insight into how your marketing efforts are influencing your customers. However, Mailchimp is an email marketing tool that helps you reach more audiences.

HubSpot offers some free tools. However, the subscription plans of HubSpot are pricier than Mailchimp, with the starter plan starting at $45 a month.  

Screenshot of Free HubSpot CRM webpage
HubSpot is a two-in-one platform that offers both email marketing and CRM services.

Not sure if HubSpot is the right platform for you? Read our full review of HubSpot to make an informed decision.

Drip — Best for New Ecommerce Businesses

Drip logo

Drip is ideal for new ecommerce business owners. Its goal is to provide small businesses with similar and powerful automation and segmentation tools available to large businesses.

It allows you to track customer intent and understand customer purchase behavior. Moreover, it allows you to segment new and returning visitors from your website traffic. It enables you to target the right people with lucrative offers to turn them into customers. 

How Drip Compares to Mailchimp

Mailchimp offers segmentation, but only for its premium plan users. Drip enables you to easily segment your customers based on different factors, and offers this feature to all users. Moreover, Drip is better for advanced marketing automation.

The pricing plan of Drip also depends on the number of subscribers. However, its subscription plans are pricier than Mailchimp, with the starter plan starting at $39 a month. 

Screenshot of Drip webpage explaining how they'll be your ecomm-growth copilot with button to try Drip for free
Drip is the best email marketing platform for new ecommerce businesses.

ConvertKit — Best for Influencers, Bloggers, and Creators

ConvertKit logo

ConvertKit is the perfect email marketing platform for creators of all niches, like artists, musicians, bloggers, and more. The various features offered by ConvertKit focus on increasing engagement on your landing page, membership sites, or ecommerce platform.

It also allows you to build affordable email funnels to turn casual visitors to your blogs, videos, pages, and more into customers.

How ConvertKit Compares to Mailchimp

ConvertKit is an equally popular email marketing platform to Mailchimp. Both platforms provide the option to automate emails, design marketing campaigns, and other features. Moreover, both these platforms have a similar success rate. The subscription plans offered by ConvertKit are quite affordable and start at only $9 a month for creators. 

Screenshot of ConvertKit webpage that explains how ConvertKit is the go-to marketing hub for creators to grow and monetize your audience with ease
ConvertKit is the email marketing hub for creative professionals.

How to Make a Multi Vendor Ecommerce Website with WordPress

Do you want to make a multi vendor eCommerce website in WordPress?

A multi-vendor eCommerce website allows you to have multiple vendors and sellers sell their products on your marketplace for a small fee or commission.

In this article, we’ll show you how to easily create a multi vendor eCommerce marketplace using WordPress open source software.

Making a multi vendor eCommerce website

What is a Multi Vendor Ecommerce Website?

A multi vendor eCommerce website is a platform where multiple vendors, sellers, and businesses can add and sell their own products and services.

It is a popular online business idea that allows the website owner to make money online by charging a fee or commission for each transaction.

Some of the most popular eCommere websites like Amazon, eBay, Etsy, are all examples of a multi-vendor eCommerce marketplace.

Etsy a popular multi vendor eCommerce website

You can make a multi-vendor site easily for the relatively small cost of making an eCommerce website using WordPress.

That being said, let’s take a look at how you can easily make a multi-vendor eCommerce website without any technical skills.

What Do You Need to Start a Multi Vendor Ecommerce Website?

First you need to make sure that you’re using the right website builder platform to build your multi vendor eCommerce website.

We always use and recommend WordPress because it powers 43% of all websites on the internet. It is a free open source software that also allows you to add multi-vendor features on your site.

To create a multi-vendor website in WordPress, you will need:

  • A domain name idea, this will be your website’s name on the internet (think amazon.com, google.com, etc).
  • Web hosting account – this is where your website lives on the internet. All websites need web hosting.
  • SSL certificate – this allows you to securely accept payments online.

Normally, a domain name would cost you around $14.99 per year and web hosting starts at $7.99 per month (usually paid annually).

This can be a significant amount of money for those who’re just starting out.

Luckily, the folks at Bluehost have agreed to offer WPBeginner users a generous 63% discount on web hosting with a free domain name and SSL certificate.

Basically, you can use our Bluehost coupon to get started for $2.75 per month.

Note: you can of course use any other web hosting provider as well. We have a list of hosting service providers that specializes in WooCommerce hosting because this is the WordPress plugin that we’ll be using for our eCommerce platform.

Once you have signed up for hosting, you can follow our WooCommerce tutorial to install the eCommerce functionality in WordPress.

After that, you’re ready to add the multi vendor functionality in WordPress.

Adding Multi Vendor Functionality in WooCommerce

WooCommerce doesn’t come with support for multi-vendor stores. To add this, you need a WooCommerce multi vendor addon.

We recommend using WC Vendors as the best WooCommerce multi vendor plugin. It is super easy to set up and comes with all the features you need to have multiple vendors set up their own stores on your marketplace.

First, you will need to install and activate the free WC Vendors Marketplace plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Note: This is the limited free version of the plugin, and it provides only the core functionality. You still need the base free plugin in order to use the premium version of the plugin which has more features. We will cover that in the later steps.

Upon activation, you’ll be asked to run the setup wizard.

Run core set up wizard

Next, you’ll see the first screen of the setup.

From here, you can choose if you want to manually approve vendors, give them shipping and tax options, and set a base commission rate.

Basic settings for multi vendor

Click on the Next button to continue.

On the Capabilities tab, you can fine-tune the user permissions for vendors. These are the actions they can perform on their own products and stores.

Multi vendor capabilities

Once you’re done, click the Next button to go to the pages section.

WC Vendors can automatically create important pages needed to run your multi vendor store. But if you want to create your own pages, then you can select them here.

Multi vendor store pages

If you choose your own pages, then you’ll also need to manually add the shortcodes shown on screen to each page.

We recommend sticking with the default settings here to make the setup easy.

Simply click on the Next button to continue, and then click on ‘Return to Dashboard’ to exit the setup wizard.

Return to dashboard

Next, you need to install and activate the WC Vendors Pro plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, it will also ask you to run the setup wizard.

Run setup wizard for pro version

On the next screen, you can restrict vendors from accessing the WordPress admin dashboard.

This is a good practice to keep your WordPress site secure.

Pro set up general settings

You can also choose different commission types like percentage, percentage + fee, fixed, and fixed + fee.

Once you select that, go ahead and click on the Next button to continue.

You’ll now see the features that you can enable for the Vendor dashboard. These options will give vendors access to more features to manage their store and products.

Pro capabilities

Simply choose the features that you want to enable and then click on the Next button.

On the pages screen, the plugin will automatically create a Pro Dashboard page for you.

Pro dashboard pages

Optionally, you can also choose a page to display vendor ratings. Simply create a new page in WordPress with the [wcv_feedback_form] shortcode inside it, then select the page here.

After that, you need to click on the Next button to finish the setup. WC Vendors Pro will also give you the option to edit different forms used by Vendors and install extensions to add new features.

Optional settings

You can now return to WordPress dashboard to continue the set up of your multi vendor website.

Setting Up Your WooCommerce for Multi Vendor Platform

Now that you have set up WC Vendor, the next step is to enable user account registration in WooCommerce.

First, you need to create a new page in WordPress and name it Account. Inside the page editor, you need to add the [woocommerce_my_account] shortcode.

Create account page

Don’t forget to save and publish your page.

Next, head over to the WooCommerce » Settings page and switch to the Account & Privacy tab.

Enable account creation in WooCommerce

From here, you need to make sure that ‘Allow customer to create an account on the “My Account” page’ option is checked.

After that, switch to the Advanced tab. Under the Page setup section, choose the page you created earlier next to the ‘My account page’ option.

Select account management page

Don’t forget to click on Save changes button to store your settings.

Adding a Link to Sign Up as Vendor

Now you have set up WooCommerce for your multi-vendor eCommerce platform. Next, you would want to add links on your site, so that visitors can register as vendors.

Simply head over to the Appearance » Menus page and add the ‘Account’ page you created earlier to your main navigation menu.

If you like, you can rename the navigation menu option to something like ‘Sign in or Register’ or ‘My Account’.

Add account page to menu

Don’t forget to save your changes and preview your website.

You can quickly see what it looks like for logged-out visitors by opening a new browser tab in incognito mode.

Account link

The account page link will appear at the top.

Clicking on it will take users to account registration page where they can apply to become a vendor on your website.

Vendor registration page

Managing Your Multi Vendor Ecommerce Store

Once users sign up as a vendor, they may be automatically approved, or you’ll need to manually approve them, depending on which option you choose during the set up wizard.

If you need to manually approve them, then simply go to the Users page in WordPress admin area and switch to the Pending Vendor tab.

Pending vendor application

From here you can approve or deny a vendor application.

After a vendor is approved, they will get a notification and be able to log into their account to manage their vendor store.

Vendor dashboard

From their vendor dashboard, they can add new products to sell, as well as manage orders, store settings, and more.

For instance, your vendors can enter their payment information under the Settings tab.

Vendor payment information

When Vendors add new products, you’ll get an email notification.

You can then manually approve and publish a product or delete it.

Pending products

Products on your shop pages will now appear with vendor names.

Users can click on a vendor name to browse more of their products.

Sold by vendor

Customizing Your Multi Vendor Ecommerce Website Design

WordPress comes with thousands of pre-made templates that you can use to get started. We have made a list of best WooCommerce themes that you can choose from.

Sometimes, you’ll find a theme that matches exactly what you need. However, in most cases, you would want to customize the look and feel of your brand.

In that case, you will need a WordPress page builder plugin like SeedProd. It’s a drag & drop website builder tool that allows you to create completely custom WordPress themes without writing any code.

SeedProd Website Builder Coupon Code

It comes with pre-made WooCommerce blocks that you can use to customize your product page, cart pages, and every other page on your store.

SeedProd WooCommerce Design Builder

For more details, see our step by step guide on how to create a custom WordPress theme without writing any code.

Growing Your Multi Vendor Ecommerce Website

Now that you have created a multi vendor eCommerce website, the next step is to promote your website, so that more sellers and customers can find it.

Our team of experts have created a comprehensive list of the best WooCommerce plugins that you need to grow you your online store.

Following are a few of our absolute favorites and must have tools that we recommend:

1. All in One SEO for WordPress – The best WordPress SEO plugin on the market that comes with built-in support for WooCommerce SEO. It’s used by over 3 million websites to rank higher in Google. There’s a free version that you can use as well if you’re on a budget.

2. MonsterInsights – It is the best Google Analytics plugin for WordPress that allows you to setup enhanced eCommerce tracking. This helps you track the performance of products so you can see what’s working on your site.

3. WP Mail SMTP – This helps fix the WordPress email deliverability issues to ensure important website emails like purchase receipts, user registration emails, etc always get delivered in the user’s inbox.

4. WPForms – The best WordPress form builder plugin on the market. It allows you to easily create all sorts of forms that you’ll need to promote and grow your multi-vendor store such as user survey, contact form, polls, etc. There’s also a free version that you can use as well.

5. OptinMonster – It is the #1 conversion optimization toolkit for WordPress. It helps you convert website visitors into leads and customers. You can use it to add special free shipping bars, seasonal promotions, spin a wheel gamifications, and more.

WordPress comes with over 59,000+ free plugins. This is why it’s the top choice for experts when building any type of website including multi-vendor eCommerce stores.

We hope this article helped you learn how to create a multi vendor eCommerce website. You may also want to see our ultimate conversion tracking guide, and our tips on converting abandoned cart sales in WooCommerce.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Make a Multi Vendor Ecommerce Website with WordPress first appeared on WPBeginner.

How to Start a Lawn Care Business in 5 Simple Steps

Starting a lawn care business gives you the rare opportunity to combine your entrepreneurial spirit and love for the outdoors.

Despite being a competitive industry, lawn care is one of the more affordable startups that offers tons of flexibility.

You can choose the services you offer, set your own schedule, decide whether you want to cater to residential or commercial customers—or both, and amazingly, get paid to exercise and follow your passion.

But just like any other business, you have to figure out the initial steps to put yourself on the fast track to success, which is exactly where this guide comes into the picture.

I’ll show you a step-by-step breakdown of how to start a lawn care business to ensure your venture is well planned, properly registered, and legally compliant.

Let’s begin, shall we?

Top Business Formation Services to Start a Lawn Care Business

If you want to start a lawn care business, you’ll need a business formation service. Here’s the best options.

You can read our full reviews of each business formation service here.

5 Steps to Start a Lawn Care Business

Starting a lawn care business is simple when you break it down into smaller, attainable steps:

  1. Chalk out your business plan
  2. Finalize your legal structure and register for taxes
  3. Set up your business account
  4. Procuring the necessary licenses and permits
  5. Build an online presence
How to start a lawn care business in 5 easy steps.

The Easy Parts of Starting a Lawn Care Business 

The best thing about starting a lawn care business is the low startup cost. 

All you need is some equipment and a way to arrive at your client‘s homes, and you can start earning right away. Even if you don’t have the capital to purchase equipment, you can always rent it—or simply use the tools you have at home.

Generally, launching and running any business requires a few years of experience, but not lawn care. Therefore, you can hire people who don’t have formal education or training. Nearly everything can be learned on the job, which again saves recruitment or training costs.

What’s more, working with a client in the lawn care niche will nearly always translate to more business.

For instance, after being mowed, a lawn will need periodical fertilizer and weed and bug treatments. If you do a satisfactory job on the first go and manage to impress your client, there are high chances they’ll hire you again for lawn maintenance.

The Difficult Parts of Starting a Lawn Care Business 

The hardest part of launching a lawn care business is beating the competition.

You may already have several lawn care businesses in your area, with most of them already having set clients. If you want to establish a loyal clientele in these circumstances, you’ll have to offer discounted prices—something that may hurt your finances.

The other problem is finding genuinely skilled workers.

You may be a one-person show right now, but once you start scaling, you’ll need reliable members on your team. Unfortunately, 35% of landscape and outdoor specialty firms cited difficulty in hiring new staff and/or being understaffed as one of the main challenges in the lawn care niche.

Nevertheless, all the effort and time you put in running your business and looking for skilled employees will pay off in the long run—provided you remain dedicated and know the right way to proceed.

Step 1: Chalk Out Your Business Plan

Having a well-thought-out and detailed plan can work wonders for your lawn care business. In this stage, you’ll find yourself asking critical questions when drafting your business plan, such as:

  • What kind of clients do you want to work with? Do you prefer working with homeowners over business owners?
  • Which geographic areas do you want to serve?
  • Who are your competitors? How well do you fare when compared to them?
  • What services do you plan to offer?
  • How much do you want to charge for your services?
  • How do you plan on marketing your business?

When mapping out the specifics of your business, you’ll discover opportunities and identify USPs that separate you from your competition—something that will likely translate to better outcomes and more business.

But before you do that, there are a few things you need to do:

Select a Name and Logo for Your Lawn Care Business

Brainstorm a creative and catchy name for your lawn care business. 

I recommend being safe and using something practical and professional, especially considering your business name is going to be on practically everything—from your emails to marketing and advertising materials to merchandise.

Logos are equally important as they help create brand awareness. If you don’t have a budget to hire a graphic designer right now, you can always use a free design website like Canva.

Canva homepage.

Decide What Lawn Care Services to Offer

Lawn care includes all kinds of services, ranging from cutting grass lawns to turf maintenance to debris removal to weed and pest control. Here’s a list of some of the most popular lawn care services offered by similar businesses:

  • Lawn installation
  • Planting native lawns, along with native species and pollinators in and alongside grass lawns
  • Selling fertilizers, insecticides, and other lawn care products
  • Weeding
  • Mulching and other similar gardening work

Try to gauge the service demand to make better decisions. For instance, if you find your client favors green and eco-friendly practices, offer specialized services around the same line to attract more customers.

Note: The services you decide will directly affect your startup costs, so you have to be mindful of your budget. For instance, if you offer mowing services, you’ll only need a lawnmower and a transport vehicle. But if you offer weeding in addition to mowing, you’ll need a lawnmower, a transport vehicle, wheelbarrows, weedwhackers, weedkiller chemicals, trowels, and so on.

Figure Out Your Lawn Care Business Costs

Prepare a budget to account for startup and ongoing costs, including business licensing, equipment, business stationery and supplies, website, promotional material, internet connection, vehicle, and so on.

Experts also advise getting liability insurance for your business, along with worker’s compensation insurance (if you plan on hiring employees).

Your startup budget should include factors like a mower, leaf blower, gasoline can, website creation, internet services, promotional signage, a pickup truck lease, among several others. These budgets generally clock at about $3,000—provided you don’t hire any assistants.

Besides this, you must account for ongoing expenses too, such as labor costs, trucks, and equipment maintenance. This will cost you about $5,000 per month, but the amount can be lower or higher depending on your location, business plans, and the salary you’re willing to pay.

Disclaimer: Please be careful when choosing lawn and garden tools. Not only do they involve money, but also directly influence your work quality.

Determine Your Target Market and Fees

Most lawn care entrepreneurs target local businesses since they’re usually willing to pay more for your services than residential customers and are likely to sign for regular service.

Big corporations can also be excellent customers, such as hospitals, shopping malls, schools, and office buildings. Most of them have multiple big lawn spaces, so there’s scope for more business.

You can stick to residential clients too if you want. There is no right or wrong choice here; it all boils down to your preferences.

Next on the list is to decide how much to charge your customers. 

Legitimate companies generally charge over 150% of the minimum wage for the total amount of time every worker is on the customer’s side. So if the minimum wage in your area is $10 per hour, your charges will be based on a rate of $15 per hour. 

Commercial businesses may pay even more because of the greater time involved to cut the lawn. 

Nevertheless, determining your charges is totally your call. Just make sure you don’t end up underpricing your services to attract more clients.

Step 2: Finalize Your Legal Structure and Register for Taxes

As you may have deduced, this step is about sorting out the legal formalities concerning your business, namely your business and tax entities.

And while this may sound intimidating, it really isn’t. Read on as I explain this in more detail below.

Choose Your Business Entity Type

To refresh your memory, you can choose between the four most common business structure entities: sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, and limited liability company (LLC). 

While each structure has its own benefits and drawbacks, forming an LLC or a corporation will protect you from being personally liable if your lawn care business is ever sued.

You can also consider hiring online business formation services to sort out the nitty-gritty details involved in starting a business on your behalf.

Apply for an EIN

EIN stands for Employer Identification Number, which is also known as a Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) or Federal Tax Identification Number (FTIN). 

It’s a unique nine-digit number that enables the internal Revenue Service (IRS) to identify your business for tax reporting. Think of it as a social security number for your business.

You have to apply for an EIN to register for state and federal taxes before you can open for business. The good news is applying for an EIN is super easy and completely free of cost. All you need to do is apply online on the IRS website using the EIN Assistant.

IRS.gov EIN assistant page.

Educate Yourself in Applicable Small Business Taxes

Your choice of business structure influences how your business will be taxed. For instance, if you decide to create a C-Corp, you’ll find yourself paying double taxes—first on behalf of the business and then on the amount you earn through the business.

Here are a few Quicksprout guides to help you understand this in more detail:

While you’re at it, you should also find out about specific state and franchise taxes that may apply to your business.

Step 3: Set Up Your Business Account

This step involves setting up a business bank account, a business credit card (if needed), and maintaining an account of all your expenses and income sources.

Open Your Business Bank Account

You need dedicated business banking to protect your personal assets.

If you mix up your personal and business accounts, the IRS will treat both your business accounts as a single unit, putting your personal assets like your home, car, and other valuables at risk if your business gets sued. Besides, opening a business bank account also simplifies accounting and tax filing.

So make sure you create a bank account for your business pronto.

Get a Business Credit Card

Learning how to build business credit is key for long-term success. 

This knowledge can help you get a credit card and other sources to finance to raise finance in your business’s name, which in turn, will give you access to several benefits like better interest rates and higher lines of credit.

A business credit card can also be useful for separating your personal and business expenses, putting all your business expenses in one place.

Set Up Business Accounting

After creating your business bank account and getting a credit card, you’ll have to set up business accounting, where you record all your expenses and sources of income. 

Doing this will help you understand how well your business performs. Plus, keeping accurate and detailed accounts can also streamline tax filing.

Step 4: Procuring the Necessary Licenses and Permits

Failing to acquire necessary permits and licenses can be very dangerous. You may end up paying exorbitant fines, but the government may order you to shut down your business.

Find Out the Applicable Licences for Your Lawn Care Business

You have to figure out the necessary licenses and permits you need to run your business.

In most states, businesses have to obtain a Lawn Service license. You may need to consider certain local licensing and regulatory requirements too.

  1. Check your town, city, and the county clerk’s office to get more information
  2. Contact any local associations listed in the U.S. Small Business Associations directory of local business resources. for more assistance.

Prepare Service Agreements

To be on the safer side, you should ask all your clients to sign a services agreement before starting a new project. This agreement should outline client expectations and minimize the risk of legal dispute by clarifying payment terms and conditions.

Step 5: Build an Online Presence 

Having a solid online presence is extremely crucial in today’s time. This includes creating your business website, social media profiles, and networking.

Let’s discuss a few ways to build a remarkable online presence to attract customers for boosting sales and marketing your services.

Create Your Business Website

All legitimate businesses have websites, so there’s no reason why yours shouldn’t. 

You can use website builder tools like Wix or GoDaddy to create a basic website within minutes. This way, you won’t have to hire a web developer or designer and still have a website you can be proud of.

Wix build your unique online presence page.

Sign Up for Popular Social Media Platforms

Your target clients can be on Facebook, Instagram, Yelp, and Google Businesses. 

You should first sign up on various social media platforms, followed by adding information about your lawn care business. Don’t forget to add photographs of your previous landscaping jobs and positive customer and positive customer testimonials to lend credibility to your name.

Network Your Way to the Top

Tons of small lawn care businesses start with only a single customer. So even if you’re just starting out, no need to worry. Your work will speak for you.

However, what you do need to do is network to gain more word-of-mouth publicity. Reach out to potential customers and advertise your services to boost business.

18 Best Membership Site Examples That You Should Check Out in 2021

Are you looking for the best membership site examples to get inspiration?

WordPress is used by some of the biggest and most popular membership sites in the world. By looking at successful membership sites you can learn what they’re doing and improve your site.

In this article, we’ll share some of the best membership site examples that you can use for inspiration and direction.

18 best membership site examples that you should check out

What Do You Need to Build a WordPress Membership Website?

WordPress makes it easy to build nearly any kind of membership website. For example, you can put content behind a paywall, run an online community with a forum, sell pay-per-view content, bundle online courses, and more.

A membership site can be an addon to your existing WordPress blog, or be a standalone online business.

To get started with your own membership site you’ll need four main things:

  • A domain name: This is the address for your website (ours is wpbeginner.com)
  • Web hosting: This is where you’ll store your website files, and visitors can access your site
  • A website builder: This lets you easily build a membership website without code.
  • A membership addon: This will add membership functionality to your WordPress site.

Usually, a domain name will cost around $15-20 per year, and web hosting starts from $7.95 per month. When you’re just starting, this can be a big investment.

Luckily, Bluehost has agreed to offer our readers a huge discount on web hosting, along with a free domain name, and a free SSL certificate. You can get started for as low as $2.75 per month.

→ Click Here to Claim This Exclusive Bluehost Offer ←

Next, you need to make sure you’re using the right version of WordPress. We recommend using the self-hosted WordPress.org version because it gives you access to all the features you need right out of the box. For more details, see our comparison of WordPress.com and WordPress.org.

You also need a high quality WordPress membership theme and WordPress membership plugin.

If you want to sell subscriptions, paid content, or digital downloads, then a feature rich membership plugin, like MemberPress, is a great option.

MemberPress site creators around the world are expected to earn over $600 million this year alone.

To have your site up and running as fast as possible, see our ultimate guide to creating a WordPress membership site.

With that said, let’s look at some of the best membership site examples that you can use as inspiration when building your own membership site.

1. Book Riot

Book Riot

Book Riot is one of the biggest and most popular book blogs in the world. There’s all kinds of content for book lovers, including reviews, podcasts, author interviews, and more.

Readers can join a unique membership program called Book Riot Insiders, an online book club with access to exclusive podcasts, email newsletters, deals, giveaways, and much more.

2. Copyblogger


Copyblogger is a long-running WordPress blog that offers all kinds of valuable articles on content marketing, improving writing skills, growing an online business, and much more.

It uses a membership program to power its writing service and academy for new writers.

3. The Script Lab

The Script Lab

The Script Lab is a very useful online platform for screenwriters. There’s an active blog, screenplay competition listings, and a massive script library.

To get access to the script library, readers will need to become a member. There are multiple membership levels to get access to different features.

4. Nomadic Matt

Nomadic Matt

Nomadic Matt is a very popular travel blog for people looking to travel longer while on a budget. The site provides valuable travel tips, resources, virtual events, and more.

Beyond the helpful free content, there’s a paid membership community that gives readers access to courses, guidebooks, discounts, giveaways, and much more.

5. 40 Aprons

40 Aprons

40 Aprons is a high traffic food blog that provides healthy recipes for families. There are recipes for all types of diets and cuisines.

Members get access to an ad free reading experience along with premium content, recipes, resources, and more.

6. Copyhackers


Copyhackers is one of the most popular and well known websites for copywriters. It provides a variety of articles, videos, and resources for copywriters and business owners looking to improve their craft.

There’s a paid membership program called Copy School that offers members the best training on ads, emails, funnels, and more.

7. Mark Manson

Mark Manson

Mark Manson is one of the most popular personal development blogs with millions of monthly readers. The popularity of the blog led to multiple New York Times and Amazon best-selling books.

There’s also a paid membership component where members can access exclusive articles and audio, a course catalog, ebooks, and more.

8. The Measured Mom

The Measured Mom

The Measured Mom is a website that provides math and literacy resources for child educators. There are all kinds of useful articles, printables, book lists, a podcast, and more.

The site is monetized with digital downloads and a premium membership program to access the resource library, discounts, courses, and more.

9. BiteSize Bio

Bitesize Bio

BiteSize Bio is an online resource for everything related to biology, genes, biochemistry, and much more.

There’s also a membership community aspect, where readers, researchers, and mentors can engage with each other. Dedicated experts can also host webinars, publish articles, and more.

10. SkillCrush


SkillCrush is an online coding and design school to help people break into a career in tech. It provides free content with a simple online course and a blog.

It’s monetized by a huge membership academy that provides a ton of online courses and career and education paths.

11. Be More with Less

Be More with Less

Be More with Less is a blog and online community dedicated to minimalism. The website offers blog posts, courses, podcasts, and more.

It’s monetized with an exclusive VIP membership program that offers members an exclusive community, a resource library, virtual calls, and more.

12. Hauptman-Woodward Medical Research Institute

HWM Research Institute

The Hauptman-Woodward Medical Research Institute at the University of Buffalo provides helpful information about the research institute and its contributions to the field of biology.

There’s a membership program for donors who want to contribute. High level donors get access to a VIP platform where they get benefits like members-only events, behind the scenes information, and more.

13. Teach Beside Me

Teach Beside Me

Teach Beside Me is an online community for homeschoolers looking for creative teaching ideas. There’s all kinds of free content, including an active blog and podcast.

Premium members can get access to done for you teaching ideas and free access to the growing premium content library.

14. Booooooom


Booooooom is one of the most popular online platforms for new artists to get discovered. It’s helped to launch the careers of many artists across the globe.

There’s a paid membership program where artists can apply for open calls, submit their work to be featured, and get discounts in the online store.

15. Toolshero


Toolshero is a global online community dedicated to helping its user learn new skills. There are all kinds of valuable resources to help support professional development, like articles, original research, and videos.

There’s a premium membership plan where users can access professional articles, worksheets and templates, questionnaires, an ad free reading experience, and more.

16. The Sweet Spot

The Sweet Spot

The Sweet Spot is a local business that offers customers an interactive Topgolf experience. It has activities like golf and sports simulators, golf lessons, and more.

Customers get different perks like discounts, reservations in advance, and more, depending on the membership level.

17. Bulletproof Musician

Bulletproof Musician

Bulletproof Musician is a WordPress website dedicated to helping musicians perform better under pressure. There are all kinds of free resources like articles and introductory courses.

It makes money by selling one on one coaching, group coaching, and in-depth courses powered by a membership program.

18. See JH

See JH

See JH is a travel website that provides all kinds of helpful information and live stream videos of the Jackson Hole region.

There’s also a membership portion where users can access discounts, high-quality live cams to see the weather conditions, and more.

We hope this article helped you find some of the best membership site examples using WordPress. You may also want to see our picks of the must have WordPress plugins and tools for business sites and our guide on how to choose the best domain name registrar.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post 18 Best Membership Site Examples That You Should Check Out in 2021 first appeared on WPBeginner.

Querying Shopify Data in Postgres

Introduction to Shopify

Shopify is a SaaS company that simplifies the process of setting up and running an online business. Businesses that use Shopify have access to important information about their products, orders, customers, and more within Shopify. In most cases, businesses will want to extract this data and combine it with other data into a central database. In this article, we will be discussing how to migrate data from Shopify to Postgres.

Create the Postgres Database

You need to have a Postgres database in which you will store your Shopify data. You can create the database directly from Postgres, in which you will use the CREATE DATABASE database_name command. For example to give the database the name shopify, run the following command:

How to Create a Paid Newsletter in WordPress (Substack Alternative)

Do you want to create a paid newsletter in WordPress instead of using Substack?

Paid newsletters are an incredibly popular way to make money online from your email subscribers, but using a platform like Substack can get expensive.

In this article, we’ll show you how to create a paid newsletter in WordPress, step by step.

How to create a paid newsletter in WordPress (Substack alternative)

Why Create a Paid Newsletter in WordPress?

Paid email newsletters like Substack are becoming a very trendy and profitable way to make money online. They’re similar to standard email newsletters, but with exclusive premium content that’s sent to paying subscribers only.

A paid newsletter can be a standalone online business or another income source for your WordPress website. By creating your own paid email newsletter, you can directly profit off your writing while building a deep relationship with your readers.

However, using a service like Substack can get expensive. Substack takes 10% of all your profits, so you end up paying more and more over time.

By creating a paid newsletter on your WordPress site, you can avoid paying those high fees and keep more of your income for yourself.

The best thing about using WordPress is that it’s completely scalable and customizable, so you can choose to only invest in the features you need. For example, you could expand your offerings to include online courses, digital products, or whatever else you imagine.

Plus, using WordPress will give you more control over your newsletter design, subscriber experience, and more.

That being said, let’s show you how to create a paid newsletter in WordPress.

Step 1: Create a WordPress Site

If you don’t already have a WordPress site, then you’ll need to get that set up first.

To get started, you’ll need WordPress hosting, a domain name, and an SSL certificate.

Usually a domain name costs around $14.99 per year, web hosting around $7.99 per month, and SSL certificates costs around $69.99 each year.

If you are just starting out, then these startup costs can add up quickly.

Thankfully, we have a better solution.

Bluehost, an official WordPress recommended hosting provider, is offering our users a free domain name, free SSL certificate, and a discount on web hosting.

That means you can get all of the above for $2.75 per month.

→ Click here to Claim this Exclusive Bluehost offer ←

Note: At WPBeginner we believe in full transparency. If you sign up with Bluehost using our referral link, then we will earn a small commission at no extra cost to you (in fact, you will save money and get a free domain + SSL certificate). We would get this commission for recommending just about any WordPress hosting service, but we only recommend products that we use personally and believe will add value to our readers.

Once you have signed up for hosting, the next step is to install WordPress. Luckily, Bluehost already comes with WordPress pre-installed, so you can simply move on to the next step.

Step 2: Sign Up for an Email Service Provider

Next, the most important thing you’ll need to start your paid email newsletter is an email marketing service provider so you can collect email addresses and send emails to your subscribers.

To create a paid email newsletter, we recommend using ConvertKit. It’s a robust email marketing platform for bloggers, authors, and marketers. It’s easy to use and has all the features you need to create a paid email newsletter.


You can use our ConvertKit coupon for WPBeginner readers to get a 14 day free trial with no credit card needed.

First, you need to go to the ConvertKit website and click the ‘Get started for free’ button to sign up for a plan.

Sign up for ConvertKit

This will bring you to a screen where you’ll answer a few questions about your business to get started.

Then you’ll need to enter an email address and password and click the ‘Get Started’ button.

Enter email password for ConvertKit

Keep this screen open, since you’ll need your account information in a later step below.

Note: this tutorial would work with other email marketing platforms as well including Constant Contact, Drip, MailChimp, etc. But we will be using ConvertKit for our example.

Step 3: Add Membership Functionality to Your Email Newsletter

After you’ve signed up for an email marketing provider, you need a way to process payments and add premium membership functionality to your email newsletter.

While ConvertKit has a built-in way to create a premium newsletter and accept payments, it’s only available on the Creator Pro plan which costs 3x more the regular plan. While the price does get less expensive the more you grow, you always pay a higher transaction fee.

This is why we recommend using a separate WordPress membership plugin because it removes the extra transaction fees, and it gives you the flexibility to sell other digital goods like courses, eBooks, and more.

For setting up memberships in WordPress, we recommend using MemberPress. It’s the best WordPress membership plugin in the market that lets you easily sell newsletter subscriptions on your website.


First thing you need to do is install and activate the MemberPress plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Once you’ve activated the plugin, go to MemberPress » Settings and click on the ‘License’ menu option to enter your license key. You can find this information under your account on the MemberPress website.

Enter MemberPress license

Simply copy and paste your license key, and then click on the ‘Activate License Key’ button.

Once you’ve done that, you need to set up a way to receive payments.

Unlike with Substack, you’re not required to use a certain payment gateway. MemberPress supports several of the most popular payment gateways like PayPal, Stripe, Authorize.net, and more.

To add a payment method go to MemberPress » Settings, click on the ‘Payments’ tab and then click the ‘Plus’ button.

You need to enter a name for the payment method, and then choose your payment gateway from the drop down menu.

Setup MemberPress payments

MemberPress will now ask you to fill in the details for that payment method.

For example, for standard PayPal payments, you need to enter your PayPal email address.

MemberPress payments PayPal example

If you want to add multiple payment methods for your subscribers, then simply click the ‘Plus’ icon and follow the same process as above.

Once you’re finished adding payment options, make sure to click the ‘Update Options’ button to save your settings.

Step 4: Create a Paid Email Subscription Plan and Sign Up Page

Now that you’ve set up the plugin, it’s time to create a paid subscription plan that your users can join. To do this, you’ll need to create a membership level in MemberPress.

Simply navigate to MemberPress » Memberships and then click the ‘Add New’ button.

Add new MemberPress membership

This brings you to a screen where you need to give your membership plan a name and set the price in the ‘Membership Terms’ meta box.

When you create a membership level a sign up page will automatically be created. So, the text you add to this page will appear when your users are about to sign up.

For this tutorial, we’ve named the plan ‘Premium Subscription’ and set the price to $5 per month.

MemberPress new subscription info

With MemberPress, you have complete control over the membership details. You can set the price, duration, payment terms, and more.

Most premium email newsletters will charge monthly, but you can decide to use ‘Recurring’ or ‘One-time’ billing. You can choose from weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly, or a custom time interval for recurring payments.

You can also set a free trial period, so your subscribers can try your newsletter before they decide to buy.

There are even more options to customize your membership plan in the ‘Membership Options’ box below the post editor.

Membership options box customize

The default settings will work for most cases, but you can still review them to see if you’d like to make a change.

We recommend checking the ‘Enable custom thank you page message’ box.

Then, select the ‘Enable custom thank you message’ radio button.

This brings up a drop down where you can enter a custom thank you message for your visitors. You can also choose to redirect subscribers to a custom thank you page as well.

Enable custom thank you message

Once you’re done, click on the ‘Publish’ button to save your membership plan.

Some users might also want to create a completely custom registration page for their email subscribers. This lets you create an attractive design that will convert more visitors into customers.

To create a custom signup page, you can use a drag and drop page builder.

We recommend using SeedProd because it’s really easy to use, and there is a free version available.

SeedProd Page Builder

For more details, see our guide on how to create a landing page with WordPress.

Note: To add your registration form to a custom SeedProd landing page, you need to use the following shortcode to display your sign up form.

[mepr-membership-registration-form id="6492"]

You need to replace the ID with the ID for your membership page. You can find this in the URL for your page.

Add page ID for MemberPress shortcode

Another option you may want to consider is making your signup page the homepage of your WordPress site. This is a great option if your website’s only purpose is to get signups for your paid newsletter.

To do this, simply go to Settings » Reading. Then, click the ‘A static page’ radio button.

Select static newsletter page for homepage

After that, choose your page from the ‘Homepage:’ drop down list.

Once you’ve done that, click the ‘Save Changes’ button at the bottom of the page.

Now, your visitors will see your premium newsletter sign up form the moment they land on your website.

Home page email newsletter example

Alternatively, you can add your registration page to your navigation menu. For more details, see our beginner’s guide on how to add a navigation menu in WordPress.

Step 5: Connect ConvertKit with MemberPress in WordPress

Now that you’ve created a membership plan and registration page, it’s time to connect ConvertKit to MemberPress so that your new members will automatically be added to your email list.

To do this, you’ll need the ConvertKit addon. You can download this from your account on the MemberPress website by logging in to your account and clicking the ‘Download’ tab.

MemberPress account downloads tab

Then scroll down to find ‘ConvertKit’, and click on it to download the addon.

Download ConvertKit addon

After that, you can install and activate the addon the same way you installed the MemberPress plugin above.

Once that’s installed, simply go to MemberPress » Settings and click on the ‘Marketing’ tab, and then check the box that says ‘Enable ConvertKit’.

Enable ConvertKit API

This brings up a drop down where you need to enter your API key. You can find this under your account settings on the ConvertKit website.

You can also select a tag from the ‘ConvertKit Tag’ drop down. This will automatically tag new subscribers who sign up for your premium newsletter.

Then click the ‘Update Options’ button.

Now your visitors can sign up for your premium email newsletter.

Once they sign up and complete their subscription, they’ll automatically be added to your list in ConvertKit where you can send your premium newsletter.

Final Thoughts: Creating a Profitable Premium Newsletter in WordPress

The best part about using WordPress and MemberPress to create your premium newsletter is that you’re not reliant on a single email marketing platform.

We recommended ConvertKit because it has powerful automation features and has good email deliverability.

But this tutorial will work with any email marketing platform that integrates with MemberPress including Constant Contact, AWeber, Drip, GetResponse, Keap, MailChimp, Active Campaign, and more.

The flexibility of this method allows you to enjoy the true freedom of WordPress without being locked into a single email marketing platform.

We hope this article helped you learn how to create a paid newsletter in WordPress. You may also want to see our expert picks of the best web push notification software and our guide on how to get a free email domain.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Create a Paid Newsletter in WordPress (Substack Alternative) appeared first on WPBeginner.

How to Make a High Converting Sales Funnel in WordPress

Do you want to make a high converting sales funnel in WordPress?

A sales funnel is the path a user takes on your website to become a customer. Optimizing this path can lead to higher conversions and more sales.

In this article, we’ll show how to make a high converting sales funnel with practical examples. We’ll also explain how to track and optimize your existing sales funnels.

Creating effective sales funnel in WordPress for higher conversions

What is a Sales Funnel?

A sales funnel is the journey a person takes from the moment they find out about your business, all the way to becoming a loyal customer.

Marketers often talk about funnels in stages, from awareness of the problem they need to solve, all the way to taking action to make a purchase.

Sales funnel example

For online businesses, a sales funnel consists of the specific pages that a new users may visit on your site before they make a purchase.

That means that if you run an online business, an eCommerce store, or a business service, then you already have a sales funnel on your website.

Depending on how you set up your website, your sales funnel may have several steps that lead users to make a purchase. For example, a new visitor might land on a blog post, then view a product page, then go through your checkout flow.

You can optimize each of these steps to offer a better user experience, reduce distractions, and nudge users towards completing the purchase.

You can also track the performance of your sales funnel, run tests to see what works best, and then make data driven decisions to improve your sales funnel.

That being said, let’s take a look at how to easily create a high converting sales funnel in WordPress.

1. Creating a Sales Funnel Landing Page in WordPress

Usually the first step of every sales funnel is users arriving on your website, whether that’s via a product page, sales page, or other landing page.

WordPress allows you to easily create simple pages for your website. Your WordPress theme may also come with a customizable homepage.

However, these pages are not optimized for sales, and leave several holes in your sales funnel that allow potential customers to slip through.

This is where SeedProd comes in. It is the best WordPress page builder on the market and allows you to easily create landing pages, sales page, product pages, and more.

Sales page templates

SeedProd comes with dozens of ready-made templates that are already optimized for higher conversions.

Plus, it has an intuitive drag and drop interface that you can use to customize your pages.

SeedProd landing page builder

SeedProd also includes a WooCommerce integration that allows you to add eCommerce elements to any page.

For example, you can display featured products that you want to upsell, display product grids, add cart buttons, and more.

Custom WooCommerce cart page

You can also create a custom WooCommerce cart experience with product upsells to boost sales.

SeedProd integrates with your existing email marketing services, so you can easily capture leads and convert them to paying customers later on.

It works with any WordPress theme and allows you to create any design from scratch, without relying on your theme design. You can even use it to create stand alone landing pages for custom domain aliases and drive more traffic and sales to your website.

2. Boost Conversions for Your Sales Funnel

Creating a conversion oriented landing page for your sales funnel helps you get more sales. However, you will still notice many customers not following the funnel path and abandoning the user journey.

This is where you’ll need OptinMonster. It is the world’s best conversion optimization software on the market and allows you to easily convert website visitors into paying customers.

OptinMonster comes with marketing tools like lightbox popups, countdown timers, slide-in popups, sticky header and footer banners, full-screen popups, spin to win popups, and more.

OptinMonster campaign types

It comes with dozens of templates, and each of them is fully customizable using the OptinMonster campaign builder.

The drag and drop builder allows you to easily edit your campaigns without having to code.

OptinMonster campaign editor

OptinMonster comes with an incredibly powerful set of targeting rules. This allows you to personalize your marketing campaigns and show them only to targeted users at the right time in their user journey.

For instance, you can offer free shipping to users in particular regions, or show campaigns to users who already have specific products in their cart, and more.

OptinMonster display rules

OptinMonster integrates with all top email marketing platforms so you can capture leads who may not be interested in making a purchase right away.

You can also use it to redirect users to download lead magnets, receive exclusive coupons, or get personalized offers.

Time-based popups

3. Create Lead Generation Forms in WordPress

More than 70% of people visiting your website will leave without making a purchase or following the user journey along your sales funnel.

Lead generation forms allow you to capture users’ contact information such as an email address or phone number. You can then persuade those customers to make a purchase when they’re ready to.

WPForms is the best WordPress form builder plugin on the market. It allows you to easily create lead generation forms for your sales funnel.

It is super easy to use with ready-made form templates for all sorts of forms.

Form templates in WPForms

It comes with a drag and drop form builder.

Using the builder, you can just point and click to edit a form field or add new fields to your form.

WPForms form builder

Plus, WPForms integrates with your email marketing platform and more than 3000+ apps through Zapier. This makes it easier for your sales and marketing team to manage those leads and make more sales.

You can add your forms to any post or page, sidebar widget, and even inside popups using a block or shortcode.

Newsletter signup form in a WordPress post

You can also create standalone form pages, conversational forms, surveys and quizzes, and more.

Conversational Form Demo

4. Upsell Products in WooCommerce

One of the most important steps in a sales funnel is to show additional offers to users on their path to make the purchase.

However, once a user has added products to their cart this is what they would typically see:

Default cart experience in WooCommerce

CartFlows is a WordPress sales funnel builder and optimization plugin that allows you to change that.

You can use it to create complete sales funnels or optimize your existing sales funnel with additional steps.

It comes with a One-click Upsells feature, which allows users to add products to their cart on their way to the checkout.

One-click upsell offers in CartFlows

You can also optimize a users journey by adding one-click order bumps, pre-checkout offers, custom checkout form layouts, beautiful templates, and more.

Pre-checkout upgrade

Once a user has completed the purchase, this doesn’t mean it’s the end of their user journey. You can still redirect them to a custom thank you page with more special offers.

SeedProd comes with excellent templates that you can use for thank you pages. It also includes a WooCommerce product grid, shopping cart button, and many other elements to help customers continue shopping.

Adding upsell offers to thank you page

5. Track and Optimize Sales Funnel

After you have created and optimized your sales funnel in WordPress, next you would want to track its performance.

Most importantly, you need to know how users interact with your sales funnel and at what point they abandon your website before making a purchase.

MonsterInsights makes it super easy to monitor and track your sales funnel. It is the best Google Analytics plugin for WordPress and allows you to see where your users are coming from and what they do while visiting your site.

Upon installation, MonsterInsights allows you to track conversions across your WordPress website. See our guide on conversion tracking in WordPress for detailed instructions.

MonsterInsights also comes with an eCommerce addon. This helps you add Google’s Analytics enhanced eCommerce tracking and show you an easy to understand eCommerce tracking report.

Adding upsell offers to thank you page

You can also run A/B split tests with Google Optimize with MonsterInsights Google Optimize addon. This helps you compare sales funnel performance and see what’s working best for your business.

Google Optimize

We hope this article helped you learn how to create high converting sales funnels in WordPress. You may also want to see our expert pick of the best AI chatbot software to boost your sales even more, or check out our guide on how to choose the best web design software.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Make a High Converting Sales Funnel in WordPress appeared first on WPBeginner.

The Beginner’s Guide to Vision and Mission Statements

Running a successful business involves careful planning and focus. Part of the process includes setting goals and determining a clear-cut purpose.

Two elements critical in defining your business objectives are your vision statement and mission statement. These documents state and summarize your short-term and long-term goals, which is also why the lines get blurry with them. 

Each statement serves a different purpose: a mission statement describes what a company wants to do now; a vision statement outlines what it wants to do in the future.

Let’s dive deeper into vision and mission statements to understand why they’re crucial for your business and discuss how you can create these documents for your own business.

What Are Vision and Mission Statements?

Before decoding the similarities and differences, let’s define each of them further.

What is a Vision Statement?

A vision statement is a brief, clear, and definitive description of a company‘s aspirations and the kind of impact it aims to create. Think of it as a guiding beacon that tells people within the organization what the business wants to accomplish and what will happen once they achieve that vision. 

It helps facilitate internal decision-making and determines the intended direction of the organization. You can also use it to describe the future of the business while simultaneously emphasizing its overall purpose.

To put things into perspective, a vision statement tells you what you want to become and then gives you a sense of direction to achieve it. 

  • What are your hopes and dreams and goals for your business?
  • Are there any problems your business can solve for the greater good?
  • What kind of change are you trying to bring?

As you may have realized, vision statements are future-oriented. But because it has a direct and transcendent nature, they are written in the present tense. It tries to encapsulate the strategic goals for a company and informs everyone what the company values most.

What is a Mission Statement?

A mission statement explains an organization’s core objectives, values, and aims concisely and descriptively. It’s a declaration that defines the daily activities of an organization and how every person working within it will contribute to that overall mission.

The primary purpose of a mission statement is to drive a company toward its goals. In addition to outlining what you do and the core components of your business, it tries to clarify objectives and how you can fulfill them. The idea here is to motivate and inspire a team to consistently advance toward a common goal.

Consider the following questions when writing your mission statement:

  • What do you do?
  • Who do you do it for?
  • How do you serve them?

A mission statement is affirmative, so they typically start with “We provide…” or “We offer…“. You can also use it as a performance standard to help employees make better decisions.

The Basics of Vision and Mission Statements

This section will detail the basics—differences, similarities, and other nuances—of vision and mission statements. Knowing this will help you better understand what goes into making a good vision and mission statement.

Vision Statement vs. Mission Statement

Vision and mission statements are essential documents with different objectives.

A vision statement outlines what you want to become and how you want to impact society and its people. Whereas a mission statement is more present-focused and summarizes the primary goals, purposes, and values of an organization.

Put simply, a mission statement speaks to today, while a vision statement speaks to the future. Let’s take a look at Google‘s vision and mission statements to highlight this difference.

The company‘s vision statement is: “To provide access to the world’s information in one click.” 

Despite being short and to the point, Google effectively puts forward its ambitious long-term aspiration to provide people with the world’s information as quickly and efficiently as possible (“in one click”).

On the other hand, Google’s mission statement is: “To organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.” 

This statement aims to guide the company’s daily operations and inform everyone that Google’s primary job is to organize information to make it accessible and useful. Notice how it also complements the vision statement.

As you can see, while the vision statement is aspirational and more focused on the “why,” the mission statement is actionable and outlines the “what” and “how.” That’s how the documents differ from each other.

Collaborative Working 

Companies need vision and mission statements to define their purpose and stand out from their competitors. But before they develop them, they must know and be able to articulate their long-term and short-term objectives.

Both documents work together to keep a company focused on meeting pre-established goals and play a significant role in strategic planning. 

Every component of a vision and mission statement encourages involved parties to take productive efforts to boost efficiency while simultaneously aligning them to work toward achieving the same purpose. They also help attract the right talent, create an appropriate work culture, and increase productivity levels to achieve success.

On the contrary, a poorly written vision and mission statement present various challenges and setbacks. It’s because they lack detailed insights that are otherwise necessary to guide employees during operations and decision-making. 

Drafting A Vision Statement

As a vision statement is your end goal, you must clearly lay out your vision of the future you’re trying to build. It’s also why it makes sense to write your vision statement before your mission statement.

To write a vision statement, start by revisiting the different components of your business or marketing plan, including your elevator pitch, business goals, company values, SWOT analysis, business story, and brand identity.

Once you have it all together, distill everything into one sentence to create the vision statement and show the world what your company is working toward. 

Fitting everything in a single line is going to be difficult, but it isn’t impossible. A good way to start is by answering the following questions:

  • What is the ultimate purpose of your business?
  • What kind of problems do you want to solve through your product or service?
  • How does your business aim to make the world better?
  • How would you describe your hopes and dreams for the business’s impact?
  • What change do you inspire to bring?

Next, work on distilling your answers down to the essentials. Remember, use clear language and concrete wording—similar to an elevator pitch.

The thought process is similar when writing a mission statement.

Drafting A Mission Statement

A mission statement is the core of all your operations that lists everything you must do to reach your vision—which you established in your vision statement. When done right, this document can become the driving force for your company, giving your team a common goal.

Essentially, your mission statement should define your plan of attack, drawing the route to your destination. To do this, consider the following:

  • What conditions must be met to make your vision a reality?
  • What do you have to do in your day-to-day to fulfill those conditions?
  • Who do you serve, and how do you do it?
  • How does your business help to make your vision real for your customers?

If you find it difficult to answer these questions, go through your target audience and buyer personas, buying cycle, and so on. Once that’s done, condense all your answers down into a single strong statement.

Again, cut out any jargon and use simple, meaningful language. The mission statement should be one to three sentences maximum, and never more than 100 words. Ideally, the shorter the better.

3 Tools to Improve Your Vision and Mission Statement

Since vision and mission statements answer crucial questions—why, how, and what—these documents are also a crucial component of your business plan. Read on as we discuss some of the best tools you can use to improve these documents.

Market and Vision Statement Templates

The internet is filled with vision and mission worksheet templates. All you need to do is answer various questions to discover details related to your business and then structure the answers to create the documents.

Take a look at Smartsheet’s mission statement template, for instance. It has two columns that explain what you need to consider and then an empty column to jot down answers—pretty straightforward, making it easier for you to create an effective one.

Vision and Mission Statement Generators

Vision and mission statement generators are tools designed to provide you with the necessary assistance to write good statements. However, most of them can’t produce truly useful statements because they don’t have the relevant information.

HoneyBook generator is one such tool.

While they cannot capture the true essence of how unique your vision and mission statement should be, they aren’t entirely useless. You can use these generators to get a better understanding of the tone and wording of these documents. Plus, use it for inspiration to get out of your head and see some new ideas that may spark something for you.

Business Plan Services

Remember how I mentioned a vision statement and mission statement are a vital part of a business plan? This is why online business plan services like LivePlan and Bizplan offer services to write these documents.

These services are similar to business plan software. The only difference is that they offer business and legal specialists who can help you gain a better understanding of the more complex aspects of your business, which, in turn, will make it easier for you to draft your vision and mission statements.

5 Tricks for Writing a Good Vision and Mission Statement

Let’s take a look at a few vision and mission statements best practices to help you create amazing ones for your business.

Clearly Define Your Future

Set up a meeting with your team and ask everyone to define the perfect state of being for your organization—why the company exists and its purpose. Write it down and find words that truly articulate your future goals and plans.

Remain in Sync

Ensure your vision and mission statements are in sync and connected by using words that resonate with your employees as well as third parties. It’s best to write your vision statement first and then use it as a guide when writing your mission statement.

Make Them Memorable and Achievable

Your vision and mission should be a stretch but always within reach. Draft them in a way that makes them to the point and easy to remember. Try to think of something that gives the reader goosebumps and encourages them to take immediate action without making them sound impossible or fanciful.

Align Them With Your Goals

Although this goes without saying, make sure you write statements that align with your goals. Whenever you change your goals and objectives, revisit your vision and mission and make the necessary changes. You may find yourself tweaking your mission statement more often than your vision statement.

Think About the Future 

Imagining your future five or ten years down the line is particularly important for your vision statement. But knowing your end goal will also help you draft a better mission statement to outline what steps you should take immediately to get there. 

I highly recommend conducting a gap analysis to compare current performance to desired performance. The end result will give you a better understanding of how or where your organization is struggling—and where there are opportunities to grow.

What to Do Next

After writing your vision and mission statement, your next step should focus on developing specific objectives to help you achieve your mission and vision. These objectives include specific measurable results, fulfilling which will help you accomplish your broad goals.

Create an action plan or a business plan that details how you plan on implementing the strategies and what actionable steps you’ll take to bring about changes in all the relevant sectors.

You can read these Quicksprout blogs to get a better understanding of how to go about things:

Incorporate.com Review

Incorporate.com has more than a century of experience in the business formation space. It’s a branch of Corporation Service Company (CSC) that was founded back in 1899.

Naturally, the business has changed quite a bit over the last 122 years. Today, Incorporate.com serves as a fast and easy way to form businesses online. As a pioneer and industry leader in this space, more than 750,000 LLCs and corporations across the country have been started with Incorporate.com.

They offer a wide range of services to start a business, maintain a business, and everything in between. From obtaining an EIN to S-corp election and business licenses, Incorporate.com has it all.

Is Incorporate.com right for you and your business? Use this guide to find out.

Sign up for Incorporate.com today.

Incorporate.com Business Formation Services

As previously stated, Incorporate.com offers a plethora of services. But its business formation plans are definitely the most popular, so that’s what the bulk of this review will focus on. Those formation services can be segmented into three main categories—LLC services, incorporation services, and registered agent services.

Continue below to learn more about the packages, pricing, benefits, and discover what real customers have to say about Incorporate.com for business formation.

Incorporate.com LLC Services

You can use Incorporate.com to form an LLC (limited liability company) in all 50 states. Once you select your location and entity type, filling out the rest of the application is a breeze.

Incorporate.com asks a handful of simple questions about you and your business. From there, the formation experts handle the rest. This includes all of the paperwork preparation and legal filings for your LLC.

Essentially, your job is over after you complete the online application. It’s just a matter of waiting until the LLC is officially formed with your state.

Incorporate.com offers three different LLC formation packages for you to choose from:

  • The Starter — $99 + state fees
  • The Essentials — $249 + state fees
  • The Works — $349 + state fees

All plans come with access to the CSCNavigator, an online business compliance tool designed to keep your LLC in good standing. It comes with benefits like filing alerts, unlimited document storage, a to-do list, and order status tracking.

Incorporate.com prepares and files all of your LLC formation documents with your secretary of state, regardless of the plan you choose. All packages come with a $75,000 corporate compliance guarantee and instant online access to all of your LLC’s filed paperwork.

For those who want a bit more than the basics, the Essentials package comes with an EIN (tax ID) and corporate kit.

The Works package comes with all Essentials services, plus an LLC operating agreement and a business license research package.

It’s worth noting that some of these services are only available to customers who use Incorporate.com as their registered agent. We’ll discuss this in greater detail shortly.

Once you select a plan, you’ll automatically be directed to the online LLC application. This form can be completed in roughly ten minutes or less.

Between the low cost and outstanding service, Incorporate.com should be a top consideration for anyone who wants to form an LLC.

Incorporate.com Incorporation Services

Incorporate.com offers corporation formation services for C-corps, S-corps, and nonprofits. The process is similar to the LLC services described above. But the application questions will be a bit different based on the entity type you choose.

For those of you who aren’t sure which corporate entity structure is right for your business, Incorporate.com has some great resources on their website to help you decide. You can even consult with one of their customer support representatives for more information and guidance.

Here’s a quick overview comparing C-corps and S-corps:

Most of you will be choosing between one of these two options. But as previously stated, you can also form a nonprofit through Incorporate.com.

The price remains the same no matter which corporate entity type you select. The packages are identical to the LLC services offering three plans—The Starter ($99), The Essentials ($249), and The Works ($349). You’ll still have to pay state filing fees in addition to these base rates.

All packages include the completion and filing of your corporate formation documents. You’ll get a $75,000 corporate compliance guarantee, access to a robust online dashboard, and online access to your incorporation documents.

The Essentials package comes with an EIN and corporate kit. This package also includes annual report preparation and filing with your state.

As the name implies, The Works has it all. In addition to all of the Essentials features, it includes corporate bylaws and a business license research package.

At the end of the day, Incorporate.com is a solid choice for any business that wants to incorporate. If you’re still on the fence and unsure which entity structure is right for you, check out the resources on their website. They explain the different options in greater detail and even have a guide that compares corporations to LLCs.

Incorporate.com Registered Agent Services

Regardless of the entity type you’re forming, your business must have a registered agent. Getting this service from the same provider you’re using to start your business makes the most sense.

Incorporate.com’s registered agents will help your business maintain compliance.

They will become the state’s official way of communicating with your LLC or corporation. Any service of process, legal documents, or tax documents will be accepted by Incorporate.com on behalf of your business. This includes things like notifications from the Secretary of State, lawsuits, government notices, and more.

One of the most significant benefits of using Incorporate.com as your registered agent is the CSCNavigator. This online tool comes with perks like:

  • Filing alerts
  • Calendar of important filing dates
  • Order status tracking
  • Current status of your business standing with your state
  • Document storage and access

Overall, the tool is really helpful. You can be alerted in real-time if your registered agent receives an urgent notice on your behalf and access everything online.

The registered agent services from Incorporate.com cost $235 per year.

If you’re using Incorporate.com to form an LLC or corporation, getting the registered agent service is a no-brainer.

Overall Pricing and Value

We’ve mentioned the pricing a few times throughout this guide, but let’s take a more in-depth look at Incorporate.com’s packages and rates. This will make it easier for us to determine their value.

The packages for all business formation services are the same, regardless of the entity type you select (LLC, C corporation, S corporation, or nonprofit).

The Starter — $99 + state fees

  • Completion and filing of formation documents
  • CSCNavigator (online tool)
  • $75,000 corporate compliance guarantee
  • Online document access

The Essentials — $249 + state fees

  • All Starter services
  • Annual report preparation and filing
  • Corporate kit
  • EIN (employer identification number)

The Works — $349 + state fees

  • All Essentials services
  • Business license research package
  • LLC operating agreement
  • Corporate bylaws

The registered agent services cost $235 per year.

Interestingly enough, some of the services “included” with these packages are only available to customers who use Incorporate.com’s registered agent service. The CSCNavigator tool and the annual report preparation and filing service are both on that list. So, if you’re not using Incorporate.com as your registered agent, there isn’t as great a value with these packages.

With that said, it makes sense to use their registered agent services if you’re getting a formation package from Incorporate.com. It’s just easier, and there really aren’t many reasons to get these from separate providers.

At $235 per year, the registered agent plan is a bit high compared to others on the market today. But as we’ve seen from reviews, customers are happy with the service.

User Experience

Navigating the Incorporate.com website and getting started with the formation process is simple. Everything is straightforward and effortless to follow.

Incorporate.com does a great job explaining your options. Just pick your state, choose your entity type, and select a package.

From there, the application shouldn’t take more than ten minutes. You’ll be offered a few upsells, like expedited EIN processing and expedited shipping via FedEx, but it’s just a couple of extra clicks to bypass those.

Here’s an example of some questions on the application:

Incorporate.com will ultimately take your responses and use them to complete your formation paperwork.

Once you’re up and running, you’ll have access to the CSCNavigator (assuming you’re using the registered agent service).

This online tool is both robust and intuitive. It’s an easy way to see crucial business information related to your new entity. If you have a filing deadline coming up, you’ll be alerted to ensure compliance.

Customer Support

If you browse through online reviews, you’ll find nothing but great things about Incorporate.com’s customer support team.

Remember, this organization is a branch of Corporation Service Company (which has been in business for over 120 years). There’s a certain level of professionalism that comes with so much experience.

Phone support is the best way to get in touch with Incorporate.com. Their team is available from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Eastern, Monday through Friday.

They are also available by email and typically respond to emails within one business day.

Final Verdict

Do we recommend Incorporate.com? Absolutely.

The business formation packages are perfect for anyone who wants to start an LLC, C-corp, S-corp, or nonprofit. Just fill out a simple application online, and they’ll handle the document preparation and filing on your behalf.

Incorporate.com also has registered agent services to keep you compliant once your business is officially formed. This is something your company needs, so it makes sense to get it directly from Incorporate.com.

Between the low costs, friendly service, and ease of use, Incorporate.com is an industry leader in the online business formation space.

How to Easily Create a Coupon Site in WordPress

Do you want to make a coupon site in WordPress?

Coupon sites help customers find discounts and deals online while you make money with affiliate commissions.

In this article, we’ll show you how to easily create a coupon website in WordPress without any special skills.

How to create a coupon website in WordPress

What is a Coupon Site?

A coupon website is an affiliate marketing site that helps customers find coupons and deals. It is a popular online business idea that has been growing rapidly as online shopping is becoming more common.

These websites make money online with affiliate marketing and partnerships. Basically, they earn a commission each time a user makes a purchase using their coupon code or clicking on their affiliate link.

For example, we have our own deals section on WPBeginner where we have partnered up with top WordPress companies to offer our users exclusive WordPress coupons and deals.

WPBeginner deals

For more details on how partnerships and affiliates work, see our complete affiliate marketing guide for beginners.

That being said, let’s take a look at how you can easily make a coupon website in WordPress and grow it successfully.

Getting Started with Your Coupon Website

To make a coupon website you’ll need a domain name and a web hosting account.

A domain name is what users will type in their browsers to reach your site (example: wpbeginner.com). A web hosting account is where all your website files are stored. You can learn more in our guide about the difference between domain name and hosting.

Domain names typically cost $16.99 per year and website hosting starts at $7.99 / per month. This is a little expensive for a small business if you are just starting out.

Luckily, folks at Bluehost have agreed to offer a generous discount to WPBeginner users with a free domain name and SSL certificate. You can get started for $2.75 per month.

→ Click Here to Claim This Exclusive Bluehost Offer ←

Bluehost is one of the largest hosting companies in the world and an officially recommended WordPress hosting provider.

Once you have signed up for hosting, Bluehost will automatically install WordPress and you can login from your account dashboard.

If you need help, then see our complete WordPress installation tutorial for more detailed instructions.

Setting up a Coupons Site in WordPress

First thing you need to do is install and activate the WP Coupons plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

WP Coupons

Upon activation, you can go to Coupons » Add New page to create your first coupon. Simply provide a title for your coupon and then a long description in the content area.

Add new coupon

Below the editor, you’ll notice a ‘WP Coupons Details’ box. This is where you’ll add your coupon code, affiliate URL, call to action, expiration date, and more.

Coupon details

Finally, you need to set a featured image for your coupon. We recommend using the same size images for all your coupon featured images to make sure that your coupon grid layout looks perfect.

Set coupon image

Once you are done, you can save your changes or publish your coupon.

After you have added a few coupons you can visit the coupons archive to view all your coupons. WP Coupons will automatically create a coupon page on your WordPress website. It is generally located at a URL like this: https://example.com/coupons/

Coupons page preview

You can also click on the title of a coupon to view the single coupon page with a longer description.

Single coupon page

Displaying Coupons on Your WordPress Website

By default, WP Coupons allows you to use the coupons archive template to display all your coupons at once.

However, the default template may not work well with your WordPress theme, or you may simply want to display your coupons on some other page.

To disable the default coupon archive page, simply go to Settings » WP Coupons. Under the Coupon Archive tab, switch off the ‘Enable Custom Template’ option.

Disable coupons archive

Now you can use the [wp_coupons] shortcode anywhere on your WordPress website to display all your coupons.

Simply edit a blog post or page where you want to display your coupons grid. On the post edit screen, click on the (+) add block button and the shortcode block to your content area.

Now, copy and paste the [wp_coupons] shortcode inside the block settings. Don’t forget to update or publish your changes.

Here is how it looked on our demo site:

Custom coupons page

Displaying Individual Coupons in a Post or Page

WP Coupons also makes it easy to display a single coupon inside your WordPress posts and pages. This feature comes in handy when you are writing content to promote a specific product or partner.

To display a single coupon, you need to go to Coupons » Coupons page and click on the Edit link below the coupon that you want to add to a post or page.

Editing a coupon

On the Coupon edit screen, scroll down to the ‘WP Coupons Details’ box and you’ll see a shortcode at the bottom right corner of that section. You’ll need to copy this shortcode.

Single coupon shortcode

Now you need to edit the post or page where you want to display the coupon. On the post edit screen, click on the (+) add block button and then select the Shortcode block.

Adding coupon shortcode

Go ahead and paste the shortcode you copied earlier and save your post / page. You can now preview your content to see your individual shortcode in action.

Single coupon

Displaying Coupons in a Sidebar Widget

WP Coupons offers two ways to display coupons in WordPress sidebar widgets.

To display a random coupon in your WordPress sidebar, you can go to Appearance » Widgets page and add the ‘WP Coupons Widget’ to your sidebar.

Coupons widget

You can provide a title for your widget and then click on the Save button to store your changes.

You can now preview the widget on your website to see it display a random coupon in the sidebar.

Coupon widget preview

If you want to display specific coupons in your WordPress sidebar, then you can use the shortcode method.

Simply add the ‘Text’ widget to your WordPress sidebar and then add the [coupon id="19"] shortcode in the text area.

Don’t forget to replace id with the ID of the coupon that you want to display. You can find a coupon shortcode by simply editing the coupon, as shown earlier in this guide.

To display multiple coupons in your sidebar, you can add multiple shortcodes with the coupon IDs. Here is how it looked on our test website.

Single coupon in the sidebar

Changing The Style of Coupons

WP Coupons provides limited options to choose colors and styles for coupon grids and panels.

You can find them by visiting Settings » WP Coupons page and switching to the Style Options tab.

WP Coupons styles

From here, you can choose colors and font sizes to match your WordPress theme or design requirements.

Once you are done, don’t forget to click on the Save changes button to store your settings.

Managing and Growing Your Coupons Site

There are plenty of affiliate marketing tools and plugins that you can use to manage and grow your coupon website.

Here are some of the essential tools that you’ll need.

1. Pretty Links Pro

Pretty Links

Pretty Links Pro is a WordPress affiliate links manager plugin. It allows you to shorten the long ugly affiliate URLs into short and clean URLs.

It also helps you easily track, group, sort, and manage your affiliate links. It is a huge time-saver for affiliate marketers.

For instance, if you promote a partner on multiple locations on your website and they suddenly change their affiliate links, then you can simply update the link at one location and it will be automatically updated everywhere else.

Alternative: ThirstyAffiliates

2. MonsterInsights


MonsterInsights is the best Google Analytics plugin for WordPress. It shows you where your users are coming from and what they do when visiting your website.

It also allows you to easily set up conversion tracking on your website so you can make data-based decisions to grow your business.

For instance, you can see which coupons get more clicks and which coupons get views but no clicks. You can then improve those coupon deals to boost their click-through rate.

3. OptinMonster


OptinMonster is the #1 conversion optimization software on the market. It allows you to easily convert website visitors into subscribers and customers.

OptinMonster gives you incredibly powerful tools to promote coupons and deals across your website. It comes with lightbox popups, countdown timers, header and footer banners, slide-in popups, spin-to-win popups, and more.

All of these tools help to promote coupons and deals on your website, so you can increase your conversion rate and grow your affiliate revenue.

We hope this article helped you learn how to easily create a coupon site in WordPress. Next, you’ll want to see our comparison of the best live chat software for small business, or our guide on how to choose the best web design software.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Easily Create a Coupon Site in WordPress appeared first on WPBeginner.