Stream File Uploads to S3 Object Storage and Save Money

This is the fourth post in a series all about uploading files for the web. In the previous posts, we covered uploading files using just HTML, uploading files using JavaScript, and how to receive file uploads on a Node.js server.

  1. Upload files with HTML
  2. Upload files with JavaScript
  3. Receive uploads in Node.js (Nuxt.js)
  4. Optimize storage costs with Object Storage
  5. Optimize performance with a CDN
  6. Secure uploads with malware scans

This post is going to take a step back and explore architectural changes to reduce costs when adding file uploads to our applications.

Stream Landing Kafka Data to Object Storage using Terraform

You can easily archive data to IBM Cloud Object Storage for long-term storage or to gain insight by leveraging interactive queries or big data analytics. You can achieve this through the Event Streams UI, where topics can be selected and linked to Cloud Object Storage buckets, with data automatically and securely streamed using the fully-managed IBM Cloud SQL Query service. All data is stored in Parquet format, making it easy to manage and process. Check out " Streaming to Cloud Object Storage by using SQL Query" for more info.

In this post, you will set up the Cloud Object Storage stream landing using Terraform.

Quick and Easy Configuration of Oracle Data Science Cloud Service

Hello to everyone,

To use some features of Oracle Data Science Cloud Service (to save models, to read basic data about OCI, to establish ADW or Object Storage connections), you need to configure this service when you first turn it on. A description of this configuration is described in the getting-started.ipynb notebook that comes in the service. I prepared a .sh considering that some steps can be automated in this recipe. Through this article, I will explain how to use this .sh quickly.