AWS Applications Deployment Basics: Setup NGINX


In the previous post of this series "AWS Application Deployment Basics," we set up a PostgreSQL database and then we connect to it via a NodeJS application.

However, the Nodejs application is running on the same machine and database access is local for it. It is a totally valid setup and because it is on the same machine, the access is straightforward. But, having applications and databases running on separate machines is also a very common setup and we will cover that path as well later in this series. But today, we will focus mostly on the web server we want to run on an EC2 instance in the public subnet.

Scalable Client-Server Communication With WebSockets and Spring Boot (Part II)

Secure WebSockets over SSL/TLS

To prevent man-in-the-middle attacks between server and client, it is strongly recommended to use the WSS protocol, to send encrypted TCP messages. This is the equivalent of using HTTPS instead of HTTP. 

Setting up NGINX

We will use NGNIX as a reverse proxy that forwards all incoming requests to the Spring Gateway MS. We will configure the proxy to listen to port 443 which is the default port for secure connections in both HTTPS/WSS.