A Complete Storage Guide for Your Kubernetes Storage Problems

Containers have emerged as a way to port software to wherever it needs to be. Containers with data needed to run the service deploy to a variety of computer systems, meaning data is now much more portable than ever before.

But what is persistent storage when it comes to Kubernetes? How can data managers make the best of their Kubernetes systems? And what are the overall benefits of a system like this?

How to Use NFS as a Backing Storage

NFS serves as a distributed file system protocol that allows a user on a client computer to access files over a network. The system provides the distributed file system, just as if you were accessing a local storage file. NFS provides you with network retrieval from almost any file location.

NFS is an open standard that can create a protocol, and ever since its inception, it has been growing and developing. Below, you can determine how you use NFS. What's more, you'll be able to determine if you need it as a backing storage system and how Linview will help you learn how to effectively and efficiently optimize its use for your business.

GraphQL With Spring Boot

GraphQL – A Query Language for APIs

The basic need of most applications is to fetch data from the backend, which could be a database, a third-party application, NFS, etc. API interface is written to facilitate this.

Implementing a User-Space NFS Client in Go


Our backup application, which runs over an NFS (Network File System) mount, is designed for high performance. While developing our backup solution, we found we had to implement our own NFS client (in user space): By using our own client, we are able to fine-tune the load that the application imposes on any given server; we adapt to slow servers by backing off and to fast servers by increasing the load. Additionally, our client can list enormous directories (often with many millions of entries) piecemeal in a way that overwhelms neither client nor server.

In some ways, the NFS protocol is just another encoding. There are already many encoding packages in Go (json, xml, etc.) and like those, our team used Go’s reflection facility to get going as fast as possible. Quickly, we found reflection was the bottleneck to higher performance.