Make Your Own MSI (and RPM, DEB, and DMG) with JDK14

Throughout much of its long history, Java Runtime Environments for MS-Windows have traditionally been packaged up in the venerable EXE format for installation.  This made for a well understood, straightforward and standard way of installing Java for individual users, unfortunately at the expense of those tasked with managing Windows systems en masse.  EXE files don't necessarily play well in the Windows systems administration world where tools like Microsoft SCCM and many other capable alternatives are used.  A more preferable payload is the MSI format.  The equivalents in the Linux and macOS world would be the RPM/DEB and DMG formats respectively.

To help rectify this shortcoming, some organizations have seen fit to produce their own MSI versions. Oracle, for example, provides an Enterprise MSI Installer for its Java SE Subscription customers with its Oracle JDK 7 and JDK 8 releases. Among the litany of Open JDK distributions, a few have also decided to package up their own MSI versions too.

Most effective programming language ?

I'm using a fairly standard MSI mobo with Intel Core i5-6400 processor and 64 GB RAM.
So: Which programming language (besides assembly) is the most effective to use in this configuration when I want to do calculations/modelling trying to find the least number of combinations to fullfill some predefined conditions.

More specific I have i.e. 5 sets of combinations each containing three different states: A, B and C.
This gives me a total number of 243 combinations.
Theoretically it is possible to reduce this number of combinations to 23 so that no matter what combination of the original 243 you choose you'll always have 4 out of 5 of them correct.

If you have 4 sets of combinations the theoretically minimum of combinations fullfilling this requirement is 9 (and those 9 combinations are available today).

So I want to know what programming language should I use ?
(I'm able to put all the combinations in memory to speed up the process).