The Shifting Cloud-Native Landscape: Understanding Kubernetes Compliance and Security Frameworks

There’s a reason why Kubernetes (K8s) has become the world’s leading container orchestration platform, with 74% of today’s IT companies using it for containerized workloads in production. It’s often the simplest way to handle container configuration, deployment, and management at scale. But while Kubernetes has made use of containers easier, it has also added complexities when it comes to security.

Kubernetes’ default configurations don’t always provide optimal security for all workloads and microservices deployed. Plus, today you are responsible not only for defending your environment against vicious cyberattacks but also for meeting a wide variety of compliance requirements.

Avoiding Vulnerabilities in Software Development

With data breaches on the rise, creating and maintaining secure software is vital to every organization. Although not all attacks can be anticipated or prevented, many can be avoided by eliminating vulnerabilities in software. In this article, you’ll learn about some of the most common software vulnerabilities and how to avoid these issues. You’ll also learn some general best practices for ensuring that your software and data remain secure.

Addressing Common Software Vulnerabilities 

The vulnerabilities below are just a few of those identified in MITRE’s 2019 CWE Top 25 Most Dangerous Software Errors list. Many of these issues continue to be included in software despite being widely known and used by attackers.