Collective #664

CSS for Web Vitals

Learn about CSS-related techniques for optimizing Web Vitals in this article by Katie Hempenius and Una Kravets.

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The perfect link

There’s more to a link than just a clickable word or image. So, how do you create the perfect link? Rian Rietveld takes you on an informative journey.

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Spark Freebie

A great freebie by BONT that contains 3 hero designs with different art directions. Made for Figma.

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The Art of Design Spec’ing

Learn about design specs, how to create them, and how they smooth out the hand-off process between design and engineering. By Mahdi Farra.

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Boring Avatars

Boring avatars is a tiny JavaScript React library that generates custom, SVG-based, round avatars from any username and color palette.

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Zero-runtime stylesheets-in-TypeScript: Use TypeScript as your preprocessor. Write type‑safe, locally scoped classes, variables and themes, then generate static CSS files at build time.

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Readsom hosts newsletters that are handpicked and filtered through topics to help you find your niche of interest. Explore and discover your next favorite newsletter.

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A real-time strategy game where you control your units by writing JavaScript code.

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Khroma uses AI to learn which colors you like and creates limitless palettes for you to discover, search, and save.

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Follow the Grain

Jay Freestone argues that we should spend less time trying to fix things, and more time trying to understand them.

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macOCR is a command line app that enables you to turn any text on your screen into text on your clipboard.

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The post Collective #664 appeared first on Codrops.

Awesome Demos Roundup #17

I’m so excited to share another packed roundup with you! This time we have lots of CSS trickery and creative WebGL explorations that will leave you itching for experimenting more. I love, love, love all of them but my personal favorite in this collection is the wonderful Disintegration demo by Sikriti Dakua, it’s absolutely amazing!

I really hope you enjoy this set and get some creative inspiration for your next coding exploration!

CSS folded poster effect

by Lynn Fisher

3D Polaroid World

by ilithya


by Paul Henschel

Glowing buttons

by Pranjal Bhadu


by Sikriti Dakua

3D banners with ScrollTrigger

by supamike

Download button

by Aaron Iker

Mustache Guy

by We the Collective

Particle Emitter

by Keita Yamada

Bubbles Lamp

by ilithya


by Aaron Bird

Onboarding sequence

by Mikael Ainalem

CSS collector’s cabinet

by Lynn Fisher

Cursor with String Attached

by Sikriti Dakua


by Adam Kuhn

Mars Explorer

by Hai Le

CSS leaning card effect

by Lynn Fisher


by Oscar Salazar

Floating island

by Kasper De Bruyne

Mandala maker

by Amit Sheen

Depth peeling & SS refraction

by Domenico Bruzzese

Rubber Mesh Swipe Transition

by Yugam

Responsive “No div” truck

by Jhey Tompkins

Turning pages with CSS

by Amit Sheen

The Girl With A [pearl] CSS Earring

by Louise Flanagan

Three.js animated ice cream truck

by Stívali Serna

CSS Animated 3D Toaster

by Jhey Tompkins


by Gianmarco Simone


by Ikeda Ryou

CSS is Awesome

by Mikael Ainalem

Radios Under the Hood

by Jon Kantner


by Sikriti Dakua

Shader Transition 6

by masuwa

Marquee Page Border

by Ryan Mulligan

Only CSS: Moon Clip

by Yusuke Nakaya


by ycw


by Ricardo Oliva Alonso

Impossible Checkbox

by Jhey Tompkins

Glowing tree

by Robin Payot


by Ricardo Oliva Alonso

3D CSS Book Promo

by Jhey Tompkins

3D Image Transition (mouse wheel)

by Kevin Levron

The post Awesome Demos Roundup #17 appeared first on Codrops.