Top 10 Out-of-Box Software Packages of All Time in RT-Thread IoT OS

RT-Thread is an embedded open-source real-time operating system. It has a rich middle-tier component and a great hardware and software ecosystem that delivers great support for the Internet of Things (IoT). Until now, RT-Thread has powered 800 Million devices. This article takes you through the top 10 downloads of Software Packages in the RT-Thread IoT platform.

1. at_device (63706 Downloads)

The AT device software package is composed of the transplantation files and sample codes of the RT-Thread AT component for different AT devices.

Recent Trends in Smart Factory

All modern solutions in the field of Smart Factory are, in fact, the same we could see a year or two ago; there aren't any radical breakthroughs that have happened in this area. Companies use the same technologies, but they are learning to do it more efficiently.

For several years, IoT has been seen as a promising technology for manufacturing. However, the adoption of this technology is rather slow. Those few companies that were the first to invest in this area are now leaders in digital manufacturing transformation and have an advantage over the rest of the companies.

A New Way for Developers to Tame Their Notifications

This morning, I woke up with 52 new emails from Jira. 52 is actually an okay day, it could be much worse! And like every day, I spend half an hour going through all the updates. I go through those updates and open a page in my browser for the tickets I need to have a better understanding of. After that, I have dozens of Jira browser tabs open, and then I go through each one of them, one at a time. This is a loooong process every day. And the worst of it is that when I’m done, I feel like I should be happy about it, but hey — here comes a new update. So I don’t even get that feeling of relief. The only way to cope with this is to book some notifications-off time in my day. I know some people who just turn them off; I feel like I should do that as well…

Does that sound familiar? But maybe, just maybe, there could be a better way…well, a LOT better way.