Cloud Performance and Load Testing

This article presents the most recent Cloud, multi-region benchmark tests conducted in December 2023, explores how to carry out performance testing, detailing hands-on methods you can apply yourself, and provides recent benchmark data for your reference.

The benchmark tool we used can be found here.

An End-to-End Guide to Load Testing

If you have a public-facing web application, the odds are you should probably be thinking about load testing. Any tester can (and should) add load testing to their repertoire.

Functional tests are often carried out with a single user’s experience of your application in mind, but what happens when hundreds or thousands of users are on your site at the same time? Load testing helps prepare an application for this eventuality by simulating that situation before the application goes live. That way, you have time to fix any issues you find, and there are no nasty surprises in production.

Performance Testing vs Stress Testing vs Load Testing

Software Testing comprises of different testing practices such as unit testing, integration testing, UAT testing, accessibility testing, etc. Every testing practice is having its significant importance and role in the software development lifecycle (SDLC).

Among the different types of testing, there a few tests that help in improving the application performance such as performance testing, stress testing, and load testing. Though the purpose of these tests is to enhance the system performance, each testing practice is having a different strategy. Hence, while testing for the application’s performance, it is very crucial to understand the difference between these testing practices and perform the right one.