Detecting and Solving Segmentation Faults in Linux Containers

Understanding and solving errors are essential skills for any Linux administrator. The most common errors you will get are: “no such file or directory found” or “unable to access or permission denied”. If you are a Linux administrator, it is mandatory to know how to detect and solve segmentation faults. In this article, we will explain what segmentation fault is, what causes them, and how to detect or troubleshoot them. So let’s get started.

What Is a Segmentation Fault?

A segmentation fault is nothing but the error that occurs due to failed attempts to access Linux OS’s memory regions. These types of faults are detected by the kernel. Once detected, the process is immediately terminated, and a “segmentation violation signal” or “segmentation fault” is issued. 

How to Install and Configure an LXC Container on Ubuntu 16.04


Per Wikipedia, "LXC also known as a Linux Containers is a free, open source, lightweight and operating system-level virtualization software that allows us to run a multiple isolated Linux systems on a single Linux host. LXC provides the cgroups functionality that allows the limitation of resources like, CPU, memory, network without the need for starting any virtual machines. You can start Linux container without using the separate kernel using LXC. LXC allows your to run multiple instances of an operating system or application on a single host, without inducing overhead on CPU and memory. Containers can be used to quickly set up a virtual environment for testing/QA purposes."

In this tutorial, we will explain how to setup LXC container on Alibaba Cloud Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance with Ubuntu 16.04.