Techniques to KYC for Solution Design

Know Your Customer for Designing a Solution

To provide any solution to your customer, it is important to understand the customer very well. This article covers some of the best practices and techniques for understanding your customer better to come up with a solution for the pain points of your customer.

1. Understand Your Customer's Business

Try to understand the type of business, strategy, history of the customer, and company’s vision and, going one step ahead, understand their customers as well. It will help you to derive the solution that is better for their ecosystem.

Hello Soda Launches API Platform for Integration With Identity Verification Services

Hello Soda identified that many stakeholders were having difficulty implementing multiple identity verification solutions independently. Its developers have responded to this challenge and the lack of cross-solution data analysis to help perform enhanced checks with the launch of Sodium.

Sodium is a single API platform that enables seamless integration with all of Hello Soda’s automated and global KYC and AML solutions.