Kotlin Multiplatform for Mobile and OTT Cross-Platforms

A huge trend in the software industry is the creation of cross-platform apps. More and more businesses are aiming to develop applications that don't need to be written from scratch and can operate on various platforms. When it comes to cross-platform app development for mobile and OTT, there are a number of options, but Kotlin Multiplatform is rapidly gaining ground.

Developers can create code that is cross-platform by using the toolkit known as Kotlin Multiplatform. It works with all the major platforms, including Windows, Linux, Android, and iOS.

Kotlin Multiplatform vs Flutter: What Cross-Platform Developers Should Choose?

Since the popularity of mobile apps is continuously bringing new approaches to development, many new frameworks are getting a foothold and the older ones are quickly evolving to catch up in this race. While Kotlin came as a better alternative to Java for Android development, Flutter actually revolutionized cross-platform app development.

While Kotlin offered a lot of new and powerful features it was only limited to Android app development. Kotlin is mainly a platform-specific language. Now Google even made Kotlin evolve with cross-platform capabilities and so we now have Kotlin Multiplatform, a new framework to make the awesome features of Kotlin language stretch across both iOS and Android platforms. 

Mobile-Orientated Architecture (MOA)

Update From the (Near) Future

This post was written looking back from the future of the 2020s, making some assumptions about what kinds of changes we’d see in tech and the progress of the Kotlin ecosystem. Well, it’s been almost a year, and so far our timing looks pretty good. Kotlin Multiplatform is entering production. Mutiplatform libraries are being released. We, Touchlab, have completely shifted gears from Doppl, referenced below, and are fully committed to a Kotlin Multiplatform future.

Last year, MOA and Kotlin were a little speculative. A year later, it is happening. The time to take a deeper look is now.